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ENDNOTES 02 MARKET AND INDUSTRY TRENDS - SOLAR THERMAL HEATING AND COOLING were Micoe, Sunrain, Himin and Linuo-Paradigma, per Cheng Hongzhi, SunVision Management Consulting, Dezhou, China, personal communication with REN21, April 2016. Micoe and Sunrain are the two brands of the manufacturer Sunrise East Group. 79 The TASK on Price Reduction of Solar Thermal Systems was launched in October, per Eva Augsten, “IEA SHC: Industry invited to join research community for lower solar heat costs,” Solar Thermal World, October 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld. org/content/iea-shc-industry-invited-join-research-communitylower-solar-heat-costs. 80 Bärbel Epp, “Germany/Belgium: Container solutions to standardise commercial solar thermal systems,” Solar Thermal World, 2 February 2016, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/ content/germanybelgium-container-solutions-standardisecommercial-solar-thermal-systems-0. 81 Domestic hot water supply stations have been used mainly in German-speaking countries to date but have become increasingly popular in southern and eastern Europe, especially for large buildings that are equipped with buffer tanks, per Eva Augsten, “Tap water stations: top marks for hygiene,” Sun & Wind Energy, November 2015, http://www.sunwindenergy.com/ content/tap-water-stations-top-marks-hygiene. 82 Viessmann from Bärbel Epp, “Germany: ISH 2015 and its prominent novelties,” Solar Thermal World, 30 March 2015, http:// www.solarthermalworld.org/content/germany-ish-2015-andits-prominent-novelties; Sunlumo from Bärbel Epp, “Germany: Two national awards for solar thermal specialists,” Solar Thermal World, 27 January 2016, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/ content/germany-two-national-awards-solar-thermal-specialists. The Sunlumo collector received the German Federal Ecodesign Award in the Product category, from idem. 83 The Global Solar Certification Network (GSCN) was developed within TASK 43, called Solar Rating and Certification – Global Collector Certification, per Bärbel Epp, “IEA SHC: Mutual recognition of test and inspection reports saves industry costs,“ Solar Thermal World, 4 August 2015, http://www. solarthermalworld.org/content/iea-shc-mutual-recognition-testand-inspection-reports-saves-industry-costs. 84 Epp, op. cit. note 83; An example of the cost-saving possibilities: a manufacturer that certifies eight different collector types on three regional market would pay around EUR 288,000. Under the new scheme of mutual recognition the fees go down to only EUR 96,000, per Jan Erik Nielsen, Solarkey Int., Hvalsø, Denmark, head of GSCN (http://www.gscn.solar/), personal communication with solrico, November 2015. 85 Bärbel Epp, “ISH 2015: Letter A with or without + dominates International Heating Fair,” Solar Thermal World, 13 March 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ ish-2015-letter-or-without-dominates-international-heating-fair. 86 Ibid. Another critical point is the dependency of collector and tank manufacturers from the installer, which should calculate the so-called package label for a solar system with an arbitrary boiler, whereas boiler manufacturers sell already-labelled heating and hot water systems, including solar, per Bärbel Epp, “European energy labelling: solar manufacturers have doubts,” Solar Thermal World, 27 October 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ european-energy-labelling-solar-manufacturers-have-doubts. 87 The relevant solar thermal institutions in Europe – ESTIF, Solar Keymark Network and BSW Solar – have difficulties implementing Solergy because the initiative lacks broad industry support and is not anchored in the EU regulations, per Bärbel Epp, “Germany: Debate about voluntary collector output label Solergy,” Solar Thermal World, 4 November 2015, http:// www.solarthermalworld.org/content/germany-debate-aboutvoluntary-collector-output-label-solergy; Bärbel Epp, “Solergy collector label: EU commission confirms clear distinction from energy labelling,” Solar Thermal World, 28 December 2015, http:// www.solarthermalworld.org/content/solergy-collector-labeleu-commission-confirms-clear-distinction-energy-labelling. By end-January 2016, around 200 collector types were labelled partly by the German certification body Din Certco, per Marisol Oropeza, “News from Solergy,” Solar Heat Initiative newsletter, 15 February 2016, http://solar-heating-initiative.com/. 88 Vanessa Kriele, “Quality infrastructure crucial to emerging markets,” Solar Thermal World, 11 January 2016, http://www. solarthermalworld.org/content/quality-infrastructure-crucialemerging-markets; IRENA, Quality Infrastructure for Renewable Energy Technologies: Solar Water Heaters (Abu Dhabi: December 2015), http://www.irena.org/DocumentDownloads/Publications/ IRENA_QI_3_SWH_2015.pdf. 89 Alejandro Diego Rosell, “MENA: First online training program on solar water heaters certification,” Solar Thermal World, 21 June 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ mena-first-online-training-program-solar-water-heaterscertification. The Initiative of the Pan American Standards Commission (Copant) aims to develop regional standards for solar water heaters with the aim of harmonising them with ISO standards, per Vanessa Kriele, “Latin America on its way to solar thermal quality standards,” Solar Thermal World, 31 August 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ latin-america-its-way-solar-thermal-quality-standards. 90 A total of 39 suppliers with 76 collectors was analysed in a survey, with 76% of the supplied collectors based on parabolic trough technology, followed by 16% with lineal Fresnel technology, per Ana Huidobro, “Medium temperature solar collectors database, TASK 11.1 – small scale and low cost installations for power and industrial process heat applications,” Tecnalia, July 2015, http:// www.stage-ste.eu/keydocuments/docs/STAGE-STE_D110.pdf. 91 Database STAGE-STE, cited in Tecnalia, “Medium temperature solar collectors manufacturers and models database” (Donostia- San Sebastian, Spain: November 2015), http://www.stage-ste.eu/ keydocuments/solarthermalcollectors.php. 92 Artic Solar manufactures the XCPC collectors, which provide enough heat for commercial buildings as well as hightemperature applications, per the company’s website, http:// www.articsolar.com/about.html. Skyven Technologies is developing a solar thermal panel which concentrates radiation to a closed, controllable piping network, per the company’s website, http://www.skyven.co/technology/. Oorja Solar develops concentrating solar thermal collectors for new industrial applications, per the company’s website, http://www.oorja.in/ intersolar-india-2015-oorja-presents-on-novel-solar-thermalapplications/. 93 Database STAGE-STE, op. cit. note 91. 94 Among the more than 9,600 buildings of the US General Services Administration, appropriate candidates for PV-T are those which have a larger domestic hot water load that is provided by electricity not gas, per Jesse Dean et al., Photovoltaic-Thermal New Technology Demonstration (Golden, CO: US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, January 2015). 95 Ibid., op. cit. note 94. 96 The annual electrical co-efficient of performance (COP el ) of 12 monitored solar cooling systems between 10 and 1,750 kW cool was between 6 and 25, with an average value of 12.9, which is three times higher than the state of the art compression chiller systems, per Uli Jakob, “Best Practice Brochure from IEA SHC TASK 48 Quality Assurance & Support Measures for Solar Cooling Systems” (Germany: Green Chiller Association for Sorption Cooling, June 2015), http://task48.iea-shc.org/data/sites/1/ publications/Task%2048%20-%20Activity%20D2%20Final%20 Report%20-%20November%202015.pdf. A COP el of 12.9 means that the system produces the equivalent of 12.9 kWh of cooling energy from each kWh of electricity. Riccardo Battisti, „Solar cooling 2.0: new generation growing up,” Solar Thermal World, 1 October 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ solar-cooling-20-new-generation-growing. 97 Bärbel Epp, “Denmark/Italy: Green cooling kit from Purix addresses growing split chiller market,” Solar Thermal World, 23 December 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ denmarkitaly-green-cooling-kit-purix-addresses-growing-splitchiller-market; Solarinvent and Solabcool from Riccardo Battisti, “Solar cooling: from research to market competitiveness,” Solar Thermal World, 6 October 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld. org/content/solar-cooling-research-market-competitiveness. Meibes developed a 5 kW sorption chiller and will offer complete system kits including space heating and cooling energy distribution, per Andre Breuer, Meibes, Gerichshain, Germany, personal communication with REN21, April 2016. 98 Compact Thermal Energy Storage has a huge potential for latent heat and sorption materials in the long run – in seasonal solar heat storage for small and medium applications, as well as in the building sector, per Wim van Helden and Matthias Rommel, 230

