Jan 25 to Jan 31, 2017! DDG THIS WEEK Hot in Gay Palm Springs.

Get ready for the upcoming Steve Chase Awards 2017 Art for Auction, which will bring artists together in benefit for the Desert Aids Project. Your Desert Daily Guide, the DDG is the only source for up to date hour by hour weekly LGBT schedule for Arts - Entertainment and Business. Enjoy the life! The Greater Palm Springs area. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside! Get ready for the upcoming Steve Chase Awards 2017 Art for Auction, which will bring artists together in benefit for the Desert Aids Project. Your Desert Daily Guide, the DDG is the only source for up to date hour by hour weekly LGBT schedule for Arts - Entertainment and Business. Enjoy the life! The Greater Palm Springs area. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside!

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JERSEY’S JOURNAL by jersey Shore As I frequently bitch and complain about those people who are just egotistic and evil, I cannot forget about the other side of the spectrum. The nice people. The energy from the Neg Bots overpowers the positive responses toward life. So, with that said. The winners of the 2016 Award for Human Kindness goes out to you. You know who you are. No, not you! Not you either! But you over there in the red...YES! You, behind him...YES! For you. People are delusional. They seriously believe they are not horrible people. Hypocrites. I’m the one dealing with mental illness, just call me crazy, they make me seem saner than a piece of wood? So, thank you. Next time you discuss my mental health in a public forum, please remember if that is how you live, then you must be the one with the illness. Hypocrisy is an illness. Bullying is an illness. Hate is an illness. Illnesses need to be cured. And these illnesses have a very simple cure. Love. You don’t need Obama Care or an overpriced Kaiser insurance. You don’t need Medi-Medi, because love is free. Love is like a Canadian Health Plan. And if you just want to LIKE someone, you can always go over the border to Mexico for a cure and some Xanax. So, chill out and enjoy. Breathe and relax. Untighten that sphincter muscle just a bit. Maybe you can fart out all negative feelings, or just get a dog. Pot helps me deal with the Neg Bots. It’s going to be an emotional New Year, so do as Frankie says and RELAX! Let people be people. Quit judging and hating so I can stop writing about this topic. I was going to tell you about Brent. Brent can’t fit in the glory hole. Peace, love, and Brent, Jersey 44 Your weekly LGBT Gay Desert Guide. View our Free Digital Version on-line.

Change alone is unchanging. Heraclitus 45

JERSEY’S JOURNAL by jersey Shore<br />

As I frequently bitch and compla<strong>in</strong> about<br />

those people who are just egotistic and evil,<br />

I cannot forget about the other side of the<br />

spectrum. The nice people. The energy<br />

from the Neg Bots overpowers the positive<br />

responses <strong>to</strong>ward life. So, with that said.<br />

The w<strong>in</strong>ners of the 2016 Award for Human<br />

K<strong>in</strong>dness goes out <strong>to</strong> you. You know who<br />

you are. No, not you! Not you either! But<br />

you over there <strong>in</strong> the red...YES! You, beh<strong>in</strong>d<br />

him...YES! For you.<br />

People are delusional. They seriously believe<br />

they are not horrible people. Hypocrites. I’m<br />

the one deal<strong>in</strong>g with mental illness, just call<br />

me crazy, they make me seem saner than a<br />

piece of wood? So, thank you. Next time you<br />

discuss my mental health <strong>in</strong> a public forum,<br />

please remember if that is how you live,<br />

then you must be the one with the illness.<br />

Hypocrisy is an illness. Bully<strong>in</strong>g is an illness.<br />

Hate is an illness. Illnesses need <strong>to</strong> be cured.<br />

And these illnesses have a very simple cure.<br />

Love.<br />

You don’t need Obama Care or an overpriced<br />

Kaiser <strong>in</strong>surance. You don’t need<br />

Medi-Medi, because love is free. Love is like<br />

a Canadian Health Plan. And if you just<br />

want <strong>to</strong> LIKE someone, you can always go<br />

over the border <strong>to</strong> Mexico for a cure and<br />

some Xanax.<br />

So, chill out and enjoy. Breathe and relax.<br />

Untighten that sph<strong>in</strong>cter muscle just a bit.<br />

Maybe you can fart out all negative feel<strong>in</strong>gs,<br />

or just get a dog. Pot helps me deal with the<br />

Neg Bots. It’s go<strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> be an emotional New<br />

Year, so do as Frankie says and RELAX! Let<br />

people be people. Quit judg<strong>in</strong>g and hat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

so I can s<strong>to</strong>p writ<strong>in</strong>g about this <strong>to</strong>pic. I was<br />

go<strong>in</strong>g <strong>to</strong> tell you about Brent. Brent can’t fit<br />

<strong>in</strong> the glory hole.<br />

Peace, love, and Brent,<br />

Jersey<br />

44 Your weekly LGBT <strong>Gay</strong> Desert Guide. View our Free Digital Version on-l<strong>in</strong>e.

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