
2j7YOwO 2j7YOwO


ENDNOTES 02 MARKET AND INDUSTRY TRENDS - SOLAR THERMAL HEATING AND COOLING Africa and Zimbabwe. 32 Bärbel Epp, “Global view: solar thermal markets transitioning from residential to commercial,” Solar Thermal World, 3 March 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/global-view-solarthermal-markets-transitioning-residential-commercial. 33 In 2015, the Chinese retail market in the residential sector was on the decline again, whereas the segment of commercial projects in cities was growing rapidly, per Hongzhi Cheng, head of Chinese market research company The Sun’s Vision, in an interview on Solar Thermal World, 2 October 2015, http:// www.solarthermalworld.org/content/triple-supply-has-shownsignificant-development; Epp, op. cit. note 9; Poland´s market statistics from Janusz Starościk, SPIUG, Poland, personal communication with REN21, April 2016. 34 Epp, op. cit. note 9. 35 The project business in Poland grew again in 2015 by 5–10%, whereas the residential market declined significantly, per Janusz Starościk, SPIUG, Poland, personal communication with REN21, March 2016. Poland’s current residential subsidy scheme, Prosument, is more a solar PV than a solar thermal scheme; solar thermal applications were accepted only in combination with a renewable electricity system until August 2015, per Bärbel Epp, “Poland: From renewable heat to renewable electricity funding,” Solar Thermal World, 6 January 2015, http:// www.solarthermalworld.org/content/poland-renewable-heatrenewable-electricity-funding; Bärbel Epp, “Poland: Separate but capped solar thermal subsidy,” Solar Thermal World, 11 September 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ poland-separate-capped-solar-thermal-subsidy. 36 Bärbel Epp, “Europe: 23 new and upgraded solar district heating plants of 190 MWth start operation in 2015,” Solar Thermal World, 5 April 2016, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/europe- 23-new-and-upgraded-solar-district-heating-plants-190-mwthstart-operation-2015, based on market statistics of Jan-Olof Dalenbäck, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden. 37 Ibid. 38 Ibid.; Jan Erik Nielsen, “Solar District Heating in Denmark, Status 2015,” presentation at Task Definition Workshop, Solar District Heating, Graz, Austria, November 2015. 39 Denmark also has a high share of renewable electricity in summer that makes it economically advantageous to shut down combined heat and power facilities that feed into district heating plants, per Nielsen, op. cit. note 38. 40 Epp, op. cit. note 36. 41 Ibid. 42 The 1,422 m 2 collector field in the German town of Simmern was finished in December 2015 and will start operation once the block heating centre is built, with a delay of around six months, per Rolf Meissner, Ritter XL Solar, Karlsbad, Germany, personal communication with REN21, March 2016. The German town of Senftenberg mandated the construction of a 8,300 m 2 gross vacuum tube collector area for district heating, per Maren Schmidt, Ritter Energy- and Umwelttechnik, Karlsbad, Germany, press release, 27 February 2016. The German town of Chemnitz published a tender at the end of 2015 for a solar district heating system, per Guido Broer, “Kollektorfeld für Chemnitz,” Solarthemen, 24 December 2015 (in German). The Spanish company Aiguasol searched for financing for a collector field with around 4,000 m 2 to feed into the biomass-supplied network La Marina operated by Ecoenergies Barcelona, per Angel Carrera, Aiguasol, Barcelona, Spain, personal communication with REN21, March 2016. 43 Bärbel Epp, “IEA SHC: Attractive solar process heat markets,” Solar Thermal World, 28 August 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld. org/content/iea-shc-attractive-solar-process-heat-markets. 44 EDF Optimal Solutions, France, runs a 1,500 m 2 collector field as an ESCO to provide heat for the French dairy processor Bonilait Protéines, which has its factory near the town of Poitiers, per Bärbel Epp, “Bonilait Dairy: Largest solar process heat installation in France,” Solar Thermal World, 24 September 2015, http:// www.solarthermalworld.org/content/bonilait-dairy-largestsolar-process-heat-installation-france. In June 2015 the Indian ESCO Aspiration Energy realised a 1,000 m 2 collector field for the Indian Heat Seating Systems, per Viji Suresh, Aspiration Energy, Chennai, India, personal communication with REN21, May 2015; Fresnel collectors with 290 m 2 mirror area supply steam to the Sardinio dairy Nuova Sarda Industria Casearia, per Riccardo Battisti, “Italy: Solar steam for cheese production,” Solar Thermal World, 24 July 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ italy-solar-steam-cheese-production; 180 flat plate collectors preheat water for Indian garment manufacturer Sharman Showls, per Jaideep Malaviya, “India: Solar process heat with less than 18-month payback period,” Solar Thermal World, 14 July 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/india-solar-processheat-less-18-month-payback-period; Bärbel Epp, “Jordan: Fresnel collectors supply 160 °C steam to pharmaceuticals producer Ram Pharm,” Solar Thermal World, 26 May 2015, http://www. solarthermalworld.org/content/jordan-fresnel-collectors-supply- 160-degc-steam-pharmaceuticals-producer-ram-pharma. 45 The 1 GW th plant is installed by the California-based company GlassPoint. The steam is used to heat the heavy crude oil to improve flow and make it easier to pump it to the surface, per Bärbel Epp, “Oman: Construction starts for world’s largest solar steam power plant Miraah,” Solar Thermal World, 20 April 2016, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/oman-constructionstarts-worlds-largest-solar-steam-power-plant-miraah. 46 Epp, op. cit. note 45. 47 AEE INTEC, Solar Heat for Industrial Processes database, www. ship-plants.info, as of March 2016, per Wolfgang Glatzl, AEE INTEC, Gleisdorf, Austria, personal communication with REN21, March 2016. 48 Solar heat could contribute 8.9 EJ in the residential segment by 2050 and 7.2 EJ in the industrial segment, per IEA, Technology Roadmap Solar Heating and Cooling (Paris: 2012), https://www. iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/Solar_Heating_ Cooling_Roadmap_2012_WEB.pdf. 49 According to the online Solar Heat for Industrial Processes database (www.ship-plants.info), Chile, China and the United States lead in volume of installed solar process heat collector area. Chile boasts the world’s largest solar process heat installation – the 27.5 MW th plant at the Gaby copper mine. Austria and Germany lead in the number of projects, with 23 and 21 projects, respectively. German systems are by far the smallest of all key market installations, per Bärbel Epp, op. cit. note 43. 50 To tackle the obstacle of having few planning guidelines, the research group of the IEA Task 49 (Solar Heat in Industrial Processes) developed and published the so-called Integration Guideline (http://task49.iea-shc.org/data/sites/1/ publications/150218_IEA%20Task%2049_D_B2_Integration_ Guideline-final.pdf), a step-by-step guide on how to integrate solar heat in industrial processes, per Wolfgang Glatzl, AEE INTEC, Gleisdorf, Austria, personal communication with REN21, April 2016; Bärbel Epp, “Very few countries have policies explicitly supporting renewable deployment in the industry sector,” interview with Ruud Kempener, Technology Roadmap Analyst at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Innovation and Technology Centre in Bonn, Germany, Solar Thermal World, 2 March 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/veryfew-countries-have-policies-explicitly-supporting-renewabledeployment-industry-sector; IRENA, Renewable Energy Options for the Industry Sector: Global and Regional Potential until 2030 (Abu Dhabi: 2015), http://www.irena.org/remap/IRENA_RE_ Potential_for_Industry_BP_2015.pdf. 51 Gabi Sartori, Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Canberra, Australia, personal communication with solrico, March 2016. 52 Epp, op. cit. note 43. 53 Virach Maneekhao, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Bangkok, Thailand, personal communication with solrico, November 2015. 54 Daniel Mugnier, Tecsol, Perpignan, France, personal communication with REN21, March 2016. 55 Ibid. 56 Estimating the number of newly installed solar cooling systems in 2015 is difficult because of the growing number of sorption chiller manufacturers and of PV cooling systems, and the diversification of markets in the Middle East, Asia and Australia; thus, it is no longer possible to assess a global market overview at end-2015, per Uli Jakob, Green Chiller Association for Sorption Cooling, Berlin, Germany, personal communication with REN21, March 2016. 57 Annual newly installed solar cooling systems from Solem 228

