Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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Fig. 1.3: Stakeholders and interested/concerned community The community value through stakeholder representation (Fig. 1.2) requires adequate involvement of the different players in the concerned community (Fig. 1.3). Implementers, universities, private companies and research organizations are all represented under the Contractors to the project (7, 24, 3 and 17, respectively). Eight organizations representing regulatory functions have joined in as Associated Groups, allowing them to participate without compromising their integrity and without allocation of undue resources, especially where they do not have own R&D activities and programs. The broader scientific community is addressed via the broad set of publications, presentation of the project, or parts of it, at different national and international conferences and workshops as well as through invitation to participate in the open annual workshops. Another important element in interacting with the broader scientific community is through the many scientific investigations intersecting with the broad set of disciplines involved. The broader interested community is addressed, especially through cooperation with COWAM and OBRA, i.e. EURATOM projects dealing specifically with this aspect. 2. Objectives of the project IP FUNMIG aims at: - Providing tools for scientifically sound performance assessment for radionuclide migration from near-field to the hydrosphere/biosphere; - Covering the variability of different radioactive waste disposal approaches and host-rock types under investigation in Europe; - Ensuring optimized use of resources and communication on this issue between Member States with large programs and high competence levels; - Providing for knowledge transfer in order to foster a common competence level among all European countries; - Providing communication with national regulatory bodies responsible for the fulfillment of compliance with safety standards; - Ensuring applicability of results for different radioactive waste disposal options and national needs. For the overall project, the spatial scales reach from nanometres to kilometres and the time-scales from laboratory to geological systems. Integration of processes and abstraction to PA are key issues. The scientific and technological knowledge gained in the project improve the state of the art of PA abstraction and visualization methodologies. The knowledge acquired throughout the project 302

is brought forward to the general scientific community and broader stakeholder communities by active training, and dissemination and transfer of knowledge. 3. Project structure The IP FUNMIG consists of several substructures (Research and Technology Development Components (RTDC)) and one component on training and knowledge transfer: RTDC 1: Well established processes. RTDC 2: Less established processes (ill defined). RTDC 3: Radionuclide migration in clay-rich host rock. RTDC 4: Processes and transport studies relevant for crystalline rock disposal concepts. RTDC 5: Processes and transport studies relevant for salt rock disposal concepts. RTDC 6: Integration of processes and abstraction to performance assessment. Component 7: Training, knowledge management and dissemination of knowledge. The six RTDCs cover basic processes common to all the disposal concepts under consideration in Europe, through to studies of host-rock type specific processes and application of the results to the disposal Safety Case. RTDC 1 investigates the conceptually well established radionuclide migration processes with the aim to fill in critical data gaps while RTDC2 is aimed at deepening the understanding of conceptually less understood fundamental processes driving radionuclide migration in the geosphere. The RTDCs 3 to 5 focus on investigations of specific rock types currently under discussion in Europe for hosting High Level Nuclear Waste repositories (clay, crystalline and salt). RTDC 6 provides a forum for documenting the general aspects of performance assessment tool development and bringing the outcome of the other RTDCs under one umbrella. Management and dissemination of knowledge is conducted under Component 7, including operation of public web-space and project internal portal. Training workshops are also organized and science shops are held for communication dissemination with a broader community. 4. Annual workshops Annual workshops combine a number of different objectives, meetings and activities: - Clarifying administrative issues and taking necessary decisions; - Taking decisions related to reporting, dissemination and communication; - Planning for the following project year; - Holding work meetings of the individual RTDC’s; - Providing for across RTDC scientific exchange, especially by poster sessions; and - Holding topical session sequentially treating the project key scientific-technical topics. Amongst the different meetings held in association with the annual workshops are Executive Committee, Governing Board and General Assembly. Clustering of these administrative meetings with the R&D meetings and activities provides for optimum use of time and travel resources. 4.1 Topical Sessions The aim of the Topical Sessions is to provide for in-depth treatment of selected topics and document their status in the annual workshop proceedings. Each topical session consists of a series of talks given by experts in the field. For the different processes treated in FUNMIG, in view of the overall objectives of the project, the key questions were as follows: 303

Fig. 1.3: Stakeholders and interested/concerned community<br />

The community value through stakeholder representation (Fig. 1.2) requires adequate involvement<br />

of the different players in the concerned community (Fig. 1.3). Implementers, universities, private<br />

companies and research organizations are all represented under the Contractors to the project (7, 24,<br />

3 and 17, respectively). Eight organizations representing regulatory functions have joined in as Associated<br />

Groups, allowing them to participate without compromising their integrity and without allocation<br />

of undue resources, especially where they do not have own R&D activities and programs.<br />

The broader scientific community is addressed via the broad set of publications, presentation of the<br />

project, or parts of it, at different national and international conferences and workshops as well as<br />

through invitation to participate in the open annual workshops. Another important element in interacting<br />

with the broader scientific community is through the many scientific investigations intersecting<br />

with the broad set of disciplines involved. The broader interested community is addressed, especially<br />

through cooperation with COWAM and OBRA, i.e. <strong>EU</strong>RATOM projects dealing specifically<br />

with this aspect.<br />

2. Objectives of the project<br />

IP FUNMIG aims at:<br />

- Providing tools for scientifically sound performance assessment for radionuclide migration<br />

from near-field to the hydrosphere/biosphere;<br />

- Covering the variability of different radioactive waste disposal approaches and host-rock<br />

types under investigation in Europe;<br />

- Ensuring optimized use of resources and communication on this issue between Member<br />

States with large programs and high competence levels;<br />

- Providing for knowledge transfer in order to foster a common competence level among all<br />

European countries;<br />

- Providing communication with national regulatory bodies responsible for the fulfillment of<br />

compliance with safety standards;<br />

- Ensuring applicability of results for different radioactive waste disposal options and national<br />

needs.<br />

For the overall project, the spatial scales reach from nanometres to kilometres and the time-scales<br />

from laboratory to geological systems. Integration of processes and abstraction to PA are key issues.<br />

The scientific and technological knowledge gained in the project improve the state of the art<br />

of PA abstraction and visualization methodologies. The knowledge acquired throughout the project<br />


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