United Kingdom Yearbook - 1870-1884_No32_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1870-1884_No32_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1870-1884_No32_ocr


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<strong>1884</strong>-85 [C.4463] Statistical abstract for the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> in each of the last fifteen years from <strong>1870</strong> to <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

Thirty-second number.

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

No. of Tables.<br />

to<br />

16.<br />

li<br />

nnd<br />

·1s.<br />

19<br />

and<br />

20.<br />

21<br />

to<br />

27.<br />

r PunLtC AND<br />

LOCAL<br />


EXPENDITllltE.<br />

I<br />

L<br />


Ass..:ssMEN'l'S TO<br />

bcol1E TAx.<br />

CUSTOMS'<br />

T.um·'F.<br />

Pno:rEnTY<br />




Dun.<br />

} · Exc1in:.<br />

. Ia1roaTs .&.ND<br />

} E:n•onTs.<br />

J<br />

IMPORTS.<br />

C 0 N TENTS.<br />

u<br />

rp bl• 1c Revenue and Estimated and Actual, with Surplus<br />

Page<br />

E:rpenditure. · or .Deficiency of Income - - 7<br />

. Gross Public Revenue, the several 1Jrm1ches, .Amount thereof •. 8<br />

Gross PublicE:rpenditure, the several J!ranches, .Amount thereof 10<br />

Customs, E:rcise, and Stamps, Gross Amount Collected, disting11isltjng<br />

principal Articles subject to Duty - 12<br />

(Jhargesfor Cdle.ctioit of Revenue, aml Gross Revenue Received,<br />

I<br />

I . Amount thereo!, for each Departµient .: 13<br />

1'a.res Repealed, Reduced, or l7J1pose·d, Amount thereof - - 14<br />

Customs' Tariff: Articles subject to 1111p?1't Duties, and Rates<br />

of ,Puty levied therco~ - - 22<br />

Balancedn ,the Exchequer at tl!e End of each Year 24<br />

National Debt, '£otnl thyreof nt the End of e11ch Year - 24<br />

Property and Profits Assessed to the I11come 1'a:r under each<br />

St:ltedule, Gross Annual Value thereof - 25<br />

Assessed to lbe Income Tax under Scl1edules<br />

A. and D., Gross Annual Value of<br />

various t:lasscs of 26<br />

Pruperty charged with Leg'.lcy nnd Successz'on lJuty - - 27<br />

Local. 1'axation. Receipts. Ainount thereof from various<br />

Sources - 28<br />

1-. -·. -<br />

l---<br />

{<br />

{<br />

Expenditure. Amount of the Yarious<br />

Branches thereof - - 28<br />

Rates. Levied iu England and. Wales,<br />

amount thereof - - • 32<br />

Poor Rates. Gross nnd Rntcnblc llcntul<br />

assessed thereto, an

No. of 'l'nhles.<br />

28<br />

to<br />

35<br />

36<br />

ttnd<br />

a1.<br />

38<br />

to<br />

4L<br />

42"<br />

:ind<br />

43.<br />

44<br />

to<br />

56.<br />

li!l.<br />

)<br />

i<br />

}<br />

BULLION.<br />

4<br />

l'age<br />

r 1'al11e of BrWslt mul Jris/1 Produce, Total thereof • • 70<br />

7'o each Foreign<br />

I Country a11d .. British Possession 70<br />

1<br />

Pri11cipal Articles, British and Irish l.>roducc, Quantities thereof 7-l<br />

-------------·-------Value thereof - 78<br />

i Value of ll'oreign and Colonial Produce, Total thereof - - 86<br />

1'o eacl1 Fore.i911<br />

I<br />

Country and British Possession 86<br />

Pri11cipal Articles, ll ... oreign and Colonial Produce, Quantities<br />

thereof 90<br />

_______.:,._______.--Value thereof - 94<br />

l<br />

Gold a~d Silver, Imported, Value thereof from each<br />

· Country - - • - 98<br />

{<br />

Exported, Value thereof to each<br />

Country - - - - - 101<br />

Value of Foreign ilfercl1ti11elise 1'ransl1ippetl, 'l'otal thereof - 104<br />

1 , . Imported for 'l'ranshipment,from each Country 104<br />

J •ritA.NslllPlllE::STS. f -------Exported after'l'ransbipment, to each Country 106<br />

l Articles 'l'ra11sliippecl, Quantities and Value thereof - - 108<br />

AVERAGE { Principal Articles Impor!ed, Average Prices of - - 110<br />

} . PmoEs. · · · · Exported, AYerage Prices of - • 114<br />

} Sllll'l'ING. l!ach Nationality - - - 120<br />

E11tcrcd at Pri11ci1ml Ports. 'l'otnl 'l'onuage of British and<br />

. · l~oreign V cssels<br />

Cleared ctt l'~illcipal 1>orts. Total 'l'onnage of llritish nnd<br />

1<br />

.Foreign Vessels - 124<br />

E11teretl aml Clectred Coczstwise. British und 'Foreign, Total<br />

( E11tered, and Cleured, 7'otal Tonnage of llritish and Forl'ign<br />

Vessels - 116<br />

lVitlt Cur9oes 011/y. '.(onnage of Bl-itish .<br />

I<br />

and l! ... oreign Vessels 116<br />

--------- Steam Vessels •• TotaiTonnageofBritish •<br />

and Foreign : - 117<br />

1---------Steam Vessels. Witlt Cargoes 011l!J.<br />

'fonnage of British nnd·l! ... oreign - 117<br />

----- Total 'fonnage of Vessels of each<br />

- · ·Nationality - 118<br />

Steam T'essels. 'l'onnage of Vessels of<br />

· · Tonnage with Cargoes only 126<br />

----------- . British and Eorcign, 'l'otal<br />

'l'onnngc of Steam· Vessels<br />

·with Cargoes only - 126<br />

Bclo119i11y to U1iiteci <strong>Kingdom</strong>. Number and 'l'onnage of Sniling·p.nd<br />

Steam V cssels on the<br />

Ucgj&ter .at the Endl of each<br />

Year - 121<br />

I Bllilt. Number und 'l'onhnge of S~iliug nud Steam Vessels<br />

l<br />

Built - - • • • 127<br />

. · ·{Numlier and 'Iounnge of Suiting and<br />

111 Employ~

No. or T11blcs.<br />

Pngtl<br />

60. RAII,\VAYS,<br />

Tot"l Le11!1tli, Capital, Passe11gers ancl Good.~ Conueyerl,<br />

1hl}/ic Receipts, and World119 Expenses in Englund nnd<br />

{<br />

Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and <strong>United</strong> Kingdpm - - 140<br />

61. Mums.<br />

Coal and .Metals Produced in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>, Quantities<br />

{ and Vulue thereof- - - - - - - - 144<br />

62. CoINAG~.<br />

Amount of Gold, Silver, and Copper 1\fonies Coi11etl nt the<br />

{ Hoyal Mint - - - - - - - 145<br />

63 {SAVINGS BANKS } Government Stock bought aml sold for Depositors<br />

and ui-m1m 'l'HE<br />

64 PosT 0.FFICE. .Amount Receiued and Paid Annually, and Capital<br />

65<br />

to<br />

6i.<br />

68.<br />

69<br />

to<br />

i!i.<br />

i6<br />

to<br />

80.<br />

8 I.<br />

$2.<br />

83<br />

and<br />

84.<br />

85.<br />

SG<br />

to<br />

88,<br />

89<br />

and<br />

!lO.<br />

tll<br />

and<br />

92.<br />

{<br />

- 145<br />

- 146<br />

SAYINGS-BANKS {Amount Received and Paid Annually, and Capi'tal - - 147<br />

UNDElt Amount transferrecl from, and to, the Post Ofiice Savings Banks 149<br />

'r1wsT.1rns. Amount of Government Stock held for Deposito~s - - 14!J<br />

Lum AssunA~cE. Life Assura11ce, Income, &c. of Companies - 150<br />

I<br />

r'rotal Amount of Deposi'ts in the Bmilt of En9la11d - - 152<br />

Total Amount of Ba11k Notes held in rescn·e - - 152<br />

Weeldy Liabilities and As.~ets of the Ba11lt of Englaml, A Yerages<br />

BANK OF thereof - • - - - - - 154<br />

ENGLAND.<br />

r I Promissory Notes of Public, Private, and .Toi11t Stock Banks in<br />

i Circulatio11, Amount thereof 156<br />

i BANKERS' London Ba11l1crs' Clearing House. Amounts Cleared at - 160<br />

I C1.J:.:A1U~G<br />

Rates of Discount at Bcmk qf E11glmul, Average Montl1ly<br />

l llousJ:.:, &c.<br />

:Minimum Hates thereof - 161<br />

Prices of Co11sols. AYeragc Monthly Prices of the 'l'hree<br />

per Cent. Consolidated Stock of the Public :b'unds of the<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> - J 62<br />

Letters, Newspapers and Booli Packets, and Post Carcls,<br />

Number thereof delivered, and Proportion of Letters per<br />

f 100 of I>opulntion in each Division of the Unitccl <strong>Kingdom</strong> - Hi!3<br />

1'elegrapliic .J.1Ie.~sages, Number thereof forwarded from<br />

'l'elegraph Stations in each Division of Unitc(l mngdom • 164<br />

J<br />

I Parr.cls, Number and Weight cart'ied - - - 164<br />

l'osT 0 Pncr-:. -.<br />

}<br />

ftfo11e,11 Orders, Number and Amount thereof Issued in ench<br />

Division of <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> - - - - - - 165<br />

I Postal Orclers, Number nml Amount issued in ench Division<br />

of <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> - - - - - 165<br />

1Jlo11ey Ortlers,.fiir Pe1,11111e11t Abroad, and lssuecl Abroad for<br />

l Payment iii Um'tecl Ki119cl11m, Number and Amount the1·eof - 166<br />

{ Total of U11itecl Ki11gclom, and of T::11!Jlcmcl and ll'ale.11 1 Scotla11cl,<br />

Po1•ULATION. nud lrdcrncl - - - - - - l6i<br />

Birt/u;, Deatlis, and lllarriages, in E11glc111cl and ~Vales, ScotllmTns,<br />

&c. {<br />

~ laucl, and lrelcmcl - - • - - • - 168<br />

}<br />

.AIUIY,<br />

{<br />

Ht'gular Army. A veragc Strength of •<br />

Arn1y Hesl'rvc and Auxiliary :Forces, Number of<br />

- 169<br />

- 169<br />

Po1.1c1-:. Number of Police in ench DiYision of the <strong>United</strong> King

No. offl'ablcs.<br />

93<br />

Number thereof in E11gla11d and Wales<br />

to<br />

95.<br />

}<br />

P.\UPJ·:ns. { ------- in Scotland - •<br />

9i .,<br />

to ~<br />

99. J<br />

100<br />

and<br />

101.<br />

BA~KltUl'TC\".<br />

l WnECl\.s.um<br />

J Ln'ES I.os1'.<br />

6<br />

Pog•)<br />

- 175<br />

• 176<br />

------ in lrdmul - - - 176<br />

Number of Offenders Committed, Convicted, nml Acquitted - I i7<br />

Bankruptcies, J.iquiclations and Compositions; number of in<br />

Englnll(l and Wales<br />

- l iS<br />

Amount of Bnnkrnpts' J,inbilities, and of Debts in Liquidations,<br />

and (!.. mpositions iu Englaudaud Wales - - - liS<br />

Amount of Bar.krupts' Assets, of Estates in J,iquidation, and of<br />

Payments in Compositions - - - - - 178<br />

Bnnkmptcies awarded in Scotland, number of -<br />

- l iS<br />

Amount of Debts in Bankruptcies in Scotland - - 178<br />

\..Gross Value ofEi.tates in Bankruptcies in Scotland - 178<br />

Number mul 'fonnngc of Vessels that belonged to the <strong>United</strong><br />

<strong>Kingdom</strong> totally lost - - - - - 180<br />

{ Number of Lives lost by ·w reeks aml Casualties to Vessels that<br />

belonged to the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> • - • - ISO<br />

Nc.tr.-The figures for the year <strong>1884</strong> may be subject to future reYision, o"·ing to final corrections<br />

in the Public Accounts.<br />

-------·-- - ---<br />

Co.m11mc1A1, Ds1•AnT~rn:s·r, }<br />

Bo.mu 01-· T1:ADE, 'VnrrEH.\LL GAuDENS, ·<br />

.August 1885.<br />

-------------------<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

I<br />

I<br />




No. 2.-AMOUN'r of the GROSS Punuc REVENUE of' the UNrrED KlNGDOlr, Chnrges<br />

(Revised so as to exclude, iii accordance witli the system now adopted, tlte<br />

Clutrges,fo,.merly brougltt<br />

---<br />


---- -<br />

I I I 18i4~-, <strong>1870</strong>. 18il. 1872. 1873. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

I I I<br />

1~<br />

.<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ I .£<br />

Customs . . . . . 21,477,000 20,135,000 :?0,35:S,000 21,033,000 20,839,000 Ul,289,000 20,0'.!0,000 19,922,000<br />

Inl1md Ro venue:-<br />

ExC'.iso Licences, &c. . . 21,737,000 22,760.000 :?S,3213,000 25,78S,OOO 27,172,000 27,395,000 27,626,000 27,736,000<br />

Stamps, exclusive or_ Fe~} S,715,000 8,-US,000 9,121,000 9,2tS,OOO 9,828,000 9,707,000 10,211.000 10,126,000<br />

Stamps • •<br />

4,498,000 t2,72-l,OOO 2,330,000 2,337,000 2,3Zl,000 2,H0,000 2,496,000 2,5.~2.000<br />

Taxest - - . - -<br />

Property and Income Tux . 10,0-t.l,000 6,350,000 9,0S!,000 7,500,000<br />

......,..I 4,303,000 4,lO!J,000 5,260,000<br />

(For 11.atc iii tli.c £, 8Ct1<br />

note•.) --------<br />

'!otal Inluud Revenue • H,ti'...J,000 40,252,000 •l:J,861,000 44,870,000 ·iS,015,000 ·l.3,938,000 +l,·J:i2,000 45,67·i,OOO<br />

------<br />

Post Office . - . 4,ll70,000 -l,77C,\l03 4,GS0,000 ·1,$20,000 G,702,000 5,670,000 5,950,000 6,000,000<br />

Tclcgrnph Service . . . 103,000 ll00,000 'i:iS,000 l,OUl,000 1,210,000 1,120,000 1,215,000 l,SO!i,000<br />

Crown Lnntls (Net Rcccipt.,487,50!) 76,769,802<br />

I<br />

Years endccl. 2d·<br />

On Incomes of nntl aho\'o ~HlO,}<br />

with nbatmuont ot £1:!ll 011 1S77 ~llH 178. 1879. lf\iO. 1581. 1S82. lSS.1. 1881. 1S85.<br />

Incomes under .cioo • .,d. 5il. ud, Gel. till. 6!

{)<br />

I<br />


I<br />

for :collection of Revenue not doducteO.. 2,1".0,6"-'<br />

- ' 1<br />

2,".uv,0071<br />

~"~<br />

2,l0:.1li02,<br />

,<br />

2,:3-!l!l,DllO _2,392-,031If

lO<br />


No. 3.--AllOUNT of thu GROSS Punuo ExrBNDI'l'URE of the~~<br />

(Revised~ as to exclude, in accordance witlt t!te system 1io10 cldopted, tile Payments made from<br />

:<br />

--<br />

Interest :md :\fallttg\ID\Cllt, &c. or<br />

Nutiornll Debt:<br />

I I I I I \<br />


<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1s~·3, 1874. 1875. 18iG. 1877.<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Pund00<br />

Interest, &c. on Loans not} ..:.<br />

purt of Permanent Charge - - - - - 1 4-'J,'i50 292,SM<br />

orDcbt - , • •<br />

----<br />

Totnl for Funded and Un-} 27.0;;.'\,560 2G,S26,·i:li 26,839,601 26,SOi,853 26,706,726 27,094,480 27,443,750 27,992,SM<br />

funded Debt • •<br />

-<br />

Ch·il List nnd Civil Cha"ges of)<br />

all kin·ls, cxelush'C or I'ost J 11,0::3,148 11,002,!'11 12,lf>0,203 11,750,139 •1:;,928,13\l 13,5:i7,'116 tl-1,753,0'20 U,928,SOO<br />

Office l'uckeL Seni1-e • • - -<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

2i.7\W,OOO<br />

Forces (c:xc11111ive of PortiOcn·<br />

tions, sofnrus mctout o[ Louns,<br />

&c.):<br />

Army, including Onlnnnce & ~<br />

Army llu 1·cho.se C'..ornm isiion !<br />

l:?,l·i'J,.'l21 1:?,1-tJ.i,1!10 14,tm.a;;a 13,791,30G 13,t05,5.'\l 13,\191,897 14,20Wl59 U,4i9,740.<br />

Nn.V)', including Transport)<br />

Service -<br />

. .' !),\:?5,4$1 8,00!),00!) 9,!57,575 9,2iS,191 10,M3,3:il 10.~i.oos 10,'198,013 ll,OOS,686<br />

Abyssinian War . - - - - - - - - -<br />

1.~00.000<br />

.;_<br />

Voto or Credit. Wur in Europe - 1,!350,000 101,007 - - -<br />

.. Ashnntoo W:u• •<br />

"<br />

-- - - 8!>0,000 12.i,ooa 2,017<br />

.. .. Russo-'l"urkish} - - - Wnr •<br />

W nr in South Afric~ . - Afghan Wnr, Gi:nut to Inrliu. - Egypthn j~peo~t Olllrc'll' - - 2,311i,llOO 2ma.uoo 2,4.'>!i,lill:? 2,tl:l~.1:10 2,732;141 2.llll.')17 2,!IS:!,000 3,159,'!18<br />

lnlnml ltcvcnuo~ - - . t,!>77,S~! 1,no:;,0-1-i 1,5711,3'1:? l,O:?l.7112' 1,Gt\S,31!2 1,072,:\i·l l,O\l',1,$89 1,777,997'<br />

Customs'.i - - lliO,lllS 111}7,181 . llllS,70:! l)j:l,illl 1,0!17,0j~ 1,0:?:?,5'11 Olll,5


ll<br />

UNITED l\JNGDOlt, distir.guishing the PmNCil'AL BRANcm:s thereof.<br />

the Al'm!/ and J.lavy Extra Receipts, and tlte Contribution by India. for iUilitary Char,qes.)<br />

:nsr :m .. ncu.<br />

I I I I I I I<br />

18i8. ldi9. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1888. <strong>1884</strong>. 1885.<br />

I<br />

£ £ £ £ ~ £ £ £ Interest nn


No. 4.--Grmsfl A;\10UNT of Rev~NUE Cotr.I~OTED from CusTo:us, Exc1sE, ancl STAMPS,<br />

(after deducting Itepn.y.mcnts 11.1id Dr:iwhacks), di:;tingµishing the· priil'ci1>n.l Articles<br />

subject to Duty. ·<br />

-----------------------·--------------------------<br />

YEARS<br />

ended<br />

3lst March.<br />

18i0<br />

1871<br />

1872<br />

1Si3<br />

1874<br />

1875<br />

1876<br />

1Si7<br />

1878.<br />

<strong>1870</strong><br />

lSSO<br />

lSSl<br />

18$2<br />

18$3<br />

<strong>1884</strong><br />

\ c us T o_:ii_s_. _______ - _____ _<br />

: --~:gnr i -----!-----!- ~~ 1~~· Spirits, ' 1' 'l'ohace-0 ! Other ·f :'lliscel·<br />

I and i Ten. 1 Coffee. i ~~~d' i l~~;~~gn · \riuc. . mu.l IImpprtcd l:me!>us 'fOTAL.<br />

l Molasses. [ I l l~lom·. Colonial. Snnlf .. I Articles. Recol}1t8.<br />

".c 1 £ I £ I ~ : I £ '1 £ ! -£ "'l .£ · 1 £. 1 i<br />

M00,661 1· 2,613,296 j 3-ii,iG5 ! §101,n~ 4,19.1,4-00 •• 1,47_G,40l 6,COS~716 : ,t5i0,~~21 ~10,582. ! 21,.Uti,S.~<br />

•s,21s,s1s<br />

• :1,170,030 ! S,OiU,2S~ I :!Gl,5\)i I ;<br />

s,235,·lSU ! ·H5,S3:> ! - ·! ·M19,390 ! l,SS.1,171 ! o,01s,tJes-1 c22,212 i 129,200120,2-38,SSO<br />

-l,5:!3,SiS; l,G-W,73516,79i,018 I : G27,5H ; • 9,969 2Q,~25,S~2<br />

• 3,2S.i,081 i 3,191,981 : >t2()'2,G01 I ·tSSl,GG(J 1,IJ...QG,639 f 7,(Htl,930 C.10.0531 42,38:> ,20,9i6,2SG'<br />

! I I<br />

•1,Sl.'3,178 I 3,24S;.1-l6 l 191,-1151 5,329,f.SO 1,78!>,s:>:; i 7,305,017 I 573,1261 42,628 20,323,325<br />

· I l 3,70G,S3l ! 203,a.10 j - : j G,lll.SSG I 1,;53,os1 I<br />

t 67,28:> , S,5GS,6:H ~ 20i,~G3 i - I 5,'ilS,ll:i7. l,718,iH·t i 7,.i2l,Sl5 I OOS,0$5 l :1:·3!1,1!>7 19,340,280<br />

j s,723,147 : ~oo,-t.1s ! r,,7119,2j2 I 1,738,li55 7,7iu,57s I G~139 ; .n,soo rn,S!IG,356.<br />

·i.002,211 ; 209.72~ I 15,512,00i 11,62$,29:; I 8.006,836 ; Gl3,823 l 40,280 20,0IB,180<br />

·1,1C2,22l ! 203,5551<br />

I<br />

: 5,:33!,5Gl l,.WG,931 1~8,liOS.023 G.'30,897 '3tl,S73 l 2Q,lHS,ilr.4<br />

S,'.;PS,338 ; 20:;.011 - 1 ·1,682,!l~i l~'l\ll,2121 S,5G.J,!)1 l I 591,256 32,0.ii I 19,1G9,U05<br />

I :i,sG:;,120 ; 200,251 - · I .1..+1..'l,(:o7 1,:m1,2rn s,!JSS.!m 631,GOO M,126 .I .10,210,4611.<br />

1<br />

1<br />

I 3,97·MSi ; lSs,s.s"; 1 .;,22:J,1:12 1,3ca,121 • s.~.176 G·,0,.17.1 · 32,1•;1 19,2;s,6GS<br />

1<br />

1,7.JJ,9i8 602,spo ! 4-1,010. 20,196,G~l<br />

·1,2.'30,3.U i 202,UOO 4,:$65,383 t l,~93,833 8,891,91-i 659,0SG I ;IB.SSJ. 10,682,671<br />

1<br />

1 1<br />

4,2r.s,41s : 1111,rn:~ , 1.213,25711,26i,321 s,o91,2os 6SS,317 . 33,Gos 19,653,3t2<br />

1<br />

1SS5 I ·1,7\J:;,1sG I 20:;,01~ I ·l,313.039<br />

-------------<br />

l8il • • ll,463,899 G,9iS,3il 9J !H,54il 3,'i:?S,iiO<br />

1<br />

1872. • 12,2i·1',50G G,G70,IJ:;5 100,2SG 13,781,\liO<br />

1873- • 13,749,li12 7,5U,175 U1,:12G 3,U!H,393<br />

187-1 • • H,639,1iG2<br />

1871i.<br />

18i6:<br />

1877.<br />

lSiS •<br />

<strong>1870</strong>·<br />

lSSO •<br />

1881.<br />

14,S9:;,iOS<br />

15,11>1,327<br />

• H,873,165<br />

• 15,133,92 l<br />

lMOil,llOO<br />

• 1:!,631,785<br />

• ll,303M2<br />

111~2 • • H,273,786<br />

i88:1 • H,211,·IOO<br />

II ::::~::~:<br />

7,753,617<br />

7,71G,740<br />

7,721,iHS<br />

I :::::::~:<br />

•02,0ill,.132<br />

-J 272,570 ! 3,1112.403<br />

"J 471,G.'Ji<br />

506,7~0<br />

·iS7,'i63<br />

li20,208<br />

(l[i},695<br />

G2s,.tO!l<br />

1,2s:1,99s u,211,oas Gos,22s l 35,.l5G 20,5:;s,a11<br />

1<br />

CofTeo<br />

YEAJ?S ended<br />

Su~1r u~ed<br />

!\lixturc other<br />

Slst March.<br />

Spirits. 'l\fnlt.<br />

inUrcwing. Beer. f,icenccs. Railways. Lnbols Rccciiits ..<br />

uml.<br />

Chicory.<br />

TOTAL.<br />

~~--~---£~~~--£---l-~-£---=---£-.-1~-£---<br />

-:;-~----<br />

<strong>1870</strong>. 10,1J6u,189 G,.1Sa.612 M,0;7<br />

:ua,G97,3:H<br />

£<br />

liOll,556<br />

£<br />

lli,818<br />

£<br />

HiG,002<br />

£<br />

21,Si9,238<br />

.:J,.100,756<br />

:l,5H,16S<br />

3,fi.IS,!i&7<br />

3,58·1,382<br />

:i,G2:!,2~7<br />

a,.m7,63G<br />

HS,·182,271 3,lillS,OOli<br />

S,fi30,81tl 3,573,687<br />

S,·100,36S 3,liH,·iOll<br />

506,423<br />

52i,5GS<br />

507.079<br />

5H,711i<br />

62U,737<br />

736;JOU<br />

•728,718<br />

J.il,Oltl<br />

m,797<br />

72ll,131<br />

N9,·i\ll<br />

7!JS,:J33<br />

81o,.t67<br />

.18Si. • H,222,828 I 8,·IS8,1U913,li81,U1G Hi.700<br />

10,982<br />

·M,.t!H<br />

•n.uty rcpcnle~l from 3001 S

-<br />


ia<br />

Gnoss AMOUNT of REVI~~m~ CoL1.1~cTED from CusTO)lS, Exc1sE, nn


No. 6.-Al\IOUNT of 'fAXES REPEALED<br />

I lltuJgeL Estimnte. Result.<br />

YEARS. RRPEALED on REDUCED. Fo' tl>e Y "" I 1'orn In lho Yea' I Inn<br />

in which<br />

the oluingo<br />

took plnco.<br />

complete in which<br />

tho chnngo<br />

complel6<br />

Year.<br />

took pince.<br />

Ycnr.<br />

£ .c £ £<br />

( CUSTO:\lS:-<br />


Sugar auu ~[oln~scs • • 1,1)53,7!!6 2,177,747<br />

Snrcndes, Confcctionory, nnd}<br />

I<br />

} 2,350,000 2,s.;0,000 {<br />

Articles prcser\"cd in Sugar •<br />

1,295 1,351<br />

I 1 rotul CUSTO:dS . 2,3:i0,000 2,3!i0,000 1,955,()91 2,lW,OOS<br />

I<br />

I EXCISE:-· ltEPEALED:<br />

Licences, llato lfo.ilslorm, Glnss lnsurm1co Cnt.tll.', Boiler, Policies<br />

nnd} 1,000 1,000 900 1,200<br />

Various alterations in Rnles orJ<br />

Duty, per Stam~s Consolida· 50,000 200,000 50,000 200,000<br />

tion Act 33 & 3i ict. c. 97 •<br />

---------- -<br />

Totnl Sl'AlIPS . Ul,000 321,000 107,900 309,200<br />

-----<br />


lncqmo 1 r11x • . . . l,2j0,000 l,!iOO,OQO 1,270,000 1,587,000<br />

l TOTAL . . 3,731l,000 4,211,000 3,3131.SU 4,117,748<br />

. -<br />

I<br />

18il<br />

( CUSTOMS:-<br />

ltEDUCBD:<br />

l'lums prcser\'ed in Suonr • . 9<br />

Chloroform . . . . • • 27 '17<br />

• gain 76 i;.lin 200<br />

-----<br />

l<br />

TOTAL . . - - gain 49 gnin 21.'J<br />

• Amonnts not specifically mentioned in the Budget.<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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or REDUCED, nnd IMPOSED.<br />

-~----:-----------------------------------<br />

llndgot l~stimntc.<br />

Result.<br />

YEA RB.<br />

lll:POSED OR !NCRRASJ?D.<br />

Por the Ycur I }'or n In the Year I In 11<br />

in which<br />

in which<br />

tho ch:mgo completo the chnngo com1ilctc<br />

t-00k J>lnci.'. Year. took 11l:1cc. Year.<br />

r<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I.<br />

I<br />

l CUSTOl!SohiC1tEASED:<br />

Stiirit!! Perfumed •<br />

Total CoSTOllB<br />

EXCISB :­<br />

hlPOSRD:<br />

Licence of·lOs. to carry Gmu1<br />

bCREASBD:<br />

Sugar used in B1-e\ri11g<br />

<strong>1870</strong> J Total .Exclim<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

L<br />

TOTAL<br />

£ £ £ I £<br />

· · • • I i,srn I i,•rn<br />

---:---'·---1-·-,<br />

• _ _::__ __ , __ : __ ;_ l,31:_ __ 1_,~1<br />

I ! '·<br />

75,000 71i,OOO I -W,810<br />

li3,GOO<br />

46,S.10<br />

li3,GOO<br />

__ l ___ j ___ _<br />

• _ _75,00~ __ 71i,CG~i--11JO,•HO --1~<br />

( CUSTOlltS :-<br />

!lllPOSRD:<br />

1 Chloral Hydrnto<br />

I<br />

~l'otal Cusrolls<br />

i TAXES:-<br />

!NCREASRD :<br />

Income 1 r1ix •<br />

-----------------......-<br />

7r..o~ __ __ 7s,oo!._ lOt,7illi __ 102,41u<br />

-----1-----------------<br />

1 1<br />

• __<br />

ISil<br />

ll<br />

'l'OTAL<br />

I<br />

I<br />

• _::20,ol!'J _,<br />

__<br />

s._o:i_o._0_00_<br />

• An1ou11ts not Hpeoiflcaliy mentioned h. tho Dudgl•t.<br />

2,G:;o,000<br />

s;.-.s,ooo<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2,720,1100 s,o:m,ooo · 2.l\50,2r~~ ==-~~'~;~s \<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

16<br />


A~rouNT of TAXES REPEALED or<br />

Rudp:et E:ithnato.<br />

Result.<br />

YEARS.<br />


For the .Your I For a<br />

in winch<br />

the chnngo co1~1plcte<br />

took pla<br />

---------·----------<br />

'l'otal Cus·roll.S 1,270,000 1,.1:30,000 1,2SS,OOO 1,413,23J<br />

30,000 30,000<br />

21,GGS 25,000<br />

,187-l<br />

r<br />

I<br />

1<br />

l,.125,000 1;750,!'iOO 1,480,000 1,S.13,()(\()<br />

--------·-<br />

Total ISLAND RE\'ESUE 1,·i55,000 1,780,000 1,501,00S 1,868,000<br />

-------1------1-----1--~-~<br />

TOTAL • 2,725,000 3,210,1100 2,789,66.'J 3,311,237<br />

==1i=======1=======il=======I<br />

OUST0:\1S:-<br />

ltRPRAJ,El>:<br />

Sugnr nnd ~lolnsscs • • 1,655,825 1,77:;,8SS<br />

Succndes, Conrcetioncry, nnd) } 1,800,~00 2,000,000 { 4,005 4,369<br />

Articles preserved iu Sugar -J<br />

-------------------<br />

Totnl CusTo:u:s . 1,800,000 2,000,000 l,GG9,830 1,780,257<br />

EXOISE:- -------------------<br />

ltRPEAI.Im :<br />

Liceuco J)uty on Horses nnd}<br />

Mules, Horse Dealers' Lict!nco 4$0,000 480,000 480,000 480,000<br />

Duh'. nnd lwce·horso Duty •<br />

Sugnr'Duty, Homo mudo • • 9,000 9,000<br />

• •<br />

--·--<br />

Totnl EXCISE . . 480,C~O 480,000 489,000 48!!,000<br />

--------------------<br />

I INcmm Ht!dueed TAX:- . . . . 1,540,000 1,S·l0,000 1,530,000 l,!ll0,750<br />

I.. ----<br />

TouL . . 3,820,000 4,320,000 3,678,830 4,186,007<br />

• Amounts not specifically mentioned in the Dudgct.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

,ptJIJLIC imvgNUE, EXPENDITUltE, &c • /l'7<br />




Budget Estimnte.<br />

J.k>sult.<br />

YE.us.<br />


For<br />

in<br />

the<br />

which<br />

Yenrl<br />

the chnngc<br />

took pince. ·<br />

For n<br />

complete<br />

Year.<br />

In the Year I In a<br />

. in which complete<br />

the change<br />

took pince. Yeur.<br />

1875 [<br />

EXOiSE:­<br />

REDUCED:<br />

Brewers' Licence Duty •<br />

STA:\IPS :­<br />

ltEPE.U.ED :<br />

J)ut.y on Appointments<br />

Doputntious • •<br />

TOT.AL<br />

•<br />

nn~}<br />

£ £<br />

('.0,000 60,000 52,000 52,000<br />

• 6,000 6,000<br />

-----------·--·-----1<br />

60,000 60,000 58,000 58,000<br />

EXCISE:­<br />

ltEl'EALED:<br />

Licence Uuty on Boys or l\fonJ<br />

cnsunlly cmplo~ed • • •<br />

26,000 26,000 20,000 32,000<br />

1876<br />

'-<br />

LAND TAX:­<br />


Duties on Offices nud. Pensions •<br />

TOTAL<br />

•<br />

• • 950 o:;o<br />

312.000 390,000 312,000 800,000<br />

1-----11---------------<br />

SSS.OOO 416,000 332,91!_0 422,950<br />

INCOl\CE TAX:-<br />

Reduced by extension of exemptions<br />

STA~IPS:-<br />

1877 Rm•RALBD:<br />

{<br />

I Duty on Appointment to Dcneficcs l===· ==l===·==:l===6,=000==·l===6=,00=il =I<br />

18';'8 ~<br />

. RTA~IPS :­<br />

( ltRI'E.\LED :<br />

Duty 011 Ecelcsiuslicnl Licon.ecs •<br />

HOUSE DU'l'Y :-<br />

Loss Qn exemption ofl>rorcssionnn<br />

OlficesfromDuty • • .j<br />

• • 1110 150<br />

30,000 30,000 24,000 30,000<br />

INCOllE TAX:-<br />

Allownnco for Wear nnd Tenr of}<br />

l'lluchinory • • • • 50,000 50,000 tG0,000 tG0,000<br />

-·-------------------<br />

TOTAL<br />

SiJ,000 80,000 74,150 80,150<br />

==:=====1~-=======1=======11====~===<br />

1879<br />

Nil<br />

1880<br />

OUSTO)IS:-<br />

Ropenlcd from lst October :<br />

ilinlt • • • - •<br />

Vinognr • • • •<br />

,. Pickles preserved thorcin<br />

EXOISH:-<br />

ltcpcnlod from lst October:<br />

Duty on l\Jnltt • • •<br />

Duty on Sugiirused in brewing •<br />

lJrewers' nml l\laltsters' Licences<br />

•<br />

3,.120,000.<br />

:.!30,000<br />

381,000<br />

•<br />

7,41-0,000<br />

620,000<br />

381,000<br />

23<br />

S30<br />

4.S<br />

S,·H!l,000<br />

118,000<br />

800,000<br />

23<br />

330<br />

•l.S<br />

7,4'0,000<br />

620,000<br />

SSl,000<br />

TOTAL<br />

4,()3.1,000<br />

MU,000<br />

3,923,"61<br />

• Amounts not spuciflc:illy mentioned In the Budget.<br />

t Rstlmnted Amount.<br />

t In addition to tho loss by ropenl ortho 1\falt duty, DmwbMlc was allowed on S\ocks in bnnd on soih Sep·<br />

tem\Jer 1sso. 'l'his wna ostimntcd in tho Budget at 050,000l., but nmounted to 1,310,7001.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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19<br />

/<br />

I<br />


R.EDUCim, and IMPOSED-Continued.<br />

,. lh1dgct Estimate. R11Sult.<br />

YEARS,<br />

I<br />

!:VPOSED on ll:fCREASllD. FodhoYml<br />

in which<br />

Fora<br />

tho chnngo<br />

complcto<br />

took ul:wc.<br />

Year.<br />

In tho Year<br />

in which<br />

C•>m1>lctc<br />

I Inn<br />

thoclmngo<br />

took plnco •<br />

Ycnr.<br />

.£ £ £ £<br />

1875 Nil· . . . - - - -<br />

1876 {<br />

TAXRS :-<br />

lNC!tEASED<br />

Income '£11x • . . . 1,480,000 1,800,000 1,500,000 1,881,500<br />

----· ---- -·-·------<br />

TOTAL . 1,.i.so.000 1,S00,000 1,500,000 1.881,500<br />

-=---===<br />

1817 Nil . . . . - - - -<br />

-- -- .. ,h =<br />

1878<br />

f<br />

1<br />

{<br />

CUSTO~IS:-<br />

lNCllEASED:<br />

Tobat'Co Duty . '160,000· 7GO,OOO l'iOI,187 l'iOl,187<br />

J)oi: J,iccnco Duty lucrcl\scd (nl·}<br />

lowi111: for exem)ltlou of 1"urmel'll'<br />

nwl Shepherds' Dogs) • -<br />

101>,000 rno,ooo 49,21i0 Nil•<br />

Ti\XHS :-<br />

Isc1rnAsRn :<br />

OUSTO:\IS :-<br />

1879 I:rnnEASED :<br />

r<br />

Income '.l'tu . S,000,000 3,G00,000 2,!li0,000 3,73r.,GOO<br />

-----------------<br />

TOTAL . . S,S50,000 4,450,000 3,·l!J0,·1'37 .J,236,787<br />

----- - .<br />

Cigars . . . - - - -<br />

EXCISE:-<br />

EXCISE:-<br />

.Beer duty (in lhm of malt) from lst f . 3,690,000 8,760,000 3,·l.92,270 8,530,000<br />

October • • • • '<br />

Drowcrs~ .Licences (including Pri· )<br />

.,o,ooo ·10,000 3'l,·lli0 ·1-ublicnns' J,i


A~IOUNT<br />

of TAXES REPEALED or<br />


I<br />

Budget Eetimnt-0.<br />

Forn<br />

complete<br />

Year.<br />

11.esult.<br />

In<br />

in<br />

the<br />

which<br />

Ycnr I Inn<br />

tlio change complete<br />

took place. Year.<br />

1881 ~<br />

r<br />

CUSTO:\fS :­<br />

llccr a1Hl Spirits:<br />

Duties re-adjusted •<br />

RRPEALRI>:<br />

.Bet·r Dut~ on mat-Orinls for brew·}<br />

ing useu by fnrmers nnd others<br />

Jiving in houses between values<br />

of lOl. nnd under 151. • •<br />

EXCISE:­<br />

STAlllPS:­<br />


Le_ERcy Duty of ll. per cent .. on)<br />

Linenls • • • ·J<br />

INCO:UE TAX:- .<br />

Reduction or rate of duty Crom 6d. ~<br />

to 5cl. in the £ • • • ~<br />

•<br />

125,000<br />

1,·W0,000<br />

£<br />

t720,000<br />

1,835,000<br />

£<br />

B,150<br />

51,890<br />

1,500,000<br />

19,000<br />

t720,000<br />

it,900,085<br />

TOTAL<br />

1,585,000<br />

2,G55,000<br />

1,5il6,f)4()<br />

2,6.'39,0Sll<br />

1882<br />

l<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

r<br />

~<br />

I<br />

L<br />

CUSTOMS :-<br />


Vci:ctable mntt


R1muc1m, and IMPOSED-Continued.<br />

I<br />

Iludgot Estimnte.<br />

lwsult.<br />

YEARS. hn 1 0SED OR JSCREASBD. F"'tho in which Yea'I For I\ lnthoYml Inn<br />

tho clmngo<br />

complet-0 in which<br />

tho clanngo complcto<br />

took pince.<br />

Year.<br />

took place. Ycnr.<br />

1881<br />

( cus·rmrs:-<br />

I<br />

I<br />

£<br />

llecr and Spirits:<br />

Dnties re-adjusted<br />

•<br />

I EXOISB:-<br />

lMPOSBD:<br />

Licenc(•s to Prh·nto Brewers' !iv-}<br />

I<br />

ing in housl!s betwoon \'nines •<br />

or IOl. nnd undor lol. • •<br />

STAMPS:-<br />

lN'ClmA!!ED:<br />

Probate aud Inventory Dnt\','")<br />

(Sowml scalos or duty com1ofi· 1<br />



____._____:_______________ No. 7.-AnTICLES subject to IMPORT DUTIES in the UNITED<br />

distinguishing tho Duties l~vied as orditfary Import Dutied<br />

Hevenue Duties upon British Productions, nccording<br />




__._________<br />


I<br />

COCOA:<br />

Jltl\V . - . . . - . . .<br />

Husks nnd Shells . . . . . . .<br />

Cocoa or Chocol:1tc, Gronn:l, l'repare


Knmoou,.a.ml ,tll.e R. \.TE Oil' Dun r.Evu,rn upon each ARl'IOLE,<br />

and tho5e loviod to co1mterv11il Ex:cis13 n.nd othor [nland<br />

to the 'rnriff in Operation a.t the present time.<br />


ARTICLES •.<br />

I<br />

RUEB<br />

OP Dun·.<br />

lMl'ORT Durrns to countervail EXCISE DUTY upon Il1ur1s1x BBBR.<br />

£ s. tl.<br />

BEER nnd ALE. the Worts or which were, before formentation, of {Dnrrcl of<br />

} 0 G 6<br />

a specific gr.i.vity of 1,057 degrees - - - - - 36galls.<br />

and so in<br />

pro1>0rtion for<br />

BEER, ;\lUM, A!fD Sl'ttUCE:<br />

'The Worts of which were, before fermontation, or a specific<br />

gravity: ·<br />

Not exceeding 1,215 degrees - - - - .<br />

"<br />

any dirterencc<br />

ingmvity.<br />

1 G 0<br />

Exceeding 1,!15 degrees . - . . - . .. 1 10 6<br />

l!\ll'ORT DUTIES to countervail EXCI~E :i;>urY upon BnITISII SPIRITS.<br />


Rum, Bmudy, Geneva, end Uncnumcrated Spirits - - Proofgnll. 0 10 4<br />

Liqueurs, Cordials, or other preparations containing Spirits, } Gallon 0 j4 0<br />

in bottle, not tested for strength . - . -<br />

Perfumed Spirits nnd Cologne Water - . .<br />

"<br />

0 1G G<br />

CIILOROPOJlll - - - - - - . - Lb. 0 .3 0<br />

CIILOIU.L JlYDJU.TE . - - - - 0 l 3<br />

"<br />

COLLODIO:S • . - . - . . - Gallon l 4 0<br />

ErnEn, Sulphuric .• . - - - . . 1 .6 0<br />

"<br />

ETII'U., Iodide of . . . . . . . . .. Q 13 0<br />

NA.l'IITIU., purified llO ns to be potable· . . . Proof gull. 0 10 ·~<br />

SOAP, TUANSl'ARRNT, in the manufncturc of which Spirit has} '<br />

been used • • • • • • • • Lb. 0 0 3<br />

V AR~mm, containing AlcohCil . .. . . Gallon Sec Spirib<br />

Duties.<br />

-· --- - --- --· --- - --<br />

l:llPORT Durrns-to cotmtervaU Sr.A.Ml' Durrns on llRIIIBINfADB Anr1cLES,<br />

PLATR,GOLD . . . . - . . ·oz. Troy<br />

.. SILVER . . . . - . . .<br />

"<br />

PU.Yn\O CA.RDS - . . . . Doz. pncks<br />

or n similar nature, nnd subject to the snmo rntc of duty, nro clar.scd under one bend.<br />

lm1iort Dn~icli, was 53 in May 18711, ua compared with ~g7 in 18.'iO ond 1,046 in 18!0.<br />

£ s. tl.<br />

0 17 I)<br />

•,<br />

0 1 G<br />

" 3 fl<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

•.<br />


No. s.--B.\.r.ANCES in the Exc1rnQU1 . . 709,4.10,51)3 87,664,361) 25,870,lOOt 77l?,{)65,002<br />

1880 . . 710,476,359 33,781,619 i27,3·H.OOOt 'i7l,G05,90S<br />

1881 . . 709,078,5~6 34,988,43:1 22,077,500t 7611,IW,·.161<br />

1882 . . •7()!l.·i98,&i7 33,181,875 •1s,001.1oot 760,GSS,122<br />

18S3 . . •7J2.mlS,!J!Ji 27,570,876 •a,1811,4-00t 7&M55,!?i0<br />

<strong>1884</strong> .<br />

: I<br />

lllH0,631,0!JIS lllll,682,26!) ::.·1,110,60\lt 'H6,423,9M<br />

18S5 . 640,181,896 86,115,658 14,03!J,100t 'H0,830,654<br />

• Under tl10 National Dolit Act, 1881, Dond11 amounting to 7,750,0001. wero oonvortcd into 8,008,0061. Stock.<br />

t Including· outstanding }~xchoqucr Bonds issued for rnising money for the J>U chase of Suez Ctmnl shnrcs,<br />

In 1885 these amounted to S,48!1,3001.<br />

:t Including 1,000,000Z. borrowed in ni

No.10 . ...;..Gnoss AllOUNT of the ANNUAL v.u.m;: or Pn.OPP.RTY and PltOFITS, AssESSlW to the INCOM& TA:-c, under each ScIIEDULE,<br />

in ea.eh Year, ended 5th April, from <strong>1870</strong> to <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

Under<br />


For all<br />

For all Lands, Tenements, Tithes not commuted, Manors, In respect or tho Occupation or Land, Tenements, and Profits arising<br />

YEARS<br />

YBAllS<br />

Fines, &c. Hercditamcnts. from Annuities,<br />

ended Dividends, &c. ended<br />

payable out or the<br />

litb April.<br />

Public Revenue.<br />

5thApril.<br />

UNITED<br />

•<br />

UNITED<br />


Kuwno:u. KINQDOM'.. KnmDo:'lil.<br />

. ,,._,._<br />

I I II r II<br />

£, £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 119,429,807 H,291,389 12,801-,97:i<br />

I<br />

l·W,526,l'il 47,777,8+• 7,191,570 3,03•,995 6S,007,·U8 35,706,4.80 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 124,SH,41:! H,797,1:19 12,8.51,6-W 152,lll:!,197 48,893,166 7,:101,182 2,!}30,-16• li9,12•,Sl2 38,118,MO 1871<br />

1872 12.'i,SOO,H3 1:;,o 12.Hll 12,S79,22-i 153,817,i;:!S 48,914,230 7,325,591 2,!l56,!J55 59,196,176 SS,6-W,360 1872<br />

1873 127,271,92:1 15,42!1,600 12,920;373 l55,621,W2 4S,9l7,879 7,30:J,235 2,935,-1:12 59,246,526 40,530,120 1873<br />

1874 131,08l,811.1 16,212,!Wl 12,981,0H 160,281,8!31! 49,\J.18,282 7,496,!l05 2,897,027 60,S.12,214 41,819,280 18H<br />

1875 132,720,l)~Jr l•i,7lll,·lH 12,9\H,73:! I 162,431,893 49,005,735 7,.W3,453 •9,293,035 66,752,223 42,389,6W 1875<br />

1876 13l,ti97,7!lG 17,100,207 13,012,5$i I 16-l,81G,587 50,00!l,851 7,505,178 9,291,066 66,806,095 41,765,00',l 1876<br />

1877 H2.SS!!,539 18,22!;,3:!1 1:1,05!1,:!5!1 17-l,173,113 51,610,072 7,G\J0.213 9,937.~l 6\l,'.!87,!}66 89,968,177 1877<br />

1878 14ll,4Sl,5M 18,573,.1:!2 13,0Shli2.! 17i,I:l\l,578 51,500,035 7,669,58-Jr 9,936,081 69,172,.'300 39,861,802 1878<br />

1879 147,921,687 lS,Wl,:329 l:J,121,SSO 180,037,806 51,527,9:18 7,672.U9 9,910,015 69,140,132 39,510,310 1879<br />

1880 15:!,55.'J,73!! 19.582,145 I:J,2ll,587 l85,:Ji7,770 IH,625,560 7,'i76.!ll!> !l,!}80,5$7 69;lS:J.006 39,860,483 1880<br />

lSSl 15h711,•HO 19,596,6!~Jr 13,2\10,212 187,59:!,31l; 51,,193,21G 7,71:1,H7 9,980,6!).Jr 69,167,057 39,846,·173 lSSl<br />

1SS2 157,50;J,.'67 1!>,1'.SS,Ul 1:S,:J37,7US l!J0,531,G79 51,169,023 7,650,1:!:3 !l,!lS0,259 68,7t9,-i0 i 39,992,771 1882<br />

18$3 15S,·150,5Gl l\l,GliS,21>'2 13,:i85,U>8 1!11,503,!181 48,21»8,9!12 7,572,865 9,!l81,197 65,8~3,0S• 40,206,SOJr 1883<br />

18SJr lG0,227,632 19,683,936 1 s,.133,3:m 193,.'J4.1,92·L 48,025,G98 7,506,365 !),982,117 65,514,189 40,580,574 188-i<br />

ScnEDULE D.<br />

For all i:ains nrisini: from any Profession or Trntle.<br />

(Ruilways, Ca11al:1, l\Iiucs, Gu..,works, Wutcrwoi·ks, &c.)<br />

SCllEDULF. I·:.<br />

!/'or 1111 l'ulili.: OIHce~<br />

RIUl l'ell~IOlld pnhl<br />

out of the l'ubllc<br />

Ilny~11 of<br />

Cor1>orn1e l107,7;i;l,5G6 530,53:!,:JiU 61,117,1}85 36,SM,135 628,510,199 lSS.i<br />

I<br />

•In the years prior to 1871-75 ·net fii.·ures onh· w1•ra returned for frelnnd under this Schedule.<br />

t The Cull amu1al n.luo or lamb is givon umlcr Schedule B. The profits from tho occupation or farm lands nro by law deemed to be cqunl in Englnnd and Wales to onC)ohalf,<br />

and in Scotlul'ld and Ireland to ono third the full annual value of the Jnntls.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

-~r-<br />

-<br />

No. 11.-Gu.os:: A~IOUNT of the .ANNUAL VALUE of Pn.0P1m·ry anll PROFITS, AssEss1m to the !NCO:\rE TAx, upon various Cr.Assr~s<br />

of PROPERTY under Schedules A. and D., in each of the Years, Ciuled 5th April, from J870 to <strong>1884</strong>:.<br />

--<br />

UNITED<br />


EXGLAND_., SCOTLAND., lRBLAND.1118~~1E~.<br />


ended<br />

ended<br />

:ilh :.\pril.<br />


5th April.<br />

I .e £ £ £ £ I<br />

I £ £ £ £ .e<br />

£ £<br />

1s:ro 4.7,&02,991 7,Wi,579 9,135,019 tU,133,189 .'i0,9l0,2G9 0,9:I0,279 3,113\J,l\05 81,519,15~ •J.,889,7·19 57G,o:~7 78,318 5,51-J,099 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 48,9:18,0311 7,301,182 9,141.na 65,380,!Jfi6 75,.122,1a1r 7,:309,2.lS 3,BSIJ,ltiO 8M12,17'2 5,216,902 5!J:J,50S 51,551 5.891,001 1871<br />

1872 4S,96l,H9 7,325,U!Jl ll,HO,:Jj6 65,.i;IO,O!lli 76,.lii:i,l!H 1.s:m,2:!.; 3,715,6\H 87,721,110 5,705,337 597,:370 S~,3l~lr 6,335,\171 1872<br />

1878 49,009,157 7,363,235 9,141.2Sj 65,513,977 ii,S:.ll,!JS:J 7,87fi;1S7 3,7·18,:!76 89,·150,7·16 G,-mi,21-'.? 763,2cl.i 4'3,683 7 ,28:1, rn:s 1673<br />

1874 49,00j,815 7,496,905 9,177,2H , tl0,579,93. S0,72i,55'J 8,u2l,Otl6 3,76ll,500 !):J,018,119 !),:?!;:.J,958 1,262,103 2!1,771 10,5-15$}2 ISH<br />

1875 50,12-•.97{; 7,493,453 9,293,035<br />

I I<br />

6(j,Ull,.l63 82,tM2,S:J8 9,0:?:J,:JS5 :s,r.$1,ar.a 9·h6:l7,571l J2,:;83,0S1 1,4!J3,:l65 31,514 14,1117,!190 1875<br />

1876 50,2l8,lli0 7,505,178 9,2Ul,Ollll 67,0H,:l\llr s:i,8:;1.u:>S 9,3!l6,7SS 8,612,082 96.Stm,5os 13,222,655 l,:l(l.l.,:?35 2i,5~:! H.6ll111i2 1876<br />

1811 51,811,2.'H 7,a89,717 !J,!J'l7,6Sl<br />

! 69,·138,632 90,.ljl,186 10,!372, 172 3,0IO,O:;u 103,S3a,.H7 l:!,719,1·15 l,:}52,9;)2 J!),130 H,09J,257 1877<br />

