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54 IEA, op. cit. note 2, p. 344; Sargsyan, op. cit. note 1. Based on<br />

internal changes at the World Bank as well as experience with<br />

various countries. See also Market and Industry Trends chapter.<br />

55 See Market and Industry Trends chapter.<br />

56 Brazil, India and Mexico from Hinrichs-Rahlwes, op. cit. note<br />

14; Chile, Mexico, Morocco and South Africa from BNEF, “Clean<br />

energy defies fossil fuel price crash to attract record $329bn<br />

global investment in 2015,” press release (London and New York:<br />

14 January 2016), http://about.bnef.com/press-releases/cleanenergy-defies-fossil-fuel-price-crash-to-attract-record-329bnglobal-investment-in-2015/;<br />

Chris Mooney, “This will give you<br />

hope: developing countries are racing to install wind and solar,”<br />

Washington Post, 19 May 2015, http://www.washingtonpost.com/<br />

news/energy-environment/wp/2015/05/19/this-will-give-youhope-developing-countries-are-racing-to-install-wind-and-solar/.<br />

See also Market and Industry Trends chapter.<br />

57 IRENA, Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2016 (Abu<br />

Dhabi: 2016). Sidebar 2 from idem.<br />

58 BNEF, op. cit. note 56.<br />

59 FS–UNEP Centre and BNEF, op. cit. note 41.<br />

60 Ibid.<br />

61 See, for example, Katie Fehrenbacher, “Goldman Sachs to<br />

invest $150 billion in clean energy,” Fortune, 2 November 2015,<br />

http://fortune.com/2015/11/02/goldman-sachs-clean-energy/;<br />

divestment from EESI, op. cit. note 24.<br />

62 Frankl, op. cit. note 1; backing away from coal also from<br />

McCrone, op. cit. note 3; 25x’25, “Major global insurer<br />

enters US renewables market,” Weekly REsource,<br />

12 February 2016, http://www.25x25.org/index.<br />

php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1331&Itemid=246.<br />

63 Twenty banks loaned more than USD 1 billion, compared to 12<br />

banks in 2014, from Thomas Emmons, Rabobank, cited in Jennifer<br />

Runyon, “Renewable energy finance outlook 2016: the year of the<br />

green dollar,” Renewable Energy World, 10 February 2016, http://<br />

www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/renewableenergy-finance-outlook-2016-the-year-of-the-green-dollar.<br />

Major<br />

new commitments from investment firms from, for example,<br />

Fehrenbacher, op. cit. note 61. Goldman Sachs announced<br />

“plans to invest USD150 billion in clean energy projects and<br />

technology like solar and wind farms, energy efficiency upgrades<br />

for buildings, and power grid infrastructure” by 2025 (up from a<br />

target of USD 40 billion by 2012), and will also seek to finance<br />

clean energy for developing world, from idem.<br />

64 Richard Taylor, IHA, personal communication with REN21, 7<br />

October 2015. Note that green bond issuance increased from<br />

USD 2.6 billion in 2012 to USD 41.8 billion in 2015. Renewable<br />

energy accounted for 45.8% of 2015 green bond proceeds,<br />

followed by energy efficiency with 19.6% and low-carbon<br />

transport with 13.4%, from Michael Hofmann, Member, Inter-<br />

American Development Bank, Multilateral Investment Fund,<br />

personal communication with REN21, 7 April 2016. See also FS–<br />

UNEP Centre and BNEF, op. cit. note 41, p. 43. Major challenge<br />

from Heymi Bahar, IEA, personal communication with REN21, 8<br />

February 2016.<br />

65 Raj Prabhu, Mercom, cited in Runyon, op. cit. note 63.<br />

66 Ferroukhi, op. cit. note 1; Katherine Tweed, “Bigger risk, bigger<br />

returns in renewable energy’s emerging markets,” Greentech<br />

Media, 20 April 2016, http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/<br />

read/Bigger-Risk-Bigger-Returns-in-Renewable-Energys-<br />

Emerging-Markets.<br />

67 FS–UNEP Centre and BNEF, op. cit. note 41.<br />

68 Ibid., p. 23.<br />

69 Based on investment data for 2015 from Ibid.; GDP at purchaser’s<br />

prices for 2014 from World Bank, “Gross domestic product 2014,”<br />

World Development Indicators, http://data.worldbank.org/<br />

indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD, viewed 25 April 2016.<br />

70 Population data for 2014 from World Bank, “Population, total,”<br />

World Development Indicators, http://data.worldbank.org/<br />

indicator/SP.POP.TOTL, viewed 10 March 2016. See Investment<br />

Flows chapter for more on BNEF investment data. Note that data<br />

on small distributed capacity (solar PV

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