
2j7YOwO 2j7YOwO


ENDNOTES 05 POLICY LANDSCAPE german-biodiesel-industry-up-in-arms-as-government-reverseson-blending-volumes/. 72 Chris Mooney, “An embattled EPA declares biofuels volumes for 2016,” Washington Post, 30 November 2015, https://www. washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2015/11/30/ an-embattled-epa-raises-biofuels-volumes-for-2016/. 73 Meghan Sapp, “Brazil to allow voluntary B20 and B30 blending with an eye on B100,” Biofuels Digest, 14 October 2015. http:// www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/10/14/brazil-to-allowvoluntary-b20-and-b30-blending-with-an-eye-on-b100/. 74 IRENA, Renewable Energy Policy Brief: Brazil (Abu Dhabi: June 2015), http://www.irena.org/DocumentDownloads/Publications/ IRENA_RE_Latin_America_Policies_2015_Country_Brazil.pdf. 75 Jim Lane, “Biofuels mandates around the world: 2016,” Biofuels Digest, 3 January 2016, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/ bdigest/2016/01/03/biofuels-mandates-around-the-world-2016/. 76 Uttar Pradesh mandated a supply of 560 million litres, Maharashtra is required to supply 530 million litres, and Karnataka is required to supply 250 million litres. Meghan Sapp, “India sets ethanol supply quotas for E10 but they’re far beyond installed production capacity,” Biofuels Digest, 21 September 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/09/21/ india-sets-ethanol-supply-quotas-for-e10-but-theyre-far-beyondinstalled-production-capacity/. 77 Platts, “Indonesia’s new biodiesel mandate to cut gasoil imports by 40%,” 30 March 2015, http://www.platts.com/latest-news/ agriculture/jakarta/indonesias-new-biodiesel-mandate-tocut-gasoil-27259805; Meghan Sapp, “Malaysia to implement B10 by October, boosting palm oil prices and vexing BMW,” Biofuels Digest, 8 June 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest. com/bdigest/2015/06/08/malaysia-to-implement-b10-byoctober-boosting-palm-oil-prices-and-vexing-bmw/; Meghan Sapp, “Thailand’s B7 mandate comes online to boost palm oil consumption,” Biofuels Digest, 4 August 2015, http://www. biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/08/04/thailands-b7-mandatecomes-online-to-boost-palm-oil-consumption/. 78 IEA Policies and Measures Database, “Uganda Biofuels Blending Mandate,” updated 18 August 2015, http://www.iea.org/ policiesandmeasures/pams/uganda/name-146074-en.php. 79 Meghan Sapp, “Paraguay goes all in for flex-fuel with new law to promote fuel use and access,” Biofuels Digest, 11 June 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/06/11/paraguaygoes-all-in-for-flex-fuel-with-new-law-to-promote-fuel-use-andaccess/. 80 Meghan Sapp, “South Africa revamps biofuels policy in wake of low oil prices,” Biofuels Digest, 13 August 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/08/13/ south-africa-revamps-biofuels-policy-in-wake-of-low-oil-prices/. 81 Meghan Sapp, “India looking to buy 2.7 billion liters for blending but no imports allowed,” Biofuels Digest, 27 August 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/08/27/ india-looking-to-buy-2-7-billion-liters-for-blending-but-noimports-allowed/; Meghan Sapp, “India to allow corn farmers to produce their own ethanol,” Biofuels Digest, 14 September 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/09/14/ india-to-allow-corn-farmers-to-produce-their-own-ethanol/. 82 Meghan Sapp, “India looking to cut tax on molasses to encourage mills to supply E10,” Biofuels Digest, 24 September 2015, http:// www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/09/24/india-lookingto-cut-tax-on-molasses-to-encourage-mills-to-supply-e10/; Amit Aradhey, India: Biofuels Annual 2015 (Washington, DC: US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service, 1 July 2015), http://gain.fas.usda.gov/Recent%20GAIN%20 Publications/Biofuels%20Annual_New%20Delhi_India_7- 1-2015.pdf; Meghan Sapp, “India to invest $1.53 billion to support farmers growing oil palm,” Biofuels Digest, 19 August 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/08/19/ india-to-invest-1-53-billion-to-support-farmers-growing-oil-palm/. 83 Meghan Sapp, “California governor sings bill correcting tax problems for biodiesel,” Biofuels Digest, 13 October 2015, http:// www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/10/13/california-governorsigns-bill-correcting-tax-problem-for-biodiesel/. 