
2j7YOwO 2j7YOwO


ENDNOTES 02 MARKET AND INDUSTRY TRENDS - WIND POWER 107 “Morocco records new low wind energy tender bids,” ESI-Africa, 20 January 2016, http://www.esi-africa.com/news/moroccorecords-new-low-wind-energy-tendering-costs/; tenders in Egypt and Peru also resulted in extremely low bid prices, from GWEC, op. cit. note 1, p. 5. 108 BNEF, op. cit. note 104. 109 Access to transmission infrastructure is an important catalyst for future wind energy growth in the United States, from AWEA, “Industry grows as policy uncertainty threatens future gains,” press release (Washington, DC: 20 October 2015), http://www.awea.org/MediaCenter/pressrelease. aspx?ItemNumber=8042; lack of transmission is the biggest long-term barrier for wind energy development in the United States, from Rob Gramlich, AWEA, cited in David A. Lieb, “Renewable energy efforts stymied by transmission roadblocks,” Associated Press, 22 December 2015, http://bigstory.ap.org/ article/0462fcffedd749c2a7e0e729be79d681/renewableenergy-efforts-stymied-transmission-roadblocks; in Brazil, lack of sufficient transmission lines in areas with the greatest wind power potential is a key barrier to development, and Mexico faces transmission-related challenges, from GWEC, op. cit. note 1, pp. 31, 59; in China, lack of transmission and distribution capacity, lack of flexibility in the grid system, and lack of a market where electricity can be traded are some of the key barriers to wind deployment, from “Wind power has taken China by storm,” Sun & Wind Energy, 13 November 2015, http://www.sunwindenergy. com/wind-energy/wind-power-taken-china-storm; lack of public acceptance from Birol, op. cit. note 4, p. 7; displace coal in China from Barbara A. Finamore, “Big plans for integrating renewable energy into China’s electricity grid,” Huffington Post, 9 March 2016, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/barbara-a-finamore/bigplans-for-integrating_b_9421864.html. 110 Steve Sawyer, GWEC, personal communication with REN21, 6 April 2016. 111 Kathy Chen and Dominique Patton, “China steps up efforts to tackle curtailment of renewable energy,” Reuters, 21 October 2015, http://planetark.org/wen/73791; transmission and pumped storage from Shi, op. cit. note 15. 112 For example, only 0.5% of wind generation within ERCOT’s region was curtailed in 2014, down from a peak of 17% in 2009, from Ryan Wiser et al., op. cit. note 106, p. vii; curtailment dropped to near zero even as wind generation almost doubled due to completion of new transmission lines in Texas, from Clayton Handleman, “Upgrades to Texas transmission lines slashes wind curtailment,” CleanTechnica, 20 August 2015, http:// cleantechnica.com/2015/08/20/upgrades-to-texas-transmissionlines-slashes-wind-curtailment/; upgraded transmission infrastructure has helped to relieve congestion in some regions, from AWEA, op. cit. note 96; however, curtailment remains a problem in other US regions, where investment in transmission has not kept pace with wind power deployment, from BNEF and BCSE, op. cit. note 29. 113 See, for example, BMWi, “Offshore-Netzausbau auf Kurs: Mehr Ausbau, geringe Haftungsumlage,” press release (Berlin: 19 October 2015), http://www.erneuerbare-energien.de/EE/ Redaktion/DE/Pressemitteilungen/2015/2015-10-19-offshorenetzausbau-auf-kurs-mehr-ausbau-geringe-haftungsumlage. html; Japan started four transmission line projects to boost wind power capacity in Hokkaido and Tohoku, from Sawyer, op. cit. note 104; Ilias Tsagas, “Chile’s new 600km long transmission line can boost renewables,” PV Magazine, 11 December 2015, http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/ beitrag/chiles-new-600km-long-transmission-line-can-boostrenewables_100022420/; Jim Polson, “New York backs new transmission line to ease power prices, access renewable energy,” Renewable Energy World, 18 December 2015, http:// www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/12/newyork-backs-new-transmission-lines-to-ease-power-pricesaccess-renewabl-energy; Monica Heger, “Scotland and Ireland consider a linked renewable energy future,” IEEE Spectrum, 25 September 2015, http://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/ energy/renewables/scotland-and-ireland-consider-a-linkedrenewable-energy-future; “ABB wins $300m order to improve grid reliability in China,” Power Technology, 16 October 2015, http://www.power-technology.com/news/newsabb-wins-300morder-to-improve-grid-reliability-in-china-4695721; “Alstom to build HVDC VSC converter stations for France-Italy link,” T&D World Magazine, 10 September 2015, http://tdworld.com/ substations/alstom-build-hvdc-vsc-converter-stations-franceitaly-link; Smiti Mittal, “India expands work on renewable energy transmission network,” CleanTechnica, 19 August 2015, http://cleantechnica.com/2015/08/19/india-expands-workrenewable-energy-transmission-network/; “ABB plays it smart in Sweden,” Renews Biz, 8 May 2015, http://renews.biz/88230/ abb-plays-it-smart-in-sweden/; Ilias Tsagas, “Jordan to upgrade its network; accommodate more renewables,” PV Magazine, 30 October 2015, http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/ beitrag/jordan-to-upgrade-its-network-accommodate-morerenewables_100021799/. 