Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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system robustness, rather than as some sort of alternative behaviour of the system that has a reasonable expectation of occurring. For a near field in which cementitious materials are used in significant quantities, the dissolution rate of HLW glass is poorly known and requires further study in order to assess the radionuclide retention capacity of HLW glass at high pH. Regarding the relative significance of the dissolution rate of HLW glass, it has been shown in safety assessment calculations that for clay host rock disposal systems, in the present state of knowledge, there would be almost no difference in dose between the cases in which the initial or the residual rates are used. This is the result of the strong retention of the radionuclides in the host rock, resulting in substantial decay during transport. Nonetheless, depending on the degree to which an essentially independent barrier function is considered necessary, there is an argument to be made for strengthening the scientific basis for and reducing the uncertainty in the low long-term dissolution rate. SF Over the past few years, significant evidence has accumulated that has shown that the potential oxidative effects of alpha radiolysis may be significantly mitigated by the presence of dissolved hydrogen and Fe(II). Although a qualitative explanation for these observations can be envisaged, quantification of the details in terms of the rate constants is clearly difficult. In addition the minimum concentrations of H2 or Fe(II) needed to mitigate the effects of �-radiolysis are not certain and it is possible that other dissolved species may also play a role. It is clear that a better understanding of the radiolytic processes at the SF interface with porewater is needed. NF-PRO studies have reduced the uncertainties regarding the time evolution of the instantaneous released fraction (IRF) of the major safety-relevant radionuclides for moderate burnup fuel. There is now confidence that the different mechanisms previously identified as potentially leading to an increase with time of the IRF (� self-irradiation enhanced diffusion and helium accumulation) are of little relevance. The impact of helium accumulation for higher burnup UO2 and MOX fuel may still warrant further study. Regarding measurements of the IRF, data are still lacking in particular for high burnup and MOX fuel. More studies should be done, as present models appear to involve somewhat pessimistic assumptions. The relative importance of the IRF vs. the matrix dissolution rate has been explored in studies within and outside of NF-PRO. For IRF values in the range of 5 to 10% (typical values in some assessment studies), the IRF dominates the dose, with I-129 being by far the most important radionuclide from the dose perspective. Nonetheless, this is based on matrix dissolution models based on uranium solubility that estimate that the fuel dissolution process takes millions of years or more. The assumption of a dissolution control by alpha-radiolysis and thus a dissolution time of ~100,000 years would result in a decrease in the relative contribution of the IRF but also in an increase in dose. There is thus an important incentive to more clearly understanding the factors that can counter alpha-radiolytic oxidative dissolution of spent fuel. The rim region of the fuel pellets contains higher fission products concentrations (due to higher burnup) and a different microstructure (smaller grains and large pores) compared with the rest of the pellet. These differences raise doubts regarding the applicability of the UO2 dissolution data to the rim region. It is necessary to clarify whether rim leaching behaviour is very different from the 216

est of the pellet and whether it can be treated in a dissolution model in the same manner as the rest of the pellet. 5. Chemical processes in the EBS Studies of corrosion of steel in bentonite, including in dense bentonite, show that long-term anaerobic corrosion rates are less than 5 �m/a, consistent with other studies over the past ten years. This long-term anaerobic corrosion rate can thus be considered well established. Iron corrosion products may influence the properties of bentonite by forming new phases (e.g. magnetite and Fe-silicates), and by influencing mechanical and retardation properties of bentonite. Some studies of corrosion of steel in bentonite indicate that only a very thin film of magnetite forms and that considerable Fe(II) is transported into the clay, possibly altering its hydraulic and swelling properties. This represents a different picture from that envisaged based on steel corrosion studies in solution, which suggested progressive buildup of a thick layer of magnetite. Although transport of Fe(II) was not studied in NF-PRO, coupled reactive transport modelling of Fe-bentonite interactions was performed and this raised a number of questions. Clearly the impacts of sorbed Fe(II) on subsequent sorption of radionuclides should be further studied, as well as the impacts of neomineral formation in bentonite (in particular if montmorillonite is slowly replaced by non-swelling clay) and the rate of transport of Fe(II) through bentonite, to determine the extent of the affected domain. There is presently substantial work going on in this area that should help to further address these issues in the context of the safety functions of the buffer. Electrode measurements during iron corrosion experiments carried out under NF-PRO demonstrate that corrosion potential values are in accord with the evolution of hydrogen. Nevertheless, the chemical effect of hydrogen gas on near-field conditions and thus on corrosion remains an uncertainty. Future experimental work should focus on the acquisition of pore water composition data during iron corrosion processes to help define and increase confidence in estimates of near-field redox and pore fluid chemistry. In addition, redox reactions on iron or steel may play an important role in retention of some redoxsensitive radionuclides. This has been previously shown with reduction of Tc(VII) and has now been demonstrated in NF-PRO with the observation of reduction of Se(VI) and Se(IV) on iron and iron corrosion products (siderite and magnetite) to insoluble Se(0) and Se(-I) (as FeSe2). The solubility of Se as a result of these reactions should be evaluated for possible incorporation into databases for radionuclide transport. In the sorption area, the question of the relationship between values obtained in dispersed vs. compacted systems was answered only partly. It is still unclear why distribution coefficients (Kd) for cesium on compacted bentonite of higher density are higher from the evaluation of diffusion curves than from batch sorption experiments. Further research is needed to explain this discrepancy. In the context of sorption values for radionuclides used in PA studies, there are significant differences between the values used for the same nuclides in different PA studies for nominally very similar conditions. Continuing effort should be put into clarifying the degree to which these arise from true scientific uncertainties as opposed to different levels of ‘conservatism’ used in the selection of assessment data. Considering the fundamental importance of chemical retention phenomena in all safety cases, there remains an ongoing need for basic studies that will link spectroscopic evidence for sorption, detailed process models (e.g. surface complexation) and empirical sorption studies (Kds) to continue to build a strong scientific foundation. 217