84 USDA, “USDA provides loan guarantee conditional commitment to build Georgia biofuel plant,” press release (Washington, DC: 10 December 2015),H. 85 Tiny Casey, “$18 million algae biofuel blast from US Energy Department,” CleanTechnica, 10 July 2015, http://cleantechnica. com/2015/07/10/18-million-algae-biofuel-blast-us-energydepartment/. 86 Meghan Sapp, “Lithuania parliament votes to scrap excise exemptions on biofuel blends,” Biofuels Digest, 10 December 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/12/10/ lithuanian-parliament-votes-to-scrap-excise-exemptions-onbiofuel-blends/. 87 Meghan Sapp, “Brazil slaps 11.25% import tariff on ethanol,” Biofuels Digest, 23 June 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest. com/bdigest/2015/06/23/brazil-slaps-11-25-import-tariffon-ethanol/; Meghan Sapp, “EU renews anti-dumping duties against US biodiesel for another five years,” Biofuels Digest, 15 September 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest. com/bdigest/2015/09/15/eu-renews-anti-dumping-dutiesagainst-us-biodiesel-for-another-five-years/; Meghan Sapp, “Malaysia to limit Indonesian palm oil imports,” Biofuels Digest, 6 October 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/ bdigest/2015/10/06/malaysia-to-limit-indonesian-palmoil-imports/; Meghan Sapp, “EU rejects Indonesia’s formal request for WTO dispute panel,” Biofuels Digest, 23 July 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/07/23/ eu-rejects-indonesias-formal-request-for-wto-dispute-panel/. 88 James Ayre, “Jordan rolling out solar-powered EV charging stations – goal of 3,000,” CleanTechnica, 10 November 2015, http://cleantechnica.com/2015/11/10/jordan-rolling-out-solarpowered-ev-charging-stations-goal-of-3000/. 89 Perry Stein, “City deal will increase D.C. government’s solar energy capacity by 70 percent,” Washington Post, 2 December 2015, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/ wp/2015/12/02/city-deal-will-increase-d-c-governments-solarenergy-capacity-by-70-percent/. 90 Madalitso Mwando, “Zimbabwe capital turns to solar streetlights to cut costs, crime,” Reuters, 30 March 2015, http://planetark.org/ wen/72986. 91 Adam Oxford, “The Cape Town scheme that lets you sell electricity to the grid – Just don’t call it a feed-in tariff,” HTXT Africa, 27 January 2015, http://www.htxt.co.za/2015/01/27/thecape-town-scheme-that-lets-you-sell-electricity-to-the-grid-justdont-call-it-a-feed-in-tariff/. 92 Cathy Ellis, “Banff harnesses power of the sun,” Rocky Mountain Outlook, 26 February 2015, http://www.rmoutlook.com/ article/20150226/RMO0801/302269990. 93 Climate Council, “Canberra’s newest suburb will have solar panels on every roof!” 10 December 2015, https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/ canberras-newest-suburb-will-have-solar-panels-on-every-roof. 94 Jim Malewitz, “Austin council votes to boost solar power,” WFAA 8, 15 October 2015, http://www.wfaa. com/story/news/local/texas-tribune/2015/10/15/ austin-council-votes-boost-solar-power/74027242/. 95 Diarmaid Williams, “Amsterdam to totally decarbonize through district heating,” Cogeneration & On-Site Power Production, 16 April 2015, http://www.cospp.com/articles/2015/04/amsterdamaims-to-totally-decarbonise-through-district-heating.html. 96 Bärbel Epp, “Austria: Up to 500 MWth for district heating in Graz,” Solar Thermal World, 7 August 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ austria-500-mwth-district-heating-graz. 97 Craig Morris, “Power to heat gets going in Germany,” Renewables International, 23 June 2015, http://www.renewablesinternational. net/power-to-heat-gets-going-in-germany/150/537/88373/. 98 Meghan Sapp, “China to go back to corn-based ethanol in a major way,” Biofuels Digest, 19 October 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/10/19/ china-to-go-back-to-corn-based-ethanol-in-a-major-way/. 99 Jim Lane, “Biofuels mandates around the world: 2015,” Biofuels Digest, 31 December 2014, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/ bdigest/2014/12/31/biofuels-mandates-around-the-world-2015/. 100 John Conroy, “Coffs Harbour sets itself 100% renewables goal,” Herald Sun, 19 March 2015, http://www.heraldsun. com.au/business/breaking-news/coffs-harbour-sets-itself- 100-renewables-goal/story-fnn9c0hb-1227270870033; Paul Huttner, “Rochester eyes 100 percent renewable energy by 2031,” Minnesota Public Radio, 13 October 250

