
2j7YOwO 2j7YOwO


ENDNOTES 01 GLOBAL OVERVIEW personal communication with REN21, 4 April 2016; see also Comité Consultivo de Energía 2050, Hoja de Ruta 2050: Hacia una Energía Sustentable e Inclusiva Para Chile (Santiago: September 2015), http://www.energia2050.cl/uploads/libros/hojaderuta.pdf. 104 See Market and Industry Trends chapter. Lack of transmission capacity from Rafael Figueiredo and Larry B. Pascal, “New developments in Brazil’s solar power sector,” Renewable Energy World, 18 February 2016, http://www.renewableenergyworld. com/articles/2016/02/new-developments-in-brazil-s-solarpower-sector. In Brazil, lack of sufficient transmission lines in areas with the greatest wind power potential is one of the key barriers to development, and Mexico faces transmission-related challenges, from GWEC, op. cit. note 28, pp. 31, 59. 105 See Market and Industry Trends chapter. 106 Ibid. 107 Ibid. 108 Ibid. 109 Australia added 935 MW for a total of 5,065 MW, from IEA PVPS, op. cit. note 87, p. 18; “Australian solar industry celebrates the new year by ticking over 1.5m PV systems and one solar panel per person,” SunWiz, undated, http://www.sunwiz.com.au/index. php/2012-06-26-00-47-40/73-newsletter/384-australian-solarindustry-celebrates-the-new-year-by-ticking-over-1-5m-pvsystems.html. 110 Alicia Webb, Clean Energy Council Australia, personal communication with REN21, April 2016. 111 Samoa from GWEC, op. cit. note 28, p. 16; Masdar, “The UAE inaugurates three micro grid solar plants in Fiji,” press release (Abu Dhabi: 18 February 2015), http://www.masdar.ae/en/media/ detail/the-uae-inaugurates-three-micro-grid-solar-plants-in-fiji. 112 Middle East Solar Industry Association, Middle East Solar Outlook for 2016 (Dubai: 2016), p. 3, http://www.mesia.com/wp-content/ uploads/MESIA-Outlook-2016-web.pdf. 113 See Market and Industry Trends chapter. 114 Mackay Miller et al., Status Report on Power System Transformation: A 21st Century Power Partnership Report (Golden, CO: NREL, May 2015), pp. iv–ix, http://www.nrel.gov/docs/ fy15osti/63366.pdf. See also Sidebar 7 in GSR 2014. With regard to markets, the merit dispatch order is challenged by near-zero marginal cost renewables eating into wholesale prices, one of the reasons that EU utilities lose money, from Nico Tyabji, BNEF, personal communication with REN21, 9 April 2016. By one estimate, the aggregated profits of 15 of the largest European power companies (including EDF, Enel, ENGIE, E.ON, RWE, Iberdrola, Vattenfall, EDP, Statkraft and Fortum) were close to zero or negative in 2015, compared with billions of euros in 2010. These companies reduced their fossil fuel power portfolio by something in the range of 20–25 GW and increased their non-hydro renewables portfolio by about 5 GW (mainly wind power, but increasingly solar PV as well), from Romain Zissler, Japan Renewable Energy Foundation, personal communication with REN21, 7 April 2016. See, for example, Bernd Radowitz, “RE shine, but fossils force RWE to write-downs and lower guidance,” Recharge News, 17 February 2016, http://www.rechargenews. com/wind/1424156/re-shine-but-fossils-force-rwe-to-writedowns-and-lower-guidance. 115 Many players are investing in renewable energy at home as long as renewables investment does not interfere with their existing and often written-off assets; they also are investing in renewables in other countries, where they are competing with local incumbents, from Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, EREF, personal communication with REN21, 4 March 2016. Adapting business models, by consolidating or splitting (e.g., E.ON), from Tyabji, op. cit. note 114. Renewables face a barrier when competing against existing power capacity, causing a bottleneck that requires new regulations and changes to utility models, from Teske, op. cit. note 14. 116 See, for example, Evan Vaughan, “Utility executives in broad agreement: the Clean Power Plan should remain,” AWEA, 23 February 2016, http://www.aweablog.org/utility-executivesin-broad-agreement-the-clean-power-plan-should-remain/; Tom Käckenhoff, Christoph Steitz, and Vera Eckert, “Exclusive: Germany’s RWE bets big on wind and solar in corporate overhaul,” Reuters, 3 December 2015, http://www.reuters.com/ article/us-rwe-breakup-strategy-idUSKBN0TM1VF20151203; Ian Clover, “Enel moves into Indian market with acquisition of a stake in Bharat,” PV Magazine, 25 September 2015, http://www. pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/enel-moves-into-indianmarket-with-acquisition-of-a-stake-in-bharat_100021250/; Jessica Shankleman, “Enel targets Peru with $400 million of wind