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ENDNOTES 02 MARKET AND INDUSTRY TRENDS - GEOTHERMAL POWER AND HEAT compared to 5.9% simple growth rate for the same period. The weighted-average five-year annual growth rate for utilisation is 3.5%, compared to 3.3% simple growth rate for the same period. 31 Lund and Boyd, op. cit. note 1. 32 Capacity factors calculated from historical values from Ibid. 33 Data and reference to data uncertainty from Ibid. 34 Data from Ibid.; extrapolation through 2015, op. cit. note 30. 35 Data from Ibid.; extrapolation through 2015, op. cit. note 30. 36 Lund and Boyd, op. cit. note 1. 37 Philippe Dumas, EGEC, personal communication with REN21, February 2016. 38 Ibid. 39 Burkhard Sanner, EGEC, personal communication with REN21, March 2016. 40 Engie, “YGéo: an ambitious, sustainable and socially cohesive project,” undated, http://www.engie.com/en/businesses/ electricity/geothermal/ygeo-ambitious-sustainable-sociallycohesive-project; Engie, “Geothermal drilling begins at Ivry-sur-Seine, symbolizing the city’s changing energy profile,” 23 December 2015, http://www.engie.com/en/news/ geothermal-drilling-ivry-sur-seine. 41 Stichting Platform Geothermie, “Deep geothermal energy in the Netherlands – 2014 statistics, trends & outlooks,” press release (The Hague: 25 February 2015), http://geothermie.nl/fileadmin/ user_upload/documents/bestanden/persberichten/SPG_Press_ Release_2014_production_volumes.pdf. 42 Lund and Boyd, op. cit. note 1; Gutiérrez-Negrín, op. cit. note 30; John Lund and Tonya Boyd, “Direct utilization of geothermal energy 2015 worldwide review,” Geothermics, vol. 60 (2016), pp. 66–93, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2015.11.004. 43 Lund and Boyd, op. cit. note 1; Gutiérrez-Negrín, op. cit. note 30. 44 Dumas, op. cit. note 37. 45 EGEC, “Fuel switch to renewables in the heating and electricity sectors – an action plan for a resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy” (Brussels: April 2015), http://egec.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/EGEC-Action- Plan-Fuel-Switch-for-a-resilient-Energy-Union.pdf. 46 Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, Republic of France, “Ségolène Royal annonce la création de GEODEEP, un fonds de garantie pour accompagner le développement de la géothermie,” press release (Paris: 30 March 2015), http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/2015- 03-30_Creato_GEODEEP_geothermie.pdf. 47 Jack Hand, CEO, Power Engineers, “Importance of Geothermal Integration into the Grid,” presentation at the GEA US and International Geothermal Energy Showcase, Washington, DC, 17 March 2016. 48 Ormat Technologies, “Ormat and Toshiba sign strategic collaboration agreement,” press release (Reno, NV and Tokyo: 14–15 October 2015), http://www.ormat.com/news/latest-items/ ormat-and-toshiba-sign-strategic-collaboration-agreement. 49 Engie, “ENGIE and Reykjavik Geothermal cooperate in the field of geothermal energy in Mexico,” press release (Paris: 7 December 2015), http://www.engie.com/en/journalists/press-releases/ engie-and-reykjavik-geothermal-cooperate-in-the-field-ofgeothermal-energy-in-mexico. 50 United Nations, Global Geothermal Alliance Action Statement and Action Plan (New York: 23 September 2014), http://www.un.org/ climatechange/summit/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/09/ ENERGY-Global-Geothermal-Alliance.pdf; Global Geothermal Alliance, “Joint Communiqué on the Global Geothermal Alliance,” undated, http://www.irena.org/EventDocs/GGA%20Joint%20 Communique_COP21.pdf. 206

ENDNOTES 02 MARKET AND INDUSTRY TRENDS - HYDROPOWER HYDROPOWER 1 Global capacity estimate based on International Hydropower Association (IHA), 2016 Hydropower Status Report (London: May 2016), http://www.hydropower.org, and on IHA, personal communication with REN21, February–April 2016. Total installed capacity of 1,212 GW (33.7 GW added), less 145 GW of pumped storage (2.5 GW added), yields 1,067 GW (31.2 GW added). The difference of 3 GW relative to the values reported here pertains to data for China. Due to uncertainty about full station commissioning dates falling between 2014 and 2015, IHA’s Hydropower Status Report is reporting 19 GW added in 2015, and REN21’s Global Status Report is reporting 16 GW. 2 Country data from the following sources: China: capacity, utilisation, demand and investment from China National Energy Agency, summary of national electric industry statistics for 2015, http://www.nea.gov.cn/2016-01/15/c_135013789.htm (using Google Translate); generation (1.11 thousand TWh) from China Electricity Council, overview of China’s power industry in 2015, 3 February 2016, http://www.cec.org.cn/yaowenkuaidi/2016-02-03/148763. html, and (1,126.42 TWh) from National Bureau of Statistics of China, “Statistical communiqué of the People’s Republic of China on 2015 national economic and social development,” press release (Beijing: 29 February 2016), http://www.stats. gov.cn/english/PressRelease/201602/t20160229_1324019. html. Brazil: 2,506 MW (2,299 MW large hydro, 117 MW small hydro and around 90 MW very small hydro) added in 2015, per National Agency for Electrical Energy (ANEEL), “Resumo geral dos novos empreendimentos de geração,” http://www.aneel. gov.br/arquivos/zip/Resumo_Geral_das_Usinas_março_2015. zip, updated February 2016; large hydro capacity is listed as 86,366 MW at end-2015, small (1–30 MW) hydro at 4,886 MW and very small (25 MW) of 1,606 MW from idem, “Executive summary of the power sector (monthly),” http:// www.cea.nic.in/monthlyarchive.html; installed capacity in 2015 (