187H 51,72'.?,29~ 7,666,090 9,9:Jti,60j m1,:J:H,!18!l 93,lO!J,5i7 10,S2.'l,75L 3,0J..l,BS 1\16,!liO,.lSti 11,62·1,736 l,:Uil,liS!l 2r1,269 12,89l),tl!ll 1878<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 51,G,;7,681 7,G67,G29 9,!ll-0,001 09,:!tJj,:}ll 95,5:)5,t:Jtl ll,2!10,!!00 :1.oso,1as 109,9511,201 9,111,0133 957,.171 l!J,l-l5 lO,OSi,'.>70 1879<br />

lSSO 51,7!1S,!J.'l0 'i,7119,303 9,!J:)0,5-t-:3 G:1,r.1S,7!Jli 1011,UW,·•17 ll,iGj,5:J7 3;161.21;5 l15,\l06,2HI 6,70:;,0:H 7i7,:.J71 Hl,121) 7,501,·185 1880<br />

1881 51,59\),-128 7,711,895 9,llSO,r.:m O!J,291,!173 l11:l,4li,1U• 11.B'iS,269 a.210,5oi 117,-IOj,877 5,8-16,:!2·1 803,122 17,:!05 6,666,5.'il lSSl<br />

1882 51,182,:!23 7,!HoS,r>S9 9,llS0,215 I 68,SI 1,03:! lfl5,!i21,5H ll,\J9:!,16l 3,:!tl.'3,.IUO· l:!0,877,19;) 5,89!J,!J52 811,689 lG.602 6,728,213 1882<br />

1883 48,402,915 7,573,231 9,981,156 65,!)j7.!:l22 rn:1,:Ji·l,2.;a 12,01tl,5:H 3,30•1,\12.) 12l,72i,702 5,7U9,·W:I 921,76!) 12,508 G,733,i·JO l&.'\3<br />

lSSJ. 4i,95.J.,83-l 7,50j,3:!l !J,9S2,0i2<br />

! 65,.H2,:!27 lll,5tH,9:l6 12,l:JO,HO 3,:}55,033 l:!i,05,110\J G,118,:!:!:J 931,0:H l2,!i49 7.0Glo,806 lSSl<br />

.<br />

CAN.u.s •<br />

I GAS· ilQ.IJARnIES. ,, Onrnn<br />

InoYWomrn.<br />

. - --<br />

4<br />

-- -· -- -- -- -- ·- .<br />

fRA.ILWA.YS,<br />

WOl!KS,<br />

Ul'i'ITB~ -J(Il'i'GDO~I.<br />

PBOPil'S.•<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 1,550,9.'U 437,630 2,018,511' 17,ll·i:J,1}96 2,l!Jj,5H 8i9,18l I 20,718,.121 740,591 2,1l:i7,274 G00,017 2,745,370 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 2,WS,896 1)02,338 - ·2,701,2:H 18,G:l6,726 2,!JS!!,235 931,.190<br />

!<br />

21,950,..:>1 774,670 2,605,.l!Jlr 718,929 2,778,887 1871<br />

1872 2,64-0,071 491,!124 '-- 3,HO,!J!J5 1D,7!Jl,09j 2,373,521 !16~,.l86<br />

i 23,1:!9,102 753,:!21 2,tl67,.,98 _ 75:>,765 2,876,124 l872<br />

1878 8,827,GS.lr !13.J,r.47 ·1,762,!J:U 21.717,2/l.1 2,fitl9,963 i,o.;2,;n2 ~s,.i:m,r,:1s 7139,()29 2,791l,511 •162,ss:; 8,413,.J:Sl 1873<br />

I<br />

1874 5,242,761 1,975,292<br />

:<br />

- 1,21s,o.;3 23,187,671 2,7"7,810 1,096,8711 :!7,032,351 755.039 2,665,853 814,20~ 3,29S,l!JG 1874<<br />

187G 5,551;27·' 1,708,903 625 7,260,802 2:!,8·.lH,9511 2,603,!):!!J 1,09~.:!!30 27,IH5,103 l,007,4l:J 2,630,016 916,178 8,SOJ,30S 1875<br />

1876 2,SS0,3i9 975,512 - 3,!i55,.891 21,151,0llS 2,70!J,!J61 1,09M73 27,952,102 2;365,41.l.'.it 8,030,1!12 952,138 8,968,4-01 1876<br />

1':177 2,167,.199 627,58.'i --:- 2,7!Jlr,!lS4. 2~,915,661: 3,3lll,123 l,1811,:J79 29;H8,ltl6 3,0l1,61:!t 3,433,8911 1,096,2$0 3,915,028 1877<br />

1878· 1,845,81.)9 -ias,9.;S 250 2,:H5,0i7 25,S.ill,783 3,37:J,8H 1,270,!139 30,·l\Jl,576 .2,9!J;J,373t a,923,150 1,:J.u,oas 4,133,S.H 1878<br />

18i9 1,521,GSB 411,677 450 1,9.13.S13 26,1117,ll:iG 3,•lH,6Hi 1,2S5.153 31,:H3,U2' 3,125,0721: 3,!Ji2,635 l,3li6,2SO ·J.,292,386 1879<br />

1880 1,;Si5,5!JO 34-1,720 3110· 1,720,GlO 2tl,SG5,9iJ 3,:J25,·1!ll 1,210,:ma 31,.Jfll,828 3,l::)!J,·l28t oi,175,3811 1,14!!,73:~ ·i,463,718 1880<br />

lSSl 1,rill:l,MO 45'1,$74 100 I 2,17S,5:J.i 27,5&S,12S a,01m,.m1 l,128,2:H 31,7-11,813 3,l!Jti,l(l7t •i,50j,002 92j,6GS 4,759,6!)5 1881<br />

1$3-2 2,274,3!16 630,225 '-- 2,9oi,G21 29,877,807 :J,.l.S2,14.S 1,:?:J!J,171 84,5U:J,786 3,:392,IJS:>t 4,Gl-0,363 9.!2,SOS ·i,957,213 1882<br />

I<br />

1883 2,5l2,7S3 419,8:!6 2,!162,009 so;soj,7·17 3,6:;~.53-'3 l,175,H6 35,~9,126 3,2!ll,7·Wt I 4,ll$6,63:l Sill,855 I 5,130,·W:t lSS3<br />

188.Ji 2,583,515 ·127,180 - 3,010,725 31,633,·120 3,8jl,SH 1,205,656 36,830,890 3,;!6:>,126t 4,Si\l,.170 9I;J,SSS 5,178,435 188-1<br />

II<br />

•"Other i•rofits ''include Fisheries, Salt and Alum 'Yorks, ·waterworks. and Tolls or various kinds.<br />

:t Including Inlnml.Nnvigntions, Docks, Drains and J,evels.<br />

t From the year ended 5th April ISM tho 11..~scS.'!ments in respect. or Profits from Railways out or tho <strong>United</strong> Ki11;rdom nro included: in tho year 1877-8 they amounted t-0<br />

2,200,!1651., in 1878-!l to 2,3S5,2631., in 1879-80 to 2,093,8711., in 1880-1to2,610,8881., in 1881-2 to 2,711,S81il., in 1882-3 to :J,2M,091l., un

~<br />

N. 12.-4-)IOUNT of PROPERTY upon which LEGACY nncl SucCESSION DuTY wns pnid.<br />

Years<br />

ended<br />

Lcgncy Duty. Succcssiou Duty. 'rotal. Years<br />

ended<br />

3lst 1\Iarch.<br />

Slst:Mnrch.<br />

Scotln~1d. I Ireland. Total. Scotluml. Irlllnnd. Total. Irelnnd. Total.<br />

-<br />

England. , Englund. , Englnnd.<br />

I I I I Scotlnnd. I I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 73,5GS,77G 0,16-1,550 •i,987,827 87,721,153 28,012,IH9 3,832,501 •i,.130,·,134 37,1SJ.,4Sl 102,,Sl,325. 12,fl'J7,051 0,.127,261 12-1,905,637 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 73,706,747 8,50G.oi5 3,·186,921 85,699,743 20.508,G62 3,·103,577 4,015,093 37,018,288 103,215,4-0!l 11,099,G52 7,532,920 12~,747,981 1871<br />

1872 S3,1G.;,073 10,591,151 4,155,!)2.'} 07,912,H7 30,292,800 3,250,·186 .3,859,185 37,·1-U,liGl 113, 157,063: 13,850,637 8,015,108 135,353,708 1872<br />

1873 70,4SS,a20 10,.139,186 3,970,155 90,907,167 30,290,6GS 3,712,080 4_,4U,723 38,·1-18,371 106,7i0,·1!J.1. 14,152,166 M23,878 129,355,538 1&73<br />

187-i 80,528.902 11,337,305 4,0l!J,2G2 101,009,161) 30,3G5,237 •J,176,397 •i,32.'3,330 38,&H,073 116,S!H,130 15,513,702 8,366,601 H-O,'i7·1,1-12 187-1<br />

1875 87,039,570 10,5G1,54S 5,050,G12 102,tl5-J,76G 32,82.i,709 3,927,670. ·i,071,720 ·U,725,1~0 119,865,M5. 14,-102,218 10,022,302 l·H,370,925 1875<br />

1876 89,M'3,5SO 11,918,00:i 4,S.19,75-1 103,716,o:m 33,231,(}19 4,!H7,li26 4,716,308 ·i2,201,91:3 123,170,6:?9· 16,200,~31 0,506,122 H9,0ll,882 1876<br />

1877 06,93_7,27.fi l;J,OSS,0~7 5,-179,872 115,535,193 . 3-1,·1:13,887 ·1,183,617 4,866,53-J, ·J..3,-181,038 liJl,-1~1.~Gl ~7,271,13(}1 10,34G,400 150,030,231 1877<br />

1578 102,59:i,Gl5 13111;2,700 5,199,·124 121,2-17,739 31,·J.32,975 4,127,302 4·,571,135 •10,131,412 134,028,590 17,580,002 9,770,55!! lGl,3!9,151 1878<br />

1879 ' s;;,716,112 11,G-12,835 li,lGl,511 102,5:?o,.l5S 30,533,.U5 3,9S9,2M 3,9S2,2'.?2 38,5().1,891 iIG,2·19,527 15,632,089 0,143,733 1-11,025,3·10 18i0<br />

JSSO 101,426,205 12,311,002 4,!J81,51G 118, 110,.n3 31,980,733 4,2S0,098 3,SOi,380 ·10,158,220 133,.106,938 16,501,700 8,SiS,935 158,877,633 1880<br />

lSSl 9S,G93,967 11,036,679 o,270,·166 115,001,112 31,826,SS9 4,357,S.12 3,750,933 39,96:i,1G1 130,520,856 15,·124,021 0,021,390 15.J,9G0,2iG 1881<br />

1SS2 92,138,568 12.006,().J.O ·i,().14,51-i 108,S.19,7~2 31,S.18,012 3,806,902 3,098,368 :38,753,282 l23,!lS6,5SO 16,473,512 7,1-12,912 Hi,603,034 1882<br />

1883 •73,·167,5-16 8,195,9i8 5,444,710 •s7,10S,2


No. 13.-Al\IouN·r of Dm1w·r ancl INDIRECT TAXATION, and of OTHER<br />

in ench DIVISION of the UNrrED KINGDOM, in the Years<br />

---<br />

England nnd Wales.<br />

1867-S.<br />

! 1879-80.1 1880-1.<br />

I 1881-Z. I 1882-3.<br />

£ £ £ £ £<br />

From Rates• • • • •} 22,.W3,3$1) 23,319,GtO 2-1,32:?,894 2.f.,SB!l,140<br />

.. Gas and Water Undcrtakiugs 16,4:30,000 f 3,201,0SSt 3,469,274t 8,GSt,714t 5,H9,605t<br />

"<br />

Tolls, Duos, &c. . . . 4,350,000 4,5H322 5,018,227 5,026,MG 5,349,320<br />

From Other Receipts:<br />

R-Onts, Interest, &c. . . } 1,354,000<br />

{ 7Gi,·W2 SOJ,709 SH,697 820,8~<br />

Sules of Property . . Ci36,.17S 212,835 330,620 427,899<br />

Governmont OontribuUons . 957,000 2,733,846 2,708,328 2,865,58-i s,323.S27<br />

Lbll.llS . - . . li,517,000 13,717,911 12,937,528 15,000,238 10,M9;1S67<br />

Miscellaneous . . . 1,833,000 4,985,826 5,366,50"2 5.526.086 3,188,000<br />

---<br />

TOTAL REcmrrs . 30,4-lrl,OOO liS,007,322 G3,S67,0i3 57,475,679 53,784,312<br />

• Seo note to Table No. 15.<br />

t Those amounts :tro tho receipts of the T,ocnl Authorities !rom the sale of Gc11 and Water which<br />

were included in the returns, for ;;curs prior to 1882-3, under the head or R.'ltcs, but they are not to<br />

ho taken as the whole of th~ receipts of Local Authorities from those sources.<br />

No. 14:-AlIOUNT of the VARIOUS BnA..i.'\CnEs of LocAL ExPEN­<br />

Years 1867-8, 18i9-80, 1880-1,<br />

---<br />

Englnml at~d Wnles.<br />

186i-S.<br />

I 1879-S0.1 1880-1.<br />

I I 1881-2. 1882-3.<br />

£ £ £ £ £<br />

By Uniom1 nnd Pnrishcs in· Relief to 7,.198,059 8,01:!,i07 8,102,13G 8,3ii3,4S6 S,408,970<br />

the Poor.<br />

All other I>nrochinl Expenditure pny· 658,987 809,0i7 055,883 9CJ2,lli2 1,027,GSl<br />

ublo out of Poor ltntos. -<br />

533,000<br />

From Loans . 820,·158 Ci00,280 500,000 520,000<br />

lly Scliooi Boards . . . - 3,G!il,lOS 3,GSG,862 3,S39~5S!l 4,217,GSO<br />

By Town nnd )Iunichml Anth~ritics 13,020,632 2S,S52,5!l2 2CJ,927,0l!l 3 l,i.S0,670 27,7i8,391<br />

for .Police, Sanitary,nnd otl1er Public<br />

·"'orks. &c.<br />

By Rural Snnitnrh Authorities • - ·J!l7,!l!l0 005,158 6!l2,!l83 621,196<br />

B\· County Aut 1oritics for l'olicc. 2,319,~iS 2,iiS,·100 2,688.~16 2,752,'iW 2,882,377<br />

Lmmtic Asylums, &c.<br />

By Highwny Donrds and Rond 1,39'J,91S 1 1 832,Sll 1,800,418 l,81.i0,li70 1,837,729<br />

'frustccs.<br />

By Turnpike Trusts . . 1,0li!l,073 271,87!) 225,627 170,212 142,526<br />

lfor Bridges nml l~crrics . . 135,1!12 Ci2,!i2S· Ci5,G21 65,581) 12,391<br />

Dy Drainage und Embnnkment .An· 205,26(} 351,57!! 4H,6SS 4-J2,9-1-0 4!H,657<br />

thoritio~.<br />

By Durinl Uonrds .<br />

~<br />

.<br />

209,305 503,24'1 409,836 4:16,G99 M-~91G<br />

·Prom Church nnd Ecclosinstical Rutes 3011,G:!G H,057 13,189 13,01)9 11,162<br />

Ry llnrhour Authorities . . 2,071,70G 2,65S,2H 3,213,862 4,163,743 4,110,593<br />

By Pilotngo Authorities . . 332,083 434-,550 410,9-'S 398,GOO ·117,H-O<br />

From J,i~ht Dues (Morcnntile 270,600 2.~,~2 317,·i-U 295,04!1 29·1,005<br />

1\lnrino l


SouRCES of RECEIPTS, for the purposes of LooAL ExPENDI'l'URE,<br />

1867-8, 1879:..so, 1880-1, 1881-2, and 1882-3.<br />

Scotlnnd.<br />

1867-8.<br />

I <strong>1870</strong>-80. I 1880-1. I<br />

1881-2.<br />

I 1882-3.<br />

---<br />

£ I £ I £ £ £<br />

(Partly estimnted.)<br />

} 1,500,000 2,622,000 2,9·il,OOO 3,085,707 3,050,385<br />

500,000 1,000,000. 1,014,000 1,079,034 1,0i9,911<br />

} 450,000 {<br />

From Rates.•<br />

' .. Gns nnd Water Undertakings.<br />

'.l'olls, Duc..q, &c.<br />

"<br />

From Othor Receipts:<br />

253,000 167,600 205.4Gi l!)i,677 Rents, Interest, &c.<br />

41,000 39.000 21,178 16,75-' S:Llcs oC Property.<br />

200,000 556,000 546,000 593,103 586.020 Government Contributions.<br />

250,000 l,12'2,000 1,028,000 l,063,936 001,191 Lonns.<br />

100,000 417,000 323,000 2G5,N7 3!iG,NG l\Iiscellaneous.<br />

---------------- ---<br />

3,000,000 6,0il,000 6,058,COO 6,3H,172 G,198,GS~ TOTAL RECEIPTS,<br />

DITURE in each DIVISION of the UNITED KINGDOU in the<br />

1881-2, and 1882-3.<br />

}<br />

Scotland.<br />

I 1879-80. , I I<br />

~867-8. 1880-1. 1881-2. 1882-3.<br />

---<br />

(Pnrtly estimated.)<br />

£ £ £ £ £<br />

• { 882,217 D00,25G 881,513 880,SSi 'By Unions and Pnrishes in ·Rclief-t-0.<br />

872,000 tho l'oor.<br />

86,000 47,397 lil,GSl 155,629 All otl11ir.l'nrochinl Expenditure pnyable<br />

out- of Poor Rates.<br />

128,000 82,0SO 97,6-~7 G7,759 37,223 }'rom Loans.<br />

- 1,203,053 l,067,707 l,127,721 1,113,Hl2 lly School 1Jonrds.<br />

859,~ 2,097,000 2,H0,2Go 1,001,769 I,003,·U.J. By Town nnd 1\hmlcipnl Authorities<br />

for l'olicc, Sanitary, nud other Public<br />

Works &:c.<br />

8-J,000 10:;,2i;1 !J4,3i.'l lly lturnl Snnit:irh Authorities.<br />

-· -·<br />

} 210,000 410,000 { Lunatic Asylums, &:c.<br />

..<br />

222,008 2aS,OOii 232,383 By County Aut 1oritics for Police,<br />

£01,000 298,468 200,998 By Hlghwny lloards nud Road<br />

Trnstct•s.<br />

217,000 H:;,700 121~'343 111,l


-<br />

A~OUNT of DmiwT and INDIRECT 'f AXATION, n.nd of O.THER<br />

in each D1v1s10N of the UNLTim KINGDO::o.r, in the Years<br />

..<br />

.Irclnnd.<br />

---<br />

I I I I 1867-8. 1879-80. "1880-1. 1881-2. 1882--3.<br />

~L ..<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

From Rates - - • ·} 2,281,000 I 2,657,432 2,704,006 2,852,701<br />

.. Gus and Wutcr Undertakings<br />

" 'rolls, Dnes, &c. - - - 283,000 lill,35.5 .m,370 4:3G,3!J.J. 423,810<br />

From Other R-Oceipts:<br />

Rents, Interest, &c. - -<br />

Sales of Property • . } 69,000 { - - - , -<br />

71,287 69,6i0 5i,6S6 59,375<br />

Government Contributions . 78,000 106,000 114,857 115,9U 114,813<br />

Loans . .. 237,000 263,971 401,5

-1/ (__ I<br />


SOURCES ·of-RECEIPTS, for the purposes of LOCAL ExPENDITURB,<br />

1867-8, 1879-80, 1881-2, and 1882-3.-l'ontimeed.<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

1867-8.<br />

I 18711-SO. I 1880-1.<br />

I l&!l-2. I 1882-3.<br />

'<br />

£ I £ £ £ £<br />

20,2H,000 80,971,196 32,·U7,&l6 33,695,lJ81 35,921,8!)1 {From Rates.•<br />

,, Gns nnd Water Undertakings.<br />

G,133,000 0,145,677 0,486,607 6,M2,274 0,853,0-17<br />

.<br />

"<br />

Tolls. Dues, &c.<br />

From Other Receipts :<br />

} 1,873,000 l 1,0SS, 7:19 1,0ll,O-i9 l,Oi7,Sj0 1,083,9W Rents, Interest, &c.<br />

Gi7,.i78 251,835 ss1,10a •1-.U,053 Sales of Property.<br />

1,235,000 3,300,.SOO 3,:JG.'l,185 3,5i4,628 4,021,000 Govemment Contri!Jutions.<br />

6,00i,000 15,103,882 l·l:,367,032 1G,·l:G6,·l:23 11,953,6'9 Lonns.<br />

2,037,000 5,GGi,026 5,863,918 o,9~,i25 3,700,075 1\£iscellanl'ous.<br />

---- --<br />

36,·100,000 G:?,9-i7,814 03,797,892 Oi,705,079 6l:,Oil,921 TOTAL RECEIPTS.<br />

DITUm·~ in each D1v1s10N of the UNITED Krnono.:u in the<br />

lSSl-2, nnd 1882-3.-Conthiued.<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

l I I I<br />

·1867-8. 1$70-80. 1880-1. 1881-2. 18S2-3.<br />

---<br />

.<br />

-<br />

£ £ £ £ £<br />

f),931,00S 10,105,231 10,3;2,3j8 10,·131,316 By Unions o.nd J>nrishcs iu Relief to<br />

}!l,SS-l,027<br />

the Poor.<br />

800,201 1,036,021 1,102,782 J,13!),092 All other J>nrochinl Expencliture pny·<br />

ublo out of Poor Ita~s.<br />

l.J.l8,·f:S8 GlG,OSO G97,92i GG7,759 G57,223 1''rom Loans.<br />

- 4,855,001 ·1,m,GG!! ·1,967,306 li,330,772 Uy School llonrt,366 6,167,21-0 O,OW,815 6,228,821 0,3Sl,"73{ Lunatic Asylums, &c.<br />

.Dy llighwny llonrds nud Ron

No. 15.-~IOUNT of the RATES LEVIED for t11e PonPOSF.S of LocAr. ExrF.~mTunr-: in E~mr.AND nnd W.AT.J.:S only, in the<br />

Years 18i0-71 to 1882-3 incJusive.<br />

-- I I <strong>1870</strong>-1. 1871-2. , 1872-3.1 1873-1. , 1874-5. , 1875-6. , 1876-7. , 1877-8. , 1878-9. , 1879·80. , 1880-1. 1881-2. , 1882-3.<br />

I<br />

Poor Rates, exclusive o[ Precept Rates -<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ""~.£ £<br />

s,rn3,GS1 8,567,301 8,215,l·H 7,901,14·1- 8,021;U!l 7,599,18G ?,2:'8,370 7,502,229 7,883,321 7,793,397 7,00!1,8!5 8.335,918 8,·12!!,015<br />

School Boord Rates - . - 71,l&'i 1G2;191 251,907 373,859 588,8!i9 SGs,.il!J l,10S,31G 1,328,276 1,·iS·J.,312 1,579,75-J. 1,772,263 1,837,567<br />

I<br />

::U:ctropolitan ~:ml orWorks - - s:;o,900 •1s9,001 26!!,704 218,780 315,817 •J.t.3,908 472,711 .u;5,355 ·1'75,11;9 5M,·1-iS 620,957 639,552 706,885<br />

V'e.~tries or District Boards, exclusive of .J,109,411 1,0.W,S.ii 1,130,438 l,2Ul,3l2 1,272,751 l,331;12G l,Hl,699 I ,·183,6'!.9 1,5S.'J,37G 1,517,.177 l,5S0,561 1,607,391 I,611,GSI<br />

J>rece}lt Rates.<br />

Corporation and Commissioners of Sewers 185,256 109,925 172,755 202,576 183,757 179,721 205,951 :!00,·107 216,038 206,786 255,131 218,.i.w 200,580<br />

of the City or Londo11, exclusive or<br />

Prece11t R:ites.<br />

Metropolitan Police . 551,977 G26,270 ·158,250 610,100 52:i,G26<br />

- - 571,561 t1G:?,Q2S 4.'U,735 538,0SG 510,205 555,SU 583,967 618,8:;2<br />

:Municipal Borough, exclnsive or Precept 952,:l97 1,079,875 1,103,-100 1,207,739 l,OS0,872 1,221,318 , l,37'1,412 1,351,008 1,2G6,900 1,212,518 1,349,128 1,107,.'363 1.300,0'.?7<br />

R:ires.<br />

QWlSi l\[unicipal Authorities:-<br />

;Local Boardii - - • - - 1,77G,G82 1,S9'.>,753 - - - - - - - - - -<br />

•<br />

Improvement CommisSioncrs - 550,.i34 613,155 - - - - - - ""- - - - -<br />

Urban Sanitnry Authoriticst - - - 2,736,600 3,350,1::7 3,S00,·181 ·l,O.iS,09-t 4,370,003 ·i,651,001 5,215,36-S. 5,Hl,212 5,451,803 5,5Ul,064 6,l17,387<br />

Rural Sanitary - - - . - - - 17·J.,286 172,.189 156,856 177,700 193,9'28 200,802 199,939 2S3,S96 33:?,336 862,175<br />

Liithting and "'atching umlc" 3 & 4 41,747 41,G87 41,933 41,225 +1,.129 41,975 42,518 •W,215 ·10,507 so,rno 37,S"~ 36,266 23,565<br />

Will. 4. c. 90.<br />

County Treasurers - .,<br />

- - 1,625,796 l,6H,917 1,71-1,637 l,798,·iS7 1,735,001 1,687,010 1,707,615 1,688,300 1,181,~0 1,593,978 l,4.'iG,807 1,5i8,633 1,385,5-15<br />

Burial Boards 89,li53 87,018 131-,778 1.'J.J.,1().1" 137,000 128,317 119,359 141,457 132,530 123,7lH 130,229 118,953 172,5GS<br />

Highway Boat"d!I - - - - 1,37ll,340 l,.U0,291 1,5-16,983 l,514,7r>S 1,539,996 1,610,SS.t. tl,700,000 1,79J,72l 1,778~28 1,817,07G 1,805,S.'5 1,846,228 1,810,254<br />

Commissioners of Sewers nnd Dminngo llH,432 195,820 192,497 215,GSG 228,083 2·1-0,362 21iG,GG' 2G9,315. 265,446 258,560 260,197 278,369 274,195<br />

and }:mb:mlanent Commissioners.<br />

Clmrch Rates 23,lSG 21,120 17,507 15,170 14,216, 12,697 12,079 11,·'31 10,858 13,507 11,996: 11,865 10,999<br />

.;....<br />

Baths - - - - - - - '<br />

- - - - - - - - 6,250 8,315<br />

--- -----<br />

TOI'A.L - - - - 17,020,582 17,614.832 18,005,137 lfl,859,G89<br />

I<br />

l!l ,392,965 19,76.'J,893 :?0,513,720 21,.'82,610 22,416,871 22,493,389 23,319,6·1'0 24,.122,894 2-f.,869, 14-0<br />

NoTE.-lllo;c precise informution having been obtnined ns to the receipts of Local Authorities for thc-1":'cnr 1882-3, it wns discovered that in previous years large sums received<br />

in respect of the sale of gas and water by Urban Sanitnry Authorities had been returncn a.~ receipts from rublic Rnte!I. The figures for previous years h11ve been corrected so far<br />

ns it is possible, and now show, as ne.irly a.~ th& nccounts will allow, the receipts from l>ublio l?titcs. .<br />

• }'or nine months only. t In l8i2-3, the expression " Urban Sanitary A uthoritics" is substituted for" Local Boards" and "Improvement Commissioners."<br />

t Partly cstim~ted. ·<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.



to the Pooit RATES for ENGr.AND and WAI.ES, and AMOUNT Received<br />

and Expended for RELIEF of the Poon in ENGLAND and WALES,<br />

8COTLAND, and IRELAND.<br />


Vnlucor ·· 1<br />

Pi·oricrty Asst..'SSed to<br />

Total Expended.<br />

YEARS t 10 Poor Rate, Amount or<br />

Poor Rates<br />

YBAnS<br />

ended Received l'orother<br />

ended<br />

Gross incli1dini In act.ual Pur110Mes,<br />

Lady-day. Estimated Rateable Rcceiptsm lteliefor Count~ nnd Total.<br />

Rental. aid or the Poor. Police<br />

Lndy·da.)",<br />

Rental,<br />

Poor Rates.<br />

Rates,&e.<br />

-<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 123,3G5,847 lM,405,31» 12,MM12 7,644,307 4,093,300 11,737,013 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 120,473,924 107,398,2-12 12,121,4-W 7,880,724 4,200,017 12,092,Nl 18il<br />

1872 . 129,038,976 109,447,111 12,608,938 8,007,403 4,373,875 12,381,278 1872<br />

1873 .. 132,453,870 112,317,603 12,G57,9.f.3 7,G92,1Q9 4,734,397 12,420,506 1873<br />

1874 136,408,462 115,0W,631 12,803,762 7,004,ll57 5,180,050 12,851,007 1874<br />

1871i 140,524,319 119,079,589 13,19-M·l:G 7,488,481 5,2011,727 12,69-1,208 1871i<br />

1876 - - 12,90:i,3!J5 7,335,858 li,301,0S.I 12,030,912 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1877 l.W,989,979 124,587,4N 12,9-iS,174 7,400,0M 5,G98,203 12,998,237 1877<br />

1878 lli0,980,079 121,ws,:i50 13,489,712 7,088,0GO 5,920,617 13,015,207 1878<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 151,600,467 131;021,010 13,871,118 7,829,819 5,863,365 13,093,18-lr 1879<br />

.1880 lli7,00S,72!l 133,709,875 14,001,512 8,015,010 6,077,092 H,092,102 1880<br />

1881 11i9,2i8,007 i:J5,615,473 U,340,5!12 8,102,136 (l,288,120 14,390,202 1881<br />

1882 165,H3,300 139,036,307 H,918,273 8,232,472 6,632,267 14,861,739 1882<br />

1883 . 10M·i9,36!1 Hl,.107,686 15,238,111 I 8,353,202 6,703,887 15,057,17!1 1883<br />

188-i . 109,835,2$5 143,222,438 15,352,091 8,402,IS53 0,9:;.J,238 111.356,791 <strong>1884</strong><br />

SCOl'LAND.<br />

IRELAND.<br />

Totnl Amount<br />

Totnl Amount<br />

YEARS Received from Total Exfiended Received from Tolal Exricudcd YEARS<br />

ended<br />

Poor lliites nnd in tho Re icr and Poor Rates in the Ro ier nud<br />

nil other Sources llnnnisement nnd nll other Mnnngement ended<br />

HthMny. (exclusive of ortho Poor. Receipts in aid or tho l'oor. Lady-day.<br />

Lonns.) of Poor Itates. •<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

<strong>1870</strong> . 008,06-lo 890,Glli 817,llOl SU.,4i5 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 . l)()0,198 868,321 816,553 821,958 1871<br />

1872 . 888,002 849,400 . 838,579 868,820 1872<br />

1873 . 853,136 S37,32o 1)00,522 930,0lJ.i 1573<br />

1874 . 853,432 833,106 1,014,500 977,702 1874<br />

1871i . 849,9·15 833,026 1,027,00G 900,616 1875<br />

1876 . 870,430 834,817 1,M4,470 1,001,300 1876<br />

1877 . 869,217 Si2,101 D01,771i 1,018,508 1~77<br />

1878 . 870,WS 90.1,217 1,014,li21 1,081,470 1878<br />

1879 . 875.4117 900,146 l,109,171i 1,125,039 1879<br />

1880 . Dll,71i2 918,480 1,097,.175 1,Hl,830 1880<br />

1881 . 031),307 921,4-i!l :1.120,010 tl,237,785 1881<br />

1882 . 003,014 8!18,002 tl,230,489 ii,237,082 1882<br />

1833 . Dll!l,844 871,878 tl.200,460 i1,2ro.212 1883<br />

188• . 927,090 860,1)1)6 i1,.w3,810 tl,3·15,603 <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

• Jncluding expenses u11der Me

EXOISE.<br />

No. 17.-QuANTlTIES of the SF:V'.ERAL AnTICr,Es CnAROED with DuTIES of ExctsE<br />

in the UNITED 'KINGDOM; made FREE OF DtJTY ; EXPORTED·; and' H.El;AINED for<br />

Ho~m CoNSUMPTION.<br />

I Y••RB<br />

ended<br />

3lst. Dec.<br />

CrrARGBD WITH DuTl·.<br />

?tfADB FREE OP DUTY,<br />

Sugnr.j~<br />

11fnlt. Spirits. Sugar. Beer. Chicory. 1\falt. Spirits. Chicory.<br />

--- ------ .. ---<br />

Bushels. Gallons. Cwts. llnrrcls. Cwts. :Bnsl1cls. Gnllons. Cwts. llarrels. Cwts.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 53,175,·1.82 23,4.'>2,2·10 30,180 - 12,920· 5,510,811G l,37'1,422 - - -<br />

1871 li0,724,097 25,114,201 21i,•HU 5,18!,001 1,4811,012<br />

1g:~g~<br />

1872 57,308,082 27,800,533 55,0liO fl,OS2,2&1 1,7G9,S6i 1873 li9,194,089 29,700,852 80,84'3 9,077 6,256,883 2,161,020 1874 58,7:!8,687 30,G!.J0,051 26,388t 5,480 6,().12,1119 1,313,017 1871i 58,131l,li35· 31),!.J00,557 5,193 6,617,833 1,021,132 1876 60,929,033 80,897,(i:j8 4,939 6,!102,886 1,258,4:33 1877 as,51..'3,252 30,715,782 4,0:H 'l,·121,670 1,660,472 1878 58,762,!)34 80, UIS,8·'9 8/'32 7,·164,551 1,629,00S 1879 51,576,890 28,852,·!l)l - 3,!;73 6,308,781 l,972,ll02 1880 ll32,87M75 29,.U7,257 •7,160,830 2,252 1!4,·1~6, 711i 2,3i8,701i 1881 29,771,·!Z.i 27,·169,267 2,im 2,921,783 1882' 29,778,162 27,550,1!17 2,861 2,0l(l,Olli lSS:J 29,922,772 27,!361,981 2,826 2,588,700 lSSi - 29,2'25,9;i8 - l'.S,129,784 2,618 - 2,685,260 - - -<br />


on Drawback, or Jfreo or Duty.<br />


lfalt.:t Spirits.§ SUb"llr. Boor. Chicory. Malt. ·Spirits. Sugnr. Boor. Chicory.<br />

------------ --- ----------<br />

nushels. Gallons. Cwts. Barrois. Cwts. Bushels. Gu lions. C\\·ts. :Barrels. dwts.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 1,910,7tH 1,8G7,171 56,775,614 22,950,4!)1 30,180 12,920<br />

18il 1,747,181 2,030,2:?0 - 5i,160,917 2i,5C:J.~J3 25,(.M 12,(l(ll<br />

1872 1,781,797 2,21J0,878 -- 61,608,569 27,2711,510 55,0liO 9,562<br />

1873 1,91H,137 2,ii40,385 r.'3,496,785 2l),32:!,0S7 80,84:! fl,077<br />

18H 1,953,591 l,GSl,1·10 G2,817,2Uli :l0,321,!.J28 26,388t 5,480<br />

1875 1.741,692 l,359,6lll 63,015,676 80,659,013 6,198<br />

1876 1,676.U:il 1,621,806 66,155,llGS 30,li34,265 4,9311<br />

1877 1,791,737 2,010.091 6'1,170,185 30,361,163 4,051<br />

1878 l,ii:H,868 1,812,466 61-,6!.J:?,617 211,SS·J,951 3,632<br />

187~ 1,690,G.'36 2,3lll,143 - - - 5G,19.';,031i 28,509,850 - - 3,573<br />

1880 llI,Ull,118 2.718.658 •tH,089 1!3U,1Si,Oi2 29,0i7,303 *7,072,7·U 2,262<br />

18Sl 3,359,01-0 ~ li02,!Jl8 29,3!H,161 2.9·17<br />

1882 - 3,17:?,·12-'i - 526,:>81 - - 29,2.';l,71i4. - 27,023,616 2,'361<br />

'~""'""'!<br />

1883 3,0Stl,882 u3G,!JU ::!9,·l21.590 ... 26,828,


N'o. 19.-V ALUE of the TOTAL l:'ilPOUTS and EXPORTS of MERClIANDISE into and from<br />


(For Imports and Exports ef Bullion, see pages 98-103.)<br />

hlPORTS,<br />

I<br />

EXPORTS,<br />



lJritish Produce.<br />

~·oroigl\ Total<br />

YEARS, Proportion Vnluoot Pf9portion<br />

Total per and :British Total per<br />

llcnd of Proport!on and llcnd of<br />

Value. I>opulntion<br />

Total<br />

per Colonial Fore~n Value. Popnlntion<br />

·otUnitco~tlntion Procluco. Coloninl <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

or nited<br />

Produce.<br />

<strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

I<br />

YE..\.llS.<br />

2 £ 8. d. £ .e s. d • .e .e £ £ s. d.<br />

.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> . 303,257,493 OH 4 199,580,822 G 7 11 4-i,493,7G5 W,080.577 S.J.7,338,070 17 10 10 <strong>1870</strong>.<br />

1871 . 331,015,480 10 10 1 223,0GG,1G2 7 1 7 G0,508,538 283,574,700 Gl4,590,180 19 10 1 1871.<br />

1872 . 3G i,693,GS.i 11 2 6 25G,2~'1.3·i7 8 1 0: G8,331,487 314,588,834 GG9,2S2,458 21 0 () 1872.<br />

1873 . 371,287,372 1111 2 2U5,16i,603 7 1810 G5,84-0,1G2 ' 311,004,76G 682,292,137 21 4 {) 1873.<br />

18H . 370,082,701 11 8 s 230,558,121 7 7 9 58,092,343 297,GG0,464 00'/,733,165 20 1110 1874.<br />

1875 . S73,939,ri77 11 8 11 223,·1-0li,963 0 1G 0 58,140,360 281,012,323 6Gli,lilil,900 20 0 4 1875.<br />

1876 . 375,Ui,703 11 0 8 200,039,20.lr 6 t 3 G0,137,308 21l0,770,602 031,931,301i 1ll 111 187G.<br />

1877 . 39-&,419,682 1115 10 108,803,0G5 G 18 11 53,452,955 252,340,020 1>'6,765,702 19 6 D 1877.<br />

1878 . 368, 770,742 10 18 s 192,S.iS,OH 11 ~4 1 52,034,9·1-i 245,483,858 014,254,000 18 3 0 1878.<br />

'.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> . 3G2,001,87G 10 12 7 191,531,7G8 5 12 2 57,251,600 2-iS,783,30.lr Oll,771S,239 1718 3 <strong>1870</strong>.<br />

1880 . ·Ul,220,005 1118 7 2:?.'J,060,·UO 0 l) IS 03,SIU,020 280,414,400 G97,o+J,OS1 20 ·• 10 1880,<br />

1881· . 3!17,022,"89 11 7 4 23-i,0-22,078 OH 0 03,0GO,GD7 ~97,082,7711 004,lOli,~i 1!l 17 G 1881.<br />

1882 . 413,010,GOS 1114 1 2.fol,·lr07,lG'.? 0 10 10 GIS,103,552 300,000,714 711l,680,322 20 7 10 1882:<br />

1~ . ·120,891,1179 11.19 I) 230,701!,473 oa 8 OJ,037,1597 305,437,070 7~1', 128,0.i9 2011 :s 1803.<br />

1881 . 300,018,ISG9 1010 11 233,025,242 0 0 7 02,9,J2,S41 29:1,007,IS83 685,9SG,152 10 1 0 188~.<br />

,.....<br />

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J:J,425 2,553,562 3,618,337 3,571,139 3,890,492 •i,241,671 4,217,93i 3,U50,229<br />

2,329,319 2,019,227 2,37-J.,9-Hl 3,0:H,688 2,873,898 2,7GG,145 2,ll9S,i0i 2,332,911<br />

17,007 3.f.,639 43,5il7 10,4::;4 58,231 38,291 9,585 14,6i6<br />

774,01-0 .527,GOO 470,115 370,006 357,968 395,356 2i2,7·1'J 236,6SS<br />

;<br />

15,401,218 19,263,319 l!l,~1,873 19,920,451 19,947,105 21,S36,4fll 21,115,189 20,269,993<br />

28,065,G3J 38,·193,772 43,150,207 36,70!J,·119 35,127,617 :H,121,62·1 29,73·1,GS4 2S,950,a3.:3'<br />

Hollnml . {Itrports<br />

• Exports<br />

--Jnva&oth"J<br />

Possessions In:ports<br />

in the In· Exports<br />

tli:m Seas;·<br />

Jlelglum . {Imports<br />

• Exports<br />

France . , f Imports<br />

{Exports<br />

--.Algcri11.<br />

{Imports<br />

• Exports<br />

--Possessions {Imports<br />

in Scncgam bia Ex ports<br />

--Possessions {Imports<br />

in Imlia • Exports<br />

Portugal . • pmports<br />

Exports<br />

--Azore; nnd pmports<br />

Madeira .. :Exports<br />

Sp11iti . . : pmports<br />

• Exports<br />

--·Canary<br />

lands Is-{Imports • Exports<br />

-- Fcrn:imlo Po f Imports<br />

.Export11<br />

--West Inlia{Imports<br />

lslnnd!I ~ Export!! '<br />

--Philippine<br />

l!!lamls<br />

{1mports<br />

• Exports<br />

Itnly . . pm ports<br />

• Exports<br />

i<br />

14,315,717 13,!J70,03C 13,iOS,473 13,2i2,t.l-1 14,46-1,158 l·l,836,G-IB 16,602,15-J. 19,S61,:?5-.l<br />

17,303,8·!5 22,099,HJ. 2J.,3tl6,156 2·l,5i8,3SO 21,2S!J,635 20,113,787 18,70i ,SOO· 16,032,G26<br />

259,S.16 470,23-J. 738,2Sl ·13!l,163 1,311,939 1,4-12,GOi l,·i-10,860 l,!J:i5,586<br />

002,IH2 818,3().f. 771,822 774-,67:! 1,299,556 1,753,517 1,600,223 2,088,775<br />

'<br />

11,2·17,86·1 13,573,274 13,211,Q.W 13,075,180 15,MS,865 l 4,822,2-10 ] 3,848,293 12,888,774<br />

8,910,154 12;815,735 13,099,027 14,230,511 12,653,342 13,791,770 12,835,G-f.1 ll,75!J,S67<br />

:<br />

37,607,514 29;5.1:~.4S3 41,803,4-W 43,33!J,23l 40,518,571 40,720,101 41),304,85-1. 45,823,32,<br />

21,9S2,999 33,38$,360 28,292,·.t.15 30,19G,1G8 29,381),241 27,292,455 29,000,273 25!Gll3,602<br />

23i>,li71 4-18,807 358,618 4.18,7Sl 517,l•U 500,185 495,StS 562,120<br />

127,824 121,!J70 91,G5!) 65,5G5 48,182 163,217 212,075 275,020<br />

- - - - - - - -<br />

3,388 12,0iO f2,1G-l 18,450 21,613 19,G-U 19,882 33,lll5<br />

61-,284 G-.l,106 35,637 32,663 12,131 53,732 38,M9 4,S.!O<br />

- - - - - 7,332 18,086 11.i,119<br />

3,022,M8 3,SW,869 :J.,110,303 4,329,806 4,265,032 4,4-1-.l,071 3,301,071 3,770,705<br />

2,253,001 2,190,730 2,677,308 3,338,033 3,128,332 3,081,906 2,726,500 2,872,638<br />

309,'i!J7 45·1-,420 4~.289 331,288 418,2G9 340,300 44:3,510 312,138<br />

193,126 178,950 210,423 .!i22,144 37G,749 233,262 207,935 200,205<br />

0,067,018 7.'150,4-1:1 9,316,820 10,973,231 S,Mt,63o 8,660,953 8,763,146 10,842,097<br />

3,113,7!;1 3,083,011 4,309,307 4,527,817 5,030,17·i 4,20·1,190 4,796,49A 4,267,214<br />

431,707 601,113 431,118 4.'JO,S08 303,779 424,459 276,GG2 207,201<br />

250,356 214,550 2-U,505 252,873 223,499 216,ll52 159,379 lS.1,303<br />

30,005 !!?0,681 22,!l·i7 la,S93 19,138 27,li67 10,177 21,207<br />

23,012 '16,370 19,151 30,32-' 16,491 7,813 12,902 l5,IH7<br />

I<br />

5,362,330 2,632,095 11,231,MS G,10!1,259 3,7M,li87 3,068,770 2,9-13,385 '1,505,245<br />

2,820,411 3,214,5-39 8,475,280 3,154,337 2,322,001 2,097,72:? 2,572,378 2,715,lO!J<br />

1,197,945 1,391,254 1,.170,085 1,420,009 1,417,989 1,5t:0,1i00 1,.1-12,li50 l,755,93-i<br />

780,376 487,032 410,718 4.39,174 469,418 939,9S.'i . 730,630 l,31'1,160<br />

3,S13,605 4,02-l:,278 ~.150,101 S,831,00i 8,63-,,3110, 4,0.1!,6H 4,11l2,201 .J:,100,812<br />

6,203,277 7,6Q6,154 7,715,888 8,571,087 7,763,641 8,1G9,80•! 8,129,036 7,:U0,337<br />

I<br />

i<br />

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IMPORTS AND EXPOins. 37<br />

I<br />

I<br />

/<br />

t.o; the various Fomna~ CouNTnms n.nd BRITISH PossEssroNs.<br />

und Foreign and Colonial Produce.<br />

I 1878. 1879. I 1880. I 1881. 1882. 1883. I 18~4. I COUNTRIES.<br />

----- --1--1 £ £ '£ £ £ -£-<br />

I<br />

-£ -1--:=~---1<br />

12,3l2,193 11,063,llli<br />

I "'"'·'" 10,229,568 13,397,3G2 13,7!19,033 11,19CJ,297 Imports } Russia-Northern ,<br />

7,9i4,73'i. u,20:;,:303 9,U·i.30.6 7,875,\)·H 7,366,063 6,4:;9,993 6,435,219 Ei:ports Portl>, I<br />

5,·t.51,G59 ·1,813,170 3,532,Gtll 3,823,INS 7,G50,360 7,177,H!l<br />

1,183,\)95 1,-101,780<br />

5,110,lH<br />

1,553,211 Imports }-- Southern<br />

1,101,49~ l,2il,50:i l.109,890 1,153,307 E!ports l'orts. 9,127,397 83!!"7"3 10,9$9,000 10,o:a,o:a ll,71iS,635 11,S31,3H<br />

•l,32·i,333<br />

10,529,115<br />

3:u2s:os2 5,132,40$ 5,037,236 5,1.07,502 5,410,972' 5,=301,·129 Impo"' } S"oden and No« I<br />

Exports way.<br />

•i,5S.1,5l-i 4,075,090 5,285,767 4,011,999 G,2-1\),407 0,25i,!l'JS 5,2-tS,2·1-i Imports } Denmark Proper, I<br />

1,900,135 l,9S.1,7G7 2,317,573 2,·t.'ll,11.l3 2,·1-S9,182 2,597,807 2,000,G!ll E'l'"" •ntl Iocland.<br />

1<br />

59,i57 35,921 70,295 4.'3,221 100,050 4:J,09G 38,399 Imports }D ·I W tl d' 1<br />

253,150 2B,927 217,7U 193,149 20S,Hl 191,681 102,li96 Exportll ams I CS 11 ICS.<br />

23,570,830 21,001,890 2-1,355,419 23,650,285 25;570,985 27,907,626 23,G20,GS2 Imports } Germany<br />

29,1G9,Gll5 29,623,776 29,055,&H 29,276,914 30,52·Vl52 31,7.81,370 30,789,123 Exports •<br />

21,·105,591 21,959,38-i 25,909,373 23,022,98!> 21i,320,709 2:J,115,580 25.870,898 Imports } II 11 d<br />

H,676,125 15,452,752 l5,6:i-l,3Gl lli.272,429 16,252,1()-1 15,872,330 18,230,039 Exports 0 au ·<br />

1,850,0.!3 ·1,091,013 f-Java & othor<br />

1,78~,140 2,2.10,liS5 2,662,872 3,7·i-i,4:J.J, 3,185,li82 Imports Possessions<br />

1,GS0,032 1,657,·151 1,767,700 1,75!!,072 l,9GS,22.J. 2,305,170 2,330,27'i Ex11orts in tho Indian<br />

Seas.<br />

12,386,62li 10,72:J,'i39 11,253,0IH 11,510,388 H,932,0H lG,178,34:; 15,140,175 Imports } B , 1<br />

.<br />

11,35S,569 11,887,412 12,987,·1.10 13,537,145 15,117,213 14,755,012 14,780,522 Exports c gmm.<br />

41,378,890 38,459,096 ·.U,970,298 39,98-i,187 39,090,381 38,030,022 37,437,014 Imports }F<br />

26,G9:i,95S 26,558,333 27,990,959 S0,085,G61 29,71i8,427 29,409,335 20,339,·i-13 Exports ran co.<br />

357,352 ·151,2·16 7-il,453 750,SliS 0!!5,22-~ 879,793 s32;r;r,9 Imports } Al , .<br />

173,567 229,014 £99,898 292,000 32-1-,360 357,016 391,372 Exports -- gcria.<br />

S.10 6,119 4,030 lG,380 10,39-i<br />

3.'3,SiS<br />

17,SOS<br />

51,988 50,41-lr 78,032<br />

Imports }-- Possessions<br />

72,SSO 93,0!S 213,087 Exports in Scncgambia.<br />

488 0,845<br />

11\2 24,725 40,Si3<br />

26,SOS<br />

17,872<br />

23,976 i0,915 14,503 4,809 3,753<br />

Imports }--·Possossions I<br />

7,69S Exports in India.<br />

.3,319,908 3,025,228 3,702,501 3,357,012 3,676.0M 3.403,500 ·a,Oi2,517 Imports } p t 1<br />

2,0H,945 2,·127,118 2,003,:118 2,539,977• 2,367,979 2,37'!,li!lO • 2,387,16U Exports or uga •<br />

295,600 215,3.12 227,595' 206,280 223,033 lli0,069 173,701 Imvorts }--Azores nud<br />

.134,457 137,793 H7,733 141i,672 16;,.158 182,52!) 337,869 Exports l\lndcira.<br />

9,115,30·• 8,398,776 10,699,936 10,027,505 11,4SS,265 11,023,GG.'l 10,157,885 Imports} S .<br />

3,'i1H,73'i 3,758,717 4,078,507 4,:393,821 ·i,847,602 4,S70,2·J.3 •i,750,740 'Exports • pnm.<br />

328,10.• 3-10,683 428,320 346,700 2-U,082 1511,02(! 90,828 Imports } -- Canny Is·<br />

lUll,·iO.i 229,932 21i7,GS1 221,011 130,226 20-i,716 182,970 Eir:ports hml s.<br />

18,50fr H,771 13,923 5,601. 7,126 7,301 12,307 Imports } }' , d p<br />

9,0!>3 U,&Hi 8,429 12,738 11,258 10,507 13,723 Exports -·- crnnn o o.<br />

l,SO.i,872 2,929,826 1,7112,035 1,G2",4!lS 1,7GS,037 1,07!1,4!M 926,371 Imports } -- West Indht<br />

2,5-i.3,742 2,1311,8\JO 2,291,868 2,815,386 3,1a2,.rno 3,07M67 2,149,623 l!xports Is lauds.<br />

1,257,739 1,480,821 1,GS8,0G3 2,3-H,4M 2,307,117 1,070,076 1,143,195 Imports } -- Philippiuo<br />

854,601 612,883 1,328,482 1,li09,034i 1,330,140 1,248,013 1,002,720 Exports Jslnnds.<br />

3,21i2,·ill9 3,233,51).l, 3,3811,109 3,274,SSl 3,·iSl,325 3,392,'-Ml 3,167,!)'3 Imports } It 1 .<br />

6,·Ui,666 0,039,778 6,333,2-10 7,517,73·1 7,406,075 8,19l,S:!3 8,062,965 l~xports n ~ •<br />

9 2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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1<br />

