


Daisy Do you have any advice for other women? “You can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a female or male. Everything happens for reason even if we don’t want it to. Keep moving forward, and enjoy every step of the way to your journey to success.” What would you do with 10 million dollars? “If I was blessed to have 10 million dollars, I would invest at least 25% in stocks. I would also create my own makeup line. I plan on owning multiple businesses and being my own boss. I plan on taking care of my family in the future and supporting them every step of the way.” Where do you see yourself in 5 years? “I see myself living in Los Angeles doing the things I love, which is modeling, and being a makeup artist!” What’s something people wouldn’t guess about you? “That I’m a tom boy, and a girly girl ! (Yes, you can be both!)” What made you decide to start modeling? “Modeling has ALWAYS been a passion of mine ever since I was probably 10 years old. I’m blessed to be where I’m at right now !” Do you have any hobbies? “My hobbies are all over the place, but I love to skateboard in the summer! “ What is your favorite movie? “My favorite movie has to be ‘The Parent Trap’ with Lindsay Lohan. I’ve probably watched it about a hundred times.” If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? “ If I could travel anywhere it’ll probably be Thailand. It’s so beautiful over there, and the food looks amazing!” 35


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