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ENDNOTES 07 FEATURE FEATURE 1 Community Power Network, “What Is Community Power?” http://communitypowernetwork.com/node/395, viewed 15 March 2016. There are different definitions of community energy across governments. For example, the Scottish government considers community energy projects to be those led by constituted non-profit distributing community groups established and operating across a geographically defined community, per Scottish Government, Community Energy Policy Statement (Edinburgh: September 2015), http://www.gov.scot/ Resource/0048/00485122.pdf. The Australian Community Power Agency states that community-owned renewable energy projects are those that help decarbonise, decentralise and democratise electricity systems and demonstrate that renewable energy technologies work. They develop local renewable energy resources for electricity, heat and fuel in ways that reflect the motivations and aspirations of the local community, maximise local ownership and decision making, share the financial benefits widely and match energy production to local usage. Jarra Hicks et al., Community-owned Renewable Energy: A How To Guide (Community Power Agency, April 2014), http://cpagency.org.au/ wp-content/uploads/2014/06/CPAgency_HowtoGuide2014-web. pdf. 2 For instance, the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) refers to community-scale solar as “mid-size (i.e., 0.5–5 MW), distributiongrid-connected solar PV”, per RMI, Community-Scale Solar: Why Developers and Buyers Should Focus on This High-Potential Market Segment (Basalt, CO: March 2016), http://rmi.org/ Content/Files/RMI-Shine-Report-CommunityScaleSolarMarketP otential-201603-Final.pdf. 3 Community Power and Friends of the Earth Scotland, From Remote Island Grids to Urban Solar Co-Operatives: Community Power Scotland (Edinburgh: 2014), http://www. communitypower.scot/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ CommunityPowerScotlandOct2014Web.pdf. 4 Anna Leidreiter, World Future Council, personal communication with REN21, 5 December 2015. 5 Gordon Walker, Lancaster Environment Centre, personal communication with REN21, 1 December 2015. 6 Industrialised-country information from Nicky Ison and Jarra Hicks, “History of community energy,” Embark, viewed 15 March 2016. Developing-country information from Mohamed Sokona, Ecowas Centre for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), personal communication with REN21, 15 December 2015. 7 Bristol Energy Network, Maintaining Momentum in Bristol Community Energy, University of Bristol project report, June 2013, http://www.bristolenergynetwork.org/sites/default/ files/short%20literature%20review%20of%20community%20 energy%20in%20the%20UK.pdf. 8 Walker, op. cit. note 5. 9 Paul Monaghan, “The highs and lows of community energy across Europe,” Co-operative News, 14 January 2016, http://www.thenews.coop/100890/news/co-operatives/ highs-lows-community-energy-across-europe. 10 German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation, “Energy Cooperatives: Results of the DGRV-Survey (at December 31, 2014” (Berlin: 16 June 2015), https://www. dgrv.de/weben.nsf/272e312c8017e736c1256e31005cedff/ e7b7b885ccf6c6e8c1257e84004f9047/$FILE/Survey_Energy_ Cooperations_2014.pdf. 11 German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, “Factsheet: Renewables from Germany” (Berlin: 2015), http:// www.energiewende2015.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ Factsheet-Renewables-from-Germany.pdf. 12 Hier opgewekt, “Local energy monitor 2015,” January 2016, http:// www.hieropgewekt.nl/sites/default/files/u20232/lokale_energie_ monitor_2015_-_uitgave_januari_2016.pdf. Note that the 2015 value includes more loosely organised citizen groups. 13 Coalition for Community Energy, “C4CE Role,” http://c4ce. net.au/about-c4ce/role-of-c4ce/; University of Technology Sydney, “First Australian Community Energy Congress gathers in Canberra,” 21 July 2014, https://www.uts.edu.au/researchand-teaching/our-research/institute-sustainable-futures/news/ first-australian-community. 