Centr:il<br />

1<br />


V AT.UJ15 122,621<br />

H7,9W 320,980 M7,678<br />

138,411 277,766 2·1.'3,840<br />

58,979 67,486 89,084<br />

6,127,448 G.6!\8,426 9,450,249<br />

5,643,803 6,GS6,915 7,781,820<br />

999,925 1,231,993<br />

835,094 1,118,697<br />

l,4.q6,425 1,988,679<br />

2,428,182 2,541,0.17<br />

443,52·i 499,532 546,651<br />

899,538 1,371J,S73 1,322,876<br />

1,416,933<br />

1,918,9491<br />

1,902,889<br />

4,031,939<br />

3,828,225 3,798,861 5,51!1,783<br />

2,767,048 2,149,311 3,368,503<br />

4,881,075 8,971,00S 4,211,728<br />

·1,853,706 2,37G,G28 3,342,849<br />

1,363,999<br />

379,\).ll)<br />

339,002<br />

578,411<br />

1,0i7,2:13<br />

3,101,207<br />

97,772<br />

541,620<br />

318,161<br />

109,383<br />

7,399,974<br />

7,876,595<br />

1,270,723<br />

1,866,833<br />

2,604,().13<br />

3,810,2.>7<br />

4,70.i,195<br />

3,310,102<br />

5,219,572<br />

2,741,255<br />

1,120,SM<br />

17M7~<br />

3·U,·161<br />

459,964<br />

995,600<br />

2,5U2,156<br />

li0,545<br />

528,046<br />

297,405<br />

67,:370<br />

7,003,131<br />

8,046,150<br />

1,4.'37,288<br />

1,304-,156<br />

1,271,415.<br />

3,192,322<br />

4,700,510<br />

2,892,485<br />

4,liOl,218<br />

1,829,977<br />

721,1107<br />

9S0,716<br />

1,3CS,8S9<br />

Si5,59i<br />

4-13,~7<br />

71G,8S3<br />

962,20:i<br />

9-12,097<br />

37,1!)6<br />

765,419<br />

233,!lSO<br />

133,519<br />

7,418,605<br />

7,172,406<br />

GG2,132 'i98,~G7<br />

576,SH 1,071,715<br />

9S.i,772 1,330,361<br />

737,943 9i2,52G<br />

40:1,!!61 2l7,376<br />

378,3·12 39i,337<br />

681,91~ 472,021<br />

802,0UJ 927,·itiO<br />

5!,878 63,739<br />

697,821 633,710<br />

24l,517 185,791<br />

229,242 21i5,G18<br />

5,178,3SC 6,3H,91H<br />

6,236,366 6,·t05,9i 1<br />

1,208,590 sn,314 'i3 i,r.99<br />

75S,OIJ4 .1,0.U,810 1,131,536<br />

1,359,783 1,1164,029 1,699,376<br />

2,490,G0-1 -1,597,49S 2,181,033<br />

4,1!16,096 3,581,GllE 3,279,SOS<br />

2,343,950 2,065,190 1,611,lGll<br />

4,SSi.181 5,630,1170 4,696,502<br />

1,817,9Sl 1,169,4-il 1,421,031<br />

9,624,567 11,929,221 13,45-f.,326 -12,520,460 11,100,908 13,654,722 H,938,0.n 13,428,032<br />

6,303,?Ul 6,795,024 6,870,418 5,017,:JM 4,852,904 5,096,770 4,719,·i-19 4,611,231<br />

Jo.pan<br />

·{Imports<br />

Exports<br />

96,173 . 109,22-1 ·184,342<br />

1,777,293 1,746,419 2,146,1'>18<br />

561,390 573,136 377,791' 657,145 7lH,3!19<br />

l,SM,145. 1,364,127 2.593,862 2,1{11,48i 2,·160,1!7/)<br />

Western Coast off Imports<br />

Africat • - l~:i:ports<br />

1,721,632 1,942,21·1 2,005,017 1,808,ll09<br />

1,163,305 1,20S,9SIJ 1,329,695 1,SGU,711<br />

1,9-10,013<br />

1,176,785<br />

1,727,705 1,679,760 1,625,1103<br />

1,027,420 1,235,{122 l,·J.28,252<br />

Other Conn t ru . s • {Imports 1,037,023 1,111,276 1,920,357 1,576,532<br />

Exports 613,166 598,868 020,896 936,873<br />

I T.OTAI!. of' FOREIGN {Imports 238,425,0801258,071,002<br />

1,387,039 l,674,946 1,613,070 1,800,Dl3<br />

726,086 . 885,784 893,893 1,0:?9,773<br />

--------------1-----1---------------<br />

1<br />

275,320,771 2~,277,250!287,919,8112 289,51:S,606 200,822,127 30i,8G5,68·1<br />

! (!ovnnrna • Exports j 188,6SD,210i'2S,013,400l~'8,97D,Gt6 -~··""°''j'ID,140,.,. ~61.001 ,312 1'6,6!0,1" 116~'3,S:O<br />

1<br />

• Wnllnchiil nnd lfol


the variou~ Fom:aoN COUNTRIES and BRITISH PossESSIONs-Continued.<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881.<br />

----<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

1,005,857 1,GSS.002 1,430,949 1,390,001<br />

l,OS9,372 1,017,015 828,971 892,:167<br />

1,763,0!H 1,861,196 1,·iSS,462 2,162,500<br />

1,130,206 l,OSl,·137 918,038 1,277,570<br />

970,555 1,373,002 1,461,836 2,7G8,S22<br />

l,000,·i75 1,097,432 1.199,262 l,·126,524<br />

4,77(),103 3,473,461 3,8H,2SO 4,170.037<br />

8,301,778. 'i,705,fi!).1 7,239,689 7,3:!9,033<br />

6,1-15,421 8,890,052 9,190,589 9,317,!116<br />

2,261,175 2,208,lOj 3,17li,060 3,340,283<br />

391,369 151,270 350,661" 2·1-0,051<br />

:361,506 31·1,598 300,738 :>23,039<br />

89,H!l,170 91,SlS,295 107,081,2110 103,207 ,!'29.<br />

17,531,904 25,518,789 37,951,192 36,783,0-17<br />

507,082 t82,759 628,071 l;!)l,·135<br />

859,!J.13 765,259 1,283,080 1,6SM51<br />

96S,4SS 1,385,940 1,338,926 1,197,126<br />

766,118 7·13,527 681,338 967,088·<br />

187,307 104,239 187,212 113,797<br />

2~i,020 158,101 lil9,695 397,383<br />

932,036 ·926,tl.ft 833,439 1,372,137<br />

1,018,917 904,296 1,074,012 1,232,873<br />

98,349 1U,8M 19S,80·f. 20!l,GU<br />

483,451 470,185 436,835 490,581<br />

299,78-i 1123,172 647,3.'U 290,851<br />

210,410 297,343 367,655 200,817<br />

4,650,485 4,749,816 5,200,670 6,340,41-i<br />

6,1D9,211 5,\)SG,008 6,915,419 6,914,319<br />

&H.066 371,990 6!).~.603 465,497<br />

l,035,H5 967,803 1,·Uli,~6 1,416,025<br />

1,099,938 828,305 880,628 5$j,.&l8<br />

2,393,801 , 2,137,537 2,rm,215 3,4H,67Z<br />

1882.<br />

£<br />

2,0l·j.,523<br />

1,118,067<br />

1,849,597<br />

1,223,638<br />

4,973,901<br />

1,027,639<br />

~.831,703<br />

6,370,874.<br />

'i,796,092<br />

2,620,419<br />

277,465<br />

345,666<br />

88,352,613<br />

3S,70S,6J3<br />

579,170<br />

1,957,516<br />

1,545,842<br />

771,224<br />

72,925<br />

256,14-i<br />

1,120,370<br />

1,088,392<br />

263,029<br />

474,101<br />

227,630<br />

2-i9,73i<br />

6,482,14-J,<br />

7,325,319<br />

836,819<br />

1,484,638<br />

1,234;249<br />

:i,265,48C<br />

1883. <strong>1884</strong>. CouNTUIES (Cont.)<br />

-------<br />

£ £ FOREIGN-cont.<br />

2,337,896<br />

l,tH5,260<br />

1,843,238<br />

1,103,631<br />

Imports } Austrian Torrlto-<br />

Exports rios.<br />

1,905,6:15<br />

1,442,45.Jr<br />

2,015,277<br />

1,34-1,666<br />

Im1iorts } Greece<br />

Exports •<br />

3,516,4-12 3,131,926 Imports } Ro . •<br />

1,402,·141 1,020,82-1 Exports um:uun.<br />

5,465,299 li.460,20.1 Imports J k<br />

7,410,005 7,0Sl,250 Exports Tur ey,<br />

10,00S,659<br />

3,'i01,·i92<br />

9,701,459<br />

3,083,350<br />

Imports}<br />

Exports Egypt.<br />

27l>.05-i<br />

316,809<br />

262,84-i<br />

372,:>0S<br />

Imports }<br />

Exports Morocco.<br />

99,23S,9GO SG,278,541 Imports } . ,<br />

36,732,506 32,738,533 Exports Umtcd States.<br />

728,755 700,500 Imports J .<br />

1,620,252 1,083,153 Ex;>orts l\Iex1co.<br />

1,117,414<br />

860,350<br />

1,305,090<br />

924,912<br />

Imports } .<br />

,Exports Central America.<br />

121,237 153,972<br />


-~~~~~~~~~--,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......,...~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />


VALUE of 'fOTAL IMPOUTS from, and of 1'oTAr. ExPonTs to,<br />

COUNTRIES (Cont.) <strong>1870</strong>. lSil. l&i2. 18i3. 18i4.<br />

18i5. : l8i6. L~~<br />

BnITISII PossEssIO~s:<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

£<br />

£ £<br />

Channel Islands<br />

f Imports<br />

"lExports<br />

457,389 509,110 612,SSl 1i51,009<br />

916,138 972,432 Stil,695 863,430<br />

650,211<br />

982,656<br />

707,3C9<br />

791,178<br />

676,085 72M81<br />

756,115 739,122<br />

Gibraltar •<br />

fimports<br />

"lExpo1·ts<br />

59,67:$ 78,879' I0•,116 92,905 82,364<br />

830,120 1,138,9231 1,27i,021 l,298,SI7 1,23-1,030<br />

111,965 4!1,!1181 70,038<br />

1,111,203 1,207,Ml 936,711<br />

Malta<br />

{ Imports<br />

• Exports<br />

119,573<br />

1,156,982<br />

I<br />

167,~iS<br />

857,117<br />

188,017 301,668<br />

973,563 l,13!l,'i63<br />

285,098<br />

99i,7i4<br />

233,669<br />

85!!,970<br />

213,7riS<br />

1,0:i!l,669<br />

2SG,·1Sl<br />

!!87,2-15<br />

North American flmports<br />

Colonies • • l Exports<br />

8,511>,S(l.l 9,291,7971 9,130,919 11,727,851 11,858,909 10,212,624 ll,Ci23,782 12,035,!JGS<br />

7,584,427 9,111,701 11,324,187 9,3i3,776 10,210,985 9,GS:?,189 8,025,lll9 8,256,0il<br />

Wr:st India Islands f Imports<br />

and Guiana • lExports<br />

5,940,271 6,979,S.13 6,445,27-i 6,475,392<br />

3,6S1,07S 3,297,039 3,681,701 3,576,566<br />

6,188,'i49<br />

3,5:!0,24!)<br />

7,326,040<br />

3,2i5,072<br />

r.,894,331 G,9:V-.57S<br />

3,202,lSi 3,138,183<br />

British Honduras·; Imports<br />

lEx1>0rts<br />

96,022 lGG,037 175,818 200,869<br />

170,305 182,0'26 16.J.,29:i 161,191<br />

100,483<br />

16M71i<br />

203,136<br />

138,006<br />

227,896 193,557<br />

12:i,30S 130,l!JS<br />

Australin •<br />

• {Imports 14,075,261 U.520,1·13 15,625,800 17,262,706 18,517.710 20,559,154 21,961,929 21,732,338<br />

Exports 10,735,481 11,113,714! 15,4S2,7i6 19,225,636 20,GGS,\l!!S 21,224,620 ll.l,470,0G3 21,503,533<br />

British India { Imports 25,090,163 30,737,385 SS,682,166 29,890,802 :n,198,446 3~,13!,295 ~0,025,02-i Sl,224,76:!<br />

• Exports 20,093,7'19 19,012,807 19,180,806 22,313,988 25,J:l4,912 2,,,c;9.,,119 1 23,Gi6,S9S 2G,618,S96<br />

The Straits Settl8,487 3,717,465 4,120,915 4,297,285<br />

1,962,377 2,315,300 3,~93,301 4,IU5,967 4,70-2,069<br />

4,478,000<br />

5,31i0,412<br />

4,iu2,416 4,275,398<br />

4,683,GGS ·i,502,739<br />

West Africa Set· {Imports<br />

tlcmen~s • • Exports<br />

101,476<br />

31Q.Q!l-1<br />

142,200 89,599 86,5.'il.<br />

291,12_2 398,GG7 351.l,836<br />

129,8Si<br />

420,296<br />

139,851<br />

327,ll2S<br />

132,828 176,111<br />

2-l!J,366 322,-129<br />

The Gold Coast<br />

• U~E~~;<br />

300,469<br />

421,072<br />

399,654 •s86,746 •sSG,85·t.<br />

477,168 •.wo,612 •420,1173<br />

•459,955<br />

.624,6().i<br />

•Mfl,639<br />

•651-,083<br />

•l;!)],958<br />

•669,766<br />

0 l P . . {Imports<br />

t 1er esscsinons Exports.<br />

51,009<br />

200,890<br />

47,957 6S,272 59,9l8<br />

184,110 228,694 263,961<br />

262,225<br />

483,156<br />

334,662'<br />

330,165<br />

316,755 301,967<br />

309,4SO 288,157<br />

-----·-··----·-----·----··------·---·- -----<br />

TorA.LofBRITISII{Imports 6!,832,413 72,944,418 79,372,853 81,010,122 82,162,839 8•,423,971 84,332,676 89,553,!l'J8<br />

POSSESSIONS • E1ports 55,391,332 55,601,294 65,609,218 71,147,707 77.!ll0,028 76,655,011 70,149,889 75,752,150<br />

l===l===I==== ---------------.---<br />

TW'o~i~i~ffsB~~n Imports 303,257,493 331,015,-iS0,354,693,624 371,287,372 370,082,701 373,009,5771375,1M,703i3!1-MW,682<br />

314,li88,83yll,OO.J.,765 297,650,464 281,612,323 l250,776,602l252,S.16,020<br />

~:s~si~~ .Pos-5 Exports 244,0S0,677 ~3,57~,'100<br />

1<br />

• Including Dutel! Pos~cssions ou thu<br />

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) I<br />

~/<br />

I I<br />


41<br />

. .<br />

the various Fo~EIGN· COUNTRIES a.ncl BnrT1s11 PossESSIONs-Continucd •<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. COUNTRIES (Cont.)<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ IlRlTISII POSSESSIONS:<br />

726,305 737,793 810,·1S5 71i5,801) 'S.lll,051 80M23 868,51)3 Imports } CJ" l l<br />

73.'J,874 813,166 8H,791l 8·l6,271l 787,480 76!,3!)J. 804-,333 Exports tatmo Is auds.<br />

3h685 35,969 41,275 21J,·U8 32,719 39,211 22,820 Imports } G'b ,<br />

'i78,056 'i31l,665 829,673 795,9~ 830,759 800,770 7116,372 Hxpo1·ts I rultar.<br />

176,910 lS.i,891 201,010 169,797 155,593 151,578 176,0:>2 Imports } i\I 1t<br />

1,371,310 95i,05-1 1,010,0'JO 1,137,189 1,194,160 1,15\l,2&1 1,H6,282 Exports a a,<br />

:),530,832 10,4-lj,691 13,3SS,9SS 11,300,818 10.398,850 12,283,727 11,039,729 lmports } North American<br />

7,033,.196. 6,118,862 8,516,019 9,307,3-U 10,682,li12 10,109,596 9,686,737 Exports Colonies.<br />

6,149,993 ?,066,269 6,571,474 5,695,626 6,529,658 4,SSi,583 4,923,$51 Imports } West India Islands<br />

2,891,0G3 2,9-ii,5lj 3,2-19,693 2,900,400 3,.166,954 3,752,5-15 3,391,736 Exports and .Guiana.<br />

182,495 223,001 189,827 202,99G 239,4SG 219,006 282,500 Imports } B ·i· 1 II ,<br />

122,006 08,6:?2 112,887 1H,.U8 125,7·J.S. l·.U,836 121,127 Exports ri 1s 1 onuur:is.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

20,8:>5,021 21,00.1,410 25,GG3f'3.'H 26,975,381 25,lH,588 25,936,201 28,310,697 Imports } \ · t T<br />

21,52:;,549 17,951),705 18,748,09'2 23,982,.iOl: 28,.150,'ilil 26,839,·190 26,80·1,7·10 Exports ~us ra ia.<br />

27,470,473 24,698,213 30,117,980 32,629,4.15 39,921,127 38,882,829 3·1,·1-18,132 Imports } B ··r 1 1 d"<br />

2J,6j!J,167 22,714,682 3:?,028,055 31,052,963 30,581,860 33,382,786 32,06:?,109 Exports u is l n ia.<br />

2,536,958 2,565,361 3,G97,62·J. 3,781,157 ·i,580,4{19 ·!.

42 IMPOR'l'S.<br />

No. 21.-QuANTITIES of the PRINCIPAL AnTICL'Es (entered<br />

ARTICLES. <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

I<br />

Animals:-<br />

"'<br />

Oxcu, Bulls,<br />

und Calves<br />

~ows~} lvo, 202,172 21$,011 172,093 200,802 193,802 203,GSi 271,G70 201,193<br />

Sheep nnd Lambs - "<br />

069,905 917,076 801',822 851,110 758,911i 985,GS2 l,O.U,.129 87-M55<br />

Ilacon and Iiams - - Owts. 507,161- 1,093,838 2,001,855 2,987,229 2,M2,095 2,038,875 3,181,569 2,820,482<br />

llcef - - - - "<br />

215,748 302,079 228,912 2GO,G5i 261,721 215,581 413,351 678,505<br />

I Doncs,exceptWhalcbono Tons 90,088 100,857 111,692 79,559 92,158 104,971 95,G-iS 112,195<br />

1 Urimstono - • - Cwts. 1,003,360 935,131 1,001,021 913,673 l,O·i-i,110 1,117,'iS.1 876,490 1,085,0H<br />

j Bristles • . . . I.lJs. 2,497,122 2,915,837 3,008,095 2,409,697 2,60.1,374 2,G:>S,t\96 2,514,231 2,653,160<br />

Butter and llutterino • Owts. 1,159,210 1,33.J,783 1,138,0Sl 1,279,560 1,619,808 1,7,989 102,196,23-i 9i,401,347 92,997,836 107,s~,552<br />

~·"T"'·'"·'"<br />

I 1---------·----<br />

Cott-011, Raw - . - 11,958,035 15,870,248 12,578,006 13,639,2!12 "<br />

13,989,SGl 13,32-1,56! 13,284,·iM 12,11!0,725<br />

l>rugs:-<br />

Durk, Peruvinn • . ., 22,039 21,().iS 28,451 45,727 ·!2,172 30,531 20,0'21 :J.i,900<br />

Opium - - - LlJs. 37i,6GS • 591,·100 356,211 400,469 lil4,S72 530,2{)1 4-00,303 OIT7,3G2<br />

Dyeing or Tanning Stuffs:-<br />

Cocltincal, Granilln,}<br />

•nnd Dus - - .. 47,790 IHi,429 39,132 42,203 39,393 40,941 30,440 32,09}<br />

Cutoh and G:i.mbicr • To11s 2·1,9!16 30,&!6 26,777 29,512 21,032 2S,S1~ 26,50·1 32,018<br />

Indigo - . • Oiots. 79,255 100,307 87,320 87,233 85,707 59,608 88,722 60,G-!O<br />

Madder, :Mndder}<br />

1t-Oot, Gnrancinc, .. 211i,513 277,095 281,:n6 212,010 266,363 12S,OS7 71i,211 ·iS,15!)<br />

and l\Iuniect . -<br />

Shumnch . - Tons 14,431 16,481 14,014 13,782 16,.514 H,686 12,707 13,·IOO<br />

Ya.lonia - . . "<br />

25,781 27,9!19 32,·IBl 28,977 26,336 2-i,·13' :J.!,923 2!l,9S!l<br />

UnemnntJmtod, en-} Cwti<br />

tered by qun.ntity ' 708,030 810,929 l,25i,S!S 881,00S 859,609 1,009,286 1,209,818 1,2G2,827<br />

Dyo Woods - - Tons 89,907 e2,N3 '13,325 li2,WS li9,.J.94 8-1,412 59,070 Gl,75S<br />

Eggs<br />

- . . . No. ·130,842,240 ·100,473,000 631,5!ll,720 660,47·1,000 OSO,liti2,280 Hl,22:1,560<br />

71i3,026,Q.IO 751,185,GOO<br />

I Feathers Ornamental • Lb1. 1,7,4.'JO 172,.6()2 177,102 212,SOD 278,705 200,0001<br />

32·J.,61S 301,3iS<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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y Quantity) lMPORTEO into the UNITED KINGDOlI.<br />

IMPORTS. '13<br />

1878. 187!).<br />

I 1880. \ 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. ARTICLES.<br />

253,462<br />

Animals:-<br />

~m.768 389,72~ 319,374 313,000 ·liU,750 425,5()7 No. {Oxen, Bulls, Cows, nnd<br />

Cu Ives.<br />

892,12!) 9H,888 9-11,121 935,1-U 1,12-l:,391 1,U0,115 9i5,

·tl<br />

IMPOlt'rS.<br />

QuANTITU.:S of the PRINCIPAL AHTICI.ES (enlerecl<br />

- .<br />

ARTICms-Cout. <strong>1870</strong>. um. 1872 •. 1873. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

I I ~ I<br />

l~ish . . . ·Cw/$ • 768,576 605,330 671,11)2 718,17-i ilOl,4-0

IMPORTS. ·15<br />

by Quantity) IMPORTED into the UNITED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.<br />

I 1883.<br />

---<br />

ll\):S,933 1,100,140 1,3-13,434 1,530,219 1,239,217 1,295,75·.t.<br />

1,278,906 1,433,0:14 1,530,459 1,410,177 1,015,Mi 1,203,822<br />

1,219,612 1,170,080 1,248,634 1,389,851 1,313,398 1,.~2-1,693<br />

4,242,382 4,759,~ 4,038,890 4,928,805 G,937,&12 7,385,028<br />

1,087,260 1;148,512 820,i40 1,189,830 1,012,102 1,020,G&i<br />

450,32\l G85,5SS 395,290 508,608 51.$,911 558,30\l<br />

3,430,176 3,133,059 3,658,799 3,835,103 ·i,22M2i ·l,477,013<br />

3,93S,2il 4,219,951 5,133,432 4,015,691 5,000,801 ·i,912,·1-00<br />

1,222,0SO 1,HS,021 1,275,980 1,283,119 1,339,.t.U 1,377,932<br />

177,793 77,0U; 80,497 50,50:> 41,952 7-1.221<br />

256,150 273M2 289,521 398,1-1-0 376,070 3SJ,23-l.<br />

32,912 51,·UO 65,856 OS,445 72,930 03,800<br />

7,000,009 10,072,700 13,M0,019 10,05!l,5i0 1G,!J.i5,Giu 13,34'~ 1822<br />

1,1131,!ll» 1,011,!l!ll 1,241,788 1,011,32(} 1,190,GG7 1,190,840<br />

108,834 202,705 195,987 147,559 3Hl,G20 12!:1,900<br />

008,(}05 &10,819 927,512 SM,322 607,103 853,Ml<br />

59,M2,7G2 45,719,732 60,248.600 00,.'!58,422 75,217,79·~ 7·M'te,260<br />

12,725,250 12,752,91H 17,4'G9,180 15,058,104 19,383,600 20,0l!l,570<br />

145,981 153,2&~ 149,010 178,256 201,319 2i2,S'V<br />

439,000 567,877 655,800 57MS2 G00,581 010,400<br />

136,057 133,9i0 145,475 147,190 152,008 1G3,781<br />

858,04-0 99i,960 79i,800 690,0,0 765,000 7Gl,9i0<br />

1,173,411 1,0$5,().15 2,632,001 2,·ISO,G98 3,2!H,9-1G 3,191,073<br />

·102,811 us.ran 120,021 111,511 139,229 122,895<br />

2,10\l,885 2,246,387 3,108,870 3,506,926 3,4.U,310 3,SSO,o76<br />

100,141 102,089 95,M9 93,G~9 87,853 101,715<br />

S3!!,SS5 235,200 389,l\67 406,200 ·i-85,737 521,045<br />

32,722 33,003 33,301 40,070 ·~l,870 40,792.<br />

324,151; 809,425 33:1,5-U 380,067 303,478 407,391<br />

32,1157 34,366 49,GSG 38,173 57,002 61,262<br />

20,656 20,1~ 15,231 18,030 15,\ll.5 17,150<br />

670,797 881,329 1,032,823 820,891 813,870 749,422<br />

92,915 199,991 318,·154 248,412 138,782 210,SH<br />

20,615 26,198 20,26-0 29,801 23,·t.liO 31,0ll3<br />

12,863 15,865 10,75i 17,102 14,507 l0,52·i<br />

3Z4,145 257,232 271,69\l 2SM92 35S,O\li 350,138<br />

201,325 217,1~ 2-il,157 221,190 l90,427 256,082<br />

2,169,"80 1,89:S,S70 :?,2:iU,S9i ~.701,010 3,114,-llH 2,087,t;S9<br />

<strong>1884</strong>.<br />

1,330,422<br />

1,339,811<br />

:!:13,1)85<br />

1,317,2113<br />

5,0SI,3G8<br />

1,202,&U<br />

Gll,870<br />

4,9.U,535<br />

5,001,7GO<br />

l,·1-H,523<br />

·18,3·i7<br />

3!30,018<br />

62,713<br />

16,900,020<br />

1,217,747<br />

2li0,7i7<br />

099,827<br />

76,e75,!J71<br />

17,!J.17,lSS<br />

521,GGG<br />

450,000<br />

186,GW<br />

8·U,700<br />

2,730,82\l<br />

115,4S6<br />

3,702,440<br />

10\l,016<br />

li21,·!91<br />

47,658<br />

·1-01,00i~·<br />

09/331<br />

1MS9<br />

8·U,012<br />

2·U,399<br />

17,213<br />

12,528<br />

462,039<br />

269,S.~<br />

S,OS7,..00<br />

ARTICLEs-Co11 i.<br />

Oicts. }'ish.<br />

..<br />

..<br />

..<br />

..<br />

..<br />

..<br />

Fln:t and Hemp:<br />

{Flax, Drcs~'l!{l n r.l\Un·<br />

clrcs~ccl •<br />

{Tow or Codi lln of<br />

Flax nud llc1 np.<br />

{ llcm1> n111l oth er liko<br />

Substnuercss c

45 DIPORTS.<br />

QuANTl'fIES of the PRINCIPAL .AnTICJ,F.S (entered<br />

·------------·----- -----------------------------<br />

AnTIOLEs-Conl. <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 18i5. 1876. 1877.<br />

Paper, for Printing or} Owls<br />

Writing • ·<br />

-- Other (exec1it '\<br />

Hangings)• • • f "<br />

Petroleum, Unrefined • Galls.<br />

R-Oflned ,,<br />

Pork • • ewes.<br />

Potatoes·<br />

Pyrites of I_ron_ or.} 1bns<br />

Copper<br />

Ra~s and Paper.making<br />

1\lnterials :-<br />

Rags • • • ..<br />

Espnrto and other}<br />

Mat~ials • "<br />

Rice, not in the Husk • Cwts.<br />

- in the Husk • • Qr.t,<br />

Rosin • • • • Cwts.<br />

Saltpetre • • •<br />

---Cubic Nitre •<br />

Seeds:-<br />

Q.lover and Grass<br />

Cotton • • • Tona<br />

'Flax or Linseed • Qrs.<br />

R.'lpC • • • "<br />

Silk J{nubs or llusks,} Cwt.t<br />

and Wnsto • •<br />

-nmv • • • Lbs.<br />

- 'l'hrown •<br />

Skins nnd Furs:­<br />

Goat, Undressed<br />

Seal<br />

Sheep and Lamb,}<br />

Undressed • •<br />

Furs of all Sor~ •<br />

Spiees:-<br />

Cim~nmon • •<br />

Pepper • •<br />

Of all other sorts<br />

• No.<br />

'I L,b.t.<br />

• II<br />

173,010<br />

507,270<br />

6,352,10!)<br />

257,014<br />

'171,903<br />

411,512<br />

22,209<br />

110,320<br />

4,0i7.4GS<br />

{;8,178<br />

778,032<br />

295,538<br />

1,132,G-17<br />

213,779<br />

120,301<br />

1,490,695<br />

5,;1,107<br />

31,360<br />

6,307,575<br />

283,723<br />

u ,,885<br />

4::i3,8G2<br />

8,526,074<br />

290,llrl<br />

517,835<br />

26,008<br />

15h3:i7<br />

4,586;122<br />

OM80<br />

'/J0,1142<br />

329,501<br />

l,4.'11,520<br />

S.f:0,50-J<br />

172,163<br />

l,310,U7<br />

065,452<br />

38,08i<br />

8,253,335<br />

177,380<br />

20:1,1no 105,153 19'2,153 187,l>G-1 25!),510 23!),!)10<br />

729,030 225,MO M5,S76 353,808 475,27'!. 8!>l,35G<br />

5,670,074 10,·t.35;800 20,817AS5 19,0Si,131 24,725,!l05 33,·17·1.055<br />

218,200 28!),6!)5 322,574 2136,flG:J 378,607 303,73.J<br />

G,!)87,4-29 7,GU0,615 3,!)86,662 4,600,132 G,023,!)30 7,06'1,SIO<br />

517,620<br />

115,157<br />

7,033,361<br />

27,417<br />

919,4114<br />

307,()3.J,<br />

1,59-1,197<br />

290,8411<br />

167,00,<br />

l,5U,947<br />

2W,5-'9<br />

33,800<br />

'1,3'2,083<br />

63,001<br />

520,:rn<br />

16,2!!9<br />

ll-i,423<br />

6,IH0,318<br />

18,772<br />

955,789<br />

330,lili9<br />

2,407,407<br />

276,782<br />

207.038<br />

1,415,038<br />

2i6,.'l28<br />

31,815<br />

6,·t.lS,213<br />

108;i9·t.<br />

4!)$,037 537,555 50·!,7&2<br />

17,2,4111 23,007,727 27,576,710 26,321,828 Ul,IJ.18,118 2!1,3DU,020 2S,91i7,070 28,G-13,635<br />

8,807,980 11,161,101 13,061,741 10,674,049 12,371,371 15,(Jj7,282 14,495,600 15,SOO,IH3<br />

------------------ ------<br />

S11irits:-<br />

Itum • • • Pf, Gal.!. 0,015,117 7,526,800 6,537,273 6,aa1,311 8,lG0,372 8,810,(l5.l lO,;Ul5,S35 7,!)20,150<br />

Ci,228,568 3,505,295 6,·188;486 3,378,057 4,00U,ll!l3 7,913,092 2,962,697<br />

Brandy .. • .. 11 7.912.005<br />

Other ForelSll ·and} 2<br />

Colonial Spirits • " • 403 1,001,028 1,701,812 1,082,430 2,285,112 3,200,651 9,782,058 2,s:;0,2·16<br />

,oso<br />

---------- ------------------<br />

Total or Spirits<br />

17,2Gl,012 H,717,080 ll,N·J,410 15,0U7,227 13,813,!Hl l0,0S7,208 21,0D0,4Sli 13,733,093<br />

~ ,.<br />

-----------------------------<br />

Sugar, Refined, nnd} Cd<br />

Sui;nr Cnudy<br />

-·- Ra\V.. • • H<br />

-- 1\lol~SCl! • • "<br />

0 It.<br />

1,710,110 l,Gl0,949 1,720,302 2,273;·190 2,717,406 2,800,776 2,700,414 3,429,853<br />

12,7DS,031 12,120,508 13,770,600 H,2·U 1<br />

828 14,130,Ml 16,21U,711 15,612,214 10,020,IJ.H<br />

705,111 028,1~ 69B,0111 520,815 338,552 7GS,410 -408,4-lil 208,261<br />

• The quantity o.\l1not be given before 18!:12,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

lM:POR'rS.<br />

by Qunntity) bIPORTED into the UN1T1m KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. AnTICtEs-Co11t.<br />

222,IHS 238,088 215,987 189,879 188,111 207,645 208,-ilO Owts { J>n~c~, for Printing or<br />

• ' r1t111g.<br />

- - - - 910,007 952,•159 1,238,925 {-- Ot11ar {except<br />

"<br />

llnngings).<br />

79-1,808 477,030 GO!l,336 865,872<br />

} 59,G9:i,982 70,526,996 52,075,789 {Galls. Petroleum, Unrefined.<br />

20,·1-00,718 42,803,255 38,18i,035 58,371,SSG ,, ----Refined.<br />

389,430 ·i-U,209 ·109,267 381,li26 290,587 376,899 337,525 Cwts. Pork.<br />

8,745,S.'38 0,357,179 9,754,514 4,034,673 2,900,709 li,140,509 2,44!,lGO .. l>otatoes.<br />

J<br />

679,261 481,392 658,017 542,378 G2i,700 GOl,288 563,073 Tons {Pyrites or Iron 01'<br />

Copper.<br />

Rn~s nnd T'npor·mnking<br />

Maturialis :-<br />

18,771 17,928 29,G!2 26,773 21,200 28,513 3G,233 .. Rags.<br />

165,lGS 189,778 2:?8,580 238,107 251,594 288,M9 2G0,5-J.1.<br />

{ Esparto 1111

A1tTIOLES-Co11t.<br />

lMPORTf;.<br />

QuAN'rrrrns of tbo PmNCIPAI, ARTIOLES (cntei·ccl<br />

is10. j_1s1i. _1s12.!__ 1_s_1_s_. _, __ 1_s_i4_._l 1s15. j 1s16. ! 1s11.<br />

-----·-- ----i-<br />

TnUow nud Stcarine • Cwl•. J,532,531 1,491,931 1,02S,4ill 1,0!lM'1 1,11;;,•13 007,300 1,3->I, .. ,, ,,,.,,.,,<br />

Tea - - • - Lbs. Bl,020,7Gi l69,89S,303 IS.1,927,HS· 163,765,269 Ul2,7S2,810jl97,505,316 185,636,371j187,515,2&1<br />

Cow, nnd Sen Horso . w,o WJ "' .~ "I ,UV J<br />

1"'1 ,.. wiil I<br />

w,·w~<br />

Teeth, Eloplumts',Sea} Owls 1 "90 1" 7n• 11 2J 13 "cs 13 SJ 16 °58 1" ~ss I l" ""'<br />

Tobncco6~:'::'.IN:'d} i;o,, .,'"·"' ,..,~,., "·"""', ,..,,,,., •• .,2,liSll s.o».•01 o,s1s,os2 j '""·'"<br />

--Unmnnurncturcd .. "'·"'·"' 73.0GM05 '5.&l0,700• 81,382.733 76,17G,21', 49,913,539' 7~81~97· 74.$2.0181<br />

Wil.:o • Gals. 17,77·1,782 1S,2:H,900 19,660,127 21,('.S2,356 lS,23-i,072 18,4~.305 19,9:i0,723 19,5GS,S07<br />

Wooll nnd Timber:-<br />

Hewn -<br />

J<br />

- ·Load$ 1,430,17·~ 1,658,894 1,789,576 2,(Vi7,982 2,446,525 1,695,022 2,169,3i6 2,0SS,459<br />

Snwn or Split . .. 2,926,131 2,857,777 3,003,9S3 3,43-i,160 3,841,011 3,305,390 4,118,192 4,GS3,451<br />

Staves • . .<br />

"<br />

71,673 83,002. 66,277 85,91)5 125,054 92,G72 129,216 116,869<br />

1\fnhogany - . ·Tons 32,732 20,335 33,920 53,330 M,674 80,701i 52,461 GS,600<br />

Wool,-Sheep, Lamb,}<br />

Alpaca, nnd tho Lbs.<br />

IJluma Tribe • •<br />

2G3,250,409.3'23,036,21)ll 300,379,00.i :nS,036,770 344,470,897 365,065,G78 300,055,7GO 409,940,198<br />

Woollen Rags . ·Tons 17,210 24,2lll 20,302 24,827 25,G81 25,415 28,847 33,408.<br />

Woollen and Worsted Ynrn :-<br />

Dcrlin Wool and}<br />

Yum used tor Lbs. 611,013 '46-i,058 423,503 32G,259 G33,320 727,214 • SU,878 976,().14<br />

Fnncy Purposes -<br />

Yam for Weaving ,, 0,683,402 11,665,465 11,706,427 13,169,662 13,131,SllO 11,700,928 12,009,902 12.~.~2<br />

Yeast, Dried • . • Cwt8. 128,0.n 133,741 140,101 147,226 153,811 102,G25 16M92 178,007<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPORTS.<br />

--<br />

by Quantity) !MPOU'l'ED into the UNITED K.rnGnou--Continued.<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. AuTrcr.ns-Cont.<br />

921,203 1,174,007 1,316,379 1,192,070 l,U6,G81 1,038,277 1,114,SSS Owts. Tullow nnd Stcnrino.<br />

2!»,872,899 1S1-,o76,.172 206,971,570 209,801,522 210,663,133 222,262,131 213,877.709 Lbs. Tea.<br />

14,635 9,·114 13,·135 12,377 9,381 13,li07 10,100 cwts. {'l'ccth, Elcslmnts', Sen<br />

Cow, 11.11 Sea Horse.<br />

3,809,163 3,591,li58 3,502,928 3,08-1-,51)0 -1,0S6,!i20 3,121,17·.I: 3,165,336 Lbs { Tollacco,l\fonufacturcd,<br />

' Cigars 11.nd Snuff.<br />

89,250,023 38,861,220 li9,li71,9i3 4S,19:i,897 36,071i,370 li6,471i,199 li3,li3M07<br />

"<br />

- Unmnnufncturcd.<br />

1G,-152,li38 lli,162,857 17,3Sli,40G 16,297,033 15,715,813 15,u59,795 15,106,271 Gals. Wine.<br />

1,C.S6,662 1,381,115 2,130,5-11 1,871,llG6 2,022,GliG 2,152,SGS l,!)53,!)30 Loads. Hewn.<br />

3,635,546 3,256,232 4,116,7·19 3,673,407 ·1,198,311 4,315,622 4,0.11l,·fili<br />

'<br />

"<br />

Wood and Tim\Jcr:-<br />

Snwn or Split.<br />

SS,000 S·i,IH2 103,536 118,GSS 126,051 Hl,41i2 13·1,9JS Staves.<br />

"<br />

4-i,227 ·15,lM I 41,34!) •12,•U2 3o,.17S li0,158 62,836 To11s Mnhoguny.<br />

399,.fr.19,·135 417,110,09!) 4G3,li08,003 450,Hl,'135 •1SS,ll81i,057 41l5,IJ.1-0,77D li26,li26,661<br />

{Wool,-Shecp, Lnmb,<br />

Los. Alpnca, nnu tho<br />

Llnmn '.Vrillc.<br />

32,376 33,309 41,266 35,265 37,511 31i,'iG7 31,022 To11s W oollcn Uags.<br />

1,028,550 887,233 '11i2,700 61:2,922 938,SlU<br />

.<br />

Woollen nnd Worstc(l Yarn:-<br />

{Berlin Wool nnd<br />

951,221 1,091,q20 Lbs. Ynrn usc

1MPORTS.<br />


Animals: Oxen, Bulls, Cows,}<br />

and Calves -<br />

--- Sheep and Lambs •<br />

Bacon and Hams<br />

Beef<br />

Bones, except Whalebone<br />

~rimstonc<br />

Bristles<br />

Butter and Butterino •<br />

Candles of nll sorts<br />

Caoutchouc<br />

Cheese •<br />

Chemicnl Manufactures and (<br />

Products • • - -)<br />

Chinn, Porceliiin, and Earth-}<br />

en ware • • •<br />

Clocks<br />

Cocoa<br />

Co ff co<br />

Confectioners. and Succudcs •<br />

'Corn, 'Vl1eat<br />

--Barley<br />

--Oats<br />

--1\Iaizo<br />

--Otl!er kinds<br />

-- Flour, of Wheat<br />

----or other kinds •<br />

Tqtal ofCQm<br />

Cotlon, Ra\v<br />

--- l\Ianufnctures -<br />

Dl'llgs: Bark, Peruvian<br />

Opium<br />

Uncnumerahid<br />

Dyeing or Tanning Stuffs:­<br />

Cochineal, Granilla, and}<br />

Dust • • •<br />

Cutch and Gnmbicr<br />

Extrncts •<br />

Dyes from Conl Tar :}<br />

Indigo<br />

'!llnddor, 'Mnddcr Root,}<br />

Garnncino undMunjcet<br />

Slmmach •<br />

Yalonln.<br />

Uncnumcrnted<br />

Dye Woods<br />

Eggs<br />

Fcnthers, Ornilmontal •<br />

Fish<br />

Colt·<br />

PUTBD<br />

VALUE.<br />

lSiO.<br />

£<br />

3,147,061<br />

1,151,373<br />

1,7G9,2U<br />

461,521<br />

629,019<br />

386,060<br />

300,767<br />

6,793,S77<br />

376,li32<br />

1,5!'17,628<br />

3,274,331<br />

496,51·~<br />

16:>,129<br />

2:>8,628<br />

371,997<br />

4,942,700<br />

128,59-i<br />

----<br />

16,20.t.,027<br />

2,831,8$5<br />

4,381,607<br />

5,790,550<br />

1,498,043<br />

S,383,751<br />

19,822<br />

---- ----<br />

M,169,685 ·l2,G91,46-i<br />

----<br />

53,477,755<br />

1,185,257<br />

218,565<br />

~'H,138<br />

IHl,811<br />

581,956<br />

468,388<br />

32,671<br />

2,721,208<br />

707,193<br />

228,431.<br />

395,!i46<br />

809,460<br />

48~,780<br />

1,102,080<br />

250,631<br />

768,3.'\7<br />

I Sil.<br />

---<br />

£<br />

3,582,501<br />

l,7S9,82G<br />

2,725,909<br />

035,SliS<br />

659,416<br />

303,GGS<br />

399,155<br />

6,939,010<br />

S06,685<br />

1,68~,281<br />

3,:t.J:l,400<br />

851,7G7<br />

202,374<br />

373,43-i<br />

39-i,632<br />

5,3!»,511<br />

128,390<br />

------------------- ----<br />

23,31&,883<br />

3,399,5{)8<br />

4,1G7,6i5<br />

0,468,863<br />

1,8181130<br />

3,·198,008<br />

20,307<br />

55,907,070<br />

1,444,004<br />

!!85,976<br />

ti90.158<br />

405,096<br />

719,624<br />

511,095<br />

29,616<br />

2,937,224<br />

865,51\'2<br />

206,G17<br />

+i8,45S<br />

C08,770<br />

333,252<br />

1,263,612<br />

378,119<br />

711)295<br />

No. 22.-VALUI~ of tho PmNCIP .. H, nucl OmER<br />


1872. '18i3. 18i4. 18i5. 1876. 18i7.<br />

------<br />

.£ £ .£ £ £ £<br />

2,G76,379 3,354,().13 3,200,·WO 4,885,462 4,860,440 3,817,499<br />

1,006,87-i 1,822,53i l,610,3::i5 2,185,750 2,22G,9a2 2,107,460<br />

4,18$,981 G,215,230 5,902,·129 G,982,470 8,611,329 6,889,35-l·<br />

420,2:>8 ::illl,8lu 523,326 4:>4,337 943,580 1,6S0,3ll2<br />

753,185 li3!,53l 633,535 701,715 G23,371 741,899-<br />

335,219 301,002 351,655 3S7,462 282,079 317,a2S-<br />

51'1,809 402,829 420,481 419,203 422,492 396,74-1-<br />

G,028,474 6,9:>5,26i 9,0~,025 8,502,08i 9,718,226 0,543,332<br />

40-i,230 381,Gi6 416,25-i 395,256 290,4GS 4i8,G59<br />

1,762,259 1,746,095 1,32,6,605 l,5i0,558 1,536,660 1,48-i,79-i-<br />

3,031,{)77 4,001,456 4,483,927 4,709,508 4,237,763 4,771,393-<br />

91.'3,722 934,646 l,020,G35 1,05M2G 1,ilG,620 1,0!i6,4G6<br />

263,389 382,Si'l S70,0i3 382,45i 399,033 3G5,11U<br />

438,031 428,028 400,712. 40-i,796 446,955 513,387<br />

467,144, G00,432 031,892 429,{)12 ti59,7SS 5GS,717'<br />

G,257,403 7,230,351 7,00l,'l8S 7,513,053 6,377,829 7,7GS,928<br />

209,452 215,188 342,605 375,073 li45,967 G00,476:<br />

20,1'69,185 28,538,716 25,236,932 27,510,"69 23,178,011 33,885,437.<br />

6,191,000 4,013,572 G,291,287 4,635,M-i 3,747,685 5,396,019'<br />

4,201,492 ~.799,839 G,116,732 5,406,7GS 4,620,450' 4,09'2,879'<br />

8,G91,192 6,616,991 7,482,720 8,119,957 12,7G2,0'J2 9,854,512!<br />

1,851,580 1,820,377 2,169,383 2,4S2,Gll9 2,620,281! 2,450,377<br />

4,087,639 5,849,852 5,685,076 4,870,257 4,741,515 6,SOS,982•<br />

33~G21l 02,434 68,072 60,907 14?.~99 148,116'<br />

---------- ---<br />

-----<br />

51,228,816' 51,737,811 51,070,202 53,086,691 51,812,4a8 03,536,322;<br />

53,380,670 Gi,70J,!H7 50,G96,496 iG,259,822 M>,180,880 35,420,852<br />

1,488,897 l,5li3,559 1,-i70,439 1,280,485 1,Sl0,759 i,764,802'<br />

285,620 41i6,05G 442,2U 374,150 272,UH ~02,169<br />

301,50.'J .J-11,309 ti67,7ra 501,2'.!3 ~IJ.1.,03i li&i,483<br />

469,899 33-J.,377 427,938 433,675 ti23,193 481,501<br />

ti09,60j 535,691 478,761 49'2,976 Ms,8$5 402,089<br />

576,195 ()8.J.,188 523,7()0 741,255 610,645 703,{)05<br />

45,339 G5,0.U 63,4~9 147,399 117,202 io5,317<br />

2,482,347 2,433,712 2,153,732 1,618,8li3 2,130,568 1,637,866<br />

931,223 605,672 797,122 413,·170 239,71» 128,Gl2<br />

220,333 209,381 261,747 2·10,343 215,253 22i,802<br />

558,207 524,490• 550,2.,2 622,0i9 628,852 668,497<br />

1,07-1,DOO 830,820 815,700 008,372 1,142,371 l,llif,320<br />

397,650 2!.!·i,596 360,316 605,073 592,9U 383,310<br />

1,762,600 2,359,022 2,·'33,134 2,559,860 2,620,396 2,473,377<br />

·il9,7$3 537,·'62 602,958 713,199 ~78,477 873,11)2<br />

8511,0-12 1,003,236 981,{)50 ],266,577 1,4150,974 1,010,2ro<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

--,<br />

IMPORTS.<br />

lH<br />

AnTICLES I:oitPOH.TKD into the UNITED KINGl>OM.<br />


1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883.<br />

<strong>1884</strong>.<br />


£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

5,0S0,702 4,639,·131 7,793,llGO 6,251,577 6,G55,51l0 9,332,2'12<br />

2,171,00! 2,252,824 2,266,436 2,191.762 2,558.827 2,518,&82<br />

8,669,310 8,880,~23 10,9S5,Gi2 10,729,945 7.772.063 10,030,326<br />

1,766,362 1,ll37,428 2,42-i,9~ 2,663,526 1,785,162 2,8tH,397<br />

5$9,397 432,EH2 525,997 413,916 436,558 617,748<br />

2U,237 20~,589 250,695 2U,700 292,462 2i2,226<br />

39!,576 Ui,388 308,212 351,·iSl 411,825 453,726<br />

9,951-,053 10,379,451 12,141,034 10,8G6,151 11,350,909 11,773,933<br />

3;7,220 300,010 35S,6S8 428,292 286,393 187,388<br />

1,313,209 1,626,290 2,387,917 2,251,618 2,754-,692 3,652,817<br />

4,916,686 3,82-~,017 5,091,514 5,2-15,115 4,749,870 4,890,400<br />

!l92,751 889,838 1,139,335 1,386,977 1,519,201 l,5~9,929<br />

4·10,962 43Z,6M 46.9,563 ·5:H,813 !i9G,202 603,410<br />

561,592 Gi:J,441 555,018 481,·f.50 526,691 4GS,G6-lr<br />

'687,285 1,0S9,4l7 868,183 773,527 G97,419 75'3,762<br />

5,blS,431 7,089,loO 6,861,130 4,761,369 5,201,536 4,936,16::i<br />

510,712 50:;,430 600,610 719,742 7·1"1,568 741,6-19<br />

2;..l33 ,.U.i 31,468,171 30,621,711 31,531,535 34,259,126 31,45-lr,481<br />

5,?H2,503 4,SO·M69 5,011,1G9 4,067,706 5,529,6$7 5,741,795<br />

4,?157,665 4,400,927 4,93M68 3,776,862 4,601,176 ,5,010,293<br />

12,59:>,402 9,818,001 11,163,080 1M08,302 6,530,GM 10,370.074<br />

1,609,504 1,74S,45S 1,988,12-, 1,721,432 1,796,951 2,207,397<br />

6,78.i.,197 8,501,949 8,706,109 9,205,219 10,G62,4:'>9 12,3-W,778<br />

542,lGO 422,862 432,in8 145,712 159,3()2 493,M9<br />

59,004,875 61,261,·!.37 62,857,269<br />

---<br />

60,856,768 . 63,539,3\5 67,62~.367<br />

33,1119.549 36,180,MS 42,772,088 43,SM,M7 46,G54,fi70 45,IU2,200<br />

2,006,8.i.8 2,28tJ,599 2,529,552 2,501,288 2,415,9h 2,S.lr0,46,<br />

867,376 970,333 1,183,361 1,814,501 1,790,220 1,423,516<br />

435,lSS 432,710 358,613 622,305 350,150 563,·UO<br />

~7.500 691,HO ~65,887 851,989 836,152 1,123,874<br />

359,836 367,911 427,111 355,1)2-lr 255,508 153,254.<br />

564,oso 476,383 656,SGl 707,-125 603,0(13 710,721<br />

128,6N 48-1,880, 682,299 701,826<br />

371,417<br />

f 415,700<br />

473,1112<br />

386,623<br />

1,1183,191 1,903,401 1,712,095 2,343,214 2,ll05,8U 2,455,00S<br />

·lr3,321i 20,551 24,:J.16 28.'12 33,207 28,420<br />

2.'U~~S 170,002 145,005 160,458 166,IMS 215,298<br />

1$52,855 M2,IH9 520,0M 398,-i81 520,361 484,228<br />

1,456,772 709,365 713,0sS 582,030 730,645 85-i,327<br />

~.0.183 433,178 635,3M 5H,563 432,218 522,739<br />

2,511,096 2,295,720 2,235,451 2,322,800 2,385,263 2,732,055<br />

1,002,002 1,146,211 1,367,128 1,322,255 1,0:>7,S.l:O 2,011,026<br />

l,5'1,8.10 1,652,957 1,6613,710 2,33~,605 2,0j0,181 2,301,006<br />

A 17643.<br />

£<br />

8,271,020<br />

2,149,70-1.<br />

8,74-0,881<br />

2,798,475<br />

531,928<br />

193,00.lr<br />

·i7MOO<br />

12,5-1:3,455<br />

256,865<br />

2,2i2,499<br />

5,001,63;;<br />

l,50!,021<br />

550,600<br />

437,009<br />

793,173<br />

3,750,413<br />

906,565<br />

19,001,71»<br />

4,220,411<br />

4,191,791<br />

7,297,823<br />

1,919,019<br />

10,163,783<br />

367,00'<br />

18,061,625<br />

14-1,485,889<br />

2,23ll,SGO<br />

!l05,499<br />

3U.371<br />

786,300<br />

tl4,0S1<br />

821,018<br />

416,5fH<br />

5M,880<br />

2,483,981<br />

31,070<br />

165,631<br />

521,C21<br />

780.~28<br />

532,153<br />

2,910,493<br />

2,101,583<br />

2,!)-i8 1 SOO<br />

Animals. {Oxen,. Bulls.Cows,<br />

• anu Calves.<br />

--- Sheep and Lambs.<br />

:Bacon and Hams.<br />

Beef.<br />

:B1mes 1 except Whalebone.<br />

Brimstone.<br />

Bristles.<br />

Butter nnd llutterine.<br />

Candles or all sorts.<br />

Ca.outchouc.<br />

Cheese.<br />

Chemical Manufactures and<br />

{ Products.<br />

Chinn, Porcelain, nud Eni·U1·<br />

{ enw.ure.<br />

Clocks.<br />

Cocoa.<br />

Coffee.<br />

Confectionery aml Succacles.<br />

Corn, Whmt.<br />

-- Barley,<br />

--Oats.<br />

--lfoizo.<br />

--Other kinds.<br />

--Flour, ofWl1eat.<br />

-----or other kinds.<br />

Total of Com.<br />

Cotton, Raw.<br />

--Manufactures.<br />

Drugs: :nark, Peruvian.<br />

Opium.<br />

Unenumernl-Od.<br />

Dyeing or Tanning Stulfs: -<br />

fCochinenl, Gra11iU11, unll<br />

l<br />

Dust~<br />

Cutch anll Gambler.<br />

Extrncts.<br />

Dyes from Col\l Tar.<br />

Indigo.<br />

}fodder, Madder Root,<br />

{ Garnncino & Munjl)(lt.<br />

Shumaoh.<br />

ValQnia.<br />

Unenumel'l\ted.<br />

lJye Woods.<br />

Eggs,<br />

Feathers, Oruamental.<br />

~ 1 li;J1,<br />

D<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

52 1:\-IPORTS.<br />


COl!•<br />

l'UTBD<br />


V.u.un.<br />

A1tTICLES-Co11tinued. ..<br />

<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. I<br />

---------<br />

Flnx nnd Hemp:- £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Flax, Drcsse

