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ALER, “OFID/ARE supports Titimane Project – ‘Clean Energy<br />

Mini-Grids’ Initiative in Mozambique,” 14 December 2015, http://<br />

www.aler-renovaveis.org/en/communication/news/ofidaresupports-titimane-project--clean-energy-mini-grids-initiative-inmozambique/.<br />

54 GACC, op. cit. note 37.<br />

55 Acumen, “Unilever and Acumen announce investment to bring<br />

cleaner, more affordable cook stoves to smallholder farmers<br />

and plantation workers in East Africa,” press release (New York:<br />

16 December 2015), http://acumen.org/blog/press-releases/<br />

unilever-and-acumen-announce-investment-to-bring-cleanermore-affordable-cook-stoves-to-smallholder-farmers-andplantation-workers-in-east-africa/.<br />

56 Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), “OPIC and<br />

Envirofit partner to expand clean cookstoves’ global use,” press<br />

release (Washington, DC: 21 January 2016), https://www.opic.<br />

gov/press-releases/2016/opic-and-envirofit-partner-expandclean-cookstoves%E2%80%99-global-use-0.<br />

57 GACC, Clean Cookstoves and Fuels: A Catalog of Carbon<br />

Offset Projects and Advisory Service Providers, 2nd Edition<br />

(Washington, DC: 2016), http://cleancookstoves.org/binary-data/<br />

RESOURCE/file/000/000/381-1.pdf.<br />

58 Boris Lopicich, “Off-grid energy powered by the crowd,”<br />

International Institute for Environment and Development, 9 April<br />

2015, http://www.iied.org/grid-energy-powered-crowd.<br />

59 Lyndsey Gilpin, “How Gridmates is crowdsourcing electricity to<br />

help eliminate energy poverty,” TechRepublic, 24 July 2015, http://<br />

www.techrepublic.com/article/how-gridmates-is-crowdsourcingelectricity-to-help-eliminate-energy-poverty/.<br />

60 Tara Lohan, “How solar can help power Nepal’s relief and<br />

recovery efforts,” Huffington Post, 11 May 2015, http://www.<br />

huffingtonpost.com/tara-lohan/how-solar-can-help-powernepals-relief_b_7246842.html.<br />

61 Becky Beetz, “COP21: African Renewable Energy Initiative<br />

launched, 300 GW 2030 target,” PV Magazine, 3 December 2015,<br />

http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/cop21--<br />

african-renewable-energy-initiative-launched--300-gw-2030-tar<br />

get_100022277/#ixzz3uO8OWab0.<br />

62 “COP21: France to spend billions on African renewable energy<br />

projects,” The Guardian (UK), 1 December 2015, http://www.<br />

theguardian.com/environment/2015/dec/01/cop21-france-tospend-billions-on-african-renewable-energy-projects.<br />

63 Arthur Neslen, “India unveils global solar alliance of 120 countries<br />

at Paris Climate Summit,” The Guardian (UK), 30 November<br />

2015, http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/nov/30/<br />

india-set-to-unveil-global-solar-alliance-of-120-countries-atparis-climate-summit.<br />

64 UNFCCC, “Renewable energy and energy efficiency can unlock<br />

climate solution,” press release (Bonn: 7 December 2015), http://<br />

newsroom.unfccc.int/lpaa/renewable-energy/press-release-lpaaenergy-renewable-energy-and-energy-efficiency-can-unlockclimate-solution/.<br />

65 ARE, Best Practises of the Alliance for Rural Electrification<br />

(Brussels: 2013), http://www.ruralelec.org/fileadmin/DATA/<br />

Documents/06_Publications/ARE_Best_Practises_2013_FINAL.<br />

pdf; Peter Alstone, Dimitry Gershenson, and Daniel Kammen,<br />

“Decentralized energy systems for clean electricity access,”<br />

Nature Climate Change, vol. 5 (2015), pp. 305–14, http://www.<br />

nature.com/nclimate/journal/v5/n4/full/nclimate2512.html.<br />

66 Andrew Burger, “Clean energy in the developing world:<br />

Powerhive hits on a compelling business model,” Renewable<br />

Energy World, 28 April 2015, http://www.renewableenergyworld.<br />

com/articles/2015/04/clean-energy-in-the-developing-worldpowerhive-hits-on-a-compelling-business-model.<br />