ENDNOTES 02 MARKET AND INDUSTRY TRENDS - SOLAR THERMAL HEATING AND COOLING Consulting / Tecsol within TASK 48 of IEA SHC, per Jakob, op. cit. note 56. 58 The German Chiller manufacturer Invensor commissioned the largest solar cooling installation in its company history in March 2015 at the German weighing technology manufacturer Wipotec. The installation has 100 kW of cooling capacity and 480 m 2 of collector field (the collector field and cooling load are separate units) for air conditioning of the production and office buildings, per Hayo Angerer-Wachenfeld, Invensor, Berlin, Germany, personal communication with REN21, April 2016. As of early 2016, a 3,000 m 2 solar process heating and cooling system was under construction in Graz at the industry company AVL, per Christian Holter, S.O.L.I.D., Graz, Austria, personal communication with REN21, April 2016. The Sheikh Zayed Desert Learning Center in Abu Dhabi is partly cooled by a 1,134 m² collector field, which drives a 352 kW capacity lithium absorption chiller, per Bärbel Epp, “UAE: Museum in Al Ain Garden City receives 5-Pearl Estidama rating,” Solar Thermal World, 4 May 2015, http://www. solarthermalworld.org/content/uae-museum-al-ain-garden-cityreceives-5-pearl-estidama-rating. 59 For the first time, a solar cooling week was organised in March 2015 by IEA SHC TASK 48, in co-operation with Professor Yajun Dai from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, per Eva Augsten, “Solar Cooling Week in China: sector still growing in Asia and Europe,” Solar Thermal World, 30 April 2015, http://www. solarthermalworld.org/content/solar-cooling-week-china-sectorstill-growing-asia-and-europe. Favorable countries for 100 kW solar cooling systems are Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, the State of Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen, per United Nations Environmental Programme, Assessment on the Commercial Viability of Solar Cooling Technologies and Applications in the Arab Region (Nairobi: 2014), http://www.solarthermalworld.org/sites/gstec/ files/story/2016-04-05/solar_cooling_in_arab_region_0.pdf. 60 Daniel Mugnier, Tecsol, Perpignan, France, personal communication with REN21, April 2016. 61 Desiccant cooling (DEC) systems lack commercial offers and seriously aggressive actors in comparison with absorption and adsorption chiller technologies. The complexity of DEC systems often lead to the selection of absorption technology for solar cooling projects in 2015, per Mugnier, op. cit. note 54. 62 Bärbel Epp and Stephanie Banse, “Success and crisis close together,” Sun & Wind Energy 6/2015, November 2015, pp. 22–35, http://www.sunwindenergy.com/sites/default/emagftp/ SWE_S_06__2015/index.html#/22 . 63 Jaideep Malaviya, “India: First mirror manufacturer for concentrating collector application,” Solar Thermal World, 26 January 2016, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/indiafirst-mirror-manufacturer-concentrating-collector-application. The United Nations Development Programme is subsidising the installation of 90 demonstration and replication projects totalling 45,000 m² of collector area between 2012 and 2017, from Jaideep Malaviya, “India: UNDP supports 53 new concentrating solar thermal projects,” Solar Thermal World, 23 February 2015, http:// www.solarthermalworld.org/content/india-undp-supports-53- new-concentrating-solar-thermal-projects. 64 Alejandro Diego Rosell, “Mexico: First local vacuum tube manufacturer to start production in 2018,” Solar Thermal World, 16 October 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/ content/mexico-first-local-vacuum-tube-manufacturerstart-production-2018; Alejandro Diego Rosell, “Mexico: Pilot polymer water heater factory by 2016,” Solar Thermal World, 26 June 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ mexico-pilot-polymer-water-heater-factory-2016. 65 The three vacuum tube collector manufacturers reached a production capacity of at least 10 million tubes in 2014, enough to cover the demand of newly installed vacuum tube collector systems with 1,024,665 m 2 in 2015, per Bärbel Epp, “Turkey: Market development 2015 and forecast 2016,” Solar Thermal World, 26 November 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/ content/turkey-market-development-2015-and-forecast-2016. Market figures for Turkey for 2015 from Ülke, op. cit. note 14. 66 Costas Travasaros, EBHE, Piraeus, Greece, personal communication with REN21, February 2016; Klaus Mischensky, Austria Solar, Vienna, Austria, personal communication with REN21, March 2016. 