Concrete mathematics : a foundation for computer science

Concrete mathematics : a foundation for computer science

Concrete mathematics : a foundation for computer science


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243 George N. Raney, “Functional composition patterns and power series re- 345, 604.<br />

version,” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 94 (1960),<br />

441-451.<br />

244 D. Rameswar Rao, “Problem E 2208: A divisibility problem,” American 602.<br />

Mathematical Monthly 78 (1971), 78-79.<br />

245 John William Strutt, Third Baron Rayleigh, The Theory of Sound. First 77.<br />

edition, 1877; second edition, 1894. (The cited material about irrational<br />

spectra is from section 92a of the second edition.)<br />

246 Robert Recorde, The Whetstone of Witte. London, 1557. 432.<br />

247 Simeon Reich, “Problem 6056: Truncated exponential-type series,” 605.<br />

American Mathematical Monthly 84 (1977), 494-495.<br />

248 Georges de Rham, “Un peu de mathkmatiques B propos d’une courbe 604.<br />

plane,” Elemente der Mathematik 2 (1947), 73-76, 89-97. Reprinted in<br />

his U3uvres Mathbmatiques, 678-689.<br />

249 Paolo Ribenboim, 13 ,Lectures on Fermat’s Last Theorem. Springer- 509, 532, 603<br />

Verlag, 1979.<br />

250 Bernhard Riemann, “1Jeber die Darstellbarkeit einer Function durch 602.<br />

eine trigonometrische R.eihe,” Habilitationsschrift, G6ttingen, 1854. Published<br />

in Abhandlungen der mathematischen Classe der Kijniglichen<br />

Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gettingen 13 (1868), 87-132. Reprinted<br />

in his Gesammelte Mathematische Werke, 227-264.<br />

251 Samuel Roberts, “On t:he figures <strong>for</strong>med by the intercepts of a system of 602.<br />

straight lines in a plane, and on analogous relations in space of three dimensions,”<br />

Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 19 (1889),<br />

405-422.<br />

252 0ystein Reidseth, “Pro’blem E 2273: Telescoping Vandermonde convolu- 603.<br />

tions,” American Mathematical Monthly 79 (1972), 88-89.<br />

253 J. Barkley Rosser and Lowell Schoenfeld, “Approximate <strong>for</strong>mulas <strong>for</strong> 111.<br />

some functions of prime numbers,” Illinois Journal of Mathematics 6<br />

(1962), 64-94.<br />

254 Gian-Carlo Rota, “On the <strong>foundation</strong>s of combinatorial theory. I. The- 501.<br />

ory of Mijbius functions,” Zeitschrift fiir Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und<br />

verwandte Gebiete 2 (:1964), 340-368.<br />

255 Ranjan Roy, “Binomial identities and hypergeometric series,” American 603.<br />

Mathematical Monthly 94 (1987), 36-46.<br />

256 Louis Saalschiitz, “Eine Summations<strong>for</strong>mel,” Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik 603.<br />

und Physik 35 (1890), 186-188.

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