114 IEA, op. cit. note 70, p. 346. 115 Goldwind overtook Vestas from FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, cited in FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 101; Goldwind overtook GE, per BNEF, cited in Daniel Cusick, “Chinese wind turbine maker is now world’s largest,” Scientific American, 23 February 2016, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/chinese-wind-turbinemaker-is-now-world-s-largest/. Note that Vestas ranked number one, ahead of Goldwind, in 2015, per MAKE Consulting, cited in “Vestas tops turbine table,” Renews Biz, 31 March 2016, http:// renews.biz/102120/vestas-tops-turbine-table. 116 FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, cited in FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 101; increasingly active in new markets from Gsänger, op. cit. note 7. 117 Based on FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side Analysis. 118 FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side Analysis. A slightly different ranking shows Goldwind passing GE (first place in 2014), followed by Vestas, GE, Siemens, Gamesa and Enercon, with Chinese companies Guodian, Ming Yang, Envision and CSIC also among the top 10, from BNEF, cited in Cusick, op. cit. note 115, and in “Xinjiang Goldwind ranks No. 1 in commissioned wind turbines in 2015, BNEF says,” Renewable Energy World, 22 February 2016, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/ chinese-firm-ranks-no-1-in-commissioned-wind-turbines-bnefsays.html. See also EWEA, op. cit. note 66, p. 5, http://www. ewea.org/fileadmin/files/library/publications/statistics/EWEA- European-Offshore-Statistics-2015.pdf. 119 Rankings of Chinese companies based on CWEA, provided by Shi, op. cit. note 15; FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side Analysis. Figure 25 based on data from idem. 120 FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side Analysis, p. 3. 121 Based on data from FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side Analysis, p. 4. Note that the top 15 accounted for over 82% of the total market (based on volumes of MW installed by vendors who sell turbines with rated capacities of at least 200 kW per unit). Also, there were 51 such wind turbine manufacturers producing turbines in 2015. All from idem, pp. iv, 2. 122 FTI Consulting, Global Wind Supply Chain Update 2015 (London: January 2015), Executive Summary. 123 LeAnne Graves, “Egypt revives wind turbine plans,” The National, 24 January 2016, http://www.thenational.ae/business/energy/ egypt-revives-wind-turbine-plans. 124 Vestas planned to start production in May 2015 of blades for a wind farm in Liverpool Bay, from “Isle of Wight wind turbine firm Vestas creates 200 jobs,” BBC News, 5 February 2015, http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-englandhampshire-31145066; Georgina Prodhan, “UPDATE 1-Siemens picks German port for new wind power plant,” Reuters, 5 August 2015, http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/05/ siemens-windpower-plant-idUSL5N10G1R120150805. 125 Steve Sawyer, GWEC, personal communication with REN21, 3 September 2014. 126 For example, Gamesa (Spain) opened an expanded nacelle factory in Brazil to focus on the local market. Since 2011, Gamesa has built a competitive supply chain of over 1,000 suppliers in Brazil, from Joshua S. Hill, “Gamesa inaugurates 640 MW Brazil nacelle factory,” CleanTechnica, 10 June 2015, http:// cleantechnica.com/2015/06/10/gamesa-inaugurates-640- mw-brazil-nacelle-factory/. GE announced plans to expand its presence in Brazil by opening new turbine service centres, from “GE expands Brazilian footprint,” 27 March 2015, http:// renews.biz/86283/ge-beefs-up-brazilian-om/. GE also closed a tower factory in Brazil that it obtained through its acquisition of Alstom (France), from Vanessa Dezem, “GE to shutter wind turbine tower manufacturing plant in Brazil,” 22 February 2016, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/ ge-to-shutter-wind-turbine-tower-manufacturing-plant-in-brazil; 238