67 Over the last two years, maybe 90% of the companies active in solar thermal have gone out of business, per Javier Ferrada, Britec, Santiago, Chile, personal communication with REN21, February 2016. See Alejandro Diego Rosell, “Chile: New tax credits – better late than never,” Solar Thermal World, 2 March 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ chile-new-tax-credits-better-late-never. 68 Linuo New Materials did not make money in the last few years because of the decreasing prices of raw glass tubing and because its manufacturing technology was outdated, per Epp and Banse, op. cit. note 62. The world´s largest manufacturer of vacuum tubes and systems, the Sunrise East Group with its two brands Sunrain and Micoe, purchased a 30% stake in Pengpusang, known internationally as Prosunpro, per idem. 69 Bärbel Epp, “Europe: Market decline claims four victims in collector industry,” Solar Thermal World, 17 November 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ europe-market-decline-claims-four-victims-collector-industry. 70 Ensol and Hewalex announced strong growth rates in 2014, according to the world map survey, per Epp and Banse, op. cit. note 62. 71 Novasol and Sumersol have begun to offer innovative financing schemes to decrease the dependency of stop-and-go support schemes. Navasol’s clients can pay back the investment in monthly instalments equivalent to the monthly energy bills they used to pay, plus a certain discount. Sumersol offers energy service contracts, selling solar heat instead of solar systems to customers, per Alejandro Diego Rosell, “Spain: Market growth despite incentive scheme stop and go,” Solar Thermal World, 2 February 2016, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ spain-market-growth-despite-incentive-scheme-stop-and-go. 72 According to Skyline Innovations, the company had completed 104 ESCO projects by February 2014; 96 were in design/build phase at that time and another 41 were signed to be built, per Justin Schafer, Product Manager, Skyline, in an interview, “We try to take the complication out of the energy business, not only for our customers, but also for our industry partners,” Solar Thermal World, 28 February 2014, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/ content/we-try-take-complication-out-energy-business-notonly-our-customers-also-our-industry. S.O.L.I.D. in Austria had 13 plants under ESCO contracts with a total collector area of 26,427 m 2 in May 2015, per Harald Blazek, S.O.L.I.D., Graz, Austria, personal communication with REN21, April–May 2015. 73 Sumersol from Spain has been experiencing continuous growth in offering heat delivery contracts as an ESCO. Founding Partner Juan José Rojo confirms: “Five years ago, we set up maybe two to three systems per year. Now, we are installing more than ten and intend to reach 50 over the medium term,” as quoted in Rosell, op. cit. note 71. Sunti, a French start-up founded in November 2014, offers solar process heat to firms as an ESCO, per Bärbel Epp, “France: New ESCO focuses on process heat,” Solar Thermal World, 2 May 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ france-new-esco-focuses-process-heat. The German company Enertracting, founded in 2011, focuses on the ESCO business; at the end of 2015, it had under contract six systems with a total collector area of more than 1,000 m 2 , per Roland Heinzen, Enertracting, Kassel, Germany, personal communication with solrico, April 2015. The solar process heat company Sunvapor offers the sale of heat as opposed to equipment, per Steven Meyers, Visiting Scientist, Sunvapor, personal communication with REN21, March 2016. 74 Austrian installation company Mysolar specialises in replacing 18 year old on average solar water heaters that have been losing efficiency because of ageing collectors. At a fixed price, the company replaces old collectors with new ones – a growing business field, as the increasing number of partners in different federal states shows, per Eva Augsten, “Austria: Mysolar offers to replace old solar thermal collectors,” Solar Thermal World, 9 November 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/ austria-mysolar-offers-replace-old-solar-thermal-collectors. 75 An average 88% of the annually installed collector units in Israel were replacing existing systems, and only 12% were new ones between 2010 and 2014, per Eddie Bet-Hazavdi, Department of Energy Conservation within the Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources, Tel Aviv, Israel, personal communication with solrico, June 2015. 76 Epp and Banse, op. cit. note 62. 77 Ibid. 78 The largest brands of vacuum tube collectors in China in 2015 02 RENEWABLES 2016 · GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 229


