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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (continued) LEAD TOPICAL CONTRIBUTORS (continued) Energy Efficiency Didier Bosseboeuf (French Environment and Energy Management Agency – ADEME); Tyler Bryant (International Energy Agency – IEA); Kevin Carbonnier (New Buildings Institute – NBI); Cathy Higgins (NBI); Adam Hinge (Sustainable Energy Partnerships); Rod Janssen (Energy in Demand); Benoit Lebot (International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation); Jim McMahon (Better Climate Research & Policy Analysis); Alexi Miller (NBI); William Moomaw (Center for International Environment and Resource Policy, Tufts University); Melanie Slade (IEA); Peter Sweatman (Climate Strategy & Partners); Samuel Thomas (IEA) Geothermal Power and Heat Philippe Dumas (European Geothermal Energy Council – EGEC); Benjamin Matek (Geothermal Energy Association); Marietta Sander (International Geothermal Association); Burkhard Sanner (EGEC) Global Overview Heymi Bahar (IEA); Zuzana Dobrotkova (World Bank); Paolo Frankl (IEA); Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes (European Renewable Energies Federation; Eric Martinot (ISEP); Gevorg Sargsyan (World Bank); Sven Teske (University of Technology Sydney) Heat Pumps Thomas Nowak (European Heat Pump Association) Heating and Cooling Lex Bosselaar (Rijksdienst voor ondernemend Nederland); Bärbel Epp (solrico); Walter Haslinger (Bioenergy 2020); Inés Arias Iglesias (Euroheat & Power); Michael Nast (German Aerospace Center – DLR) Hydropower / Ocean Energy Giulia Cancian (Hydro Equipment Association); Josh Klemm (International Rivers); Ana Brito e Melo (Ocean Energy Systems – OES); Mathis Rogner (International Hydropower Association – IHA), Richard Taylor (IHA); Jose Luis Villate (OES) Investment Christine Gruening (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management); Karol Kempa (Frankfurt School); Angus McCrone (Bloomberg New Energy Finance – BNEF) Jobs Arslan Khalid (IRENA); Álvaro López-Peña (IRENA) Policy Wilson Rickerson (Meister Consultants Group) Solar PV GTM Research (PV Pulse); Denis Lenardic (pvresources.com); Nhan Ngo Thi Mai (Becquerel Institute); Gaëtan Masson (IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme / Becquerel Institute); Alexandre Roesch (SolarPower Europe); Ioannis-Thomas Theologitis (SolarPower Europe) Solar Thermal Heating and Cooling Hongzhi Cheng (Shandong SunVision Management Consulting); Jan-Olof Dalenbäck (Chalmers University of Technology); Pedro Dias (European Solar Thermal Industry Federation); Uli Jakob (Green Chiller Verband für Sorptionskälte e.V.); Franz Mauthner (AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies – AEE INTEC); Monika Spörk-Dür (AEE INTEC); Werner Weiss (AEE INTEC) Transport Cornie Huizenga (Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport – SLoCaT); Peter Nuttal (University of the South Pacific); Karl Peet (SLoCaT); Huib van Essen (CE Delft) Wind Power Giorgio Corbetta (WindEurope); Stefan Gsänger (WWEA); Aris Karcanias (FTI Consulting); Shi Pengfei (China Wind Energy Association); Jean-Daniel Pitteloud (WWEA); Steve Sawyer (GWEC); Shrutii Shukla (GWEC); Feng Zhao (FTI Consulting) 14