ENDNOTES 02 MARKET AND INDUSTRY TRENDS - WIND POWER James Quilter, “Alstom opens third factory in Brazil,” Windpower Monthly, 2 February 2015, http://www.windpowermonthly.com/ article/1332029/alstom-opens-third-factorty-brazil; Elizabeth Trovall, “What’s hampering Brazil’s wind sector?” bnamericas. com, 3 February 2015, http://www.bnamericas.com/news/ electricpower/whats-hampering-brazils-wind-sector. Additional information about new factories is Brazil is available from GWEC, op. cit. note 1, p. 28. Egypt and Morocco from Mahmoud, op. cit. note 60. 127 Based on information and references in this paragraph and on Aris Karcanias, FTI Consulting, cited in Joshua S. Hill, “Global wind energy market expected to reach 59 GW,” CleanTechnica, 27 October 2015, http://cleantechnica.com/2015/10/27/global-windenergy-market-expected-reach-59-gw/; FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, cited in FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 101. 128 Jesse Broehl, “Wind energy implications of the Alstom and GE deal,” Renewable Energy World, 17 September 2015, http:// blog.renewableenergyworld.com/ugc/blogs/2015/09/wind_ energy_implicat.html; “GE completes acquisition of Alstom power and grid businesses,” press release (Paris: 2 November 2015), http://www.genewsroom.com/press-releases/ge-completesacquisition-alstom-power-and-grid-businesses-282204; GE also acquired modular blade manufacturer Blade Dynamics (UK), from Campbell and Weston, op. cit. note 128. 129 Lydia Mulvany, “Nordex to acquire Spain’s Acciona Windpower for $880 million,” Bloomberg, 4 October 2015, http://www. bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-04/nordex-to-acquirespain-s-acciona-windpower-for-880-million; “Nordex acquires Acciona Windpower for $880m,” Energy Business Review, 5 April 2016, http://wind.energy-business-review.com/news/ nordex-acquires-acciona-windpower-for-880m-050416-4856272. 130 Ivan Shumkov, “Vestas buys US wind turbine servicing co UpWind for USD 60m,” SeeNews Renewables, 8 December 2015, https://renewables.seenews.com/news/vestas-buys-uswind-turbine-servicing-co-upwind-for-usd-60m-504671; Vestas, “Vestas to acquire Germany-based independent service provider Availon,” press release (Aarhus, Denmark: 20 January 2016), https://www.vestas.com/en/investor/announcements#!160120_ ca_uk_02; Michelle Froese, “Vestas completes acquisition of Availon,” Windpower Engineering & Development, 2 March 2016, http://www.windpowerengineering.com/policy/business-issues/ mergers-acquisitions/vestas-completes-acquisition-availon/; “Major renewable energy developer EDF expands into community wind, acquires OwnEnergy,” Renewable Energy World, 25 August 2015, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/08/ major-renewable-energy-developer-edf-expands-intocommunity-wind-acquires-ownenergy.html. 131 Centerbridge from Shaun Campbell and David Weston, “Review of 2015, part one,” Windpower Monthly, 31 December 2015, http://www.windpowermonthly.com/article/1377896/review- 2015-part-one; MTOI from Feng Zhao, FTI Consulting, personal communication with REN21, 11 April 2016. 132 Gamesa joined forces with rail company CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles, Spain), and each company is taking a 50% interest in NEM Solutions, from “Gamesa joins forces with CAF and fortifies its commitment to predictive technology for turbine maintenance with the acquisition of 50% of NEM Solutions,” press release (Madrid/Vizcaya: 17 December 2015), http://www.gamesacorp.com/en/communication/news/gamesajoins-forces-with-caf-and-fortifies-its-commitment-to-predictivetechnology-for-turbine-maintenance-with-the-acquisition-of-50- of-nem-solu.html?idCategoria=0&especifica=0. 133 Sawyer, op. cit. note 7; pure wind energy original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) from Corbetta, op. cit. note 69, 30 March 2016. 134 See, for example: Ivan Shumkov, “Gamesa sells 24-MW wind park in Poland to Windflower,” SeeNews Renewables, 7 January 2016, https://renewables.seenews.com/news/gamesa-sells-24-mwwind-park-in-poland-to-windflower-508067; Anna Hirtenstein, “GE boosts stakes in two US wind farms jointly owned with Enel,” Bloomberg, 4 January 2016, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ articles/2016-01-04/ge-boosts-stakes-in-two-u-s-wind-farmsjointly-owned-with-enel; Herman K. Trabish, “Midwestern utilities Xcel and Westar make big wind buys,” Utility Dive, 5 January 2016, http://www.utilitydive.com/news/midwestern-utilitiesxcel-and-westar-make-big-wind-buys/411499/; Ivan Shumkov, “US regulators okay TAQA’s sale of 50% in 205-MW wind farm,” SeeNews