1<br />

IMPORTS.<br />

53<br />

ll1ronT1m into the U:nTED Krnaoou-Continued.<br />

-·<br />

DECLA.Ulm VA.LUE.<br />

18i8. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883.<br />

<strong>1884</strong>.<br />

A1n1cLEs-Contin11e1 l.<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

3,069,78~ 3,2-i2,·'55 3,5-H,2a 2,893,479 3,186,469 2,G22,·UG<br />

4SS,OOO 433,785 643,6i7 6U,9.l7 li20,861: 472,721<br />

1,878,749 1,636,357 1,781,730 2,091,1)30 2,141,359 2,385,217<br />

3,236,8:?5 3,257,-1,97 4,018,SOO 3,!l73,58i 4,311i,!ll7 4,liZ.S,429<br />

527,832 471,M:; 463,109 497,GU li00,931. 452,82-l.<br />

l,4Ui,179 1,·i75,42S l,072,!l:!6 1,G31,355 1,351,03!) 1,423,062<br />

712,00S 1,005,628 728,!)31. 1,010,3H 1,027,820 1,057,031.<br />

1,419,5i!l l,317,961 1,·1-03,019 1 .. Jm.562 l,659,3G7 l,';M,826<br />

1,70},091 1,7-16,936 2,231M73 1,718,007 2,199,15S 1,93-1,41,0<br />

2,050,1:!3 1,574,179 1,776,·l.72 l,GH,2U 1,67!l,325 1,GOS,892<br />

1,806,573 70"'148 810,177 4!ll,327 3SS 1 i67 72.},GOS<br />

855,lij 90:i,028 ~,123,134 l;n5,7-19 l,22-i,05S l,233,082<br />

300,565 411Ml7 527,872 002,900 li39,8H 476,SSl<br />

752,009 743,615 1,233,S:i5 7-15,457 1,4U,3i3 1,051,982<br />

76,555 81,301 lOi,902 128,090 W8,103 130,52G<br />

3.-l09,0G5 2,01(),577 3,879,582 3,213,119 3,74-MSl 3,802,862<br />

631,567 1,217.U3S 900,891 69:5,297 2,9G2,G31 1,089,2-iG<br />

412.536 :m,ow •17-i,HO 527,403 G03,65G GIJ0,925<br />

1,787,87-i 1,420,881 1,852,160 2,197,100 1,SGG,3GO 2,247,0lG<br />

3,914,GGG 3,.is.i,093 4,lill,699 4,801,691 5,272,GG:i 5,466,399<br />

1,300,633 1,286,030 l,7·i2,59~ 1,502,000 1,927,6~2 1,9~9,4.$7<br />

428,004. ·U0,726 •1.2!),073 510,551 674,076 808,528<br />

1,315,701 1,690,099 1,00:;,717 l,G37,lil.5 1,~3,520 1,753,S·i2<br />

2,01-1,770 2,260,83-i 2,582,33-i 2,427,761 2,G09,S36 2,036,208<br />

2,739,785 . 2,921,710 2,571,072 2,100,383 2,5~2,393 2,4.13,703<br />

1,162,sill 1,0:'i0,167 2,789,029 2,349,ill 3,0G3,091 2,750,870<br />

1,01$,132 878,357 1,2B,626 l;BQ,r.09 1,!100,457 1,236,735<br />

1,709,().iG 1,721,701 2,425,522 2,5~,823 2,~74,SDS 2,870,813<br />

1,817,729 1,531,03$ 1,562,959 l,388,109 1,2GG,999 1,305,388<br />

529,785 72i,515 633,360 GSS,176 750,079 1,030,1»2<br />

l,(Hl,02'} ·1,143,005 1,736,000 • 1,873,472 2,:;3g,i;n 2,4:12,0:;o<br />

610,021 563,612 030,$39 755,006 708,877 &i0,302<br />

385,868 340,4-'3 387,921 4H,S13 300,11.16 ~.206<br />

610,015 51).t,509 706,$78 739,323 89!1,71l2 870,SH<br />

513,507 521,770 743,8U. 50~,006 7~6,428 872,17!l<br />

810,891 !i80,30-i 477,357 578,003 531,003 60-i,740 530,805<br />

1,167,161 l,3!-•,7SS 1,519,701 1,202,571 l,2-ro,866 1,315,559 1,408,753<br />

201,073 393,005 !il.0,238 369,779 2~0,0lH :!65,716 3!lll,28S<br />

1,028,757 ~.170,021 !l07,30S 1,220,1!50 0-17,15• 1,198,935 '115,96-i<br />

467,375 508,975 517,813 535,878 476,807 39M89 SSS,HS<br />

358,000 290,.'37 378,838 408,105 Gl.0,099 1)55,002 560,li33<br />

1,626,0jO 1,G31,277 1,9i2,S3.li 1,76Mll9 t,.160,,'l78 1,937,4'3 I 2,040,217<br />

·iH,OSi 450,019 53-,,357 5ll7,662 Ci27,78l ~,152 532,007<br />

I<br />

£ l~lax and llomp :-<br />

2,728,29:; f 1 lax, Dressed a:td Un.<br />

dressed.<br />

388 84" { Tow or Codilla of<br />

• ~<br />

l•'l:i..'t and llemp.<br />

f llomp and other 1<br />

2\1)'> • lO> I SuO.tnn= If•<<br />

~.<br />

I<br />

Jute), Drcsse 1<br />

Undressed.<br />

3,5Si,033 -- Jute.<br />

332,2'6 Flow...,, A>tlflcial.<br />

1,603,786 Fruit, Currants.<br />

874,867 --Raisins.<br />

1,776,057 --Oranges and Lemon s.<br />

2,131,952 -- Raw, exclusive of N<br />

1,615,716<br />

4i0,025<br />

1,140,7i5<br />

462,7·16<br />

1,299,030<br />

104,601<br />

3,881,3-10<br />

1,615,309<br />

030,890<br />

1,535,123<br />

5,·U7,997<br />

1,672,892<br />

1,026,Q.11;<br />

Glass of all 15inds.<br />

Guano.<br />

Gum of nll sorts.<br />

Gutta Percha.<br />

~uts.<br />

}fair, Goats' Hair or 'Vool.<br />

{--1\Ianuracturcs of H<br />

and or Goats• W ool.<br />

ai!·,<br />

Rides, Raw, Dry, and Wet<br />

Hops.<br />

Lace and Articles thereof.<br />

Lard.<br />

Leather.<br />

J,cather Gloves.<br />

1,471,874 l\[eat, Salt-Od or Fresh.<br />

l,31).},665 r--l'rcsen·ed, other th nn<br />

Sn.lied.<br />

l\lctals:--<br />

3,175,006 cv:11erOroand Rugul us.<br />

nwrought aml pa<br />

2,329,175 { Wrought, nnd 0 Id<br />

rt<br />

Copper. ·<br />

2,lU,600 Iron Oro.<br />

1,165,!).iS Iron in Dars.<br />

Iron nl\11 Stc cl,<br />

2,693.422<br />

{<br />

Wrought or Mru lll•<br />

factured.<br />

l,222,32:i Load, 1 ig nml Shcot.<br />

1,0119,768 Silver Oro.<br />

2,123,700<br />

Tin in mocks, Ingot It,<br />

{ Bars, or Slabs.<br />

700,15i Zinc, Crudo in Cakes.<br />

390,157 --·.Manufactures.<br />

815,188 ~usical Instrument~<br />

{Nuts 111111 Kornols, used i<br />

expressing oil thcrcfrom. 01'<br />

Oil, Fish.<br />

-·Palm.<br />

-Cocoa Nut.<br />

-·Olivo.<br />

-Seed.<br />

-Turpontlilo.<br />

011 Seed Cnkc.<br />

Onions, Rl\w.<br />

D 2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

~<br />

54 DIPOR'l'S.<br />

A1tTICLEs-Continucd.<br />

PUT Coll· ED<br />

I<br />

VALUE.<br />

V AI.UE of tho PmNClPAr. nnd OTHER ARTICLl!:S<br />

DECL.\UED VA,LU~ •.<br />

<strong>1870</strong>. 1~71. 1672. 18'i3. 1874. 18i5. 1876. 1877. t<br />

------ - -- I<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ .c I<br />

l'nintc1'S' Colours nnd Pigments ·1-15,S!JG ·15.1,·i!ll liW,666 548,327 589,716 708,133 '133,522 759,552 l<br />

Pn11er, for Printing or Writing 4-15,613. 40G,91{; Gi8,S37 IJ93,2C9 510,0i7 412,739 631,143 ti9S,S2·1 !<br />

--Other (cxccptllungiugs) 232,·US 2iG,018 S93,3i3 ·171,7-19 507.StO S93,317 583,'119 621,676<br />

Peb·olcum, Unrefined • . 27,511 2-i,551 :N,271 12,836 31,011 9,i06 15,952 11,222<br />

---Refined . . 50i,761 589,.tG6 398,201 9i9,IJ05 962,3ii 76M15 1,415,33-1 l,7Go,2S.1<br />

Pork . . . . 799,508 693,000 417,377 61-1.014 701,4'35 ll90,:J56 810,739 GOS,2·19<br />

Potntocs . . . 2·1...'i.306 225,0GS 1,610,515 2,120,15-i 1,03i,S35 1,0i0,W6 1,'14-0,'1·19 ·2,S.IS,749<br />

l>oultry, r.nme, :md Rabbits • 158,·lS2 174-,518 217,526 257,389 270,26-1 328,0H 297,018 319,!J<br />

Rosin . . - . 373,918 330,991r ·192,2-.W 4il,G08 415,857 Ss0,335 313,007 307,685<br />

Saltpetre . . . 381,392 4l!l,099 40MS·i ·13!,Gl5 338,769 2Si,280 238,053 298,285<br />

--- Cubic Nitre . SSl,OSO 1,131,700 1,220,411 1,i67,131 1,271,·i-1.'1 1,98$,-126 1,893,767 !J57,828<br />

Seeds, Clover nnd Grass - 603,293 927,0Gl 7.ro,81:1 661,332 5S9,26S 722,723 i;()().j,021 923;-1-19<br />


DI PORTS.<br />

5.)<br />

btPORTED into lho u~nmn KINGUO~r-Contiuued.<br />


j 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883.<br />

I -<br />

I<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

711),740 7-1S,G35 822,157 83J,2i!I 870,23i 826,978<br />

551,136 415,271 450,352 313,·139 331,928 312,SiO<br />

(}10,663 572,360 709,21H 795,501 870,977 003,021<br />

21,216 13,5!1 12,889 15,369<br />

1,191,110 1,3GS,9!l3 1,296,390 } 1,721,0W<br />

1,937,0i5<br />

2,170,293<br />

659,462 691,362 GSl,192 631,551 5S3,797 761,871<br />

2,336,143 2,696,8$:; 2,817,027 1,097,512 997,120 1,585,260<br />

403,02·1 ·132,289 ·i21,IH5 ·i!ii,5:;3 501,00S 591,81)5<br />

1,336,().!7 1,050,5-15 1,522,721 1,202,2$1 l,·122,GSi. 1,356,083<br />

235,215 27·i,S36 451,782 300,2H so:J,3.19 4\Ji,922<br />

1,145,331 1,285,GSfi l,M2,903 1,627,SS7 l,7Si,078 l,!H-3,732<br />

} 3,200,SiS 3,480,351 3,755,19\l 3,673,GS.I. 3,29i,C>91 3,175,.126<br />

276,912 328,021 336,787 :H9,·i-12 4-01,296 400,!l38<br />

29-i,SSO 290!39'2 302,105 281,306 350,711 286,187<br />

1,547,351 780,410 701,-193 81H,90·1 1,270,352 1,170,606<br />

726,35:i 755,S.'J3 58?,423 616,624 755,231 752,888<br />

1,484,615 1,44!l,541 1.s~8.ow l,'183,109 1,002,852 1,839,510<br />

4,00S,456 ·f.,095,122 4,2SO,·iG9 ·i,380,620 5,2l!i,513 4,786,!)03<br />

1,563,865 761,679 805,095 763,311} 1,032,829 l,():;2,714<br />

392,569 479,399 750,456 757,71l6 li88,3ll9' 800,783<br />

3,680,117 3,3S.J,995 3,130,656 2,400,051 2,792,059 2,57ii,125<br />

49,636 119,385 252,361 140,957 351,253 303,919<br />

<strong>1884</strong>.<br />

£<br />

796,137<br />

317,713<br />

l,OS5,7:l.'J<br />

1,711,313<br />

620,071<br />

821,20:;<br />

6i0,609<br />

l,2'1-i,871<br />

·JSi,SGG<br />

l,633,56i<br />

2,679,101<br />

373,5-10<br />

306,113<br />

9i9,261<br />

w7,,1174 009,nso· 936,101 938,·186<br />

127,112 111,(US 00,757 121,361 103,281 06,252<br />

375,536 272,458 3!l8,0S7 ·16-i,009 582,67·.li 839,003<br />

505,GiS 544,583 761!,850 528,575 Mti,499 601,4i7<br />

-<br />

593,09'2 llSIS,252 528,8211 485,GSll 'H!l,637 556,829<br />

1,414,753 2,155,M3 1,337,997 1,053,21\l 973,()72 1,010,821<br />

381,109<br />

---------------<br />

2,()77,2()1)<br />

-----<br />

314,182 259,942 229,301 2M,558 303,477 MIJ,018<br />

2,322,027 3,000,737 2,096,123 1,803,462 2,026,186 1,914,568<br />

6,2Si,()(ll<br />

l,!152,398<br />

2,747,614<br />

10,984,073<br />

461,502<br />

597,830<br />

1,027,915<br />

l,167,25i<br />

86,003<br />

82-i,374<br />

464,1>28<br />

628,182<br />

1,007,918<br />

Silk 1\lnuufaotures :-::-<br />

Brood Stuffs.<br />

Ribbons.<br />

Other :Mnuufncturc s.<br />

Total of Silk Mnm!_£nct urc~.<br />

Skins and Furs :-<br />

Goat, Undrcs11c~.<br />

Seal.<br />

{Shce/z and Law b, Un·<br />

resscd.<br />

Furs of nil sorts,<br />

Spices, Clnnnmon.<br />

--Pepper.<br />

--Oran other so rts.<br />

Sphits, Rum.<br />

-Drandy,<br />

{--Other Fore! ~ and<br />

Colonial Sp' ll'i~.<br />

Total or Spirlt.i;,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

56 IMPORTS.<br />

VALUr~<br />


AnTIOLES-Co11tinued.<br />

Sugar, lt-0fined nnd Sugar}<br />

Candy - •<br />

C~>ll- I<br />


l'UTED<br />

VALUE. --<br />

<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 187.Cl. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

------<br />

£ .£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

2,7+i,SG6 2,965,823 S,142,703 3,847,271 4,172,113 4,338,166 4,118i166 11,7w.,2a2<br />

--Raw . . . 14,440,002 15,220,474 18,Q.14,808 17,066,026 15,$:}7,617 17,210,137 16,333,811 21,SSlMl<br />

--:\lolasscs . . 379,347 Sl0,2Si 350,741 245,766 181,7-il 420,4-19 2M,099 141,315<br />

'fallow and Stearine . . S,321,827 3,134,531 2,848,164 3,152,413 2,331,479 2,045,863 2,875,170 2,568,479<br />

Tea . . . . 10,097,619 11,635,~H 12,933,143 ll,372,!i95 11,532,800 13,766,961 12,697,204 12,480,'i 40 -<br />

Teeth, Ele~innts', Sea Cow,}<br />

and Sea orse • • •<br />

439,839 341,205 348,693 506,629 576,915 772,371 605,752 675,()93<br />

Tobacco, Manufactured,}<br />

Cigars and Snuff •<br />

488,913 862,236 1,145,lGO 1,283,538 1,326,001 1,191,607 1,314,912 968,182<br />

--- Unmanufactured . 1,680,140 2,-'62,670 1,liGS,882 2,618,799 2,647,618 1,769,007 2,675,890 2,494,355<br />

Toys . . . . 238,879 259,G.'38 825,2·12 305,036 291,257 392,H!J 428,79-Jr ·i-14,829<br />

Watches . . . 872,420 469,414 351,199 407,253 474,119 451,197 450,067 504,164<br />

Wine . . . . 4,817,294 7,072,099 7,718,$.iS 8,267,326 6,863,4()5 6,801,0Ui 6,993,899 7,138,966<br />

Wood and Timber:-<br />

Hewn . - . 4,Ml,119 4,670,828 5,209,802 6,722,689 7,SS.t.,209 4,859,322 6,297,615 5,862,278<br />

Sawn oi: Split . . 7,5Si,839 6,509,84-i 7,607,480 10,565,310 12,llOS,653 9,218,576 11,539,805 i3,178,172<br />

Staves . . . 658,782 604,6'5 623,627 856,083 935,375 614,050 856,753 738,928'<br />

Mahogany . . . 261,858 281,893 875,790 617,910 639,901 737,550 446,858 480,155<br />

Wool-Shecfi, Lamb, Alpaca,}<br />

and the L ama. Tribe •<br />

15,812,598 17,926,639 18,523,350 19,Ml,678 21,116,184 23,437,413 23,637,809 U,567,312<br />

Woollen Rags . . . 400,326 498,754 ISM,329 468,556 M7,399, 1100;.02 660,260 760,256<br />

Woollen Manufactures . S,362,656 4,637,625 4,038,666 S,846,662 3,973,811 4,308~357 4,920,711 5,235,948<br />

Woollen and Worsted Yarn:-<br />

Berlin Wool and}<br />

Yam used ror ra.noy<br />

purposes • •<br />

123,984 81,883 83,010 119,lM 107,471 1-iti,(U9 102,387 190,369<br />

\<br />

-Yarn!orWcaving . 1,511,170 1;097,289 1,382,0SI 1,400,'63 1,494,9-ill 1,827,887 '1,538,400 l,M0,239<br />

Yeast, Dried . . . 286,0~ 3.'lS,722 M7,689 · 374,347 300,074 401,085 407,047 4.'38,299<br />

All Other Articl!!s . . 14,586,060 17135,001 20,270,705 21,301,210 22,0lli,607 23,621,212 J;),811,111 211,002,368<br />

---·---- ---------·---<br />

TOTAL • • S03,2U7,493i331,0ll5,480 354,61)3,624 371,287,872 370,082,701 373,039,577 371S,1M,703 SO.i,410,682<br />

r<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

.....<br />

IMPORTS.<br />

hIPORTED intJ the UNrrED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />


1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

4,771),045 4,134,014 4,436,872 4,036,912 3,005,278 4,168,017 4,452,851<br />

I<br />

ARTICLES-Continued.<br />

·-----<br />

16,015,625 17,9'29.283 18,457,003 20,2Gl,81!5 20,936,0.'39 20,.173,237 15,219,SGO -Rnw.<br />

{Sugar, Refined and Sugar<br />

Caudy.<br />

276,526 281,258 86,251 131,675 91,1341 155,4:>0 147,268 ---l\Iolassc:s.<br />

1,814,179 2,106,927 2,311,689 2,100,619 2,252,517 2,101,617 2,106,020 Tallow nnd Stcnrine.<br />

13,0iS,787 11,262,593 11,613,898 11,208,601 ll,043,88i 11,542,931 10,4!>4,953 Tea.<br />

667,9'21 406,927 5M,49i 5U,2M 459,250 638,435 485,367<br />

{Teeth, Ele~bants', Sea Cw,<br />

and Sea orse.<br />

1,18-i,603 803,10.i 1,130,288 1,216,407 1,398,691 l,065,861 959,555<br />

{Tobacco, l\Ianufactured,<br />

Cigars and Snuff.<br />

2,501,526 1,165,488 1,746,919 1,375,225 l,lti2,549 1,794,006 1,750,2til ---Unmnbufacturcd.<br />

Ml,9'26- 419,919 5i7,397 IH6,206 525,1>97 5~,012 626,370 Toys.<br />

512,468 458,588 427,663 467,830 48-i,102 511,188 606,194 Watches.<br />

5,988,685 5,365,250 6,465,Mi li,651,107 li,45S,IJ23 5,451,953 5,341,117 Wine.<br />

Wood and Timber:-<br />

4,133,330 2,009,4SO 5,252,149 4,809,069 5,297,873 5,615,189' 4,673,485 Hewn.<br />

9,039,862 7,00-i,125 10,0.15,S.iS 9,201,060 10,839,205 10,411,130 9,235,786 Sawn or Split.<br />

430,4.92 411,049 469,847 ISSG,788 6ss.m;s 0~1.110 GM,870 Staves.<br />

370,740 365,84S 358,865 390,418 355,573 494,110 567,488 Mahogany.<br />

2.'3,12S,2M . . 23,564,0M 26,375,407 26,0ll,02i 24',1J95,~74 24.,953,132 2-0,lil 7,920<br />

739,137 660,MG 820,366 761,591, 820,616 757,277 678,525 Woollen Rags.<br />

{'Vool-Shec~, Lamb, Alpaca,<br />

nud the L arna Tribe •<br />

-IS,934,748. IS,637,675 7,M9,778 li,985,863 5,982,4-l-O 6,251,281 6,831,737 Woollen Manufactures.<br />

Woollen nnd Worsted Yarn:-<br />

204,"28 167,719 128,176 117;080 166,378 170,593<br />

:Berlin Wool and<br />

200,4-W { Yarn used for fancy<br />

purposes.<br />

1,365,431 1,233,402 1,713,959 1,236,737 1',585,325 1,831,010 1,675,019 --. Yarnt'orWcaving.<br />

468,993 IS08,158 Mi,783 M2,14!) 581,123 730,823 779,3-i2 Yenst, Dried.<br />

IH,938,IJ23 21,872,740 24,165,Sl.7 24,756,834 26,616,002 27,558,838 27,188,310 All Other Articles.<br />

368,~~~,742 L SGZ,:l·~~G'<br />

411,229,565 397,022,189 413,0l!l,608 426,891,570 300,018,116() Tour..<br />

... ' ~ .. ~<br />

.. '<br />

,,,.. ...... ..<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPORT8.<br />

--·-----<br />


ARTICLES. <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876.<br />

- ---<br />

Chicory . . • C1cts. 77,'100 78,270 90,10.Jr 93,432 98,241 !)4.,170 91,838<br />

Cocoa.· . . . Lbt, 6,153,981 7,252,035 7,701,763 ·8,284,200 8,8M,690 9,957,610 10,390,522<br />

Coffee . . . • Cwts. 269,916 273,274 278,335 283,851 279,039 286,143 293,700<br />

Currants . . . . .. 773,733 8M,57o 903,213 864,159 917,642 87~Mli 9G9,597<br />

Rnisins . . .<br />

II<br />

Fruit:-<br />

Spirits:-<br />

335,592 3G7,G29 44-~,982 363,712 380,199 374,625 427,&i2<br />

-----<br />

Rum - . . •Gall$. 3,851,149 4,168,116 f,404,697 IS,027,.121 IS,194,00.lr IS,386,077 5,035,7:!8<br />

Brandy . . . • .. 3,62-2,4.39 3,710,1»7 3,!H0,29:r 4,272,024 4,303,334 4,467,0lli 4,48~,975<br />

Other, Foreign and Colonial}<br />

Spirits • • • "<br />

1,005,798 1,047,543 723,339 960,453 1,178,137 2,000,331 2,021,283<br />

-<br />

---<br />

Tofal of Srhits . "<br />

8,439,886 s,926,605 9,088,329 10,259,798 10,675;475 11,853,m 11,&t-0,986<br />

--'----<br />

Toa . . . . . Lb1. 117,551,152 123,401,889 127,661,360 131,881,476 137,279,891 145,327,432 U9,104,19i<br />

Tobacco, Manufactured, Cigars}<br />


IMPORTS.<br />

in <strong>1884</strong>) RETAINED for Ho:uE CONSUMPTION in the UNITED KINGDO~I.<br />

1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. AllTICLl~S.<br />

99,428 95,459 105,905 114,188 1~3,939 100,00S 102,801 97,890 Cwts. Chicory.<br />

.<br />

------<br />

---<br />

10,043,605 9,966,290 10,076,504 10,G22,106 10,8~l,697 11,92$,549 12,888,470 13,920,272 Lbs. Cocoa.<br />

288,268 293,121 304,661 284,5-W 278,6l2 278,701 281,SM 287,997 Owts. CofTcc.<br />

815,1.W 894,281 845,~5 835,472 932,150 ~m,903 009,403 964,825<br />

"<br />

Fruit:-<br />

Currants.<br />


60 IMPORTS.<br />

I<br />

No. 24.-QuANTil'lES of PmNCIPAL hrPORTl':D ~nd<br />

I<br />

.,<br />

ExczsEAnLE AnTICLE3<br />

UNITED<br />

P.J.tINCil',\L ARTICLES. <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876.<br />

---------1-·<br />


Bucon nnd Hams• . . Lb1. 1'98 S'3S 5'4i 9'07 7'84 8'26 9•49<br />

,-<br />

Butter nnd Iluttcrino• . "<br />

4'1lS 4'69 3•90 4•39 5•51 4'9"2 5'5i<br />

Chccs~ . - -<br />

,, 3'67 4'25 3'65 4'69 5'03 G'46 5'03<br />

Currants and Raisins . n 4'03 4'38 4•74 4•29 4'48 4'29 4•73<br />

Eggs•· . . . No. 18'90 • 12'75 16'65 20'56 21·00 22'62 22·75<br />

Potatoes• - . . Lb8. 2'80 S'03 21'06 26'17 13'77 ·11l'05 20'37<br />

I<br />

Ric~ - - . "<br />

6'74 7•47 1s·10 11'37 10'18 n•GS 10·27<br />

Cocoa • . . . "<br />

0·20 0~23 0'2-i 0'%6 6'27 0·30 0'31<br />

Co!Ico • - . . ,, o·os 0'07 0'98· . 0'99' o·oo 0'98 0'99<br />

Cont: Wheat and Wheat}•<br />

~lour • • ·<br />

,, 122'90 100'68 162'86 1'10'79 16!'11 1w·os 167'80<br />

:i:sugnr, Rnw• • . - .. 41'•10 41'51 41'18 43'96 47·43i 53•97t 50'1Gt<br />

.. Refined• . . ,, 5•83 5'29 6'19 7'68 8'80t 8·ssi 3·1oi<br />

Ten - . . . ,, 3'81 3'92 4'01 4'11 4'23 4'4i 4'l!O<br />

Tobacco . . . ,, l '3-i 1'36 _1'37 1'41 1•4-i 1'46 1'47<br />

Wino . . . . Gall. 0'49 o·is~ 0'53 0'58 o•ISS O'ISS 0'56<br />

-------<br />

Spirits. ,.. . "<br />

0'27 0'28 0•99 .o·~~ 0'88 0'36 0'35<br />


Spirits (British) . . .. 0'74 0'78 0'86 0191 0'9-i o·M 0'92<br />

Total Spil'its (Importocl aticl} ,, 1'01 1'06<br />

Ezcueablo) • • •<br />

1'15 1'23 1'27 1'30 1'27<br />

lllalt (B1·ltish) .<br />

~ • Bruhs, 1'84 1'72 1'03 1'98 l '9-i 1·0~ 2·00<br />

• These Articles being free of Duty, tho Imports, less tbo Exports,<br />

:i: Slnoo May 1874, when Sugar was admitted duty treo, tho Amount consumed per bend or<br />

§ Tho quantity of Deer, on which duty waa oharged, retained tor Home consumption per h~ad<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

()/<br />

IMPORTS.<br />

01<br />

RETAINED for Ho::u:E CossmtPl'ION, per HEAD of the TOTAL POPULATION of the<br />

KINGD03r.<br />

18i7. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. PRINOll'.AL A1t·r1cLES.<br />

~--~~~-·-----~<br />

bll'ORTBD ARTICLES:-<br />

8'04 12'60 wsi. 15'96 13'1)3 8'85 10'00 10'08 Lbs. llncon nnd Iiams.•<br />

5'34 5'82 6'1>7 7'42 6'36 6'72 7'18 7'49 .. Dutter 1m!l Buttcrinc. •<br />

li'37 6'37 5•74 5'66 5'77 5·20 5•i;1 5'85 .. Cheese.•<br />

4'18 4'49 4•29 3'9i 4'84 4'32 4"i7 4'38 .. Currants nnd Raisins.<br />

22'45 23'18 22·.w ,21'68 21'65 23'04 26'40 27'59 No. Eggs.•<br />

26'M 28'00 ll0'65 31'M 12'85 9'33 16'17 7'55 Lbs. Potntocs.•<br />

12'79 7'50 11'70 H'H 16'32 13'49 12'45 9'70 .. Rice.•<br />

o·ao 0'29 0'30 0'31 0'31 O'M 0'36 0'39 .. Cocoa.<br />

o·oo 0'97 1'00 0'92 0'89 o·ss 0'89 O'llO .. Coffee.<br />

203'26 188'29 228'73 210'42 216'92 241'21 2w11 11)0'29 .. Corn: Wheat nnd Whent }'lour.•<br />

IWOOt 48'56t &6'83t W22t IS8'92t 62'10t 61 '87t li9'00t II tSugnr, Rnw.•<br />

1o·oot 10'27t . 9'41+ 9'46t 8'·Ht 8'38t 9'87t 12·s8t ,. ,. Refined.•<br />

4'152 4'66 4'70 .fi'li9 4'1iS 4'67 4'80 •i'87 II Ten.<br />

1'49 1'45 1'41 1'"3 1'41 1'42 1'42' 1'44 Tobncco,<br />

0'53 0'4S 0'43 0'46 0'45 0'41 0'40 0'39 Gall. Wine.<br />

0'32 0'31 0'28 0'25 0'24 0'24 0'23 0'23 .. Spirits.<br />

----------<br />


0'91 o·ss 0'83 O'Si 0'8-i 0'83 0'83 0·80 Gall. Spirits (llrltls~).<br />

1'23 1'19 1'11 1'09 1'08 1'07 1'06 1'03 ,, Total Spiri~ (linportc

No. 25.-QuANTITIES of WnEAT nnORTF.D into the<br />

UNITED KnmDOlt (stated in Cwts. according to present system of Entry).<br />

Cou:r.."l'RIE8.<br />


CO'llf\TltIJ-:S.<br />

<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. J 883. 188·1-.<br />

·---------·---------------------------------- ---- ---------- ----1---..------1<br />

Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwt.s. Cwts. ·cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. ·Cwts. Cwti.. Cwts.<br />

RttsaiA, North• Port!! l,sil,884 3,951,369 2,080,1'15 1,81G,7Si '109,570 1.688,035 1,977,346 6,9G0,7G.J ·M2:i,7!!G 3,0 "1,50:! 2-U,21G ·126,S5:: 2,7H,9S2 ·6,555,891 2,i17,u88 Russia; ~ortJ1n Ports.<br />

--: -South" Ports S,4..7,311 U,70-2,631 15,775,483 7,778,882 5,0l0,0S5 8,317,290 6,S03,2S2 3,SG7,472 ··1,l395,81H 4,9tJO,OS9 2,1'136.108 3,6HJ,79i 6.860,65(1 6,700,871 2,68J,SOS ---Southa Ports.<br />

Swed on<br />

Denmark<br />

Germany<br />

36,852 19,2$9 4-1,GOO 3 l,05S 23,981 00,500 58,•Ul 33,603 16,363<br />

- - 327,919 130,370 428,651 301,758 183,3:11 493,0lll 21;3,205 73,812 139,987 r.8,580<br />

France<br />

253,614 137,G.Jl 2,Sl.4,811 1,170,262 300;297 1,297,84:! 292,050 1,492,768<br />

Spain :- • 8,.'10-t 5,222 551,991 671~ 179,181 148,701 243,7-14 4'J31U6<br />

Austrian Temtories 60,472 239,147 w,186 11,53_0 2,3!l7 18,5G-I 4,55G 42,838<br />

I<br />

Roumania .• • 132,382 594,481 2GR,1G3 12-i,:HO 53,465 347,SU 379,079 229,808<br />

Turkey<br />

Egypt<br />

li,OSG<br />

30,6H S:W 10,93-1<br />


I<br />

CouNTruEs.<br />

QUANTITIES of WHEAT and WnEAT MEAL and Fioun, ank<br />

. . 201,859 130,450 146,103 138,877 213,GM 271,005 471,060 477,017 398,468 397,050 310,616 293,745 410,778 414,527 156,730<br />

Germany . . 911,G-18 {106,972 l,OM,031 691,386 75!J,227 800,806 930,819 l,239,373 l,UJ,852 915,133 977,617 1,387,939 1,987,720 1,928,170 1,746,511<br />

1 France . - 645.181. 35,697 l,3G7,176 1,671,486 659,532 1,820,747 1,089,4-00 1,001,302 690,390 355,Q06 279,131 203,296 220,26!) 163,898 154,3.W<br />

Sp&in . - ,73 9,414 72,877 850,GM 101,391 6,765· 21,.'lS3 451,!l57 12J.,20S -· 177 2GO 875 J,2-H 'i20<br />

Austrian Tcrritrics 322,569 477,677 321,42-1 2S9,768 226,2!)7 .321,302 4-15,626 l,OM,400 l,.'HS,672 1,513,092 1,123,!lll l,00i,U7 1,567,313 1,735,955 1,563,6!)3<br />

ltoumnnia. . . - - - - - 3,0i6 12.~ - 7,800 - - - - - -<br />

Turkey . . . 3,:;tl9 - 3,817 1300 1,826 2,226 2,SJ.7 2,7.J.li 7,626 - 331 18 26,32;3 6,-123 7,360<br />

Egypt . . 1,4-01 9,385 16,652 8,451 3,238 3,423 20,811 13,0~ 988 6,417 3,325 M72 2,253 813 1,000<br />

Pncific Ports - 1a,7:u 62,281 42,900 26,300 Si5,593 462.208 425,218 601,521 261,85fi li35,013 ·129,•155 l,OH,8::;2 1,561,987 l,GOi,706 1,849,800<br />

Chile . . . 35,208 66,355 193,246 210,2i-i 224,·US H,7·10 21,211 li!l,026! - 68,518 81,714 61,·122 ·17,687 41,SH 15<br />

British Indi:i. - - 4 .J,200 333 3SO 6 1,1n 875j - 2,020 Sill 3,303 2,170 - 120<br />

I<br />

Australnsin. - . 5,936 ·U,910 41,4'73 232,113 19!l,317 87,123 189,320 20,321- 8!J,75-J 37,638 293,582 276,618 ·iSS,9:ro 85,250 222,517<br />

Other Countries - 30,527 15,15S 4S,1 !l2 65,601 15,SSl 45,349 36,037 17,966 12,532 22,1!)9 21,757 30,171 :H,271 17,865 56,573<br />

I<br />

---------------------------------------------<br />

Total . - t,803,90!) 'MJi7,939 i,>SS,136 6,2H,·179 rj.~6,Q.1.J. 6,136,0S3 10/JSS,312 11,357,381 13,05i,.l-03 W,329,31:.' l5,Q9.;,30l<br />

5,95U,S21 7,.)77.303 i,S2S,Oi0 10,728,2.>2<br />

. ,<br />

__.<br />

-<br />

ComsTmi::s.<br />

Russia, North 0 Ports.<br />

---Sout.11• Ports.<br />

Sweden.<br />

Denmark.<br />

Germany.<br />

France.<br />

Spain.<br />

Austrian Territories.<br />

Roumnnia.<br />

British N. Ame.-ica '51,463 403,796 337,750 443,077 359,392 357,!)92 283,03·li 250,626 302,856 ·157,56!) l'iiJ,700 259,SG2 3U,20.J. 503,8M 688,7f:O British N. America.<br />

<strong>United</strong> SU.tcs: '·<br />

Unitccl States:<br />

Atlantic l'orU! • ii},1Si,517 l,729,0S6 638,537 1:556,591 2,.U7,176 1,816,867 l,8!):5,061 l.161,09'J 3,360,026 6,:326,206 6,·HJ,37-1 6,678,.'322 6,'235,811) 9,662,753 s.~6,582 Atlantic Ports.<br />

T~rkey.<br />

Egypt.<br />

Chile.<br />

Pacific Ports.<br />

Ilrith1h India.<br />

Austrul:l!Sin.<br />

Other Countries.<br />

•rot al.<br />

t<br />

l<br />

!<br />

i<br />

I<br />

l<br />

!<br />

l I<br />

i<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

QUANTITIES OF 1'\'aEAT nn ·05,6Ul 275,Sil 1,094,26G 833,208 Otlrnr Countrie.c;.<br />

Tofal<br />

• 36,900,115 1-i,362,22i l7,612,S96l51,631,197 49,322,~IJ~I :..9,54G,G21 51,00.i,433 63,191,·129 59,691,i.i~ 73,002,110 GS,459,81~ 71,3-H,65!l S0,562,503 !H,liS0,271 GG,1i5,282 Total. ____ _<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


QUANTITIES of Wm~AT and W1IE~T MEAI~ and FLoun, nnd of O·.rHER KINDS of GnAIN, hu•onTEl> into the<br />

UNITED KINGDO:u-Continued.<br />

18;0. j 1~11~ 11872. , 1873. , 1874. ! I875. , I876. , I877. , I878.11879. \ 1880. j 188I.118s2. J 1ss3, \ <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

DARLEY.<br />

CoUNTRlES,<br />

Cwts. Cwts. I c'wts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwti1. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

Russia<br />

• 2,51U,274 2,398,773 1,7~,349 1,119,01» 2,019,300 2,585,558 1,547,518 1,499,505 t.,827,663 :?,.'73,10-i l,491,4 12,9j9,526 U,1513,019 U,516,314 11,705,200 9,805,944 15,5-1-0,112 ltl,461,328 12,953,015 Total.<br />

Russia<br />

. Sweden<br />

Oenmar'k:<br />

Germany<br />

Holland<br />

• 4,0M,187 4,873,15-1! 2,303,957 4,873,28115,0lG,8831 G,425,535:4,719,l>Sl ,7,412,961 6,301,()8'1 17,068,190 ,7,813,657 i5,698,287 j8,471,22719,030,383 9,357,189 Rus:sil>-<br />

• 4,485,74-J. 3,6Uii,001I 4,823,713 3,958,647. 4,187,253! 3,100,87~ ·1,278,!l23 3,CS3,578 ·J.,~1,HO. ·J.,47!1,287 ·J,061,822 3,2W,IY1'11 4,012,283 ·i,123,901 2,413,791 Sweden •<br />

- 982,308 472,513 1,027,629 829,598 478,338 39i,l!l01 21G,!l2G 106,457 289,071 812,895 338,9SS lG0,855 10S,231i 302,556 27,016 Denmark.<br />

1<br />

• 51G,Gl0 428,4.U 709,274 1,201,5881<br />

S33,02S l,3!lli,305 314,352<br />

1<br />

1,281,700 1,045,41JS 301,87-i llS,86.~ 60,740 : 5!!5,125 632,759 276,

QUANTITIES of W:nEAT ancl WnR>_T ~fo.u, nnd FI.OUR, and of 0TIIRR KINDS of GRA.IN, Importccl into tho<br />

UNITED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

<strong>1870</strong>. , 1871. , 1872. ,. 1873. , 1874. , 187~. , 1876. , 1877. , 1878., 187•. I 1880. , 1881. , !8l!2. , l8S3. , 18SI.<br />

•CoDNXRIES.<br />


Russ':':. - -<br />

Prnnco -<br />

\..<br />

Austrian Territories<br />

Roumania. - -<br />

.<br />

MAlzB •<br />

Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cw~s. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

2,511,72.'> 2.0S6,"8S 42!3,851 1,SM,395 !iOS,561 50-i,115 829,606 199,931 i,023,521 607,62(} 862,7·17 754,142 2,713,539 1,113,107 3,542,63-J<br />

371,G82 00,623 10,902 5,703 90,420 268,531 687 4,760 9.W llO 1,QGO 7,4® 22,283 2,400 GO<br />

1,225,914 1118,049 165,656 134,328 96,767 1,1SS,70i 615,741) - 30,707 2,346 - - 28,302 73,806 -<br />

2,213,4'14 1,278,0:il !»S,413 1,270,46-i ss1,o:;o 578,502 2,311,548 130,705 l,{)33,570 2,959,885 1,7G-M82 0,481,820 8,40i,G02 5,9·.l.'3,785 9,018,307<br />

Roumanln.<br />

Turkey - - - 9,G07,806 4,270,220 1,039,615 2,783,100 1,172,715 3,870,Q:;3 G,978,732 2,030,G!)'l 2,748,378 23,00S 106,703 504,611 509,886 731,992 1,0:'il,847<br />

Egypt - - . 11,214 ...... 372.901 ......, 12,7'9 6.1,490 132,271<br />

r ..<br />

4.'3,605 -<br />

r .....,,. .....<br />

'l'urkey.<br />

277 15,7·i2 93,565 48-i,560 78,G~ 6C0,39U Eb•ypt.<br />

British N. America • 12,400 1,S.iG,0091 3,557,800 l,761,17~ 1,320,228 873,776 1,878,415 2,013,797 2,829,3S2 2,026,9021'3,822,327 1,592,72i 288,.142 2,013,G59 929,2l0 British N. America.<br />

<strong>United</strong> States . 23,003 7,319110,IJSll,683 10,702,3'i:'!'3, ..... 1' 12,058,606 .,,oos.... 7 ... 78 .12,877,700 3 ...... 1 .. r...,,, .. ,1)92 21,otO,GG7 s,so~,9GO <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

Otl1er Countries - '179,505 1..,..,. ....... 7""""'! ....... 1,032,700 '101,001 476,545 229,7

CoUNTlUEs.<br />

QUANTITIES of \V'nEAT nnd WIIEAT MEAL and FLOUit, nnd of OTnER 'KINDS of GnAIN, bIPORTED into the<br />

UNITED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

<strong>1870</strong>.11871. j 1872.1· 1873.<br />

I<br />

I 181•.11875.11876.1 1877.1 1878.11879.<br />

I 1880.1 1881.1 1882.1 1883.1<strong>1884</strong>.<br />

BERE OR :BIGG.<br />

Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

c~ .. 1<br />

Total . - - - I,125 - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

I<br />

Germany . ... 901,399 M0,871 45-i,910 577,311 262,718 156,808 63,613 314,273 186,478 231,726 69,760 26,480· 443,414 895,933 97,387<br />

British N.America 6M,700 310,008 486,463 880,418 975:i,G7 773,432 714,379 586,148 1,050,~ 1,20!,250 1,470,924 1,305,433 906,481 600,739 754,9-iS<br />

<strong>United</strong> States . 160,355 55,0'12 128,952 60,805 . 289,345 lSOl,125 691,351 352,429 470,900 4.'lS,·1:36 4H,256 482,385 480,Q.l.9 338,553 347,183<br />

~<br />

Other Countries 72,810 105,4.16 225,808 172,303 298,273 183,767 Ul,004 268,700 116,352 63,499 131,321 168,649 270,006 461,582 739,451<br />

-. 1,?99 .... 1,011,367 IJ,!00,193 ·~'°"'" ·~...... 1,615,lSZ ......... ·~21.......... 11• I··''"""" ---------------<br />

Total . 2,146,251 l,982,9i7 2,114,950 1,892,807 1,938,969<br />

:<br />

Germany . . 298,781 1'62,429 214,650 295,318 307,829 435,900 208,455 128,656 107,003 130,183 130,837 47,461 100,824 173,389 41,212<br />

'<br />

Turk~y . 16,835. 36,002 85,096 90,3!H 13,022 47,802 200,181 366,360 179,0M 127,980 302,766 111,192 36:3,132 422,827 667,967<br />

Egypt . 941,061- 2,122,731<br />

-<br />

1,563,008 729,153 1,021,878 1,371,487 2,599,Si7 2,536,396 822,095 1,811,201 J,682,35!) l,538,2S3 1,2-13,016 2,627,376 2,307,835<br />

Morocco . . ·- 118,108 398,liG 932,482 196,217 769,497 789,524 1,10!,419 333,650 3,QOO 66(.75 67,532 10,310 10,392 82,912<br />

PEASE.<br />

lJXA1'S.<br />

Total.<br />

Cou:t.~TRIES.<br />

Germnny.<br />

Britisl1 N. America.<br />

<strong>United</strong> States.<br />

Other Countries,<br />

Total.<br />

Germany.<br />

Other Countries . 249,121 450,515 688,1116 9M,777 822,149 834,085 803,548 453,514 429,.180 243,392 39-i,300 318,335 283,500 353,487 ·i20,&IG Other Countries.<br />

---------------------------------------------<br />

Total -<br />

• 1,505,798 2,990,745 2,948,916 2,982,0M 2,361,095 3,458,777 4',607,555 ·1,589,345 1,872,182 2,311i,756 2,577,133 2,082,773 2,090,782 3,587,471 3,520,572 Total.<br />

I<br />

Turkey.<br />

Egypt.<br />

Morocco.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPORTS.<br />


The <strong>United</strong><br />

YE.&.ns. States. Mexico.<br />

British<br />

New<br />

Tho<br />

West India<br />

1\foditer-<br />

Islands Granada ranean,<br />

and British and Brazil. cxelnsive or<br />

Guiana. Venezuela. Egypt.<br />

Egypt.<br />

Lbs. I Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs.<br />

18i0 716,2-IB,8·18 2,016 2,31'.1:,256 4,797,056 6-i,234,GSS 11,510,912 :!.43,710,448<br />

1871 l,OSS,677,920 - 2,671,536 6,582,2-10 86,158,81}:1 3,777,·1:2..fi 176,166,480<br />

1872 625,600,080 31,136 1,450,UGO 7,960,62-i 112,509,824 8,031,7·U 177.581,712<br />

1873 832,573,616 28,·HS 1,070,160 3,973,088 72,480,800 S,670,816 20!,977,136<br />

1874 874,926,86~ 16,46-1' 502,768 6,391,952 79,501,408 2,193,312 172,317,488<br />

1875 S-1-1,333,472 - 662,928 4,195,632 71,859,536 5,835,760 163,912,336<br />

1876<br />

I<br />

932,800,176 45,02-l: 71i2,102 2,623,488 53,369,34-1' 4-'H,672 199,2-1'5,312<br />

1877 912,2·1i,592 10,416 617,568 1,718,080 li!,256,().iS 786,6SS 176,558,256<br />

1878 1,026,190,928 10,416 300,2-10 1,857,072 21,811,G&J: 962,3M 114.297,34-1'<br />

1879 1,0S2,462,0SO - 925,344 9,477,66-l. 17,0U,720 63-i,3GS 158,232,032<br />

lSSO 1,221.282.SM 93,632 GS:i,776 6,615,280 2·l,189,6IB 615,328 152,600,608<br />

.<br />

1881 1,210,980,288 85,34-l: 319,536 3,665,·12·l. 40,125,3·1'4 1,289,568 175,317,0i2<br />

1882 1,154-,732,208 - 401,992 2,·IBS,752 5i,OS2,·i32 8Sl,760 149,.U8,0$0<br />

1883 I 1,239,U0,592 21,280 462.78-l: 1,518,62-l: ·19,158,928 806,0M 170,685,200<br />

I<br />

<strong>1884</strong><br />

1,211,608,160 38,0SO 523,936 l,38!,768 39,623,5Si 1,882,272 179,998,78.f.<br />

I<br />

No. 27.-QUANTITIES of WOOL (Sheep, Lamb, and Alpaca) IMPORTED into the UNITED<br />

Other British British British<br />

Countries<br />

Possessions Possessions<br />

Settlements<br />

YEARS. Spain. Germany. in iii<br />

of South the East<br />

in<br />

Europe. Africa. Indies. Austrnlia.<br />

Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 25,262 4,405,897 10,2SM42 3!:!,785,271 11,M3,148 175,081,427<br />

1871 142,713 8,132,120 45,323,72i 32,972,735 18,217,948 182,710,GG7<br />

1872 403,Cl75 5,759,002 35,150,211 35,610,568 18,493,860 173,201,712<br />

1873 52,025 S,29-i,628 26,19Cl,946 42,057,187 19,362,008 186,66-J.,916<br />

187'.i 100,178 7,163,605 27,706,616 42,232,672 19,127,53-Jr 225,383,631<br />

187li IH2,431 7,320,760 2S,li91,li60 M,112,213 22,810,289 23S,631,82·J.<br />

1.wo 6,4-12 8,371,5-19 27,761,977 ·J.2,11i8,317 21',·1S3,817 263,869,157<br />

1877 'JG0,818 9,517,450 27,320,070 41,607,778 21,566,0H 281,2·17,190<br />

1878 239,6().Jr 4,5110,485 22,·110,SG7 40,05S,918 27,039,72li 276,172,193<br />

1879 3i)9,ll00 4,323,05-Jr 33,-191,111 45,026,291 22,202,li5·l. 287,831,804<br />

1880 l,570,630 7,173,032 '47,016,765 IH;:JSIS,839 29,100,01!) 300,626,65 Jr<br />

1881 87,991 2,263,651 ~9,G67,•W5 49,li30,875 22,215,223 320,605,855<br />

1882 117,011 2,727,703 31,702,-19.1: 1i3',S76,065 26,923,701 345,7&1,4:.16<br />

1883 71,105 4,338,li86 45,707,610 48,870,0Sl 21,822,130<br />

f 351,685,606<br />

1881 U,101 1,600,331 37,02o,.l91 IH,33-i,652 2-l,799,268 381,403,669<br />

!<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

I<br />

I<br />

/<br />

lMPORTS. 69<br />


British I<br />


Possessions<br />

in tlio China. Jn pan. Countries. IMPORTED. EXPORTED.<br />

OP YEARS.<br />

btPORTS.<br />

East Indies.<br />

I<br />

Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs.<br />

3U,536,608 10,528 - 55,031,760 1,339,367,120 238,175,S.10 1,101,191,280 <strong>1870</strong><br />

431,209,7·1-1' 102,14-1. - 32,793,·188 1,778,139,776 362,0i5,616 1,416,()(l.J.,160 1871<br />

4~.234,'i36 252,112 32,18·1-,M·li 1,·l.08,837,472 27::l,005.Q.10 1,135,832,432 1872<br />

367,649,74-1' 1,016,SIB 35,155,568 1,527,596,22·1. 220,000,2S6 1,307,595,968 1873<br />

412,025,().1'0 398,832 18,588,30~ 1,566,861-,432 258,967,632 l,307,8liu,800 18H<br />

385,GS:i,552 583,520 - 18,282,432 1,41)2,351,168 262,853,808 1,229,497,360 1875<br />

275,856,336 260,176 22-i 22,471,901 1,487,858,S.18 203,305,872 1,ZS.J.,li52,


No. 28.-To1'AL DECLARED VALUE of BmTISll nnd<br />

<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 18'16. 1877.<br />

- ------<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

109,5$6,822 223,066,162 256,257,347 255,164,603 239,558,121 223,465,963 200,639,204 198,893,065<br />


COUNTRIES. <strong>1870</strong>.<br />

I 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876.<br />

I<br />

FOREIGN: £ I £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

5,749,353 5,205,173 5,021,189 6,787,636 6,936,366 6,786,123 5,033,256<br />

Russin, Northern Ports . --- Southern Ports . - 1,242,408 1,378,775 l,588,035 2,210,085 1,Si0,102 1,273,401 1,149,582<br />

Sweden and Norway - . 2,007,714 2,161,106 3,4Ll,2SO 5,031,175 5,400,939 4,liSS,455 •i,22-1,719<br />

Denmark nnd Iceland - 2,021,611 1,748,933 2,056,390 2,671,3-H 2,:;t0,1122 2,823,707 2,199,106<br />

--- Danish West Indies - 761,001 512,135 463,09-i 851,646 340,789 379,524 257,834<br />

Germany . . - 20,·U6,168 27,43i,520 31,61S,7·i9 27,270,312 24,799,846 23,287,883 20,082,262<br />

Holland . . - . 11,220,78-J. 14,1(»,157 16,211,775 16,7·i5,850 H,427,113 13,US,691 11,7i7,192<br />

--- Jam and other Posses-} 897,505 829,737 7G0,50j 760,452 1,280,571 1,735,91J6 1,676,193<br />

sions in the lndinn Seas • •<br />

Belgium . . . 4,481,079 6,217,00S 6,499,062<br />

I 7,200,949 5,828,0~ 5,781,938 5,87G,407<br />

France . . . 11,6-13,139 1S,20j,856 17,268,839 17,291,973 16,370,274 15,357,127 16,085,615<br />

---Algeria. - . . 125,6-iS 119,884 89,347 64,·109 47,953 155,676 209,696<br />

--Possessions in Senegambia 1,123 11,670 8,402 18,297 17,005 16,5H 10,-101<br />

-- Possessions in India - - - - - 7,290 18,079<br />

Portugal . - - . .1,931,7SG 1,750,555 2,310 202 2,934,393 2,706,990 2,563,067 2,231,191<br />