system robustness, rather than as some sort of alternative behaviour of the system that has a reasonable<br />

expectation of occurring.<br />

For a near field in which cementitious materials are used in significant quantities, the dissolution<br />

rate of HLW glass is poorly known and requires further study in order to assess the radionuclide<br />

retention capacity of HLW glass at high pH.<br />

Regarding the relative significance of the dissolution rate of HLW glass, it has been shown in safety<br />

assessment calculations that for clay host rock disposal systems, in the present state of knowledge,<br />

there would be almost no difference in dose between the cases in which the initial or the residual<br />

rates are used. This is the result of the strong retention of the radionuclides in the host rock, resulting<br />

in substantial decay during transport. Nonetheless, depending on the degree to which an essentially<br />

independent barrier function is considered necessary, there is an argument to be made for<br />

strengthening the scientific basis for and reducing the uncertainty in the low long-term dissolution<br />

rate.<br />

SF<br />

Over the past few years, significant evidence has accumulated that has shown that the potential oxidative<br />

effects of alpha radiolysis may be significantly mitigated by the presence of dissolved hydrogen<br />

and Fe(II). Although a qualitative explanation for these observations can be envisaged, quantification<br />

of the details in terms of the rate constants is clearly difficult. In addition the minimum concentrations<br />

of H2 or Fe(II) needed to mitigate the effects of �-radiolysis are not certain and it is possible<br />

that other dissolved species may also play a role. It is clear that a better understanding of the<br />

radiolytic processes at the SF interface with porewater is needed.<br />

NF-PRO studies have reduced the uncertainties regarding the time evolution of the instantaneous<br />

released fraction (IRF) of the major safety-relevant radionuclides for moderate burnup fuel. There<br />

is now confidence that the different mechanisms previously identified as potentially leading to an<br />

increase with time of the IRF (� self-irradiation enhanced diffusion and helium accumulation) are of<br />

little relevance. The impact of helium accumulation for higher burnup UO2 and MOX fuel may still<br />

warrant further study. Regarding measurements of the IRF, data are still lacking in particular for<br />

high burnup and MOX fuel. More studies should be done, as present models appear to involve<br />

somewhat pessimistic assumptions.<br />

The relative importance of the IRF vs. the matrix dissolution rate has been explored in studies<br />

within and outside of NF-PRO. For IRF values in the range of 5 to 10% (typical values in some assessment<br />

studies), the IRF dominates the dose, with I-129 being by far the most important radionuclide<br />

from the dose perspective. Nonetheless, this is based on matrix dissolution models based on<br />

uranium solubility that estimate that the fuel dissolution process takes millions of years or more.<br />

The assumption of a dissolution control by alpha-radiolysis and thus a dissolution time of ~100,000<br />

years would result in a decrease in the relative contribution of the IRF but also in an increase in<br />

dose. There is thus an important incentive to more clearly understanding the factors that can counter<br />

alpha-radiolytic oxidative dissolution of spent fuel.<br />

The rim region of the fuel pellets contains higher fission products concentrations (due to higher<br />

burnup) and a different microstructure (smaller grains and large pores) compared with the rest of<br />

the pellet. These differences raise doubts regarding the applicability of the UO2 dissolution data to<br />

the rim region. It is necessary to clarify whether rim leaching behaviour is very different from the<br />


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