REVIEWERS AND OTHER CONTRIBUTORS Sheikh Adil (Banaras Hindu University); Betsy Agar (Renewable Cities); Udochukwu Akuru (University of Nigeria); Jesper Skovhus Andersen (Ringkøbing Fjernvarmeværk); Kathleen Araujo (Stony Brook University); Manjola Banja (European Commission – EC); Nils Borg (IEA 4E); Jean-Baptiste Brochier (Enerdata); David Brosch (University Park Community Solar LLC); Roman Buss (Renewables Academy – RENAC); Miquel Muñoz Cabré (IRENA); Valeria Cantello (Energrid S.p.A.); Kanika Chawla (Council on Energy, Environment and Water); Nigel Cotton (European Copper Institute); Nihat Dinçmen (World Wide Welcome, Inc); Abdou Diop (Enda Energie); Henning Donslund (Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune); Sossougad Dossa (Amis des Etrangers au Togo – ADET); Julio Eisman Valdès (Fundación ACCIONA Microenergía); Mark Ellis (IEA 4E); Kerstin Faehrmann (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ); Dave Ferrari (RMIT University); Doerte Fouquet (Becker Buettner Held Law Firm); David Fullbrook (DNV GL); Valeria Gambino (Absolute Energy Capital); Daniel García (FAMERAC); Fabio Genoese (Centre for European Policy Studies, Sciences Po); Jacopo Giuntoli (EC Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport); Wolfgang Glatzl (AEE INTEC); Renata Grisoli (United Nations Development Programme); Ken Guthrie (IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme); Alexander Haack (GIZ); Ahmed Hamza (Assiut University); Tobias Hausotter (GIZ); Jenny Heeter (NREL); Michael Hofmann (IDB); Dieter Holm (SOLTRAIN); Kristen Hughes (University of Pennsylvania); Chijioke Igweh (National Centre for Energy Research and Development – NCERD, University of Nigeria); Andrei Ilas (IRENA); Lutz Jarczynski (GIZ); Rashmi Jahawar (REN21); Jean-Marc Jossart (AEBIOM); Kira Kahmann (GIZ); Alexander Kauer (BMZ); Buchanan Kent (DEA); Wim Jonker Klunne (Energy & Environment Partnership Programme); Bozhil Kondev (GIZ); Ashraf Kraidy (League of Arab States); Arun Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee); Oliver Lah (GIZ); David Lecoque (ARE); Sarah Melissa Leitner (GIZ); Christian Liedtke (GIZ); Hugo Lucas (Environmental Studies, York University); Lorcan Lyons (Lorcan Lyons Consulting); Henning Bo Madsen (Friends of the Earth Denmark); Maged Mahmoud (RCREEE); Jaideep Malaviya (Solar Thermal Federation of India); Jesus Gavilan Marin (Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Mozambique); Ana Marques (ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability); Mathias Merforth (GIZ); Marcelo Mesquita (ABRAVA); Klaus Mischensky (Austria Solar); Lyne Monastesse (Natural Resources Canada); Frederick H. Morse (Morse Associates, Inc.); Gustavo Motta (Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brazil); F.H. Mughal; Les Nelson (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials); Jan Erik Nielsen (PlanEnergi); Bruce Nordman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); Samantha Ölz (consultant); Eric O’Shaughnessy (NREL); Ousmane Outtara (Mali Folkecentre); Carter Page (Global Energy Capital LLC); Binu Parthan (Sustainable Energy Associates); Cristina Peñasco (Spanish National Research Council – CSIC); Robert J. Phillips (Global Affairs Canada); Inna Platonova (Light Up The World); Pascual Polo (Spanish Solar Thermal Association – ASIT); Robert Rapier (Merica International); Jörn Rauhut (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy – BMWi); David Renné (International Solar Energy Society); Pablo del Río (CSIC); María Hilda Rivera (Power Africa); Heather Rosmarin (InterAmerican Clean Energy Institute); Jo Rowbotham (Te Whiti Services SPC); Qendresa Rugova (Burg Capital GmBH); Kumiko Saito (Solar System Development Association); Gianluca Sambucini (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe); Robert Sandoli (US Department of Energy); Katharina Satzinger (REN21); Martin Schöpe (BMWi); Stefan Schurig (WFC); Rafael Senga (WWF Energy Programme); Ian Shearer (The Sustainable Energy Forum Inc.); Eli Shilten (Elson); Ruth Shortall (University of Iceland); Fuad Siala (OPEC Fund for International Development); Anoop Singh (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur); Carel Snyman (South African National Energy Development Institute); Staff (Arc Finance); Janusz Starościk (Association of Manufacturers and Importers of Heating Appliances – SPIUG); David Stickelberger (Swissolar); Geoffrey Stiles (Carbon Impact Consultants); Benjamin Struss (GIZ); Paul H. Suding (elsud); Raúl Tauro (Mexican Bioenergy Network – REMBIO); Reto Thoenen (REPIC Secretariat); Robert Thomson (Fetlar Developments Ltd); Ralph Torrie (Torrie Smith Associates); Costas Travasaros (Greek Solar Industry Association – EBHE); Maloba Tshehla (Green Cape); Stanley Tshoga (Biogas Solar Engineering Zimbabwe); Nico Tyabji (BNEF); Kutay Ülke (Ezinç Metal); Rene Vossenaar (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development – UNCTAD); Daniel Werner (GIZ); Adrian Whiteman (IRENA); Philipp Wittrock (GIZ); Tore Wizelius (Vindform AB); Michael Wood (SkyPower); Frank Wouters (Wouters Ltd.) The Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment report (GTR), formerly Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment, was first published by the Frankfurt School–UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance in 2011. This annual report was produced previously (starting in 2007) under UNEP’s Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative (SEFI). It grew out of efforts to track and publish comprehensive information about international investments in renewable energy. The latest edition of this authoritative annual report tells the story of the most recent developments, signs and signals in the financing of renewable power and fuels. It explores the issues affecting each type of investment, technology and type of economy. The GTR is produced jointly with Bloomberg New Energy Finance and is the sister publication to the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report (GSR). The latest edition was released in March 2016 and is available for download at www.fs-unep-centre.org. RENEWABLES 2016 · GLOBAL STATUS REPORT 15


