Concrete mathematics : a foundation for computer science

Concrete mathematics : a foundation for computer science

Concrete mathematics : a foundation for computer science


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9.42 The hint follows since (,“,)/(z) = & $ a < &. Let<br />

m = lcxn] = om ~ E. Then<br />

<<br />

n<br />

1+i~+(&)2+...) = (;)S.<br />

( m>(<br />

so 1 ksa,, (;) = (:)0(l), an .d i tremains<br />

to estimate (z). By Stirling’s approximation<br />

we have In (z) =I -i 1nn-(an-e)ln(K-e/n)-((l--0()n+c) x<br />

ln(l-cx+c/n)+0(1)=-~lnn-omlna-(1-ol)nIn(l-cx)+0(1).<br />

9.43 The denominator has factors of the <strong>for</strong>m z - w, where w is a complex<br />

root of unity. Only the factor z - 1 occurs with multiplicity 5. There<strong>for</strong>e<br />

by (7.31), only one of the roots has a coefficient n(n4), and the coefficient is<br />

c =5/(5!~1~5~10~25~50)=1/1500000.<br />

9.44 Stirling’s approximation says that ln(xP”x!/(x-a)!) has an asymptotic<br />

series<br />

-a-(x+i-a)ln(l-a/x)-&(x ‘-(x-o())‘)<br />

- &(x 3 - (x - cc) “) -’<br />

in which each coefficient of xm~k is a polynomial in (x. Hence x “x!/(x - CX)! =<br />

Co(R) +c1(a)x ’ + ... + c,(tx)xpn + 0(x-” ‘) as x + 03, where c,,(a) is a<br />

polynomial in 01. We know that c, ( LX) = [,*,I (-1)" whenever 01 is an integer,<br />

and LA1 is a polynomial in 01 of degree 2n; hence c, ( CX) = [ &*,,I (-1)” <strong>for</strong><br />

all real 01. In other words, the asymptotic <strong>for</strong>mulas<br />

generalize equations (6.13) and (6.11), which hold in the all-integer case.<br />

9.45 Let the partial quotients of LX be (a,, al,. . . ), and let cc,,, be the continued<br />

fraction l/(a, + CX,,~,) <strong>for</strong> m 3 1. Then D(cx,n) = D(cxl,n) <<br />

D(olr, LarnJ) + al +3 < D(tx3, LcxzlcxlnJj) + al + a2 $6 < ... < D(Lx,+I,<br />


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