---Azores and i.\ladcira . 174,588 153,508 186,467 498,66:>• 349,755 203,992 177,282<br />

Spain . . - - 2,513,177 3,143,419 3,614,4..iS 3,736,620 4,06.l,231 3,430,343 3,992,385<br />

--Canary Islands 235,119 196,195 225,932 184,735 197,736 196,887 mi.on<br />

--Fernando Po . . 19,370 13,970 16,806 21,978 13,122 4,373 8,82.'S·<br />

--\Y est India Islands 2,512,634 2,877,926 3,S9,-l02<br />

Austrian Territories . l,'llG,601 1,588,352 1,471,113 l,4$.i,320 1,963,6-19 897,069 784,634<br />

Greecu . . . - 942,618 776,093 923,649 993,571 1,010,313 938,456 866,643<br />

R-0um1mia• • . . 559,958 705,769 814,675 1,079,473 1,244,871 1,054,74lo 707,li6S<br />

Turkey . - 7,0S8,369 5,996,634 7,689,143 7,733,·iS'i 7,037,707 5,SS9,90j' 11,922,825<br />

Egypt . . 8,72tj,602 7,038,795 7,213,063 6,222,013 3,585,lOll 2,945,846 2,680,407<br />

Morocco - - - 22S,630 199,603 255,386 313,791 413!416 342,420 396,2i7<br />

<strong>United</strong> States 28,335,304 34,227,701 40,736,G07 33,li7·1-,UM 28,241,!lOO 21,868,279 16,833,517<br />

Mexico - 910,882 1~060,013 843,186 1,lM,124 1,124,613 884,901 li02,224<br />

Central America . . 360,538 201,501 290,557 330,887 157,078 S.16,653 715,732<br />

Haiti and St. Domingo . -<br />

New Grnnada (<strong>United</strong> States of}<br />

Colombia) • • -<br />

395,486 339,877 617,560 5'8,023 441,952 693,290 356,447<br />

2,135,45·1' 2,6-J.3,074 3,150,337 3.074,972 2,570,952 919,143 7~,183<br />

Venezuela . . : . 14-1,381 310,918 1130,800 527,605 506,443 733,403 679,163<br />

Ecuador . - - . 5'7,008 61,167 82,282 101,640 65,153 130,205 225,273<br />

Drazil . . . .. . 5,366,SMr 6,274,105 7,510,719 7,5-1-1-,669 7,678,463 6,869,4!•1 11,010,758<br />

Uruguay . . . . 806,.105 1,o.J.·i,797 1,817,783 1,762,042 1,22-1,038 713,830 1,006,307<br />

Argentine R-Opublic . . . 2,S.i



1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

------ -----<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

102,S.IB,91'1 191,531,758 223,0GO,·U6 2M,022,678 2-U,·167,162 239,799,·173 233,025,2·'2<br />

I<br />


1877.<br />

I 1878. I 1879. I 1880. I 1881. I 1882. I 1883. l <strong>1884</strong>. I<br />


£<br />

3,86S,'i6:S<br />

£<br />

5,4-U,3-l.7<br />

£<br />

0,609,251<br />

£<br />

0,818,0S:?<br />

£<br />

5,136,12-,<br />

£<br />

4,895,489<br />

£<br />

4,161,718<br />

£<br />

4,129,555<br />

FOREIGX:<br />

Russia, Northern Ports.<br />

309,870 1,118,135 1,035,378 1,133,2·U 1,028,953 876,358 874,896 86M63 --Southern Ports.<br />

4,180,683 2,798,703 2,486,2;;6 3,195,72, 3,361,198 3,628,379 3,868,822 3,857,400 Sweden and Norway.<br />

1,828,166 1,526,362 1,&17,967 1,899,659 2,011,270 2,167,7-12 2,265,0:i9 2,197,912 Denmark and Iceland.<br />

225,371 237,8-U 200,2-18 201,956 183,200 200,743 185,692 156,12.'3 ---Danish West Indies.<br />

19,&12,128 19,457,190 18,591,MS 16,943,700 17,-131,·139 18,518,024 18,787,635 18,729,269 Germany.<br />

9,614,387 9,303,090 9,353,151 9,2.L0,682 8,899,513 9,379,737 9,506,2-16 10,237,9-16 llolland.<br />

2,061,413 1,662,829 1,(;t.3,416 1,7·.lr7,431 1,737,871 1,939,2-13 2,276,0SS 2,291,750 {--- Jam aml o~her Pos·<br />

sessions in the Indian Seus.<br />

5,304,105 5,525,705 5,106,479 5,700,02-lr 7,075,139 8,080,310 8,327,9.U 8,500,703 Belgium.<br />

14,233,242 H,82-:-,885 14,988,857 15,5M,·i99 16,970,025 17,421,212 17,567,512 10,746,358 France.<br />

271,101 168,0il 225,572 292,087 278,91).lr 317,432 3:i0,839 379,6S6 --Algeria.<br />

28,254 29,055 ·U,261 47,569 05,418 63,357 8-.1:,787 209,033 --Possessions in Sencgambi n.<br />

15,111 25,999 22,760 10,042 14,473 4,723 3,597 7,5-.1:7 --Possessions in India.<br />

2,253,352 2,UG,OM 1,899,039 2,10:i,67·li 2,092,82-lr 1,956,00S 1,002,lM 1,969,112 Portub"al.<br />

171,237 109,790 111,318 121,682 124,507 133,378 lS.i,865 317,023 -.-.- Azores and Madeira<br />

a,G.'3G,915 3,210,920 2,940,188 3,222,0-22 3,0l;.i.,608 3,669,618 3,785,031- 3,S6S,533 Spain.<br />

171,980 169,003 173,545 208,755 193,100 125,112 llH,423 167,830 --Canary Islands.<br />

10,045 6,493 7,689 6,U4 9,5i-li 7,8-iO 7,395 10,034 --}'ernnndo Po.<br />

2,2-lr3,771 1,889,960 1,771,528 1,·Ufo,·i89 2,190,477 2,299,1).lS 2,246,305 1,366,0H. --West India Islands.<br />

1,292,016 835,483 599,024 1,300,040 1,485,6S9 1,306,949 1,216,00.J. 969,3ii5 -- Philippine Islands.<br />

6,218,612 5,363,833 4,983,670 5,432,908 0,630,859 0,480,258 7,121,!l.l:S 6,9!H,1H Italy.<br />

1,0U,603 763,03.J. 799,085 593,561 693,97-i 703,962 967,529 !H2,S31 Austrian Territories.<br />

800,852 982,037 9-H,336 820,508 1,140,032 1,075,G.'31 1,288,876 1,188,70-li Grecco.<br />

197,273 887,488 997,078 1,112,761 1,322,637 072,559 1,342,619 9-.IS,G23 Roumania.•<br />

G,62-lr,910 7,748,007 '1,208,2-i() 6,765,900 6,879,127 6,422,51-2 0,689,77G 6,393,56S Turkey.<br />

2,273,311 2,1!).J,030 2,143,681 3,0G0,040 3,108,488 2,450,50-lr 3,367,300 2,893,411 Egypt.<br />

39~,788 191,292 245,037 246,5.IJ.f, 270,292 210,685 25!!,·i7!l 292,003 1\Iorocco.<br />

16,376,SH 14,552,076 20,321,990 30,855,871 29,796,298 30,!l70,H7 27,372,968 2-1,426,636 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

!l95,510 773,331 693,123 1,225,567 1,607,306 1,861,432 1,li52,321 1,017,866 ~foxico.<br />

!)30,2-18 732,018 722,028 658,·l.76 P·U,148 N!l,360 839,191 89·1,399 Centrnl America.<br />

383,203 333,li07 151,000 liOi,425 381,910 :m,589 301,020 510,860 Haiti nnd St. Domingo.<br />

I<br />

!)12,110 1,031,952 882,190 1,039,800 1,186,·1:15 1,010,608 1,190,317 1,160,305<br />

{New Granndn. (<strong>United</strong> States<br />

of Colombia).<br />

Ol!l,742 473,281 ·i62,037 428,142 482,i 1,400,113 1,417,000 1,723,287 1,200,419 Other Countries.<br />

-- -------<br />

156,321,921 1152,149,296<br />

128,900,715 120,611,428 130,529,0.l.7 U7,S06,267 154,658,083 150,64.0,727 Total to Foreign Countti~'<br />

-<br />

t Exclusive or French and Spllllish Possessions sopnrately 11tntod.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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COUNTRIES-Cont.<br />

DECLARED VALUE of BmTISII and InrsII PnonucE EXPORTED from the<br />

I <strong>1870</strong>. I 1871. \ 1872. I 1873. I 1874. I 1875. I 1876. I<br />

IlRITISII POSSESSIONS: £ £ _£ £ £ £ £<br />

Channel Islands . . - . 7C.7,678 799,019 700,233 707,832 817,2-16 6-il,050 1>85,lilll<br />

Gibraltar . . . . 779,4G2 1,061),905 1,189,023 1,197,693 1,135,179 969,222 1,120,965<br />

Malta . . . . . 1,003,lll8 714,75-J. 839,89J. 989,174 821,981 696,346 894,250<br />

North American Colonies:<br />

British Columbia . . . 73,581 78,431<br />

lludson's Bay Co. Settlements .<br />

4',148 }<br />

1 .........<br />

Canada . . . 4,365,272 7 538 055 7,87G,732<br />

}S,8'9,141<br />

Now Brunswick . G29,7li7 ' '<br />

8,414,099 6,902,723<br />

I<br />

Nova Scotia . . 1,124,033 J<br />

Print'o Edward Island 122,$22 150,043 171,900 237,019<br />

Newfoundland . . . 523,582 ·.i?0,567 G56,U.t, 506,954 432,372 622,4$.i 455,428<br />

Total to North ~erica~} 6,7S.J,195 8,257,126 10,103,277 8,619,705 !l,332,119 9,036,583 7,358,lGl<br />

Colonies .<br />

West Inrlia Isb1~


73<br />


1877.<br />

I 1878. \ I 1879. 1880. I I 1881. 1882. I I l 1883. 188·1. COUNTRIES-Cont.<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 13ItlTISU POSSESSIONS :<br />

555,360 535,597 59S,S35 583,668 lH2,l&J. G78,490 562,808 614,81H Channel Islands.<br />

869,167 710,267 677,687 771,862 723,310 732,033 724,625 698,757 Gibraltar.<br />

819,375 1,160,845 768,558 825,819 9S.~,710 1,004,82-l. 988,028 1,007,747 Malta.<br />

North American Colonies:<br />

7,000,411) 5,926,908 5,040,52-l. 6,810,123 7,939,388 9,111,329 $,592,280 8,10.1,635 Dominion of Canada.<br />

613,12S 509,618 404,600 892,747 451,238 588,628 li63,0.i7 M7,951 N cwfoundland.<br />

7,613,lH7 6,436,526 5,415,130 7,708,870 S,410,626 9,609,957 9,155,927 S,6.12,556 Total to<br />

{<br />

North .American<br />

Colonies.<br />

-<br />

2,831,765 2,6(H,152 2,671,397 2,861,283 2,578,863 3,167,219 3,400,500 3,057,629 West India Islands and Guiaua.<br />

lls,.125 112,676 91,402 100,692 00,4SJ. 98,126 119,114 106,368 :British Honduras.<br />

----<br />

Australia:<br />

1'15,·130 Ht,360 172,245 159,G02 160,189 189,196 211,171 2M,925 West Australia.<br />

2,338,439 2,376,7f!i 2,207,450 2,446,~ 2,306,$74- 3,058,469 ' 2,55!>,0S.i 2,156,997 South Australia.<br />

6,724,495 5,859,750 4,506,93-J. 4,003,lGO 6,235,629 7,146,892 6,497,747 6,657,504 Victoria.<br />




PmNc1rAr, ARTICLES. <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1878. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

------ ----------------<br />

Alkali • . • Owts. 3,853,393 4,176,667 4,4M,068 4,754,·i25 5,010,616 .. 5,022,70.i 5,456,Ull 5,685,994<br />

Animals : Horses • l{o. 7,202 7,172 8,389 2,816 3,050 3,135 2,659 2,258<br />

Arms nnd Ammunition:<br />

Fi::c-arms (Smnll) No. 4!14,866 4-U,048 390,697 353,78-i 235,·ilS 817,294. 203,021 2ll0,617<br />

Gunpowder ·Lbs. 17,357,668 18,416,933 19,889,628 16,626,ll&i 14,930,995 15,045,69~ 14,268,672 16,154,9·15<br />

B:i.gs,Empty • -Do::s, 2,477,SM 2,897,676 8,685,092 4,430,418 4,700,759 3,680,073 4,020,211 4,921,1-19<br />

Beer :i.nd Ale • ·Brls. 521,199 483,120 522,1)80 584,939 659,413 501,511 48-i,919 460,Sl8<br />

Biscuits nnd Bread • 01cts. 285,326 291,047 121,270 113,043 12S,65-i 127,70.i 128,556 H2,289<br />

l3lcnching ~faterinls .. 399,728 476,120 l>Sl,000 626,632 638,528 800,739 939,821 1,033,427<br />

Hooks, Printed . M,190 62,210 81,422 84,001 Si,358 "<br />

85,777 8~ 10S9 84,3~8<br />

Butter . . .. 57,528 r;G,322 54,·'54 44,961 42,GSS 8~,266 SS,749 37,3S5<br />

Candles, of nll Sorts· Lbs. 3,8il,S78 5,569,07C 6,767,013 6,592,99() 5,458,753 5,315,696 4,728,888 6,185,475<br />

Carriages, Railway • No. 4,598 3,802 2,408 8,278 3,15-i 4,271 4,82·1 2,401<br />

C-Oment • Cwts. 3,00S,889 3,.%5,503 4,107,869 4,3·18,SM 4,900,3SS 4,919,646 4,915,405 4,·192,1)98<br />

Cheese . . ,, 25,l!H 22,4-U 19,4-1.0 18,786 18,689 21,332 17,411 16,755<br />

Co~ls, Cinders, nud} Tons<br />

l•uel • • 11,702,Gi9 12,7'17,989 13,198,494 12,617,566 13,927,205 14,5·U,9fo 16,2W,Oi7 15,420,050<br />

Cord~i;e and '.rwine • Cwts. 126,7(H 181,382 139,080 120,485 128,722 111,232 96,766 106,238<br />

Cprn: Wheat . "<br />

923,953 3,293,406 532,!Y17 1,128,226 3'4,~ 97,017 460,889 207,930<br />

-- Whent }'lour • ,, 200,148 657,207 37,935 46,213 95,213 26,8.U 27,316 29,002<br />

Cotton Yarn • ·Lbs. 186,078,060 193,69:i,156 212,327,972 214,778,827 220,682,919 215,609,580 232,5lH,627 227,651,402<br />

1,;otton Manufactures:<br />

'Piece Goods, Whi~c} Yds<br />

orPlam · 2,293,63.'l,309 2,399,227,258 2,379,968,019 2,3S4,174,306 2,GSG,700,GS4 2,549,145,807 2,007,423,176 2,C99,282,ll8<br />

---,Printed,}<br />

1<br />

Checkt'd or 968,855,611 995,9 .16,866 l,1S7.62:i,766 1,001,035,569 D~·cd " l,083,30iJ,079 1,003,101,107<br />

990,147,298 1,125,255,197<br />

----.'of Mixed}<br />

9,509,446 22,231,687 20,391,526 1<br />

:Aintcrinls • • 16,255,2001 16,828,253 12,280,700 11,833,900 13,283,531><br />

"<br />

----<br />

!l'otnl of Piece Goods .. 8,266,998,366 3,417,405,811 3,587,985,311 3,483,731;,1>$5 8,606,689,0·1'1 3,562,462,166 3,660,404,374 3,837,820,SliO<br />

Stockings -Do::.Prs. 861,617 896,866 1,182,685 1,126,807 1,020,242 1,124,988 1,105,666 l,1!14,337<br />

Thrend for Sowing Lbs. 7,281,131 7,li18,18!J 8,043,856 8,303,001 0,018,480 10,403,494 9,685,368 11,20o,.ISO<br />

Fish : Herrings -Brls. 585,193 659,054 631,7li0 723,666 852,680 68i;7li5 426,588 619,748<br />

Glnss: 1 lntc • ·Sq.Ft. 1,357,508 1,643,575 ·2,181,m 2,183,100 1,411,268 1,609,180 1,779,628 1,157,063<br />

-- Flint· • Owt.rinted, Checked,}<br />

or Dyed •<br />

12,405,SU 9,296,12·i 7,897,9·10 8,197,li08 8,987,132 13,742,124 13,181,129 14,411,1li6<br />

Rnileloth and Snlls "<br />

3,659,627 4,120,532 3,783,120 4,521,683 4,760,047 •,067,278 8,121,7&~ 4,080,721<br />

Total of I>ieco Goods<br />

"<br />

"<br />

.<br />

I<br />

------------- -------------<br />



PnonucE (Entered by Quantity) EXPORTED from the UNITED KINGDO~t.<br />

/<br />

75<br />

1878. 1879. 1880, 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

-----<br />

li,6-U,339 0,337,611 O,SSS,412 6,809,400 0,735,800 6,9-17,000 6,562,400<br />

2,967 5,0lS 5,128 0,108 6,·l-1:1. 7,376 0,973<br />

295,82-i 273,HO 267,003 252,122 229,13-i 263,731 3(H,425<br />

U.,223,300 12,100,700 14,927,500 14,363,000 14,183,000 15,832,.1-00 15,9S.l,700<br />

IS,219,858 li,039,415 5,028,800 5,471,683 4r-i,939,900 239,251:,700 264,772,000 270,IJM,600<br />

-----<br />

Cotton Manufactures:<br />

2,539,166,400 2,652,440,900 3,058,965,900 3,361,298,600 2,959,882,1;00 3,136,180,200 :J,095,353,700 l"ds {Picco Gootls, Whi tc<br />

• orPJaiu.<br />

1,067,298,400 1,057, 726,500 1,416,:u8,200 1,380,337 ,500 1,349,874,700 1,379,932,200 l,32l,M5,500 .. {--- Printed<br />

Checked, or Dve<br />

12,200,500 14,·'81,400 20,330,900 29,637,200 39,633,SOO 22,776,100 f280,800 {----. or ~iix<br />

" Materials.<br />

3,618,665,300 3,724,MS,800 4,495,61:5,000 4,777,273,300 4,349,391,000 4,538,888,500 l,417,280,000 .. Total of Piece Goods.<br />

------<br />

- -<br />

1,203,712 1,114,232 1,227,858 1,682,871 2,001,954 1,706,675 1,S21,li75<br />

12,178,800 11,7-i,200,200 212,4S2,600 227,250,000 212,SW,700<br />


Ou:ts. Alkali.<br />

1{o, Animals: Horses.<br />

Arit1s and Ammunition:<br />

No. l~ire-arms (Small).<br />

Llis. Gunpowder.<br />

Do::s, Bags, Empty.<br />

Brls. Beer and Ale.<br />

Cwts. Biscuits und Brend.<br />

llleuching Materials.<br />

"<br />

II :Books, Printed.<br />

.. Butter.<br />

Llis. Candles, or all Sorts.<br />

:No. Carriages, Rnilway.<br />

Otct~. Cement.<br />

" Chr.eso<br />

Tons {Coals, Cinders, lll ld<br />

Fuel.<br />

Owls. Cordage and Twine.<br />

,, Corn: Wheat.<br />

,, -- Wheat Flour.<br />

Lbs. Cotton Yarn.<br />

Do::.Prs. Stockings.<br />

Lbs. Threau for Sewing.<br />

Brls. Fish : llcl'rings.<br />

Sq.Ft. Glass: 1 lntc.<br />

C1cts. --11Jint.<br />

r-- Common<br />

It<br />

Bottles.<br />

-- or other So rls.<br />

Do.:.f.'Hnts<br />

"<br />

of all Sorts.<br />

Cwts {Leather, Tanned,<br />

• Unwrought.<br />

{Do:. r-·--- W1011ght .<br />

JJrs. Boots nnd Shoe s.<br />

Lb$, ---or other So rts.<br />

Linen and Jute Yarn:<br />

Linen Ynrn.<br />

"<br />

II JuteYani.<br />

Linen nnd Jute Mnn U•<br />

fnctures:<br />

Linen lllnnufuctures<br />

l'cls. White or J>lalu,<br />

{ l'rintcd, Ch01•kcd, o<br />

.. Dyed •<br />

Sailcloth uud Sails.<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Lbs.<br />

l"ds.<br />

Total of Piece Goods.<br />

Tlmwl for Sowing,<br />

Jl\to 1ttnnufncLure~.<br />

t In previous yenrs l m~o quantities ot Flccc Goods of Mixed 1tfotorlnls in which Wool 'protlominnted wore erroneously enterc1l<br />

tli Cotton Munufncturcs, but ar:l now included with ·woollen nnd Worsted Stuffs, .f~e p. 77, · ·<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


I<br />

QUANTITIES of the PRINCIPAL ARTICLES of BmT1sn and Imsn PnooucE<br />

-<br />

Pm~OIPAL ARTICLES <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. I 18ii.<br />

-Continued.<br />

------------------1----·1----1--·--:1----1----:----1<br />

1<br />

Metals:<br />

Iro11,0ld,<br />

manuracture<br />

for re·} Tons 100,7'19 130,812 107,521 60,3:\9 43,Hl 21,610 22,591 23,·109<br />

- p~~lddf~~d.} ,. 753,339 1,057,~8 1,331,1-13 l,H2,005 776,110. IH7,S27 Ul0,005 882,059<br />

-:.B~t,~~nl!i~} ., 321,455 3'19,0S.i 313,600 280,&i.5 258,953 276,008 227,9-!5 2·i7,IJ90<br />

nll othcr·ma- "<br />

nufacturcs •.<br />

- Steel, Un-')<br />

wrought· r 11<br />

-M:umfnc-}<br />

tures or Steel,<br />

or of Steel ,,<br />

nnd Iron combined<br />

- •<br />

Totaloflron& Steel JI<br />

Copper, Unwrought:<br />

Ingots, Cakes,} Cwts<br />

or Slabs • ·<br />

-Wrought or<br />

partly Wrouj ht:<br />

Mixed or Yellow<br />

1\letnl • "<br />

Of other Sorts ,,<br />

Brus!! of all Sorts .,<br />

LeadtPi~,Sbcet,} Ton<br />

nuuP1po - 8<br />

Tiu, Unwrought - Owts.<br />

Zinc, 'Vr.nnd Unwr."<br />

Oil & Floor Cloth Sq. Ydl.<br />

Oil, Seed • - Galls.<br />

Paper (other than}. Oicts<br />

Huugings) - •<br />

I<br />

--lwi\rond,of}<br />

all Sorts· "<br />

1,059,392 981,197 tH:>,420 7Sli.014 782,00li &15,981 414,656 498,256<br />

- Wire • • ,. 23,4i7 26,200 33,5-10 29,445 36,fl92 42,221 44,613 61,092<br />

-Hooll~.shcots,}<br />

and Boiler ., 181,48-1 200,337 207,19:> 201,570 108,430 2M,483 191,982 200,117<br />

Plntcs -<br />

- Tinned Pint-OS JI 00,851 110,606 118,083 120,638 122,960 133,363 132,GOi 153,226<br />

-Cast<br />

Wrought, nnd<br />

or 1<br />

233,721 2~,298 269,607 282,000 257,069 239,869 2M,G08<br />

Pictures - • No.<br />

Rngs,nndother~lu-J To11S<br />

ter1uls for paper<br />

, Salt • • • "<br />

Silk l\l:mufnctures:<br />

I BrondPieooGoods Yd8.<br />

Skins nnd Furs:<br />

Forclgn,British,} No<br />

Dressed !<br />

Soap • • ~ Owls.<br />

Spirits• • • Galls.<br />

Sugar, Refined - Owts,<br />

I<br />

, Wool, Sheep and} Lbs<br />

I.ambs' • • '<br />

Woollon and Wor·}<br />

i;ted Yarn • "<br />

Woollon and Worsted<br />

'l\lanuraoturcs:<br />

Cloths,Coatings,}<br />

&:c. 1<br />

Unmixeu Yd8,<br />

anu Mixed •<br />

'Fllmncls, Rlan·1<br />

kcts, Blanket- ,.<br />

ing,andllaizcs,<br />

Stnf\'11, Unmixed}<br />

and mxcd • ..<br />

Cnrpcts l\nd t<br />

Drugiots • J "<br />

39,189 39,418 31,41-0 29,85$ 26,777 24,2{)2<br />

11,175 13,038 10,479 10,050 11,026 10,283 11,321<br />

------------------·---1-----1------1-----1<br />

2,825,575 3,169,219 3,382,762 2,957,813 2,48'7,622 2,457,306 2,22-1,470 2,346,37Q<br />

----------------1----1-----ll"""""---,1-----<br />

213,421<br />

24-1.676<br />

309,861<br />

57,466<br />

47,802<br />

101,696<br />

146,909<br />

3,1211,().J:S<br />

0,776,340<br />

1'17,683<br />

3,915<br />

23,003<br />

'l&i,'10'7<br />

3,SM,028<br />

283,493<br />

_2;;9,980<br />

217,8!11<br />

70,816<br />

41,-180<br />

114,201<br />

129,Mli<br />

3,07-1,015<br />

11,048,306<br />

228,8iH<br />

9,410<br />

33,000<br />

8!13,201<br />

6,160,337<br />

t 728,231<br />

157,123 175,031<br />

1,457,205 1,607,061<br />

579,253. 778,435<br />

D,101,•105 11,{)57,289<br />

295,745<br />

200,&W<br />

181,SOS<br />

69,0M<br />

41,330<br />

1~3,871<br />

100,9i0<br />

3,216,579<br />

11,071,740<br />

303,293<br />

ll,609<br />

30,UGi<br />

753,681<br />

4,417,240<br />

1,07-J.,3!Jl<br />

233,736<br />

1,807,456<br />

632,:rn<br />

'1,605,146<br />

259,187<br />

230,762<br />

209,448<br />

83,G.is<br />

32,010<br />

115,150.<br />

68,814<br />

4,686,887<br />

11,11>'7,072<br />

319,8Si<br />

o,G99<br />

16,SOO<br />

S.i0,9311<br />

2,983,712<br />

5-H,765<br />

183.750<br />

1,085,lil>S<br />

600,7Si<br />

7,034,73G<br />

214,031<br />

281,128<br />

211,127<br />

10",760<br />

:iG,713<br />

154,013<br />

75,855<br />

5,&li,o.13<br />

13,096,478<br />

281,761<br />

7,017<br />

20,21G<br />

828,109<br />

4,025,459<br />

580,900<br />

219,129<br />

1,213,162<br />

D22,:U2<br />

10,07'i,61U<br />

222,873<br />

277,M7<br />

235,2S!l<br />

00,033<br />

35,398<br />

104,269<br />

97,160<br />

6,321S,562<br />

15,612,828<br />

318,895<br />

5,870<br />

23,701<br />

917,51-i<br />

3,654,660<br />

373,057<br />

251,012<br />

1,000,r;.w<br />

972,263<br />

10,536,523<br />

238,223<br />

255,076<br />

216,590<br />

03,368<br />

35,021<br />

99,217<br />

113,474<br />

5,000,995<br />

18,237,304<br />

287,185<br />

6,li99<br />

22,989<br />

805,80.i<br />

3,9i3,737<br />

003,276<br />

254,853<br />

1,308,456<br />

1,19'2,277<br />

9,81'Z~ill<br />

341,272<br />

224,661<br />

91,841<br />

42,465<br />

121,98?<br />

115,760<br />

5,290,533<br />

16,5·i8,684<br />

321,155<br />

6,·129<br />

32,()!)3<br />

833,702<br />

4,S!i6,0!l'7<br />

1,000,313<br />

299,018<br />

1,G30,().iS<br />

1,119,o.n<br />

9,548,999.<br />

35,5.16,848, 43,725,577 30,734,924 34,7-1-l,507 M,981,008 31,723,627 30,854,160 20,972,530<br />

32,40.i,71\. 85,583,607 40,'l34,22·i 38,033,883 40,331,686 42,058,SM 40,479,373 .W,121S,206<br />

H,985,S!l9 H,091,282 15,022,122 14,447,813 10,00.i,430 16,100,787 13,002,SM 10,058,60'<br />

235,932,484 307,237,042 34i,OOS,680 282,8Si,692 261,135,081 251,841i,5i0 221,561,999 ll»,777,0M<br />

D,37-i,173 10,957,453 11,815,900 9,921,100 9,208,271 7,522,660 6,29M79 6,.:S.1;449<br />

•The Quantities or Spirits slnpped as °M(ll'Chandlse only arc here stated, nnu are exclusive or Ships' Stores, &c.<br />

· t Cannot be gh·en.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


7<br />

l/7i<br />

(Entered by Quantity) ExroRTED from the UNITEJ? KINGDO.ll-Continued.<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 188



Alkali . . - . .<br />

Animals: Ilorsos . - .<br />

Apparel and Slops - . .<br />

Arms and Ammunition :<br />

Fire-arms (small) - . Gunpowder . . .<br />

or all other Kinds • . .<br />

Bags, empty - . Beer and Alo . . - .<br />

Biscuit and Ilrcad . . Bleaching Materials - .<br />

Books, Printed . . . .<br />

Butter . . . .<br />

Candles of all Sorts - - .<br />

Caoutchouc, Mrmufactures of • .<br />

Carriages, Railway• . .<br />

Cement . . . -<br />

Cheese . . - . .<br />

Chemical Products and Dye-Stuffs .<br />

Clocks and Watches . - .<br />

Coals, &c.:<br />

Coals, Cimlors, and Fuel - -<br />

Products of Coal (except Dyes) •<br />

Cordage aµd Twinp . . .<br />

Com, Wheat "! "! . .<br />

- Wheat Flour . - .<br />

- Or other Kinds - . .<br />

Cotton Yam . . . .<br />

Cotton Manufactures:<br />

Piece Goods, White or Plain .<br />

Printed, Checked, l<br />

or Dyed • ~J<br />

----- Or Mixed Materials<br />

Stockings and Socks . -<br />

Thread for Sowing • .<br />

~<br />

or other Kinds - . .<br />

~otal or Cotton ?ilauuractures :<br />

Earth~~ ~nd Ohinn. Ware . .<br />

Fish, Herrin~ - . .<br />

--Of other Sorts - . .<br />

Furniture, Cr.binet<br />

Wares • •<br />

and Upholstery')<br />

- • ·J<br />


18i0. l Sil. 1872.<br />

----<br />

£ £ £<br />

1,486,045 1,747,269 2,4SG,9!)1<br />

255;'3!>5 273,913 180,0$2<br />

2,205,255 2,707,499 3,112,452<br />

871,·U9 800,670 478,5i7<br />

427,229 4-i0,454 4SG,43i<br />

GW,259 1,088,869 465,223<br />

913,6-i2 1,200,621 1,627,026<br />

l,SSI,G73 1,853,733 2,085,430<br />

435,G09 48S,551 327,000<br />

177,187 25i',2(H 3?3,09G<br />

GS0,855 719,042 883,914<br />

315,82G 327,431 305,570<br />

132,GSS 180,548 222,491<br />

693,012 85i,539 l,032,09:l<br />

475,741 400,103 237,294<br />

300,199 409,('>89 IS04,0M<br />

110,246 9G,188 82,892<br />

1,227,179 l,588,7G3 l,SGS,634<br />

HG,1$(!. 172,107 142,800<br />

437,995 7·i0,085 264,€21 302,903 34(), SSS<br />

14,671,135 15,061,204 16,697,426 15,895,4-iO 14,517, 425<br />

--------------<br />

88,922,022 33,308,025 :U,&i2,628 S.1,273,471 M,741, OSI<br />

19,080,746 19,5G3,987 23,360,694<br />

339,437 7G5,77S 727,891<br />

292,GSO ?91,!\80 418,889<br />

1,208,147 1122-1,009 1,400,2-13<br />

-------<br />

1,890,228 2,010,874 2,711!,434 8,0SS,700 2,71S5, 810<br />

50,745,210 57,760,201 GS,466,729 61,4SS,172 59,73(), 200<br />

--- ---<br />

1,740,153 1,86-i,761 2,142,017 2,205,USS 1,861, 760<br />

.723,005 SS8,'"6 891,634 1,026,978 1,216, 782<br />

192,IS29 279,002 292,167 !lGS,UlS 224, 435<br />

a<br />

28i,026 258,945 814,062<br />

~/<br />

£<br />

2,929,000<br />

177,2G2<br />

3,437,410<br />

515,2GO<br />

412,170<br />

423,892<br />

1,913,153<br />

2,432,020<br />

298,125<br />

393,413<br />

913,846<br />

2G5,585<br />

220,776<br />

909,287<br />

S00,09G<br />



Inxsrr PuonucE EXPORTED from the UNITED KINGDOM.<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. PRINCIPAL ARTICJ,ES,<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

1,974,633 2,010,027 2,398,082 2,0S9,8U 2,067,806 2,12-1,002 2,089,009 Alkali.<br />

20l.,810 295,052 311,302 380,S.16 4-07,599 410,269 400,915 Animals: Horses.<br />

3,176,412 3,208,9n 3,212,103 3,711,797 ·i,169,382 3,633,80.J. 3,936,483 Apparel and Slops.<br />

Arms and Ammunition :<br />

303,500 257,578 307,0S9 318,025 323,212 361,353 390,911 Fire-arms (small).<br />

319,178 311,612 372,585 3.69,607 356,320 38-1,639 387,3!12 Gunpowder.<br />

57M02 523,023 777,307 705,008 7·i7,79!. 829,626 956,914 or all other Kinds.<br />

1,556,661 1,437,815 1,45!?,-iiG 1,504,271 1,180,239 1,137,682 1,000,311 Bags, empty.<br />

1,760,692 1,755,331 1,733,505 1,727,337 1,869,095 1,820,259 1,6-1.1,975 Beer and Ale.<br />

.Ul,811 485,IHO liSS,119 610,652 650,IH7 li!l6,780 583,387 Biscuit and Brend.<br />

280,703 310,935 4U,5-i7 358,326 340,303 480,278 661,·.l-06 Bleaching )fotcrinls.<br />

890,8.J.6 956,616 970,263 1,099,8i6 1,169,592 1,174,929 1,170,514 Books, Printed.<br />

243,144. 235,G06 201,671. 205,153 219,726 212,214 202,523 Butter.<br />

170,161 135,852 143,231 137,677 lS.i,SiG U7,001 213,GSG Candles or all Sorts.<br />

703,307 761,717 833,837 939,172 999,529 1.o70,36G 1,001,730 Caoutchouc, Manufactures of.<br />

186,93G 127,120 290,272 227,438 618,149 1,093,859 1,285,761 Carriages, Railway.•<br />

573,358 551,SSS 692,575 753,392 O-i,601 925,·i.74 871,015 Cement.<br />

66,009 55,140 50,63-1 51,208 65,·14'3 58,839 60,73.'3 Cheese.<br />

1,892,864 2,037,148 2,384,021 2,536,'148 2,269,693 2,100,253 2,093,02-1. Chemical Products and Dye-Stuffs.<br />

140,890 155,130 156,817 18.J.,123 2b'2,156 311,235 293,039 Clocks and Watches.<br />

Coals, &e.:<br />

7,330,474 7,206,799 8,3'12,933 8,'185,950 9,5M,616 10,M5,919 10,851,130 Coals, Cinders, and Fuel.<br />

437,614 liOl,'102 492,261 565,693 781,412 l,017,'1G7 l,OOS,:JOO Prod~cts of Cont (except Dses).<br />

-316,50i 284,173 295,607 335,789 427,919 435,5!).J, 416,~07 Cordage and Twine.<br />

373,953 3'3,623 3'8,lliS 238,55~ 103,814 22,M9 19,683 Com, Wheat.<br />

30,045 46,211 74,cm 70,252 72,038 60,42a 'il,9M - Whcnt Flour.<br />

279,227 310,6M 298,415 453,965 389,143 2a,009 262,538 - or otl1cr Kinds.<br />

13,017,356 12,100,961 11,901,623 13,165,053 12,8M,711 13,509,732 13,813,078 Cotton Yarn.<br />

---- Cotton Manufactures:<br />

29,108,921 29,253,812 34,755,H7 37,169,517 33,469,672 :H,151,333 31,850,336 Piece Goods, White or ]>Jain.<br />

18,577,681 17,253,0'14 22,377,370 21,23i;695 21,006,457 20,831,161 19,806,481 {<br />

---- Printed, Checked,<br />

or Dyed,<br />

357,820 368,182 5i5,567 699,709 006,656 551,672 tS,806 ---- Omixcd::\foterinls.<br />

389,892 370,805 401,858 489,917 621,913 536,311i 569,3-15 Stockings and Socks.<br />

1,917,338 1,833,489 2,073,131 2,312,314 2,·100,101 2,361,118 2,477,391 Threncl for Sewing.<br />

• 2,506,5.U 2,'187,'130 3,509,360 4,018,320 4,457,695 4,liOi,·126 4,222,795 Of other Kinds.<br />

-----·----<br />

li2,918,199 51,867,092 63,002,433 65,924,478 62,931,4!).j, 02,930,02a liS,935,11i4o Total of Cotton 1\lanufnctnrcs.<br />

·----<br />

1.79i,218 1,'199,956 2,005,518 ·2,203,550 2,309,138 2,333,167 1,955,119:.lr 'Earthen nnd Chinn. Wnro.<br />

929,lH 1,062,718 1,422,361 1,228,03'1 1,374,1192 1,420,640 1,6-19,211) Fish, llerrlngs.<br />

351,'186 3M,437 356,00Q 398,~18 412,110 ·155,·158 460,07'1 - - Of other Sort.s.<br />

449,499 415,405 480,821 597,182 761,579<br />

I<br />

'101l,298 716,248 {Furniture, Cabinet and Upholstery<br />

Wares.<br />

t In previous years largo quantities of Picco Goods of 1\lixed l\laterinls in 'vhlch Wool predominated wcro erroneously entered<br />

~s Cotton Manufactures, but nrc now inclmled with Woollen and WorstllJ Stuffs, 1co p. 85.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


PRINCII'AL ARTICLES (Cont.) <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. I<br />


1873. 1874. 1875. \876. 1877.<br />

------<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

_Glass, Plato . . . . 145,509 159,965 2-13,780 328,708 215,605 210,916 197,3-10 128,663<br />

--Flint . . . . 290,174 258,165 300,481 359,265 303,487 3H,210 265,14:> 268,229<br />

--Common Bottles . . 300,763 315,825 373,lSS 4GJ.,91S 463,626 3G6,619 312,132 336,75-:l<br />

--or other Sorts . . . 90,270 143,818 2().i,1193 192,752 200,797 175,983 142,426 120,$23<br />

Uaberdnshery and Millinery • . 4,813,023 5,901,979 6,fl.10,827 6,597,257 6,140,460 4,922,420 3,771,171 3,807,705<br />

Uardwnre and Cutlery . . . 3,812,385 4,006,385 5,089,481 4,038,537 4,403,390 4,261,331 3,483.286 3,337,75-:l<br />

Huts of all Sorts . . . li27,336 668,681 S47,5Gl SS0,787 94-i,961 1,045,440 1,001,'114 1,106,556<br />

Implements and Tools of Industry . 326,155 273,928 36-i,li60 500,780 414,017 416,331 41:?,615 406,6i2<br />

Leather, Unwrought . . . 850,495 1,136,7Si 1,220,981 1,048,909 1,319,363 1,495,831 1,211,146 1,165,lS.J,<br />

--- Wrought, Boots and Shoes 1,148,423 1,513,'171 1,695,248 1,707,SSG 1,374,302 1,517,267 1,404,075 1,336,478<br />

of other Sorts . 299,992 448,156 376,4-U 3().i,898 391,796 382,987 329,773 305,175<br />

Saddlery and Harness . 326,753 546,550 365,559 455,182 463,4M 485,083 397,561 352,202<br />

Linen and Juto Yam:<br />

Linen Yarn . . . 2,237,492 2,218,129 2,131,071 1,976,830 1,716,231 1,855,684 1,449,513 1,291,729<br />

Jute Yan1 • . . . 100,465 262,057 261,239 206,521 245,7S4 225,836 226,813 217,424<br />

Linen and Jute l\fonufacturcs :<br />

:Ulnen Manufactures :<br />

-<br />

-----------<br />

White or Plain . . . 6,271,734 6,377,010 7,241,338 5,204,800 5,876,864 5,90-i,058 4,365,072 4,507,665<br />

Printed, Cheeked, or Dyed . 421,178 311,533 233,736 260,639 287,7M 470,295 4-i9,918 471,082<br />

Sailcloth and Sails • . . 102,862 222,675 225,201 263,276 286,339 243,312 186,022 233,180<br />

Thread for Sewing . . 283,028 345,581 317,51i6 293,187 337,007 353,576 M9,549 301,SS9<br />

Of other Sorts . . . 57,303 247,0,2 207,750 2S~,251 327,438 .300,779 260,175 220,727<br />

---<br />

Totnl or Linen Mnnµfacturcs • 7,226,105 7,503,816 8,225,600 7,306,153 7,116,302 7,272,920 5,620,636 G,834,443<br />

Jute Manufactures<br />

l\foehlnery :<br />

'<br />

- ---<br />

. 789,657 1,026,759 1,486,484 1,500,850 l,679,766 1,404,\)\)'T 1,558,256 1,547,408<br />

Steam Eil!Sines . . 1,097,523 2,06-i,004 2,lil»,000 2,027,617 3,255,685 2,631,33;J 1,030,117 2,018,864<br />

. 414,035 521,SSO 665,475 671,G50 657,449 617,G77 885,420 l,020,lil3<br />

Of other Sorts<br />

'Mnnuro . .<br />

. .<br />

~<br />

. 3,205,750 3,002,037 5,606,116 7,002,312 6,53G,229 6,427,314 5,271,300 4,70-1,001<br />

"Medicines • . . . . 614,515 720,830 7M,OS6 676,260 660,461 6!»,lll7 613,29'2 6!).i,329<br />

Metals:<br />

Irou, Old, for rc·mnnufncture . 501,536 672,600 656,262 390,522 2-15,381 102,837 05,ll77 100,788<br />

- Pig and Puddled . . 2,229,045 3,229,408 6,7J2,li70 7,118,037 3,673,'iM 3,4-i0,016 2,842,~ 2,528,605<br />

- llnl', Angle, Dolt, nnd Rod • 2,615,2411 2,02l,777 3,632,818 3,755,0SO 3,05-i,5-i7 2,725,007 1,ll-ili,445 1,028,103<br />

- Railroad, or all Sorts . sh'M,552 8,Q8'1,6lll 10,225,492 10,418,852 0,1138,230 .5,453,836 S,700,105 8,868,106<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


Imsn PRODUCE ExronT1m from the UNITED K.rnGDOlI.-Continueq.<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. PRINCIPAL .AnTICLES (Cont.)<br />

.<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

106,762 133,635 192,607 212,9W 2i5,909 261,360 272,883 Glass, Plnte.<br />

239,747 230,537 2-18,69!. 29'2,506 200,0U 339,046 301,569 --Flint.•<br />

310,307 305,606 332,886 318,582 375,233 356,400 352,835 --Common Bottles.<br />

99,0GS 113,255 H7,321 l:n,119 138,400 127,532 124,482 --or other Sorts.<br />

3,001,376 3,486,920 3,874,722 4,191,005 4,258,173 3,879,768 2,851,892 Haberdashery nnd l!illincry.<br />

3,297,937 3,028,271 3,520,878 3,8SO,S32 4,107,125 3,756,449 3,142,711 Hardwuro and Cutlery.<br />

1,081,G~ 897,657 1,025,568 1,123,380 1,317,038 1,137,085 1,151,677 Hats or nil Sorts.<br />

420,925 364.,209 378,413 422,lGl 591,109 853,506 99-i,50·1 lmplmnents nml Tools of Industry.<br />

1,177,282 1,507,427 1,152,660 1,


Pnn;c1PAL ARTICLES (Cont.) <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872.<br />

DECLARED VALUE of PmNCIPAI. ARTICLES of Bnri•1s11 ancl<br />

I<br />

1873. 1874. 1875 • 1876. 1877.<br />

l\Ietais-cotit. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Iron Wire • . . . 439,MG 4W,159 672,9H 692,470 769,927 780,037 '131,148 752,278<br />

- Il~\)S, Sheet und Boiler), 2,119,629 2,399,203 S,414,90G 3,722,889 2,975,40!> 3,301,14$ 2,853,621 2,732,313<br />

P.a.es • • •)<br />

- Tinned Plates . -<br />

2,362,872 2,900,G~ 3,S06,9i3 3,9:>3,042 3,714,810 3,686,607 2,891,693 3,033,126<br />

- Cnst or Wrought, and all}<br />

other Manufactures , 3,331,372 3,588,36-1 4,772,36-1 5,478,7~9 5,122,588 4,3-12,492 4,(Ul,41S 3,G-iS,661<br />

- Steel, Unwrought . 1,103,936 1,19S,·l2S 1,478,737 1,462,857 1,203,719 1,0i3,733 878,412 807,850<br />

- Manufactures of Steel, or or}<br />

Steel and Iron combined· 575,357 682,855 623,122 728,831 791,905 b:!i,758 ';57,157 717,035<br />

---<br />

Total of Iron and Steel - Z.i,038,090 26,121,134 35,900,167 37,731,239 31,190,256 25,7·i7.2n 20,737,410 20,113,915<br />

(Seo also Tolegra.phic Wiro.) ---.-<br />

---<br />

.. Copper, Umvrought:<br />

Ingots, Cakes, or Slabs 705,868 1,070,005 1,422,214 1,212,612 942,421) 980,154 983,451 876,358<br />

.. Wrought or partly<br />

Wrought;<br />

Mixed or Yellow}<br />

Metiil • • 790,';02 869,832 860,712 900,160 l,136,5li0. 1,0Si,739 000,00'1 1,207,073<br />

or other Sorts -<br />

1,228,283 1,021,837 943,376 1,084,701 1,055,001 1,172,636 1,000,133 975,102<br />

,, Brass, of all Sorts • . . 247,075 310,268 377,329 500,720 659,97G 489,985 485,580 440,620<br />

" Lead, Pig, Sheet, and Pii>e· . 9-16,37-J, 857,0:iO 906,529 760,294 830,&12 820,103 809,995 912,498<br />

.. Tin, Unwroughb ~ . . 633,330 761,436 851,082 786,lli6 810,652 476,131 392,700 4'i8,8M.<br />

,, Zinc, Wrought and Un.wrought· Hl,281 115t2Sl 101,812 85,7·i6 9,,490 115,730 130,525 119,793<br />

l\lusical Instruments . . - 145,620 H9,IH7 188,660 233,924 222,726 208,442 224,225 226,863<br />

Oil and Floor Cloth<br />

~ - . 219,200 214',G18 233,503 311,953 355,003 3S0,597 349,853 317,408<br />

Oil, Seed - . .<br />

7<br />

. 1,286,27~ 1,487,999 1,539,22.2 1,471,071 1,1129,(),13 1,662,221 ~.003,090 1,971,912<br />

Painters' Colours . . . 877,268 1,019.ii3 1,108,161 1,012,829 1,161,234 1.218,589 1,069,647 1,195,837<br />

Paper (other than Hangings) . . 530,IUS GGS,926 876,371 978,61'1 874,114 943,864 853,958 901,934 '<br />

Pickles, Vinegiir, and Sauces• • - 4G9,G75 482,062 605,19i 650,322 liGS,201 631,032 598,610 620,GOi<br />

. 80,332 147.720 H2,4SO. 169,5!)0. 217,SO.S ~8-i,321 30~.M5 318,007<br />

Pictures - .<br />

~<br />

-<br />

Plate and Pliited Ware • . . 190,7G7 192,493 229,365 278,403 28-i,'140 303,282 250,968 220,852<br />

Provisions, not otherwiso described • 926,112 873,174 767,6H 777,838 730,216 693,294 713,193 774,601<br />

Rngs and othor Mnt~rials (o~ Pn~er • :J&9,909 588,8;36 578,lUI 297,SG-~ 302,332 329,112 278,459 387,000<br />

Salt . . . . . 3Sl,888 467,596 533,171 789,~i 662,393 676,556 ~4.753 462,575<br />

Silk, Thrown, •.rwist, and Ynr1~. ., 1,154,364 1,269,812. l,89.i,595 1,667,MS 1,032,6-i3 880,923 1,080,678 1170,999<br />

Silk l\lnnufaotures:<br />

---<br />

Broad Picco qooqs . . '14(!,212 856,401 600,373 528,200 675,927 562,936 6-iS,M7 701,408<br />

Of other . Kinds '.<br />

~<br />

'<br />

. 710,185 1,100,085 1,494,400 1,3110,3M 1,425,4\\2 1,171,ISSS 1,146,518 1,003,745<br />

Total or Silk Manuractures . 1,450,397 2,053,0SG 2,190,869 1,878,600 2,101,410 1,73-1,1110 1,71H,11611 1,'105,153<br />

I-!'""- -----·------<br />

• Confectionery, Preserved Fruits, nnd Cocoa aml<br />

..<br />

•<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


-<br />

Imsn PnoouoF.. EXPORTED from the UNITED KrnGnmr-Continued.<br />

1878. 1879. I<br />

.<br />

I<br />

1880. 1881. 1882 •• 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. PmNcn•AJ, AnTICLES (Cont.)<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ ~rctals-cout.<br />

630,035 497,075 827,{115 1,000,SU 1,330,54-li 1)26,707 692,60'1 . Iron Wire.<br />

2,531,027 2,108,826 3,383,120 3,4-0i,790 3,943,806 3,81)1),774 3,61)3,001 {<br />

- Hoops, Sheet and Boiler<br />

l'latcs.<br />

2,732,378 3,507,9'17 4,457,887 4,163,132 •i,0.12,125 ·1',705,403 ·i,746,1)23 - TinnelH,26$ 4,5-19,860 4,616,660 4,580,671<br />

- Cast or Wrought, and all<br />

{ other Manufactures.<br />

758,571 818,301 1,269,986 1,871,161 2,034,339 1,396,556 1,127,481 - Steel, Unwrought.<br />

736,840 6S7,GG5 826,819 914,311 942,53-i 580,GU 4-02,380<br />

- Manufactures or Steel, or or<br />

{ Steel and Iron combined.<br />

----·<br />

lS,393,240 19,417,363 28,390,316 27,590,908 31,S!lS,306 28,G00,216 2-i,400,065 Total or Iron :md Steel.<br />

1- (See also Telegraphic Wire.)<br />

,, Coppc1·~ Uuwrought:<br />

1,213,G.J:l 1,061,441 1,05.'3,603 1,228,378 009,241 1,1'3,034 1,053,135 Ingots, Cakes, or Slabs.<br />

.. Wrou~ht or partly<br />

"'rought:<br />

!lO·i,779 93S,G10 1,021,967 1,003,680 1,150,622 1,181,006 1,055,576 {<br />

lllixcd or 'Yellow<br />

Metal.<br />

978,416 1,082,398 1,257,998 1,204,509 1,274,215 1,241,773 1,458,318 Or other Sorts.<br />

409,4!).i 308,706 323,473 SM,792 441,383 "32,033 452,998 ,, .Brass, or all Sorts.<br />

Mi,456 566,00G OSi,028 675,S2S 577,325 553,l·U 422,178 ,. Lend, Pig, Sheet, and Pipe.<br />

413,253 '1~,353 399,175 460,506 579,557 li24i,049 469,210 ,. Tin, Unwrought.<br />

120,176 S:S,972 131,576 118,296 125,969 98,741 100,356 ,, Zinc, Wrought and Unwrougl1t<br />

191,&19 171,377 200,212 222.313 229,278 254,560 265,414 Musical Instruments.<br />

386,543 •1-00,00.i 382,653 453,146 M6,37G li97,000 634-,9-15 Oil and Floor Cloth.<br />

1,938,6-1-0 1,388,630 1,621,337 l,4-lG,803 l,4-H,071 1,863,li20 1,400,014 Oil, Seod.<br />

1,13i,627 1,030,914 1,163,708 1,203,1121 l,3iO,.li72 1,277,913 1,293,880 Painters' CoJ.mrs.<br />

923,859 915,925 l,106,9!lG 1,242,002 1,305,025 1,284,862 1,37·1:,392 Paper (other tltan llangings).<br />

657,173 65S,(j28 678,882 815,699 1,31i0,763 1,221,414 1,380,829 Pickles, Vinegar, and Sauces.•<br />

278,026 lll9,9'11 310,244 2-18,915 290,SGS 320,000 386,887 Pictures.<br />

218,281 209,620 233,4DS 278,733 350,87G 340,168 321,197 Plato and Plated Ware.<br />

876,812 921,985 1.035,182 1,151,8Gl 974,926 821,920 779,267 Provisions, not othorwiso described.<br />

314,703 ~i0,425 673,523 563,460 526,51>i &'.)2,851 li62,903 Rags and other l\Iatcrials for Paper.<br />