ENDNOTES 02 MARKET AND INDUSTRY TRENDS - SOLAR THERMAL HEATING AND COOLING Compact Thermal Energy Storage. IEA SHC Position Paper (Cedar, MI: August 2015), http://www.solarthermalworld.org/sites/gstec/ files/news/file/2015-09-25/iea-shc_compact-thermal-storageposition-paper_aug2015.pdf. 99 Ibid. 100 The experts calculated that based on the costs of substituted energy, the maximum acceptable storage capacity costs of a compact storage were in the range of EUR 2–4 per kWh of installed storage capacity for seasonal storage systems with a 25-year lifetime and a 1% interest loan, per Ibid. 02 RENEWABLES 2016 · GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 231


Compact Thermal Energy Storage. IEA SHC Position Paper (Cedar,<br />

MI: August 2015), http://www.solarthermalworld.org/sites/gstec/<br />

files/news/file/2015-09-25/iea-shc_compact-thermal-storageposition-paper_aug2015.pdf.<br />

99 Ibid.<br />

100 The experts calculated that based on the costs of substituted<br />

energy, the maximum acceptable storage capacity costs of<br />

a compact storage were in the range of EUR 2–4 per kWh of<br />

installed storage capacity for seasonal storage systems with a<br />

25-year lifetime and a 1% interest loan, per Ibid.<br />

02<br />



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