Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De

Kritik am Buch „The Shadow Of The Dalai Lama ... - Neues von Shi De


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polar correspondence to the masculine and continues to function solely as an inner force (shakti) of<br />

the androgyne tantra master, or androgyne alchemist respectively. Within alchemy this internalization<br />

of the feminine principle (i.e., the construction of the maha mudra in Tantrism) is known by the term<br />

rubedo, that is “reddening”.<br />

Since the symbolic sacrifice of the woman in both cases involves the use of the element of fire, in<br />

alchemy just as in Buddhist Tantrism we are dealing with an androcentric fire cult. Within both<br />

contexts a bisexual, ego-centered super being is produced via magic rites — a “spiritual king”, a<br />

“grand sorcerer” (Maha Siddha), a powerful “androgyne”, the “universal hermaphrodite”. “He is the<br />

hermaphrodite of the initial being,” C. G. Jung writes of the target figure of the alchemic project,<br />

“which steps apart in the classic brother–sister pair and unites itself in the ‘conjunctio’” (Jung, 1975,<br />

pp. 338, 340). Consequently, the final goal of every alchemical experiment which goes beyond simple<br />

moneymaking is the union of the sexes within the person of the adept, in the understanding that he<br />

could then develop unlimited power as a man–woman. <strong>The</strong> identical bisexual definition of the<br />

occidental super being is mirrored in the self-concept of the Tantric, who following his mystic union<br />

(conjunctio) with the feminine — that is to say, after the absorption of the gynergy — is reborn as the<br />

“lord of both sexes”.<br />

In the West, as in the East, he then experiences himself to be the “father and mother of his self” — as<br />

a “child of his self” (Evola, 1993, p. 48) — “He marries himself, he impregnates himself”. He<br />

becomes “known as the father and begetter of all, because in him lives the seed and template of all<br />

things” (Evola, 1993, p. 35) To put it in one sentence — the mystic king of alchemy is in principle<br />

identical with the tantric Maha Siddha (grand sorcerer).<br />

It would spring the bounds of this study to ex<strong>am</strong>ine further patterns which link the two systems to one<br />

another. We shall, however, return to this where it seems necessary. In our opinion, all the events of<br />

Tantrism can be rediscovered in one form or another in the symbolic scenario of alchemy: the<br />

eroticization of the universe, the deadly dangers which are associated with the unchaining of the<br />

feminine elements, the “law of inversion”, the play upon fire, the swallowing of the “moon” (of the<br />

feminine) by the “sun” (the masculine), the mystical geography of the body, the mantras and<br />

mandalas, the mysticism surrounding the planets and stars, the micro-macrocosmic theory, the dark<br />

light and the clear light, the staged apocalypse, the grasp for power over the universe, the despotism<br />

of the patriarchal hermit, and so forth. We would like to let the matter rest with this list and close the<br />

chapter with a succinct statement from Lhundop Sopa, a contemporary Tibetan specialist on the<br />

Kalachakra Tantra: “Thus, the Kalachakra path becomes in the end like a kind of<br />

alchemy” (Newman, 1985, p. 150). Both systems are thus based upon the s<strong>am</strong>e original script.<br />

Next Chapter:<br />


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