solar investments,” Renewable Energy World, 22 February 2016, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/ enel-targets-peru-with-400-million-of-wind-solar-investments; Tara Patel, “France utility considers acquisitions to expand in renewables markets,” Renewable Energy World, 28 April 2015, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/ article/2015/04/france-utility-considers-acquisitions-to-expandin-renewables-market; Anna Hirtenstein, “Enel has ambitions to become world’s first giant green utility,” Bloomberg, 19 November 2015, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-19/enelhas-ambitions-to-become-world-s-first-giant-green-utility; Gavin Bade, “How America’s largest power company plans to become a leading renewables developer,” Utility Dive, 30 June 2015, http://www.utilitydive.com/news/how-americas-largest-powercompany-plans-to-become-a-leading-renewables-de/401539/; Tino Andresen, “RWE’s u-turn on splitting forced by Merkel’s love of green power,” Bloomberg, 1 December 2015, http:// www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-12-01/rwe-to-spinoff-partly-list-renewables-grids-retail-business; Christoph Steitz, “RWE takes minority stake in Conergy,” Reuters, 17 March 2015, http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/17/ rwe-conergy-idUSF9N0WF00320150317; “Vattenfall plans wind splurge,” RENews, 2 May 2015, http://renews.biz/83650/ vattenfall-plans-wind-splurge/; Karl-Erik Stromsta, “Heavy RE emphasis as Enel plots the next five years,” Recharge News, 20 March 2015, http://www.rechargenews.com/wind/1394982/ heavy-re-emphasis-as-enel-plots-next-five-years. 117 Eric Martinot, “Grid integration of renewable energy: flexibility, innovation, experience,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 2016, February 2016 (prepublication version), http:// martinot.info/Martinot_AR2016_grid_integration_prepub.pdf; Meredith Younghein and Eric Martinot, Beyond 33% Renewables: Grid Integration Policy for a Low-Carbon Future (Sacramento, CA: California Public Utilities Commission, November 2015), http:// www.CPUC.ca.gov/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=9141; Miller et al., op. cit. note 114, pp. iv–ix. 118 Miller et al., op. cit. note 114, pp. iv–ix. 119 Ibid.; Martinot, op. cit. note 117. 120 Martinot, op. cit. note 114. 121 Eric Martinot, Grid Integration of Renewables in China: Learning from the Cases of California, Germany, and Denmark, A White Paper for the China Variable-Generation Integration Group (Beijing: May 2015), www.martinot.info/Martinot_CVIG_2015_ DE-DK-CA.pdf; Martinot, op. cit. note 114. Overall, grids are operating better than expected with rising renewable energy shares, even in developing countries, per Sargsyan, op. cit. note 1. Grid operators in Denmark, “who 15 years ago would have considered it impossible to run the grid stably with three-fifths renewable supply, now achieve this routinely. They have become among the world’s most adept at integrating diverse, distributed, often variable, renewable resources. As a result, Danish electricity supply is the most reliable in Europe,” from Laurie Guevara-Stone, “A small country goes big with renewables: Denmark’s goal to be fossil fuel free,” RMI Outlet, 2 March 2016, http://blog.rmi.org/ blog_2016_03_02_a_small_country_goes_big_with_renewables. 122 “New record-breaking year for Danish wind power,” Energinet, 15 January 2016, http://energinet.dk/EN/El/Nyheder/Sider/ Dansk-vindstroem-slaar-igen-rekord-42-procent.aspx; Portugal from ENTSO-E Data Portal, https://www.entsoe.eu/db-query/ production/monthly-production-for-a-specific-country. Note that solar PV met 23.2% of demand in the Portuguese mainland and 22.1% including Portuguese Autonomous Regions, from Susan Serodio, Associação Portuguesa de Energias Renováveis (APREN), Portugal, personal communication with REN21, 6 April 2016. Uruguay Secretary of Energy, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minería, personal communication with REN21, 29 April 2016; Terna, cited in Ilias Tsagas, “Solar PV provides 7.8 percent of Italy’s electricity in 2015,” Renewable Energy World, 11 February 2016, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/ solar-pv-provides-7-8-percent-of-italy-s-electricity-in-2015; Greece based on preliminary data from ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΟΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΗΣ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΣ A.E., Μηνιαίο Δελτίο Ειδικού Λογαριασμού ΑΠΕ & ΣΗΘΥΑ (Pireas: December 2015), provided by Ioannis Tsipouridis, R.E.D. Pro Consultants S.A., Athens, 194