14 Australasian Legal Information Institute, “Commonwealth Consolidated Acts,” http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/ consol_act/ca2001172/s708.html, viewed 15 February 2016; Chris Cooper, “How equity crowd-funding could transform the community energy sector,” Citizen Power, 1 December 2015, https://citizenpowerblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/01/how-equitycrowd-funding-could-transform-the-community-energy-sector/. For a successful example of Australian community energy initiatives focused on renewable energy, see COREM, “COREM: Community-Owned Renewable Energy Mullumbimby,” http:// www.corem.org.au/, viewed 8 December 2015. 15 Laurie Guevara-Stone, “The rise of solar co-ops,“ RMI blog, 22 April 2014, http://blog.rmi.org/ blog_2014_04_22_the_rise_of_solar_coops. 16 Frank Jossi, “A year after launch, community solar picking up pace in Minnesota,” Midwest Energy News, 11 December 2015, http://midwestenergynews.com/2015/12/11/a-year-after-launchcommunity-solar-picking-up-pace-in-minnesota/. 17 United Nations Development Programme, “Rural Energy Development Programme in Nepal,” http://www.undp.org/ content/undp/en/home/ourwork/environmentandenergy/ projects_and_initiatives/rural-energy-nepal.html, viewed 25 April 2016. 18 Cooperatives Europe, Building People-Centred Enterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean: Cooperative Case Studies (Brussels: September 2015), https://issuu.com/cooperativeseurope/docs/ building_people-centred_enterprises. 19 Anca Voinea, “Report features twenty best practices from Latin American co-operatives,” Co-operative News, 6 October 2015, http://www.thenews.coop/98255/news/agriculture/reportfeatures-twenty-best-practices-latinamerican-co-operatives/. 20 Walker, op. cit. note 5. 21 Yacob Mulugetta, University College London, personal communication with REN21, 14 December 2015. 22 Sixbert Mwanga, Climate Action Network, personal communication with REN21, 5 January 2016. Sidebar 5 from the following sources Ecopower from Daan Creupelandt, REScoop, personal communication with REN21, 12 May 2016, and from Craig Morris, Petite Planète, personal communication with REN21, 28 December 2015; Jühnde from Bioenergiedorf Jühnde, “Jühnde bio-energy-village,” http://www.bioenergiedorf.de/index. php?id=5&L=1, viewed 16 May 2016, from Bioenergiedorf Jühnde, “Gemeinschaft,” http://www.bioenergiedorf.de/nc/gemeinschaft/ genossenschaft.html?sword_list%5B%5D=195, viewed 16 May 2016, and from Morris, op. cit. this note; Fintry from Kirsty Scott, “Scottish villagers stun developers by demanding extra turbine,” The Guardian (UK), 9 May 2009, http://www.theguardian.com/ environment/2009/may/10/windpower-energy; CEWDC from US Agency for International Development, Gender Assessment: South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy (New Delhi: February 2010), http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnads874.pdf, from Ashden, “PSL, Bangladesh – Solar co-operative for rural women,” https://www. ashden.org/winners/psl, viewed 28 December 2016, and from Ashden, Case Study Summary: Prokaushali Sangsad Ltd (PSL), Bangladesh (London: December 2009), https://www.ashden.org/ files/PSL%20Bangladesh%20case%20study%20full.pdf; David Brosch, University Park Community Solar LLC, Maryland, USA, personal communication with REN21, 11 May 2016; CRELUZ from Ashden, Case Study: CRELUZ Brazil (London: May 2010), https:// www.ashden.org/files/reports/CRELUZ%20case%20study.pdf, and from CRELUZ-D - Cooperativa de Distribuição de Energia, “Histórico,” 2016, http://www.creluz.com.br/historico, viewed 26 April 2016; Energy for Development website, http://www. energyfordevelopment.net/, viewed 15 May 2016; Sustainable Engineering Lab, “SharedSolar combines solar energy with smart metering to provide reliable electric service to off-grid communities,” 2014, http://sel.columbia.edu/assets/uploads/ blog/2014/10/SharedSolar.pdf; Comet-ME, “About us,” http:// comet-me.org/about, viewed 26 April 2016. 23 Josh Roberts, Frances Bodman, and Robert Rybski, Community Power: Model Legal Frameworks for Citizenowned Renewable Energy (London: Community Power and ClientEarth, 2014), http:// www.clientearth.org/reports/community-power-report-250614. pdf. 24 International Labour Organization, Providing Clean Energy and Energy Access Through Cooperatives (Geneva: International Labour office, Cooperatives Unit (COOP), Green Jobs 256

