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REFERENCE TABLES Table R12. Programmes Furthering Energy Access: Selected Examples (continued) NAME Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (Global LEAP) Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative (GSEII) Green Climate Fund (GCF) IDEAS – Energy Innovation Contest IRENA – Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) Lighting a Billion Lives Lighting Africa Lighting Asia The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) Power Africa Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) BRIEF DESCRIPTION An initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial that includes more than 10 governments and development partners. It provides support for quality assurance frameworks and programmes that encourage market transformation towards super-efficient technologies for off-grid use. An initiative that works with NGOs and multilateral institutions to help small-island developing states (SIDS) address energy security and climate change issues. It has helped nine SIDS to build human capacity, increase awareness and implement energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. It has spent about USD 1 million on the preparation of national energy plans, biofuel feasibility studies, energy efficiency training and renewable energy projects. A fund emerging from the COP climate change discussions in Copenhagen, Denmark and Durban, South Africa, to co-ordinate and consolidate funding on climate change mitigation and adaptation. It attempts to harmonise ongoing global financing efforts related to energy and transport infrastructure (among others) from the World Bank, the GEF, the Adaptation Fund, the CDM of the Kyoto Protocol and the G8. A contest that supports the implementation of innovative projects in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy access in Latin America and the Caribbean by promoting innovative energy solutions that can be replicated and scaled up in the region. A fund to support renewable energy projects that offer innovative and replicable approaches to broaden energy access; address several socio-economic issues identified in the Millennium Development Goals and SE4All objectives; and address energy security issues. A global initiative launched in 2008, steered by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), to facilitate access to clean lighting and cooking solutions for energy-starved communities. The programme operates on an entrepreneurial model of energy service delivery to provide innovative, affordable and reliable off-grid solar solutions. As of March 2015, it had facilitated access to clean lighting and cooking solutions for more than 3.5 million people in India, sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. An IFC and World Bank programme to accelerate the development of sustainable markets for affordable, modern off-grid lighting solutions for low-income households and micro-enterprises across Africa. As of early 2014, Lighting Africa had provided access to clean, safe lighting for more than 7.7 million people. An IFC market transformation programme aimed at increasing access to clean, affordable energy in rural Bangladesh and India by promoting modern off-grid lighting products, systems and mini-grid connections. The programme works with the private sector to remove market entry barriers, provide market intelligence, foster business to business linkages and raise consumer awareness on modern lighting options. It aims to reach 3 million people in India and 2.3 million people in Bangladesh by 2016. A development aid institution with a 40-year standing and a presence in over 130 countries. It works in co-operation with developing country partners and the international donor community to stimulate economic growth and alleviate poverty. Since 2008, the year that OFID launched its Energy for the Poor Initiative (EPI), energy poverty alleviation has been the primary strategic focus. In June 2012, the OFID Ministerial Council committed a minimum of USD 1 billion to bolster activities under the EPI, and in 2013 it turned this commitment from a one-time obligation to a revolving pledge. A US government initiative to address access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa. It has a target to double energy access in sub-Saharan Africa, using renewable energy, by adding more than 60 million new household and business connections. In August 2014, an additional combined USD 12 billion was pledged by Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. A World Bank Group project providing indicators that compare the investment climate of countries across the three focus areas of the SE4All initiative: energy access, energy efficiency and renewable energy. 156

Table R12. Programmes Furthering Energy Access: Selected Examples (continued) NAME Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) Scaling Up Renewable Energy in Low Income Countries (SREP) SNV Netherlands Development Organisation – Biogas Practice Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4All) Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) BRIEF DESCRIPTION A partnership that invests in clean energy markets in developing countries to reduce CO₂ emissions and build prosperity. Based on a strategic portfolio of high-impact projects, it works to generate energy access, improve lives and economic opportunities, build sustainable markets and combat climate change. REEEP has formed partnerships with more than 120 governments, banks, businesses, NGOs, and inter-governmental organisations, and has invested about USD 20 million (EUR 16.4 million) in more than 145 projects. A Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) programme that was established to expand renewable energy markets and scale up renewable energy deployment in the world’s poorest countries. It initially piloted in Ethiopia, Honduras, Kenya, Liberia, the Maldives, Mali, Nepal and Tanzania, and added 14 additional countries in 2014. A multi-actor sector development approach that supports the preparation and implementation of national biogas programmes throughout the world. In co-operation with its partners, SNV had installed 579,000 biogas plants in 18 developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America by end-2013 (with 74,000 in 2013 alone). A global initiative of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with three objectives for 2030: achieving universal access to electricity and clean cooking solutions; doubling the share of the world’s energy supplied by renewable sources; and doubling the rate of improvement in energy efficiency. A fund administered by the African Development Bank and anchored by a Danish government commitment of USD 57 million to support small and medium-scale clean energy and energy efficiency projects in Africa through grants for technical assistance and capacity building, investment capital and guidance. RENEWABLES 2016 · GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 157

Table R12. Programmes Furthering Energy Access: Selected Examples (continued)<br />

NAME<br />

Renewable Energy and Energy<br />

Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)<br />

Scaling Up Renewable Energy in<br />

Low Income Countries (SREP)<br />

SNV Netherlands Development<br />

Organisation – Biogas Practice<br />

Sustainable Energy for All Initiative<br />

(SE4All)<br />

Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa<br />

(SEFA)<br />


A partnership that invests in clean energy markets in developing countries to reduce<br />

CO₂ emissions and build prosperity. Based on a strategic portfolio of high-impact<br />

projects, it works to generate energy access, improve lives and economic opportunities,<br />

build sustainable markets and combat climate change. REEEP has formed partnerships<br />

with more than 120 governments, banks, businesses, NGOs, and inter-governmental<br />

organisations, and has invested about USD 20 million (EUR 16.4 million) in more than<br />

145 projects.<br />

A Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) programme that was established to expand renewable<br />

energy markets and scale up renewable energy deployment in the world’s poorest<br />

countries. It initially piloted in Ethiopia, Honduras, Kenya, Liberia, the Maldives, Mali,<br />

Nepal and Tanzania, and added 14 additional countries in 2014.<br />

A multi-actor sector development approach that supports the preparation and<br />

implementation of national biogas programmes throughout the world. In co-operation<br />

with its partners, SNV had installed 579,000 biogas plants in 18 developing countries<br />

in Asia, Africa and Latin America by end-2013 (with 74,000 in 2013 alone).<br />

A global initiative of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with three objectives for 2030:<br />

achieving universal access to electricity and clean cooking solutions; doubling the<br />

share of the world’s energy supplied by renewable sources; and doubling the rate of<br />

improvement in energy efficiency.<br />

A fund administered by the African Development Bank and anchored by a Danish<br />

government commitment of USD 57 million to support small and medium-scale clean<br />

energy and energy efficiency projects in Africa through grants for technical assistance<br />

and capacity building, investment capital and guidance.<br />



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