67 The “M” stands for “mobile,” and “kopa” means “to borrow”. Ngozi<br />

Okonjo-Iweala, “Green energy for the poor,” New York Times, 9<br />

September 2015, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/10/opinion/<br />

green-energy-for-the-poor.html.<br />

68 Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), Access to Energy<br />

via Digital Finance: Overview of Models and Prospects for<br />

Innovation (Washington, DC: 2014), http://www.cgap.org/sites/<br />

default/files/DigitallyFinancedEnergy%20_FINAL.pdf.<br />

69 IFC, Off-Grid Power and Connectivity; Pay-As-You-Go Financing<br />

and Digital Supply Chains for Pico-Solar (Washington, DC: 2014),<br />

https://www.lightingglobal.org/resources/<br />

market-analysis-reports/, Figure 34 from idem.<br />

70 Ibid.<br />

71 Agnes Cho, “How to meet the solar needs of the rural poor<br />

— 3 lessons learned,” Sonnenseite, 6 April 2015, http://www.<br />

sonnenseite.com/en/energy/how-to-meet-the-solar-needs-ofthe-rural-poor-3-lessons-learned.html.<br />

72 Terri Walters et al., Policies to Spur Energy Access (Golden, CO:<br />

National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September 2015), http://<br />

www.nrel.gov/docs/fy15osti/64460-ES.pdf.<br />

73 Ibid.<br />

74 “Uttar Pradesh waives off VAT on solar energy equipment,”<br />

The Hindu, 25 April 2015, http://www.thehindu.com/news/<br />

national/other-states/uttar-pradesh-waives-off-vat-on-solarenergy-equipment/article7139590.ece.<br />

75 Rwanda has removed VAT and custom duties on solar equipment.<br />

“Mobisol Rwanda to light 49000 homes with subsidized solar<br />

systems,” Africa on the Rise, 3 October 2015, http://www.africaontherise.com/mobisol-rwanda-to-light-49000-homes-withsubsidized-solar-systems/.<br />

76 Jennifer Runyon, “Off Grid Electric raises $25M for distributed<br />

energy in Africa,” Renewable Energy World, 22 October 2015,<br />

http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/10/<br />

off-grid-electric-raises-25m-to-help-power-a-solarrevolution-in-africa.html;<br />

Eric Wesoff, “’One million solar<br />

homes,’ Tanzanian style,” Greentech Media, 23 February<br />

2015, http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/<br />

One-Million-Solar-Homes-Tanzanian-Style.<br />

77 Azuri Technologies, “Minister for Power launches PayGo solar<br />

project in Central Ghana,” press release (Assin Foso, Ghana: 28<br />

July 2015), http://www.azuri-technologies.com/news/minister-forpower-launches-paygo-solar-project-in-central-ghana.<br />

78 REN21 Global Status Report Questionnaire, 2016.<br />

79 Michael Harris, “Philippines NIA announces plan to bid up to<br />

200 micro hydropower plants,” Hydro World, 4 January 2015,<br />

http://www.hydroworld.com/articles/2015/04/philippines-niaannounces-plan-to-bid-up-to-200-micro-hydropower-plants.<br />

html.<br />

80 ADB, Making Renewable Energy a Success in Bangladesh:<br />

Getting the Business Model Right (Manila: 2015), http://www.<br />

adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/177814/ban-makingrenewable-energy-success.pdf.<br />

81 Marcus Wiemann and David Lecoque, SE4All High Impact<br />

Opportunity Clean Energy Mini-grids: Mapping of Clean Energy<br />

Mini-grid Support Providers and Programmes (Washington, DC:<br />

May 2015), http://www.se4all.org/sites/default/files/SE4All-HIO-<br />

CEMG-Annual-Report-2015.pdf; REN21 Global Status Report<br />

Questionnaire, 2016.<br />

82 Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency,<br />

Mini Grid Policy Uttar Pradesh, 2016, http://upneda.org.in/sites/<br />

default/files/all/section/Mini%20Grid%20Policy%202016.pdf.<br />

83 “6000 homes in hinterland to receive solar panels,”<br />

Guyana Times, 26 February 2015, http://www.guyanatimesgy.<br />

com/2015/02/26/6000-homes-in-hinterland-to-receive-solarpanels/.<br />

84 Tanja Peschel, “Peru: Solar power for 500,000 households,”<br />

Sun & Wind Energy, 6 January 2015, http://www.sunwindenergy.<br />

com/photovoltaics/peru-solar-power-500000-households.<br />

85 United Nations, “Goal Seven,” http://www.un.org/<br />

sustainabledevelopment/energy/, viewed 11 November 2015.<br />

86 SE4All website, http://www.se4all.org/.<br />

87 Energising Development website, http://endev.info/content/<br />

Main_Page.<br />

88 Ibid.<br />

89 Mico Gaul, “Rwanda offers a strong policy and regulatory<br />

framework for mini-grid,” ARE Hybridisation and Minigrids<br />

Newsletter, October 2015, http://ruralelec.org/<br />

hybridisation__mini-.0.html#c9526.<br />

90 Mittal, op. cit. note 7.<br />

91 Ibid.<br />

92 White House, “Fact Sheet: Power Africa,” press release<br />

(Washington, DC: 25 July 2015), https://www.whitehouse.gov/<br />

the-press-office/2015/07/25/fact-sheet-power-africa.<br />

93 Ibid.<br />


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