ENDNOTES 05 POLICY LANDSCAPE 2015, http://blogs.mprnews.org/updraft/2015/10/ city-of-rochester-100-renewable-energy-goal-by-2031/. 101 Scott Keyes, “A third American city is now running entirely on renewable energy,” Think Progress, 14 September 2015, http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/09/14/3701210/ third-american-city-renewable-energy/. 102 Blue & Green Tomorrow, “#COP21: World’s local leaders commit to a 100% renewable future,” 4 December 2015, http://blueandgreentomorrow.com/2015/12/04/ cop21-worlds-local-leaders-commit-to-a-100-renewable-future/. 103 Climate Summit for Local Leaders, “The Climate Summit for Local Leaders is a historic convening of local leaders fighting climate change,” 4 December 2015, http://climatesummitlocalleaders. paris/. 104 ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability, “100% Renewable Energy Cities & Regions Network,” http://www.iclei.org/ activities/our-agendas/low-carbon-city/iclei-100re-citiesregions-network.html, viewed 6 March 2016. 105 100% Renewables, “About Us,” http://go100re.net/about-us/, viewed 18 February 2015; 100% RES Communities, http:// www.100-res-communities.eu/eng/, viewed 18 February 2015. 106 Covenant of Mayors, “Signatories,” http://www. covenantofmayors.eu/about/signatories_en.html, viewed 13 December 2015. 107 Committee of the Regions, “COP21: EU institutions strengthen alliance with cities through New Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy,” 15 October 2015, http://cor.europa.eu/en/news/ Pages/COP21-New-Covenant-of-Mayors.aspx. 108 Compact of Mayors, “Michael R. Bloomberg and European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici announce historic partnership between the Compact of Mayors and the Covenant of Mayors,” press release (New York: 4 December 2015), http://www. compactofmayors.org/press/michael-r-bloomberg-andeuropean-commissioner-pierre-moscovici-announce-historicpartnership-between-the-compact-of-mayors-and-the-covenantof-mayors/. 109 European Commission, “Launch of Covenant of Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa during COP21 in Paris, 8 December 2015,” press release (Brussels: 7 December 2015), http://capacity4dev. ec.europa.eu/public-energy/minisite/launch-covenant-mayorssub-saharan-africa-during-cop21-paris-8-december-2015. 110 Compact of Mayors website, http://www.compactofmayors.org/, viewed 6 March 2016. 111 ICLEI, “Rio de Janeiro first fully complaint city in Compact of Mayors, tackles climate change,” 26 August 2015, http://www. iclei.org/details/article/rio-de-janeiro-first-fully-compliant-cityin-compact-of-mayors-tackles-climate-change.html; Compact of Mayors, "Ten Global Cities Present Climate Action Plans Ahead of Paris COP21," http://www.compactofmayors.org/press/ ten-global-cities-present-climate-action-plans-ahead-of-pariscop21/, viewed 6 March 2016. 112 Compact of Mayors,”Cities Committed to the Compact of Mayors,” http://www.compactofmayors.org/cities/, viewed 24 February 2016. 05 RENEWABLES 2016 · GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 251


german-biodiesel-industry-up-in-arms-as-government-reverseson-blending-volumes/.<br />

72 Chris Mooney, “An embattled EPA declares biofuels volumes<br />

for 2016,” Washington Post, 30 November 2015, https://www.<br />

washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2015/11/30/<br />

an-embattled-epa-raises-biofuels-volumes-for-2016/.<br />

73 Meghan Sapp, “Brazil to allow voluntary B20 and B30 blending<br />

with an eye on B100,” Biofuels Digest, 14 October 2015. http://<br />

www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/10/14/brazil-to-allowvoluntary-b20-and-b30-blending-with-an-eye-on-b100/.<br />

74 IRENA, Renewable Energy Policy Brief: Brazil (Abu Dhabi: June<br />

2015), http://www.irena.org/DocumentDownloads/Publications/<br />

IRENA_RE_Latin_America_Policies_2015_Country_Brazil.pdf.<br />

75 Jim Lane, “Biofuels mandates around the world: 2016,” Biofuels<br />

Digest, 3 January 2016, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/<br />

bdigest/2016/01/03/biofuels-mandates-around-the-world-2016/.<br />

76 Uttar Pradesh mandated a supply of 560 million litres,<br />

Maharashtra is required to supply 530 million litres, and<br />

Karnataka is required to supply 250 million litres. Meghan Sapp,<br />

“India sets ethanol supply quotas for E10 but they’re far beyond<br />

installed production capacity,” Biofuels Digest, 21 September<br />

2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/09/21/<br />

india-sets-ethanol-supply-quotas-for-e10-but-theyre-far-beyondinstalled-production-capacity/.<br />