Consulting / Tecsol within TASK 48 of IEA SHC, per Jakob, op. cit.<br />

note 56.<br />

58 The German Chiller manufacturer Invensor commissioned the<br />

largest solar cooling installation in its company history in March<br />

2015 at the German weighing technology manufacturer Wipotec.<br />

The installation has 100 kW of cooling capacity and 480 m 2 of<br />

collector field (the collector field and cooling load are separate<br />

units) for air conditioning of the production and office buildings,<br />

per Hayo Angerer-Wachenfeld, Invensor, Berlin, Germany,<br />

personal communication with REN21, April 2016. As of early 2016,<br />

a 3,000 m 2 solar process heating and cooling system was under<br />

construction in Graz at the industry company AVL, per Christian<br />

Holter, S.O.L.I.D., Graz, Austria, personal communication with<br />

REN21, April 2016. The Sheikh Zayed Desert Learning Center in<br />

Abu Dhabi is partly cooled by a 1,134 m² collector field, which<br />

drives a 352 kW capacity lithium absorption chiller, per Bärbel<br />

Epp, “UAE: Museum in Al Ain Garden City receives 5-Pearl<br />

Estidama rating,” Solar Thermal World, 4 May 2015, http://www.<br />

solarthermalworld.org/content/uae-museum-al-ain-garden-cityreceives-5-pearl-estidama-rating.<br />

