Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa

Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa Euradwaste '08 - EU Bookshop - Europa
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tion of the column [2]. Moreover, the increase in calcium associated with the dissolution of calcite leads to the oversaturation of pore water with respect to gypsum, which precipitates in the upper part of the column, leading to a decrease in sulphate. At the bottom of the column, water evaporation induces the precipitation of anhydrite and calcite, leading to the replacement of Ca by Mg in the exchange position of the montmorillonite. Throughout the column, there is a clear relationship between sodium and sulphate, which is more pronounced in the warmer part of the system. This can be interpreted by precipitation of sodium sulphate minerals (e.g. mirabilite, Na2(SO4)·10H2O), although precipitation of sodium sulphate-carbonate (e.g. burkeite, Na6CO3(SO4)2) cannot be disregarded, and would account for the decrease in carbonate in this part of the system. The precipitation of these phases would lead to a decrease in the sodium occupancy in the exchange sites of the montmorillonite, being replaced by Mg. 3. Canister corrosion A variety of iron corrosion experiments have been conducted under NF-PRO to extend and increase confidence in long-term corrosion rate data. Experiments have been conducted with steel in the form of coupons, wire, and powder, in pure and synthetic bentonite pore waters, and also in the presence of either compacted or slurried bentonite. Temperatures were in the range 30 to 100 °C with experiment durations over two years. Some experiments were performed in a temperature gradient. Corrosion rate data have also been obtained for steel in compacted bentonite as a function of external chloride concentration, temperature, and pH. Typical results show that after an initial stage of enhanced corrosion, the rate decreases to values of ~1 �m/yr (Fig. 3). These data were obtained using steel wire samples that had been initially pickled in acid to remove residual surface oxide. The results are interpreted as anodic control of the corrosion rate exerted by the formation of a corrosion product film on the surface of the iron. The results obtained suggest that during anaerobic corrosion of carbon steel, two types of corrosion films are formed; one tightly adhering to the metal surface, and one formed by precipitation of dissolved iron on the surface of the metal. It seems that the growth of the first layer begins when oxygen combines with metal to form an initial thin oxide layer. Such an oxide film will grow into the metal by spontaneous formation of oxide matrix sites on the metal side of the metal/film interface. This oxide film will thicken until an equilibrium is established after which it will continue to grow slowly into the metal at a constant rate. After the formation of this layer, the corrosion rate is determined by its dissolution rate. This was also confirmed by findings that higher temperatures increase the initial corrosion rate but not after steadystate has been established (Fig. 3). The corrosion rate is generally slightly lower in experiments without compacted bentonite, than in comparable tests with solid bentonite present. This suggests that the presence of the clay influences the corrosion reactions (such as the dissolution rate of the corrosion product film) occurring on the surface of the steel. All the data (including those obtained outside NF-PRO) clearly suggest that the anaerobic corrosion rates of iron in clay environment will decrease to values below 1 �m/year after formation of a thin corrosion layer on the surface of metal. 4. Interaction of clay with other barrier components 4.1 Steel Prior to NF-PRO it was thought that an iron/steel canister would corrode to produce large volumes of iron corrosion products in situ. Stresses in excess of the sum of the lithostatic and hydrostatic load could arise in the near-field as a result of the volume of these canister corrosion products, because canister corrosion products have a lower density than steel. In NF-PRO, several tests have been performed to obtain information about the corrosion products at the bentonite/steel interface, both with and without a temperature gradient. 186

Figure 3: Example of results from anaerobic corrosion experiments on steel in bentonite slurry and compacted bentonite at 30 ºC and 50 ºC [3]. The results of temperature-gradient experiments show that lepidocrocite (�-FeOOH) and goethite (�-FeOOH) formed in all cases coating the bentonite, whereas close to the carbon steel magnetite was present, except in the experiment under oxic conditions. The results suggest that the amount of oxygen trapped in bentonite was sufficient for the initial formation of Fe(III)-oxyhydroxides which were then transformed to magnetite. In other experiments without a temperature gradient and with corroding iron in compacted bentonite, the oxide minerals magnetite, hematite and goethite were identified on the surface of the corrosion coupons using laser Raman spectroscopy. The higher oxidation state minerals may have been due to experimental artefacts (e.g. residual oxygen at the start of the experiments). Only a thin layer of magnetite was observed on the surface of the corroded wires in compacted bentonite, where the total surface area of the steel was greater (100 times that of the experiments with coupons) and so the consumption of any residual oxygen would have been faster. There was no evidence for the presence of any iron oxide or oxyhydroxide phases in the bentonite matrix, despite the fact that a local concentration of iron in some parts of bentonite increased up to 20 %. No discrete iron-rich clay phases were observed. This can be explained by a very high tendency of iron (II) ions to sorb on clay edges or by the formation of meta-stable amorphous ‘gel’ precursors, which are not easy to detect by conventional analyses. The results of corrosion experiments at 100 °C have been modelled ([4]) using the reactiontransport code, PHREEQC, indicating that during the one-year simulation time frame, steel corrosion leads to an increase in the iron concentration in pore water and this iron diffuses into the compacted bentonite from the steel-bentonite interface. Magnetite is predicted to precipitate as the only corrosion product at the steel surface. The most relevant iron retention process in bentonite is sorption on montmorillonite edge sites, which limits the extent of iron penetration into the bentonite to less than 5 mm from the steel-bentonite interface. However, the amount of iron sorbed on the montmorillonite surface is very low (less than 0.0002 % of the surface available sites, which is equivalent to 5.5×10 -4 mg Fe/100 g of bentonite). Cation exchange is also an important retention mechanism; although retained iron by this process is half that retained by surface sorption. In this 187

