Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De


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independent form and then hit back at her hated “projection father” as an enemy. Such radical<br />

“emancipations” of Tibetan protective deities are not at all rare and the collected histories of Tibet are<br />

full of reports, where submissive servants of the l<strong>am</strong>as free themselves and attempt to revolt against<br />

their lords. Right now, the Tibetan exile community is being deeply shaken by such a rebellious<br />

protective spirit by the n<strong>am</strong>e of Dorje Shugden, who has at any rate managed to disfigure the until<br />

now completely pure image of the Kundun in the West with some most persistent stains. We shall<br />

return to report on this often. From Shugden circles also comes the suspicion that Palden Lh<strong>am</strong>o has<br />

failed completely as the spiritual protector of Tibet, Lhasa, and the <strong>Dalai</strong> L<strong>am</strong>a, and has delivered the<br />

country into the hands of the Chinese occupiers. Whatever opinion one may have of such<br />

speculations, the extreme aggression of the demoness and the practical political facts do not exclude<br />

such a view of the matter.<br />

In the life story of Palden Lh<strong>am</strong>o her relationship to her son is particularly cruel and numinous. Why<br />

a woman who is revered as the supreme protective spirit of Tibet and the <strong>Dalai</strong> L<strong>am</strong>a must be the<br />

slaughterer of her own child, may seem monstrous even to one who has become accustomed to the<br />

atrocities of the tantras. If we interpret the case psychologically we must ask ourselves the following<br />

questions: As a mother, is Palden Lh<strong>am</strong>o not driven by constant horror? Is her bottomless hate not the<br />

expression of her abominable deed? Must she not in her heart be the arch-enemy of Buddhism, the<br />

cause of her infanticide?<br />

Is this repellant cult even more murderous than it already appears? Is the goddess perhaps offered<br />

sacrifices which simultaneously appease and captivate her? Since the demoness had to slaughter the<br />

utmost which a mother can give, n<strong>am</strong>ely her child, for Tibetan Buddhism, the sacrifice which is to fill<br />

her with satisfaction must also be the highest which L<strong>am</strong>aism has to offer.<br />

In fact, the early deaths of the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth <strong>Dalai</strong> L<strong>am</strong>a give rise to the<br />

question of whether a deliberately initiated sacrificial offering to Palden Lh<strong>am</strong>o could be involved<br />

here? All four god-kings died at an age before they were able to take over the business of government.<br />

In each case, the regents who were exercising real power until the new <strong>Dalai</strong> L<strong>am</strong>as c<strong>am</strong>e of age were<br />

suspected with good reason of being the murderer. In the Tibet of old poisonings were a regular<br />

occurrence. <strong>The</strong>re is even said to have been a morbid belief that whoever poisoned a highly respected<br />

man would obtain all the happiness and privileges of his victim.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are the historical facts. But there is a mysterious event to be found in the brief biographies of<br />

the four unhappy “god-kings” which could lend their fate a deeper, symbolic meaning. We mean the<br />

visit to a temple about a hundred miles southeast of Lhasa which was dedicated to one of the<br />

emanations of Palden Lh<strong>am</strong>o. We must imagine such shrines (gokhangs), dedicated to the wrathful<br />

deities, to be a real cabinet of horrors. Stuffed full of real and magic weapons, padded out by all<br />

manner of dried human body parts, they aroused absolute repugnance <strong>am</strong>ong visitors from the West.<br />

In order to test the psychological hardiness of the young Kunduns, at least once in their lives the<br />

children were locked in the morbid temple mentioned and probably exposed to the most terrible<br />

performances of the goddess. “Young as they were, they had insufficient knowledge to persuade her<br />

to turn away the wrath, which c<strong>am</strong>e so easily to her, and, accordingly, they died soon after the<br />

meeting”, Charles Bell wrote of this cruel rite of initiation (Bell, 1994, p. 159). Whatever may have<br />

taken place within this gokhang, the children emerged from this hell completely disturbed and were<br />

all four close to madness.

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