Summer School Literacy Pacing Guide




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Intermediate Schedule<br />

Time<br />

Activity<br />

5 – 10 minutes Opening and Organization of the Day – Pull students up close. Use this<br />

time to review the schedule for the day and build engagement and<br />

motivation. Often teachers use this time to connect to previous learning,<br />

providing a quick assessment of students’ understanding.<br />

20 minutes Read Aloud / Shared Reading (explicit instruction) – This is where<br />

teachers connect and engage students’ interest and activate and build their<br />

background knowledge, finding out what they know. Teachers use this time<br />

to think aloud, modeling and demonstrating the “inside” story of reading.<br />

Students enter in by turning and talking and “holding” their thinking on<br />

Post-its.<br />

30 - 45 minutes Small Group Instruction / Independent Learning – Often students move<br />

into pairs or small groups to deepen and apply their learning. Engaging<br />

other students in independent work that has previously been taught and<br />

practiced with support offers the teacher an opportunity to work with one to<br />

two small groups each day.<br />

30 minutes Independent Reading / Conferring with Students – This is a very<br />

important time for students. It is during this time they select books based<br />

upon interests. Teachers guide students in selecting texts at a<br />

“comfortable” reading level. They arrange regular, short conferences with<br />

students to tap thinking and collect evident of learning. Access to a wide<br />

range of books in the classroom library is essential. Teachers may use<br />

students’ interests in organizing books. Small baskets with index card<br />

labels are attractive ways to display. The teacher may also routinely “bless”<br />

books through 1-2 minute book talks in the opening or closing of the day.<br />

5 minutes Transition – This time is important as it is used to transition to writing and<br />

provides an interval to highlight, reflect, and connect the reading to the<br />

writing. It is also a time to listen for evidence of student learning.<br />

30 minutes Modeled, Shared, or Interactive Writing – Teachers use this time to<br />

teach a very short minilesson, which students will often apply in responding<br />

to their reading. While students might respond in a quick-write, they might<br />

also engage in longer pieces of writing continued over several days.<br />

5 minutes Sharing / Closing – Use this time to reflect on the day. This is a good time<br />

to preview the next day, to suggest ways students can share their learning<br />

at home, to read a short poem or interesting text, and to share their own<br />

literacy by talking about what they are planning to read at home.<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Literacy</strong> – for more resources, visit: www.ComprehensionToolkit.com<br />

Heinemann ©2009 by Judy Wallis, Stephanie Harvey, and Anne Goudvis (updated 1/29/2016)<br />


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