Magazine 2017 EN

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Kaltern at thelake

Green as far asthe eye can see. When people create alandscape and respect nature: in spring the apple blossom is areal natural spectacle. Landscape, people, and culture Youcould also say: terroir. (A word whichconnotespeoplelivinginan area wherewinethrives.) We have to thankafortunate coincidencethat our region lies off theradar –and could thereforebedeveloped into aunique terroir. Everything whichthrives here is thefruit of theterroir:wine takescentrestage, followedbyall otherproductsinour vegetable patch –fruit,vegetables, andflowers. Anddon’t forget thepeople,who arealsopartofthiscycle: howwe live,what we think, howwework. Even ourideas,our art, ourpassions. Everything whichbelongs to the Kaltern terroir: land,climate, weather, atmosphere. Terroiris identifiablewithculture. 32 | 33

Kaltern at thelake

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