ENDNOTES 01 GLOBAL OVERVIEW personal communication with REN21, 25 April 2016; Germany is share of gross electricity consumption and a preliminary statistic, from BMWi, Erneuerbare Energien in Deutschland…, op. cit. note 87. 123 Energinet, cited in Bec Crew, “Denmark just generated 140% of its electricity demand from wind power,” Science Alert, 15 July 2015, http://www.sciencealert.com/denmark-just-generated- 140-of-its-electricity-demand-from-wind-power; Clara Guibourg, “Germany just set a new record in renewable energy, with solar, wind, biomass and hydro accounting for 78pc of the country’s energy consumption,” Cityam.com, 31 July 2015, http://www. cityam.com/221429/germany-just-set-new-record-renewableenergy-solar-wind-biomass-and-hydro-accounting-78pc; Irfan, op. cit. note 103. In the United States, wind power reliably met more than 43% of electricity demand in Texas at one point, and 18.4% of ERCOT’s (the state’s primary grid operator) total demand in November, from AWEA, “American wind power breezes past 70-gigawatt milestone,” 21 December 2015, http://www. awea.org/MediaCenter/pressrelease.aspx?ItemNumber=8255. Records also were met in other US regions in 2015 and early 2016, from Michael Goggin, “The records keep falling: more new highs in wind energy output,” AWEA, 23 February 2016, http:// www.aweablog.org/the-records-keep-falling-more-new-highsin-wind-energy-output/, from Herman K. Trabish, “Kauai co-op integrates over 70% solar, 90% renewables four times in January,” Utility Dive, 4 February 2016, http://www.utilitydive.com/news/ kauai-co-op-integrates-over-70-solar-90-renewables-fourtimes-in-january/413303/, and from Chris Tanaka, “Kauai hits renewable energy milestone,” Hawaii News Now, 3 February 2016, http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/31123999/ kauai-hits-renewable-energy-milestone. 124 China, India and South Africa from Martinot, op. cit. note 117. For example, China has worked to strengthen and extend transmission networks and to make coal plants more flexible; India has enacted measures that include transmission planning, forecasting of renewable output, strengthening transmission corridors for wind power, and regulatory measures for operation and scheduling of power markets; and South Africa is working to integrate a growing share of distributed solar power and to make its coal plants more flexible, all from idem, p. 5. Brazil from Steve Sawyer, GWEC, personal communication with REN21, April 2016. See also Max Dupuy and Ranjit Bharvirkar, “Renewables in China & India: how two Asian giants struggle with inflexible power system operations,” Utility Dive, 26 April 2016, http:// www.utilitydive.com/news/renewables-in-china-india-how-twoasian-giants-struggle-with-inflexible/418118/. For China, see also Barbara A. Finamore, “Big plans for integrating renewable energy into China’s electricity grid,” Huffington Post, 9 March 2016, http:// www.huffingtonpost.com/barbara-a-finamore/big-plans-forintegrating_b_9421864.html. 125 For further details, see, for example: Eric Martinot, op. cit. note 117; Younghein and Martinot, op. cit. note 117; Martinot, op. cit. note 117; Miller et al., op. cit. note 114, pp. iv–ix. For examples of expanded transmission capacity in 2015, see, for example: David A. Lieb, “Renewable energy efforts stymied by transmission roadblocks,” Associated Press, 22 December 2015, http:// bigstory.ap.org/article/0462fcffedd749c2a7e0e729be79d681/ renewable-energy-efforts-stymied-transmission-roadblocks; Julien Toyer, “Brazil alternative energy projects threatened by Abengoa’s woes,” Reuters, 9 December 2015, http://planetark. org/wen/73993; BMWi, “Offshore-Netzausbau auf Kurs: Mehr Ausbau, geringe Haftungsumlage,” press release (Berlin: 19 October 2015), http://www.erneuerbare-energien.de/EE/ Redaktion/DE/Pressemitteilungen/2015/2015-10-19-offshorenetzausbau-auf-kurs-mehr-ausbau-geringe-haftungsumlage. html. Japan started four transmission line projects to boost wind power capacity in Hokkaido and Tohoku, from Steve Sawyer, GWEC, personal communication with REN21, 29 October 2015; Ilias Tsagas, “Chile’s new 600km long transmission line can boost renewables,” PV Magazine, 11 December 2015, http://www. pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/chiles-new-600kmlong-transmission-line-can-boost-renewables_100022420/; Jim Polson, “New York backs new transmission line to ease power prices, access renewable energy,” Renewable Energy World, 18 December 2015, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/ articles/2015/12/new-york-backs-new-transmission-lines-toease-power-prices-access-renewabl-energy; Monica Heger, “Scotland and Ireland consider a linked renewable