Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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dence. For waste canister transport and handling systems, the proof of compliance with the regulatory requirements can be provided by means of full-scale demonstration and reliability tests. The transport, handling, and emplacement techniques of the POLLUX ® cask were subjected to successful demonstration and in-situ tests performed in the 1990s. As a result, the atomic energy act was amended in 1994. For waste canisters with high-level reprocessing waste the proof is still pending. Figure 1: German reference concept for the disposal of heat-generating waste 2. French concept for the disposal of vitrified waste In France, clay (Argillite) was selected as the host rock suitable for a geological repository for heatgenerating waste (long-lived high activity), in the Bure area (Meuse Department, east of Parisian Basin), following a long and difficult site selection process which lasted from 1993 to 1998. The local construction of a URL (main facilities including 2 shafts & the main experimental drifts) took place between 1999 and 2005. During the same period ANDRA produced and issued the “Dossier 2005”, which served as an official support document (the Repository concept) for the passing of the law (Nuclear act voted in 2006) which is now governing ANDRA’s activities. The reference concept developed in the “Dossier 2005” [3] for the emplacement and storage of C type (vitrified waste) canisters in horizontal disposal cells is illustrated in Fig. 2. A 40-m-long horizontal disposal cell (where the canisters are emplaced) is lined with a carbon steel casing to support the clay formation wall and to facilitate any future retrieval operation of the C type package (ANDRA has to take into account the reversibility factor in its repository design development). The access gallery enables the transport shuttle to reach the cell mouth for docking operations and the subsequent emplacement of the canisters. The main difference between this reference concept and the technical programme developed in ES- DRED is the length of the disposal cell which has been increased from 40 m to 100 m. 260

Figure 2: French reference concept for the disposal of C type waste in horizontal disposal cells 3. New waste canister transport and emplacement technology in Germany 3.1 Characteristics of Waste Canisters in Germany In order to align and optimise the emplacement technologies for both categories of waste (vitrified waste and spent fuel), alternative technical approaches were sought in Germany during recent years. In this context, the borehole emplacement technique for consolidated spent fuel as already foreseen for high-level reprocessing waste was reconsidered. The new fuel rod canister (called BSK 3 canister) was designed by the German nuclear industry. It can be filled with the fuel rods of 3 PWR or 9 BWR fuel assemblies. The BSK 3 canister was designed to contain spent fuel rods with a total activity of up to 0.8E+17 Bq, and to be capable to transfer a maximum heat load of 6 kW. The BSK 3 concept offers the following optimisation possibilities: • The new steel canister has nearly the same diameter as the standardized canisters for HLW and compacted technological waste, as delivered from reprocessing abroad. • The standardized canister diameter provides the possibility to apply the same transfer and handling technology for both categories of waste (vitrified HLW and spent fuel) and thus to save money. • The new BSK 3 canister is tightly closed by welding and designed to withstand the lithostatic pressure at the emplacement level. • Thermal calculations verified that the residual heat generation of a canister loaded with fuel rods burned up to 50 GWd/tHM will enable its emplacement in a salt repository after only about 3 to 7 years after reactor unloading of the fuel assemblies. • Compared with the emplacement of POLLUX ® casks the creep process of the host rock (rock salt) will be accelerated resulting in a faster (earlier) encapsulation of the entire waste canister. This may reduce the requirements for geotechnical barriers. Heat-generating vitrified HLW is contained in standard Cogema canisters (CSD-V) while low heatproducing high-active technical waste, mainly caps and claddings, is contained in Cogema type CSD-C containers. 261

Figure 2: French reference concept for the disposal of C type waste in horizontal disposal cells<br />

3. New waste canister transport and emplacement technology in Germany<br />

3.1 Characteristics of Waste Canisters in Germany<br />

In order to align and optimise the emplacement technologies for both categories of waste (vitrified<br />

waste and spent fuel), alternative technical approaches were sought in Germany during recent years.<br />

In this context, the borehole emplacement technique for consolidated spent fuel as already foreseen<br />

for high-level reprocessing waste was reconsidered. The new fuel rod canister (called BSK 3 canister)<br />

was designed by the German nuclear industry. It can be filled with the fuel rods of 3 PWR or 9<br />

BWR fuel assemblies. The BSK 3 canister was designed to contain spent fuel rods with a total activity<br />

of up to 0.8E+17 Bq, and to be capable to transfer a maximum heat load of 6 kW. The BSK 3<br />

concept offers the following optimisation possibilities:<br />

• The new steel canister has nearly the same diameter as the standardized canisters for HLW<br />

and compacted technological waste, as delivered from reprocessing abroad.<br />

• The standardized canister diameter provides the possibility to apply the same transfer and<br />

handling technology for both categories of waste (vitrified HLW and spent fuel) and thus to<br />

save money.<br />

• The new BSK 3 canister is tightly closed by welding and designed to withstand the<br />

lithostatic pressure at the emplacement level.<br />

• Thermal calculations verified that the residual heat generation of a canister loaded with fuel<br />

rods burned up to 50 GWd/tHM will enable its emplacement in a salt repository after only<br />

about 3 to 7 years after reactor unloading of the fuel assemblies.<br />

• Compared with the emplacement of POLLUX ® casks the creep process of the host rock<br />

(rock salt) will be accelerated resulting in a faster (earlier) encapsulation of the entire waste<br />

canister. This may reduce the requirements for geotechnical barriers.<br />

Heat-generating vitrified HLW is contained in standard Cogema canisters (CSD-V) while low heatproducing<br />

high-active technical waste, mainly caps and claddings, is contained in Cogema type<br />

CSD-C containers.<br />


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