Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De


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a class of demigods who inhabit the atmospheric regions.<br />

siddhi – “perfection” – one of the many supernatural powers possessed by siddhas as a result of their practice,<br />

their sadhana. Included <strong>am</strong>ong the siddhis are the power of flight, invisibility, the power of attraction and the<br />

power to realize one’s every desire.<br />

shravaka – “auditor” – a person who attains emancipation by listening a buddha.<br />

stupa – a funerary monument in the shape of a dome or pyr<strong>am</strong>id, containing a relic of a Buddha or some other<br />

objects of veneration; a meditation support symbolizing the formless body of the Buddha and the essential<br />

structure of the cosmos.<br />

shunyata – “emptiness” – the principle that all objects of the senses, mental concepts, and categories are void of<br />

self-existence.<br />

susumna – mapping of the yogic body; the major subtle channel identified with fire, which runs down through<br />

the centre of the spinal column. See also nadi.<br />

tathatgata - “one who comes thus” – an epithet of the Buddha or of one the five celestial buddhas<br />

terma – “treasure” – indigenous Tibetan Budhist collections of works, mainly containing instructions for special<br />

forms of Tantric practice. <strong>The</strong>y are brought to light by treasure-discoverer specialists, either in the form of<br />

hidden manuscripts or of visionary revelations with no physical substrate.<br />

torma – conical flour and butter cones used as ritual offerings to a person’s enlightened beings and protectors.<br />

tulku – “the form body of a Buddha” – the recognized reincarnation of a past Buddha master.<br />

upaya – “skill in means” – array of expedient devices employed by bodhisattvas to enlighten beings trapped in<br />

suffering existence. Upaya becomes deified as the male member of a bipolar relationship – with the female<br />

prajna (“wisdom”).<br />

vajra – (Tibetan dorje) – “Thunderbolt, di<strong>am</strong>ond, penis” – ad<strong>am</strong>antine symbol of strength, immovability, and<br />

transcendent nature of the state aimed at by Tantric practitioners; n<strong>am</strong>e of an implement used in Tantric ritual.<br />

vajrakaya – “di<strong>am</strong>ond body”<br />

vajrayoga – “ad<strong>am</strong>antine union” – the fusion of wisdom realizing emptiness and compassion, which<br />

spontaneously manifests appearances in order to guide living beings to freedom from s<strong>am</strong>sara.<br />

vidya – “esoteric knowledge, wisdom” – wisdom personified as a goddess. Vidya is one of the terms used for a<br />

male practitioner’s female consort.<br />

yab-yum (Tibetan) – “father-mother” – term used to describe deities in sexual union.<br />

yantra – “instrument of restraint; machine” – one of a group of instruments, including diagr<strong>am</strong>s, <strong>am</strong>ulets, and<br />

alchemical apparatus, used by a Tantric practitioners to control or subdue his own mind, demonic beings, or<br />

elements of the phenomenal world.<br />

yid<strong>am</strong> – “vow, oath, covenant” – a tutelary deity.<br />

Yoga Tantra – “Tantra of Yoga” – one of the four classes of Buddhist Tantric texts, sects and teachings.<br />

yogin – a male practitioner of yoga.<br />

yogini – one of a class of powerful, fierce and often sexually alluring female demigods and human sorceresses<br />

who imitate or are identified with them; a female Tantric practitioner.<br />

yoni – the female sexual organ, womb.<br />

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© Copyright 2003 – Victor & Victoria Trimondi<br />

<strong>The</strong> contents of this page are free for personal and non-commercial use,<br />

provided this copyright notice is kept intact. All further rights, including<br />

the rights of publication in any form, have to be obtained by written<br />

permission from the authors.

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