502,809 551,9-W 603,918 585,838 568,715 645,00D 611,537 Sall ..<br />

G65,2GU 6!U,735 633,591 1,008,272 825,572 705,825 612,951 Sillr, Thrown, Twist, and Yarn.<br />

Silk ?tfonufact\\rcs:<br />

801,000 798,52-li 1,012,720 1,151,438 1,289,473 1,2/H,603 1,110,817 Urond Picco Goods<br />

1,121,953 898,685 l.01'7,939 1,413,292 1,-102,802 1,171,696 1,06-1:,593 or othor Kinds.<br />

1,922,953 1,697,209 2,030,659 2,561,730 2,692,275 2,1:20,299 2,171i,410 Tol.31 or Silk 'i\lnnU!ucturcs.<br />

-<br />

preparations tl1oroof, included subsequent to 1881.<br />

A 176-i3,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


I<br />

I<br />


PRINCil'AI. ARTICLES (Cont.) lSiO. lSil. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 18i7.<br />

I<br />

Skins and Furs :<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

British • . . . 386,972 5-10,0-19 597,492 731,723 813,783 6S9,S7·i 543,033 5SS,SSS<br />

Foreign, British Drcssecl . 163,762 133,395 2SS,2-i2 217,7-19 2S0,72S 257,320 308,8H 2M,3S7<br />

Soap . . . . . 218,S.i:> 237,502 301,809 2-i3,047 277,723 310,511 313,208 365,59-i<br />

Spirits• . - - - 183,291 200,570 226,186 210,91H 152,·i6S 27-i,697 317.-'70 374,204<br />

Stationery, other than Paper . ·!89,250 531,6·H 062,139 673,920 GS0,056 687,182 659,910 656,622<br />

Sugar, R-Oflned . . . 934,110 1,239,702 1,0H,256 l,0-l:S,751 1,221,891 1,H9,S79 1,363,903 l,5i2,100<br />

Telegraphic Wire . . . 2,522,593 1,52.~,0:IS ·105,318 2,359,223 2,112,801 1,168,620 814,849 1,2W,l·H<br />

Umbrellns nnd Parasols . . 252,829 303,290 3i-i,3G3 36~,210 353,270 356,·167 290,139 S51,SIG<br />

Wool, Sheep and Lambs' . . oS0,570 828,799 629,275 G20,S48 920,415 928,264 757,832 705,610<br />

Woollen and Worsted Yarn • . •i,99 i,2-l:9 6,100,727 6,110,138 5,393,-193 5,558,560 5,099,307 ·Ml7,2·U 3,609,456<br />

------------<br />

Woollen and Worsted ?ilanufac·<br />

tures:<br />

Cloth!l{oatings, &c., Unmixed}<br />

and lixed - • •<br />

Flannels, Blankets, Blanket·}<br />

ing, nud Baizes • •<br />

4,74!l,lll5 G,563,037 6,991,718 6,599,635 6,642,222 6,SS0,203 6,451,410 6,567,80G<br />

1,078,983 1,030,302 1,104,8S5 l,OS9,SG.i 1,318,007 1,239,637 1,0H,886 1,176,377<br />

Stuffs, Unmixed :a.nd Mixed . 13,788,·l:Sl 17,953,209 20,90S,163 14,277,382 ll,SSS,072 ll,1S9,914 9,141,G05 7,72S,.iH<br />

Carpet.t and Druggcts . . l,393,2i9 1,IHS,·Ul 1,910,774 1,597,383 1,480,892 1,159,979 911,873 &17,763<br />

Of nll other Sorts . . 65i,72S 987,426 1,41H,783 1,785,614 1,471,7S9 1,249,592 1,0S3,70i 1,025,848<br />

Total of Woollen nml Wor·}<br />

stcol Muuufncturcs •<br />

21,664,606 27,182,385 32,SSS,273 25,349,878 22,800,952 21,659,325 18,603,478 17,3-13,203<br />

Other Articles . . 5,363,3:>6 7,7'1·i,263 8,972,S-!9 9,480,852 9,315,101 9,7'!9,113 9,490,IHS 9,371,!HO<br />

TOTAL . . .. . 199,586,822 223,006,162 256,257,S.1'1 255,164,603 239,558,121 223,·W5,963 200,639,201 l!lS,893,065<br />

• Sec not-0, pngc 76.<br />

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fatsII Pnoouc& EXPORTED from the UNITED KtNGDOlt-Continued.<br />

I<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. l?mNCIPAL ARTICLES (Cont.)<br />

l<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Skins and Furs:<br />

632,07-1 670,().iS 970,2!H 885,853 907,0-19 609,1!!6 531,985 British.<br />

·199,933 710,085 673,553 902,036 631,729 S·:IS,·195 782,003 Foreign, British Dressed.<br />

405,183 432,699 440,286 397,639 4:>8,477, . 449,SO·i 5-i7,613 Scap.<br />

394,584 4!i2,.U2 541,224 782,689 766,425 809,6'1-J. 810,788 Spirits.•<br />

64.7,659 665,995 723,772 796,585 883,493 882,793 847,057 Stationery,other than Pap{)r.<br />

l,204,2lH 971,0SO 1,126,827 1,0H,897 1,220,0-18 1,236,682 1,111,261 Sugar, Refined.<br />

745,952 2,500,637 1,S00,908 1,983,663 1,().12,561 1,237,893 2,509,153 Telegraphic Wire.<br />

427,S.iS 330,830 457,SSO 459,428 485,137 537,501 '581,851 Umbrellas nnd Parasols.<br />

547,823 911,278 1,187,113 SIH,366 876,!H4 1,029,999 826,185 Wool, Sheep and Lambs'.<br />

3,908,322 3,714,230 3,344,NO 3,225,690 3,398,&i5 3,266,488 3,890,425 Woollen and Worsted Yarn.<br />

-<br />

Woollen:md Worsted ?.Inuufi:.c~urcs:<br />

6,263,107 0,145,773 6,730,721 7,552,GM 7,708,798 7,351,4SS 7,931,839 {<br />

ClothsM ContiU!:,"S, &c., Unmixed<br />

nnd ixed. ·<br />

1,070,!?69 806,093 897,088 972,4:>9 l,091,718 837,82·.lr 011,711<br />

.Flannels, Blankets, Dlankcting,<br />

{ nnd Ilaizes.<br />

7,4iS,203 0,921,532 7,2-1.1,156 7,237,liO-.lr 7,332,0'.19 7,687,834 t8,718,326 Stuffs, Unmixed nnd Mixed.<br />

8·10,419 803,233 1,133,MS 1,16-1,438 1,326,975 1,258,802 1,258,109 Carpets and Drngi;ets.<br />

1,110,267 l,l&i,535 1,256,607 1,201,701 1,300,0-W 1,179,5·12 1,310,576 Ot all other Sorts.<br />

-----------<br />

16,727,265 15,861,166 17,205,177 18,128,750 18,768,634' 18,315,575 20,130,1101 {<br />

·---<br />

9,700,085 9,250,192 10,570,157 11,420,339 12,025,300 11,379,075 11,203,97·.l Otl1or Articles.<br />

Total of Woollen nnd Worsted<br />

M.auufnctures.<br />

192,&18,914 Wl,531,758 223,060,'"6 23-i,022,678 241,407,162 239,799,473 233,0W,242<br />

1<br />

TOTAL,<br />

• Seo noto, page 70, t Sec note, page 70.<br />

Jt 2<br />

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...<br />



VALUE.<br />

No. 32.-ToTAL VALUE of FOREIGN nnd Cor.ONIAL<br />


<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 18i5. 1876.<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

4-i,493,755 60,508,538 5S,331,·i87 55,84-0,162 58,092,S·i3 58,146,360 56,137,398<br />

..<br />

I<br />



CO::\ll'UTED<br />

VALUE.<br />


<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 18i6.<br />

FOltEIG::f. £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Russia, Northern Ports - 2,SO.J,918 2,9G6,0SG 2,356,099 2,132,862 2,612,570 2,83S,72J, 2,058,128<br />

--- Southern J>orts - 273,920 382,212 503,649 414,(l.iS 476,219 4i8,06S 391,689<br />

S\rcdcu and Norwny - - 1,210,457 1,277,00:; 1,4-13,557 1,9-11,824 1,656,283 1,758,540 2,098,887<br />

Denmark J>roper, and Iceland 307,708 300,29-i 318,556 383,34-~ 35-i.376 ·132,438 399,601<br />

---Da11ish Wcstlndies 13,1).15 15,~5 16,021 18,360 17,179 15,862 15,409<br />

Germany - - - 7,IH9,366 11,059,252 11,531,458 9,439,077 10,327,771 10,833,7-11 9,652,·122<br />

Holland - - - - 6,083,061 7,994,987 8,121,3'31 7,8a2,530 G,862,522 6,995,096 G,930,608<br />

---J nva and other Pos-}<br />

i;essions in the Indian Seas G,137 18,627 21,317 14,221 18,985 17,521 14,030<br />

Ilelgium - - 4,46S,071i 6,598,730 6,G00,865 7,029,562 6,825,250 8,012,832 6,960,23.J.<br />

France - - - 10,339,SGO 15,182,liOO 11,023,606 12,9o.J.,195 13,018,967 11,935,328 12,914,658<br />

---Algeria - - - 2,181 2,086 2,312 1,156 229 7,511 3,27!)<br />

l - - Possessions ln Senc-}<br />

gnmbia - -<br />

2,265 376 3,762 153 3,648 3,127 ·iSl<br />

--Possessions in India - - - - - 42 7<br />

Portugal - - - - 321,305 4-i!l,175 367,106 403,iHO 421,342 518,838 40:;,s1s<br />

---Azores and Madeira 18,538 2M·i2 23,0:16 23,470 25,004 20,270 30,653<br />

Spain nnd tho Dalcario}<br />

lslnnds - - - -<br />

600,57-Jr 830,592 G!li,85!l 791,197 965,{).13 86-i,147 80·1,133<br />

--C111111ry lslnnds . - 15,237 1S,31i5 18,573 68,138 25,763 19,665 11,368<br />

--Fen111ndo J>o . - 3,633 2,'106 2,3·15 5,346 S,360 '3,4·1-0 4,167<br />

--West India Islands 307,777 330,613 433,023 402,410 40-i,293 367,0SS 557,265<br />

--Philippiuo Islands - 13,835 23,673 17,576 11,021) 12,465 9,71i3 0,907<br />

Italy . . - - 1,02!,203 1,371,417 1,158,350 1,127,492 1,3!H,035 1,·i03,106 1,·130,63·1'<br />

Austrian Territories - - 358,319 496,791 474,06.Jr 331,143 872,223 280,281 826,743<br />

Grecco - - . - 91,075 10·1,411 121,008 114,12!) 162,86-i 209,227 lS.1,HO<br />

Roumnnia• - - - 82,llli !)2,108 110,705 01,020 120,357 108,187 70,270<br />

Turkey - - . - 388,722 ·i-17,813 1i30,917 386,750 41>8,700 456,988 ·M7,137<br />

Egypt - - - - 102,373 S0,5CO M,S!l7 100,·ltiS S0,153 00,·138 50,095<br />

Morocco . - . 45,2·1!l 40,558 87,103 51,573 69,852 7s,.i12 72,82·.lr<br />

(hlfted States . . - 2,9i0,60li 4,·165,136 15,171,401 3,123,760 3,036,512 3,193,0i7 3,393,110<br />

M(lxieo . - . H7,2·16 14-3,013 56,352 185,7·19 108,263 05,815 74,500<br />

I<br />

I<br />

• Wallachia nnd Moldavia from <strong>1870</strong><br />

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__ ..,.<br />




1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1894.<br />

-<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ .e £<br />

53,452,955 52,G34,9·U 57,251,606 63,35-J.,020 63,060,007 65,193,552 G:>,637,597 62,l)J,2,3-il<br />



18i7. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881.<br />

---------<br />

£ £ £ £ £<br />

1,987,536 2,533,357 2,596,052 2,595,32·Jr 2,739,820<br />

77,796 365,860 3G6,402 ·J.19,967 372,GU<br />

2,016,416 1,li25,G30 l,412,426 l,93G,GS-Jr 1,676,038<br />

SOJ.,745 373,773 336,800 ·U7,9Hr 419,917<br />

11,317 15,309 H,679 lli,788 9,859<br />

0,308,205 9,712,475 11,032,231 12,112,lU ll,845,47G<br />

6,418,239 5,373,035 6,099,601 6,.107,GS2 6,372,916<br />

27,362 17,203 14,035 20,365 21,201<br />

6,455,762 5,829,86-Jr 6,780,003 7,191,.106 6,4.-02,306<br />

11,430,300 11,771,073 11,569,·J.70 12,396,460 13,115,636<br />

4,819 4,li96 4,042 7,811 13,990<br />

4,1).Jrl 4,823 7,727 S,S71i 12,li&J.<br />

8 809 1,210 873 90<br />

619,286 498,851 628,079 497,6.U 4-J.7,153<br />

28,9GS 2-i,667 26,471i 26,051 21,165<br />

630,299 liSS,808 818,529 856,576 739,213<br />

12,·J.13 20,4.U 56,357 48,926 28,421<br />

5,002 2,600 2,155 2,0lli 3,19-i<br />

471,398 653,782 004,302 822,369 62-J.,909<br />

22,15.'3 19,118 13,859 28,4-12 23,345<br />

1,130,725 1,080,828 1,050,102 900,332 886,875<br />

355,719 320,338 2-J.7,960 235,-110 f1J8,593<br />

118,942 148,169 137,101 97,ii30 137,538<br />

4-0,150 112,087 100,3M1 80,501 103,887<br />

380,858 553,771 497,85·.li 473,723 5011,900<br />

53,657 'l0,H5 M,42-J. 114,·i20 171,705<br />

72,·i70 173,21-i 69,661 5.J.,lM 55,747<br />

3,509,070 2,079,828 5,11)6,799 7,0!IS,321 6,980,749<br />

76,205 80,617 72,136 57,513 78,145<br />

to 1878, and Roumo.nia Crom 1879,<br />

1882. 1883.<br />

£ £<br />

2,470,574 2,298,275<br />

395,147 291,9!).Jr<br />

l,47tl,123 1,0.12,150<br />

321,410 331,848<br />

7,398 G,989<br />

12,006,628 12,993,735<br />

6,872,367 6,366,08·Jr<br />

28,981 29,082<br />

7,0S0,903 6,427,071<br />

12,S37,21G<br />

11,&U,823<br />

0,928 6,177<br />

9,li23 8,201<br />

86 lli6<br />

411,071 412,·i06<br />

3-i,080<br />

47,GGJ.<br />

1,178,0.H 1,091,209<br />

11,114 10,293<br />

3,418 3,112<br />

832,812 S30,Ie2<br />

32,Ull 31,7(!)<br />

980,417 1,072,876<br />

41-1,105 577,731<br />

148,107 153,578<br />

55,080 59,822<br />

O.iS,332 720,230<br />

169,915 l&i,192<br />

134,881 1>8,330<br />

7,73s,.i90 9,351),538<br />

00,084 67.931<br />

<strong>1884</strong>.<br />


£ FOREIGN,<br />

2,305,694 Russia, Northern Ports.<br />

289,2-J:..li<br />

l,4-iT,029<br />

--Southern Ports.<br />

Sweden and Nonvay,<br />

4-02,679 Denmnrk Proper,nnd Iceland.<br />

6,573 ---Danish West Indies.<br />

12,05!1,854 Germany.<br />

7,992,01)3 Holland.<br />

---Java and other l'os-<br />

38•518 { sessions in the Indian Seas.<br />

6,279,811) .Belgium,<br />

9,593,085 France.<br />

11,686 ---Algeria.<br />

--I>ossessions in Senc·<br />

4,654 { gambia.<br />

llil --Possessions in India,<br />

418,05·i<br />

Portugal.<br />

20,!HO ----Azorcsandl\ladeirn.<br />

882 , 213<br />

{Spain and the llalcario<br />

Islands.<br />

15,149 --Canary Islands.<br />

3,GS9<br />

--Fernando Po.<br />

783,609 --West India Islands.<br />

33,301i --Philippine lrilnnde.<br />

1,0GS,851<br />

Italy.<br />

465,800 Aust.nan Territories.<br />

155,002 .Greece.<br />

72,301 Roumania,•<br />

687,GS2<br />

Turkey.<br />

189,939 Egypt.<br />

80,305 :Morocco.<br />

8,311,8!17 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

O:S,287<br />

l\tcxlco.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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CoUNTnrns<br />

(Cont.)<br />

COll'PUTBD<br />

V.&LUE.<br />


<strong>1870</strong>.<br />

1871.<br />

1872. I 1873.<br />

1874.<br />

1875.<br />

1876.<br />

Fonma~-Conti11ued. £ £<br />

£ £ £ £ £<br />

Central America<br />

11),·~l 29,805<br />

~.727 49,062 18,39·i 2S,9·U 22,211<br />

Haiti and St. liomingo • • 5,73-1. 15,379 13,1-18 30,SSS lS,012 22,593 21,895<br />

NewGrnnnda(UnitcdStates)<br />

of Colombia) • • -J 65,913 Gl,71Q 2l,9i9 26,235 21,204 22,9lH 18,878<br />

Venezuela<br />

Ecuador<br />

Brazil<br />

3,563<br />

1,9il<br />

176,969<br />

10,062<br />

6,319<br />

262,SiO<br />

10,878<br />

0,802<br />

262,101<br />

H,015<br />

7,7-13<br />

331,920<br />

21,603<br />

2,217<br />

367,'197<br />

32,016<br />

3,314<br />

302,915°<br />

18,658<br />

3,969<br />

310,008<br />

Uruguay<br />

2S,GS9 73,900 101,100 104,791 80,118·<br />

·~~264 35,212<br />

Argentine Confederation • 81,2·1S 77,9S6 120,520 81,H7 64,180 10.1,602 53,906<br />

Chile • • • • • 92,7·12 139,2:i1 220,6GO 141,998 Hl,391 136,532 llP,399<br />

Peru • • • • 92,533 215,758 472,Gll 210,633 230,710<br />

223,·~2 175,140<br />

Chinn (exelush·c of Uong} 223,758<br />

Kong) • • • •<br />

lOi,GSS 245,007 134,633 101,801 1GS,2i0 108,269<br />

Japan - - • - 1G7,920 101,902 185,191 20i,12S 81,228 133,035 15S,S02<br />

"'cstern Coast of Africa (ex-3<br />

elusive of French and<br />

Spanish Possessions sepa- 246 •" 168 203,320 260,290 288,051 270,981 253,49 i ·- 265,160<br />

ratcly stated) - -<br />

Other Countries • • - 01,815 2-i,845 43,598<br />

81,609 78,740 135,873<br />

-----·1-----1 --------------------1·----1<br />

Total to Foreign Countries 40,910,GiG 50,197,457 fi3,278,200 51,020,926 52,462,407 52/,S.'J,512 fiO,S-iG,733<br />


Channel Islands<br />

Gibraltar<br />

Malta<br />

•<br />

North American Colonies<br />

West India Islands & Guiana<br />

British Honduras • •<br />

Australia - • -<br />

Ilritlsh Indln<br />

The Straits Settlements<br />

Ceylon - •<br />

llongKong<br />

•<br />

Mauritius • - • -<br />

Cape of Gooiliope;mtl Nntnl<br />

West Africa Settlements -<br />

Possessions on the Gold Const<br />

Olher l>osscssions<br />

•<br />

158,400<br />

fi0,058<br />

153,0(l.J.<br />

800,232<br />

275,388<br />

10,osscssions on tllo Gold<br />

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-.<br />

'\--,; /<br />

! '- ,,<br />


8~J/'<br />

and MANUFACTUHES to each FOREIGN CouNTR.Y arnl BnITISII Possgss10N-Continucd.<br />

I<br />


1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 188), 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

Comnnma-(Ccmt.)<br />

---------<br />

£ £ .£ .£ £ £ £ £ PoREION-Co11tinucd.<br />

42,278 3·1,100 25,8!)9 22,SG2 25,9·10 27,858 21,15!) 30,513 Central America.<br />

H,13-l 20,511) 7,101 15,270 15,·~13 8,555 8,4{)\J 8,999 Haiti and St. Domingo.<br />

15,350 16,9GS 22,106 31,206 41},-158 71,78-lr 57,030 (ll ""i {NewGranada(UnitcdStntcs<br />

,~... of Colombia).<br />

13,99S 10,170 8,HS 8,693 8,088 3,796 3,335 5,536 I Venezuela.<br />

3,743 10,299 15,358 15,342 S,OH 14,028 11,60:> 7,755 Ecun9 300,95Jo 233,693 258,018 419,632 366,863 317,679 Brazil.<br />

53,75G 37,2i9 ·l5,17S :H,018 23,361 29,516 41,302 43,365 Uruguay.<br />

91,933 7G,163 7-i,283 90,639 73,85i 98,769 146,341 12i,NS Argentine Confc97 62,Dl2,3·U { Total to Porci~1 Countries<br />

and British 'ossessionH.<br />

Const ceded to Grcnt Britain on the Oth April 1872.<br />

-<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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No. 34.-QuANTITrns of the PRINCIPAL ARTICLES of FOREIGN and<br />

ARTICLES. <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874.<br />

I 1875. 1876.<br />

I<br />

---- ----<br />

Bacon and Hams • . . Owls. 22,952 1S3,2G5 454,310 397,579 272,030 221,893 378,450<br />

Cnoutcho1to . . . . "<br />

ll0,737 05,4-i3 G0,501 51,395 53,-105 69,767 69,061<br />

Cocoa . . . . • Lbs. 4,.l53,S70 11,3-19,038 5,912,904 7,713,389 7,730,795 10,46-1,149 7,1569,S.~7<br />

Coffee . . . . • Owts. 1,2!13,0-17 l,5-U,508 J.,410,G!).lo 1,380,457 1,079,784 1,207,812 1,2M,7SS<br />

Corn, Wheat . . . . "<br />

1,09-1,49$ 639,607 213,170 1,027,59-J. 710,908 74,Q.iO 822,107<br />

-- Whcatmenl or Flour . "<br />

372,187 34--l,95i 11,119 Gl,503 110,710 13,3GO H,316<br />

Cotton, Raw . . . "<br />

2,126,570 3,232,818 2,~7,545 1,0IH,288 2,312,211 2,M0,000 1,815,231<br />

Cotton llfonuracturcs : • !)ice~} Pieces 254,S3S 338,679 310,575 322,75$ 360,582 281,83-i 42-1,1:>'.l<br />

Goods • .<br />

Drugs:<br />

Bark, J>cruvian . • Owts. 12,785 18,012 19,038 29,235 34,821 31,G7G 33,965<br />

Opium . . . • Lbs. lli0,·U4 307,399 30$,273 250,577 300,37-i 298,556 235,700<br />

Dyeing SLull's : Cochineal, Gm·}<br />

nillo., nnd Dust • • •<br />

Cwts. 22,G20 30,56-lo, 23,202 19,982 23,848 25,277 17,025<br />

-----Cutch & Gnmbier To11s G,O:iO 10,S.11 6,313 8,201 6,012 C.55-i 0,G54<br />

-----Indigo . • Cwts • 40,279 89,173 Gl,502 G0,758 01,961 50,800 57,SH<br />

-----11fadder, 1\foddcr}<br />

Root, Gnrnncinc,<br />

2,510 7,900 9,427 1,553 2,108 6,4S2 5,G21i<br />

nnd Munject • "<br />

Feathers, Ornnuiental . . Lbs. 27,!l53 31,G09 ·f.i,897 64,300 70,G-f.~ 93,1}27 70,335<br />

Fish, Cured eir Salted . • Owts. 48,301 35,3i!l 43,956 53,149 G2,0i5 06,().iS 02,231<br />

Flax and Hemp :<br />

Flax, Drcssecl and Undressed •<br />

"<br />

50,!lS5 72,340 49,25-Ji lG,028 25,074 30,232 11,045<br />

Tow or Codilla of Hemp and}<br />

.. 11,84G 11,039 40,100 S3,3G9 30,204 27,734 18,048<br />

Flax • • • •<br />

Hemp and other like sub"}<br />

stancei1 (:ixcept Jute), II 64,236 103,4!)9 181,985 148,123 128,000 145,Gll 147,203<br />

Dressed and Undressed •<br />

Jute . . . II<br />

425,712 li7G,177 755,120 790,s+i 710,031 1,050,SS!l 983,607<br />

Fruit: Currants . . .<br />

II<br />

184,432 178,282 100,781 141,098 145,034 150,421) 165,125<br />

--Raisins . . . "<br />

82,526 71,703 li5,273 120,372 102,521 98,939 9•,79·i<br />

---Orange 'l.ndLcmons • ll1~hs. 110,089 211,24-i 100,484 173,377 218,li22 235,247 U0,270<br />

Guano . . . ·Tons 3,370 5,52G 0,274 43,663 11,033 42,005 52,98!l<br />

Gum ofnll Si . . • Owts • 142,70.i 107,GSO H3,034 12!l,99l 103,730 143,470 120,797<br />

Hides, Raw . . "<br />

3-i5,857 392,187 449,2-J.7 392,691 387,635 383,454 299,1/iO<br />

Loather . . . • Lbs • 3,3o~.os8 2,040,282 7,325,6-frO 7,li03ol87 7,227,684 8,021,522 10,352,301<br />

Mttals: Copper~ Umvrougha}<br />

Pnrt '\ 'rought, nn Tons<br />

old Copper • •<br />

U,514 17,253 12,370 20,'"8 2-i,310 U,G!ll 17,319<br />

-- Iron in Bars, Un wrought II 21,283 20,2H 10,715 ltl,260 2·1,420 34,830 30,14·i<br />

--- Iron nnd Steel Manu-}<br />

footurcs, Uncnumet-atr.d Owts. U0,000 DS,327 107,200 lSS,080 230,597 255,0SO 2M·,·t13<br />

-·- mno, Cnide, in Cakes • ToM 1,710 1,502 1,220 20-i /i30 373 911<br />

-·- Tin, In Dlocks, Ingot..~ 1<br />

!Jars, or Slabs, an Cwt11. 21,IH-O 41,198 ~.633 28,869 47,030 8..l,48-i 105,008<br />

Rcg1~h1s • • ·<br />

Nuts nn


I<br />

/<br />

{);<br />

91<br />


1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 188!. AnT1c1.1i:s.<br />

I<br />

·.1:30,089 491,4-1-i 391,7(!.t. 423,959 283,620 115,9S.~ 210,81-i 181,391 Owts. Ducon nnd llams.<br />

------ ------ -· --- ---<br />

79,519 87,379 90,730 76,732 9-i,913 101,GM 102,570 109,856<br />

"<br />

Caoulcl1ouc.<br />

7,425,233 9,8-14,210 10,012,410 10,305,009 9,857,8i9 8,429,893 8,219,676 8,189,899 Lbs. Cocoa.<br />

1,111,663 1,025,315 l,292,29i 1,189,174 005,757 1,016,MS 983,712 973,8-19 Cwts. Coffee.<br />

922,318 853,321 500,895 005,368 795,154 1,133,849 596,070 1,179,367 .. Corn, "'heat.<br />

24,852 59,085 66,943 97,002 5S,OS7 160,258 136,176 123,121 .. -- Wheatmcnl or Flour.<br />

l,li12,4G7 1,314,803 1,680,374 2,005,155 1,854,559 2,3G6,0:i5 2,207,-100 2,2-16,979 Cotton, Rn\V.<br />

Ynrds. Ynrds. Yards.<br />

"<br />

309,810 4-14,553 993,574 1,110,673 l,Wl,683 (22,68-i,387) 18,277,:113 16,297,:s.15 Pieces {Cotton Manufactures: J>iece<br />

Goods.<br />

Drugs:<br />

23,068 42,781 41,583 48,351 62,925 80,0H 69,379 102,938 Cwts. llnrk, Peruvian.<br />

251,267 314,380 232,338 195,51Q 401,883 191,316 425,00S 471,577 Lbs. Opium.<br />

16,721 19,4M 18,579 20,026 19,233 15,512 13,419 11,292 Ctots {Dyeing Stuffs : Cochineal<br />

• Gmnilla, nnd Dnst.<br />

6,705 10,574 8,700 8,721 11,105 11,218 11,397 11,063 ~·oris -----Cutd1 & Gam\Jicr.<br />

46,22-4. 50,136 so,m 48,215 li6,165 60,628 67,8·U 70,770 C11Jts. Indigo.<br />

3,9·i5 1,830 2,431 1,378 2,519 2,203 3,939 1,liOO<br />

( ~[adder, }fad·<br />

.. dcr Root, Gur:m.<br />

t<br />

cinc,nmDiunject.<br />

62,783 91,295 114,009 149,899 165,611 2·15,994: 351,890 324,•103 Lbs. Feathers, Ornumental.<br />

78,470 88,974 141,·iU 15-1,193 223,702 22S,370 226,285 2lll,512 C1vts. l'i&h, Cured or Salted.<br />

13,377 10,730 18,623 22,569 35,899 18,191 31,936 32,890<br />

"<br />

Flax and Hcm11:<br />

Fln.x, Dressed & Undressed.<br />

10,8'9 27,910 23,260 36,35-i 36,127 4,64S 30,268 :JS,532 .. . {Tow or Codill:i or llem)I uud<br />

'Flax •<br />

153,737 145,470 102,679 260,228 264,492 223,870 238,297 286,062<br />

"<br />

{Hemp nud other lik



AnTICLE'J (Cont.) <strong>1870</strong>. 18il. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876.<br />

I<br />

Oil, Cocou Nut . . . Owts. 145,555 170,083 251,627 202,473 217,118 210,249 173,(\:lG<br />

--Oli\'e - . - Tims 2,16S 2,741 1,5511 2,817 l,.G73 2,llSS 2,332<br />

..<br />

Q.uicksil\'er - - • Lbs. 2,968,390 2,830,3SS 2,3H,S2S 2,161,6SS 2,422,299 2,4f.3,397 l,!H9,125<br />

Rico . - - - Owts. 2,221,520 2,400,475 3,138,701 3,280,563 4,095,751 3,300,719 3,431,575<br />

Saltpetre - . - "<br />

38,944 27,090 29,643 15,633 20,731 38,730 40,510<br />

---Cubic Nitre - "<br />

120,(HO 115,423 112,755 83,0·!S lH,763 G6,'193 199,230<br />

Seeds, Flax or J.inseed - - Qrs. 33,200 2S,OS2 22,975 11,778 10,976 44,681 85,959<br />

--Rape - . . "<br />

229,276 278,709 51,889 9,fm u,0.12 lli7,021 231,718<br />

-- Unenumeratcd, used}<br />

for obtaining Oil • .. 37,239 82,600 2-1-,610 41,077 5Q.ss1 87,000 72,786<br />

Silk, Ra'v - . • Lbs. 2,61-1,-102 3,269,775 3,213,0:;7 2,786,30:; 2,7·H,M2 2,551,417 3,0G-i,721><br />

--Thrown - - . "<br />

:39,771 41,156 41,189 20,905 21,SGO 87,1>24 li0,202<br />

Skins and Furs:-<br />

Goat, Undressed - • No. 256,238 993,416 665,613 1,278,713 1,172,824 1,637,092 1,735,807<br />

Seal - - - . "<br />

2·1,S74 18,749 19,361 M,9-1-0 63,403 37,398 29,589<br />

Furs or all Sorts - - "<br />

3,129,001 4,482,122 : 3,661,52, 3,105,483 3,142,559 4,100,400 3,(U-i,136<br />

Spices, Cinnamon . • Lbs. l,55S,G62 1,542,515 1,021,288 1,056,092 1,208,7tU 1,159,362 1,226,103<br />

-- Pepper - . - "<br />

12,0M,9·16 19,47 4,217 17,891,620 12,386,469 16,32M50 20,211,440 17,251,512<br />

--of Other Sorts • - Cicts. 61,186 77,075 G5,24i; 72,640 'i7,596 89,9.U 92,653<br />

-------· -------------<br />

Spirits: Rum - - Pr/. Galls. 1,33-i,358 1,680,289 1,536,431 1,313,'i95 1,554,063 1,58.'l,1!!6 1,556,6-il<br />

M'i,192 420,32, 351,575 400,902 271,243 247,117 322,5(11<br />

---Brandy . - "<br />

--- Geneva, and ot.11er}<br />

Foreign and Colonial<br />

Spirits -<br />

Galls. 1,78!l,137 1,887,9~ 1,775,101 1,510,33-1 1,655,468 1,300,192 1,416,847<br />

-------------<br />

Total or Spirits - . 3,470,987 3,988,541 3,663,107 3,225,031 3,480,774 3,130,465 3,29:i,989<br />

Sugar, Foreig!t, Refined, and} Cwts.<br />

Candy· • -<br />

32,568 56,037 33,519 25,li7S H3,786 266,124 198,147<br />

--Unrefined - . ,, 36:!,028 29MOO 20-J.,013 150,052 382,260 48-1,820 790,282<br />

-- ~folnsscs - 4-1,505 43,65.J. 75,810 72,412 65,259 86,9S2 65,456<br />

"<br />

Tallow nnd Stearinc - - ,, 45,&U 129,704 113,1>73 41,470 78,728 62,177 71,101<br />

Tea. . - . • Lbs. 30,:tlH,376 42,011,102 39,387,200 33,801,588 31,358,495 32,226,698 29,129,312<br />

Tcetli, Ele~innts', Sen Cow, J<br />

nnd Sea orso • •<br />

Cwts. 4,202 7,519 7,703 5,228 7,930 7,IH6 6,828<br />

Tobacco, Unmnnufncturcii • Lbs. 10,505,193 ll,253,567 15,553,320 15,705,302 17,2-J.6,7·12 12,997,702 11,805,741<br />

- ?irnnufacture

.<br />


CoLo~IAL MERCITA.NDISlt Ex.POR'fED from the UNITED Kn1GDO:\t-Continued.<br />

j}c~<br />

I 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. ARTICLES ( Co11t.)<br />

--------------- -<br />

15S,94G SS,SS7 125,190 160,633 147,155 l:U,5GS 184,492 lGS,530 Owts. Oil, Cocoa Nut.<br />

5,5-18 2,109 3,004 2,4M 3,GU 3,GGS 4,493 2,211 Tuns - Oli\'e.<br />

2,261.4·16 2,160,441 2,11:3,263 l,200,129 1,863,137 3,033,'m 3,675,2·15 3,934,0IG Los. Quicksilver.<br />

2,797,009 3,815,667 3,2SS,323 3,537,4S9 3,4-08,963 4,00S,095 3,7S8,6i7 3,·136,572 Cwts.Ricc.<br />

27,539 26,260 31,967 15,23-1: 16,2H 22,091 33,Qi9 2\l,801 ,, Saltpetre.<br />

90,682 61,392 lC0,355 194,0.U 149,085 121,867 112,911i 100,9SG ,, ---Cubic "Nitre.<br />

44,342 2·1,7·10 24-,259 30,781 19,023 0,050 49,214 63,9-13 Qrs. Seeds, Flax or Linseed.<br />

210,850 182,926 75,372 49,200 64-,0M 41,782 157,0Sl 100,618 .. --Rape.<br />

()5,222 69,'?02 79,293 73,·125 128,902 1)0,280 HS,917 151,·!14 ..<br />

{-- Unenumerntcd, used<br />

for obtaining Oil •<br />

1,()52,935 l,Sil,505 1,375,GOS 947,165 903,997 915,773 52-1,182 377,:).19 Lbs. Silk, Raw.<br />

17,910 4M70 2-i,461 7,553 li,561 6,281 G,596 50,559<br />

"<br />

-'l'hrown.<br />

Skins nml l'urs :-<br />

1,872,723 1,413,617 1,750,·i-'5 2,0GG,803 2,33S,9·1-1 3,·~0,900 ·1,576,119 3,7·i2,GS2 1'to. Gont, Undressed.<br />

17,413 44,052 32,221 22,052 10,039 11,011 3G,S61 12,0S.lo ,, Sen!.<br />

2,779,69-i l.~S,932 1,751,903 3,530,136 6,157,99:> 7,099,S99 U,!?!)6,001 lt,:398,IJ75 Furs or nll Sorts.<br />

"<br />

1,328,270 1,300,373' 1,276,931 1,172,16G 1,Q.13,G32 1,510,383 l,60S,01:7 1,G-12,97!) Lbs. Spices, Cinnamon.<br />

14,902,580 18,219,922 14,255,833 12,925,SSG 11,794,0!H 19,343,933 19,668,145 21,312,336 .. ---Pepper.<br />

110,499 100,951 123,052 131,370 136,993 129,1().1. 166,180 H7,310 Ou:ts. --or Other Sorts.<br />

------------------------<br />

l,·199,168 1,539,197 1,770,311) 1,S.19,5-15 l,4.J.7,S7S 1,311,·171 1,518,621 1,626,8:>6 Prf. Ga?ls. Spirits: Rum.<br />

275,592 186,013 214,970 225,9U 196,258 189,858 107,202 131,017<br />




No. 35.-VALUE of the PRINCIPAL and 0TIIER ARTJ.cr.Es of FOREIGN<br />

Co:u­<br />

PUTED<br />

Y •.\.LUE.<br />

<strong>1870</strong>.<br />

----<br />

187l. 1872.<br />


1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877<br />

------------1·---1-----1-----1 ---· ------ --- ----<br />

lfaium • 100,165<br />

Unenumerated • •<br />

D\'cing Stuffs: Cochineal, Grn·}<br />

• nilla, and Dust<br />

-----Cutchnnd Gam-}<br />

bier • •<br />

• Indi~o • •<br />

·----- Mnddcr, Mad-}<br />

der !toot, G:i.rancine,nndl!unject<br />

PcuLher~, Ornamental • -<br />

Fish, Cured or Salted • •<br />

1 i




1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.<br />

1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />


£ £ £ £ £<br />

700,782 5-10,433 780,766 61G,255 302,284<br />

739,085 1,003,565 1,063,775 1,174,829 1,537,567<br />

95,070 105,GS5 145,763 186,212 217,GGS<br />

335,37S 397,GOO 335,223 310,US 259,860<br />

4-.732,210 5,830,092 5,25$,•"6 4,0Sl,0!5 3,971,336<br />

487,074 270,624 55i,05S 425,456 69$,414<br />

43,102 45,570 6M51 86,677 150,747<br />

3,4U,SS7 4,318,897 5,465,351 4,976,535 6,289,467<br />

194,312 MS,081 580,562 463,055 435,979<br />

82,962 70,380 9i,905 103,883 91,7!19<br />

(l.~7.777 tH9,185 611,155 730,050 903,333<br />

206,360 187,469 191,261 338,9ti9 147,907<br />

293,.W7 395,528 510,54S 386,203 4i7,738<br />

236,097 2,7,300 278,825 202,899 l:si;:.!~<br />

213,7S1' 176,578 l!H,313 257,420 2H,S98<br />

1,244,690 1,303,797 1,300,929 1,549,934 1,774,910<br />

3,880 2,5;;1 l,90i 2,732 3,70~<br />

338,305 4tll,H-O 000,9.'ll 723,187 1,003,278<br />

243,HS 3(Y.),26i 306,235 401,713 4S3,9SS<br />

23,963 37,873 52,·lSS 75,331 33,191<br />

50,499 36,303 46,805 61,061 19,986<br />

198,626 213,495 372,2:18 400,100 371,607<br />

792,176 807,189 936,165 1,086,145 1,065,031<br />

284,897 166,870 278,809 218,334 160,5SS<br />

11G,1G3 91,560 13-1,010 171,551 190,948<br />

200,·~iO 12-3,816 194,635 161,83() ·wo,110<br />

:no,149 211,720 304,718 298,335 265,767<br />

42-J,77-i 4{H,329 633,602 676,4-0S 1156,996<br />

21,4-lO 11,56-fo 10,986 5,7.JAJ 7,947<br />

1,267,46-t. 1,411,071 l,46i,039 l,36!),803 1,477,311<br />

1,153,302 1,260,837 1,!382,531 1,180,032 1,081,Gll<br />

857,672 l,lOi,215 OOS,880 876,GIO 807,029<br />

1115,522 ·i20,822 001,723 577,473 705,666<br />

3IB,626 392,49-i 703,-i2S 020,855 025,959<br />

27,lH3 38,61..;; ISi,50'1 60,009 23,028<br />

417,4-02 630,857 77M33 915,183 1,288,640<br />

£ £<br />

497,287 419,791<br />

1,463,3:10 l,15MS7<br />

309,8:?9 216,74()<br />

27G,350 271,763<br />

3,431,2G9 3,255,352<br />

289,153 475,9'>..5<br />

123,00S 80,599<br />

5,253,923 5,379,539<br />

350,&i2 2$4,165<br />

79,405 110,312<br />

(i5ti,799 679,336<br />

310,5$5 371,225<br />

395,039 43i,174<br />

82,991 6}.4Si<br />

319,267 292,749<br />

1,677.429 1,708,150<br />

6,043 2,5SJ.<br />

1,009,123 SH,74S<br />

511,737 451,33-i<br />

60,348 66,SOO<br />

44,260 45,367<br />

875,651 4'1,085<br />

1,188,0S5 1,137,507<br />

lGG,727 190,437<br />

137,752 UH,072<br />

237,961 190,32-i.<br />

161,703 SG,lliO<br />

723,266 62-l,72G<br />

21,984 21,571<br />

1,850,770 1,743,913<br />

1,066,806 1,010,86!1<br />

761,606 IJ.19,30fo<br />

624,639 678,4-!3<br />

83-fo,li20 681,953<br />

29,762 23,101<br />

1,331i,2·H 1,210,140<br />

Bacon nnd llams.<br />

Caoutchouc.<br />

Chemical Manufactures and<br />

{ Products.<br />

Cocoa.<br />

Coffee.<br />

Corn: Wheat.<br />

-- Whcatmeal or Flour.<br />

Cotton, Raw.<br />

Cotton 1\fonuraeturcs:<br />

Piece Goods.<br />

Other Articles.<br />

Dr.i.gs:<br />

Dark, Peruviun.<br />

Opium.<br />

ti nenumcratcd.<br />

fDycing Stuffs: Cochineal, Gra· j<br />

l<br />

{<br />

uilla, and Dust.<br />

----- Cutch :md '<br />

G:unbier.<br />

----Indigo.<br />

----·- l\Iaddcr, 1\fnd·<br />

{<br />

dcr Root, Gnmncino.<br />

n111l Munjcet. Feathers, Omamcutnl. 1<br />

Fish, Cured or Saltccl.<br />

Flax nnd llemp:<br />

Flax, Drcssecr<br />

--Iron in llnrs, Unwrt.<br />

f--- Iron nnd Steel 1\Iunu.<br />

l fncturcs, Uncnumerated.<br />

- Zinc, Cru!lc, in Cakes<br />

- Tin in lllocks, Ingot~,<br />

{ llars, or Slabs, nnu<br />

Regulus,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


AitTlCLJ-:S ( C011t.)<br />


COM·<br />

PUT ED<br />

Y.lLUR.<br />


<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

------ ---<br />

.c .c .£ .£ £ £ £ £<br />

Nuts and Kernels used for ob-} 177,223 . 211,818 Us,.i(H 81,161 12i,·m 150,501 lGS,011 115,676<br />

taiuing Oil • • •<br />

Oil: Palm . . . . 51S,6i2 911,713 899,754 780,691 712,211 732,151 GS7,561 GS9,80i<br />

- Cocoo. Nut . . . 2SS,OiS 847,525 4i0,999 3:ii,39S 392,216 ·101,129 327,031 30l,4!i0<br />

-Olivo . . . . 110,78:i 14i,729 91,Sll 138,SSS SS,076 186,:'>13 122,198 285,717<br />

Quicksih·er . . . . 39G,115 317,823 320,3iS 391,310 652,108 39:i,603 237,110 226,Hi<br />

Rice· . . . • , J,175,6'1 1,517,923 l,978,G65 1,925,669 2,519,SiO 1,819,204 l,S.ii,471 1,758,90!)<br />

Saltpetro . . . • u0,627 39,502 43,3G2 21,067 21,338 ·10,917 38,757 31,600<br />

---- Cubic Nitre . • 93,999 S:i,411 S.i,704 57,625 69,963 41,705 120,619 65,652<br />

Seeds : Fla."t or Liusec9S,S67 383,30!)<br />

Spices: Cinnnmou . - . 175,3-i!l 133,032 121,212 107,457 117,038 117,013 112,611 110,717<br />

--- Pepper . . - 263,70-2 46-J.,261 487,GU 379,703 .Wl,970 481,005 321,GS7 26-lr,0!)1<br />

---. of Othor Sorts . . 129,921- 179,99:i 199,872 226,372 281,705 282,510 274,GS2 33S,·lr19<br />

Spirits: Rum . . . - 1-16,296 25.l,·163 212,311 209,158 219,30.lr 259,867 ~57,593 242,763<br />

-.-- Drandy - - - 9.J.,112 201,9-21 17u,S29 197,030 152,153 133,029 152,472 H7,536<br />

--Genova, nnd other Fo'}<br />

rcif;ll nnd Colonial w2,iso 286,697 31G,2~>3 236,593 301,335 266,IH9 265,0.lr7 278,766<br />

Spirits • ~ •<br />

Sugar, Refined, and Candy • - 1>2,28-1 102,390 G0,557 45,8S.l 212,5!)5 391,317 275,000 272,4&6<br />

--Unrcfiited . . -<br />

426,190 415,6-18 293,625 191,335 428,872 u78,G58 848,GiS 661,363<br />

- l\Iolnsscs - . - 21,813 30,212 50,0.J.7 4lr,7G9 .,t.f.,975 62,211 4J.,3!)1 14,588<br />

Tallow and Stcnrino ~<br />

. 99,07/i 2G0,225 235,05S 85,166 H9,6S!l 120,131 110,80-2 107,275<br />

2,181,721 3,118,217 3,253,153 .2.625,663 2,580,378 2,555,506 2,2G!),G35 2,372,9-18<br />

Teeth, 'Elephants', Sea Cow, nnd} H7,·J.H 100,005 2!)0,960<br />

Sea. llol'l!O - • -<br />

238,548 366,920 300,119 :Ht,199 274,231<br />

Tobacco, Umn:inufacturcd - 392,910 570,GSl 526,Gi9 4-l:0,952 537,615 488,615 404,738 393,832<br />

-- Manufactured, Cigars - 107,8St. 160,Hlr 201,213 150,402 lM,533 151,216 l55,70:i 112,063<br />

Other Sorts (in.}<br />

eluding Snuff)<br />

4!),798 80,980 85,172 92,352 S.1,669 78,435 7·.l,048 7li,SS.fr,<br />

Tea - . . . . -<br />

Wine . . . . . .W6,29G 8S.i,7'17 953,202 Ul6,680 825,273 815,212 736,238 682,718<br />

Wool, Sheep, Lamb, Alpaca, nnd J<br />

5,562,92lr<br />

Lla.mn • - • -<br />

7,601,17li 9,278,009 8,SS!),925 10,2·15,727 12,10.1,017 11,Sii,GIH 11 ,828,S.iS<br />

313,3Ui 681,61)3 364-,081 308,819 189,355 220,222 305,658 290,73-lr<br />

Woollen :Manufactures . All Other Articles . . - 4,661,·178 0,000,052 6,980,SS!! I 6,\Hll,033 6,550,379 6,080,·132 6,105,827 6,·iSS,700<br />

------ ---- -<br />

Totnl - . -<br />

~1.493,755 110,50S,538 58,331,·"87 65,810,102 liS,092,313 58,H-0,360 50,137,398 53,oi:;2,!)55<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


:\hmCIIANDISE Ex.PORTED from the UNITED KINGDO:lt-l'onti,"u:ci.<br />


- ARTICLES ( Co11t.)<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

----<br />

£ £ £ .£ £ £ £<br />

126,999 205,S5G 341,275 245,0W 330,877 ·159,376 530,G33 {Nuts nucl Komels, usc(l for obtainiugOil.<br />

321,118 523,S.i3 C.l:S,Gi7 GG3,23i Gi2,203 GlS,770 Glil,900 Oil: Palm.<br />

189,789 2-!7,725 278,507 22-4,H7 205,788 321,321 2i-l-,i68 -·Cocoa Nut.<br />

119,61:5 168,634 126,620 lGG,173 166,693 199,221 107,2:i5 - Oli\'e.<br />

198,596 180,171 109,987 159,620 2-12,759 272,171 285,817 Quicksih•cr.<br />

2,431,6-19 1,991,395 2,057,90-i l,753,658 l,ll05,089 1,817,783 1,679,135 Rice.<br />

27,SGl 29,690 17,3SS 18,456 25,613 33,755 2$,307 Saltpetre.<br />

46,820 121,115 151,510 lOS,055 8(1,467 CG,053 50,9GS --- Cubic Nitre.<br />

63,131 64,511 80,220 46,123 lS,179 106,249 113,32-~ Seeds : Fl:u or Linsecll.<br />

496,518 176,359 lH,305 127,300 100,895 SSG,271 232,961 -- It.-ipe.<br />

175,610 200,630 189,374 312,927 201,MS 33J,837 336,418<br />

{-- Unenumer:>.1·.10, ns1·d for<br />

obtaining Oil.<br />

1,455,803 1,060,961 'Hl,597 716,2il 7-19,274 411,961 26i,G02 Silk, nu.w.<br />

49,130 28,168 8,503 6,393 6,30.J. ·M3i :H,511 -Thrown.<br />

2'22,133 !!-l:S,.i95 259,023 263,826 3U,107 3-10,805 6U,722 Silk Manufnctures.<br />

Skins nnd Furs:<br />

164,159 203,692 250,820 250,.i!J5 352,202 -131,591 381,6:i3 Uont, Undressed.<br />

2i,2B 42,Wl ·U,lOi 16,031 19,171 6';',512 17,117 Sc.-il.<br />

lli9,·l53 193,390 409,S.12 341,SS:i 3C4,51G 2i3,873 36'J.,1G7 Ful's of nil Sorts.<br />

101,171 85,526 78,805 72,.164 82,5$1 78,991 71,690 Spices: Cinnamon.<br />

285,657 225,298 235,801 26'i,019 450,407 535,618 li-12,02·1 --- I>cpper.<br />

303,958 410,509 440,775 417,027 375,689 428,liGS :Hi,182 -- of Other Sorls.<br />

234,593 2·l:S,121 265,935 2S7,H7 231,838 257,7·H 2;0,:1s3 Spirits: Rum.<br />

107,270 116,549 128,310 112,566 105,95J: 95,370 77,315 --Drnndy.<br />

{--- Genova nncl other Fo-<br />

260,317 233,190 24S,'7'i8 304,215 315,509 288,170 309,570 reiflll :md Colonial<br />

Spirits.<br />

23-1,554 19MOO 177,787 221,927 176,513 1D2,•16i 2:H,121 Sugar, Refined, and Cnndy.<br />

298,700 421,677 374,413 316,986 297,125 593,2i8 361,707 -- Unrefined.<br />

12,885 28,813 23,615 18,099 20,.U7 l·l,232 2i,32l -- ~Iolnsses.<br />

132,902 306,338 379,072 li92,668 ·i2s,.i60 41H,OOS 338,563 Tallow nnd Stenrine.<br />

2,598,353 2,334,812 2,803,568 2,.iSl,776 2.363,689 2,391,805 2,.187,-168 Ten.<br />

3M,li81i 229,180 M0,39S 351,340 263,739 336,li95 307,630<br />

{Teeth, Elophnnts', Sen. Cow, nml<br />

Sea llorsc.<br />

417,12 231,482 208,653 215,398 2-12,499 269,399 207,009 'fobacco, Unmanufncturcd.<br />

114,110 124,438 15G,25S 108,300 122,631 117,HS 132,009 1\Ianufnctured, Cigars.<br />

66,128 60,002 62,2-iS 55,311 63,519 60,000 70,755 i---- Other So!'ts (ill·<br />

cluciing Snuff).<br />

M0,709 ll65,177 615,023 OIH,875 Glli,410 581,882 520,231 Wino.<br />

12,220,6-IB H,lGl!,717 H,803,303 15,854,591 15,248,138 15,900,027 l5,287,(l.J9<br />

{Wool, Sheep, Lnmb, Alpncn, nud<br />

Llrunu.<br />

35-J,000 430,285 6G8,29S 530,·182 4S0,6M •177,8i9 M8,333 Woollcn 'Mnnufnctul'es.<br />

6,2-18,568 0,814,613 8,503,010 S,703,-157 9,159,li55 O,!H2,237 9,370,026 All Other Articles.<br />

---------------- --------<br />

52,631,0-.H li7,251,006 03,354,020 03,060,007 65,103,li52 65,G37,597 62,9·12,3-il Totnl.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

No. 36.-DECLARED VALUE of it.he REGISTERED lMeonTs of Gor.o nnd Srr.vEn. Bar.r,roN and SrEcm into the UNITRD Kmaoo~t<br />

from V Amous CouNTIUES.<br />

GOLD.<br />


-----<br />

I<br />

FR0::\1 WlHCU<br />

J0,7'16 21G,221 412,SGG G3,035 11)7,406 71,519 Germany.<br />

Holland 278,180 111,757 13,406 14,039 10,713 6,013 12,133 '13,026 30,53·' 20,691 256,712 765,133 863,07·1- l,12G,GSG 2Gl,56S<br />

