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22 BNEF, GOGLA, and Lighting Global, op. cit. note 19. Figure 29<br />

from REN21 DRE Dashboard, www.ren21.net/dre.<br />

23 “In Bangladesh the solar home system market has grown at an<br />

astounding 60% compound,” Janamot24, 15 April 2015, http://<br />

www.janomot24.com/in-bangladesh-the-solar-home-systemmarket-has-grown-at-an-astounding-60-compound/.<br />

24 “Solar power in India: current status,” America Pink, 2015, http://<br />

america.pink/solar-power-india_4087890.html.<br />

25 Aamir Saaed, “In Pakistan, solar lamps turn women into green<br />

energy entrepreneurs,” Reuters, 27 July 2015, http://www.reuters.<br />

com/article/pakistan-solar-women-idUSL5N10734920150727.<br />

26 Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), Rural Electrification<br />

with Renewable Energy (Brussels: 2011), http://www.ruralelec.<br />

org/fileadmin/DATA/Documents/06_Publications/ARE_<br />


27 Figure 30 from REN21 DRE Dashboard, www.ren21.net/dre.<br />

28 “In Bangladesh the solar home system market has grown at an<br />

astounding 60% compound,” op. cit. note 23; IRENA, op. cit. note<br />

17; Pantho Rahaman, “Bangladesh aims to be world’s ‘first solar<br />

nation,’” Reuters, 25 January 2015, http://in.reuters.com/article/<br />

bangladesh-solar-idINKBN0KY0O220150125.<br />

29 Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI),<br />

India Energy Statistics Report 2015 (New Delhi: 26 March<br />

2015), http://mospi.nic.in/Mospi_New/upload/Energy_<br />

stats_2015_26mar15.pdf.<br />

30 “6000 homes in hinterland to receive solar panels,”<br />

Guyana Times, 26 February 2015, http://www.guyanatimesgy.<br />

com/2015/02/26/6000-homes-in-hinterland-to-receive-solarpanels/.<br />

31 M-KOPA, “300,000 East African homes now on M-KOPA,”<br />

press release (Nairobi: 13 January 2016),<br />

http://www.m-kopa.com/press-release/<br />

asante-sana-300000-east-african-homes-now-on-m-kopa//.<br />

32 Cynthia Shahan, “Small Hydropower Market Analysis,”<br />

CleanTechnica, 28 November 2015, http://cleantechnica.<br />

com/2015/11/28/small-hydropower-market-analysis/.<br />

33 Faisal Rahadian, Indonesian Small Hydro Power Association,<br />

“Microhidro Power for Rural Electrification in Indonesia,”<br />

presentation at International Workshop and Symposium:<br />

Renewable Energies for Community – A View from<br />

Japan and Asia, Hokkaido, Japan, 3–5 October 2015,<br />

https://www.toyotafound.or.jp/english/topics/topics02/<br />

data/20151004_05FaisalRahadian.pdf; David Appleyard, “Minihydro<br />

making a big impact on Nepalese power,” Renewable<br />

Energy World, 23 July 2015, http://www.renewableenergyworld.<br />

com/articles/print/volume-18/issue-4/features/hydropower/minihydro-making-a-big-impact-on-nepalese-power.html.<br />

34 Figure 31 from REN21 DRE Dashboard, www.ren21.net/dre.<br />

35 Small wind turbines are usually defined to include all plants<br />

where the swept rotor area is smaller than 200 square meters at<br />

350 W/m 2 . Markets and Markets, “Small wind market 1.89 billion<br />

USD by 2019,” press release (Pune, India: August 2015), http://<br />

www.marketsandmarkets.com/PressReleases/small-wind.asp;<br />

World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), Small World Wind<br />

Power Report 2016 (Bonn: March 2016), http://www.wwindea.org/<br />

small-wind-world-market-back-on-track-again/.<br />

36 WWEA, op. cit. note 35.<br />

37 GACC, Five Years of Impact: 2010-2015 (Washington, DC: 18<br />

March 2016), http://cleancookstoves.org/resources/reports/<br />

fiveyears.html. Figure 32 from Elizabeth Tully, GACC, Washington,<br />

DC, personal communication with REN21, 22 January 2016.<br />

38 Envirofit International, Cooking in One Million Kitchens: Lessons<br />

Learned in Scaling a Clean Cookstove Business (Fort Collins,<br />

CO: October 2015), http://www.envirofit.org/images/news/<br />

Lessons_learned.pdf.<br />

39 Farzana Rahman and Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Infrastructure<br />

Development Company Limited (IDCOL), “Village Level Energy<br />

Access in Bangladesh: Solar Home System and Solar Mini-grid,”<br />

presentation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 26 August 2015, http://www.<br />

slideshare.net/e4sv/dhaka-aug15-village-level-energy-access-inbangladesh-solar-home-system-and-solar-minigrid.<br />

