Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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RN migration experiments and model interpretation A major part of the research carried out in RTDC3 was concentrated on measuring mass transfer of sorbing RN in compact clayrock-containing systems and interpreting the resulting datasets using numerical models coupling the effects of diffusion and sorption equilibrium. A wide variety of experimental techniques were used to study RN migration characteristics in rock volumes ranging from mm (cf. techniques mentioned above) to dm (laboratory and in-situ experiment) scales. Generally speaking, two types of information were sought (i) time-dependent evolution of RN tracer concentration in the source term and, in certain cases, in a ‘sink’ reservoir, and (ii) tracer mass distribution in the rock volume after a given time(s). Numerical modelling was then used to seek plausible sets of values for diffusion (e.g. Da, De) and sorption (Kd, complexation model) parameters, and in certain cases the degree of spatial variability within the rock, leading to the best possible representation of the experimental dataset. The model results were then compared with those expected based on initial hypotheses concerning RN migration (e.g. Kd(intact rock) = Kd(batch), De(cations) = De(HTO), homogeneous porous medium), and conclusions drawn regarding the applicability or non applicability of the reference model for representing RN migration. The following sections briefly summarize the principal results of research carried out on each of the three clayrocks: Opalinus clay, Callovo-Oxfordien and Boom clay. Opalinus clay Migration in Opalinus clayrock of a wide range of weakly to strongly sorbing cations (Na + , Sr ++ , Co ++ , Cs + , U(VI), Eu(III), Pu(IV)) was studied using a number of differing experimental configurations. The results of Cs + in-diffusion and through-diffusion experiments carried out by PSI tend to show that RN migration behaviour is generally coherent with the expected sorption model but is significantly affected by relatively complex mass transport processes. One hypothesis is that the porosity is made up of well-connected and ‘dead-end’ pores, which would necessitate considering at least two Da terms in the diffusion equation, with that for the ‘dead end’ pores representing both the kinetics of RN mass transport into this volume and RN retention on the sorption sites in contact with this porosity. In-diffusion studies of Co(II) and Eu(III), with profiles extending to less than 0.5 mm after roughly 400 days for the later, also show evidence of mass transport complexity (dual path). The general conclusion is that mass transport of sorbing RN in clayrocks is still not well understood, especially given the difficulties associated with making measurements at such small spatial scales (modifications of surface layer properties….). Somewhat different results regarding the transferability of batch Kd to RN migration were obtained from in-diffusion studies carried out by CIEMAT using three techniques: diffusion from a solid source term in large-scale (dm) clayrock blocks (Sr), using a ‘filter source sandwich’ configuration (Sr, Co, Eu, U(VI), Cs) and RBS detection (Eu). Generally speaking, the Kd values estimated by modelling migration experiment data were found to be significantly smaller (10% or smaller for Co and Cs) than those measured in batch experiments. Whether this difference is due to real differences in sorption equilibrium between compact and crushed material, or includes the effects of mass transport complexities (e.g. kinetic effects related to restricted access to some sorption sites) similar to those observed by PSI, is not yet clear. On the other hand, the Da range obtained for Cs (3 – 12*10 -14 m 2 .s -1 ) is similar to the value obtained by PSI (~ 6*10 -14 m 2 .s -1 ) and Da values measured for Co and Eu are intermediate between the Da values for fast and slow diffusion path values fit by PSI. This suggests that some of the differences between Kd and observed effects on Da might be attributable to differences in the modelling approach used for taking sorption into account. Migration of most of these tracers is also being studied by means of the DR in-situ experiment being carried out by Nagra/PSI at the Mont Terri URL, the first step of which was predictive modelling (PSI, UDC, GRS) of tracer mass loss from the source solution using a variety of numerical codes. While preliminary data on tracer loss from the injection interval tend to confirm the general 322

ehaviour expected based on measurements on rock samples, data modelling also shows that for strongly sorbing tracers, complexities in mass transfer (borehole mixing, diffusion in filters, etc.) strongly influence experimental data, making clear-cut estimations of values for diffusion-retention parameters in the undisturbed clayrock difficult. Some of these ambiguities will certainly be removed, at least for the more mobile tracers, when information on tracer distribution in the surrounding rock becomes available (post-FUNMIG) for providing further constraints on model interpretations. Finally, Pu(V) diffusion into Opalinus clayrock samples kept under in-situ confining pressures was measured by FZK-INE, with results from both batch and in-diffusion experiments showing that Pu is reduced to the Pu(IV), probably by Fe(II) contained in rock minerals (probably chlorite), and is retained (sorption or other process?) on preferential sites. Callovo-Oxfordian The Callovo-Oxfordian research program is, by design, quite similar to that described for the Opalinus clayrock since one of the objectives of RTDC3 was to generate comparable data sets for different clayrocks in order to identify common characteristics and eventual significant differences in RN migration properties. The principal difference between the two is in the working hypothesis, and consequent experimental approach, taken by a consortium of French partners (CEA, ERM, Hydr’asa, Andra) for quantifying and modelling migration of highly-sorbing RN in clayrock. The guiding assumption here was that, given the very small spatial scales covered by RN migration during the time frames of in-diffusion experiments owing to the preponderant effect of sorption, it would be important to be able to quantify how tracer mass present in the diffusion profile was distributed relative to rock mineral constituents and associated porosity. The approach taken involved carrying out, on a single, oriented cm-scale volume of clayrock: Characterization of the mineral-pore space organization and construction of the corresponding 2-3D numerical models, including analysis of grain organization (cf. §2.2), followed by TDD modelling of diffusion of non sorbing tracers (cf. §3.2); In-diffusing a highly-sorbing tracer (Eu, Cu) into the rock (gradient perpendicular to sedimentation plane) for a given period, then sectioning the rock perpendicular to bedding; Simultaneous mapping of tracer mass and mineral grain 2D spatial distributions, relative to the in-diffusion surface, using LIBS and Electron Probe Micro Analyser (calculation of the average diffusion profile), followed by construction of numerical models of the in-diffusion zone; Inverse modelling of tracer diffusion (source term, spatial distribution) to determine Da values for the porous mineral zones (clay matrix + disseminated pyrite), followed by comparison with batch Kd. The results for Cu(II) (the most complete dataset available) are rich in information concerning both tracer migration phenomena and potential experimental artefacts which can make measurements on such small rock volumes difficult to interpret. Regarding the former, it was found (i) that Cu does not penetrate into, nor sorb significantly onto, the carbonate and quartz grains and associates preferentially with the pyrite minerals dispersed in the clay matrix, (ii) Cu diffusion profiles (clay and pyrite) developed over a distance of roughly 2 mm into the rock and (iii) that evaluation of the entire dataset (reservoir + profile) yields values for De (2.5 * 10 -10 m 2 .s -1 ) and Rd (3500 mg/L) which are consistent both with results showing that De for cations in the COx are generally significantly higher than the value for HTO (~ 2.5*10 -11 m 2 s -1 ) and measurements of Kd(Cu) which give values in the 3000 to 9000 range (note that Rd could be controlled by the redox reactivity of this tracer). On the other hand, detailed analysis also shows that the roughly 50 m layer of rock in contact with the source solution is significantly perturbed, both in terms of its mineral-porosity composi- 323

