Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De


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stimulate the latter’s sexual desire.<br />

According to another passage in the texts — but likewise in reference to the Kalachakra Tantra —<br />

the vajra master shows the undressed girl to the sadhaka and requires him to now stroke the breasts of<br />

the karma mudra himself (Naropa, 1994, p. 188). “<strong>The</strong>re is not actually any vase or any pot that is<br />

used for this empowerment”, we are informed by Ngawang Dhargyey, a modern commentator on the<br />

Time Tantra. “What is referred to as ‘the pot’ are the breasts of the girl, which are called the ‘vase that<br />

holds the white’” (Dhargyey, 1985, p. 8). We have already drawn attention to the fact that this white<br />

substance is probably the s<strong>am</strong>e magic secretion from the female breast which the European alchemists<br />

of the seventeenth century enthusiastically described as “virgin’s milk” and whose consumption<br />

promised great magical powers for the adept.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sight of the naked girl and the stroking of her breasts causes the “descent” of the semen virile<br />

(male seed) in the pupil. In the tantric view of things this originally finds itself at a point below the<br />

roof of the skull and begins to flow down through the body into the penis when a man becomes<br />

sexually aroused. Under no circumstances may it come to the point of ejaculation here! If the pupil<br />

successfully masters his lust, he attains the eighth initiation stage, which is known as the “immobile”<br />

on the basis of the fixation of the semen in the phallus.<br />

Let us now continue with the euphemistic depiction of the next secret initiation (9): <strong>The</strong> pupil is<br />

blindfolded. <strong>The</strong> master unites the masculine and feminine forces within himself and subsequently<br />

lets the adept taste the “mystic nectar”, which is offered to him in the form of tea and yogurt so that he<br />

may experience great bliss (Henss, 1985, p. 52). In reality something different is played out on this<br />

level: firstly the adept hands valuable clothes and other sacrificial offerings over to the master. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

he presents him with a young and gracile girl. <strong>The</strong> l<strong>am</strong>a demands that the sadhaka leave the room or<br />

blindfold himself. Tantric dishes are served, the master venerates and praises the mudra with songs of<br />

adulation, elevates her to the status of a goddess and then couples with her “until her sexual fluids<br />

flow” (Farrow and Menon, 1992, p. 121). He then, exceptionally, allows his semen to flow into her<br />

vagina.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mixture of “red-white fluid” thus created, that is, of the male and female seed, is scooped out of<br />

the sexual organs of the wisdom consort with a finger or a small ivory spoon and collected in a vessel.<br />

<strong>The</strong> master then summons the pupil, or instructs him to remove his blindfold. He now takes some of<br />

the “holy substance” with his finger once more and moistens the tongue of the adept with it whilst<br />

speaking the words, “This is your sacr<strong>am</strong>ent, dear one, as taught by all Buddhas ... “ — and the pupil<br />

answers blissfully, “Today my birth has become fruitful. Today my life is fruitful. Today I have been<br />

born into the Buddha-F<strong>am</strong>ily. Now I <strong>am</strong> a son of the Buddhas” (Snellgrove, 1987, vol. 1, p. 272).<br />

Concretely, this means that he has, through the consumption of the female and the male seed, attained<br />

the status of an androgyne.<br />

But there are also other versions of the second initiation. When we read that, “<strong>The</strong> pupil visualizes the<br />

secret vajra of the vajra masters in his own mouth and tastes the white bodhicitta of the guru l<strong>am</strong>a.<br />

This white bodhicitta sinks to his own heart chakra and in so doing generates bliss ...<strong>The</strong> n<strong>am</strong>e ‘secret<br />

initiation’ is thus also a result of the fact that one partakes of the secret substance of the vajra<br />

master” (Henss, 1985, p. 53; Dhargyey, 1985, p. 8), then this in truth means that the guru lays his<br />

sperm-filled penis in the mouth of the adept and the latter tastes the semen, since the “white<br />

bodhicitta” and the “secret substance” are nothing other than the semen virile of the initiating teacher.

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