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01 GLOBAL OVERVIEW Seasonal storage of heat generated by renewable energy for district heating systems (heat is fed in the summer, taken out in winter) also has been deployed in a number of cases. 206 Borehole thermal storage from solar collectors has been implemented in Canada, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden, and a number of demonstration projects have been implemented in Australia, China and France. 207 On a smaller scale, solar PV is being combined with heat pump systems, which provide storage and enable increased on-site consumption of the renewable energy generated. 208 Solar technologies have accounted for the majority of renewable energy used to meet cooling demand in recent years. The growth rate of the global solar cooling market has fluctuated, averaging approximately 6% between 2010 and 2014. 209 Although there is a niche market for medium-sized capacity installations (e.g., in hotels and hospitals, especially on islands where fuel must be imported), widespread deployment has stagnated due to relatively high system costs, space requirements and the complexity of solar thermal-based cooling, especially for small-capacity systems. 210 Solar-based cooling discussions are shifting increasingly to integrated solar PV-driven systems, as the technology progresses in the research and development (R&D) stage. 211 Bioenergy-based cooling – for example, via connection to adsorption chillers – remains in the R&D stage, with very little practical implementation due to high comparative cost. 212 There also is growing interest in district cooling systems, spurred by an increasing demand for cooling. 213 Growth in district cooling in the Middle East, namely in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, has surpassed other world regions. There was, however, also noteworthy development in Australia, the Republic of Korea and Singapore in 2015. 214 Such systems offer opportunities for integration of renewable energy, although their deployment is as yet rare. 215 In general, deployment of renewable technologies in the heating and cooling markets continued to be constrained by a limited awareness of the technologies, the distributed nature of consumption and fragmentation of the heating market, comparatively low fossil fuel prices, ongoing fossil fuel subsidies and a comparative lack of policy support. 216 Despite challenges to renewable heating and cooling markets in 2015, there were international signals that awareness and political support for related technologies may be growing. A number of INDCs delivered to the UNFCCC for COP21 specifically mention goals to expand the use and manufacture of renewable heating technologies. 217 In addition, the European Commission continued to develop its first strategy for heating and cooling in 2015 (launched in early 2016) with plans to boost energy efficiency in buildings and increase the use of renewable energy in the heating and cooling sector. 218 The development of this strategy – one of the first of its kind – demonstrates a growing awareness of the potential of renewable heating and cooling. TRANSPORT SECTOR Global consumption of energy in transport has increased by an average of 2% annually since 2000 and accounts for about 28% of overall energy consumption. 219 Most of the total transport energy demand (around 60%) is for passenger transport, a majority of which is for passenger cars. 220 Road transport also accounts for a majority (around 67%) of freight transport, with shipping (23%) and rail (4%) accounting for smaller shares. 221 Renewable energy accounted for an estimated 4% of global road transport fuel in 2015. 222 There are three main entry points for renewable energy in the transport sector: the use of 100% liquid biofuels or biofuels blended with conventional fuels; the growing role of natural gas vehicles and infrastructure that can be fuelled with gaseous biofuels; and the increasing electrification of transportation. Renewable energy use in transport received increasing international attention in 2015. Many countries pledged in their INDCs to “decarbonise fuel”, focusing largely on passenger transport. 223 (p See Sidebar 4 in Policy Landscape chapter.) The Partnership for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport, a multistakeholder partnership of more than 90 organisations, and the Global Fuel Economy Initiative continued work towards lowcarbon (including renewable), efficient transport in 2015. 224 Liquid biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel) represent the vast majority of the renewable share of global energy demand for transport. In 2015, ethanol production increased 4%, whereas global biodiesel production fell slightly (less than 1%). 225 Although low oil prices negatively affected some sectors in 2015 (particularly heating and cooling), liquid biofuel markets were somewhat sheltered in many countries thanks to blending mandates. 226 (RSee Reference Table R3.) Regional trends include: n North America: In the United States, the world’s largest biofuel producer, after long delays and lapses the biofuel industry received positive signals from policy makers in 2015. Ethanol production (based largely on maize) rose, and biodiesel production (based largely on soya oil) decreased slightly relative to 2014 levels. 227 To the north, Canada, a leader in fuel ethanol production in past years, saw production fall in 2015. n Latin America: Brazil, the world’s second largest biofuel producer, increased both ethanol and biodiesel production during 2015, due to good sugarcane harvests and blending mandates. However, in Argentina, a leading producer in years past, output fell by 20% due to constrained export markets. Colombia, the region’s third largest biofuel producer, raised its ethanol production by almost 12% over 2014 levels, but its biodiesel production decreased slightly. 228 n Europe: In the EU, new rules came into force, amending existing legislation to limit to 7% the share of biofuels in transport from crops grown on agricultural land. 229 Against this background, biofuel production in the region remained largely stable. n Asia: As fuel ethanol continued to grow in Asia, led by increases in China and Thailand, biodiesel production fell sharply. Indonesia, previously one of the top biodiesel producers worldwide, saw production decrease by roughly 60%. China’s biodiesel production increased, almost overtaking Indonesia’s 2015 levels. 38

