Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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3.2. Integration 3.2.1. Pool Facilities A major step towards integration is improved access of European scientists to the actinide laboratories within the framework of joint research projects. For this purpose, a European “pool” of institutions was and is being established under ACTINET, in which experimental and analytical infrastructure is available for actinide research. Presently, these “pool facilities” include institutions in France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Germany. In France, the pool facilities are the CEA at Marcoule, Cadarache, and Saclay. In Belgium, laboratories of SCK-CEN at Mol represent pool facilities. In Switzerland, the synchrotron radiation source Swiss Light Source (SLS) of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villingen is a pool facility. As a European establishment, the Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) is pooling its unique nuclear research facilities. German pool facilities comprise the Institute for Radiochemistry of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf with its Rossendorf beamline (ROBL) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) and the Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung (INE) of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) with its radiochemical laboratories and the INE Beamline for Actinide Research at the ANKA synchrotron radiation source. AC- TINET allocates funds for providing access of external scientists to the pooled facilities. Pool facilities enable a wide range of various experiments with actinides or actinide-containing material. Such experiments range from the investigation of irradiated materials and selective actinide partitioning to actinides speciation in the geo- and biosphere, to name just a few. The pool facilities are equipped with most modern analytical devices to cover the whole spectrum of analytical problems. The focus is not only on qualitative and quantitative analysis down to the ultra trace range, but increasingly on the speciation of actinides and their compounds, which is indispensable for understanding the occurring processes or materials properties. Important examples are nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as well as laser and X-ray spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. An overview of and detailed information on the equipment and activities of the ACTINET pool facilities are provided on the ACTINET homepage under As mentioned above, handling of actinides is subject to strict safety requirements and permitted in controlled areas only. For access to and work in these areas, a personal reliability check and a medical examination, but also training concerning special work techniques and safety regulations are required. Due to specific plant-related requirements and national provisions, the time needed to meet these requirements was varying considerably among the various pool facilities. Within the framework of ACTINET, a certain level of harmonization was achieved, for instance, by mutual recognition of training courses and examinations. 3.2.2. Theoretical User Laboratory In recent years, theoretical chemistry increasingly gained importance for actinide science. To efficiently use the synergy between experiment and theory, however, it turned out to be necessary to intensify the not always simple communication between experimentalists and theoreticians. For this purpose a concept for a platform called “Theoretical User Lab (ThUL) was developed and implemented. Organising workshops on selected topics, training and education of young scientists but also the procurement and joint use of special software are among the key issues of ThUL. In October 2005 a brainstorming seminar was organised with about 60 scientists both theoreticians and experimentalist and the scope of ThUL was developed A ThUL School was established and has already been organised twice, in May 2006 in Lille (France), and in November 2007 in Cadarache (France). About 50 students and 18 lecturers discussed various topics e.g. theoretical and experi- 294

mental solid state physics and chemistry in the gas phase and in solution. Apart from a general introduction to calculation methods and actinide-specific approximation techniques, experimental results on speciation processes were discussed. The lectures on theory were combined with computer exercises on small applications. 3.3. Joint Research Projects 3.3.1. Research Areas The NoE ACTINET covers three main research areas in actinide sciences. The first area “Partitioning Chemistry of Actinides and Basic Actinide Sciences” includes fundamental chemistry and physics of actinides in the nuclear fuel cycle, but also issues like partitioning. The research area “Actinides in the Geological Environment” concerns the behaviour of actinides in waste disposal systems and, hence, contributes to the long-term safety assessment. The area of “Actinide Materials under and after Irradiation” focuses on fuel matrices for advanced reactors or transmutation facilities, but also on aspects of long-term interim storage of spent nuclear fuel. These research areas are coordinated by working groups, with the responsible scientists coming from ITU (area 1), from FZK-INE (area 2), and from CEA (area 3). It is the task of the groups to stimulate joint R&D projects, to support and coordinate the development of project proposals, and to identify and integrate new issues. 3.3.2. Funding of Joint Research Projects The most important instrument of the NoE ACTINET to integrate European actinide research is the joint definition and execution of research projects using the pool facilities. Calls for proposals are made by ACTINET two times per year in May and December. The proposal must be submitted by at least two members of the consortium from different European countries. Funds are not granted for labour costs, but for integration and mobility, i.e. to cover expenses of travelling and accommodation to/at other research institutions. In particular, integration and mobility of young scientists is supported. The first call was published in May 2004 (a couple of months after the implementation of the Network), and the eighth call had its deadline in December 2007. Proposals of joint research projects are collected by the executive committee via the coordinator of ACTINET and handed over to the scientific advisory committee (SAC). The SAC reviews the proposals from the scientific point of view and ranks them in three classes from scientifically excellent to unacceptable. A project proposal may also not be accepted, because it is outside the scope and goal of ACTINET or because it does not fulfil the integration requirements. Based on the SAC evaluation, the executive committee decides on the acceptance and funding of the proposals. A total of approximately 150 proposals have been received, and reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Committee. Among these proposals, 83 research projects have been selected by the Executive Committee, ranging from instrumentation to quantum chemistry, from solution chemistry to the physics of irradiated actinide materials. For these projects, access is given to the requested pooled facilities, and support is given for mobility, accommodation, sample transports. A list of approved projects and more information on each project may be found on the internet ( A new instrument to enhance integration and mobility that has been available since the 5th call for proposals for ACTINET: specific funding of excellent young scientists by grants. These grants are given within the framework of joint research projects and are subject to prior scientific evaluation. The grants have one year duration. 13 fellowships have been granted. 295