40 GACC, “Africa Biogas and Clean Cooking Conference, April<br />

5–7, 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,” http://cleancookstoves.org/<br />

events/218.html.<br />

41 Table 3 based on ARE, The Productive Use of Renewable Energy<br />

in Africa (Brussels: September 2015), http://www.ruralelec.org/<br />

fileadmin/DATA/Documents/06_Publications/Productive_Use_<br />

of_Energy_Final_Web.pdf.<br />

42 IRENA, op. cit. note 17.<br />

43 Faiz Rahman Siddiqui, “Kannauj home to UP’s first 100% solar<br />

powered villages,” Times of India, 1 July 2015, http://timesofindia.<br />

indiatimes.com/india/Kannauj-home-to-UPs-first-100-solarpowered-villages/articleshow/47889179.cms.<br />

44 Mittal, op. cit. note 7.<br />

45 Smiti Mittal, “USAID to invest $41 million in off-grid renewable<br />

energy projects In India,” CleanTechnica, 20 August 2015, http://<br />

cleantechnica.com/2015/08/20/usaid-invest-41-million-offgrid-renewable-energy-projects-india/;<br />

David Bank, “Packard<br />

Foundation: $15M in debt capital to scale solar ‘beyond the<br />

grid’," Impact Alpha, 23 October 2015, http://impactalpha.com/<br />

packard-foundation-15m-in-debt-capital-to-scale-solar-beyondthe-grid/;<br />

Asian Development Bank, “ADB supports scale up<br />

of off-grid solar power systems in rural India,” press release<br />

(New Delhi: 4 December 2015), http://www.adb.org/news/<br />

adb-supports-scale-offgrid-solar-power-systems-rural-india.<br />

46 “Sunlabob Renewable Energy secures $2.1 million impact<br />

investment,” press release (Vientiane, Lao PDR: 26 March 2015),<br />

http://www.sunlabob.com/news-2015/sunlabob-renewableenergy-secures-21-million-impact-investment.html.<br />

47 Akinwumi Adesina, “A New Deal on Energy for Africa – Power,<br />

Potential and Partnerships,” African Development Bank, 21<br />

January 2016, http://www.afdb.org/en/news-and-events/<br />

article/a-new-deal-on-energy-for-africa-power-potential-andpartnership-15310/.<br />

48 White House, “FACT SHEET: Obama administration joins with<br />

public and private sector to increase access to off-grid clean<br />

energy and the deployment of innovative technologies globally,”<br />

press release (Washington, DC: 22 October 2015), https://www.<br />

whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/10/22/fact-sheet-obamaadministration-joins-public-and-private-sector-increase.<br />

49 BNEF, GOGLA, and Lighting Global, op. cit. note 19.<br />

50 Lighting Global, “IFC Energy Access – Myanmar,” presentation,<br />

https://energypedia.info/images/7/7a/Lighting_Global_<br />

IFC_support_to_off_grid_solar_mrkt_for_donor_mtg_<br />

Myanmar_1-29-2016.pdf, viewed 15 February 2015.<br />

51 Figure 33 based on the following sources: Evelyn Fok,<br />

“Greenlight Planet receives funding of $10 million,” Economic<br />

Times (India), 4 February 2015, http://articles.economictimes.<br />

indiatimes.com/2015-02-04/news/58795681_1_lamps-southeastasia-fidelity-growth-partners-india;<br />

German Investment<br />

Corporation, “Investment Related Information: Mobisol Gmbh,”<br />

https://www.deginvest.de/DEG-Documents-in-English/About-<br />

DEG/Responsibility/Investment-related-information/201507_<br />

Mobilsol_EN.pdf; Eric Wesoff, “Fenix wins $12.6 million to grow<br />

solar, LEDs, batteries and entrepreneurs in Africa,” Greentech<br />

Media, 27 January 2015, http://www.greentechmedia.com/<br />

articles/read/Fenix-Wins-12.6M-to-Grow-Solar-LEDs-Batteriesand-Entrepreneurs-in-Afric;<br />

“Mining and oil deals drop by half<br />

in East Africa,” Business Daily, 28 January 2016, http://www.<br />

businessdailyafrica.com/Mining-and-oil-deals-drop-by-half-in-<br />

East-Africa/-/539552/3053040/-/bqqwde/-/index.html; Andy<br />

Colthorpe, “Off-Grid Electric Africa Electrification push attracted<br />

US$70 million investment this year,” PV-Tech, 18 December<br />

2015, http://www.pv-tech.org/news/off-grid-electrics-africaelectrification-push-attracted-us70-million-inves;<br />

BNEF, GOGLA,<br />

and Lighting Global, op. cit. note 19.<br />

52 Adva Saldinger, “Off-grid solar power is gathering steam in Africa,<br />

what’s next?” Devex Impact, 26 October 2015, https://www.<br />

devex.com/news/off-grid-solar-power-is-gathering-steam-inafrica-what-s-next-87149;<br />

Powerhive, “Investment in renewable<br />

mini-grids marks major milestone for energy access & lowcarbon<br />

development In East Africa,” press release (Berkeley, CA:<br />

7 December 2015), http://www.powerhive.com/investment-inrenewable-mini-grids-marks-major-milestone-for-energy-accesslow-carbon-development-in-east-africa/.<br />

53 International Finance Corporation (IFC),” IFC launches<br />

mini-grid program to increase energy access in Tanzania,”<br />

press release (Washington, DC: 15 October 2015),<br />

http://ifcext.ifc.org/IFCExt/pressroom/IFCPressRoom.<br />

nsf/0/9037B9413030641B42257EDF0034358B?OpenDocument;<br />

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