Renewables, 4 January 2016, https://renewables. seenews.com/news/us-regulators-okay-taqas-sale-of-50-in- 205-mw-wind-farm-507632; “Aquila snares Norway wind stake,” Renews Biz, 30 December 2015, http://renews.biz/101021/ aquila-snares-norway-wind-stake; Lucas Morais, “EDPR to sell 49% of 598-MW wind portfolio in Poland, Italy,” SeeNews Renewables, 29 December 2015, http://renewables.seenews. com/news/edpr-to-sell-49-of-598-mw-wind-portfolio-in-polanditaly-507238; “Boralex expands French footprint,” Renews Biz, 29 December 2015, http://renews.biz/101012/boralex-expandsfrench-footprint; Brian Eckhouse, “TerraForm Power acquires 832 megawatts of Invenergy wind farms,” Bloomberg, 16 December 2015, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-12-16/ terraform-power-acquires-832-megawatts-of-invenergywind-farms; David Gutman, “Canadian company buys WV wind project for $200 million,” Charleston Gazette-Mail, 27 November 2015, http://www.wvgazettemail.com/article/20151127/ GZ01/151129566/1419; “Chinese energy firm invests in 600 MW Mexican wind portfolio,” Renewable Energy World, 14 October 2015, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/10/ chinese-energy-firm-invests-in-mexican-wind-portfolio. 135 Trabish, op. cit. note 134; wind project capacity acquired from AWEA, “US Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2015 Market Report,” op. cit. note 29. 136 David Weston, “China’s SDIC acquires UK offshore projects from Repsol,” Windpower Offshore, 25 February 2016, http://www.windpoweroffshore.com/article/1385190/ chinas-sdic-acquires-uk-offshore-projects-repsol. 137 David Gutman, “Canadian company buys WV wind project for $200 million,” WV Gazette Mail, 27 November 2015, http://www. wvgazettemail.com/article/20151127/GZ01/151129566/1419. 138 Corbetta, op. cit. note 69, 30 March 2016. Ian Clover, “Wind company Suzlon enters India solar market with 210 MW project,” PV Magazine, 13 January 2016, http://www.pv-magazine.com/ news/details/beitrag/wind-company-suzlon-enters-india-solarmarket-with-210-mw-project_100022766/. Also see, for example, Karl-Erik Stromsta, “Ones to watch: wind and solar joining forces,” Recharge News, 4 January 2016, http://www.rechargenews.com/ wind/1419869/ones-to-watch-wind-and-solar-joining-forces. 139 Optimise and grid codes from Tildy Bayar, “Wind turbine manufacturers consider new drivetrain in technology,” Renewable Energy World, 16 September 2015, http://www. renewableenergyworld.com/articles/print/volume-18/issue-9/ features/wind/wind-turbine-manufacturers-consider-newdrivetrain-technology; Ray Pelosi, “The next generation in wind power technology,” Renewable Energy World Magazine, March/ April 2016, pp. 26–30. 140 “Senvion beefs up 3MW stable,” Renews Biz, 13 April 2015, http:// renews.biz/86879/senvion-beefs-up-3mw-stable/. Beginning in January 2017, grid operators will have new requirements for providing continuously stable feed-in of wind energy, from idem. 141 Matt Rosoff, “Jeff Immelt: GE is on track to become a ‘top 10 software company’,” Business Insider, 29 September 2015, http://www.businessinsider.com/ge-ceo-jeff-immelt-top-10- software-company-2015-9; Meg Cichon, “GE introduces digital wind farm that could boost production 20%, re-ignites Alstom buyout talk,” Renewable Energy World, 20 May 2015, http://www. renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/05/ge-introducesdigital-wind-farm-that-could-boost-production-20-percentreignites-alstom-buyout-talk.html. 142 FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Technology Overview; Jami Hossain, Wind Energy 2050: On the Shape of Near 100% RE Grid (Bonn: WWEA, October 2015), p. 7, http://www.wwindea.org/ wwea-publishes-wind-energy-2050-on-the-shape-of-near-100- renewable-energy-grid/. 143 Significantly higher capacity factors from Ryan Wiser et al., op. cit. note 106, p. vii; new opportunities from IEA, op. cit. note 70, p. 346. In the United States, rotor diameters, turbine nameplate capacity and hub height have increased significantly over the years, and capacity factors averaged 33% in 2014, up from 30% in 2000, from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), 2014 Wind Technologies Market Report Highlights, prepared for US Department of Energy, Wind and Water Power Technologies Office (Berkeley, CA: August 2015), p. 3, http://www.energy.gov/ sites/prod/files/2015/08/f25/2014WindTechnologiesMarketRepo rtHighlights8-11.pdf. Hub heights and rotor diameters have been increasing in Germany as well, from Deutsche WindGuard, op. cit. note 44, p. 3. 02 RENEWABLES 2016 · GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 239


