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Board of Directors:<br />

Jeremy Clark<br />

Products:<br />

Janie Clark<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Photography:<br />

Jeremy Clark<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Editors:<br />

Maria Dininno<br />

Taralyn Guenot<br />


3 Our Cover Girl, Lacey<br />

6 Himalayan Salt<br />

10 Photography submission by<br />

Derick Jerome<br />

13 Our back cover model, Nate<br />

16 Model interview: Erika<br />

18 Model Interview: Genevieve<br />

20 Photography submission<br />

by R. Nolan Photography<br />

Layout/Design:<br />

Taralyn Guenot<br />


Hair & Makeup:<br />

Shoot Coordinator:<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Tori Long<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Advertising & Sales:<br />

Jeremy Clark<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Tori Long<br />

Writers:<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Maria Dininno<br />

Adeena Harbst<br />

Submissions by:<br />

R. Nolan Photography<br />

Winfrida Metlili<br />

Derick Jerome<br />

22 Fight for Fabulous<br />

26 Model interview: Emily<br />

28 Are you addicted to<br />

Facebook?<br />

30 Modeling submission by<br />

Winfrida Metili<br />

32 A penny saved is a<br />

penny earned<br />

34 Model interview: Daisy<br />


ANNIE<br />

Our Cover Girl<br />



Where do you see yourself in 5 years?<br />

“ In 5 years, I hope to be married, and have at least<br />

one kid, lots of animals and a beautiful house.”<br />

What are some of your hobbies?<br />

“My hobbies include, hunting, fishing, riding,<br />

modeling, snowboarding, and being an overall<br />

outdoor enthusiast.“<br />

Do you have any pets?<br />

“I have multiple pets. I’m that model that has odd<br />

pets. I have a mini pig, yes she sleeps with me, a<br />

bobcat, and a dog.”<br />

What’s something people wouldn’t<br />

guess about you?<br />

“Something someone wouldn’t guess about me<br />

would be I’m an avid hunter. I have traveled all over<br />

the United States to hunt big game.”<br />

What type of music to you listen to?<br />

“I listen to really every kind of music,<br />

except screamo.”<br />

Any advice for other women?<br />

“Advice, never let anyone tell you that you<br />

aren’t good enough. You can do anything you<br />

put your mind to.”<br />

How long does your morning<br />

beauty routine take?<br />

“My daily routine is very minimum. I honestly<br />

hardly ever do my hair, or makeup. If I do it’s<br />

mascara and a tiny bit of highlighter here and<br />

there. And my hair just gets straightened or I slap<br />

in some extensions and put on a hat.”<br />






Whitney<br />

Stephens<br />

Tell us a little about yourself:<br />

“My name is Whitney Stephens, I’m 19 years old<br />

and I’m from Detroit, Michigan. I’m currently a<br />

sophomore at Eastern Michigan University majoring<br />

in accounting and pursuing my Master’s degree. I have<br />

two on campus positions, one as an office assistant<br />

and the other as a professional fundraiser. I have two<br />

older sisters named Tiffany and Brittany. My hobbies<br />

include singing, shopping and freelance modeling.”<br />

What made you decide to start modeling?<br />

“Since I was a young girl, everyone around me would<br />

always say “you should be a model!” Even strangers.<br />

They would always comment on my tall, skinny frame.<br />

After shooting for a friend of a friend’s up-and-coming<br />

swimsuit collection a couple of years ago, I knew that<br />

modeling was something I could see myself doing. ”<br />

What’s something you can’t live without?<br />

“My phone. Hands down. I’m always checking my<br />

notifications, even when I know nothing is there.”<br />

How would you describe your style?<br />

“It varies. I like to follow trends that interest me,<br />

but most of the time I’m focused on finding a<br />

balance between style and comfort. Jeans, sweaters,<br />

hoodies, v-necks, etc. UGGs are also my best-friend<br />

during the cooler months.”<br />

What is your favorite quote?<br />

“Pretty might open doors, but intellect lets you in –<br />

Don’t be stuck outside with your pretty ass.”<br />

- Enitan O. Bereola II<br />

Derick Jerome<br />


~ Photography Submission<br />


Any advice for other women?<br />

“Follow your dreams, don’t ever let<br />

anyone discourage you or tell you<br />

something is impossible. Also make<br />

sure to have self-respect. In order to<br />

demand respect from others you must<br />

first respect yourself.”<br />

Who is your biggest supporter?<br />

“My mother. I can’t recall a time in<br />

my life when she wasn’t there when I<br />

needed her.”<br />





Tell us a little about yourself.<br />

“ I play off the rude, sarcastic, quarky guy pretty well, I may<br />

