Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De


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candali – “female outcast” – the Tantric consort; also the subtle body, the “red element”, female energy that<br />

rises up from the lower abdomen to melt the male “white element” in the cranial vault. See also avadhuti.<br />

Carya Tantra – “Tantra of Observance” – one of the four classes of Buddhist Tantric texts, sects and teachings.<br />

chakra – “circle, wheel” – one of the usually seven energy centres aligned along the spinal column of the yogic<br />

body.<br />

chakravala - the nine chakravala or concentric mountain ranges or continents, separated by eight seas, of a<br />

universe.<br />

chakravartin – “wheel-turner” – an universal emperor and protector of Buddhism<br />

cint<strong>am</strong>ani - a talismanic pearl, a symbol of bestowing fortune and capable of fulfilling every wish.<br />

citta - mind or heart. the two terms being synonymous in Asian religious philosophy.<br />

dakini – one of a group of powerful female beings, possessed by the power of flight, who mediate between the<br />

worlds of the buddhas, the demonic, and the human in Tantric ritual and meditative practice. A woman<br />

embodying enlightened wisdom.<br />

chöd yul – “<strong>The</strong> object that is to be cut off” – system of dr<strong>am</strong>atic sh<strong>am</strong>anic practices that effect the severing or<br />

cutting off of demons as a means to annihilating the ego that otherwise keeps one trapped in suffering existence.<br />

d<strong>am</strong>aru – hourglass-shaped two-headed “sch<strong>am</strong>an’s drum” carried and played by Tantric deities and<br />

practitioners.<br />

deva – “shining one” – a celestial deity who is nevertheless “un-liberated”.<br />

dharini - extended mantra used in esoteric branch of Buddhism to focus and expand the mind. Its words, or<br />

sounds, should not communicate any recognizable meaning.<br />

dharma – the teachings of the Buddha; the law, doctrine, or ethical precepts of Buddhism; an underlying<br />

cosmic principle taught by the Buddha; constituent element of reality; a phenomenon. <strong>The</strong> complex of religious<br />

and social obligations that a devout s required to fulfil; right action, duty, morality, virtue<br />

dharmadhatu – the absolute reality experienced in enlightenment<br />

dharmakaya – “body of teaching” – in Mahayana and later forms of Buddhism, the third and most exalted of<br />

the three bodies of the Buddha, composed of Buddha’s teachings. Tantric Buddhism knows of a fourth, called<br />

the di<strong>am</strong>ond body (see also vajrakaya).<br />

dhatu – the space or sphere of absolute reality itself<br />

dhyana – ritual visualisation, inner vision, yogic meditation; instructions for visualizing a Tantric deity.<br />

dorje – see: vajra<br />

guru – a religious percept or teacher, often the person from whom one receives initiation or consecration.<br />

hatha yoga – body of yogic practice that combines posture, breath control, seals, and locks as a means to bodily<br />

immortality and supernatural power.<br />

ida – mapping of the yogic body, the major subtle channel identified with the moon that runs the length of the<br />

spinal column, to the left of the medial channel. See also nadi.<br />

inana – “gnosis” – supreme knowledge; the highest form of knowledge, which affords liberation from suffering<br />

existence.<br />

kalpa – sacred precept, law, ritual, or ordinance; an eon, a fantastically long period of time.<br />

k<strong>am</strong>a – desire and sexuality used as a means to liberation or transcendence of the human condition<br />

karma - volition, volitional or intentional activity. Karma is always followed by its fruit, Vipaka. Karma and<br />

Vipaka are oftentimes referred to as the law of causality, a cardinal concern in the Teaching of the Buddha.<br />

Kriya Tantra –“Action Tantra” – one of the four classes of Buddhist Tantric texts, sects and teachings.<br />

kshatriya - the second of the four Hindu Castes at the time of Shaky<strong>am</strong>uni, they were the royal caste, the noble<br />

landlord, the warriors and the ruling castes.<br />

maharaja - a great or superior king.<br />

kundalini – “She who is coiled”; the female energy that lies coiled at the base of the yogic body. Through<br />

combined techniques, the Kundalini is “awakened” and made to rise through the charkas to the cranial vault. See<br />

also: shakti.<br />

l<strong>am</strong>a – a Tantric teacher or Guru in Tibetan Buddhism<br />

linga – the male sexual organ. See also yoni.<br />

mah<strong>am</strong>udra – “great seal” – gnosis realizing the mind’s own emptiness in a non-dual, androgynous fashion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> “inner woman” as part of the yogic body. <strong>The</strong> ultimate nature of mind; an instantaneous practice for

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