n Africa: Although biofuel production levels in Africa remained comparatively very low, the continent saw substantial growth in ethanol production in 2015. Biofuels saw continued advances in new markets and applications during 2015. In Egypt, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands and the United States, there were announcements of aviation biofuel supply agreements or plans to integrate aviation biofuel into future flights. 230 United Airlines became the first US airline to move beyond demonstration to regular operations using biofuels. 231 In addition, 2015 brought announcements of several feedstock-related innovations for aviation fuels, including drop-in fuels produced with woody biomass and efforts to convert municipal solid waste (MSW) into jet fuel. 232 There also were announcements of fully renewable transatlantic flights based on a combination of algae-based biomass and solar energy, as well as an around-the-world flight powered solely by solar PV. 233 Developments associated with gaseous fuels and electricity continued to create pathways for integrating renewables into transportation. The number of compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles and fuelling stations continued to expand in 2015 – with notable development in the United States (which had reached more than 900 CNG stations in early 2016), India, Iran and the Netherlands – creating parallel opportunities for gaseous biofuels such as biomethane. 234 Although biomethane production is concentrated primarily in Europe, early steps were taken to introduce the fuel in Latin America in 2015. For example, Brazil set new specifications for the production and sale of biomethane and launched its first biomethane-powered city bus. 235 Electrification of the transport sector expanded during the year, enabling greater integration of renewable energy in the form of electricity for trains, light rail, trams as well as two- and fourwheeled electric vehicles. The number of electric passenger vehicles (EVs) on the road increased again in 2015; key markets are in China, Northern Europe and the United States. Manufacturers announced several new models of light-duty EVs with longer ranges (300 kilometres) that are expected to be available at more-affordable prices in the coming years. 236 The year 2015 also saw substantial developments in R&D for electrification of heavy-duty vehicles, broadening the scope beyond a focus almost exclusively on light-duty vehicles. 237 Exploration of methods to integrate renewable energy into charging stations for electric cars expanded in 2015, although many projects are pilot or demonstration and integration remains relatively small-scale. Some companies also worked to expand charging networks worldwide, including stations powered by solar PV. 238 China launched its largest solar PV charging station in 2015 (capable of charging 80 EVs per day) and launched a pilot project in Shanghai to test the ability of EVs to support the integration of renewable energy into the electric grid. 239 Japan also announced implementation of solar-powered recharging stations in 2015. 240 In the United States, innovators began demonstration of off-grid 100% solar carports for charging EVs – mobile charging stations that fit in standard parking spaces. 241 For more-traditional, gridtied charging stations, utilities in southern California began to explore innovative incentives to encourage customers to charge their vehicles when renewable energy is plentiful. 242 The year 2015 also brought progress towards integrating renewable energy into EV charging infrastructure where markets are smaller or nascent. In the Middle East, for example, Jordanian officials signed letters of commitment to build 3,000 solarpowered electric charging stations over the next decade. 243 In the Pacific, plans were announced to test the concept of solarpowered charging stations for a small fleet of electric cars in the Marshall Islands. 244 In the shipping sector, integration of renewable energy stagnated in 2015, inhibited by low oil prices, a lack of supportive policies (very few national policies exist for renewables in shipping – the Marshall Islands is one noteworthy exception) and international regulation, and lock-in of shipping fleets. 245 Despite the lack of progress in renewable energy deployment, R&D continued in 2015, with Korean innovation in wind energy-supported ships; German developments of a 60-metre renewable-powered research freighter; and several pilot projects of biomethane application in ships that operate on liquefied natural gas (LNG). 246 In addition, developments in battery-powered ferries in Northern Europe may enable further integration of renewable energy in the form of electricity. 247 Several concrete strides were taken in the rail sector towards achieving existing goals to supply increasing shares of electricity demand with renewable energy, and new goals were announced during the year. In the Netherlands, to build on its goals established in 2014, the Dutch rail network completed a contract to source wind energy to meet up to 100% of the power needed to propel its trains by 2018; nearly half of the power for the network was supplied by wind power in 2015. 248 In Australia, Canberra announced a new light rail project that requires an initial minimum of 10% renewables use, with a target to increase the share to 90% by 2020 and New South Wales announced a tender to supply the Sydney metro with renewable energy. 249 01 RENEWABLES 2016 · GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 39

n Africa: Although biofuel production levels in Africa remained<br />

comparatively very low, the continent saw substantial growth<br />

in ethanol production in 2015.<br />

Biofuels saw continued advances in new markets and applications<br />

during 2015. In Egypt, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands and the<br />