-<br />

Ilolland.<br />

Belgium . 150,1»6 813,883 305,356 120,Ul 180,lH 32.~,2-t.t. 1,9(!6,566 u22,GS3 IJ.17,6-W 735,189 553,l:H 31~,121 452,295 453,Ui'l 861,111) Belgium.<br />

France • . 315,767 3,708.203 2,116,557 1,508,985 740,31)5 2,022,!lM 1,427,0:H 872,800 ~.llOS,078 2,1)05,323 2,118,036 2,129,53!1 1,832,301 1,2!li-,6SS 1,951,145 France.<br />

Portugal, } { l!ortu1rnl.<br />

Azores, nnd 300 - 1,500 - 132 2,190 88-1,831 2.'l~.505 2-f.8,738 283,13_1. 2,101 7,697 ·HH,505 SO,G13 58,401 Azorcs,nnd<br />

Mntleira. - 1\fadeira .•<br />

Spain&:Cannries 6,705 S.464 M,218 77.447 4,085 2,G'll 47,8(13 173,5-10 li6,3f36 101,895 27,956 93,52(} 229,489 455,028 330,172 SJ>ain &Canaries<br />

Gibraltar . 48,-079 49,200 52,6n 60,501 75,702 114,605 112,602 •i3,371 '10,057 87,8D3 17,3!l·i 3,G-17 71,090 22,li32 21,675 Gibraltar.<br />

Malta. 1M,G93 144,713 9li,018 Ul,o.1,t; 40,628 128,1127 32.182 3,458 1,555 H,!)73 57,01-0 73,769 23,379 9,368 3,910 1\Ialta.<br />

Turkey· -<br />

243,547 30,S.i.5 700 10,IHG 10,302 2,306 13,61i6 12,380 21,837 46,825 H,012 2-l,030 10,710 26,568 3,20·1 Turkey.<br />

~·pt • • '149,954 45.529 c,gso 2,200,804 223,250 526,359 366,J.14 313,057 1,576,207 393,9·10 2,291 3-U,427 285,802 68,·l.'l6 Gl,lSS E(?,·pt.<br />

'\ estConstor} 116,142 137,328 108,Sl)!l '17,523 136,263 117,321 J.15,511 l20,IH2 122,497 115,167 125,9SO 9G,O'J2 110,782 Oli,092 116,920 {' estCoastor<br />

Africa - Mricn.<br />

British Poss•} 536 200 200 19,010 300,695 2·1-1,0:H 2'19,785 06,D22 4(l,!l80 31,952 24'1,714 39,7·19 N,.'3!15 439,517 171,!JOS {British l'oss•<br />

in S. Africa.<br />

inS.Africa.<br />

British Indin. '123,172 2-.i.7,46-i 99,435 291,017 263,135 91,·iOIS 1,289,979 986,792 1,102,472 1,4-05,G!l·~ 1,050 2G,·U3 3,550 191,7'i7 JG,163 British India.<br />

China. . - Gl,579 1,500 - 128,SIG 282,586 :m,009 808,018 186,1191 429,07lS S00,·197 14,121 19,051 6,2-13 103,65\? 6$,521 Chinn.<br />

.Australia. . 0,478,616 0,898,826 5,983,232 9,441-,495 6,720,878 0,6-10,881 4,950,777 6,655,438 6,680,591 3,184-,662 3,612,344 ·1,470,180 2,!l!l0,540 2,265,128 700,388 Australia.<br />

lJh.N, America 213,820 370,224 35,400 3,497 2,479 4,00.J. - - 300 200 2-iS 3 - 1,522 20,550 Bh N. America.<br />

Mexico,South}<br />

t111cxico,Soutll<br />

America(ex- l,(135,300 993,930 '104,005 3,0li0,717 2,402,828 1,380,300 1,Sli0,725 920,686 1,276,071 033,720 GSl,OOi 016,031 1;90,781 685,461 731,390 Americ:i(exce~tllrazil),<br />

cc~t Br:izil)<br />

k ~.Indies<br />

& ~.Indies.<br />

Drazil - . 288,G03 178,431 116,783 '16,21)1 371,581 257,415 582,2-15 251,973 316,141 4rt.2,267 172,022 230,386 J.12,SDD 131,5-11 H2,217 !lrazil.<br />

U11ited States G,91»,051 6,492,5!)5 8,287,lO!l 3,174,472 4,50S,UO 8,'l57,(l(l.~ 4,371,705 2,0IH,018 8G6;J33 388,250 55,3G5 23,101 G,09!l,7S.'3 1),777 5,072,094- <strong>United</strong> Stntcs.<br />

Other Countr• 170,857 143,922 35,!JM 136,994 1,571,80, 2,261,40.l 1,:1!'5,220 IAG2,362 1,121),630 1,220,718 1,279,220 153,256 50,731 57,931 70,987 OtherCountr•.<br />

------------------ ------------------------<br />

TO'PAL • 18,806,';28 21,618,92·1 18,469,+12 20,611,165 18,081,019 23,HQ,834 23,475,975 15,4U,085i20,871,410 13,368,675 0,45i,S61 O,ll~.OOGjl 1,.'370,559 7,76::i,SOO 10,74-MOS 'l'OTA.L.<br />

• Computed vnh1M for <strong>1870</strong>.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

I<br />


CouNTRIEs-Continued.<br />

S1LVEU.<br />



FROlt WlllCH<br />

FROllt WlllCII<br />

IMPORTED. <strong>1870</strong>.* 1871. 1872. 1873. I i.874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. I11u.•on·rED.<br />

--- ----- ------------------------------<br />

£ £ £<br />

~ I £<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Russia. - - - - - - 150 - 92,674 - - 21 - - 100 Russia.<br />

Germany - 70.i 1,l!H,386 1,211,550 424-,702 2,351,968 1,152,523 5,364,000 13,7-17.558 3,999,402 781',13-i 407,.'393 222,7:?0 1158,198 289,663 802,764 Germany.<br />

Holland - 5,603 35,603 1,057,188 11,646 156,060 8,498 131,247 35,2Ci7 IH,673 8,7·H 4,785 1,9~9 6,322 19;''395 7~87 Holland.<br />

Be1gium -<br />

:H,21)7 360,538 2-l.7,657 oo,n:n 262,7158 00,099 42,·l7!) 72,110 ·i5,614r 40,S.t,.i 16,116 47,975 3-1,585 27,24-1- Gl,9!!6 ll'llgium.<br />

Franco - 1,211,560 1,091,011 923,487 1,S.i2,·l91 1,172,272 1,392,305 l,3-i0,828 1,521,300 1,740,657 2,S.1-6,584 2,003,635 1,-158,901 2,6!3,208 2,069,028 1,727,708 l"rancc.<br />

•'Portugnl,<br />

Portugal, } '<br />

Azores, and 46,031 20,12s· 0,965 5,1155 17,651 13,025 1,G34 12,376 28,300 213,300 3,{)09 6,411 7,778 1,708 8,824 t Azores, and<br />

Madeira -<br />

1\Iadcira.<br />

Spaiu&:Canaries 11,246 291 2,410 7,013 539 1,062 3,993 6,748 13,710 32,806 25,801 25,497 48,2-i9 87,985 68,986 Spain&Cannrics.<br />

Gibraltar 47,086 85,069 40,571 157,().15 68,22-i 33,317 38,558 27,290 30,362 28,202 1,.128 1,657 6,1331 21,62S 18,021 Gibraltar.<br />

Malta. . 91)9 8,488 41,058 3,405 3Ji{)0 11,5&, 4,100 2,61:? 1,0U8 2,862 7,!HO 16,002 2,160 2,108 930 Malta.<br />

Turkey - - 11,574 7,1{)5 4i0 40 w 334 625 3,771 ·1,958 28,570 30;212 34,123 115,242 12,792 18,GSS Turkey.<br />

~ypt - - 80,002 86,162 12,872 30,082 21,885 H,207 21,279, 101,li26 42,122 19,829 10,919 llS,847 16,98-i 26,860 85,800 E&;pt.<br />

"\ estCoastor} 7,217 4,MO 7,07'1. 6,841 40,UM 23,587 21,607 10,{)06 41,25-ir ()1,755 G3,837 64,143 lil,185 65,680 69,532 { \ cstCoastor<br />

Africa. -<br />

Africa.<br />

:British Poss'} 5,520 1,6!)7 on 1,882 13,317 11,775 M,010 1,419 2,0i2 8,795 GOO 31-0 322 1,013 ZC,835 {:British Poss•<br />

in S. Africa<br />

in S ..Africa.<br />

:British India. 854,965 1,0M,052 3,500 316,635 17,858 122,157 220,708 71,570 l.'36,680 126,12-.1: 193,305 12-l,116 74,182 79,911 38,690 British India.<br />

Chinn. - - 481,882 3,068.216 61,893 491),622 371,741 112,730 lG,072 472 1,4i0 318,UOS 23,913 12,418 3·J.,828 67,179 - Chinn.<br />

Austra1in. - 7,000 20,654 31,339 27,106 21,250 33,061 15,082 37,572 20,4{)5 lH,157 78,779 51.l,·125 65,005 83,135 23,079 Australia.<br />

DhN.America 495,585 5.J.,060 33,110 17,870 17,160 8,430 14,238 9,325 10,lli5 11,036 3,576 3,132 18,498 3,·i72 2,942 J3hN.A.mcrica.<br />

Mexico, South J<br />

{.llfexico,Sonth<br />

Amcrica(cx-<br />

3,647,418 3,379,923 2,72-1,537 2,909,316 8,931,823 3,362,000 3,079,318 3,352,674 3,519,S.i7 3,531,272 2,382,492 1,965,0lli 3,308,68~ 3,787,881 4,397,298 America(cxcc~BrazU),<br />

ce~t Brazil),<br />

&.<br />

&; .Indies<br />

V. Indies.<br />

Brnzil - - 112,792 23,519 9.1,573 61,467 0.J,41)3 68,877 G3,800 41,7-1-3 28,(Hl 233,851 200,·i85 192,430 320.075 42,(l!;S 10,300 Ilrnzil.<br />

<strong>United</strong> States 3,380,734 6,688,878 4,574,809 6,Wl,823 3,476,622 3,181,227 2,G37,234 2,616,921 1,617,179 2,595,729 1,193,1)67 2,698,333 1,922,406 2,803,543 2,621),316 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

547,231 35,657 108,7·13 109,SOl 70,700 61,1{)7 110,.125 S·J,524 74,209 ·Other Countr•.<br />

1.002.m """" I OOM•1 ------ ------<br />

T:>rAL - 10,648,9-i-O 16,521,903 11,13S,5i0 12,U8S,066i12,298,169 10,123,055 18,578,269 21,710,8B 11,551,5-15110,786,863 6,799,022 6,901,402 9,2-l2,925 9,468,002 9,G33,495 TOI'.AL.<br />

Other Countr'. ,.,,,,.! 351,

----.<br />

DECLARtm VALUE of t}J~ REGISTEttED I:ueonTs of GOLD and SILVER BuLLIOS and S1•gcm into the UN'ITim KINGDmr from<br />

VARIOUS CouNTRIEs-Continued.<br />

TOTAL OF Gor,n AND Su.vEn.<br />

Cou?C.TRIES<br />


l'RO:U WHICII<br />

FROM WllICll<br />

DlPORTED. 1874. 1875. 1877. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. IMPORTED.<br />

1Si0_-• I 1Sil. 11872. 11873.<br />

I I<br />

11876.<br />

I I 1878. , I I<br />

j 1882.<br />

I I<br />

-0<br />

0<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

I £ £ £ £ £<br />

:n.ussir. - - 120,840 ·U5,463 SS,300 - 47,600 - 2,660,9-i:> - 02,67-1 - - ·H,021 - - 100 Russia.<br />

Germany 21,625 2,106,767 1,005,lSS 543,·1!;7 2,·,37,07-i 1,561,621 6,067,17·i 14,177,587 G,O:J9,790 87·1,910 623,614 6Gli,5SG 6Jl,233 4-i7,11)!) 434,283 Gcnn:my.<br />

llolland 283,843 fil,36C 1,070,5-J..lr 25,GS5 166,773 1·1,511 1"13,380 108,283 85,207 35,4.15 261,1!)7 767,082 SGS,396 l,HG,081 269,555 1Ioll:md.<br />

:Belgium - 190,3-13 1,180,•121 553,013 210,772 •l-!S,872 389,3-13 2,009,0·15 li9i,802 993,25J, 775,li33 li69,210 411,096 486,880 480,401 923,0-15 l3clgium.<br />

France . 1,527,327 ·1,799,211 3,0:10,0-H 2,851,470 1,912,007 3,.m;,209 2,767,852 2,891,100 7,IH8,73G G,251,907 .J.,186,671 3,588,GOO 4,47G,li69 3,36J,310 3,678,853 Fr:mcc.<br />

I>ortui.ml, I {Portui.,'lll,<br />

Azores, nnd J 46,331 20,128 8,~5 o,li55 17,783 16,·l-15 386,465 290,880 277,128 •lllG,·191 6,010 H,108 472,283 82,221 07,228 Azores, nud<br />

]fadcira - Yadeirn.<br />

ssain . and} 18,011 8,75j 16,628 Si,·160 4,62-i 3,633 IH,855 180,2!>7 70,0'J6 2:H,701 53,8,17 119,02.'3 277,738 493,013 3110,158 f Spain and<br />

anar1cs -<br />

Canaries.<br />

Gibraltar 95,105 S.J.,335 102,212 117,li-16 133,020 H7,0S2 151,1110 70,llGl 106,·n!l 116,09j 21,822 5,301 78,327 41-,100 39,696 Gibraltar.<br />

Malta - ~85,692 153,201 136,076 04,510 ·H,218 139,611 36,282 0,070 2,6/;:J 17,835 65,892 88,821 25,539 11,476 4-,81-0 :lfoltn.<br />

Turkes, - 255,121 SS,0.10 1,HO 10,086 10,352 2,1HO M,282 lll,151 26,795 75,395 ·H,22-1 58,153 2G,952 39,360 21,952 Turkey.<br />

Egypt - - 778,9:>6 131,6\Jl 19,8:j8 2,236,886 215,135 Gl0,li66 3&7,·123 ·117,583 1,618,:329 .u:l,7i8 13,210 357,27·1- 302,780 95,356 147,31S E~ypt.<br />

WcstConston<br />

123,359 Hl,877 115,913 84,361 177,227 H0,908 167,178 131,•.H7 lO:J,751 176,922 189,317 160,235 161,917 160,772 186,458 {"'cstCoastor<br />

Africa. .Afric:i.<br />

Brit.'Posscss• J 6,056 1,897 931 20,892 320,012 255,809 2!!3,795 GS,Ml 49,022 ·10,7'!7 218,3H 39,089 74,717 4S9,530 198,213<br />

{Brit. Possess•<br />

in S. ~\fric.'l<br />

in S. Africa.<br />

llritfah India 1,578,137 1,3-U,GlO ,102,935 608,252 280,993 218,562 1,510,6.57 1,058,362 1,239,152 1,51!1,818 191,355 150,G21l 77,652 271,658 ia,853 British Inwa.<br />

China - - U.!3,461 3,069,716 61,893 G28,4GS OJJ,327 •15-1,3\JU 82·~.0!JO 187,066 ·.131,42-1 1,158,·105 SS,069 32;1-02 41,071, 250,731 GS,li21 China.<br />

Austrnli& - 6,·186,225 6,919,·180 O,OH.621 9,·171,601 6,7-12,128 6,673,912 ·i,9il,859 6,693,010 G,701.,086 3,298,719 3,691,123 •1,52'J,611 3,05J,li5J. 1 2,289,263 732,167 Australia.<br />

Bb.N.Amcric:1 709,4-05 42·1,28-i 68,519 21,367 19,629 12,·'3·~ H,2S8 9,325 10,"55 11,236 3,823 3,135 18,198 ·l,91!4 23,41!2 Dh.N.Amcrica.<br />

Mexico.South}<br />

( l\lcxico,South<br />

.Amcrira(cx-<br />

5,282,778 •J,373,853 8,428,602 0,050,033 G,·i2-.lr,051 ·1, 7-18,066 •i,9311,01.1 ·1,273,260 ·J.,795,018 •l,5H,992 3,063,·19G 2.5Sl,Gi6 3,905,-163 4,473,3-i2 5,128,688<br />

America (excc~t<br />

Br:1zil),<br />

(. ccpt Brazil),<br />

..t ~'.Indies<br />

&W.Indics•<br />

.. il.<br />

Braiil - ·101,2!);;. 201,950 211,356 137,758 4.'l6,0i7 326,292 GiG,051 293,716 3·13,182 676,118 372,o07 422,816 462,47·1' I 17-1,l!H 152,517 nnw<br />

Unitetl Slates 10,380,785 12,181;173 12,861,9i8 9,166,205 7,985,362 ll,·188,891 7,008,039 4,677,839 2,4S3,512 2,983,979 1,253,932 2,621,521 8,022,2·19 l 2,813,320 7,701,410 Unikd States.<br />

Other Coun-} •120,913 •195,IOG 89,7!)1 1,229,708 l,8G9,758 2,767,ll95 2,002,·llH 11l'J8,0lll 1,238,373 1,.120,lil!l J,:.H9,\l20 201,-1·53 179,156 H2,·155 145,1911 {Other Couutries<br />

- -<br />

--------- --------------- tries.<br />

Tor.\L • 29,-155,668 38,1-10,827 29,608,012 33,599,231 30,379,188 33,2(H,7SO 37,051,2-1'1 37,152,79!! :!2,·122,955 2·1,155,538 16,2:i.'l,883j l6,86 l,·IOS 23,610,·lS i,<br />

1<br />

l 17,223,802 20,377,903 TOTAL.<br />

• Comp11tcd mlucs for <strong>1870</strong>.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

No. 3'7.~DECLARED VALUF. of the REGISTERED .Ex.PORTS of GOLD ancl ScLVER Bur.r.IoN and Sr1~cm from the UNITED KINGDO.ll<br />

to VAmous CouNTn.ms.<br />


TO WUICil<br />

TO WllIClI<br />

EXI'ORTED.<br />

<strong>1870</strong>.* 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 187~. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />


----------------------<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ .e £<br />

Russia . - 49,234 - 33,306 125,600 - - - 699 93,500 71 - - ·- - - Russia.<br />

Denmark - 12,235 - 628,700 1,338,250 535,622 270,486 265,423 05,018 25(1 li0,000 50,335 • 400 - - 754 Denmark.<br />

Germany - 180,600 8,487,9-iS 8,151,902 7,262,58-i 132,000 0,405,737 2,222,509 8,3·1-3,485 .J.,4SJ.,758 2,924,215 120,H8 610,919 5!Y.J,802 189,018 288,296 Germany.<br />

Holland . 729,155 60,218 225,500 335,000 478,026 1,000,470 ·ll0,211 22,303 41,992 ~1,38-, 711,597 1,333 2-17,379 83J,IH2 1,390,04-0 Holland.<br />

llelgium 2,603,638 2,009,417 1821500 98,600 527,200 1,142,0W 45,305 38,509 797,221 151,087 10,036 7,275 8,188 6,842 82,058 13elgium.<br />

Franco • -<br />

3,505,.WS 1,569,171 1,040,.WS 632,316 5,4.'!3,712 5,251,-lrf.4 4,188,li66 6,B7,50-i ·i,5!Y.J,429 695,710 602,218 ltOSS,9·J.5 3,289,9·1'7 101,231 263,881. France •.<br />

Portugal, } {Portugal,<br />

Azores, and 2-12,860 1,851,603 1,672,201 1,333,077 3M,872· 607,120 i:z,366,638 202,351 870,044 165,0llS 1157,925 952,818 801,206 950,040 800,000 Azores, and<br />

Madeira - 1\fadeira.<br />

ssain~nd _J 100,492 45,120 - l,!l07,l»:S 3,752 691,033 400 5·H,4-00 430,637 693,050 440,290 110,200 2-IB,000 501,850 7Gli,300 {Spain and<br />

anar1es<br />

Gibraltar - 10,513 10,000 2,000 2,000 - 25,000 57 - 3 '100 23,030 - 100 - 7,700 Gibraltar.<br />

Yalta. - - 103,57·.lr 50 78,000 - 70,000 45,600 191,740 253,255 327,020 62,!HO 141,260 89,GOO 4-0,000 15,040 20,000 Malta.<br />

Turkey • - 500 308,972- 300,000 - - - 400 - - - 4,000 350 160 - - Turkey.<br />

Egypt - - 1,158,!Y.JO 1,4-0:>,641 l,OOO,·i54 1,178,069 910,663 65,100 1,148,381 1,395,021 516,089 1,960,915 1,076,380 501,230 1,000,600 899,900 1,637,195 Egypt.<br />

:British Poss•}<br />

in 8.A!rica.<br />

Canaries.<br />

160,655 1,142,8-.lrS 1,389,675 210,750 10,583 - 230,000 4Si,946 340,500 1,730,000 20 540,000 6,000 - 100,000 {British Poss•<br />

in S.Africa.<br />

Mauritius - - - 814 30,000 - - - - - - - - - - - ]fauritius.<br />

:British India - 137,811 152,274 1,675 25,075 77,122 216,771 609,513 232,953 218,075 805,821 987,762 1,21-1,727 935,0i!l 1,392,SM British India.<br />

China .{!_nclg.}<br />

- - - - - - - - 300 - 150 - 10,000 - -<br />

{China. qrclg.<br />

Hong.u..ong)<br />

Hong ong).<br />

Australia . 30,071 - - - ·- 20,liOO 10,000 - 10,005 86 10,000 40 - 390 920,000 Australia.<br />

JJ!_N. America 95,058 73,000 17,500 251,200 16,000 80,000 30,000 20,000 15,000 14-0,000 80,200 53,GOO 10,280 GOO 267,000 'Bh N. America.<br />

Danish West} 30,181 13,006 15,202 5,271 21,\).J,0 19,110 3,000 13,255 2,780 2,000<br />

{Danish West<br />

Indies - - - - Indies.<br />

Spanish West} 188 832 - 300 1,4QO 9,900' - 0,750 - - - - - - -<br />

{SJ>anish West<br />

IndiCll - Indies.<br />

<strong>United</strong> Slates 72,740 ll:J,697 2,41~817 0,095 576,059 3,62-1,286 1,167,630 828,750 6,919,078 5,lill,887 7,380,753 02,202 937,5lli 2,183,803 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

Mexico - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 - - Mexico.<br />

Cen 1 • America. 4,802 10,000 164,000 12,780 13..650 450 1,01)., 253 ·J,120 500 150 6,700 1,li50 1,200 Cen'. America..<br />

Ne\V Granada. 31,177 11,014 30,830 10,770 - - 3,765 - - 200 1,412 - - - - New Granada.<br />

Brazil - -<br />

106,921 2,120,881 S!l0,587 409,515 ll00,767 977,697 241,059 239,001 121,573 179,400 658,683 430,202 155,287 275,718 435,06-i< Brazil.<br />

Argentine } 682,761 697,12G 1,8-40,515 4,'i92 1,111,327 010,.100 721,655 200,359 150,881 532,827 800,410 758,209 484,060 98·.t.,868 733,280.<br />

lfupublic -<br />

{Argentine Republic.<br />

Other Couu-} 101,662 623,921 2,420,li08 1,497,009 ·1S5,952 799,769 055,·188 llG0,07·i 1,070,702 001,3135 780,270 1,912,001 I 3,787,171 457,079 724,381 {Other Countries<br />

- - tries.<br />

-------<br />

TOTAL • 10,013,521 20,698,275 19,748,910 19,071,220 10,Ml,036 18,1).18,290 10,515,748 20,3Gl,380 l·J.,1)68,507 17,578,818 ll,828,822jl5,49S,837,12,Q23,SO-l 7,091,365112,012,839 . Tor.AL.<br />

• Computod values ror <strong>1870</strong>.<br />

-0<br />

-<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

I<br />

l<br />


COUNTRIES-Continued.<br />


io wmcrr<br />

ExrcRTED.<br />


---<br />

l8i0*. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.11878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

£ I £<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Russia - - - ~1,050 16,400 1153,160 7·12,7'1-0 1,000 - 2-l-O - 1,250, - - - -<br />

Denmark - !!S,G3i 4-0,000 1,800 3-17 912 500 303 "'I 2,7.10 - - - 200 - -<br />

Germany - 707,405 3,092,222 l,2-iG,323 270,698 117,088 101,696 190,902 ··~'T., ... ,.<br />

1,723,251<br />

4-06,719 765,361 149,776 283,800 H,524<br />

Holland 2,610,922 1,752.470 152,950 17,415 212,003 101,122 2Q:i,413 81,108 125,214 13-1,Gll 267,312 185,90lr 159,087 lOIJ,921 36,898<br />

Ilelgium 2,218,818 1,282,063 373,410 1,181,480 63f.,580 171,763 196,747 20,519 45,&12 13,3-18 22,885 12,976 21-,809 4-02 5,179<br />

France - 558,871 1,239,904 871,177' 3,564,01:i2 1,321;0:;8 2,.i.19,730 1,832,919 7G7,5N 2,190,877 722,683 173,.l-H 701,089 350,~13 188,915 GSS,1-1-0<br />

Portugal, }<br />

Azores, and - 11,800 4-ls,355 106,856 12,3.52 6,337 28,89(} 11,969 65,718 95,.JSS 9,.152 7,836 17,5St 18,975 18,576<br />

?tfndcira -<br />

Spain and } 336,515 l,054,l:i90 731,-iOO 376,700 1,882,312 1,679,030 lH,200 1,55a,S!l0 663,2~2 183,778 2,597 31-0,38·1' 1.186,149 l,lSG,815 4-iS,314<br />

Canaries -·<br />

Gibraltar 1,00S<br />

-<br />

3,970 13,210, 4,000 10,000 - 100 - 200 l:iO - - 285 SOO<br />

Malta ~<br />

- - 9,271 0,3tH 15,GOO 35,955 - 1,7·i0 0,180 1,830 Turkey - - 9 - - - - 22,000 - - - 355 - - - - -<br />

1,99j,803 3,0U,186 11,677,9'25 2,79-1,579 ~.G83,.l-50 30 13,360 10,2i7 1,·t.75 13,608 18,210 10,201' 7,027 7,GSO 7,360<br />

E~tt - -<br />

Dntish Poss•}<br />

- 69,230 110,936 44,600 21,200 ll:i,275 G,125 G,89.; •.no 2-1,180 SM'85 2,000 28,12/:i 11,300<br />

in S.Afrlca<br />

-<br />

Mauritius - 7,9j2 4,800 11,000 11,000 - G,000 - fl,OH l,IH:J - 11585 - 45G 1,470 150<br />

British India :t:l·J,379 tl,181,910 t4G9,2!l2 t~.200 t307,225 3,231,26G 8,220,lM 1~,313,IH3 ·J,219,·H3 O,OiG,MO ·l,321,507 3,391,271 5,986,495 0,107,·i22 7,577,118<br />

Chino. ~ncldr} l:H,GSl· 13,100' :>8,760 313,055 21,800 863,131 1,219,729• 2,047,685 1,620,756 1127,192 1,125,652 962,587 4:36,7711 917,552 761;13i<br />

Rong o·ng)<br />

Australia - 22,629 .J,300 SS,645 •U,129 20,5!)5 13,825 Si-,300 7·1,650 113,7110 221,539 192,000 98,800 280,800 87,800 .j.f.,4-18<br />

EhN.America 32,528 10,275 9,400 5,000 8,000 1,050 G,200 2,&W 3,·100 4,100 82,182 9!),550 78,

DECLARED V .ALUE of the REGISTERED EXPORTS of Gor.o and Su.vEit Bur.LION nnd SrEcm from tho UNITED KrNGDO:'iI to VARIOUS<br />

COUNTRIES-Continued~<br />


TO "W'IIIClI<br />


I<br />

EnoRTED. <strong>1870</strong>.* 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. EXPonr1m.<br />

--------------------------<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Russia 49,234 41,050 19,706 678,750 7·12,740 1,000 - 939 93,500 1,830 - - - Russia.<br />

Denmark -<br />

~.872 49,0.00 630,~00 ~._338,_597 536,5!~4 270,986 265,726 65,022 2,990 50,000 50,335 ~ 4-00 200 - 751 Denmark.<br />

Germany 885,01~ 11,~0,170 9,39~,225 7,G-12,282 2-19,0SS 6,507,·133 2,·113,411 8,•1-08,105 5,958,6.34 4,61'7,-166 1192,867 1,376,280 7·19,578 472,818 302,820 Gennnny.<br />

;Holland 3!3-10,077 1,810,688 378,459 352,415 6!10,029 1,257,5!)2 620,62-t. 103,411 167,236 IJ95,!l!l5 312,939 187,237 4-0tJ,466 91-1,463 1,420,938 Holland.<br />

Belgium 4,822,

10·1 TRANSHIP~IENTS.<br />


<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

------- -----<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

10,9.W,601 ll,35S,2~H 13,896,760 13,761,·100 11,421,2.J.l 12,137,00.J. 10,815,548 12,182,2·11<br />


COUNTRIES 11ROll: <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

wmcrr blPORTRD.<br />

------------- ---<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Russia . . lS,106 32,371 23,519 87,0.19 51,853 51,640 2,M5 596<br />

Denmark . . 88,099 S,9SO 3,863 8,076 5,280 1,347 2,727 6,969<br />

Germany . . 1,473,868 1,727,087 2,379,126 2,137,974 1,377,711 1,325,39-i l,4-i-0,786 1,675,570<br />

llolland . . .l,991,158 1,721,·126 1,688,571 1,292,183 1,008,201 860,324 701,203 705,489<br />

Belgium . . l,880,9iG 1,392,139 1,203,874 1,093,M:J SG0,569 70S,395 508,920 6()..l,467<br />

Chan110l Islands . 80,721 88,'117 4S,922 98,360 39,519 21,'G-!5 12,038 20,48-i<br />

France· . . 8,690,792 3,881,156 5,866,106 S,026,50-i 4,361,tHO 4,819,189 S,89S,079 4,443,433<br />

Portugal, Azores, and}<br />

1\Indcira • •<br />

4-0,85S 109,5-i7 14S,Gi7 122,8l·J. 117,988 125,115 135,439 130,368<br />

Spa.in and Canaries • 329,S.i7 205,180 2-10,30.J, 256,261 202,948 214,466 2S.J.,&i3 256,!)85<br />

Italy . . . 51,830 14S;~81 89,322 171,235 178,14-fi 174,070 249,296 142,384<br />

Austrian Territories • 57,SM 109,220 122,091 97,968 172,833 113,610 803,768 239,646<br />

.<br />

Turkish Dominions • 20S,4S9 309,515 237,599 222,797 225,0SS 284,299 337,655 356,722<br />

Egypt • - . 40,102 93,968 129,871 54,230 16,017 23,810 56,-135 31,434<br />

13ritish India • - 137,925 47,0.U l!J0,645 381,035 305,043 593,0-J4 f\18,875 S..U,025<br />

Philippine Islnncls - 15,253 45,284 120,013 40,422 115,802 277,'i61 135,431 09,372<br />

Chinn, including}<br />

Hong Kong • - 253,297 307,936 576,733 571,853 774,G77 841,20:; 396,211 s·:;;,729<br />

Ja1inn . . - 2,222 - 5,089 15,265 15,022 9,158 1,872 795<br />

Spanish Wesi India.}<br />

Islands • • 70,631 67,796 104,367 151,014 117,436 130,731 132,239 83,320<br />

Danish West India}<br />

lslnnds • •<br />

- lS 66 MS 1,273 4-0 259 750<br />

<strong>United</strong> States - . 386,80lr 37·.l,666 424,!)38 523,507 365,888 734,370 682,908 621,772<br />

Now Granada. ~Uni·}<br />

ted Stntes o Colombin)<br />

• •<br />

58,757 129,792 61,182 174,806 126,545 218,413 2-i9,808 10·1,955<br />

Chile - . . 453,832 9M09 224,076 235,107 30,101 38,816 19,477 5,00-i<br />

Brazil . . 00,187 156,566 115,706 276,131 207,565 SS.i,•Hl 190,549 281,370<br />

Other Countrhls . ~52,957 360,042 805,0.lO· 780,818 7-i3,898 •736,181 587,425 653,652<br />

------------ -<br />

TOTAL . . . 10,910,601 11,358,231 13,896,760 13,7M,406 11,421,241 12,137,06-1 10,815,548 ' 12,182,241<br />

Note.-Tho Value oCMoroh1mdiso Imported roi•<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


10c5<br />


18i8. 1879. 1880.<br />

I<br />

1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

£ £<br />

£ £ £ £ .e<br />

11,151),822 10,975,ll69 12,5-10,255 12,li63,237 11,005,7117 11,689,318 11,855,111<br />

I<br />

TRANSillPMENT, from each COUNTRY, at PORTS in the UNITED KINGDOM.<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882.<br />

I 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. COUNTRIES PROlt<br />

wnrcn llfl'ORTED.<br />

----<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

3,000 8,'117 7,175 5,573 13,002 '16,12·.I: 5,552 Russin.<br />

3,683 832 1,170 5,288 's,llll 16,525 4,4-15 Denmark.<br />

1,5-1:2,19-J. 1,355,481 1,S.10,·129 l,963,9:ili 1,S'IO,!.l-16 1,665,001 1,G-10,393 Germany.<br />

6$8,595 G-U,431 766,902 823,318 75G,659 96$,555 871,173 Ilollnnd.<br />

520,918 511.l,559 556,139 600,2·17 576,4!iS GOG,5·H 478,382 Belgium.<br />

18,365 16,620 U,039 10,995 10,550 9,891.l 9,238 Channel Isfonds.<br />

.<br />

·i,215,879 4,056,025 4,819,019 4,638,877 4,66.'3,893 4,291,457 4,467,591 Fi:ancc.<br />

,,.<br />

111,813 172,790 238,755 228,170 259,182 245,297 225,411 {Portur,r:l, Azores, and<br />

l\Ia~c1ra.<br />

2i1,001 235,G9.Jr 252,615 372,826 235,735 258,613 269,267 Spain and Canaries.<br />

129,llOO 114,476 ll2,45-i 117,03-i 57,245 66,754 90,876 Italy.<br />

191,603 361,156 321,007 310,522 282,393 115,805 100,755 Austrian Territories.<br />

231,489 ~06,856 306,317 313,181 222,878 209,871 259,ll07 Turkish Dominions.<br />

24,ll70 53,346 29,666 39,172 14,G98 22,031 25,ll85 Egypt.<br />

457,G98 521,037 805,169 786,409 911,435 892,577 707,118 British India.<br />

80,462 16,257 52,185 69,996 7,432 12,437 156,102 Philippine Islands.<br />

617,657 731,029 90M26 600,058 418,254 470,878 637,168<br />

< Chinn,includingllong<br />

l Kong.<br />

2,S.19 6,690 17,267 7,6S5 7,59;; 5,019 12,346 Jnpan.<br />

109,33p 69,902 88,606 48,600 li0,090 61,099 33,699 {Spnnish West India.<br />

Islands.<br />

720 7,072 00 3·12 293 H,479 326 {Danish West<br />

· - Islands.<br />

620,835 703,006 538,187 G00,981 491,076 722,25-Jr 877,574 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

India<br />

67,868 18,592<br />

{Now Grannda (Uni·<br />

110,175 82/fl6 49,183 8,310 3,017 tcd ~Hates or Uolorubia).<br />

iG,631 10,955 4;·183 39,131 (18.i 412 GS,382 Ohile.<br />

228,835 26!5,770 389,161 29J,747 2-15,508 254,046 125,832 llra.zil.<br />

1,0li8,li29 718,192 '"5,751 683,262 840,C.l.8 724,011 .7M,482 Other Countrlc1.<br />

-<br />

11,US9,822 10,9711,669 12,M0,2511 12,563,237 11,005,7117 11,689,318 11,855,111 I TOl'A.L.<br />

Trnusbipmcnt is not included in the Returns or Imports,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

' ·""<br />



wmcu Ext.>ORTED.<br />


I I<br />

<strong>1870</strong> •<br />

18il. \ 1s12. \ 1873. , 1874. \ 181~: I 1816. 11s11.<br />

£<br />

Russia • 174,04$<br />

Sweden·<br />

•<br />

Denmark • •<br />

Gc:-many<br />

Holland<br />

Belgium<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Channel Islands<br />

Franco·<br />

Portugal,Azorcs,nnd}<br />

Madeira • •<br />

Spain and Canaries •<br />

Italy<br />

Turki3h Dominions •<br />

Egypt • • •<br />

Mor<strong>ocr</strong>o an

lo/<br />

TRAN SHIPMENTS. 107 /<br />

,//<br />


1878.<br />

I 1879. I 1880.<br />

I 1881. I 1882.<br />

1~5,2251<br />

£<br />

£ £ £<br />

95,923 130,5-i-1. 158,196 lOS,253<br />

35,788 60,5$.~ 69,715· 82,273 100,800<br />

9,69S 64,468 99,275 122,195 138,375<br />

998,174 1,119,802 1,131,22! 77.J,106 5-16,023<br />

751,.m ·i31,628 725,339 805,039 820,613<br />

391,610 245,880 SM,630 2-iS,027 195,370<br />

49,·i93 58,6-12 69,018 58,111 53,2-n<br />

309,583 241,89-ii 376,~ 266,532 282,939<br />

22,913 22,142 2-J.,537 30,724 25,78-J.<br />

65,985 39,8Cl 43,}.!9 4S,484 48,756<br />

155,262 14-0,138 63,592 117,223 !H,563<br />

189,622 155,043 134,661 157,799 81,043<br />

30,515 38,726 23,698 42,013 117,~9<br />

135,375 67,9SO 113,510 126,603 l2-!,o70<br />

196,256 250,423 297,191 233,278 277,800<br />

820,230 833,498 881,958 783,788 GSJ.,039<br />

45,008 30,768 41,845 46,410 00,oiO<br />

472,248 637,267 707,889 623,717 6SG,125<br />

83,400 99,737 125,276 143,264 82,738<br />

875,257 737,058 700,105 957,785 009,238<br />

395,932 295,U97 322,632 340,236 479,101<br />

M,712 72,580 98,563 70,134 87,457<br />

349,722 357,019 5U,015 620,910 4-12,638<br />

3,07D,318 3,462,633 S,765,566 3,763,518 3,686,629<br />

221,520 121,291 78,60j, 111,9·W 112,611<br />

' 15,4-i-O 11,230 15,276 13,SM 23,689<br />

358,32lS 324,186 340,417 403,057 33·1,220<br />

391,187 4-02,389 1110,186 ~.148 401,458<br />

176,591 167,463 305,741 385,359 !91,935<br />

105,000 ~10,6.'32 00,084 14-0,597 399,184<br />

26,452 20,029 3,770 6,579 6,8!J.i<br />

--------<br />

zt.i,850 239,456 260,784 421,882 392,542<br />

11,159,822 10,975,669 12,540,255 12,663,237 11,995,757<br />

Trnnsbipment it not included in the R-Oturns ofExporh.<br />

I<br />

1883.<br />

I <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

£ £<br />

101,029 62,522<br />

71,163 46,723<br />

133,986 135,270<br />

630,802 484-,502<br />

704,14S C-09,861<br />

197,535 309,909<br />

Gl,590 59,707<br />

243,687 265,451<br />

:n,010 32,038<br />

55,646 49,417<br />

148,483 200,951<br />

99,147 112,518<br />

251,328 M,323<br />

170,270 189,709<br />

169,900 17·1-,139<br />

831,629 890,161<br />

75,960 7'1-,493<br />

571,326 91·.1:,855<br />

68,328 78,313<br />

1,COG,944<br />

1,016,GM<br />

374,11» 360,142<br />

126,433 95,684<br />

4-00,517 34-5,911<br />

3,211,737 3,270,511<br />

10.i,007 167,150<br />

15,930 l'i0,191<br />

275,GSfo<br />

270,94.S<br />

234,307 295,439<br />

257,734 100,211<br />

290,75-i 434,017<br />

7,146 6,026<br />

760,952 li!l5,376<br />

11,689,318 U.,Si'i5,111<br />

"<br />

I COUNTitIP.S T 0 I<br />

wmcn EXPORT ED.<br />

Russi:i.<br />

Sweden.<br />

Denmark.<br />

Germany.<br />

Holland.<br />

Belgium.<br />

Channel Islands.<br />

France.<br />

{Porturl, Azore<br />

au 1\fadeira. s,<br />

Spain an

~·'"<br />

'<br />

108 1'RANSHIPMEN'fS.<br />


ARTICLES. <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

Qieantities of .Articles separately<br />

enumerated.<br />

Spirits, Rum • . ·Gals. lH,853 72,80-1- WS,506 226,320 123,032 115,4CS 103,718 294,996<br />

.<br />

---Brandy- . . .. 1,175,910 1,988,022 l,93S,80S 1,791,366 1,001,742 2,009,261 2,354,330 l,SiS,87&<br />

--Geneva . . JI<br />

1,()i8,469 1,169,865 1,335,672 l,515/i39 1,658,317 1,55-M78 1,460,387 1,678,110<br />

--Of all other Sorts ' ,. 1,714,893 8-1-7,050 553,324 798,6-iS 928,816 709,679 69S,739 l,2()2',884<br />

•Tea . . ·Lbs. - - - - 8,862,464 11,342,793 6,238,-!!M 13,014,001<br />

Tobncco, Umnnnufactu1-cd • .. 5,310,159 4,294,684 11,563,781 20,756,793 21,95i,4i4r 22,826,206 15,117,752 li,146,729<br />

---- l\Jnnuracturcd<br />

.} 2,G!H,998 2,610,859<br />

andOigars<br />

.,<br />

4,067,232 S,'"2,f',(ll 4,024,@S 2,295,671 S,5-W,832 1,825,710<br />

I<br />

Value of Artkle..' 7ar:;tely<br />

enunwr:.iu • £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Spirits, Rum . . . 5,485 8,618 17,702 26,GOO 16,667 12,liOS 10,499 28,li50<br />

--Brandy . . . :n8,4.S4 !lOS,6$1 SGS,003 tt2M}'.!. 93li,re3 938,163 1,093,892 955,935<br />

--Geneva . . . 112,341 200,231 213,831 235,328 248,887 241,232 220,594 261,776<br />

--Oran other Sorts • . 180,670 it4,401 92,413 h2,470 121,150 92,620 82,610 123,617<br />

*Tea . . . . - - - - 750,488 00.i,773 452,855 94-7,945<br />

Tobacco, Unmnnuf!'(ltured • . 160,411 202,().1() 4»,326 &M,493 600,398 '109,686 706,374 575,180<br />

..<br />

I<br />

---:Mnnufnetured and Cigars 2U,592 410,241 573,064 503,356 ~.·i30 S.i9,843 400,87'1 309,254<br />



9,U-13,618 • 9,508,0"..2 11,687,421 11,381,701 8,233,138 8,888,239 7,781,847 8,979,984<br />


TRA.NSllll'PED • • 10,940,601 11,358,234 13,800,760 13,764,400 11,421,241 12,137,00ft 10,815,MS 12,182,241 I<br />

• Tea included in "Other Articles not separately<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


/<br />

109<br />



1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. ARTICLES.<br />

Quantities of Articles separately<br />

enumerated.<br />

313,051 H3,2CG 181,621 176,770 153,1S9 335,992 3a7,120 Gal.~. Spirits, Rum.<br />

.<br />

1,176,9.77 1,851,922 1,Si7,323 1,657,060 1,581,111 1,697,0$6 1,572,054 .. --Brandy.<br />

l,·iiS,919 1,531-,400 1,727,900 1,826,339 1,866,159 1,889,694 1,9(1-1,776 .. --Geneva.<br />

808,072 808,683 1,316,090 1,171,718 SH,052 '/9i,597 ·1-32,362 .. --Oran other Sorts.<br />

8,29S,G36 8,326,339 11,5iS,64.S 10,MO,·i70 7,252,796 7,206,216 '1,632,148 Lbs. Tea."'<br />

18,676,517 12,431,265 17,387,630 22,037,968 17,1548,404 10,106,645 15,996,325 ... "Tobacco, Unmanufacturcll.<br />

1,746,518 1,162,278 1,405,100 986,651 1,82-i,89-l- 1,82-i,665 2,050,014 .. -~ranufacturcd and Cigars.<br />

Value of Articles separately<br />

£ £ ,£ £ £ £ £<br />

ennmcrated.<br />

32,169 16,015 22,489 21,270 21,323 41,'i22 4!:,102 Spirits, Rum.<br />

8S5,0S4 971),932 961,584 908,5$9 839,436 912,510 823,777 ---Brandy.<br />

213,787 23-f.,154 259,G28 261,290 261,068 257,416 264,()Jj, --Geneva.<br />

.<br />

136,202 158,372 267,847 196,579 157,26! 170,924 114,79-1 --Of nll other Sorts.<br />

622,611 572,808 822,739 617,542 438,311 ~.rm 418,773 Ten.•<br />

GS3,65G 36ti,118 617,956 796,214 739,909 GG0,387 1169',005 Tobacco, Unmanufacturctl.<br />

299,2-i7 213,070 241,5-.lrl 158,578 231,970 257,-15-3 265,9·10 --- l\Ianufncturcd and Cigars.<br />

8,387,067 s.445.200 I 9,346,571 0,003,175 9,306,467 9,02i,365 9,356,007 {VALUE OP 0TJIER ARTICLES NOl'<br />


·-------<br />

11,159,822 10,975,669 , 12,M0,255 12,563,237 11,995,757 11,639,318 11,855,111 {TOTAL V .U.UE OP ALL ARTICLES<br />


enumerated" previous to 1874 •.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