compared to 5.9% simple growth rate for the same period. The<br />

weighted-average five-year annual growth rate for utilisation is<br />

3.5%, compared to 3.3% simple growth rate for the same period.<br />

31 Lund and Boyd, op. cit. note 1.<br />

32 Capacity factors calculated from historical values from Ibid.<br />

33 Data and reference to data uncertainty from Ibid.<br />

34 Data from Ibid.; extrapolation through 2015, op. cit. note 30.<br />

35 Data from Ibid.; extrapolation through 2015, op. cit. note 30.<br />

36 Lund and Boyd, op. cit. note 1.<br />

37 Philippe Dumas, EGEC, personal communication with REN21,<br />

February 2016.<br />

38 Ibid.<br />

39 Burkhard Sanner, EGEC, personal communication with REN21,<br />

March 2016.<br />

40 Engie, “YGéo: an ambitious, sustainable and socially cohesive<br />

project,” undated, http://www.engie.com/en/businesses/<br />

electricity/geothermal/ygeo-ambitious-sustainable-sociallycohesive-project;<br />

Engie, “Geothermal drilling begins at<br />

Ivry-sur-Seine, symbolizing the city’s changing energy<br />

profile,” 23 December 2015, http://www.engie.com/en/news/<br />

geothermal-drilling-ivry-sur-seine.<br />

41 Stichting Platform Geothermie, “Deep geothermal energy in the<br />

Netherlands – 2014 statistics, trends & outlooks,” press release<br />

(The Hague: 25 February 2015), http://geothermie.nl/fileadmin/<br />

user_upload/documents/bestanden/persberichten/SPG_Press_<br />

Release_2014_production_volumes.pdf.<br />

42 Lund and Boyd, op. cit. note 1; Gutiérrez-Negrín, op. cit. note<br />

30; John Lund and Tonya Boyd, “Direct utilization of geothermal<br />

energy 2015 worldwide review,” Geothermics, vol. 60 (2016), pp.<br />

66–93, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2015.11.004.<br />

43 Lund and Boyd, op. cit. note 1; Gutiérrez-Negrín, op. cit. note 30.<br />

44 Dumas, op. cit. note 37.<br />

45 EGEC, “Fuel switch to renewables in the heating and electricity<br />

sectors – an action plan for a resilient Energy Union with a<br />

forward-looking climate change policy” (Brussels: April 2015),<br />

http://egec.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/EGEC-Action-<br />

Plan-Fuel-Switch-for-a-resilient-Energy-Union.pdf.<br />

46 Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy,<br />

Republic of France, “Ségolène Royal annonce la création<br />

de GEODEEP, un fonds de garantie pour accompagner le<br />

développement de la géothermie,” press release (Paris: 30 March<br />

2015), http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/2015-<br />

03-30_Creato_GEODEEP_geothermie.pdf.<br />

47 Jack Hand, CEO, Power Engineers, “Importance of Geothermal<br />

Integration into the Grid,” presentation at the GEA US and<br />

International Geothermal Energy Showcase, Washington, DC, 17<br />

March 2016.<br />

48 Ormat Technologies, “Ormat and Toshiba sign strategic<br />

collaboration agreement,” press release (Reno, NV and Tokyo:<br />

14–15 October 2015), http://www.ormat.com/news/latest-items/<br />

ormat-and-toshiba-sign-strategic-collaboration-agreement.<br />

49 Engie, “ENGIE and Reykjavik Geothermal cooperate in the field of<br />

geothermal energy in Mexico,” press release (Paris: 7 December<br />

2015), http://www.engie.com/en/journalists/press-releases/<br />

engie-and-reykjavik-geothermal-cooperate-in-the-field-ofgeothermal-energy-in-mexico.<br />

50 United Nations, Global Geothermal Alliance Action Statement and<br />

Action Plan (New York: 23 September 2014), http://www.un.org/<br />

climatechange/summit/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/09/<br />

ENERGY-Global-Geothermal-Alliance.pdf; Global Geothermal<br />

Alliance, “Joint Communiqué on the Global Geothermal Alliance,”<br />

undated, http://www.irena.org/EventDocs/GGA%20Joint%20<br />

Communique_COP21.pdf.<br />


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