59 For the first time, a solar cooling week was organised in March<br />

2015 by IEA SHC TASK 48, in co-operation with Professor<br />

Yajun Dai from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, per Eva Augsten,<br />

“Solar Cooling Week in China: sector still growing in Asia and<br />

Europe,” Solar Thermal World, 30 April 2015, http://www.<br />

solarthermalworld.org/content/solar-cooling-week-china-sectorstill-growing-asia-and-europe.<br />

Favorable countries for 100 kW<br />

solar cooling systems are Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, the State of<br />

Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen, per United Nations Environmental<br />

Programme, Assessment on the Commercial Viability of Solar<br />

Cooling Technologies and Applications in the Arab Region<br />

(Nairobi: 2014), http://www.solarthermalworld.org/sites/gstec/<br />

files/story/2016-04-05/solar_cooling_in_arab_region_0.pdf.<br />

60 Daniel Mugnier, Tecsol, Perpignan, France, personal<br />

communication with REN21, April 2016.<br />

61 Desiccant cooling (DEC) systems lack commercial offers and<br />

seriously aggressive actors in comparison with absorption and<br />

adsorption chiller technologies. The complexity of DEC systems<br />

often lead to the selection of absorption technology for solar<br />

cooling projects in 2015, per Mugnier, op. cit. note 54.<br />

62 Bärbel Epp and Stephanie Banse, “Success and crisis close<br />

together,” Sun & Wind Energy 6/2015, November 2015, pp.<br />

22–35, http://www.sunwindenergy.com/sites/default/emagftp/<br />

SWE_S_06__2015/index.html#/22 .<br />

63 Jaideep Malaviya, “India: First mirror manufacturer for<br />

concentrating collector application,” Solar Thermal World, 26<br />

January 2016, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/indiafirst-mirror-manufacturer-concentrating-collector-application.<br />

