Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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2.1 Geological formation scale (10 2 – 10 3 m) results Clayrock safety cases generally present a detailed geological model of the host formation emphasizing its stratigraphic organization and corresponding (vertical) variability in mineralogy. On the other hand, the PA calculations carried out in these same safety cases generally assume that the entire formation has uniform characteristics as regards RN migration, i.e. single values for De, Kd, etc. selected based on the results of measurements on many rock samples taken throughout the formation. While this process is robust from a PA standpoint, as demonstrated by an analysis carried out by SCK•CEN (cf. §3.4), safety case confidence could be enhanced if a method (tool) existed for evaluating the effect of formation-scale geological variability on the GBS representation in Performance Assessment. The first step in this process was achieved by research carried out by Andra which used signal profiles obtained by high resolution electrical logging of three boreholes traversing the COx to generate profiles of rock carbonate mineral concentrations with sub-cm scale resolution. Geostatistical methods were then used to divide the formation profile into three mineralogical classes based on carbonate content (which is inversely correlated with clay mineral content). This information was subsequently used to define the meshing of a RN transport model, each class being assigned different values for RN migration parameters (De, Kd) based on the results of measurements on representative samples of differing carbonate content (cf. §3.4 and §4.2 for the rest of the story). Another RTDC3 action along this same line, i.e. being able to link information concerning the spatial variability of rock characteristics at the formation scale with possible effects on RN migration, was development of a database for the COx formation containing all data regarding parameters likely to influence directly or indirectly RN migration (BRGM). 2.2 Macroscopic scale (mm-dm) results The vast majority of the RN migration-related data (rock composition, structure, Kd, De, etc.) presented in safety cases are based on measurements made on cm-dm scale rock volumes. There are excellent reasons for this, among which are practical upper limitations on the sample dimensions which can be accommodated in the space-time framework laboratory experiments and lower limits imposed by the need to make measurements on volumes of rock of sufficient size to guarantee that the values measured are sufficiently representative of ‘real rock’ complexity to be credible for safety case use. Several actions in RTDC3 were devoted to enhancing understanding of clayrock composition and structure at this important scale: A detailed analysis (CIEMAT) of porewater composition and water states in the above mentioned four different clayrocks led to development of a common conceptual model for the distribution and composition of the different types of water (external and internal water) present in highly compacted clayrocks, main inputs needed for constructing models for water-rock interaction, RN speciation and solute transport. The resulting comparative database clearly illustrates the main commonalities and differences of the four rock types. Investigation of processes controlling the redox state of COx clayrock pore waters (BRGM, LPEC, La Trobe University) show that the upper limit of dissolved Fe(II) in pore water must be less than 1/100 of the Ca concentration and that clay-associated Fe(II) is a highly reactive, redox determining component. Macroscopic-scale clayrock volumes can exhibit significant internal variability in terms of structure, mineral composition and porosity, all of which are capable of affecting RN migration. Samples from the four clayrock formations were characterized (ERM, Hydr’asa, CEA) using a wide range of methods in order to visualize and map (2D, 3D) the spatial distribution of porosity, mineralogy and structural discontinuities (pyrite inclusions…) with resolutions reaching down to the m scale. The results of the most complete characterization, that carried out on a single dm-sized COx clayrock sample taken from a 312

diffusion experiment carried out in the Bure URL, were used along with results of studies at the formation scale, mesoscopic and microscopic scales, as the basis for the conceptual model used to integrate and up-scale many of the research results of RTDC3. 2.3 Mesoscopic scale (< mm) results An important objective of RTDC3 research was to improve understanding of how clayrock composition and structure influence RN diffusion (mainly for anions) and retention by sorption (mainly for cations). If we set aside the possible effects of discontinuities (pyrite inclusions, fissures…) on RN transport measurements carried out at the macroscopic scale, and if we assume the clay mineral fraction and its associated porosity to be of prime importance, it seems reasonable to expect that a detailed understanding of the latter’s organization and connectivity could help in reaching this objective. A major effort was consecrated by Hydr’asa, ERM, Andra and CEA on developing and applying methods for quantifying and analyzing the form and organization of clay, quartz, carbonate and other mineral grains in sub-mm volumes of clayrock with sub m resolution. Two main results were achieved: The results of measurements and statistical analysis of the form factors (length to width ratio) and orientations relative to the sedimentation plane of non porous quartz and carbonate mineral grains which show that both grain populations have elongated form factors, are preferentially oriented parallel to the sedimentation plane and that adjacent grains are always separated by the clay matrix. Taken together, these results show that the COx clayrock exhibits two domains of mineral particle organization: 1) the spatial arrangement of clay particles, at the m scale, inside the clay matrix and 2) the spatial organization of the contiguous clay matrix, at the

diffusion experiment carried out in the Bure URL, were used along with results of studies at<br />

the formation scale, mesoscopic and microscopic scales, as the basis for the conceptual<br />

model used to integrate and up-scale many of the research results of RTDC3.<br />

2.3 Mesoscopic scale (< mm) results<br />

An important objective of RTDC3 research was to improve understanding of how clayrock composition<br />

and structure influence RN diffusion (mainly for anions) and retention by sorption (mainly<br />

for cations). If we set aside the possible effects of discontinuities (pyrite inclusions, fissures…) on<br />

RN transport measurements carried out at the macroscopic scale, and if we assume the clay mineral<br />

fraction and its associated porosity to be of prime importance, it seems reasonable to expect that a<br />

detailed understanding of the latter’s organization and connectivity could help in reaching this objective.<br />

A major effort was consecrated by Hydr’asa, ERM, Andra and CEA on developing and applying<br />

methods for quantifying and analyzing the form and organization of clay, quartz, carbonate<br />

and other mineral grains in sub-mm volumes of clayrock with sub m resolution.<br />

Two main results were achieved:<br />

The results of measurements and statistical analysis of the form factors (length to width<br />

ratio) and orientations relative to the sedimentation plane of non porous quartz and<br />

carbonate mineral grains which show that both grain populations have elongated form<br />

factors, are preferentially oriented parallel to the sedimentation plane and that adjacent<br />

grains are always separated by the clay matrix. Taken together, these results show that the<br />

COx clayrock exhibits two domains of mineral particle organization: 1) the spatial<br />

arrangement of clay particles, at the m scale, inside the clay matrix and 2) the spatial<br />

organization of the contiguous clay matrix, at the

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