77 Platts, “Indonesia’s new biodiesel mandate to cut gasoil imports<br />

by 40%,” 30 March 2015, http://www.platts.com/latest-news/<br />

agriculture/jakarta/indonesias-new-biodiesel-mandate-tocut-gasoil-27259805;<br />

Meghan Sapp, “Malaysia to implement<br />

B10 by October, boosting palm oil prices and vexing BMW,”<br />

Biofuels Digest, 8 June 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.<br />

com/bdigest/2015/06/08/malaysia-to-implement-b10-byoctober-boosting-palm-oil-prices-and-vexing-bmw/;<br />

Meghan<br />

Sapp, “Thailand’s B7 mandate comes online to boost palm oil<br />

consumption,” Biofuels Digest, 4 August 2015, http://www.<br />

biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/08/04/thailands-b7-mandatecomes-online-to-boost-palm-oil-consumption/.<br />

78 IEA Policies and Measures Database, “Uganda Biofuels Blending<br />

Mandate,” updated 18 August 2015, http://www.iea.org/<br />

policiesandmeasures/pams/uganda/name-146074-en.php.<br />

79 Meghan Sapp, “Paraguay goes all in for flex-fuel with new law<br />

to promote fuel use and access,” Biofuels Digest, 11 June 2015,<br />

http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/06/11/paraguaygoes-all-in-for-flex-fuel-with-new-law-to-promote-fuel-use-andaccess/.<br />

80 Meghan Sapp, “South Africa revamps biofuels policy in<br />

wake of low oil prices,” Biofuels Digest, 13 August 2015,<br />

http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/08/13/<br />

south-africa-revamps-biofuels-policy-in-wake-of-low-oil-prices/.<br />

81 Meghan Sapp, “India looking to buy 2.7 billion liters for<br />

blending but no imports allowed,” Biofuels Digest, 27 August<br />

2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/08/27/<br />

india-looking-to-buy-2-7-billion-liters-for-blending-but-noimports-allowed/;<br />

Meghan Sapp, “India to allow corn farmers<br />

to produce their own ethanol,” Biofuels Digest, 14 September<br />

2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/09/14/<br />

india-to-allow-corn-farmers-to-produce-their-own-ethanol/.<br />

82 Meghan Sapp, “India looking to cut tax on molasses to encourage<br />

mills to supply E10,” Biofuels Digest, 24 September 2015, http://<br />

www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/09/24/india-lookingto-cut-tax-on-molasses-to-encourage-mills-to-supply-e10/;<br />

Amit Aradhey, India: Biofuels Annual 2015 (Washington, DC: US<br />

Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service,<br />

1 July 2015), http://gain.fas.usda.gov/Recent%20GAIN%20<br />

Publications/Biofuels%20Annual_New%20Delhi_India_7-<br />

1-2015.pdf; Meghan Sapp, “India to invest $1.53 billion to<br />

support farmers growing oil palm,” Biofuels Digest, 19 August<br />

2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/08/19/<br />

india-to-invest-1-53-billion-to-support-farmers-growing-oil-palm/.<br />

83 Meghan Sapp, “California governor sings bill correcting tax<br />

problems for biodiesel,” Biofuels Digest, 13 October 2015, http://<br />

www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/10/13/california-governorsigns-bill-correcting-tax-problem-for-biodiesel/.<br />

84 USDA, “USDA provides loan guarantee conditional commitment<br />

to build Georgia biofuel plant,” press release (Washington, DC: 10<br />

December 2015),H.<br />

85 Tiny Casey, “$18 million algae biofuel blast from US Energy<br />

Department,” CleanTechnica, 10 July 2015, http://cleantechnica.<br />

com/2015/07/10/18-million-algae-biofuel-blast-us-energydepartment/.<br />

86 Meghan Sapp, “Lithuania parliament votes to scrap excise<br />

exemptions on biofuel blends,” Biofuels Digest, 10 December<br />

2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/12/10/<br />

lithuanian-parliament-votes-to-scrap-excise-exemptions-onbiofuel-blends/.<br />

87 Meghan Sapp, “Brazil slaps 11.25% import tariff on ethanol,”<br />

Biofuels Digest, 23 June 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.<br />

com/bdigest/2015/06/23/brazil-slaps-11-25-import-tariffon-ethanol/;<br />

Meghan Sapp, “EU renews anti-dumping<br />

duties against US biodiesel for another five years,” Biofuels<br />

Digest, 15 September 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.<br />

com/bdigest/2015/09/15/eu-renews-anti-dumping-dutiesagainst-us-biodiesel-for-another-five-years/;<br />