3.2. Integration<br />

3.2.1. Pool Facilities<br />

A major step towards integration is improved access of European scientists to the actinide laboratories<br />

within the framework of joint research projects. For this purpose, a European “pool” of institutions<br />

was and is being established under ACTINET, in which experimental and analytical infrastructure<br />

is available for actinide research. Presently, these “pool facilities” include institutions in<br />

France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Germany. In France, the pool facilities are the CEA at Marcoule,<br />

Cadarache, and Saclay. In Belgium, laboratories of SCK-CEN at Mol represent pool facilities. In<br />

Switzerland, the synchrotron radiation source Swiss Light Source (SLS) of the Paul Scherrer Institute<br />

in Villingen is a pool facility. As a European establishment, the Institute for Transuranium<br />

Elements (ITU) is pooling its unique nuclear research facilities. German pool facilities comprise the<br />

Institute for Radiochemistry of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf with its Rossendorf<br />

beamline (ROBL) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) and the Institut für Nukleare<br />

Entsorgung (INE) of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) with its radiochemical laboratories<br />

and the INE Beamline for Actinide Research at the ANKA synchrotron radiation source. AC-<br />

TINET allocates funds for providing access of external scientists to the pooled facilities.<br />

Pool facilities enable a wide range of various experiments with actinides or actinide-containing material.<br />

Such experiments range from the investigation of irradiated materials and selective actinide<br />

partitioning to actinides speciation in the geo- and biosphere, to name just a few. The pool facilities<br />

are equipped with most modern analytical devices to cover the whole spectrum of analytical problems.<br />

The focus is not only on qualitative and quantitative analysis down to the ultra trace range,<br />

but increasingly on the speciation of actinides and their compounds, which is indispensable for understanding<br />

the occurring processes or materials properties. Important examples are nuclear magnetic<br />

resonance spectroscopy as well as laser and X-ray spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation.<br />

An overview of and detailed information on the equipment and activities of the ACTINET pool facilities<br />

are provided on the ACTINET homepage under<br />

As mentioned above, handling of actinides is subject to strict safety requirements and permitted in<br />

controlled areas only. For access to and work in these areas, a personal reliability check and a medical<br />

examination, but also training concerning special work techniques and safety regulations are<br />

required. Due to specific plant-related requirements and national provisions, the time needed to<br />

meet these requirements was varying considerably among the various pool facilities. Within the<br />

framework of ACTINET, a certain level of harmonization was achieved, for instance, by mutual<br />

recognition of training courses and examinations.<br />

3.2.2. Theoretical User Laboratory<br />

In recent years, theoretical chemistry increasingly gained importance for actinide science. To efficiently<br />

use the synergy between experiment and theory, however, it turned out to be necessary to<br />

intensify the not always simple communication between experimentalists and theoreticians. For this<br />

purpose a concept for a platform called “Theoretical User Lab (ThUL) was developed and implemented.<br />

Organising workshops on selected topics, training and education of young scientists but<br />

also the procurement and joint use of special software are among the key issues of ThUL. In October<br />

2005 a brainstorming seminar was organised with about 60 scientists both theoreticians and experimentalist<br />

and the scope of ThUL was developed A ThUL School was established and has already<br />

been organised twice, in May 2006 in Lille (France), and in November 2007 in Cadarache<br />

(France). About 50 students and 18 lecturers discussed various topics e.g. theoretical and experi-<br />


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