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1 Paolo Frankl, International Energy Agency (IEA), personal<br />

communication with REN21, 8 February 2016; Gevorg Sargsyan,<br />

World Bank, personal communication with REN21, 28 January<br />

2016; Steve Sawyer, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC),<br />

personal communication with REN21, 14 January 2016; Rabia<br />

Ferroukhi, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA),<br />

personal communication with REN21, March 2016.<br />

2 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2015 (Paris: 2015), p. 344, http://www.<br />

worldenergyoutlook.org/weo2015/<br />

3 Klaus Töpfer, “The solar price revolution: why renewable energy<br />

is becoming cheaper than fossil fuels,” FlaglerLive, 7 April 2015,<br />

http://flaglerlive.com/76791/solar-price-revolution/; Michael<br />

Liebreich, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), cited in<br />

Jennifer Runyon, “You can’t stop the growth of renewables,<br />

technology,” Renewable Energy World, 9 February 2016, http://<br />

www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/02/you-can-tstop-the-growth-of-renewables-technology;<br />

Angus McCrone,<br />

“McCrone: Paris – This time the private sector is playing the<br />

good cop,” BNEF, 27 October 2015, http://about.bnef.com/<br />

blog/mccrone-paris-time-private-sector-playing-good-cop/;<br />

Camille von Kaenel, “Energy security drives US military to<br />

renewables,” Scientific American, 16 March 2016, http://www.<br />

scientificamerican.com/article/energy-security-drives-u-smilitary-to-renewables/;<br />

Joby Warrick, “Wind, solar power<br />

soaring in spite of bargain prices for fossil fuels,” Washington<br />

Post, 30 December 2015, https://www.washingtonpost.com/<br />

national/health-science/wind-solar-power-soar-in-spite-of-<br />

bargain-prices-for-fossil-fuels/2015/12/30/754758b8-af19-<br />

11e5-9ab0-884d1cc4b33e_story.html; IEA, op. cit. note 2, p. 31;<br />

Wendy Koch, “Why solar and wind are thriving despite cheap<br />

fossil fuels,” National Geographic, 22 January 2016, http://news.<br />

nationalgeographic.com/energy/2016/01/160122-why-solar-andwind-thrive-despite-cheap-oil-and-ga/.<br />

Environmental concerns<br />

and health costs are driving renewables in China and India; see,<br />

for example: Fred Pearce, “Paris COP21: U.N. climate talks could<br />

hasten the demise of coal,” Yale e360 Digest, 9 December 2015,<br />

http://e360.yale.edu/digest/paris_cop21_un_climate_talks_<br />

could_hasten_the_demise_of_coal/4606/; Liming Qiao, GWEC,<br />

personal communication with REN21, 16 December 2015; “China<br />

to halt new coal mine approvals amid pollution fight,” Bloomberg,<br />

29 December 2015, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/<br />

articles/2015-12-30/china-to-suspend-new-coal-mine-approvalsamid-pollution-fight.<br />

See also Market and Industry Trends chapter<br />

of this report.<br />

4 Group of 7, “Leaders’ Declaration,” G7 Summit, Schloss Elmau,<br />

Germany, 7–8 June 2015, https://www.g7germany.de/Content/<br />

EN/_Anlagen/G7/2015-06-08-g7-abschluss-eng_en.pdf.<br />

5 IRENA, “G20 embraces renewables at energy ministers<br />

meeting,” press release (Istanbul: 2 October 2015), http://<br />

www.irena.org/news/Description.aspx?NType=A&News_<br />

ID=424&PriMenuID=16&Mnu=Pri; 25x’25, “G20 embraces<br />

renewables at energy ministers meeting,” Weekly REsource, 9<br />

October 2015, http://www.25x25.org/index.php?option=com_<br />

content&task=view&id=1314&Itemid=246; European Parliament,<br />

“EU position for COP21 climate change conference” (Brussels:<br />

November 2015), http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/<br />

etudes/BRIE/2015/572787/EPRS_BRI(2015)572787_EN.pdf.<br />

6 “Communique: G20 Energy Ministers Meeting,” 2015 Antalya<br />

Summit of G20 Energy Ministers, Istanbul, 2 October 2015, http://<br />

www.g20.utoronto.ca/2015/151002-energy.html; IRENA, op.<br />

cit. note 5; Group of 20 (G20), “Fact sheet on the G20 Antalya<br />

Summit outcomes,” 15 November 2015, http://g20.org.tr/<br />

fact-sheet-g20-antalya-summit-outcomes/.<br />

7 G20, G20 Energy Access Action Plan: Voluntary Collaboration<br />

on Energy Access, Final Draft, October 2015, http://www.<br />

se4all-africa.org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Documents/<br />

guidelines_policy_and_hub_docs/23.09.2015-G20_Energy_<br />

Access_Action_Plan-_Final.pdf; G20, “G20 energy ministers<br />

agreed on inclusive energy collaboration and G20 Energy Access<br />

Action Plan in their first ever meeting in Istanbul,” press release<br />

(October 2015), http://g20.org.tr/g20-energy-ministers-agreed-<br />

on-inclusive-energy-collaboration-and-g20-energy-access-<br />

%e2%80%8baction-plan-in-their-first-ever-meeting-in-istanbul/.<br />

8 The SDGs were adopted in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable<br />

Development, from United Nations (UN), “UN adopts<br />

new global goals, charting sustainable development for<br />

people and planet by 2030,” press release (New York:<br />

25 September 2015), https://sustainabledevelopment.<br />

un.org/?page=view&nr=971&type=230&menu=2059. Goal 7 is<br />

“Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern<br />

energy for all,” per UN, “Sustainable Development Goals,” https://<br />

sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?menu=1300, viewed 18 February<br />