ENDNOTES 07 FEATURE Programme, 2013), http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/-- -ed_emp/---emp_ent/documents/publication/wcms_233199.pdf; European Union Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), “Spreading the model of renewable energy cooperatives,” 18 March 2015, https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/ news/spreading-modelrenewable-energy-cooperatives. 25 Ison and Hicks, op. cit. note 6. 26 Development Trusts Association Scotland, “What is a Development Trust?” http://www.dtascot.org.uk/content/whatis-a-development-trust, viewed 25 April 2016. 27 Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, op. cit. note 23. 28 Ibid. 29 Diane MacEachern, “Get solar energy without putting it on your own roof,” Care2, 3 January 2016, http://www.care2.com/ greenliving/get-solar-energy-without-putting-it-on-your-ownroof.html. 30 Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, op. cit. note 23. 31 Ibid. 32 M. Soundariya Preetha, “A model for village panchayats,” The Hindu, 22 December 2008, http://www.thehindu.com/todayspaper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/a-model-for-villagepanchayats/ article1399829.ece; K. Venkateshwarlu, “’Green’ shoots from the south,” The Hindu, 21 September 2014, http://www.thehindu. com/sunday-anchor/southern-states-embrace-green-power/ article6430108.ece. 33 John Farrell, Community Solar Power: Obstacles and Opportunities (Minneapolis, MN: The New Rules Project, September 2010), p. 22, https://ilsr.org/wp-content/uploads/files/ communitysolarpower.pdf; Clean Energy Collective, “Landlords, commercial tenants have more options to harness the sun’s energy,” http://cleaneasyenergy.com/cecblog/index.php/ landlords-and-commercial-tenants-can-now-go-solar/; World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), Headwind and Tailwind for Community Power: Community Wind Perspectives from North- Rhine Westphalia and the World (Bonn: February 2016), http:// www.wwindea.org/download/community_power/Community_ Wind_NRW.pdf. 34 Al Weinrub, Expressions of Energy Democracy: Perspectives on an Emerging Movement (Oakland, CA: Local Clean Energy Alliance, 20 August 2014), http://www.localcleanenergy.org/files/ Expressions%20of%20Energy%20Democracy.pdf. 35 Tineke C. Van der Schoor, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands, personal communication with REN21, 1 December 2015. 36 Craig Morris, “Why people come together in community projects,” Energy Transition: The German Energiewende, 24 March 2016, http://energytransition.de/2016/03/ why-people-come-together-in-community-projects/. 37 Morris, op. cit. note 22 38 Farrell, op. cit. note 33, p. 22. 39 Strengthening sense of community has been a driver noted particularly in Germany, as it provides an opportunity for people to come together and work toward a common goal. Morris, op. cit. note 37. 40 Sokona, op. cit. note 6. 41 Liam Byrnes et al., “Australian renewable energy policy: barriers and challenges,” Renewable Energy, vol. 60 (December 2013), pp. 711–21; WWEA, op. cit. note 33. 42 WWEA, op. cit. note 33. 43 Morris, op. cit. note 37. 44 Claire Haggett, University of Edinburgh, personal communication with REN21, 2 December 2015. 45 WWEA, op. cit. note 33; Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, op. cit. note 23. 46 Ksenia Chmutina and Chris I. Goodier, “Alternative future energy pathways: assessment of the potential of innovative decentralised energy systems in the UK,” Energy Policy, vol. 66 (March 2013), pp. 62–72. 47 Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate, Promotion of Renewable Energy Act (Copenhagen: 2016), http://www.ens. dk/sites/ens.dk/files/supply/renewable-energy/wind-power/ onshore-wind-power/Promotion%20of%20Renewable%20 Energy%20Act%20-%20extract.pdf. 48 Local Energy Scotland and Natural Scotland, ScottIsh Government Good PractIce PrIncIples for Shared OwnershIp of Onshore Renewable Energy Developments (Edinburgh: 2015), http://www.localenergyscotland.org/media/79714/Shared- Ownership-Good-Practice-Principles.pdf. 49 100% Renewables, “Map,” www.go100re.net/map. 50 Morris, op. cit. note 37. 51 Chris Cooper, How Do We Successfully Scale Community and Participatory Energy in Australia? Lessons from Europe, UK and USA (Canberra: Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia, January 2016), https://www.churchilltrust.com.au/media/ fellows/Cooper_C_2015_How_do_we_scale_community__ participatory_energy_in_Australia_.pdf. 52 Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, op. cit. note 23. 07 RENEWABLES 2016 · GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 257