107 “Morocco records new low wind energy tender bids,” ESI-Africa,<br />

20 January 2016, http://www.esi-africa.com/news/moroccorecords-new-low-wind-energy-tendering-costs/;<br />

tenders in Egypt<br />

and Peru also resulted in extremely low bid prices, from GWEC,<br />

op. cit. note 1, p. 5.<br />

108 BNEF, op. cit. note 104.<br />

109 Access to transmission infrastructure is an important catalyst<br />

for future wind energy growth in the United States, from<br />

AWEA, “Industry grows as policy uncertainty threatens<br />

future gains,” press release (Washington, DC: 20 October<br />

2015), http://www.awea.org/MediaCenter/pressrelease.<br />

aspx?ItemNumber=8042; lack of transmission is the biggest<br />

long-term barrier for wind energy development in the United<br />

States, from Rob Gramlich, AWEA, cited in David A. Lieb,<br />

“Renewable energy efforts stymied by transmission roadblocks,”<br />

Associated Press, 22 December 2015, http://bigstory.ap.org/<br />

article/0462fcffedd749c2a7e0e729be79d681/renewableenergy-efforts-stymied-transmission-roadblocks;<br />

in Brazil, lack<br />

of sufficient transmission lines in areas with the greatest wind<br />

power potential is a key barrier to development, and Mexico faces<br />

transmission-related challenges, from GWEC, op. cit. note 1, pp.<br />

31, 59; in China, lack of transmission and distribution capacity,<br />

lack of flexibility in the grid system, and lack of a market where<br />

electricity can be traded are some of the key barriers to wind<br />

deployment, from “Wind power has taken China by storm,” Sun<br />

& Wind Energy, 13 November 2015, http://www.sunwindenergy.<br />

com/wind-energy/wind-power-taken-china-storm; lack of public<br />

acceptance from Birol, op. cit. note 4, p. 7; displace coal in China<br />

from Barbara A. Finamore, “Big plans for integrating renewable<br />

energy into China’s electricity grid,” Huffington Post, 9 March<br />

2016, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/barbara-a-finamore/bigplans-for-integrating_b_9421864.html.<br />

