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Organisational structures of community energy initiatives may<br />

be in the form of partnerships, co-operatives, community trusts<br />

and foundations, limited liability companies, non-profit customerowned<br />

enterprises and housing associations. 23 The choice<br />

of structure often is determined by the interest or goal of the<br />

particular community as well as the regulatory framework. There<br />

is a general lack of analyses about organisational structures of<br />

community energy, especially in developing countries.<br />

Partnerships generally are governed by a management<br />

board, with the ownership rights linked to the financial stake of<br />

each partner. In Germany, partnerships with a private limited<br />

company are a commonly used legal entity for community<br />

renewable energy ownership. In Denmark, partnerships also are<br />

referred to as co-operatives, because of their role as a typical<br />

form of “association”, and come with different liabilities and tax<br />

implications.<br />

Co-operatives are democratic structures that follow a set of<br />

internationally agreed principles and make decisions on a “onemember-one-vote”<br />

basis; day-to-day operation is governed<br />

by an elected board. Renewable energy co-operatives exist<br />

in Europe, North America, Africa and parts of Asia and Latin<br />

America. 24 Although the structure varies from one country to<br />

another, co-operatives tend to be the most common structure<br />

for community renewable energy initiatives. 25 In the developing<br />

world, co-operatives historically have played a role in other<br />

sectors as well, such as in the agricultural sector.<br />

Community trusts and foundations share benefits from<br />

community renewable energy projects with citizens that do<br />

not have enough money to invest, ensuring that returns on<br />

investments are used for specific local or community purposes. In<br />

the United Kingdom, “Development Trusts” may take a number of<br />

different legal forms: a charity, a company limited by guarantee, a<br />

community interest company (CIC) or an industrial and provident<br />

society (IPS). In Scotland, Development Trusts have become<br />

a popular form of community ownership of wind projects. 26 In<br />

Denmark, the community foundation model has been used to<br />

create a community pot of money where generous profits from<br />

renewable energy production can go towards funding local<br />

development. 27<br />

Public and private limited liability companies (LLCs) are<br />

based on a legal framework that limits the liability of investors,<br />

protecting their private assets from losses. LLCs are becoming<br />

increasingly common instruments for implementing community<br />

energy projects, particularly in Europe and North America. 28 One<br />

example is the University Park Community Solar LLC, formed<br />

by residents in the US state of Maryland to reduce their reliance<br />

on local utilities. Their efforts were facilitated by the state’s net<br />

metering policy and tradable renewable energy certificates,<br />

which created revenue-generation opportunities for the local<br />

community. 29<br />

Non-profit, customer-owned enterprises are similar to<br />

co-operatives in structure but add particular rules: for example,<br />

ownership might require grid connection, or votes may be capped<br />

to limit the power of individuals who own multiple properties. This<br />

type of structure is ideal for community power projects that rely<br />

on grid networks that are small or independent. 30 It is particularly<br />

popular in Denmark's district heating sector. 31<br />

Housing associations are private, non-profit organisations that<br />

can finance community renewable energy projects by adjusting<br />

tenant rents. They are highly regulated in many countries and<br />

can form a number of different legal structures. In the United<br />

Kingdom, for example, housing associations may be in the<br />

form of an IPS, a co-operative society or a company limited<br />

by guarantee. In Denmark, tenants living in the social housing<br />

estate are members of a housing association and are in charge<br />

of managing the estate. Usually such community energy projects<br />

succeed only if there is a high degree of acceptance among local<br />

tenants.<br />

Local governments also are important actors in community<br />

renewable energy. Under municipalisation (as it is called in the<br />

United States), or Stadtwerke (Germany), local governments<br />

– often in collaboration with community co-operatives –<br />

manage and operate local power utilities to provide a not-forprofit<br />

electricity service. In Germany, local governments own<br />

and operate 1,428 utility companies. Similar efforts are being<br />

undertaken in South Asia by panchayats (rural local governments).<br />

For example, the Indian village of Odanthurai has been investing<br />

in renewables since 2005. It has installed 65 solar street lights,<br />

a biomass gasifier to pump drinking water and a 350 kW wind<br />

turbine, creating a power surplus that allows the village to sell<br />

excess power back to the state electricity board. 32<br />


There are multiple reasons for the upward trend of renewable<br />

energy-based community initiatives. Drivers include potential<br />

economic benefits, increased control over energy generation, and<br />

social and environmental benefits. In most cases, the rationale for<br />

a given project involves a combination of drivers.<br />

The cost of renewable energy technologies (especially solar PV<br />

and wind power) has fallen to such a degree that implementation<br />

has become economically viable in many locations. For some<br />

community groups, the potential for revenue generation is a key<br />

reason to become involved in a renewable energy project.<br />

This revenue can be spent on other projects within a community,<br />

helping to make it more resilient and its future more sustainable.<br />

Renewable energy projects also can provide a second revenue<br />

stream for local farmers, offering them sustainable and profitable<br />

investment options. As seen with community solar projects in the<br />

United States and with onshore wind in Denmark, community<br />

ownership has been able to protect consumers from volatile<br />

energy prices, while guaranteeing a long-term return. 33<br />

Another driver is the growing interest in citizen control over<br />

energy production, which enables communities to choose the<br />

technologies and resources used, and to keep investments<br />

local. 34 In an increasing number of communities, people have<br />

become dissatisfied with the inflexibility of the traditional<br />

centralised model of energy production, which provides them<br />

with little-to-no influence over the sustainability of their energy<br />

supply and generally does not reinvest profits locally. 35 For some<br />

communities, sending a political message is a key motivation. 36<br />

Environmental concerns – ranging from local air pollution and<br />

health impacts to global climate change – often are important<br />

drivers for community energy initiatives. Community projects can<br />

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