seem like a mean person but in all reality I’m actually a<br />

really sweet emotional guy. ”<br />

What made you decide to start modeling?<br />

“A confidence booster. Most of my teens were rough<br />

especially through middle school and highschool. Your<br />

basic jocks and preppy girls, some of them were nice<br />

but they couldn’t risk that kind of attention, so it was<br />

mostly just rude comments if your parents didn’t pay<br />

for everything of yours or you played sports. I was one<br />

of many outcasts.”<br />

How would you describe your style?<br />

“My style is very nerdy. Usually tight video game/super<br />

hero shirts and ripped jeans.”<br />

How do you unwind or relax?<br />

“I love LOVE World of Warcraft. It’s a good escape from<br />

reality, helps calm me down and forget for a while.”<br />

Who/what inspires you?<br />

“The idea that I can do better for myself. I don’t want<br />

to settle down in an area like this, I want to go out and<br />

explore. I want to see the world, and I want to act. My<br />

expectations are high for myself, but that’s the kind of<br />

push I need to keep going.”<br />

What kind of music do you listen to?<br />

“ Gorillaz, TØP, Dave Matthews, Rebulation, Watsky, Hoodie<br />

Allen, it can range.”<br />

Do you have any advice for other models?<br />

“Don’t ever let bigger corporations tell you what’s beautiful<br />

and what’s not. Last I checked the world is full of incredible<br />

people who all have what it takes to be whomever they<br />

want to be. Don’t let close minded people define you. You<br />

know yourself. You don’t need to change, you’re perfect the<br />

way you are.”<br />

How much time does your daily beauty routine take?<br />

“Less than 45 min. I use a charcoal moisturizer, even out<br />

the facial hair, and use this honey based shampoo and<br />

conditioner. My hair usually POOFS into the place I need it<br />

to be so it doesn’t require too much effort.”<br />


Erika<br />

What makes you IT?<br />

“ I believe that what makes me “IT” is my confidence in<br />

not only my looks, but in my intelligence and my ability to<br />

accomplish the dreams that I set my mind to. “<br />

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?<br />

“I want to be a Licensed Professional Counselor,<br />

working with children and families in the adoption<br />

process. I want to fill my days helping children process<br />

through their individual journeys and help them find a<br />

permanent, loving, and nurturing homes.”<br />

What’s something people wouldn’t guess about you?<br />

“ I’ve had tea with the Duchess of Austria in her palace.”<br />

What made you decide to start modeling?<br />

“ I have been an artist my entire life. One day one of my<br />

photographer friends asked me to participate in a shoot.<br />

I loved the idea of being able to be a collaborative part of<br />

someone else’s art- to even be the art.”<br />

What’s something you can’t live without?<br />

“My twin sister.”<br />

What’s your favorite quote?<br />

“I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of<br />

far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams.”<br />

Who/what inspires you?<br />

“The children that I work with. If they can overcome and<br />

thrive after everything they have been through, I can make<br />

it through anything that comes my way. “<br />

Any advice for other women?<br />

“ People are going to underestimate you, due to your<br />

gender, but you can use that to your advantage and<br />

surprise everyone if you work hard and are determined<br />

to accomplish your goals. Most importantly- be kind. It is<br />

easy to try to bring other women down, because it may<br />

give you the instant gratification of making you feel better<br />

about yourself, but that feeling won’t last. What will last is<br />

the knowledge that you were kind to someone who needed<br />

it, and that you helped build up another person in a world<br />

that is always trying to bring other people down.”<br />




What is your favorite quote?<br />

“God doesn’t make mistakes - everyone is beautiful!”<br />

Any advice for other models?<br />

“My advice is to enjoy and have fun, and to challenge<br />

yourself - never be scared to try new things.”<br />

Tell us a little about yourself.<br />

“I am a single mother of 3 awesome kids. I have high<br />

expectations of myself. I might come off as mad<br />

or mean, but once you get to know me you’ll<br />

find I am a sweetheart.”<br />

What’s something people wouldn’t<br />

guess about you?<br />

“People wouldn’t think I love motorcycles as<br />

much as I do. They are awesome, and I do<br />

plan on having one!”<br />

What made you decide to start modeling?<br />

“Truthfully, this is something I have wanted since<br />

I was a younger teenager. Unfortunately at that<br />

time I just wasn’t what they wanted me to be.”<br />