110 Steve Sawyer, GWEC, personal communication with REN21, 6<br />

April 2016.<br />

111 Kathy Chen and Dominique Patton, “China steps up efforts to<br />

tackle curtailment of renewable energy,” Reuters, 21 October<br />

2015, http://planetark.org/wen/73791; transmission and pumped<br />

storage from Shi, op. cit. note 15.<br />

112 For example, only 0.5% of wind generation within ERCOT’s region<br />

was curtailed in 2014, down from a peak of 17% in 2009, from<br />

Ryan Wiser et al., op. cit. note 106, p. vii; curtailment dropped<br />

to near zero even as wind generation almost doubled due to<br />

completion of new transmission lines in Texas, from Clayton<br />

Handleman, “Upgrades to Texas transmission lines slashes<br />

wind curtailment,” CleanTechnica, 20 August 2015, http://<br />

cleantechnica.com/2015/08/20/upgrades-to-texas-transmissionlines-slashes-wind-curtailment/;<br />

upgraded transmission<br />

infrastructure has helped to relieve congestion in some regions,<br />

from AWEA, op. cit. note 96; however, curtailment remains a<br />

problem in other US regions, where investment in transmission<br />

has not kept pace with wind power deployment, from BNEF and<br />

BCSE, op. cit. note 29.<br />

113 See, for example, BMWi, “Offshore-Netzausbau auf Kurs:<br />

Mehr Ausbau, geringe Haftungsumlage,” press release (Berlin:<br />

19 October 2015), http://www.erneuerbare-energien.de/EE/<br />

Redaktion/DE/Pressemitteilungen/2015/2015-10-19-offshorenetzausbau-auf-kurs-mehr-ausbau-geringe-haftungsumlage.<br />

html; Japan started four transmission line projects to boost<br />

wind power capacity in Hokkaido and Tohoku, from Sawyer,<br />

op. cit. note 104; Ilias Tsagas, “Chile’s new 600km long<br />

transmission line can boost renewables,” PV Magazine, 11<br />

December 2015, http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/<br />

beitrag/chiles-new-600km-long-transmission-line-can-boostrenewables_100022420/;<br />

Jim Polson, “New York backs new<br />

transmission line to ease power prices, access renewable<br />

energy,” Renewable Energy World, 18 December 2015, http://<br />

www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/12/newyork-backs-new-transmission-lines-to-ease-power-pricesaccess-renewabl-energy;<br />

Monica Heger, “Scotland and Ireland<br />

consider a linked renewable energy future,” IEEE Spectrum,<br />

25 September 2015, http://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/<br />

energy/renewables/scotland-and-ireland-consider-a-linkedrenewable-energy-future;<br />

“ABB wins $300m order to improve<br />

grid reliability in China,” Power Technology, 16 October 2015,<br />

http://www.power-technology.com/news/newsabb-wins-300morder-to-improve-grid-reliability-in-china-4695721;<br />

“Alstom<br />

to build HVDC VSC converter stations for France-Italy link,”<br />

T&D World Magazine, 10 September 2015, http://tdworld.com/<br />

substations/alstom-build-hvdc-vsc-converter-stations-franceitaly-link;<br />

Smiti Mittal, “India expands work on renewable<br />

energy transmission network,” CleanTechnica, 19 August 2015,<br />

http://cleantechnica.com/2015/08/19/india-expands-workrenewable-energy-transmission-network/;<br />

“ABB plays it smart<br />

in Sweden,” Renews Biz, 8 May 2015, http://renews.biz/88230/<br />

abb-plays-it-smart-in-sweden/; Ilias Tsagas, “Jordan to upgrade<br />

its network; accommodate more renewables,” PV Magazine,<br />

30 October 2015, http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/<br />

beitrag/jordan-to-upgrade-its-network-accommodate-morerenewables_100021799/.<br />

114 IEA, op. cit. note 70, p. 346.<br />

115 Goldwind overtook Vestas from FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1,<br />

cited in FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 101; Goldwind overtook GE,<br />

per BNEF, cited in Daniel Cusick, “Chinese wind turbine maker<br />

is now world’s largest,” Scientific American, 23 February 2016,<br />

http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/chinese-wind-turbinemaker-is-now-world-s-largest/.<br />

