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Energy Board, op. cit. note 18. This is up from 156.3 GWh in<br />

2014, from China Electricity Council, available in Chinese<br />

at http://www.cec.org.cn/guihuayutongji/gongxufenxi/<br />

dianliyunxingjiankuang/2015-02-02/133565.html, provided by<br />

Liming Qiao, GWEC, personal communication with REN21, 16<br />

April 2015; 2.8% of output in 2014 from China Renewable Energy<br />

Engineering Institute (CREEI), Wind Power Statistical Evaluation<br />

Report of China (in Chinese), 14 April 2015, provided by Shi, op. cit.<br />

note 15. China’s wind-generated electricity in 2012 was just over<br />

100 TWh, from GWEC, op. cit. note 1, p. 9.<br />

23 Based on 22,465.03 MW at the end of 2014, from Indian Ministry<br />

of New and Renewable Resources (MNRE), “Physical progress<br />

(achievements) up to the month of December 2015,” www.mnre.<br />

gov.in/mission-and-vision-2/achievements, viewed 21 January<br />

2015, and on 25,088.19 MW at end-2015, from MNRE, idem,<br />

viewed 1 February 2016. Additions of 2,623 MW for a year-end<br />

total of 25,088 MW, from GWEC, op. cit. note 1, p. 11, and 2015<br />

added capacity was 2,621 MW for a total of 25,088 MW, from FTI<br />

Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Demand-Side Analysis, pp. 7, 25. Note<br />

that 2,294 MW was added for a total of 24,759 MW, from WWEA,<br />

op. cit. note 1.<br />

24 “India adding 2800 MW of wind capacity in 2015,” GWEC<br />

Newsletter, January 2016, http://www.gwec.net/india-adding-<br />

2800-mw-of-wind-capacity-in-2015/; Steve Sawyer, GWEC,<br />

personal communication with REN21, 10 February 2016.<br />

25 Japan added 245 MW for a total of 3,038 MW, the Republic of<br />

Korea added 225 MW for a total of 835 MW, and all of Asia added<br />

33,859 MW for a total of 175,831 MW, all from GWEC, op. cit.<br />

note 1, p. 11. Japan added 244.6 MW for a total of 3,038.2 MW,<br />

and the Republic of Korea added 225 MW for a total of 834 MW,<br />

both from WWEA, op. cit. note 1. All of Asia added 33,606 MW in<br />

2015 for a total of 175,573 MW, from EurObserv’ER, op. cit. note<br />

1. Asia added a net of 33,882 MW (including additions also in<br />

Taipei (China), Kazakhstan, the Philippines and Vietnam, from<br />

IRENA, Renewable Capacity Statistics 2016 (Abu Dhabi: April<br />

2016), http://www.irena.org/DocumentDownloads/Publications/<br />

IRENA_RE_Capacity_Statistics_2016.pdf. Note that Vietnam<br />

is not included here, but by some reports the country added<br />

capacity in 2015. See endnotes for offshore wind developments.<br />

Capacity also was added in the Philippines, Taipei (China)<br />

and Thailand, per FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Demand-Side<br />

Analysis, p. 3.<br />

26 Projects from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), “China<br />

approves 34 GW of new wind projects,” Week in Review, 19 May<br />

2015, http://about.bnef.com/landing-pages/china-approves-<br />

34gw-new-wind-projects/. No new capacity came online in<br />

2015, per GWEC, op. cit. 1, p. 11, and IRENA, op. cit. note 1. Note,<br />

however, that an estimated 80 MW was installed in Pakistan<br />

during 2015, per FTI Consulting, op. cit. note 1, Demand-Side<br />

Analysis, p. 3.<br />

27 The United States added 8,598 MW for a total of 73,992 MW, from<br />

American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), “US Wind Industry<br />