tion of the column [2]. Moreover, the increase in calcium associated with the dissolution of calcite<br />

leads to the oversaturation of pore water with respect to gypsum, which precipitates in the upper<br />

part of the column, leading to a decrease in sulphate. At the bottom of the column, water evaporation<br />

induces the precipitation of anhydrite and calcite, leading to the replacement of Ca by Mg in<br />

the exchange position of the montmorillonite. Throughout the column, there is a clear relationship<br />

between sodium and sulphate, which is more pronounced in the warmer part of the system. This<br />

can be interpreted by precipitation of sodium sulphate minerals (e.g. mirabilite, Na2(SO4)·10H2O),<br />

although precipitation of sodium sulphate-carbonate (e.g. burkeite, Na6CO3(SO4)2) cannot be disregarded,<br />

and would account for the decrease in carbonate in this part of the system. The precipitation<br />

of these phases would lead to a decrease in the sodium occupancy in the exchange sites of the<br />

montmorillonite, being replaced by Mg.<br />

3. Canister corrosion<br />

A variety of iron corrosion experiments have been conducted under NF-PRO to extend and increase<br />

confidence in long-term corrosion rate data. Experiments have been conducted with steel in the<br />

form of coupons, wire, and powder, in pure and synthetic bentonite pore waters, and also in the<br />

presence of either compacted or slurried bentonite. Temperatures were in the range 30 to 100 °C<br />

with experiment durations over two years. Some experiments were performed in a temperature gradient.<br />

Corrosion rate data have also been obtained for steel in compacted bentonite as a function of<br />

external chloride concentration, temperature, and pH. Typical results show that after an initial stage<br />

of enhanced corrosion, the rate decreases to values of ~1 �m/yr (Fig. 3). These data were obtained<br />

using steel wire samples that had been initially pickled in acid to remove residual surface oxide.<br />

The results are interpreted as anodic control of the corrosion rate exerted by the formation of a corrosion<br />

product film on the surface of the iron. The results obtained suggest that during anaerobic<br />

corrosion of carbon steel, two types of corrosion films are formed; one tightly adhering to the metal<br />

surface, and one formed by precipitation of dissolved iron on the surface of the metal. It seems that<br />

the growth of the first layer begins when oxygen combines with metal to form an initial thin oxide<br />

layer. Such an oxide film will grow into the metal by spontaneous formation of oxide matrix sites<br />

on the metal side of the metal/film interface. This oxide film will thicken until an equilibrium is<br />

established after which it will continue to grow slowly into the metal at a constant rate. After the<br />

formation of this layer, the corrosion rate is determined by its dissolution rate. This was also confirmed<br />

by findings that higher temperatures increase the initial corrosion rate but not after steadystate<br />

has been established (Fig. 3). The corrosion rate is generally slightly lower in experiments<br />

without compacted bentonite, than in comparable tests with solid bentonite present. This suggests<br />

that the presence of the clay influences the corrosion reactions (such as the dissolution rate of the<br />

corrosion product film) occurring on the surface of the steel. All the data (including those obtained<br />

outside NF-PRO) clearly suggest that the anaerobic corrosion rates of iron in clay environment will<br />

decrease to values below 1 �m/year after formation of a thin corrosion layer on the surface of metal.<br />

4. Interaction of clay with other barrier components<br />

4.1 Steel<br />

Prior to NF-PRO it was thought that an iron/steel canister would corrode to produce large volumes<br />

of iron corrosion products in situ. Stresses in excess of the sum of the lithostatic and hydrostatic<br />

load could arise in the near-field as a result of the volume of these canister corrosion products, because<br />

canister corrosion products have a lower density than steel. In NF-PRO, several tests have<br />

been performed to obtain information about the corrosion products at the bentonite/steel interface,<br />

both with and without a temperature gradient.<br />


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