What’s something you can’t live without?<br />

“I can’t live without my children. I don’t even like it<br />

when they stay at their grams, lol.”<br />

What/Who inspires you?<br />

“People whom are disabled are the ones that inspire<br />

me the most. Their love for life, their abilities to stay<br />

strong and pure courage to just be!”<br />

If you could travel anywhere,<br />

where would you go?<br />

“I would travel back to Germany. It was beautiful<br />

where we stayed with our family.”<br />

Any advice for other women?<br />

“Don’t give up on your dreams no matter how hard<br />

life gets. Don’t forget what u really have felt that<br />

makes you feel great about doing it.”<br />

What makes you IT?<br />

“Honestly, I wouldn’t say I am IT... Rather, I have had a<br />

dream and never gave up - might have had to put it<br />

on a shelf until it was able to pursue it once again,<br />

but I never gave up!”<br />


Brooke<br />

Whitehill<br />

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?<br />

“Hopefully, in graduate school, I want to go for my<br />

Ph.D. in immunology. I love doing research, and I’m<br />

going to school right now for biology. ”<br />

What was one of your dreams as a child?<br />

“One of my dreams as a child was to be a doctor.<br />

And while my current dreams have changed a<br />

little, I’m still on a similar track. ”<br />

What’s your favorite quote?<br />

““The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but<br />

the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.<br />

It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion<br />

that she shows.” Audrey Hepburn. I love this quotes<br />

because Audrey was completely right, true beauty<br />

isn’t something you find in a mirror. True beauty is<br />

the happiness found within yourself and the world<br />

around you.”<br />

Who is your biggest supporter?<br />

“My little brother, Matthew. After every photo<br />

shoot, he always asks to see pictures and loves<br />

to hear about how things are going in school. He<br />

always pushes me to try harder and to be a good<br />

example to him.”<br />

Who/what inspires you?<br />

“My father. He has always been a very strong and<br />

important person in my life. He’s gone through a<br />

great deal but still manages to push forward and<br />

tries to give something to the people around him<br />

everyday. I strive to be the same kind of endlessly<br />

giving and caring person. ”<br />

Any advice for other women?<br />

“Always be yourself. Love who you are and never<br />

strive to be anything else because to be beautiful<br />

means to be yourself.”<br />


~ Photography Submission<br />



1. Moisturize Daily<br />

Your skin needs moisture to stay healthy,<br />

even if you have oily skin. If you are<br />

concerned about over moisturizing and<br />

looking oily, consider a product that is<br />

made for your specific skin type (oily, acne<br />

prone, dry, combination, sensitive, etc.)<br />

Don’t forget to look for a lotion with SPF, as<br />

well. Lotions with SPF help to prevent facial<br />

brown spots and skin discolorations, and<br />

help to reduce the appearance of redness<br />

and blotchiness. Furthermore, a lotion<br />

with SPF helps slow down the development<br />

of wrinkles and aging prematurely.<br />

“Fifteen Beauty Tips &<br />

Tricks that Everyone<br />

Should Know”<br />

2. Exfoliating Do’s and Don’ts<br />

Exfoliating your face removes dead skin<br />

and daily buildup (sweat, oil, dirt, etc.),<br />

making your skin look and feel smoother.<br />

However, you should use caution, when<br />

exfoliating, as it can do just as much harm<br />

as good.<br />

When you use an exfoliator, you can tear<br />

apart your skin, especially if you exfoliate<br />

aggressively or too frequently. Too much<br />

exfoliation can cause dehydration, flaking,<br />

redness, and inflammation. Try limiting<br />

your exfoliating routine to 1-2 times a week.<br />

22<br />


3. Don’t Wash your<br />

Hair Every Day<br />

Experts agree, only a small group may<br />

need to shampoo every day, such as those<br />

with very fine hair, someone who exercises<br />

or sweats frequently, or those living in an<br />

excessively humid environment. Shampoo<br />

can be harsh on your hair, leaving it feeling<br />

dry, and even damaged. Furthermore, over<br />

shampooing can actually cause your scalp<br />

to produce more oil!<br />

Instead of rushing to the shower, consider<br />

using a dry shampoo the next time your<br />

hair feels a little too oily. If you don’t have<br />

a dry shampoo, or simply don’t like it,<br />

you can use baby powder as a substitute.<br />

Simply sprinkle baby powder into your<br />

roots and brush it through to the ends. Not<br />

only will it help absorb excess oil, but it<br />