2015 Annual Market Update: US Wind Power Capacity and<br />

Generation Growth in 2015” (Washington, DC: April 2016), http://<br />

awea.files.cms-plus.com/Annual%20Report%20Capacity%20<br />

and%20Generation%202015.pdf. Rankings based on data in<br />

this section. The United States added a net of 8,346.4 MW in<br />

2015 for a total of 72,577.9 MW, from US Energy Information<br />

Administration (EIA), Electric Power Monthly with Data for<br />

December 2015 (Washington, DC: US Department of Energy<br />

(DOE), February 2016), Table 6.1., p. 129, http://www.eia.gov/<br />

electricity/monthly/pdf/epm.pdf; wind power generated 190.927<br />

TWh of electricity in 2015, from EIA, idem, Table 1.1.A., p. 15, http://<br />

www.eia.gov/electricity/monthly/pdf/epm.pdf. Note that EIA data<br />

do not include facilities smaller than 1 MW and do not include<br />

off-grid capacity.<br />

28 Based on figure of 41% from AWEA, op. cit. note 27.<br />

29 Fourth quarter from AWEA, “American wind power posts<br />

second strongest quarter ever, readies to help states meet Clean<br />

Power Plan affordably,” press release (Washington, DC: 27<br />

January 2016), http://www.awea.org/MediaCenter/pressrelease.<br />

aspx?ItemNumber=8325; increase of 77% from AWEA, “US<br />

Wind Industry Fourth Quarter 2015 Market Report” (Washington,<br />

DC: 27 January 2015), p. 1, http://awea.files.cms-plus.com/<br />

FileDownloads/pdfs/4Q2015%20AWEA%20Market%20<br />

Report%20Public%20Version.pdf; drivers from BNEF and<br />

Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE), 2016 Sustainable<br />

Energy in America Factbook (London and Washington, DC: 2016),<br />

p. 60, http://www.bcse.org/wp-content/uploads/BCSE-2016-<br />

Sustainable-Energy-in-America-Factbook.pdf.<br />

30 AWEA, “US wind industry leaders praise multi-year extension<br />

of tax credits,” press release (Washington, DC: 18 December<br />

2015), http://www.awea.org/MediaCenter/pressrelease.<br />

aspx?ItemNumber=8254.<br />

31 Texas added 1,307 MW, followed by Oklahoma (853 MW), Kansas<br />

(599 MW) and Iowa (502 MW), from AWEA, “US Wind Industry<br />

Fourth Quarter 2015 Market Report,” op. cit. note 29.<br />

32 AWEA, “American wind power posts second strongest<br />

quarter ever…,” op. cit. note 29. Going beyond state mandates<br />

(Renewable Portfolio Standards) includes utilities in, for example,<br />

Colorado and Alabama, from David Labrador, “US wind power<br />

demand: corporations take the lead,” RMI Outlet, 22 February<br />

2016, http://blog.rmi.org/blog_2016_02_22_us_wind_power_<br />

demand_corporations_take_the_lead. At the same time, a<br />

growing number of utilities have met state RPS mandates and<br />

are slowing their new contracts, from Brian Eckhouse, “Google’s<br />

clean-power deal shows wind farms finding new customers,”<br />

Bloomberg, 5 December 2015, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/<br />

articles/2015-12-04/google-clean-power-deal-shows-windfarms-finding-new-customers.<br />

33 Labrador, op. cit. note 32. Corporate procurement in the United<br />

States continues to accelerate, from AWEA, “American wind<br />

power posts second strongest quarter ever…,” op. cit. note 29.<br />

An estimated 52% of the megawatts contracted through PPAs<br />

in 2015 (2,074 MW wind power) were signed by non-utility<br />

purchasers (including corporations, universities, cities) to reduce<br />

emissions and secure low-cost, fixed price electricity, from AWEA,<br />

“US Wind Industry 2015 Annual Market Update: Non-utility<br />

buyers increase wind demand in 2015” (Washington, DC: April<br />

2015), http://awea.files.cms-plus.com/Annual%20Report%20<br />

Non-Utility%20Purchasers%202015.pdf. Cost-competitiveness<br />

from Eckhouse, op. cit. note 32.<br />

34 AWEA, “American wind power posts second strongest quarter<br />

ever…,” op. cit. note 29.<br />

35 Canada added 1,506 MW for a total of 11,205 MW, from<br />

Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA), “Wind<br />

energy continues rapid growth in Canada in 2015,” press<br />

release (Ottawa: 12 January 2016), http://canwea.ca/<br />

wind-energy-continues-rapid-growth-in-canada-in-2015/.<br />

36 Ibid. Growth slowed based on GSR 2015 and FTI Consulting, op.<br />

cit. note 1, Demand-Side Analysis, p. iv.<br />

37 Ontario added 871 MW (for a total of 4,361 MW), followed by<br />

Québec (added 397 MW) and Nova Scotia (added 186 MW), from<br />

CanWEA, op. cit. note 35.<br />

38 CanWEA, op. cit. note 35. As of early 2016, Prince Edward Island<br />

got an estimated 40% of its electricity supply from wind energy,<br />

and Nova Scotia about 10%, from idem.<br />

39 EWEA, op. cit. note 8, pp. 4, 6; GWEC, op. cit. note 1. The<br />

EU added 12,518.8 MW for a total of 141,718.2 MW, from<br />

EurObserv’ER, op. cit. note 1.<br />

40 EWEA, op. cit. note 8, pp. 4, 5.<br />

41 Ibid., pp. 4, 6. The EU added an estimated 6,581 MW of new<br />

fossil capacity in 2015 (including 4,714 MW of coal and 1,867<br />

MW of natural gas; plus 100 MW of nuclear), but the region<br />

decommissioned about 15,587 MW of fossil capacity (including<br />

8,051 MW of coal, 4,254 MW of natural gas and 3,282 MW of fuel<br />

oil, plus 1,825 MW of nuclear), from EWEA, op. cit. note 8, p. 6.<br />

42 EWEA, op. cit. note 8, p. 8.<br />

43 GWEC, op. cit. note 1, pp. 13, 15.<br />

44 Preliminary statistics from Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und<br />

Energie (BMWi), Erneuerbare Energien in Deutschland, Daten<br />

zur Entwicklung im Jahr 2015 (Berlin: February 2016), http://<br />

www.erneuerbare-energien.de/EE/Redaktion/DE/Downloads/<br />

erneuerbare-energien-in-zahlen-2015.pdf, and from BMWi,<br />

“Development of Renewable Energy Sources in Germany<br />

2015,” statistical data from the Working Group on Renewable<br />

Energy-Statistics (AGEE-Stat), as at February 2016, http://<br />

www.erneuerbare-energien.de/EE/Redaktion/DE/Downloads/<br />

development-of-renewable-energy-sources-in-germany-2015.<br />

pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=8. Considering decommissioned<br />

onshore capacity of 195 MW, Germany’s capacity increased by<br />

a net of 5.8 GW for a year-end total of 44.9 GW, from Deutsche<br />

WindGuard, Status of Land-Based Wind Energy Development in<br />

02<br />



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