The United Nations Development Programme is subsidising the<br />

installation of 90 demonstration and replication projects totalling<br />

45,000 m² of collector area between 2012 and 2017, from Jaideep<br />

Malaviya, “India: UNDP supports 53 new concentrating solar<br />

thermal projects,” Solar Thermal World, 23 February 2015, http://<br />

www.solarthermalworld.org/content/india-undp-supports-53-<br />

new-concentrating-solar-thermal-projects.<br />

64 Alejandro Diego Rosell, “Mexico: First local vacuum tube<br />

manufacturer to start production in 2018,” Solar Thermal<br />

World, 16 October 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/<br />

content/mexico-first-local-vacuum-tube-manufacturerstart-production-2018;<br />

Alejandro Diego Rosell, “Mexico: Pilot<br />

polymer water heater factory by 2016,” Solar Thermal World,<br />

26 June 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/<br />

mexico-pilot-polymer-water-heater-factory-2016.<br />

65 The three vacuum tube collector manufacturers reached a<br />

production capacity of at least 10 million tubes in 2014, enough<br />

to cover the demand of newly installed vacuum tube collector<br />

systems with 1,024,665 m 2 in 2015, per Bärbel Epp, “Turkey:<br />

Market development 2015 and forecast 2016,” Solar Thermal<br />

World, 26 November 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/<br />

content/turkey-market-development-2015-and-forecast-2016.<br />

Market figures for Turkey for 2015 from Ülke, op. cit. note 14.<br />

66 Costas Travasaros, EBHE, Piraeus, Greece, personal<br />

communication with REN21, February 2016; Klaus Mischensky,<br />

Austria Solar, Vienna, Austria, personal communication with<br />

REN21, March 2016.<br />

67 Over the last two years, maybe 90% of the companies active<br />

in solar thermal have gone out of business, per Javier Ferrada,<br />

Britec, Santiago, Chile, personal communication with REN21,<br />

February 2016. See Alejandro Diego Rosell, “Chile: New<br />

tax credits – better late than never,” Solar Thermal World,<br />

2 March 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/<br />

chile-new-tax-credits-better-late-never.<br />

68 Linuo New Materials did not make money in the last few years<br />

because of the decreasing prices of raw glass tubing and because<br />

its manufacturing technology was outdated, per Epp and Banse,<br />

op. cit. note 62. The world´s largest manufacturer of vacuum<br />

tubes and systems, the Sunrise East Group with its two brands<br />

Sunrain and Micoe, purchased a 30% stake in Pengpusang,<br />

known internationally as Prosunpro, per idem.<br />

69 Bärbel Epp, “Europe: Market decline claims four victims<br />

in collector industry,” Solar Thermal World, 17 November<br />

2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/<br />

europe-market-decline-claims-four-victims-collector-industry.<br />

70 Ensol and Hewalex announced strong growth rates in 2014,<br />

according to the world map survey, per Epp and Banse, op. cit.<br />

note 62.<br />

71 Novasol and Sumersol have begun to offer innovative financing<br />

schemes to decrease the dependency of stop-and-go support<br />

schemes. Navasol’s clients can pay back the investment in<br />

monthly instalments equivalent to the monthly energy bills they<br />

used to pay, plus a certain discount. Sumersol offers energy<br />

service contracts, selling solar heat instead of solar systems to<br />

customers, per Alejandro Diego Rosell, “Spain: Market growth<br />

despite incentive scheme stop and go,” Solar Thermal World,<br />

2 February 2016, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/<br />

spain-market-growth-despite-incentive-scheme-stop-and-go.<br />

72 According to Skyline Innovations, the company had completed<br />

104 ESCO projects by February 2014; 96 were in design/build<br />

phase at that time and another 41 were signed to be built, per<br />

Justin Schafer, Product Manager, Skyline, in an interview, “We try<br />

to take the complication out of the energy business, not only for<br />

our customers, but also for our industry partners,” Solar Thermal<br />

World, 28 February 2014, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/<br />

content/we-try-take-complication-out-energy-business-notonly-our-customers-also-our-industry.<br />

S.O.L.I.D. in Austria had<br />

13 plants under ESCO contracts with a total collector area of<br />

26,427 m 2 in May 2015, per Harald Blazek, S.O.L.I.D., Graz, Austria,<br />

personal communication with REN21, April–May 2015.<br />

73 Sumersol from Spain has been experiencing continuous growth<br />

in offering heat delivery contracts as an ESCO. Founding Partner<br />

Juan José Rojo confirms: “Five years ago, we set up maybe two to<br />

three systems per year. Now, we are installing more than ten and<br />

intend to reach 50 over the medium term,” as quoted in Rosell, op.<br />

cit. note 71. Sunti, a French start-up founded in November 2014,<br />

offers solar process heat to firms as an ESCO, per Bärbel Epp,<br />

“France: New ESCO focuses on process heat,” Solar Thermal<br />

World, 2 May 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/<br />

france-new-esco-focuses-process-heat. The German company<br />

Enertracting, founded in 2011, focuses on the ESCO business;<br />

at the end of 2015, it had under contract six systems with a<br />

total collector area of more than 1,000 m 2 , per Roland Heinzen,<br />

Enertracting, Kassel, Germany, personal communication with<br />

solrico, April 2015. The solar process heat company Sunvapor<br />

offers the sale of heat as opposed to equipment, per Steven<br />

Meyers, Visiting Scientist, Sunvapor, personal communication<br />

with REN21, March 2016.<br />

74 Austrian installation company Mysolar specialises in replacing<br />

18 year old on average solar water heaters that have been losing<br />

efficiency because of ageing collectors. At a fixed price, the<br />

company replaces old collectors with new ones – a growing<br />

business field, as the increasing number of partners in different<br />

federal states shows, per Eva Augsten, “Austria: Mysolar offers<br />

to replace old solar thermal collectors,” Solar Thermal World, 9<br />

November 2015, http://www.solarthermalworld.org/content/<br />

austria-mysolar-offers-replace-old-solar-thermal-collectors.<br />

75 An average 88% of the annually installed collector units in Israel<br />

were replacing existing systems, and only 12% were new ones<br />

between 2010 and 2014, per Eddie Bet-Hazavdi, Department<br />

of Energy Conservation within the Ministry of National<br />

Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources, Tel Aviv, Israel,<br />

personal communication with solrico, June 2015.<br />

76 Epp and Banse, op. cit. note 62.<br />

77 Ibid.<br />

78 The largest brands of vacuum tube collectors in China in 2015<br />

02<br />



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