will add volume and make your hair look<br />

freshly washed.<br />

If you are someone who colors or dyes your<br />

hair, shampooing daily can lead increased<br />

“color fade”. The less you wash your hair,<br />

the longer your color will last.<br />

4. Beauty Gurus<br />

YouTube, Instagram, and other social media<br />

outlets are full of beauty experts, each sharing<br />

their own, personal ideas, tips and tricks.<br />

But, these social media style sources can be<br />

discouraging, and often times, inaccurate.<br />

Many seeking to improve their physical<br />

appearance will compare themselves to these<br />

beauty queens (and kings), giving in to the<br />

social media “pressure to be perfect”. This<br />

can lead to misguided feelings of loss and<br />

inadequacy, and in severe cases, depression<br />

and anxiety. If you, or someone you know,<br />

feel like that may be happening to you, stop<br />

watching these videos, and seek help.<br />

Remember, embracing your individuality<br />

will always help to be the best “you” that you<br />

can be!<br />

5. Less is More<br />

If you are new to wearing makeup, or<br />

trying to learn new application techniques,<br />

remember, less is more. Master your<br />

foundation and mascara, first. Then,<br />

move on to more intricate areas, such as<br />

eyeliner and lipstick.<br />

Attempting a complete look, as an<br />

amateur, will likely be frustrating, and<br />

time consuming. Don’t rush, don’t get<br />

discouraged, and most importantly,<br />

don’t give up!<br />

6. Beat the Heat<br />

Always use heat protection on<br />

your hair! Whether you favor a<br />

flat iron or a curling iron, styling<br />

your hair with heat can lead to<br />

breakage, split ends, and frizz.<br />

All of which will leave your hair<br />

looking dull, dry, and lifeless.<br />

Even if you are only using a hair dryer,<br />

you are still damaging your hair. Blow<br />

drying your hair frequently may cause it<br />

to become dehydrated and brittle. If you<br />

introduce excessive brushing or combing<br />

into the equation, you are almost certain to<br />

have significant hair breakage and damage.<br />

A heat protectant adds moisture to your<br />

hair, while forming a protective barrier<br />

that prevents moisture loss that typically<br />

occurs when heat is applied. Your locks<br />

will look and feel silkier and smoother,<br />

with the addition of a heat protectant.<br />

Most importantly, your hair will actually<br />

be healthier.<br />

7. Check the Expiration Date!?<br />

Yes! Believe it or not, your makeup and<br />

skincare products do expire! This varies<br />

depending on the product. For instance,<br />

mascara typically expires after only a<br />

couple months, whereas eye shadow,<br />

bronzer, and blush can last up to two years!<br />

If you start to notice your mascara<br />

clumping, or your lipstick has become<br />

dry and waxy, it’s probably passed the<br />

expiration date. Toss any product that<br />

smells “off ”, has changed color or texture,<br />

or appears to have separated.<br />

This chart from www.makeup.com/ is a<br />

great guide to knowing when it is time to<br />

say goodbye to your cosmetic products.<br />

8. What the “ Pluck”<br />

We’ve all done it…and regretted it. Over<br />

plucking, or over tweezing your eyebrows<br />

can result in thin, sparse, and misshapen<br />

brows. Ingrown hairs, follicle damage, and<br />

even infection are all common side effects<br />

of getting a little “pluck happy”.<br />

If you happen to be guilty of this bad habit,<br />

take a step away from the mirror as you are<br />

grooming. If you still can’t help yourself<br />



from over tweezing, consider eliminating<br />

your “in home” brow maintenance all<br />

together and switching to a professional<br />

option.<br />

If you are currently dealing with over<br />

plucked brows, fear not. There are a<br />

few things you can do to improve their<br />

appearance while you wait for them to grow<br />

back. Try using brow powder to fill in areas<br />

that look sparse and unsightly. Choose a color<br />

shade that is slightly darker than your hair<br />

color. Apply with an eyebrow brush, making<br />

light, small strokes in the same direction has<br />

your hair growth.<br />

9. Remove your Makeup!<br />

Wash your makeup off every night before bed.<br />

If you are too tired by the end of the day, try<br />

keeping makeup wipes in your nightstand<br />

for easy access. Wearing your makeup to bed<br />

causes extensive damage to your skin during<br />

the night, including wrinkles and aging<br />

prematurely.<br />


Moreover, sleeping in your makeup can<br />

lead to infections. Throughout the day,<br />

your makeup accumulates germs, especially<br />

mascara and eyeliners. Your eyes are a very<br />

sensitive area, and can easily become infected<br />