RN migration experiments and model interpretation<br />

A major part of the research carried out in RTDC3 was concentrated on measuring mass transfer of<br />

sorbing RN in compact clayrock-containing systems and interpreting the resulting datasets using<br />

numerical models coupling the effects of diffusion and sorption equilibrium. A wide variety of experimental<br />

techniques were used to study RN migration characteristics in rock volumes ranging<br />

from mm (cf. techniques mentioned above) to dm (laboratory and in-situ experiment) scales. Generally<br />

speaking, two types of information were sought (i) time-dependent evolution of RN tracer<br />

concentration in the source term and, in certain cases, in a ‘sink’ reservoir, and (ii) tracer mass distribution<br />

in the rock volume after a given time(s). Numerical modelling was then used to seek plausible<br />

sets of values for diffusion (e.g. Da, De) and sorption (Kd, complexation model) parameters,<br />

and in certain cases the degree of spatial variability within the rock, leading to the best possible representation<br />

of the experimental dataset. The model results were then compared with those expected<br />

based on initial hypotheses concerning RN migration (e.g. Kd(intact rock) = Kd(batch), De(cations)<br />

= De(HTO), homogeneous porous medium), and conclusions drawn regarding the applicability or<br />

non applicability of the reference model for representing RN migration. The following sections<br />

briefly summarize the principal results of research carried out on each of the three clayrocks:<br />

Opalinus clay, Callovo-Oxfordien and Boom clay.<br />

Opalinus clay<br />

Migration in Opalinus clayrock of a wide range of weakly to strongly sorbing cations (Na + , Sr ++ ,<br />

Co ++ , Cs + , U(VI), Eu(III), Pu(IV)) was studied using a number of differing experimental configurations.<br />

The results of Cs + in-diffusion and through-diffusion experiments carried out by PSI tend to<br />

show that RN migration behaviour is generally coherent with the expected sorption model but is<br />

significantly affected by relatively complex mass transport processes. One hypothesis is that the<br />

porosity is made up of well-connected and ‘dead-end’ pores, which would necessitate considering<br />

at least two Da terms in the diffusion equation, with that for the ‘dead end’ pores representing both<br />

the kinetics of RN mass transport into this volume and RN retention on the sorption sites in contact<br />

with this porosity. In-diffusion studies of Co(II) and Eu(III), with profiles extending to less than 0.5<br />

mm after roughly 400 days for the later, also show evidence of mass transport complexity (dual<br />

path). The general conclusion is that mass transport of sorbing RN in clayrocks is still not well understood,<br />

especially given the difficulties associated with making measurements at such small spatial<br />

scales (modifications of surface layer properties….).<br />

Somewhat different results regarding the transferability of batch Kd to RN migration were obtained<br />

from in-diffusion studies carried out by CIEMAT using three techniques: diffusion from a solid<br />

source term in large-scale (dm) clayrock blocks (Sr), using a ‘filter source sandwich’ configuration<br />

(Sr, Co, Eu, U(VI), Cs) and RBS detection (Eu). Generally speaking, the Kd values estimated by<br />

modelling migration experiment data were found to be significantly smaller (10% or smaller for Co<br />

and Cs) than those measured in batch experiments. Whether this difference is due to real differences<br />

in sorption equilibrium between compact and crushed material, or includes the effects of mass<br />

transport complexities (e.g. kinetic effects related to restricted access to some sorption sites) similar<br />

to those observed by PSI, is not yet clear. On the other hand, the Da range obtained for Cs (3 –<br />

12*10 -14 m 2 .s -1 ) is similar to the value obtained by PSI (~ 6*10 -14 m 2 .s -1 ) and Da values measured<br />

for Co and Eu are intermediate between the Da values for fast and slow diffusion path values fit by<br />

PSI. This suggests that some of the differences between Kd and observed effects on Da might be attributable<br />

to differences in the modelling approach used for taking sorption into account.<br />

Migration of most of these tracers is also being studied by means of the DR in-situ experiment being<br />

carried out by Nagra/PSI at the Mont Terri URL, the first step of which was predictive modelling<br />

(PSI, UDC, GRS) of tracer mass loss from the source solution using a variety of numerical<br />

codes. While preliminary data on tracer loss from the injection interval tend to confirm the general<br />


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