energy future,” Spectrum IEEE, 25 September 2015, http://spectrum.ieee.org/ energywise/energy/renewables/scotland-and-ireland-considera-linked-renewable-energy-future; “ABB wins $300m order to improve grid reliability in China,” Power Technology, 16 October 2015, http://www.power-technology.com/news/newsabbwins-300m-order-to-improve-grid-reliability-in-china-4695721; “Alstom to build HVDC VSC converter stations for France-Italy link,” T&D World Magazine, 10 September 2015, http://tdworld. com/substations/alstom-build-hvdc-vsc-converter-stationsfrance-italy-link; Smiti Mittal, “India expands work on renewable energy transmission network,” CleanTechnica, 19 August 2015, http://cleantechnica.com/2015/08/19/india-expands-workrenewable-energy-transmission-network/; “ABB plays it smart in Sweden,” Renews Biz, 8 May 2015, http://renews.biz/88230/ abb-plays-it-smart-in-sweden/; Ilias Tsagas, “Jordan to upgrade its network; accommodate more renewables,” PV Magazine, 30 October 2015, http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/ beitrag/jordan-to-upgrade-its-network-accommodate-morerenewables_100021799/. 126 ABB, “Skagerrak: An excellent example of the benefits that can be achieved through interconnections,” http://new.abb. com/systems/hvdc/references/skagerrak, viewed 1 May 2016; Zacks Equity Research, “ABB deploys Skagerrak 4 Link, sets new HVDC record – analyst blog,” Yahoo Finance, 13 January 2015, http://finance.yahoo.com/news/abb-deploys-skagerrak- 4-sets-155003603.html. See also Paul Brown, “Norway pumps up ‘green battery’ plan for Europe,” Climate News Network, 26 July 2015, http://www.climatenewsnetwork.net/ norway-pumps-up-green-battery-plan-for-europe/. 127 IHA, “Briefing: 2016 Key Trends in Hydropower” (London: March 2016), p. 3, https://www.hydropower.org/sites/default/ files/publications-docs/2016%20Key%20Trends%20in%20 Hydropower.pdf. Phase II of the project, completed in 2015 according to some sources, increased the solar PV capacity at the plant from 320 MW to 850 MW. The solar PV plant is coupled directly to one of the four hydropower turbines, and an advancedcontrol system allows the turbine to regulate solar PV supply variability before dispatching to the grid, minimising the grid’s need for spinning capacity, maximising solar PV utilisation, and conserving water. See also State Power Investment Corporation, “World’s largest hydro/PV hybrid project synchronized,” 31 December 2014, http://eng.cpicorp.com.cn/NewsCenter/ CorporateNews/201501/t20150116_242766.htm. 128 Miller et al., op. cit. note 114, p. 44. Note that Spain’s system operator REE is able to control the dispatch of up to 96% of the country’s wind power fleet, from idem, p. 44. See also “Renewables key to grid stability,” Renews Biz, 21 May 2015, http://renews.biz/88948/renewables-hold-key-to-stability/. 129 FS–UNEP Centre and BNEF, op. cit. note 41, p. 39. 130 Ibid. p. 36. See also AECOM Australia Pty Ltd, op. cit. note 73; Herman K. Trabish, “Primer: The now and future impacts of energy storage,” Utility Dive, 20 October 2015, http://www. utilitydive.com/news/primer-the-now-and-future-impactsof-energy-storage/407099/; Aloke Gupta, “Two years in energy storage: then and now,” Greentech Media, 14 October 2015, http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/Two- Years-in-Energy-Storage-Then-and-Now; Brian Eckhouse, “Batteries gaining favor over gas peaker plants in California,” Renewable Energy World, 22 December 2015, http://www. renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/12/batteries-gainingfavor-over-gas-peaker-plants-in-california.html. 131 Figure of 145 GW of pumped storage from IHA, op. cit. note 127, pp. 1, 3. 132 See, for example, AECOM Australia Pty Ltd, op. cit. note 73; Andrew Burger, “France continues exploring energy storage,” Renewable Energy World, 1 July 2015, http://www. renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/07/france-continuesexploring-energy-storage.html; Eckhouse, op. cit. note 130; Tweed, “7 energy storage stories you might have missed in 2015,” op. cit. note 73; Becky Beetz, “US, Japan and South Korea to install 1.4 GW of energy storage between 2015-16,” PV Magazine, 23 November 2015, http://www.pv-magazine.com/ news/details/beitrag/us--japan-and-south-korea-to-install- 14-gw-of-energy-storage-between-2015-16_100022090/; “Profiling stand-out renewable energy projects worldwide,” Renewable Energy World Magazine, November/December 2015, p. 38; William Steel, “Europe’s largest battery energy storage project opens in Feldheim, Germany,” CleanTechnica, 21 September 2015, http://cleantechnica.com/2015/09/21/ 01 RENEWABLES 2016 · GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 195


