Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De


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exercised through meditation (such as through holding the breath). In this we are confronted with the<br />

view that the practice of yoga is transferable to politics. Such a conception is in fact characteristic of<br />

Hinduism. In Tantric Buddhism, however, the order is reversed, as it is in the West: the goddess is<br />

passive and the god active. For this reason the fascist, Julius Evola, for whom the heroic masculine<br />

principle is entitled to the royal throne, was much more strongly attracted to Buddhist Vajrayana than<br />

to the Hindu tantras.<br />

But when the sacerdotium unites with the regnum in one person, as in the case of the <strong>Dalai</strong> L<strong>am</strong>a,<br />

then the two celebrate a “mystic wedding”. <strong>The</strong> powers of the two forces flow together in a great<br />

current out of which a universal “wheel turner”, a Chakravartin arises, who has condensed within<br />

himself the masculine and feminine principle, worldly and priestly power, and is thus capable of<br />

exercising supreme control. Ananda Coomarasw<strong>am</strong>y has emotionally described this exceptional<br />

situation with the following words: “It is, then, only when the priest and the king, the human<br />

representatives of sky and earth, God and his kingdom, are ‘united in the performance of the rite’,<br />

only when ‘thy will is done on earth as it is in heaven’, that there is both a giving and a taking, not<br />

indeed an equality but a true reciprocity. Peace and prosperity, and fullness of life in every sense of<br />

the words, are the fruits of the ‘marriage’ of the temporal power to the spiritual authority, just as they<br />

must be of the marriage of the ‘woman’ to the ‘man’ on whatever level of reference. For ‘verily, when<br />

a mating is effected, then each achieves the other’s desire’; and in the case of the ‘mating’ of the<br />

sacerdotium and the regnum, whether in the outer realms or within you, the desire of the two partners<br />

are for ‘good’ here and hereafter” (Coomarasw<strong>am</strong>y, 1978, p. 69). <strong>The</strong> marriage of the masculine and<br />

the feminine principle, which here forms the foundation for absolute political power, shows the<br />

Chakravartin to be an androgyne, a bisexual superhuman.<br />

Neither Coomarasw<strong>am</strong>y nor Evola appear to have the slightest doubts about according feminine<br />

energies to masculine individuals and institutions in their theories. For this reason, the patriarchal<br />

power visions of Tantrism are as obvious in the two authors’ interpretations of history as they<br />

otherwise only are in the original Tibetan texts. Since for Coomarasw<strong>am</strong>y the feminine is incarnated<br />

in the “king”, and as such may never rule alone, the religious philosopher considers the autonomous<br />

power of the kings to be the origin of evil: “But, if the King cooperating with and assimilated to the<br />

higher power is thus the Father of his people, it is none the less true that satanic and deadly<br />

possibilities inhere in the Temporal Power: When the Regnum pursues its own devices, when the<br />

feminine [!] half of the Administration asserts its independence, when Might presumes to rule without<br />

respect for Right, when the ‘woman’ demands her ‘rights’[!], then these lethal possibilities are<br />

realised; the King and the Kingdom, the f<strong>am</strong>ily and the house, alike are destroyed and disorder<br />

prevails. It was by an assertion of his independence and a claim to ‘equal rights’ that Lucifer fell<br />

headlong from Heaven and bec<strong>am</strong>e Satan, the ‘enemy’” (Coomarasw<strong>am</strong>y, 1978, p. 69). <strong>The</strong> equation<br />

of the feminine with the epitome of evil is here no less clear and crass than it is in the work of the<br />

fascist, Julius Evola, who interprets our “unhappy” age as the result of a “gynocracy” which was<br />

prepared by the priests of the various religions.<br />

That the role of the Chakravartin is reserved exclusively for men must be a self-evident assumption in<br />

the light of what has been said above. In a very early Buddhist text we already find this succinct<br />

formulation:<br />

It is impossible and can not be<br />

that the woman a Holy One, a Completely Awakened [One]

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