or inflamed due to excessive exposure to<br />

germs and bacteria. Sleeping in your<br />

makeup allows germs to multiply in and<br />

around your eyes.<br />

10. Trim your Hair Often<br />

You should get your hair trimmed<br />

(approximately) every 6-8 weeks. This<br />

will help prevent split ends, which<br />

make can make your hair unhealthy<br />

and unmanageable. Trimming split<br />

ends and unhealthy hair will reduce<br />

breakage and flyaways, and can even<br />

make your hair appear thicker and<br />

shiner.<br />

On average, hair grows ½<br />

inch per month. By trimming<br />

your hair ¼ inch or so,<br />

every 6-8 weeks, you could<br />

potentially grow your hair<br />

4 ½ inches longer every<br />

year!<br />

11. Clean your<br />

Makeup Brushes<br />

Dirty makeup brushes<br />

become more abrasive and dry<br />

as they accumulate buildup. Cleaning<br />

your brushes regularly will help keep them<br />

soft, resulting in less damage to your skin and<br />

face. Additionally, dirty makeup brushes can<br />

harbor bacteria and lead to more frequent<br />

breakouts, skin damage, and even infection.<br />

It is recommended that you clean your makeup<br />

brushes at least once a week. Whether you use<br />

soap designed for your brushes, antibacterial<br />

soap, or a DIY recipe, your face, and your<br />

makeup brushes, will thank you!<br />

12. Do you have a Pen?<br />

Do you struggle with liquid eyeliner? Try<br />

using a pen or pencil liner instead! Liquid<br />

liner can be a bit tricky to apply, and<br />

definitely require a good bit of practice.<br />

Pen and pencil liners are much easy<br />

to apply, and tend to have a<br />

longer shelf life than most<br />

liquid liners.<br />

You might also<br />

consider trying a<br />

gel eyeliner. Like a<br />

pencil<br />

liner,<br />

a gel<br />

liner is<br />

easy to apply.<br />

But, like a liquid<br />

liner, a gel<br />

liner is able to<br />

create a more<br />

dramatic and<br />

dark line.<br />

You could<br />

also try, my<br />

personal favorite,<br />

a powder eyeliner.<br />

Most comparable to<br />

a pencil liner, a powder<br />

liner is quick and easy to use. It’s<br />

perfect for those who desire a polished yet<br />

subtle look.<br />

13. Prevent the Problem<br />

Did you know that the area surrounding<br />

your eyes is the first to show signs of<br />

aging? When it comes to eye creams and<br />

moisturizers, sooner is always better. It<br />

is much easier to prevent wrinkles now,<br />

rather than repair them later. Eye creams<br />

lock in moisture, which reduces the<br />

appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. You<br />

should start using eye cream in your 20’s, if<br />

not sooner. This is especially critical if you<br />

have a dry skin type or dark circles.<br />

While using an eye cream is important,<br />

don’t be fooled into thinking that<br />

you need to purchase a fancy<br />

or expensive product.<br />

Any moisturizer<br />

(including coconut<br />

oil) will be affective<br />

in maintaining<br />

moisture around<br />

your eyes.<br />

Antioxidants, such<br />

as vitamin C, can<br />

also help prevent<br />

the breakdown of<br />

collagen over time.<br />

14. Diet Matters<br />

Looking good is about more than<br />

taking care of your body, externally. Shiny<br />

hair and strong nails are signs of a healthy<br />

body. The healthier you are, on the inside,<br />

the healthier you will look, on the outside!<br />

If you want to look and feel good, eating<br />

a well-balanced diet, rich in vitamins and<br />

nutrients, is a great start.<br />

Vitamin H can improve splitting or<br />

thinning hair, and helps to strengthen nails.<br />

To encourage hair growth, try consuming<br />

more vitamin B. Eggs, almonds, avocados,<br />

and salmon, are all great sources. If you<br />

suffer from hang nails, consider increasing<br />

your vitamin C intake, or consuming more<br />

citrus fruits.<br />

15. Be Thirsty…in a Good Way<br />

A desire to learn is a never bad thing.<br />

Help change the “thirsty” stereotype into<br />

a positive by thirsting for knowledge…not<br />

attention. The next time you find yourself<br />

at the salon or beauty parlor, don’t be afraid<br />

to ask a professional for advice.<br />

Ask them what they recommend for you,<br />

as well as their own personal preferences. If<br />

you are concerned about the price of their<br />

recommendations, be honest, and say so.<br />

Often times, a similar, yet more reasonably<br />

priced product, can be recommended as<br />

a substitute. Keep an open mind, when<br />

receiving professional advice, and be<br />

willing to try new things. You just might<br />

surprise yourself!<br />

Article by: Kriste Kephart<br />


What makes you IT?<br />

