Jan 25 to Jan 31, 2017! DDG THIS WEEK Hot in Gay Palm Springs.

Get ready for the upcoming Steve Chase Awards 2017 Art for Auction, which will bring artists together in benefit for the Desert Aids Project. Your Desert Daily Guide, the DDG is the only source for up to date hour by hour weekly LGBT schedule for Arts - Entertainment and Business. Enjoy the life! The Greater Palm Springs area. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside! Get ready for the upcoming Steve Chase Awards 2017 Art for Auction, which will bring artists together in benefit for the Desert Aids Project. Your Desert Daily Guide, the DDG is the only source for up to date hour by hour weekly LGBT schedule for Arts - Entertainment and Business. Enjoy the life! The Greater Palm Springs area. Proudly celebrating 22 years of service to the community! Discover GAY life with the oldest LGBT magazine! Best bets this week in Gay Palm Springs California, Gay resorts. Bars, Restaurants and happenings. Plus local city maps and more! The official guide to Gay Palm Springs for 22 years. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay friendly events parties and more. Mostly gay but it’s all inside!

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GAYDGETS & THREADS ADRIAN’S PICKS FOR THE MAN THAT NEEDS EVERYTHING. AN IRREVERENT LOOK AT THE COMMERCIAL WONDERS OF THE WORLD. THE WEEK: NEW YORK #1 Nintendo New York Sweater Located in Manhattan’s historic Rockefeller Center, Nintendo NY is your very own Warp Pipe into the Mushroom Kingdom and beyond! With 10,000 square feet of dedicated gaming goodness spread over 2 floors, you can check out new and exciting titles headed to Wii U console and the Nintendo 3DS family of handheld systems. Sweater is IN-STORE ONLY Price: $39.99 More Info At: NintendoNYC.com Adrian at Nintendo Store NY. NY #2 Banana Youkai by Katherine Tang Remove the peel for a real banana surprise! PRICE: $49.00 Toytokyo.com #3 Valentine’s Pin Set 5-Pack Attached to perforated Valentine’s Day Cards. PRICE: $20.00 Pokemoncenter.com #4 Rilakkuma Bunny Ear Plush Conjunction of Japanese pronunciation of relax and the Japanese word for bear. PRICE: $12.99 Toysrus.com 42 Your weekly LGBT Gay Desert Guide. View our Free Digital Version on-line.

THAT IS FUNNY BY ADRIAN Little Johnny once bought his Grandma a very nice, luxurious toilet brush for her birthday. But when he went to visit her a couple of weeks later, it wasn’t in the bathroom. Little Johnny asked his Grandma, “Gran, what happened to the toilet brush I gave you?” “Darling, I’m sorry but I just didn’t like it. It was too scratchy. After all those years, I’ve gotten used to the toilet paper.” Little Johnny walks a cow through the village square. The mayor sees him and asks, “Hey Johnny, where are you going with the cow?” “I’m taking her to the bulls so she would get pregnant,” answers Johnny. The mayor is shocked, “Surely your father had better be doing that?” Little Johnny thinks about it for a bit and shakes his head, “Nah, I think it’s really best left with the bulls.” Knowledge is love and light and vision. Helen Keller Hooking...UP 1 It will take 15-20 emails to set something up 2. After viewing their photo, ask for more, but don’t send any photos or info 3. When sucking me off, just as I’m about to cum, stop and tell me you don’t swallow 4. Even though ad says for right now, ask if can do it a week from now 5. Why send any info other then a picture of your dick 6. use photos that are 5+ years old 7.Want my phone # so we can start texting each other 8. Tell everyone you’re curious and never done this before 8.You can’t host, but suggest a park or bathroom 9. Live in the IE ask for a ride. 10. On my way over email me to cancel because your roommate just came home 13. When you arrive, say you really just want to cuddle 14. You have been celibate for 2 years and ready now to have sex 15. You really want to take photos/video of you while sucking me 16. Ask to see my drivers license when I get there 17. You’re Canadian and want to chat. 18. Ask for $$$ after we’ve set everything up 43


Little Johnny once bought his Grandma a very nice, luxurious <strong>to</strong>ilet brush for her<br />

birthday. But when he went <strong>to</strong> visit her a couple of weeks later, it wasn’t <strong>in</strong> the bathroom.<br />

Little Johnny asked his Grandma, “Gran, what happened <strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>ilet brush I<br />

gave you?”<br />

“Darl<strong>in</strong>g, I’m sorry but I just didn’t like it. It was <strong>to</strong>o scratchy. After all those<br />

years, I’ve gotten used <strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>ilet paper.”<br />

Little Johnny walks a cow through the village square. The mayor sees him and asks,<br />

“Hey Johnny, where are you go<strong>in</strong>g with the cow?”<br />

“I’m tak<strong>in</strong>g her <strong>to</strong> the bulls so she would get pregnant,” answers Johnny.<br />

The mayor is shocked, “Surely your father had better be do<strong>in</strong>g that?”<br />

Little Johnny th<strong>in</strong>ks about it for a bit and shakes his head, “Nah, I th<strong>in</strong>k it’s really<br />

best left with the bulls.”<br />

Knowledge is love and light and vision.<br />

Helen Keller<br />

Hook<strong>in</strong>g...UP<br />

1 It will take 15-20 emails <strong>to</strong> set someth<strong>in</strong>g<br />

up<br />

2. After view<strong>in</strong>g their pho<strong>to</strong>, ask for<br />

more, but don’t send any pho<strong>to</strong>s or <strong>in</strong>fo<br />

3. When suck<strong>in</strong>g me off, just as I’m<br />

about <strong>to</strong> cum, s<strong>to</strong>p and tell me you don’t<br />

swallow<br />

4. Even though ad says for right now,<br />

ask if can do it a week from now<br />

5. Why send any <strong>in</strong>fo other then a picture<br />

of your dick<br />

6. use pho<strong>to</strong>s that are 5+ years old<br />

7.Want my phone # so we can start text<strong>in</strong>g<br />

each other<br />

8. Tell everyone you’re curious and never<br />

done this before<br />

8.You can’t host, but suggest a park or<br />

bathroom<br />

9. Live <strong>in</strong> the IE ask for a ride.<br />

10. On my way over email me <strong>to</strong> cancel<br />

because your roommate just came home<br />

13. When you arrive, say you really just<br />

want <strong>to</strong> cuddle<br />

14. You have been celibate for 2 years<br />

and ready now <strong>to</strong> have sex<br />

15. You really want <strong>to</strong> take pho<strong>to</strong>s/video<br />

of you while suck<strong>in</strong>g me<br />

16. Ask <strong>to</strong> see my drivers license when I<br />

get there<br />

17. You’re Canadian and want <strong>to</strong> chat.<br />

18. Ask for $$$ after we’ve set everyth<strong>in</strong>g<br />

up<br />


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