United States, there were announcements of aviation biofuel<br />

supply agreements or plans to integrate aviation biofuel into<br />

future flights. 230 United Airlines became the first US airline<br />

to move beyond demonstration to regular operations using<br />

biofuels. 231 In addition, 2015 brought announcements of several<br />

feedstock-related innovations for aviation fuels, including drop-in<br />

fuels produced with woody biomass and efforts to convert<br />

municipal solid waste (MSW) into jet fuel. 232 There also were<br />

announcements of fully renewable transatlantic flights based on<br />

a combination of algae-based biomass and solar energy, as well<br />

as an around-the-world flight powered solely by solar PV. 233<br />

Developments associated with gaseous fuels and electricity<br />

continued to create pathways for integrating renewables into<br />

transportation. The number of compressed natural gas (CNG)<br />

vehicles and fuelling stations continued to expand in 2015 – with<br />

notable development in the United States (which had reached<br />

more than 900 CNG stations in early 2016), India, Iran and the<br />

Netherlands – creating parallel opportunities for gaseous biofuels<br />

such as biomethane. 234 Although biomethane production is<br />

concentrated primarily in Europe, early steps were taken to<br />

introduce the fuel in Latin America in 2015. For example, Brazil<br />

set new specifications for the production and sale of biomethane<br />

and launched its first biomethane-powered city bus. 235<br />

Electrification of the transport sector expanded during the year,<br />

enabling greater integration of renewable energy in the form of<br />

electricity for trains, light rail, trams as well as two- and fourwheeled<br />

electric vehicles.<br />

The number of electric passenger vehicles (EVs) on the road<br />

increased again in 2015; key markets are in China, Northern<br />

Europe and the United States. Manufacturers announced several<br />

new models of light-duty EVs with longer ranges (300 kilometres)<br />

that are expected to be available at more-affordable prices in the<br />

coming years. 236 The year 2015 also saw substantial developments<br />

in R&D for electrification of heavy-duty vehicles, broadening the<br />

scope beyond a focus almost exclusively on light-duty vehicles. 237<br />

Exploration of methods to integrate renewable energy into<br />

charging stations for electric cars expanded in 2015, although<br />

many projects are pilot or demonstration and integration remains<br />

relatively small-scale. Some companies also worked to expand<br />

charging networks worldwide, including stations powered by solar<br />

PV. 238 China launched its largest solar PV charging station in 2015<br />

(capable of charging 80 EVs per day) and launched a pilot project<br />

in Shanghai to test the ability of EVs to support the integration of<br />

renewable energy into the electric grid. 239 Japan also announced<br />

implementation of solar-powered recharging stations in 2015. 240<br />

In the United States, innovators began demonstration of off-grid<br />

100% solar carports for charging EVs – mobile charging stations<br />

that fit in standard parking spaces. 241 For more-traditional, gridtied<br />

charging stations, utilities in southern California began to<br />

explore innovative incentives to encourage customers to charge<br />

their vehicles when renewable energy is plentiful. 242<br />

The year 2015 also brought progress towards integrating<br />

renewable energy into EV charging infrastructure where markets<br />

are smaller or nascent. In the Middle East, for example, Jordanian<br />

officials signed letters of commitment to build 3,000 solarpowered<br />

electric charging stations over the next decade. 243 In<br />

the Pacific, plans were announced to test the concept of solarpowered<br />

charging stations for a small fleet of electric cars in the<br />

Marshall Islands. 244<br />

In the shipping sector, integration of renewable energy stagnated<br />

in 2015, inhibited by low oil prices, a lack of supportive policies<br />

(very few national policies exist for renewables in shipping – the<br />

Marshall Islands is one noteworthy exception) and international<br />

regulation, and lock-in of shipping fleets. 245 Despite the lack of<br />

progress in renewable energy deployment, R&D continued in<br />

2015, with Korean innovation in wind energy-supported ships;<br />

German developments of a 60-metre renewable-powered<br />

research freighter; and several pilot projects of biomethane<br />

application in ships that operate on liquefied natural gas (LNG). 246<br />

In addition, developments in battery-powered ferries in Northern<br />

Europe may enable further integration of renewable energy in the<br />

form of electricity. 247<br />

Several concrete strides were taken in the rail sector towards<br />

achieving existing goals to supply increasing shares of<br />

electricity demand with renewable energy, and new goals were<br />

announced during the year. In the Netherlands, to build on its<br />

goals established in 2014, the Dutch rail network completed a<br />

contract to source wind energy to meet up to 100% of the power<br />

needed to propel its trains by 2018; nearly half of the power for<br />

the network was supplied by wind power in 2015. 248 In Australia,<br />

Canberra announced a new light rail project that requires an<br />

initial minimum of 10% renewables use, with a target to increase<br />

the share to 90% by 2020 and New South Wales announced a<br />

tender to supply the Sydney metro with renewable energy. 249<br />

01<br />



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