Programme, 2013), http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/--<br />

-ed_emp/---emp_ent/documents/publication/wcms_233199.pdf;<br />

European Union Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized<br />

Enterprises (EASME), “Spreading the model of renewable energy<br />

cooperatives,” 18 March 2015, https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en/<br />

news/spreading-modelrenewable-energy-cooperatives.<br />

25 Ison and Hicks, op. cit. note 6.<br />

26 Development Trusts Association Scotland, “What is a<br />

Development Trust?” http://www.dtascot.org.uk/content/whatis-a-development-trust,<br />

viewed 25 April 2016.<br />

27 Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, op. cit. note 23.<br />

28 Ibid.<br />

29 Diane MacEachern, “Get solar energy without putting it on<br />

your own roof,” Care2, 3 January 2016, http://www.care2.com/<br />

greenliving/get-solar-energy-without-putting-it-on-your-ownroof.html.<br />

30 Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, op. cit. note 23.<br />

31 Ibid.<br />

32 M. Soundariya Preetha, “A model for village panchayats,” The<br />

Hindu, 22 December 2008, http://www.thehindu.com/todayspaper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/a-model-for-villagepanchayats/<br />

article1399829.ece; K. Venkateshwarlu, “’Green’ shoots from the<br />

south,” The Hindu, 21 September 2014, http://www.thehindu.<br />

com/sunday-anchor/southern-states-embrace-green-power/<br />

article6430108.ece.<br />

33 John Farrell, Community Solar Power: Obstacles and Opportunities<br />

(Minneapolis, MN: The New Rules Project, September<br />

2010), p. 22, https://ilsr.org/wp-content/uploads/files/<br />

communitysolarpower.pdf; Clean Energy Collective, “Landlords,<br />

commercial tenants have more options to harness the sun’s<br />

energy,” http://cleaneasyenergy.com/cecblog/index.php/<br />

landlords-and-commercial-tenants-can-now-go-solar/; World<br />

Wind Energy Association (WWEA), Headwind and Tailwind for<br />

Community Power: Community Wind Perspectives from North-<br />

Rhine Westphalia and the World (Bonn: February 2016), http://<br />

www.wwindea.org/download/community_power/Community_<br />

Wind_NRW.pdf.<br />

34 Al Weinrub, Expressions of Energy Democracy: Perspectives<br />

on an Emerging Movement (Oakland, CA: Local Clean Energy<br />

Alliance, 20 August 2014), http://www.localcleanenergy.org/files/<br />

Expressions%20of%20Energy%20Democracy.pdf.<br />

35 Tineke C. Van der Schoor, Hanze University of Applied Sciences,<br />

Groningen, The Netherlands, personal communication with<br />

REN21, 1 December 2015.<br />

36 Craig Morris, “Why people come together in community<br />

projects,” Energy Transition: The German Energiewende,<br />

24 March 2016, http://energytransition.de/2016/03/<br />

why-people-come-together-in-community-projects/.<br />

37 Morris, op. cit. note 22<br />

38 Farrell, op. cit. note 33, p. 22.<br />

39 Strengthening sense of community has been a driver noted<br />

particularly in Germany, as it provides an opportunity for people<br />

to come together and work toward a common goal. Morris, op. cit.<br />

note 37.<br />

40 Sokona, op. cit. note 6.<br />

41 Liam Byrnes et al., “Australian renewable energy policy: barriers<br />

and challenges,” Renewable Energy, vol. 60 (December 2013), pp.<br />

711–21; WWEA, op. cit. note 33.<br />

42 WWEA, op. cit. note 33.<br />

43 Morris, op. cit. note 37.<br />

44 Claire Haggett, University of Edinburgh, personal communication<br />

with REN21, 2 December 2015.<br />

45 WWEA, op. cit. note 33; Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, op. cit.<br />

note 23.<br />

46 Ksenia Chmutina and Chris I. Goodier, “Alternative future energy<br />

pathways: assessment of the potential of innovative decentralised<br />

energy systems in the UK,” Energy Policy, vol. 66 (March 2013),<br />

pp. 62–72.<br />

47 Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate, Promotion of<br />

Renewable Energy Act (Copenhagen: 2016), http://www.ens.<br />

dk/sites/ens.dk/files/supply/renewable-energy/wind-power/<br />

onshore-wind-power/Promotion%20of%20Renewable%20<br />

Energy%20Act%20-%20extract.pdf.<br />

48 Local Energy Scotland and Natural Scotland, ScottIsh<br />

Government Good PractIce PrIncIples for Shared OwnershIp of<br />

Onshore Renewable Energy Developments (Edinburgh: 2015),<br />

http://www.localenergyscotland.org/media/79714/Shared-<br />

Ownership-Good-Practice-Principles.pdf.<br />

49 100% Renewables, “Map,” www.go100re.net/map.<br />

50 Morris, op. cit. note 37.<br />

51 Chris Cooper, How Do We Successfully Scale Community and<br />

Participatory Energy in Australia? Lessons from Europe, UK and<br />

USA (Canberra: Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia,<br />

January 2016), https://www.churchilltrust.com.au/media/<br />

fellows/Cooper_C_2015_How_do_we_scale_community__<br />

participatory_energy_in_Australia_.pdf.<br />

52 Roberts, Bodman, and Rybski, op. cit. note 23.<br />

07<br />



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