Jan 25 to Jan 31, 2017! DDG THIS WEEK Hot in Gay Palm Springs.

Get ready for the upcoming Steve Chase Awards 2017 Art for Auction, which will bring artists together in benefit for the Desert Aids Project. Your Desert Daily Guide, the DDG is the only source for up to date hour by hour weekly LGBT schedule for Arts - Entertainment and Business. Enjoy the life! The Greater Palm Springs area. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside! Get ready for the upcoming Steve Chase Awards 2017 Art for Auction, which will bring artists together in benefit for the Desert Aids Project. Your Desert Daily Guide, the DDG is the only source for up to date hour by hour weekly LGBT schedule for Arts - Entertainment and Business. Enjoy the life! The Greater Palm Springs area. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside!

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California Desert Chorale Season Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 3:00 p.m To purchase tickets and for a variety of ways to support the California Desert Chorale, call 760-346-4933 or visit the chorale’s website www.CaliforniaDesertChorale.org. Coachella Valley Symphony Piano Forte II Piano Forte II The Coachella Valley Symphony and the Steinway Society of Riverside County Concerto Winners January 29, 2017 3:00 p.m. Tickets $45, $35 and $25 The Coachella Valley Symphony and the Steinway Society of Riverside County present the winners from the 2016 Concerto Competition. Three pianists from the Junior and Senior level will perform their winning concerto selected from the standard repertoire. Palm Springs Gay Mens Chorus 2017 February 25-26 April 22-23 6 Your weekly LGBT Gay Desert Guide. View our Free Digital Version on-line.

No great intellectual thing was ever done by great effort. Theodore Roosevelt 7

No great <strong>in</strong>tellectual th<strong>in</strong>g was ever done by great effort.<br />

Theodore Roosevelt<br />


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