Sheikh Adil (Banaras Hindu University); Betsy Agar (Renewable<br />

Cities); Udochukwu Akuru (University of Nigeria); Jesper<br />

Skovhus Andersen (Ringkøbing Fjernvarmeværk); Kathleen<br />

Araujo (Stony Brook University); Manjola Banja (European<br />

Commission – EC); Nils Borg (IEA 4E); Jean-Baptiste Brochier<br />

(Enerdata); David Brosch (University Park Community Solar<br />

LLC); Roman Buss (Renewables Academy – RENAC); Miquel<br />

Muñoz Cabré (IRENA); Valeria Cantello (Energrid S.p.A.); Kanika<br />

Chawla (Council on Energy, Environment and Water); Nigel<br />

Cotton (European Copper Institute); Nihat Dinçmen (World<br />

Wide Welcome, Inc); Abdou Diop (Enda Energie); Henning<br />

Donslund (Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune); Sossougad Dossa<br />

(Amis des Etrangers au Togo – ADET); Julio Eisman Valdès<br />

(Fundación ACCIONA Microenergía); Mark Ellis (IEA 4E);<br />

Kerstin Faehrmann (German Federal Ministry for Economic<br />

Cooperation and Development – BMZ); Dave Ferrari (RMIT<br />

University); Doerte Fouquet (Becker Buettner Held Law<br />

Firm); David Fullbrook (DNV GL); Valeria Gambino (Absolute<br />

Energy Capital); Daniel García (FAMERAC); Fabio Genoese<br />

(Centre for European Policy Studies, Sciences Po); Jacopo<br />

Giuntoli (EC Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and<br />

Transport); Wolfgang Glatzl (AEE INTEC); Renata Grisoli (United<br />

Nations Development Programme); Ken Guthrie (IEA Solar<br />

Heating and Cooling Programme); Alexander Haack (GIZ);<br />

Ahmed Hamza (Assiut University); Tobias Hausotter (GIZ);<br />

Jenny Heeter (NREL); Michael Hofmann (IDB); Dieter Holm<br />

(SOLTRAIN); Kristen Hughes (University of Pennsylvania);<br />

Chijioke Igweh (National Centre for Energy Research and<br />

Development – NCERD, University of Nigeria); Andrei Ilas<br />

(IRENA); Lutz Jarczynski (GIZ); Rashmi Jahawar (REN21);<br />

Jean-Marc Jossart (AEBIOM); Kira Kahmann (GIZ); Alexander<br />

Kauer (BMZ); Buchanan Kent (DEA); Wim Jonker Klunne<br />

(Energy & Environment Partnership Programme); Bozhil<br />

Kondev (GIZ); Ashraf Kraidy (League of Arab States); Arun<br />

Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee); Oliver Lah<br />

(GIZ); David Lecoque (ARE); Sarah Melissa Leitner (GIZ);<br />

Christian Liedtke (GIZ); Hugo Lucas (Environmental Studies,<br />

York University); Lorcan Lyons (Lorcan Lyons Consulting);<br />

Henning Bo Madsen (Friends of the Earth Denmark); Maged<br />

Mahmoud (RCREEE); Jaideep Malaviya (Solar Thermal<br />

Federation of India); Jesus Gavilan Marin (Delegation of<br />

the European Union to the Republic of Mozambique); Ana<br />

Marques (ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability);<br />

Mathias Merforth (GIZ); Marcelo Mesquita (ABRAVA); Klaus<br />

Mischensky (Austria Solar); Lyne Monastesse (Natural<br />

Resources Canada); Frederick H. Morse (Morse Associates,<br />

Inc.); Gustavo Motta (Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brazil); F.H.<br />