“ I think I could be IT because I’m very easy to work with<br />

and I love doing new things. I’ve always been told I’m a<br />

natural when it comes to taking pictures.”<br />

What made you decide to start modeling?<br />

“I have always watched America’s Next Top Model<br />

and it always made me want to model. It fascinated<br />

me, and I just wanted to try it.”<br />

What’s something you can’t live without?<br />

“Something I couldn’t live without is my mom. She’s my<br />

rock. I wouldn’t trade her for the world. She’s always<br />

there when I need her, and she always supports me.”<br />

What is your favorite class in school?<br />

“My favorite class in school would probably have to be<br />

English. I enjoy writing and learning about things that<br />

were written in the past.”<br />

Do you have any pets?<br />

“ I have 7 pets. 3 dogs and 4 cats.”<br />

What was one of your dreams as a child?<br />

“As a child, I always wanted to be a vet or a nurse.”<br />

What is your favorite holiday?<br />

“My favorite holiday is Christmas because it’s during the<br />

winter, and I love the snow and playing in the snow. It just<br />

all in all makes me excited.”<br />



With 1.79 billion active users, Facebook is the leading social<br />

media platform in the world. It’s a great way to stay up<br />

to date with family and friends, share cute photos of your fur<br />

babies, meet new people, and even grow and audience for<br />

your business or trade. However, are people taking it too far?<br />

Usage of the social platform has been fueled<br />

by gratification from “likes” and peoples’<br />

competitive nature. Users are starting to compare<br />

their lives, attractiveness, financial stance, and<br />

intelligence with others, turning what seems like<br />

harmless internet usage into an actual addition.<br />

The amount of time each Facebook user spends<br />

online has continued to grow over the years. But, how<br />

much time is this, exactly? The average user spends<br />

50 minutes a day on Facebook. That may not sound<br />

like much, but when you think about how much free<br />

time you have each day, you might change your mind.<br />

The recommended amount of sleep an adult should<br />

get each night is 8 hours, and a full time employee<br />

will work 8 hours a day. That’s 16 hours of your day<br />

already, with another 50 minutes taken from Facebook.<br />

How is the rest of your day spent? According to the<br />

Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average time spent<br />

watching television and movies is 2.8 hours a day…<br />

Eating and drinking – 1.07 hours<br />

Reading – 19 minutes<br />

Exercise – 17 minutes<br />

Social events – 4 minutes<br />

Are you addicted to<br />

Facebook?<br />

The average person spends more time on Facebook than<br />

reading, exercising or socializing in real life events. So, are you<br />

addicted to Facebook?<br />

Researcher in Norway, Dr. Cecilie<br />

Andraessen and colleagues, have<br />

made a psychological scale,<br />

measuring Facebook addiction. This<br />

measure is called BFAS, Bergen<br />

Facebook Addiction Scale.<br />


To take the quiz,<br />

answer each question<br />

with 1-5, then tally<br />

your answers!<br />

1. You spend a lot of time thinking<br />

about Facebook or planning how to<br />

use it.<br />

1 = Very rarely<br />

2 = Rarely<br />

3 = Sometimes<br />

4 = Often<br />

5 = Very often<br />

2. You feel an urge to use Facebook<br />

more and more.<br />

1 = Very rarely<br />

2 = Rarely<br />

3 = Sometimes<br />

4 = Often<br />

5 = Very often<br />

3. You use Facebook in order to<br />

forget about personal problems.<br />

1 = Very rarely<br />

2 = Rarely<br />

3 = Sometimes<br />

4 = Often<br />

5 = Very often<br />

6-16 points<br />

Normal<br />

4. You have tried to cut down on the<br />

use of Facebook without success.<br />

1 = Very rarely<br />

2 = Rarely<br />

3 = Sometimes<br />

4 = Often<br />

5 = Very often<br />

5. You become restless or troubled<br />

if you are prohibited from using<br />

Facebook.<br />

1 = Very rarely<br />

2 = Rarely<br />

3 = Sometimes<br />

4 = Often<br />

5 = Very often<br />

6. You use Facebook so much that it<br />

has had a negative impact on your<br />

job/studies.<br />

1 = Very rarely<br />

2 = Rarely<br />

3 = Sometimes<br />

4 = Often<br />

5 = Very often<br />

17-20 points<br />

Possible Facebook Addict<br />

21+ points<br />

Facebook Addict<br />

If you think you could possibly be<br />

addicted to Facebook, try to be more<br />

conscious of how often you use it.<br />

Deleting the app from your mobile<br />

device may prove to be a helpful first<br />

step. You may also consider setting a<br />

time limit for yourself. However, this<br />

must be enforced, and will require a<br />

lot of self-control and discipline on<br />