personal communication with REN21, 4 April 2016; see also<br />

Comité Consultivo de Energía 2050, Hoja de Ruta 2050: Hacia una<br />

Energía Sustentable e Inclusiva Para Chile (Santiago: September<br />

2015), http://www.energia2050.cl/uploads/libros/hojaderuta.pdf.<br />

104 See Market and Industry Trends chapter. Lack of transmission<br />

capacity from Rafael Figueiredo and Larry B. Pascal, “New<br />

developments in Brazil’s solar power sector,” Renewable Energy<br />

World, 18 February 2016, http://www.renewableenergyworld.<br />

com/articles/2016/02/new-developments-in-brazil-s-solarpower-sector.<br />

In Brazil, lack of sufficient transmission lines in<br />

areas with the greatest wind power potential is one of the key<br />

barriers to development, and Mexico faces transmission-related<br />

challenges, from GWEC, op. cit. note 28, pp. 31, 59.<br />

105 See Market and Industry Trends chapter.<br />

106 Ibid.<br />

107 Ibid.<br />

108 Ibid.<br />

109 Australia added 935 MW for a total of 5,065 MW, from IEA PVPS,<br />

op. cit. note 87, p. 18; “Australian solar industry celebrates the<br />

new year by ticking over 1.5m PV systems and one solar panel<br />

per person,” SunWiz, undated, http://www.sunwiz.com.au/index.<br />

php/2012-06-26-00-47-40/73-newsletter/384-australian-solarindustry-celebrates-the-new-year-by-ticking-over-1-5m-pvsystems.html.<br />