Mughal; Les Nelson (International Association of Plumbing<br />

and Mechanical Officials); Jan Erik Nielsen (PlanEnergi); Bruce<br />

Nordman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); Samantha<br />

Ölz (consultant); Eric O’Shaughnessy (NREL); Ousmane Outtara<br />

(Mali Folkecentre); Carter Page (Global Energy Capital LLC);<br />

Binu Parthan (Sustainable Energy Associates); Cristina Peñasco<br />

(Spanish National Research Council – CSIC); Robert J. Phillips<br />

(Global Affairs Canada); Inna Platonova (Light Up The World);<br />

Pascual Polo (Spanish Solar Thermal Association – ASIT);<br />

Robert Rapier (Merica International); Jörn Rauhut (German<br />

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy – BMWi);<br />

David Renné (International Solar Energy Society); Pablo del Río<br />

(CSIC); María Hilda Rivera (Power Africa); Heather Rosmarin<br />

(InterAmerican Clean Energy Institute); Jo Rowbotham (Te<br />

Whiti Services SPC); Qendresa Rugova (Burg Capital GmBH);<br />

Kumiko Saito (Solar System Development Association);<br />

Gianluca Sambucini (United Nations Economic Commission for<br />

Europe); Robert Sandoli (US Department of Energy); Katharina<br />

Satzinger (REN21); Martin Schöpe (BMWi); Stefan Schurig<br />

(WFC); Rafael Senga (WWF Energy Programme); Ian Shearer<br />

(The Sustainable Energy Forum Inc.); Eli Shilten (Elson); Ruth<br />

Shortall (University of Iceland); Fuad Siala (OPEC Fund for<br />

International Development); Anoop Singh (Indian Institute of<br />

Technology, Kanpur); Carel Snyman (South African National<br />

Energy Development Institute); Staff (Arc Finance); Janusz<br />

Starościk (Association of Manufacturers and Importers of<br />

Heating Appliances – SPIUG); David Stickelberger (Swissolar);<br />

Geoffrey Stiles (Carbon Impact Consultants); Benjamin Struss<br />

(GIZ); Paul H. Suding (elsud); Raúl Tauro (Mexican Bioenergy<br />

Network – REMBIO); Reto Thoenen (REPIC Secretariat); Robert<br />

Thomson (Fetlar Developments Ltd); Ralph Torrie (Torrie<br />

Smith Associates); Costas Travasaros (Greek Solar Industry<br />

Association – EBHE); Maloba Tshehla (Green Cape); Stanley<br />

Tshoga (Biogas Solar Engineering Zimbabwe); Nico Tyabji<br />

(BNEF); Kutay Ülke (Ezinç Metal); Rene Vossenaar (United<br />

Nations Conference on Trade and Development – UNCTAD);<br />

Daniel Werner (GIZ); Adrian Whiteman (IRENA); Philipp<br />

Wittrock (GIZ); Tore Wizelius (Vindform AB); Michael Wood<br />

(SkyPower); Frank Wouters (Wouters Ltd.)<br />

The Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment report (GTR), formerly Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment, was<br />

first published by the Frankfurt School–UNEP Collaborating Centre for Climate & Sustainable Energy Finance in 2011. This annual<br />

report was produced previously (starting in 2007) under UNEP’s Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative (SEFI). It grew out of efforts<br />

to track and publish comprehensive information about international investments in renewable energy. The latest edition of this<br />

authoritative annual report tells the story of the most recent developments, signs and signals in the financing of renewable power<br />

and fuels. It explores the issues affecting each type of investment, technology and type of economy. The GTR is produced jointly with<br />

Bloomberg New Energy Finance and is the sister publication to the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report (GSR). The latest edition<br />

was released in March 2016 and is available for download at www.fs-unep-centre.org.<br />



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