Jan 25 to Jan 31, 2017! DDG THIS WEEK Hot in Gay Palm Springs.

Get ready for the upcoming Steve Chase Awards 2017 Art for Auction, which will bring artists together in benefit for the Desert Aids Project. Your Desert Daily Guide, the DDG is the only source for up to date hour by hour weekly LGBT schedule for Arts - Entertainment and Business. Enjoy the life! The Greater Palm Springs area. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside! Get ready for the upcoming Steve Chase Awards 2017 Art for Auction, which will bring artists together in benefit for the Desert Aids Project. Your Desert Daily Guide, the DDG is the only source for up to date hour by hour weekly LGBT schedule for Arts - Entertainment and Business. Enjoy the life! The Greater Palm Springs area. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside!

from desertdailyguide More from this publisher

Contact Inside This Week’s Issue MAP Page 35 “Daily What’s Happening” Page 12 “DDG BUSINESS DIRECTORY” Page 29 26 Adams ArtExpos’e 29 Shopping 38 Classifieds 29 Gay Resorts 42 GayDGets & Threads 34 GROUPS/HELP 44 Jersey’s Journal 38 Massage Directory 33 Quote of the week 47 THE LAST WORD by Greg Pettis 03 LOCAL NOTES 30 The Center Schedule 45 Weekly Guide to Stars Publisher: Will Paige Editor: Adrian Ayala Sales Manager Melinda Tremaglio 760-333-8304 888-743-3349 National Representatives Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863 Contributing Writers Jersey Shore, Will Paige, Adrian Ayala Greg Pettis Richard Noble Contributing Photographers Marko Russell, Mike Thomas, Frank Failing, David Stanfield Volume 22, Issue 30 Jan 25 - Jan 31, 2017 STEVE CHASE AWARDS 2017 ART FOR AUCTION FEBRUARY 11TH “P.S I LOVE YOU” BY CURRY MENDES Desert Daily Guide is published by the DDG Media Group. Advertisers, or other interested persons may write to DDG Media Group, Activities and Entertainment Guide Division, Mailing and office address: 1717 E Vista Chino A7-480, Palm Springs, CA 92262 or call 888-743-3349 or 760-913-3340 or FAX 844-800-9700 Opinions expressed in the DDG columns do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the DDG, its staff, or its advertisers, with the exception of the Desert Daily Guide Editorial Staff. DDG is not responsible for claims made by its advertisers, or the products or services they offer. Listings, pictures, or advertisements in the DDG should not be construed to represent or reflect the sexual orientation of any business, its owners, or its staff. All events are subject to change without notice. Any omissions of events are not intentional. © 2017 DDG Media Group , Inc. All Rights Reserved. will@desertdailyguide.com 888-743-3349 SEE PAGE 26 FROM PAGE 2 DDG Media Group 1717 E Vista Chino A7-480 Palm Springs California 92262 Note: The DDG no longer uses the production facility at 531 Industrial Place 8 Your weekly LGBT Gay Desert Guide. View our Free Digital Version on-line.

I write all the time - I write poetry, I love to write. Colin Quinn 9

Contact<br />

Inside This Week’s Issue<br />

MAP Page 35<br />

“Daily What’s Happen<strong>in</strong>g” Page 12<br />

“<strong>DDG</strong> BUSINESS DIRECTORY” Page 29<br />

26 Adams ArtExpos’e<br />

29 Shopp<strong>in</strong>g<br />

38 Classifieds<br />

29 <strong>Gay</strong> Resorts<br />

42 <strong>Gay</strong>DGets & Threads<br />

34 GROUPS/HELP<br />

44 Jersey’s Journal<br />

38 Massage Direc<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

33 Quote of the week<br />

47 THE LAST WORD by Greg Pettis<br />

03 LOCAL NOTES<br />

30 The Center Schedule<br />

45 Weekly Guide <strong>to</strong> Stars<br />

Publisher: Will Paige<br />

Edi<strong>to</strong>r: Adrian Ayala<br />

Sales Manager<br />

Mel<strong>in</strong>da Tremaglio 760-333-8304<br />

888-743-3349<br />

National Representatives<br />

Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863<br />

Contribut<strong>in</strong>g Writers<br />

Jersey Shore, Will Paige, Adrian Ayala<br />

Greg Pettis Richard Noble<br />

Contribut<strong>in</strong>g Pho<strong>to</strong>graphers<br />

Marko Russell, Mike Thomas, Frank Fail<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

David Stanfield<br />

Volume 22,<br />

Issue 30<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> <strong>25</strong> -<br />

<strong>Jan</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2017</strong><br />


<strong>2017</strong><br />



“P.S I LOVE YOU” BY<br />


Desert Daily Guide is published by the<br />

<strong>DDG</strong> Media Group.<br />

Advertisers, or other <strong>in</strong>terested persons may<br />

write <strong>to</strong> <strong>DDG</strong> Media Group, Activities and Enterta<strong>in</strong>ment<br />

Guide Division, Mail<strong>in</strong>g and office<br />

address: 1717 E Vista Ch<strong>in</strong>o A7-480,<br />

<strong>Palm</strong> Spr<strong>in</strong>gs, CA 92262 or call 888-743-3349 or<br />

760-913-3340 or FAX 844-800-9700<br />

Op<strong>in</strong>ions expressed <strong>in</strong> the <strong>DDG</strong> columns do not<br />

necessarily reflect the op<strong>in</strong>ion of the <strong>DDG</strong>, its<br />

staff, or its advertisers, with the exception of the<br />

Desert Daily Guide Edi<strong>to</strong>rial Staff. <strong>DDG</strong> is not responsible<br />

for claims made by its advertisers, or the products<br />

or services they offer. List<strong>in</strong>gs, pictures, or advertisements <strong>in</strong><br />

the <strong>DDG</strong> should not be construed <strong>to</strong> represent or reflect the<br />

sexual orientation of any bus<strong>in</strong>ess, its owners, or its staff. All<br />

events are subject <strong>to</strong> change without notice. Any omissions<br />

of events are not <strong>in</strong>tentional. © <strong>2017</strong> <strong>DDG</strong> Media Group , Inc.<br />

All Rights Reserved. will@desertdailyguide.com<br />

888-743-3349<br />

SEE PAGE 26<br />

FROM PAGE 2<br />

<strong>DDG</strong> Media Group 1717 E Vista Ch<strong>in</strong>o A7-480 <strong>Palm</strong> Spr<strong>in</strong>gs California 92262<br />

Note: The <strong>DDG</strong> no longer uses the production facility at 5<strong>31</strong> Industrial Place<br />

8 Your weekly LGBT <strong>Gay</strong> Desert Guide. View our Free Digital Version on-l<strong>in</strong>e.

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