your part.<br />

Taking a few small steps to<br />

becoming less indulgent on social<br />

media will prove to have lasting<br />

benefits. You may find you have<br />

more free time to enjoy personal<br />

relationships, discover new hobbies<br />

and interests, or simply be able to<br />

enjoy real life socializing, without<br />

digital detachment. Time is precious,<br />

and a lot can be accomplished with<br />

an extra 50 minutes a day. Don’t<br />

let “following” somebody else’s life<br />

distract you from living yours. How<br />

will you choose to spend your extra<br />

time?<br />

Article by: Maria Dininno<br />


Winfrida<br />

Metili<br />


~ Modeling Submission<br />


Tell us a little about yoursself:<br />

“My name is Winfrida Metili, I am a trend setter and a<br />

fashion lover. I am 22 years of age.”<br />

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?<br />

“ I see myself as a succesfull model in five years. I work<br />

hard and I have passion in what am doing.”<br />

What makes you IT?<br />

“The thing which makes me IT is I love fashion<br />

magazines and appearing on a magazine is a huge<br />

thing. I am proud to expose myself as a model.”<br />

Do you have any hobbies?<br />

“My hobbies are swimming,watching movies<br />

and making new friends.”<br />

What is your favorite quote?<br />

“My favorite quote is, “Earth has no sorrow<br />

that heaven cannot heal.”<br />

Who is your biggest supporter?<br />

“My biggest supporter is my mother.”<br />

What was one of your dreams as a child?<br />

“When I was a child, my dream was always to become<br />

someone in my community and make my parents proud.”<br />

What advice do you have for other models?<br />

“My advice to other models is to never give up on<br />

whatever obstacles they pass through. Remember<br />

nothing good comes easy. Keep on working hard. There<br />

will be a pay for all early mornings and late nights.”<br />


A Penny Saved is<br />

a Penny Earned<br />

“Penny Pinching Pointers”<br />

For many young adults, attaining<br />

financial stability is no easy task. After<br />

paying rent and living expenses, there’s<br />

very little left over, which makes it<br />

difficult to establish any kind of savings.<br />

Furthermore, many young adults are still<br />

learning how to manage their finances.<br />

It’s easy to spend too much on frivolous<br />

items or to keep increasing your credit<br />

card debt.<br />

But, being a young adult is also the best<br />

time to set your own financial goals, and<br />

start achieving them. Regardless of where<br />

you stand in your life financially, it is<br />

always possible to turn your financial<br />

frowns upside down!<br />

While these penny pinching pointers may<br />

not be miracle workers, they will add up,<br />

and make a difference over time. Most<br />

of these suggestions take only minutes,<br />

and they are all easily attainable.<br />

Implementing just a few money saving<br />

tips into your everyday life, can make<br />

a world of difference. After just a few<br />

months, you are likely to find yourself<br />

saving more money than you ever<br />

thought possible. All it takes is that first<br />

baby step in the right direction.<br />

1. Bank Account Perks<br />

If you’re paying regular fees for your<br />

current bank account, you could benefit<br />

from researching some new offers. Many<br />

banks will offer a sign-up bonus for<br />

opening an account or setting up direct<br />

deposit. Some will even offer low interest<br />

rates to new customers.<br />

2. Too Much T.V.<br />

One way to save<br />

money is to cut<br />

down on the<br />

amount of television<br />

you watch. There<br />

are a lot of financial<br />

benefits to this. From less exposure<br />

to spending-inducing ads, to a lower<br />

electric bill, and perhaps a lower cable<br />

bill if you downgrade your subscription.<br />

Additionally, you will have more time to<br />

focus on other, more important, things in<br />

life. If you’re willing to go the extra mile,<br />

consider cutting the cable cord altogether.<br />

This can easily save you $100 or more<br />

each month!<br />

3. Clean Out Your Closet<br />

Go through your closets and find<br />

anything you no longer use. But,<br />

don’t just toss it! You can have<br />

a yard sale, sell on eBay or<br />

Craigslist, or even donate it<br />


for a tax deduction. It’s often a load off your<br />

mind too. Why throw away savings? Turn your<br />

old junk into new money.<br />

4. Don’t Buy! DIY!<br />

If you want to save money around the<br />

holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions,<br />

homemade gifts is the way to go. Try crafts<br />

such as cake and cocoa mixes, candles,<br />

homemade<br />

desserts,<br />

soaps,<br />

and<br />

so much more can all be made at home<br />

