1997 Magnet Yearbook

1997 Magnet Yearbook

1997 Magnet Yearbook


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1.9",.. A... A.tA••,: W~II, b~ ing t he new guy I<br />

oon't really have too muc h to '!Jay. But anyway. to<br />

all my friel'ltl5 out there I'd juer like to '!>ay good<br />

luck (L.O!'"o k:n0W5 you need itl) AI'ltl I'll remember<br />

you guy!> always, I t hine I'll go cry now. Bye-byel<br />

2.p.....t ':l::t.: THANKS TO A L. L. (YOU KNOW<br />


MEMORAB L.E!<br />

3. %"...A eA...: "...1. 2. 3. 5 yeare. What ? Dio I<br />

5k:ip a graoe? AnYWa:yf>.5 yea r!> re 2 long. ca n't<br />

remember. Well it '!> been fu n. sad. botil1t3 & tiril1t3<br />

living in JCI, 2 all friend!>. eep, BriH.• RayC.• Je nC..<br />

KimT.. VanP.. JohB.• Chr D., R09Y.. JillY.. NgocT. &<br />

ChoL..•.o:r you all. 2 enemie9 'lX(YZ2: hate you<br />

all (JJ). INishing t he best 2 all my frieno!> in<br />

keep in touch 'n G-Bye. JCI.<br />

..t.9",.e, ~t. : Al though JCI will never be t he<br />

eame (J.j) I'm really gonna rniee eome of U<br />

"nerde" who knew me ae Small Face Grace. No<br />

Md good-byes cuz I'll B ~ng ecme of u in t he<br />

yea r!> 2 come. I'll neva 4get all my budd ies (how<br />

!lappy !) God bleee.<br />

5. ,#l u ...,t"'.. St,.,...... Above all . t hanx to<br />

my amaz ing friends EB. HL. SM. RS. NT & KV<br />

next yea r will be very lonely wlo you. A huge hug<br />

fo r CY; I couldn't have a5ked f O!'" a nicer or more<br />

!lUpportive friend - ever. Thanx to AF for dreaming<br />

about San Prenciecc & .Juenn wI me. To my<br />

Ga b Family at CFJ I hope we always keep in<br />

touch.<br />

6. S~. . .. Ste••r "All that life really \::toil9 down<br />

to re getting a decent cup of coffee" AM.<br />

Bakers doeen't live up NMEBBHMAjCLRYMJCI,<br />

t hanks guy!>. Here's to th e mooee at Rosedale<br />

and send il1t3 Mike runnil1t3 to old man. Dave. I<br />

couldn't imagine it I'Iithout you. genuine umph<br />

can't fade.<br />

7. 1'...e8"".: My Jarvis yea r!> are finally overl<br />

What a relief. but come to t hink of it . 5 yr5 of<br />

t he best me-rcriee have alec flown by. Arryway5.<br />

mtee you and mlee me.<br />

Wi!>h ya'il t he \:Ieet of luck. eee yal<br />


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