110 Alicia Webb, Clean Energy Council Australia, personal<br />

communication with REN21, April 2016.<br />

111 Samoa from GWEC, op. cit. note 28, p. 16; Masdar, “The UAE<br />

inaugurates three micro grid solar plants in Fiji,” press release<br />

(Abu Dhabi: 18 February 2015), http://www.masdar.ae/en/media/<br />

detail/the-uae-inaugurates-three-micro-grid-solar-plants-in-fiji.<br />

112 Middle East Solar Industry Association, Middle East Solar Outlook<br />

for 2016 (Dubai: 2016), p. 3, http://www.mesia.com/wp-content/<br />

uploads/MESIA-Outlook-2016-web.pdf.<br />

113 See Market and Industry Trends chapter.<br />

114 Mackay Miller et al., Status Report on Power System<br />

Transformation: A 21st Century Power Partnership Report (Golden,<br />

CO: NREL, May 2015), pp. iv–ix, http://www.nrel.gov/docs/<br />

fy15osti/63366.pdf. See also Sidebar 7 in GSR 2014. With regard<br />

to markets, the merit dispatch order is challenged by near-zero<br />

marginal cost renewables eating into wholesale prices, one<br />

of the reasons that EU utilities lose money, from Nico Tyabji,<br />

BNEF, personal communication with REN21, 9 April 2016. By one<br />

estimate, the aggregated profits of 15 of the largest European<br />

power companies (including EDF, Enel, ENGIE, E.ON, RWE,<br />

Iberdrola, Vattenfall, EDP, Statkraft and Fortum) were close<br />

to zero or negative in 2015, compared with billions of euros in<br />

2010. These companies reduced their fossil fuel power portfolio<br />

by something in the range of 20–25 GW and increased their<br />

non-hydro renewables portfolio by about 5 GW (mainly wind<br />

power, but increasingly solar PV as well), from Romain Zissler,<br />

Japan Renewable Energy Foundation, personal communication<br />

with REN21, 7 April 2016. See, for example, Bernd Radowitz, “RE<br />

shine, but fossils force RWE to write-downs and lower guidance,”<br />

Recharge News, 17 February 2016, http://www.rechargenews.<br />

com/wind/1424156/re-shine-but-fossils-force-rwe-to-writedowns-and-lower-guidance.<br />

115 Many players are investing in renewable energy at home as<br />

long as renewables investment does not interfere with their<br />

existing and often written-off assets; they also are investing in<br />

renewables in other countries, where they are competing with<br />

local incumbents, from Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, EREF, personal<br />

communication with REN21, 4 March 2016. Adapting business<br />

models, by consolidating or splitting (e.g., E.ON), from Tyabji, op.<br />

cit. note 114. Renewables face a barrier when competing against<br />

existing power capacity, causing a bottleneck that requires new<br />

regulations and changes to utility models, from Teske, op. cit. note<br />

14.<br />

116 See, for example, Evan Vaughan, “Utility executives in broad<br />

agreement: the Clean Power Plan should remain,” AWEA, 23<br />

February 2016, http://www.aweablog.org/utility-executivesin-broad-agreement-the-clean-power-plan-should-remain/;<br />

Tom Käckenhoff, Christoph Steitz, and Vera Eckert, “Exclusive:<br />

Germany’s RWE bets big on wind and solar in corporate<br />

overhaul,” Reuters, 3 December 2015, http://www.reuters.com/<br />

article/us-rwe-breakup-strategy-idUSKBN0TM1VF20151203;<br />

Ian Clover, “Enel moves into Indian market with acquisition of a<br />

stake in Bharat,” PV Magazine, 25 September 2015, http://www.<br />

pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/enel-moves-into-indianmarket-with-acquisition-of-a-stake-in-bharat_100021250/;<br />

Jessica Shankleman, “Enel targets Peru with $400 million of<br />

wind solar investments,” Renewable Energy World, 22 February<br />

2016, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/<br />

enel-targets-peru-with-400-million-of-wind-solar-investments;<br />

Tara Patel, “France utility considers acquisitions to expand<br />

in renewables markets,” Renewable Energy World, 28 April<br />

2015, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/<br />

article/2015/04/france-utility-considers-acquisitions-to-expandin-renewables-market;<br />

Anna Hirtenstein, “Enel has ambitions to<br />

become world’s first giant green utility,” Bloomberg, 19 November<br />

2015, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-19/enelhas-ambitions-to-become-world-s-first-giant-green-utility;<br />

Gavin<br />

Bade, “How America’s largest power company plans to become<br />

a leading renewables developer,” Utility Dive, 30 June 2015,<br />

http://www.utilitydive.com/news/how-americas-largest-powercompany-plans-to-become-a-leading-renewables-de/401539/;<br />