Meghan Sapp,<br />

“Malaysia to limit Indonesian palm oil imports,” Biofuels<br />

Digest, 6 October 2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/<br />

bdigest/2015/10/06/malaysia-to-limit-indonesian-palmoil-imports/;<br />

Meghan Sapp, “EU rejects Indonesia’s formal<br />

request for WTO dispute panel,” Biofuels Digest, 23 July<br />

2015, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/07/23/<br />

eu-rejects-indonesias-formal-request-for-wto-dispute-panel/.<br />

88 James Ayre, “Jordan rolling out solar-powered EV charging<br />

stations – goal of 3,000,” CleanTechnica, 10 November 2015,<br />

http://cleantechnica.com/2015/11/10/jordan-rolling-out-solarpowered-ev-charging-stations-goal-of-3000/.<br />

89 Perry Stein, “City deal will increase D.C. government’s solar<br />

energy capacity by 70 percent,” Washington Post, 2 December<br />

2015, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/<br />

wp/2015/12/02/city-deal-will-increase-d-c-governments-solarenergy-capacity-by-70-percent/.<br />

90 Madalitso Mwando, “Zimbabwe capital turns to solar streetlights<br />

to cut costs, crime,” Reuters, 30 March 2015, http://planetark.org/<br />

wen/72986.<br />

91 Adam Oxford, “The Cape Town scheme that lets you sell<br />

electricity to the grid – Just don’t call it a feed-in tariff,” HTXT<br />

Africa, 27 January 2015, http://www.htxt.co.za/2015/01/27/thecape-town-scheme-that-lets-you-sell-electricity-to-the-grid-justdont-call-it-a-feed-in-tariff/.<br />

92 Cathy Ellis, “Banff harnesses power of the sun,” Rocky Mountain<br />

Outlook, 26 February 2015, http://www.rmoutlook.com/<br />

article/20150226/RMO0801/302269990.<br />

93 Climate Council, “Canberra’s newest suburb will have solar panels<br />

on every roof!” 10 December 2015,<br />

https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/<br />

canberras-newest-suburb-will-have-solar-panels-on-every-roof.<br />

94 Jim Malewitz, “Austin council votes to boost solar power,”<br />

WFAA 8, 15 October 2015, http://www.wfaa.<br />

com/story/news/local/texas-tribune/2015/10/15/<br />

austin-council-votes-boost-solar-power/74027242/.<br />

95 Diarmaid Williams, “Amsterdam to totally decarbonize through<br />

district heating,” Cogeneration & On-Site Power Production, 16<br />

April 2015, http://www.cospp.com/articles/2015/04/amsterdamaims-to-totally-decarbonise-through-district-heating.html.<br />

96 Bärbel Epp, “Austria: Up to 500 MWth for district heating in Graz,”<br />

Solar Thermal World, 7 August 2015,<br />

http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/<br />

austria-500-mwth-district-heating-graz.<br />

97 Craig Morris, “Power to heat gets going in Germany,” Renewables<br />

International, 23 June 2015, http://www.renewablesinternational.<br />

net/power-to-heat-gets-going-in-germany/150/537/88373/.<br />

98 Meghan Sapp, “China to go back to corn-based ethanol<br />

in a major way,” Biofuels Digest, 19 October 2015,<br />

http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2015/10/19/<br />

china-to-go-back-to-corn-based-ethanol-in-a-major-way/.<br />

99 Jim Lane, “Biofuels mandates around the world: 2015,” Biofuels<br />

Digest, 31 December 2014, http://www.biofuelsdigest.com/<br />

bdigest/2014/12/31/biofuels-mandates-around-the-world-2015/.<br />

100 John Conroy, “Coffs Harbour sets itself 100% renewables<br />

goal,” Herald Sun, 19 March 2015, http://www.heraldsun.<br />

com.au/business/breaking-news/coffs-harbour-sets-itself-<br />

100-renewables-goal/story-fnn9c0hb-1227270870033;<br />

Paul Huttner, “Rochester eyes 100 percent renewable<br />

energy by 2031,” Minnesota Public Radio, 13 October<br />


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