for a fraction of the price. Plus, homemade<br />

gifts have your special, personal, touch, and<br />

that’s something you can’t buy from any<br />

store or website.<br />

5. The 10 Second Rule<br />

While shopping, anytime you pick up an<br />

item, or add an item to your cart, stop for 10<br />

seconds or so and ask yourself, “Why am I<br />

buying this?” or “Do I really need that?”<br />

If you can’t find a good answer or reason<br />

to purchase an item, put it back. This<br />

will help to keeps you from impulse<br />

buying.<br />

6. Home Cooked Meals<br />

Cooking at home is much<br />

easier than you think, and<br />

way cheaper and healthier<br />

than take-out or dining<br />

out. Even better, you<br />

can easily prepare meals<br />

in advance. Casseroles<br />

are nice, easy dishes to<br />

prepare. Make a few<br />

batches and freeze<br />

for a quick and<br />

easy meal in<br />

the future.<br />

Preparing<br />

a few<br />

casseroles or meals at once allows you to<br />

buy the ingredients in bulk, which means<br />

additional savings.<br />

7. Quit Smoking<br />

If you’re a smoker, you know that your<br />

habit is not only expensive, but potentially.<br />

Ditching the cigarettes will add years to your<br />

life and save you a ton of money. You could<br />

try to quit cold turkey, or try an anti-smoking<br />

product. Whichever path you choose, you<br />

will be much better off. Both your wallet and<br />

your lungs will thank you!<br />

8. Cut Coupons<br />

To save as much money as possible, use<br />

the coupons in your grocery store flyer.<br />

Doing so can help you save through the<br />

initial sale savings and through the use of<br />

coupons. Additionally, consider trying the<br />

store brands or buying generic. You’ll save<br />

a few cents at the time, but you’ll also likely<br />

discover that the store brands and generic<br />

brands are just as good as name brand. You’ll<br />

likely find your regular grocery bill getting<br />

smaller and smaller once you begin buying<br />

the cheaper brands.<br />

9. Lights Out<br />

Keeping the lights on in your home does cost<br />

money over time. To save as much as you can,<br />

turn off lights any time you leave your house,<br />

or even when you leave a room. Turning off<br />

lights during the daytime can also help keep<br />

your electric bill down over a period of time.<br />

The bottom line is if you aren’t using a light,<br />

turn it off. Otherwise, you are merely paying<br />

more for carelessness.<br />

10. Gently Used<br />

You can often find the exact item you<br />

want with a bit of clever shopping<br />

at gently used equipment<br />

and department stores.<br />

Make these shops a part<br />

of your normal routine.<br />

Go there first when<br />

looking for potential<br />

items, and you will<br />

certainly notice the<br />

savings. Clothes, for<br />

example, often cost<br />

pennies on the dollar<br />

when bought used, even if<br />

they were only worn once. By<br />

buying used most of the time, you<br />

can save a ton of cash.<br />

Article by: Maria Dininno<br />



Daisy<br />

Do you have any advice for other women?<br />

“You can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it.<br />

It doesn’t matter if you’re a female or male. Everything<br />

happens for reason even if we don’t want it to. Keep<br />

moving forward, and enjoy every step of the way to<br />

your journey to success.”<br />

What would you do with 10 million dollars?<br />

“If I was blessed to have 10 million dollars, I would<br />

invest at least 25% in stocks. I would also create<br />

my own makeup line. I plan on owning multiple<br />

businesses and being my own boss. I plan on taking<br />

care of my family in the future and supporting them<br />

every step of the way.”<br />

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?<br />

“I see myself living in Los Angeles doing the things I<br />

love, which is modeling, and being a makeup artist!”<br />

What’s something people wouldn’t guess about you?<br />

“That I’m a tom boy, and a girly girl ! (Yes, you can be both!)”<br />

What made you decide to start modeling?<br />

“Modeling has ALWAYS been a passion of mine ever since I was<br />

probably 10 years old. I’m blessed to be where I’m at right now !”<br />

Do you have any hobbies?<br />

“My hobbies are all over the place, but I love to<br />

skateboard in the summer! “<br />

What is your favorite movie?<br />

“My favorite movie has to be ‘The Parent Trap’ with Lindsay<br />

Lohan. I’ve probably watched it about a hundred times.”<br />

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?<br />

“ If I could travel anywhere it’ll probably be Thailand. It’s<br />

so beautiful over there, and the food looks amazing!”<br />



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