2016.<br />

9 IEA, op. cit. note 2, p. 101; Martin Niemetz, Country Action<br />

Officer, Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All), Vienna, personal<br />

communication with REN21, 10 March 2016.<br />

10 UN Global Compact, “Global business leaders at the Business<br />

& Climate Summit send a clear message to national and<br />

international policymakers: ‘We want a global climate deal that<br />

achieves net zero emissions – make it happen at COP21’,” press<br />

release (Paris: 21 May 2015), https://www.unglobalcompact.org/<br />

news/1871-05-21-2015.<br />

11 Asia Investor Group in Climate Change et al., “Global<br />

Investor Statement on Climate Change,” December<br />

2015, http://investorsonclimatechange.org/wp-content/<br />

uploads/2015/12/11DecemberGISCC.pdf. See also UN Global<br />

Compact, “The Road to Paris,” December 2015, https://www.<br />

unglobalcompact.org/take-action/action/cop21-business-action.<br />

12 Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical calls on Catholics<br />

to “protect our common home”, including through the<br />

substitution of renewable energy for fossil fuels, from The<br />

Vatican, Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ of the Holy Father Francis<br />

on Care of Our Common Home (Vatican City: Vatican Press,<br />

2015), p. 21, http://w2.vatican.va/content/dam/francesco/pdf/<br />

encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclicalaudato-si_en.pdf.<br />

In August, Islamic leaders, through the Islamic<br />

Declaration on Climate Change, called for the world’s 1.6 billion<br />

Muslims to play an active role in combatting climate change.<br />

Among other things, the declaration urged governments to<br />

conclude “effective universal” agreement in Paris and called<br />

on people of all nations and their leaders to both phase out<br />

greenhouse gas emissions and commit to 100% renewable<br />

energy or a zero-emissions strategy as soon as possible; see<br />

International Islamic Climate Change Symposium, “Islamic<br />

Declaration on Global Climate Change,” August 2015, http://<br />

islamicclimatedeclaration.org/islamic-declaration-on-globalclimate-change/.<br />

In October, the Dalai Lama and 11 other<br />

Buddhist authorities released a letter urging the phasing out of<br />

fossil fuels and movement toward 100% renewable energy; see,<br />

for example, Lydia O’Connor, “Buddhist leaders call for climate<br />

change action at Paris talks,” Huffington Post, 17 November<br />

2015, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/buddhistsclimate-change-letter_us_56310898e4b00aa54a4c4208;<br />

Global Buddhist Climate Change Collective, “Buddhist Climate<br />

Change Statement to World Leaders,” 29 October 2015, https://<br />

gbccc.org/; “The time to act is now: A Buddhist Declaration<br />

on Climate Change,” 14 May 2015, http://fore.yale.edu/files/<br />

Buddhist_Climate_Change_Statement_5-14-15.pdf. The Hindu<br />

Declaration on Climate Change called on the world’s 900 million<br />

Hindus to play a part in reducing climate pollution and urging a<br />

transition towards 100% clean energy; see “Bhumi Devi Ki Jai! A<br />

Hindu Declaration on Climate Change,” November 2015, http://<br />

www.hinduclimatedeclaration2015.org/english. Other religious<br />

statements on climate change in 2015 and previous years have<br />

included Baha’i, several Protestant Christian faiths, Interfaith,<br />

Judaism and Sikh; see, for example: “The Forum on Religion<br />

and Ecology, Yale University, “Climate change statements from<br />

world religions,” http://fore.yale.edu/climate-change/statementsfrom-world-religions/,<br />

viewed 13 April 2016; Interfaith Power &<br />

Light, “Religious Statements on Climate Change,” http://www.<br />

interfaithpowerandlight.org/resources/religious-statements-onclimate-change/,<br />

viewed 13 April 2016; Rabbi Arthur Waskow,<br />

“300+ rabbis sign rabbinic letter on the climate crisis,” Huffington<br />

Post, 15 May 2015, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rabbi-arthurwaskow/300-rabbis-sign-rabbinic-_b_7283354.html.<br />

13 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),<br />

“INDC – Submissions,” http://www4.unfccc.int/submissions/indc/<br />

Submission Pages/submissions.aspx, viewed 29 January and 4<br />

May 2016.<br />

14 IEA, op. cit. note 2, Executive Summary; Christiana Figueres,<br />

UNFCCC Executive Secretary, quoted in UNFCCC, “Historic<br />

Paris agreement on climate changes: 195 nations set path to<br />

keep temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius,” press<br />

release (Paris: 12 December 2015), http://newsroom.unfccc.int/<br />


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