Tino Andresen, “RWE’s u-turn on splitting forced by Merkel’s<br />

love of green power,” Bloomberg, 1 December 2015, http://<br />

www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-12-01/rwe-to-spinoff-partly-list-renewables-grids-retail-business;<br />

Christoph<br />

Steitz, “RWE takes minority stake in Conergy,” Reuters, 17<br />

March 2015, http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/17/<br />

rwe-conergy-idUSF9N0WF00320150317; “Vattenfall plans<br />

wind splurge,” RENews, 2 May 2015, http://renews.biz/83650/<br />

vattenfall-plans-wind-splurge/; Karl-Erik Stromsta, “Heavy RE<br />

emphasis as Enel plots the next five years,” Recharge News, 20<br />

March 2015, http://www.rechargenews.com/wind/1394982/<br />

heavy-re-emphasis-as-enel-plots-next-five-years.<br />

117 Eric Martinot, “Grid integration of renewable energy: flexibility,<br />

innovation, experience,” Annual Review of Environment and<br />

Resources 2016, February 2016 (prepublication version), http://<br />

martinot.info/Martinot_AR2016_grid_integration_prepub.pdf;<br />

Meredith Younghein and Eric Martinot, Beyond 33% Renewables:<br />

Grid Integration Policy for a Low-Carbon Future (Sacramento, CA:<br />

California Public Utilities Commission, November 2015), http://<br />

www.CPUC.ca.gov/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=9141;<br />

Miller et al., op. cit. note 114, pp. iv–ix.<br />

118 Miller et al., op. cit. note 114, pp. iv–ix.<br />

119 Ibid.; Martinot, op. cit. note 117.<br />

120 Martinot, op. cit. note 114.<br />

121 Eric Martinot, Grid Integration of Renewables in China: Learning<br />

from the Cases of California, Germany, and Denmark, A White<br />

Paper for the China Variable-Generation Integration Group<br />

(Beijing: May 2015), www.martinot.info/Martinot_CVIG_2015_<br />

DE-DK-CA.pdf; Martinot, op. cit. note 114. Overall, grids are<br />

operating better than expected with rising renewable energy<br />

shares, even in developing countries, per Sargsyan, op. cit. note<br />

1. Grid operators in Denmark, “who 15 years ago would have<br />

considered it impossible to run the grid stably with three-fifths<br />

renewable supply, now achieve this routinely. They have become<br />

among the world’s most adept at integrating diverse, distributed,<br />

often variable, renewable resources. As a result, Danish electricity<br />

supply is the most reliable in Europe,” from Laurie Guevara-Stone,<br />

“A small country goes big with renewables: Denmark’s goal to<br />

be fossil fuel free,” RMI Outlet, 2 March 2016, http://blog.rmi.org/<br />

blog_2016_03_02_a_small_country_goes_big_with_renewables.<br />

122 “New record-breaking year for Danish wind power,” Energinet,<br />

15 January 2016, http://energinet.dk/EN/El/Nyheder/Sider/<br />

Dansk-vindstroem-slaar-igen-rekord-42-procent.aspx; Portugal<br />

from ENTSO-E Data Portal, https://www.entsoe.eu/db-query/<br />

production/monthly-production-for-a-specific-country. Note<br />

that solar PV met 23.2% of demand in the Portuguese mainland<br />

and 22.1% including Portuguese Autonomous Regions, from<br />

Susan Serodio, Associação Portuguesa de Energias Renováveis<br />

(APREN), Portugal, personal communication with REN21, 6<br />

April 2016. Uruguay Secretary of Energy, Ministerio de Industria,<br />

Energía y Minería, personal communication with REN21, 29 April<br />

2016; Terna, cited in Ilias Tsagas, “Solar PV provides 7.8 percent<br />

of Italy’s electricity in 2015,” Renewable Energy World, 11 February<br />

2016, http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/<br />

solar-pv-provides-7-8-percent-of-italy-s-electricity-in-2015;<br />

Greece based on preliminary data from ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΟΣ ΑΓΟΡΑΣ<br />

ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΗΣ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΣ A.E., Μηνιαίο Δελτίο Ειδικού<br />

Λογαριασμού ΑΠΕ & ΣΗΘΥΑ (Pireas: December 2015), provided<br />

by Ioannis Tsipouridis, R.E.D. Pro Consultants S.A., Athens,<br />


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