Note that Vestas ranked number<br />

one, ahead of Goldwind, in 2015, per MAKE Consulting, cited in<br />

“Vestas tops turbine table,” Renews Biz, 31 March 2016, http://<br />

renews.biz/102120/vestas-tops-turbine-table.<br />

116 FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, cited in FTI Consulting, op. cit. note<br />

101; increasingly active in new markets from Gsänger, op. cit. note 7.<br />

117 Based on FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side Analysis.<br />

118 FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side Analysis. A slightly<br />

different ranking shows Goldwind passing GE (first place in 2014),<br />

followed by Vestas, GE, Siemens, Gamesa and Enercon, with<br />

Chinese companies Guodian, Ming Yang, Envision and CSIC also<br />

among the top 10, from BNEF, cited in Cusick, op. cit. note 115, and<br />

in “Xinjiang Goldwind ranks No. 1 in commissioned wind turbines<br />

in 2015, BNEF says,” Renewable Energy World, 22 February<br />

2016, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/<br />

chinese-firm-ranks-no-1-in-commissioned-wind-turbines-bnefsays.html.<br />

See also EWEA, op. cit. note 66, p. 5, http://www.<br />

ewea.org/fileadmin/files/library/publications/statistics/EWEA-<br />

European-Offshore-Statistics-2015.pdf.<br />

119 Rankings of Chinese companies based on CWEA, provided by<br />

Shi, op. cit. note 15; FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side<br />

Analysis. Figure 25 based on data from idem.<br />

120 FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side Analysis, p. 3.<br />

121 Based on data from FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Supply-Side<br />

Analysis, p. 4. Note that the top 15 accounted for over 82% of the<br />

total market (based on volumes of MW installed by vendors who<br />

sell turbines with rated capacities of at least 200 kW per unit).<br />

Also, there were 51 such wind turbine manufacturers producing<br />

turbines in 2015. All from idem, pp. iv, 2.<br />

122 FTI Consulting, Global Wind Supply Chain Update 2015 (London:<br />

January 2015), Executive Summary.<br />

123 LeAnne Graves, “Egypt revives wind turbine plans,” The National,<br />

24 January 2016, http://www.thenational.ae/business/energy/<br />

egypt-revives-wind-turbine-plans.<br />

124 Vestas planned to start production in May 2015 of blades<br />

for a wind farm in Liverpool Bay, from “Isle of Wight<br />

wind turbine firm Vestas creates 200 jobs,” BBC News, 5<br />

February 2015, http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-englandhampshire-31145066;<br />

Georgina Prodhan, “UPDATE 1-Siemens<br />

picks German port for new wind power plant,” Reuters, 5<br />

August 2015, http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/05/<br />

siemens-windpower-plant-idUSL5N10G1R120150805.<br />

125 Steve Sawyer, GWEC, personal communication with REN21, 3<br />

September 2014.<br />

126 For example, Gamesa (Spain) opened an expanded nacelle<br />

factory in Brazil to focus on the local market. Since 2011, Gamesa<br />

has built a competitive supply chain of over 1,000 suppliers<br />

in Brazil, from Joshua S. Hill, “Gamesa inaugurates 640 MW<br />

Brazil nacelle factory,” CleanTechnica, 10 June 2015, http://<br />

cleantechnica.com/2015/06/10/gamesa-inaugurates-640-<br />

mw-brazil-nacelle-factory/. GE announced plans to expand<br />

its presence in Brazil by opening new turbine service centres,<br />

from “GE expands Brazilian footprint,” 27 March 2015, http://<br />

renews.biz/86283/ge-beefs-up-brazilian-om/. GE also closed<br />

a tower factory in Brazil that it obtained through its acquisition<br />

of Alstom (France), from Vanessa Dezem, “GE to shutter wind<br />

turbine tower manufacturing plant in Brazil,” 22 February 2016,<br />

http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/<br />

ge-to-shutter-wind-turbine-tower-manufacturing-plant-in-brazil;<br />


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