110 IMPOR' .. ~S-A VERA:G E PRICES.<br />

No. 42.·-AVERAGE PRICE of the under-mentioned AnTICLES mron·rim into the<br />

in 'l'nbles 21 nnd 22), in ench<br />

An TI QI.ES.<br />

I 1s;o. ! 1s11. j 1s12. j 1s1s. j 1s14. j 1s1s. j 1s1G.j 1sn. I<br />

Animals:-<br />

Oxen nnd Bulls -<br />

Cah·cs Sheep nnd Lambs -<br />

- Each - £<br />

• .. - £<br />

Bacon .. - - : ci:e. :·::<br />

Hams- - - •<br />

Beef - - •<br />

• .. - s.<br />

Bones, except Whalebone - :To:i =~<br />

• Cwt. - s.<br />

- Lb. - '60<br />

·6·110<br />

•lr'73<br />

'3'58<br />

10'61<br />

8'39<br />

8'70<br />

7'!).;'<br />

u·o-2<br />

15'87<br />

14'67<br />

3"17<br />

10'2-lr'<br />

20'93<br />

12·or<br />

25·70<br />

8'52<br />

27'16<br />

47"27<br />

32·12<br />

16'77<br />

25"!0<br />

7'17<br />

9•95<br />

48'19<br />

30'15<br />

53'Qj<br />

32'77<br />

33'52<br />

ls·os<br />

20'93<br />

3;·71<br />

9•35·<br />

16'79<br />

li0'68<br />

56'32<br />

11'30<br />

7'GO.<br />

SO'll5<br />

.3~48.<br />

4•03<br />

60'52·<br />

l7'8·lr<br />

25'77<br />

2'89<br />

3'-10<br />

13'78<br />

39'52<br />

s.1·05<br />

25'45<br />

U-70<br />

2·lr'l>i<br />

.. 22'57<br />

21·0.1<br />

•l'N<br />

42"77<br />

53-.i.1<br />

59•75<br />

45'6G<br />

6'52<br />

6"H<br />

·10'33<br />

5'86<br />

S7'93<br />

9'6$<br />

2"77<br />

H'S7<br />

6'57<br />

•i·r,s<br />

3'61<br />

10'43<br />

7'07<br />

8'21<br />

6'S9<br />

s·20<br />

15'91<br />

12'06<br />

3'02<br />

10'46<br />

19'69<br />

11·30<br />

22·99<br />

9'22<br />

24'01<br />

40·73<br />

20'68<br />

16'82<br />

18'1)1<br />

G'66<br />

10·0-2<br />

47'9G<br />

30'22<br />

li5'29<br />

31"09<br />

ss·:H<br />

14'GG<br />

28'04<br />

3G'20<br />

s·41<br />

15'80<br />

65'4ti<br />

58'56<br />

11'52<br />

7'58<br />

29'21<br />

-3~13<br />

4'1iG<br />

56'20<br />

l7'1JO<br />

2•.l.'59<br />

3'05<br />

3'13<br />

12'38<br />

36'81<br />

78'67<br />

2.1'67<br />

12'8·i<br />

20'49<br />

21·70<br />

21'82<br />

·1'78<br />

48~22<br />

·17'81<br />

5lr"40<br />

·19'71<br />

·6·61<br />

5'85<br />

35'88<br />

5'83<br />

88·25<br />

9'30<br />

2·ss<br />

H'91<br />

7•SG<br />

4"83<br />

2'9G<br />

12'49<br />

5·33<br />

7·73<br />

6'47<br />

7'6lr<br />

18'46<br />

13'46<br />

2'93<br />

11'52<br />

19'25<br />

·12·50<br />

21'9S<br />

8'37<br />

27·01<br />

:w-i.1<br />

20·01<br />

16'77<br />

22"2!1<br />

6'21<br />

9'48<br />

57'3S<br />

30'61<br />

49.'37<br />

30'81<br />

33'2S<br />

16'06<br />

28'()\)<br />

31'22<br />

8'77<br />

B'59<br />

66'46<br />

•!9~23<br />

10'88<br />

·9·01<br />

28'73<br />

3'09<br />

4'68<br />

49·70,<br />

17'06<br />

2·1"15<br />

2'99<br />

3'06<br />

10"10<br />

35'00<br />

71'82<br />

21 '0il<br />

10'05<br />

18'26<br />

21 '31<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


11 l<br />

UNITED KINGDo:u, deduced from the uecln.red QUANTITIES and VALUES (as stnted<br />

of the Inst Fifteen Yenrs.<br />

'I 1878. I 1879. j 18so. ! 18s1. I 18s2. j 1ssa. I 1ss4. j<br />

ARTICLl~S.<br />

22'61<br />

•i.'88<br />

·.:8'69<br />

38"59<br />

48'03<br />

48'·15<br />

6"49<br />

5'51<br />

37'8i<br />

5'1;.J,<br />

s2·10<br />

8'77<br />

2"51<br />

15"30<br />

9"15<br />

4"66<br />

2·97<br />

10'99<br />

7'83<br />

7·14<br />

6·oi.<br />

7"88<br />

17'33<br />

12·50<br />

2·80<br />

16'10<br />

15'67<br />

ll'G7<br />

19'71<br />

3•25<br />

21.'17<br />

21·99<br />

19'33<br />

16'62<br />

1s·5s<br />

6'07<br />

9'23<br />

'15'75<br />

39·00<br />

4S'Ol<br />

2!l'23<br />

30'81<br />

15'26<br />

. 26'03<br />

3l'66<br />

s·28<br />

13''11<br />

68"13<br />

52'57<br />

lO'JG<br />

9'13<br />

25'59<br />

2·03<br />

3"N<br />

39·35<br />

15'78<br />

!W53<br />

2'03<br />

2'99<br />

8'65<br />

3-1'40<br />

G-l.'05<br />

111'82<br />

11'110<br />

16'21<br />

18'15<br />

21'88<br />

4'7-lr<br />

47"68<br />

S.l.'37<br />

~·77<br />

·17'71<br />

5'99<br />

4'!).J,<br />

35'9j<br />

5'07<br />

74·39<br />

10'80<br />

2'H<br />

13'10<br />

10'00<br />

4'40<br />

3'0()<br />

10":;6<br />

8"32<br />

6"GS<br />

6"43<br />

7'67<br />

15'85<br />

12·10<br />

2'76<br />

15'99<br />

15'12<br />

13'1G<br />

18"68<br />

2'Gl<br />

23•75<br />

22·uo<br />

1S"G8<br />

H"07<br />

15"87<br />

6'24<br />

8"62<br />

85•99<br />

28°50<br />

45'25<br />

2.'N7<br />

• 27"97<br />

13'69<br />

25"69<br />

:H'35<br />

7°68<br />

14''12<br />

43'70<br />

43•09<br />

9'15<br />

8°16<br />

1'1'72<br />

2·ss<br />

4'6-li<br />

33"8()<br />

18"13<br />

2i'20<br />

2·88<br />

2"98<br />

8"69<br />

32'45<br />

6()'07<br />

19'86<br />

9'19<br />

15'33<br />

15'0()<br />

22·05<br />

.i,·711<br />

48'1G<br />

4()'03<br />

4G'53<br />

. ·17"1H<br />

s·88<br />

5·.10<br />

s.1·17<br />

5·22<br />

G9"65<br />

H"OS<br />

2·s1<br />

12"76<br />

8"86<br />

4·.u<br />

2·9.1,<br />

11·08<br />

8"56<br />

7•14<br />

6"00<br />

8"15<br />

16'49<br />

12"11<br />

2'0l:<br />

14'86<br />

17'91<br />

15'0j<br />

20"4\l<br />

2'·19<br />

29"39<br />

2G•:30<br />

13"7-J.<br />

12·s.i.<br />

·15'40<br />

6'58<br />

8"61<br />

S.1"42<br />

24'81<br />

4G'l3<br />

2i'•U<br />

1'1'33<br />

26'16<br />

36'88<br />

5·00<br />

U'3G<br />

47·.i,7<br />

41'01<br />

. 10"06<br />

5·02<br />

21"83<br />

3·12<br />

4·60<br />

39·91.<br />

17"9';'<br />

23'!Hr '<br />

2'88<br />

2'91<br />

11'87<br />

36'•13<br />

00'67<br />

21·20<br />

10'12<br />

15'60<br />

lG'•H<br />

21'76<br />

·i'66<br />

46'88<br />

·15'86<br />

·19"0i<br />

49'85<br />

6'21<br />

5'96<br />

86'37<br />

5'31<br />

70'49<br />

13'10<br />

2'85<br />

11'15<br />

8'27<br />

3·57<br />

2·so<br />

11·01.<br />

s·so<br />

7·32<br />

6'"'><br />

S"Olr<br />

16'21<br />

12'17<br />

2·92<br />

14'47<br />

15'69<br />

11'86<br />

21'43<br />

2·53<br />

28"00<br />

29'46<br />

19'08<br />

12"25<br />

}.J,"87<br />

6"19<br />

8·s.1<br />

77'15<br />

30"49<br />

41"0i<br />

25"22<br />

30·00<br />

16'12<br />

27"!2<br />

36"5!)<br />

7"65<br />

H"GO<br />

48"28<br />

35"·19<br />

11"73<br />

'1"35<br />

17"79<br />

3·18<br />

1'71<br />

51"·.l:i<br />

17'37<br />

23·95<br />

2·00<br />

2'85<br />

7'81<br />

36'60<br />

IH'li5<br />

19'17<br />

12'28<br />

J.J,'G3<br />

H'S.li<br />

21'25<br />

4'69<br />

•11>'51<br />

53•().j,<br />

55'56<br />

51'57<br />

G'SS<br />

G'l9<br />

s8·GS<br />

5·23<br />

67'36<br />

15'16<br />

2·so<br />

u·os<br />

7'51<br />

3'81<br />

2'78<br />

10'67<br />

7·12<br />

6'75<br />

7·15<br />

7'81<br />

16'33<br />

10·09<br />

2·93<br />

12'85<br />

U'GS<br />

9·70<br />

23'06<br />

t<br />

27'35<br />

t<br />

11'98<br />

14'78<br />

6'·10<br />

8'4li<br />

6$'83<br />

33'56<br />

38'73<br />

24''17<br />

82'65<br />

H'&lr<br />

2G''12<br />

3i'·15<br />

7'86<br />

15''13<br />

t<br />

t<br />

S"IH<br />

7'40<br />

20·.11<br />

3'15<br />

9'27<br />

li5'!l5<br />

16'82<br />

23'87<br />

3'35<br />

3'02<br />

9'73<br />

32'95<br />

6$'81<br />

18'65<br />

10'03<br />

M'87<br />

l4i'•l2<br />

21'57<br />

4'G7<br />

45'13<br />

53'08<br />

60'1il:<br />

li2'91<br />

7'15<br />

5"52<br />

39"9"2<br />

5'0.J.<br />

67'9-lr<br />

15'!).j,<br />

2'72<br />

13"01<br />

7·97<br />

3'51<br />

2'75<br />

9·51<br />

6'98<br />

6'G2<br />

6'53<br />

7'6S<br />

16'12<br />

8"1()<br />

2·111<br />

12'17<br />

H'56<br />

7'15<br />

26'48<br />

t<br />

2-.l-'liO<br />

t<br />

1·<br />

14'47<br />

15'89<br />

5'91<br />

8'37<br />

G2'27<br />

35•53<br />

39·92<br />

2-J,'02<br />

33'4S<br />

12'26<br />

27'72<br />

35'97<br />

7'62<br />

15'69<br />

t<br />

!J'7G<br />

7•47<br />

18'89<br />

3'18<br />

8'39<br />

52'65<br />

17'56<br />

23'25<br />

2·00<br />

2'87<br />

10'34<br />

3l'83<br />

66'0.li<br />

17'2·.li<br />

10'06<br />

u·so<br />

12'83<br />

21'99<br />

4•73<br />

45"4!1<br />

.19·2i<br />

59'15<br />

51"31<br />

6°·16<br />

5'17<br />

38'5!1<br />

5'07<br />

72'60<br />

11'43<br />

2'60<br />

12'1»<br />

s·ss<br />

3'30<br />

2·77<br />

s·n<br />

6'52<br />

G'·19<br />

5"89<br />

6'68<br />

13'•17<br />

9'11J<br />

2'85<br />

Animals:-<br />

£ • Each Oxcn nnd Bulls.<br />

.C ,, Calves.<br />

s. - ,, Sheep nml Lnmbs.<br />

s. • Oict. 13!\con.<br />

s. .. llnms.<br />

s. - ,, Deer.<br />

£ - To1£ llones, except Whalebone.<br />

s. - Ou:t. Drimstone.<br />

cl. - Lb. Dristles.<br />

.C - Owt. llutter :md :nutte1·ine.<br />

d. -Do.:. lbs. C:lndles ofnll Sorts.<br />

£ - Cwt. Caoutchouc.<br />

£ - ,, Cheese.<br />

s. - Eacli Clocks.<br />

d. - Lb. Cocoa.<br />

£ - Cwt. Coltec.<br />

.C - ,, Confection('ry and Succmles.<br />

Corn:-<br />

s. • ,, • 'Vhc.'lt.<br />

s. - ,, :Bnrley.<br />

s. - ,. Oats.<br />

s. • ,, Muize.<br />

s. ,, Other kinds.<br />

s, - ,, l'lour of Wheat.<br />

8. • ,, • ,, or other kinds.<br />

£ - ,, Cotton, Raw.<br />

Drugs:-<br />

8"513 £ ,. lfark, Peru\'inu.<br />

13"91 s. - Lb. Opium.<br />

5'69<br />

25'·iS<br />

t<br />

23•79<br />

t<br />

M'lu<br />

15'U<br />

5'81<br />

s·.u<br />

4S"36<br />

:.IO"GG<br />

£ - ..<br />

£ - TOI£<br />

£·Cwt.<br />

£ - ,,<br />

s. - u<br />

s. - "<br />

£ • To1i<br />

£ - ..<br />

£·Ton<br />

d.· Do:.<br />

s. - Lb.<br />

s. ·Cwt.<br />

40·73<br />

21'.97<br />

31'21<br />

s. -<br />

s. -<br />

a .•<br />

,,<br />

" (<br />

{<br />

llemp.<br />

14'11 a. • ,, Jute.<br />

26'67<br />

:WIG<br />

7·1s<br />

13'90<br />

0·10<br />

+<br />

7•35<br />

1S'·i5<br />

3·19<br />

6'29<br />

43'87<br />

16'91<br />

22'37<br />

s. - u<br />

8. • ..<br />

8. - 1Jusl1.<br />

s. ·Cwt.<br />

s. - u<br />

s.... ,,<br />

£ - To1i<br />

£·Cwt.<br />

d •• Lb.<br />

£ • Owt.<br />

£ - "<br />

s. - u<br />

cl •• Lb.<br />

cl •• l'afr<br />

Dyeiug or 1'nnning Stuffs:­<br />

Cochinenl1 Grnnilln, and Dust.<br />

Cuteh anu Gum bier.<br />

Gnrnncine.<br />

Imligo.<br />

Madder.<br />

l\fadder Root nnd l\Iunjcet.<br />

Shumnch.<br />

Vnlonia.<br />

Dyewoods.<br />

Eggs.<br />

l'cathers, Ornamental.<br />

'Eish.<br />

l'hL't 1md llcmp :-<br />

l'lax; Dresscll nnd Undrcsscll.<br />

}'row and Codil11\ of l'lnic and<br />

Hemp and otl1er like Substances<br />

(except Jute),<br />

Dressed and Undressed.<br />

Fruit:­<br />

Curmuts.<br />

Ruisins.<br />

11 '10 £ • To1i.<br />

28'77 £. "<br />

56'30 £" II<br />

lli'·l.'l<br />

10'10<br />

U'55<br />

11·21<br />

s. - "<br />

£ - "<br />

s. • Owt.<br />

£ • To1i<br />

Oranges nnd Lemons.<br />

Glnss:-<br />

Window.<br />

l~lint.<br />

~lanufnctures of.<br />

Gunno.<br />

Guttn Pcrchn.<br />

Hair: Gonts' llnir or Wool.<br />

Hides, Ituw, Dry,aml Wet.<br />

Hops.<br />

J,ard.<br />

Leather.<br />

·Lenthcr Gloves.<br />

Mcat:-<br />

2'82 £ - Cwt. Suited or Fresh.<br />

3'09 £ • ,, J>rcservcll, other than Snltcd.<br />

1\Iefals:-<br />

Co1>Pcr:-<br />

Oro.<br />

Hegulus.<br />

f Unwrought nml partly<br />

( Wrought.<br />

Iron Oru.<br />

Iron in :Bars.<br />

{Iron nml Steel, Wrought. 01·<br />

( 1\fnnufnctnrcd.<br />

Lend, l>ig and Sheet.<br />

t Cannot bo,given.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


AVERAGE PmoE of the under-mentioned ARTICLES rnPORTED into tho UNITEV<br />

in TablOs 21 and 22), in each. of the<br />

ARTICLES-Cont. j 1s;o. ! 1s11. j 1s12. j 1s73. I 1s14, I rn1s. I 1s1G. j 1s11 ·I<br />

Metals-cont.<br />

Tin, in :Blocks, Ingots, Bars,} Cwt £<br />

or Slabs, and ltegulus • • 6 ....<br />

"<br />

,<br />

Zinc:-<br />

Crudo, in Cakes • - Ton - £ 18'40<br />

Manuracturos - - Cwt. - £ 1 ·18<br />

Nuts and Kernels, used for ex-} Ton • £<br />

i>ressiug Oil thercfrom - 13 .,,. ""<br />

Oil:- .<br />

Fish • - • ·Tim·£<br />

Palm - - - Cwt. - s.<br />

Cocoa Nut - - - - s.<br />

Olive ~ • - - Ti:n -£<br />

Seed • • • • • £<br />

Turpentine • • • cJ:t. • s.<br />

Oi~ Seed Cake - - - 7l:m - £<br />

Onions, R:i.w - - •• JJ11sh. - s.<br />

Paper, for Writing or Printing - Ctt·t. - s.<br />

47•40<br />

3~l'4S<br />

39'5i<br />

111·11<br />

.i.i·:io<br />

3o·os<br />

8'9-i<br />

7'2l<br />

51'33<br />

Petroleum:-<br />

Unrefined • • • Gall. • d. 13'02<br />

Refined - •· • d. 19'1S<br />

Pork - • • • • Cwt. • s. 62'22<br />

Potatoes - - .. s. 6'35<br />

Pyrites of Iron or Copper • • .Ton • s. 53·23<br />

Rags and Paper-making Materials:.<br />

Rags • - - -<br />

Espnrl and other Mateii:tls •<br />

..<br />

,,<br />

- • £<br />

17'37<br />

7·37<br />

Rico:- ·<br />

Not in the Husk<br />

In the Husk -<br />

Rosin •<br />

Saltpetre • •<br />

,, Cubic Nitre -<br />

Seeus:-<br />

Clover and Grass<br />

Cotton •<br />

Flax or Linseed<br />

Rape •<br />

Silk:-<br />

- Cwt.<br />

- Qr.<br />

- (,'wt.<br />

- ,,<br />

- s.<br />

- s.<br />

- s.<br />

- s.<br />

- s.<br />

• s.<br />

-£<br />

-£<br />

-£<br />

10'53<br />

31"28<br />

9'61<br />

26'01<br />

15'56<br />

56'4i<br />

9'07<br />

2'6!)<br />

3'15<br />

Knubs or Ilusks and Waste • Cwt. - £ 15'68<br />

Raw • - • • Lb. " s. 26'02<br />

Thrown • - • • ,, • £ 2·11<br />

Skins:-<br />

Sheep and Lamb, Undressed· Eac.1' ·d. 18'18<br />

Seal • • • ,, • s. 7'3S<br />

Goat~ Undressed • - ,, - d. 28'20<br />

Spices:-<br />

Cinnamou - ·Lb.<br />

Pepper - - - ,,<br />

or other Sorts -<br />

- ..<br />

- d.<br />

- d.<br />

- d.<br />

27"39<br />

5'20<br />

4·99<br />

Spirits:-<br />

Rum • - • Pf. Gell. - 11. 2·:>i<br />

Ilmnd.v • - - ,, - s. 5'42<br />

Other 'Foreign and Coloninl} • s. 2 ·1 3<br />

Spirits - - • "<br />

Suga.r:-<br />

Rcflned and Sugnr Cnndy - Owt. - s. 32'0!><br />

Raw - - - • ,, , s. 22'57<br />

Molasses - • - ,, - s. 0·5i<br />

Tallow and S~no - - ., - 11. 43'35<br />

Tea - • · - - - Lb. • cl. 17'18<br />

Teeth, Elcplumts', Sea-Cow, and} Cwt. ~ £ :wo.i<br />

Sea·Horso • • t •<br />

Tobacco:-<br />

Cigars - • -<br />

Cavendish or Ncgrol1cad<br />

Unmanufuctured •<br />

Wine - ~<br />

Wood and Timbor :-<br />

~Lb. - 8.<br />

- ,, - d.<br />

; o;]u_. : ~:<br />

8'20<br />

1)'87<br />

8'85<br />

5'.42.<br />

He'm - • - Lo(Jfl, ~ £ 3"2lS<br />

Sawn or Split - - - ,, - £ 2'5!><br />

Staves - - • ,, - £ o·w<br />

l\Iahognny - • - Ton - £ 7'08<br />

Wool: Sheep, J.amb, Alpacn,} Lb • cl,,<br />

nnd tho Llama 1 .. 1 rribo - - • .. 42<br />

Woollen Tuuts - - - Ton • £ 23'26<br />

Woollen uncl Worsted Ynrn:<br />

13erlin Wool nnd "%'nrn usnd} Lb • • d.<br />

48 .70<br />

for Fnnc:v Purposes - - '<br />

'Ynrn for We:wing - - ., - cl 37·45<br />

Yeast, Dried - • • - Owt. • £ 2·22<br />

6'3-li<br />

20·115<br />

1'18<br />

13'43<br />

4''0S<br />

3i'75<br />

37'111<br />

48'50<br />

39'00<br />

35'59<br />

!)'50<br />

·.l'96<br />

51'22<br />

12'98<br />

16'50<br />

·16'81<br />

5'31<br />

51'23<br />

16'53<br />

8'03<br />

10'19<br />

30'36<br />

8'98<br />

25•.13<br />

15'59<br />

5-1"45<br />

8'69<br />

2'81<br />

2'87<br />

16'03<br />

21'62<br />

1'31<br />

26'50<br />

5'49<br />

30'21<br />

21'83<br />

5·35<br />

5·33<br />

2'05<br />

7'25<br />

2'93<br />

36'15<br />

25'10<br />

o·ss<br />

42'02<br />

16".H<br />

2G'Gq<br />

13·00<br />

12'23<br />

8'09<br />

7'76<br />

2'82<br />

2'28<br />

7•20<br />

9'61<br />

13'32<br />

20'59<br />

42'35<br />

22'58<br />

2'50<br />

6'02<br />

20·30<br />

1'$2<br />

12'28<br />

45•71<br />

35'87<br />

37'00<br />

·19'66<br />

39•53<br />

42'GS<br />

9·33<br />

4'50<br />

56'33<br />

11'61<br />

16'85<br />

40•99<br />

5-.is<br />

52'21<br />

16'76<br />

7'08<br />

10·00<br />

35•95<br />

10'71<br />

26'10<br />

15•31<br />

51'35<br />

8'36<br />

2·9s<br />

2'52<br />

11·08-<br />

21·43<br />

1'50<br />

33'61<br />

11'5!)<br />

3S'23<br />

24'85<br />

6'51}<br />

7'63<br />

2·00<br />

7'58<br />

3•45<br />

36'35<br />

26'20<br />

10·01<br />

42'8$<br />

16'78<br />

31'05<br />

14'12<br />

10'74<br />

8'24<br />

7'85<br />

2·01<br />

2'•16<br />

0'41<br />

n·os<br />

H'51<br />

18'2-L<br />

47'0.i<br />

28'34<br />

2'48<br />

6'70<br />

23'3S<br />

1"47<br />

13'39<br />

42"8$<br />

33'67<br />

3-1:'53<br />

44•39<br />

3S'27<br />

35'87<br />

0'61<br />

4·70<br />

60'80<br />

13'GG<br />

14'30<br />

4-.l'M><br />

5'65<br />

·50·0-2<br />

17"63<br />

8'47<br />

0·02<br />

35•73<br />

9'87<br />

26'30<br />

14'6S<br />

47•79<br />

7•74<br />

2'86<br />

2'62<br />

14'46<br />

20·07<br />

1'79<br />

37'00<br />

9"i'5<br />

30'75<br />

!:!5'Si<br />

7-.w<br />

7'36<br />

2'14<br />

7·33<br />

3'48<br />

33'M<br />

23·97<br />

9'4-fi<br />

41'28<br />

16'67<br />

37'85<br />

13'76<br />

ll'GS<br />

7'72<br />

7·03<br />

3•21<br />

3'08<br />

o·oo<br />

11':19<br />

14•75<br />

18'87<br />

43'GS<br />

27'27<br />

2'5i<br />

4'91 4•33 3·77<br />

22·21 •. 2~·57 22'53<br />

1·47 '.l.'•!lr l'·!O<br />

14:'23 13'91 M'Ol<br />

•W07<br />

33·51<br />

36'00<br />

44'78<br />

35·37<br />

27"13<br />

10'01<br />

l.'09<br />

53·09<br />

47'·10<br />

33'35<br />

37'56<br />

.)3'9S<br />

33".13<br />

23'72<br />

10'17<br />

3•79<br />

47'11<br />

·WOO<br />

3~·77<br />

37'86<br />

45'3.l<br />

35'6,j<br />

23'02<br />

9'2:.I<br />

4·~<br />

.J.S"(H<br />

11 '53 6'1'14 8'0G<br />

11 '10 D'G2 • 13'74<br />

43'63 41'28 42'83<br />

5'19 ·lr'!Xl 5'78<br />

50'27 52'35 •i7'8'l<br />

17'0G 17":>1r · 16'51<br />

8'42 8'0.J: 8'23<br />

10'33<br />

37'15<br />

8'33<br />

22'86<br />

1.2'00<br />

46'01<br />

7'95<br />

2'78<br />

2'37<br />

13'27<br />

16'80<br />

1'30<br />

32'74<br />

11'55<br />

33'65<br />

s·!i5<br />

33'0G<br />

7'41<br />

20'3S<br />

11'99<br />

47'00<br />

8'G2<br />

2'6'2<br />

2'3S<br />

12'29<br />

15'35<br />

0'93<br />

33•9:;<br />

11'05<br />

32'89<br />

0'06<br />

26'4i<br />

6'39<br />

18'27<br />

11'47<br />

51'78<br />

7•93<br />

2'49<br />

2'53<br />

13'69<br />

10'18<br />

1·21<br />

31'2li<br />

7•23<br />

28'78<br />

26'19. 25'!\7 22'05<br />

6'94<br />

·8'M><br />

5"17<br />

7·s.i<br />

4'27<br />

7·33<br />

2'26<br />

8'63<br />

3'02<br />

30'70<br />

22'42<br />

10'74<br />

40'36<br />

17'00<br />

43'17<br />

13'74<br />

11'48<br />

8'S.i<br />

7•53<br />

3·2~<br />

3'26<br />

7'4.'l<br />

9'89<br />

14'71<br />

21'40<br />

48'36<br />

27'32<br />

2'53<br />

2'32<br />

7·73<br />

2'57<br />

30'3S<br />

21'16<br />

10'1)!,'<br />

42'31}<br />

16'73<br />

47·r,1<br />

13'75<br />

l?.'SG<br />

8'G.'l<br />

7'3S<br />

2'87<br />

2'79<br />

6'03<br />

9'14<br />

15'41<br />

23'5S<br />

47'87<br />

27'24<br />

2'47<br />

2'07<br />

6'62<br />

2·75<br />

29•45<br />

20'!)2<br />

9·3:-i<br />

42·'7~·<br />

16'42<br />

I J':Jl<br />

H'22<br />

12'19<br />

8'36<br />

7·01<br />

2'90<br />

2'80<br />

6'63<br />

8'1>1<br />

14'54<br />

22'89<br />

46'29<br />

28'60<br />

2'M><br />

3'49<br />

20'49<br />

1'29<br />

H'SS<br />

38'98<br />

35'G2<br />

3S'6~<br />

47'45<br />

3S'4-1<br />

2:>'22<br />

8'01<br />

4".\4<br />

49'92<br />

6'88<br />

32'66<br />

·10'05<br />

5'90<br />

48'39<br />

H'97<br />

7'60<br />

10'55<br />

31"07<br />

6'3S<br />

22·25<br />

13'52<br />

51'8G<br />

8'37<br />

2'67<br />

2'8-Jr<br />

13'47<br />

2o·os<br />

0'95<br />

29'79<br />

6'46<br />

32'48<br />

21 ·12<br />

4'18<br />

6'96'<br />

l '0-l<br />

8'·.W<br />

2'61<br />

33'79<br />

25'73<br />

0'48<br />

41'96<br />

15'98<br />

M>'ll\<br />

12'29<br />

10'50<br />

8'05<br />

7'30<br />

2'81<br />

2'88<br />

6'32<br />

0'13<br />

14'38<br />

22'76<br />

4-0'81<br />

2s·i;:s<br />

2"15<br />

• Froni Computed Yalucs.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


KINGDOM, deduced from the cleclnrcd QUANTITIES nnd VALUES (ns stn.lCll<br />

Inst Fifteen Y cars~ Continued.<br />

I 1s1s. ! 1s19. I isso. I 1ss1. ! 1ss2. ! 1sss. \ 1ss.1. I AUTICLES-Cont.<br />

3'13<br />

18'6-li<br />

l'lD<br />

15'77<br />

39'26<br />

31.'80<br />

·13'47<br />

49'00<br />

3G'33<br />

22'09<br />

8·os<br />

3'82<br />

•19'51<br />

6'.U<br />

9'70<br />

33'87<br />

5'46<br />

4G'l3<br />

15'19<br />

6'93<br />

10'48<br />

t<br />

5'58<br />

2l'09<br />

U-8&<br />

·17'56<br />

8'60<br />

2'•!7<br />

2 .. 15<br />

30'17<br />

ll'GJ.<br />

29'U<br />

19'97<br />

3'70<br />

7·21<br />

l'SO<br />

s·o2<br />

3'02<br />

29'26<br />

21'•17<br />

8'70<br />

39'39·<br />

13"29<br />

45'1H<br />

12'71<br />

9"1.1<br />

6'73<br />

7'28<br />

2'·15<br />

2'•1!)<br />

•J.'80<br />

8'38<br />

13'00<br />

22'83<br />

·17'70<br />

28'8!)<br />

2·00<br />

3'41 •l'45<br />

16'62 18'91<br />

1'12 1'16<br />

15'18 15"09<br />

20·15 31·31.<br />

80'52<br />

89'81<br />

2!l'·l.'l<br />

33•93<br />

·15'00<br />

32'03<br />

4l.'7S<br />

30'91<br />

22'53 27'89<br />

7'51 8'0G<br />

4•75 •l:'74<br />

3i'•10 86'62<br />

s·os<br />

6't31<br />

7'GS 8'15<br />

31'31. 33•43<br />

5'70 6'8J.<br />

43'65 4G'2S<br />

16'33 15'2'<br />

6'77 7'19<br />

10'15 9'52<br />

5'GS<br />

t "<br />

G'<br />

t<br />

9.,<br />

19'03 22·i7<br />

14'02 15'32<br />

43·51 43·2u<br />

8'09 7'92<br />

2'·i8 2'5G<br />

2·11 2·02<br />

12·53 ·13'6-f,<br />

17'•12 17'0l<br />

l '02 1'2-t.<br />

29•95<br />

11·;;2<br />

33'38<br />

19·03<br />

27'66 27'!iS<br />

18'(H 15'23<br />

3'73 4'.JO<br />

7'29 7'liG<br />

1'68 1'73<br />

8'58 8'90<br />

3'30 4'90<br />

27'39 29'23<br />

20·22 21'71<br />

7·39 8'15<br />

3!i'S7<br />

H'63<br />

35'12<br />

13'•17<br />

•l:S'~ ·11'27<br />

12·01 18'71<br />

9'1H 10'07<br />

7·20 7·0~<br />

7·03 7· .<br />

.u<br />

2·10 2'47<br />

2'17 2'!i9<br />

4'8i .j,'l).j,<br />

8'10 8'68<br />

13'50 13'60<br />

19'82. 19'88<br />

45•37 ·10'87<br />

29'M<br />

2'61<br />

28'93<br />

2·02<br />

.,1,·01<br />

16'·10<br />

1'07<br />

18'83<br />

32'09<br />

29'09<br />

29·77<br />

4-0'87<br />

31'33<br />

:woo<br />

7'9S<br />

4'20<br />

36'18<br />

4'2G<br />

7'1JG<br />

35·73<br />

5·.14<br />

4.l'S3<br />

14'80<br />

G'S3<br />

S'Gi<br />

t<br />

6'18<br />

22'77<br />

l•J.'G4<br />

4-1:'28<br />

1·os<br />

2·40<br />

2·05<br />

l·t.·oo<br />

rn·os<br />

1'07<br />

20'75<br />

17'32<br />

27'6-1<br />

16'75<br />

5'36<br />

7'61<br />

2·02<br />

8'9G<br />

·1'00<br />

28'03<br />

21'72<br />

9'21<br />

35'24<br />

.l2'82<br />

13'05<br />

10·22<br />

6'85<br />

6'93<br />

2·57<br />

2'50<br />

•i'OJ.<br />

9'21<br />

13'87<br />

21'00<br />

•12'32<br />

2!l'•JS<br />

2'62<br />

5'23<br />

10'03<br />

1'09<br />

12'53<br />

33'3·i<br />

80'49<br />

31'•10<br />

4-0'39<br />

82'87<br />

35•75<br />

7'67<br />

3'39<br />

35'29<br />

} 6'9'2<br />

40'18<br />

G'G7<br />

45'33<br />

14'31<br />

7·09<br />

7'0$<br />

t<br />

0'53<br />

21'78<br />

13'27<br />

42'GG<br />

7'45<br />

2·10<br />

1'8S<br />

13'29<br />

1G'5·i<br />

1'19<br />

31'70<br />

20'58<br />

28'78<br />

13'49<br />

5'G-•<br />

0'·19<br />

2'05<br />

0·02<br />

3'73<br />

2S'G7<br />

21·11<br />

8'76<br />

40•35<br />

12'5$<br />

.J,$'96<br />

14'21<br />

lO'GG<br />

7•137<br />

0'95<br />

2'62<br />

2'58<br />

5·1s<br />

0'75<br />

12·27<br />

21·5s<br />

·i2'53<br />

20'80<br />

2·07<br />

4'G9<br />

15'70<br />

l'OO<br />

14'24<br />

35'25<br />

35'11<br />

Si'69<br />

38'01<br />

s•·52<br />

31'75<br />

7'55<br />

3'28<br />

33'02<br />

7•39<br />

40'43<br />

0'16<br />

45'11<br />

14'0S<br />

6'74<br />

8'20<br />

t<br />

5'82<br />

20·0•<br />

11'41<br />

47·59<br />

7'40<br />

2·00<br />

2·15<br />

14'50<br />

10·20<br />

1·0,i,<br />

20'57<br />

13'20<br />

22'89<br />

13'Gl<br />

G'42<br />

6'37<br />

1'8G<br />

!J'lS<br />

4'19<br />

27'22<br />

20·10<br />

&·:u<br />

40'48<br />

12'·J,(l<br />

·W95<br />

l2'·U<br />

11'50<br />

7'63<br />

7·01<br />

2'Gl<br />

2·.n<br />

•.lr'53<br />

0'85<br />

l2'0S<br />

21'17<br />

43'0.Jr<br />

30'18<br />

2'80<br />

Motnls-ccnit.<br />

.i,•07<br />

'l'in, in lllocks, Ingots, Ilnrs,<br />

.£ • Ctot. { or Slabs. nnd Rilgulus.<br />

Zinc:-<br />

B'G9 .C • Toti Cnule, in Cl.\kcii.<br />

0'07 £ • Cwt. ]lnnufactures.<br />

14'81 .c Ton {Nuts nnd Kernels, used for ex·<br />

• pressing Oil therefrom.<br />

Oil::-<br />

30'35 £ Tim Fish.<br />

33'50 s. • Cwt. Pnlm.<br />

32'43 8. • ,, Cocoa Nut.<br />

41'59 £. Tzm O!h·e.<br />

30·98 £ • ,, Seed.<br />

2-i·23 8. • Cwt. Turpentine.<br />

7'50 £ • Toti Oil Seed Cake.<br />

3'50 8. Busli. Onions, Raw.<br />

30·~9 s. • C:wt. I>nper for Writing or l>rinting.<br />

Petroleum :-<br />

7 • 75 { d.· Gall.<br />

cl.· .,<br />

3G'7·~ s. • Cwt.<br />

6'74 s. "<br />

4~'22 s. • T01i<br />

Unrefined.<br />

R-Oflncd •.<br />

Pork.<br />

Potatoes.<br />

l'J'rites or Iron or Copper.<br />

Rub"S and l'apcr-mnkmg :llnterials:<br />

13 •.ro £ - ,. Rags.<br />

6'211 £ • ,, Esparto nnd other !\faterinls.<br />

Rice:-·<br />

8'H s. ·Cwt.<br />

t s. ·Qr.<br />

5'13 s. • Cwt.<br />

18'35 s. • "<br />

0'61t s.. ,,<br />

30'83<br />

16'75<br />

2V23<br />

Not in the IIusk.<br />

In the llusk.<br />

Rosin.<br />

Snltpctre.<br />

,. Cubic Nitre.<br />

Seeds:-<br />

Clover and Grns3.<br />

45'27 s. • ,,<br />

7'46 £ • T01i Cotton. •<br />

:?'12 £. ~r. }'lnx or Linseed.<br />

1'00 £. ,, Rupe.<br />

Silk:-<br />

13·30 £ • Cwt. 1\uubs or Husks and Waste.<br />

H'79 s. ·Lb. Raw.<br />

1'03 £ • ., Th:-"mt.<br />

Skins:-<br />

d.· Eacli Shcep uud Lamb, Undressed.<br />

t Cnnnot be given.<br />

s. - ,, Seu!.<br />

d.· ,, Goat, Undressed.<br />

Spiccs:-<br />

10·.19 d.· Lb. Cinnamon.<br />

7·10 d. - ,. Pepper.<br />

5'15 d.· ,, or other Sorts.<br />

Spirits:-<br />

1'70 s. • Pf, Gall. Rum.<br />

S'IJS s. · ,, Drnndy.<br />

s·oo s. • {Other Foreign nml Colonial<br />

" Spirits.<br />

Sugur:-<br />

•<br />

1 •<br />

20'$!l s. Cwt. Refinetl nnd Sugn,. \Jnmly.<br />

15'51 s. • ,, Rnw. l<br />

7'l(t I! • ,, ]lolnsses.<br />

37'7£ r ,, Tnllow und Steir:ine.<br />

11 '78 ,. Lb. 'l'cn.<br />

.i,s·ou I J. , owt. ficot!1,_Elcp!1nnts', 8en·Cow, and<br />

l<br />

s~··ttorsc.<br />

TObllj!CO:-<br />

lO'P,C s. • Lb. Oigars.<br />

12'13 t:. • ., CrLventlish or Ncgrl•h~d.<br />

7·s7 d.· ,, Un:unnufnctured.<br />

7·07 s. • Gall. Wino.<br />

Wocll nnd Timb1 r:<br />

2'30 ~ • I..,oad. Hewn.<br />

2'28 ,o, • ,, Snwn or Spl, :.<br />

4 ·u £ • ,, Stnvcs.<br />

0'03 £ • Ton l\lnhognny.<br />

i2·00 d • Lb {Wool: Sheep, J..,•i.'\>, Alpncn, :m

·.\\<br />

IH<br />


No. 43.-AVERAGE PRICE of the nnder-ment.ionecl ARTICr.Es of IlRITISII and ImsrI<br />

QUANTITIES nnd VALUES (as stated in Tables Nos. 30<br />

-<br />

,_______ A_n_T1_c_r.E_s_. ______.,_1s_·_,o_. ~~L:!-=. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877.<br />

~ H~g~·:i;~~tre :<br />

• Cwt. • s.<br />

• :b'ad• • £<br />

: LI». : ~.<br />

• JJo::. • 11.<br />

• Brl. • s.<br />

• a~IJt • • s.<br />

·Cwt. • £<br />

JJ~z. lbs. : !:<br />

• Eacli • £<br />

• Cwt. • s.<br />

: T~i : ~:<br />

• Cict. • s.<br />

. ., • s.<br />

• s .<br />

• d.<br />

Alknli • •<br />

Auimals : Horses •<br />

Arms.&o.:-<br />

1'iro ~\rms •<br />

Gunpowder •<br />

:Blenching l\Iateriuls<br />

Books, Printed •<br />

Butter • •<br />

Cundles of all Sorts • •<br />

Curriages, Railway • •<br />

Cement • • •<br />

Cheese - • •<br />

Coals, :Manufactured Fuel, &c.<br />

Cordage and Twine • •<br />

Corn:-<br />

Wheat •<br />

Wheat Flour •<br />

Cotton Yam·<br />

Cotton Manufactures :-<br />

Picco Goods, Plnin • • l"cl. • d.<br />

., Printed • • ,, • d.<br />

,. l\Iixed Materials .. • d.<br />

Thread for Sewing • - J.b. • d.<br />

Fish: Herrit11:"S • • • JJrl. • s.<br />

Glnss:-<br />

l'late •<br />

Flint •<br />

Common Dottlcs<br />

Of other sorts •<br />

Huts, of all sorts •<br />

Leather, Tuuncd:-<br />

Unwrought •<br />

• Cv;t. • £<br />

·wrought:-<br />

Doots und Shoes • ]Jo::. pairs • s.<br />

Otl1er sorts • • Lb. • s.<br />

Linen und Jute Ycrn :-<br />

·Sq.ft.· s.<br />

• C.:,it. • 8.<br />

• H • S.<br />

: Do::. : ;:<br />

J,incn Yarn • •<br />

- d.<br />

Jute Yam<br />

• ·d.<br />

Linen and Jute Manufactures:-<br />

Linen Manufactures:­<br />

Whitc or I>luin • ·Yd. ·d.<br />

Printed • - " • d.<br />

Sailcloth und Sails<br />

Thrcnd for Sewing : Lb. : ~:<br />

Jute 'Manufactures • . rd .. a.<br />

~Ictals :-<br />

Iron:-<br />

Old • • • To1i £<br />

Pig and Puddled • • ,, • s.<br />

Dar, Angle, lfolt,nnd Rod· ,, -£<br />

Railroad or nll sorts • ,, ·£<br />

Wire (excc11t Telegraph) • ,, .£<br />

Sheets nnd Plates - • ,, - £<br />

Gnh·nnized - • ,, ·£<br />

!!oops • " -£<br />

Tinned Plates • • ,, ·£<br />

Cnst or "'rought, &c. • ,, .£<br />

Stoel, Unwrought • • ,. -£<br />

?ilanufnctures or Steel, &c. ,, .£<br />

Copper:­<br />

. Un wrought:-<br />

Ingots, Cakes, &c. • Cwt. • £<br />

Wrought or partly Wrought:-<br />

Yellow Metal • • ,, • £<br />

or other sorts • • " • £<br />

Bmss or nil sorts • • ,, • £<br />

Lend: Pig, Sheet, nnd l!ipe • Tcm • £<br />

Tin, Unwrought • ~ Ciot. • £<br />

Zinc, Wrought nnd VnwrQnght .. • s.<br />

Oil: Seed • - • • Gall. • a.<br />

011 nnd l'loor Cloth . ~ .Sq. yd. • cl.<br />

Paper (other than Hnnginh-s) • Cwt, • .£<br />

Rngs nnd other :Mntcrinls for Paper 7'01i • £<br />

Snlt • • • • • 7'on • s.<br />

Silk Mnnufuctures : llro:id l'ieco} rd. • 8<br />

,<br />

Goods • • • •<br />

Sonp • w • - • Cwt. • s.<br />

Spirits, British • • • Gall. • s.<br />

Sugar, Refined • • • Owt. • •·<br />

Wool, Shee11 nnd Lnml1s' • ·Lb. • d.<br />

Woollen nnd Worsted Yn.rn • ,, • d.<br />

Woollen and Worsted Manufactures:-<br />

Cloths, &c. • • • Yd. • d.<br />

}'lnnnels, &c. • • • ,, • d.<br />

Stniis, &:c. • • • ,, • d.<br />

Carpets, &c. • • • ,, • d.<br />

7•71<br />

35•45<br />

35'25<br />

5·91<br />

7·33<br />

72·20<br />

8'87<br />

ll"Gl<br />

109"80<br />

s·22<br />

103"·17<br />

2·.13<br />

87"52<br />

9"Gt.<br />

Will<br />

11·77<br />

16°31<br />

18'0-.?<br />

3·55<br />

.1·75<br />

5·57<br />

:m·s2<br />

2J."71<br />

2·u<br />

53·70<br />

9•99<br />

23°4-l<br />

31·17<br />

s·20<br />

6l'GI<br />

4°26<br />

l·i"42<br />

3·72<br />

7"15<br />

8°15<br />

12"65<br />

28'56<br />

3'65<br />

4·70<br />

59"18<br />

8'H<br />

8"27<br />

18'7G<br />

11'40<br />

20·79<br />

!)•31<br />

2.1'6G<br />

14'27<br />

31"58<br />

Gl"49<br />

3•73<br />

3'25<br />

s·oo<br />

4'30<br />

10'80<br />

6°2.3<br />

}{1'23<br />

2'63<br />

16'87<br />

2·09<br />

111'25<br />

0'09<br />

3'8-i<br />

27'70<br />

2'52<br />

32'25<br />

15'31<br />

33'73,<br />

85'17<br />

17'28<br />

H'03<br />

35'67<br />

s·s1<br />

38•19<br />

39·03<br />

5'7·1<br />

s·sa<br />

76'7-1<br />

1o·so<br />

11°66<br />

110·27<br />

7·7g,<br />

100·81<br />

2·.j.j,<br />

85'68<br />

0·50<br />

55·77<br />

13"11<br />

16°51<br />

18°61><br />

3·33<br />

•1"71<br />

8·21<br />

39'13<br />

26"!)2.<br />

l"!Jj<br />

48'42<br />

9•71<br />

31'57<br />

2!)•58<br />

8·13<br />

59·72<br />

3"2'J<br />

14'69<br />

4'5!).<br />

7•39<br />

8·01<br />

12·0.1<br />

2S"5S<br />

3•95<br />

4"81<br />

61°08<br />

s·31<br />

8°25'<br />

17"0:J<br />

11·79<br />

20'57<br />

9'41<br />

24'25<br />

14•75<br />

30'58<br />

52"37<br />

3'78<br />

3·35<br />

4'12<br />

4·51<br />

10'27<br />

6°70<br />

17"87·<br />

2'69<br />

10·75<br />

2'93<br />

17'81<br />

10'·i7<br />

3'32<br />

27'14<br />

2'50<br />

31'85<br />

16'6'l<br />

33'49<br />

37'1i2<br />

17'55<br />

14'0'2<br />

30'10<br />

11·17<br />

53'H<br />

2·t.".1(1<br />

5'8G<br />

s·8:1<br />

79"8!)<br />

12·81<br />

10'86<br />

112'23<br />

7'89<br />

os·:a<br />

2'45<br />

St. 0 70<br />

1:1"83<br />

:;7·97<br />

12·s1<br />

11·.is<br />

1S'87<br />

3•51<br />

4•92<br />

8'57<br />

•fi'7S<br />

~·23<br />

2'29<br />

53'18<br />

9'81<br />

31'80<br />

29·07.<br />

8"78<br />

GS 0 G4<br />

3'89<br />

10·40<br />

4•93<br />

0·10<br />

100"85<br />

11"58<br />

10·82<br />

20·00<br />

15'56<br />

20·22<br />

13'02<br />

32°2.i<br />

17'70<br />

32'88<br />

54'74<br />

4'81<br />

4'11<br />

5'23<br />

5'47<br />

20·45<br />

7•47<br />

20'17<br />

2'78<br />

17·.12<br />

2·50<br />

18'02<br />

1'i"15<br />

3'15<br />

20'().i<br />

2'50<br />

s2·os<br />

10'86<br />

30'1)1<br />

41'1!)<br />

17'65<br />

14'5i<br />

38'03<br />

12·32<br />

62'95<br />

29'13<br />

6'3S<br />

8'6l:<br />

83'15<br />

12'56<br />

lO'SS<br />

118·u<br />

8"(}!.<br />

lll"GS<br />

3'(H<br />

sa·30<br />

20·00<br />

:;w10<br />

13'·i7<br />

18'97<br />

17"76<br />

3·.i5<br />

4"78<br />

0'29<br />

-12·.17<br />

23'38<br />

3'01<br />

G7'8S<br />

10'18<br />

33·00<br />

29'46<br />

9'00<br />

(H'73<br />

3'6S<br />

16'51<br />

4'(H<br />

7"62<br />

7'G3<br />

13'97<br />

30'56<br />

3·9s<br />

6'62<br />

12l"65<br />

l3'09<br />

13"27<br />

23·52<br />

17'95<br />

26'95<br />

14"58<br />

32·77<br />

19'43<br />

37·11<br />

6!)'55<br />

4'68<br />

4'29<br />

5'18<br />

5'1)'.)<br />

23'75<br />

6'83<br />

lW02<br />

2'M<br />

15'!17<br />

3'0-l<br />

17'73<br />

18'7i<br />

3'1H<br />

26'45<br />

2'50<br />

30'02<br />

21'18<br />

37'26<br />

10·.15<br />

67'37<br />

32'09<br />

ll'f>S<br />

7·.13<br />

87'56<br />

10"26<br />

10·73<br />

121 ·50<br />

8'26<br />

116"27<br />

2'!JS<br />

87"27<br />

17"21<br />

56'13<br />

13"35<br />

1s·11<br />

15'79<br />

s•Q')<br />

•i'G9<br />

9'68<br />

42'35<br />

2S"&J,<br />

3"06<br />

59"65<br />

10'41<br />

33'01<br />

2!).'87<br />

s·oo<br />

67"02<br />

3·77<br />

1r;·17<br />

3·75<br />

1·80<br />

7°68<br />

u··n<br />

30·15<br />

3·57<br />

5'6!1<br />

N"67<br />

n·8o<br />

12"31<br />

20'98<br />

17'39<br />

25·55<br />

13'32<br />

30'21<br />

·19'03<br />

38'29<br />

78'75<br />

4·40<br />

4•().1<br />

5'00<br />

6·30<br />

22"63<br />

5·~1<br />

!WOl<br />

2'3.'3<br />

H'l',O<br />

3·10<br />

woo<br />

16'00<br />

3"36<br />

25°35<br />

2'51<br />

26'50<br />

21'02<br />

38'14<br />

41"00 39'53<br />

18'10 10'76<br />

12'll 10'03<br />

3S'M 38"61)<br />

0'16<br />

76"!)1<br />

·11'1!)<br />

6°31<br />

6'8S<br />

83"01<br />

s·w<br />

10'6!)<br />

122'38<br />

s·oo<br />

103"•10<br />

2·01<br />

82"6i<br />

13°28<br />

55"1!)<br />

11"26<br />

H'!JO<br />

U'6G<br />

3·13<br />

.J,'77<br />

{)."20<br />

43'110<br />

~·ru<br />

j/{i<br />


ll5<br />

PnonucE Ex..1 1 01n1m from the UNITBD IC1NGDOM, 1 138'89 139'58<br />

7'Gl 0'81 o·so 0'52 6'50 G'72<br />

112'21 79'10 87'85 81'!JG t t<br />

2'GG 2'·19 2'50 2'37 2·3i, 2'31<br />

79'87 77·.m ss·os s2·n 81 ·05 s..1:·15<br />

9'·1U 8'71 8'95 S'!l7 9'H 9·3:;<br />

52'00 ·15'72 ..10'97 51'23 52'25 51'05<br />

1o·r.s<br />

15'25<br />

12"17<br />

2'7G<br />

4'18<br />

7'01:<br />

37'78<br />

21·0:;<br />

1'85<br />

51'65<br />

10'71<br />

2i'•l:7<br />

2-l:'OG<br />

7'31<br />

Gl'lG<br />

3'GG<br />

15'70<br />

3'G5<br />

7'20<br />

7·39<br />

12'96<br />

2S'60<br />

3')0<br />

3'83<br />

0.'3'02<br />

7'17<br />

7·49<br />

H'•H<br />

11'78<br />

18'91<br />

7'80<br />

17'60<br />

14'02<br />

31'41<br />

03'31<br />

3·49<br />

s·u<br />

3'88<br />

4'1tl<br />

18'7•1<br />

3'32<br />

18'03<br />

·•>o9<br />

1s·a2<br />

2'67<br />

11'23<br />

12'31<br />

3'32<br />

21·1r;<br />

li'·15<br />

23'11<br />

10'87<br />

30'07<br />

S.l'li3<br />

16'86<br />

!l'2S<br />

30'4-i<br />

9'87<br />

W05<br />

1~·33<br />

2·05<br />

3'91<br />

6'10<br />

s1·r.o<br />

33'36<br />

1'5S<br />

52'26<br />

10'20<br />

20·72<br />

23'03<br />

6'8G<br />

GO'o2<br />

3'S9<br />

u·52<br />

3·~.1:<br />

7'!\S<br />

7'3.'3<br />

11'69<br />

20'71<br />

2'87<br />

3'·'1<br />

51'50<br />

6'Gl<br />

G'20<br />

13'39<br />

9'35<br />

1G'79<br />

7'20<br />

17'81<br />

l:J'16<br />

26'31:<br />

Gl'7'1:<br />

3'17<br />

2'80<br />

3'56<br />

3'DO<br />

15'42<br />

s·r.o<br />

lu'l5<br />

2·20<br />

13'16<br />

2'43<br />

10'92<br />

11'50<br />

s·ss<br />

22'/a<br />

li'35<br />

21 '67<br />

H'39<br />

26'71<br />

Sl'S!l<br />

lG'l'iO<br />

8'90<br />

28'83<br />

10'311<br />

13·g3<br />

13'25<br />

'""3 MI l I<br />

3·791 (l'.J,.J,<br />

3$'05<br />

26'53<br />

l'G2<br />

41'3.i.<br />

10'10<br />

21'9·l<br />

22·23<br />

7•84<br />

61'03<br />

3·91<br />

H'25<br />

3'33<br />

1·ss<br />

7·23<br />

12'15<br />

31'02<br />

2·95<br />

4"i8<br />

63'!H<br />

7'81<br />

7'31<br />

13'!19<br />

111'67<br />

18'33<br />

8'·16<br />

20'•.1:8<br />

13'75<br />

18'311<br />

67'97<br />

3•41<br />

3·02<br />

s·79<br />

4'2-l<br />

17'4.J<br />

4'52<br />

16'77<br />

2·z.1<br />

H'llU<br />

2·:H<br />

12'07<br />

11'49<br />

3'2G<br />

22'•17<br />

!;'28<br />

23'34<br />

rn· 57<br />

30'33<br />

32'3-i<br />

16'45<br />

9'lli<br />

29'16<br />

10'18<br />

H'OO<br />

1~'3!1<br />

2'G5<br />

3'6S<br />

r;·u;<br />

35"Si<br />

a:;·o~<br />

1'52<br />

41-'13<br />

9·92<br />

20'48<br />

21'90<br />

8'0'7<br />

&7'13<br />

3'90<br />

13'91<br />

3·2;;<br />

7·03<br />

'l'Ol<br />

12'01<br />

30'G2<br />

2''i8<br />

3'!)1<br />

li5'38<br />

6'8-l<br />

G'IJO<br />

13'32<br />

9'7u<br />

16'55<br />

7'48<br />

17'11<br />

13'CiS<br />

11·13<br />

55'!H<br />

3'28<br />

3'01<br />

3'78<br />

4'13<br />

lG'n<br />

4'80<br />

lli'l\I<br />

2'11l<br />

H'86<br />

2·2.i<br />

11·10<br />

11'(!.i<br />

3'27<br />

22-.1s<br />

5•03<br />

23'65<br />

lli':!ll<br />

26'01<br />

32'55<br />

15'18<br />

0'0'<br />

28'78<br />

10'05<br />

H'75<br />

12'9()<br />

2·71<br />

3·73<br />

5'85<br />

37'2-1<br />

2u·92<br />

1·ua<br />

·17'48<br />

9·5:;<br />

20·12<br />

21'85<br />

8•7-J,<br />

5S'72<br />

t<br />

13·71<br />

3'10<br />

6'89<br />

8'11<br />

12'41<br />

32'01<br />

2·70<br />

3'8.J.<br />

56'4u<br />

7'a4<br />

0·82<br />

15'35<br />

10'25<br />

16'36<br />

7'89<br />

17'Cil<br />

13'8G<br />

11·so<br />

Cil '1)6<br />

3'Ci7<br />

3'17<br />

•i'OG<br />

4-.17<br />

15•.J!j<br />

5'24<br />

H'67<br />

2'06<br />

15'28<br />

2'2!1<br />

10'67<br />

11·90<br />

3•37<br />

22'40<br />

Ci'87<br />

23'30<br />

1r.·20<br />

211·02<br />

:w1s<br />

15'13<br />

1)'(15<br />

28'B<br />

lO'GS<br />

13'52<br />

12'25<br />

2'61<br />

3'G2<br />

5'81<br />

3\1'23<br />

29'73<br />

1'42<br />

44-'!l·i<br />

9'2i<br />

17'Gl<br />

2l'Ci0<br />

9'31<br />

00·10<br />

t<br />

H'36<br />

3'05<br />

G'95<br />

7'80<br />

11·73<br />

31':!6<br />

2'1H<br />

3'•1:7<br />

Ci2'14<br />

7'0G<br />

G'l9<br />

H'80<br />

10'12<br />

15'18<br />

7·77<br />

17'47<br />

12'!17<br />

19'10<br />

42'70<br />

3'38<br />

2·99<br />

3'87<br />

·1'·17<br />

H'07<br />

4'88<br />

13'89<br />

1'85<br />

B'72<br />

2'1Ci<br />

o·so<br />

12'Si<br />

3'26<br />

22'06<br />

li'9:l<br />

21'40<br />

12'71<br />

23'41<br />

<strong>1884</strong>. ARTICI.RS.<br />

110·1s<br />

o·oo<br />

t<br />

0•·)5<br />

8i·iis<br />

9'20<br />

·15'53<br />

s. • ,. llutter.<br />

s. • Do::. lbs. Candles or all Sorts.<br />

£ Bach Carriages, Rnilwny.<br />

s. - Cwt. Cement.<br />

~--------- -<br />

8'57 s. • "<br />

12·28 s. • ..<br />

12'21 d.· Lb.<br />

2·47 d.- rd.<br />

!i'GO d.· ,.<br />

7'Ci3 d.. ..<br />

·lO"U d.· Lb.<br />

~W75 s. • Brl.<br />

Whcat.<br />

Wheat Plour.<br />

Cotton Yurn.<br />

Cotton l\fonufnctures :-<br />

fiece Goods, Pl:iiu.<br />

,. Printed. j<br />

,, l\1 ixcd Material:i.<br />

'rhrcnd for Sewing.<br />

Fish : Herrings.<br />

G'37 s. • Cwt. Alkali.<br />

08'36 £. • E«ch Animals: Horses.<br />

Arms,&c.:-<br />

25'63 s. • .. Piro Arms.<br />

li'82 cl.· .l .. b. Gunpowder.<br />

4'88 s. - Do::. Ilags, l~mJity.<br />

75'11 s. Jlrl. llcer and Alo.<br />

8'21 s . • Cwt. llleaching :\fotel'iu.ls.<br />

9•.13 £ • Cwt. Books, Printed.<br />

s. • ,. Cheese.<br />

s. - Ton Coals, Manufactured Puc!, &c.<br />

s. • Owt. Corduge nnd •rwinc.<br />

Corn:-<br />

Gluss:-<br />

l "J!i s. Sq.ft. Plutc.<br />

·1G·{).~ .v. • Cwt. Flint.<br />

!)·30 s.. " Common Bottles.<br />

17'03 s. • .. or other sorts.<br />

21-.13 s. • JJo::. liuts. or nil sorts.<br />

Lc:ithcr, 'l'unned:­<br />

9"lli £·Cwt. Uuwroup;ht.<br />

Wrought:-<br />

5!1'92 s. • IJig, Sheet, vnd Pipe.<br />

4'27 £ Ctot. Tin, Unwrought.<br />

13'1ill s. • ,, . Zinc, Wrought nud Unwrought.<br />

l '83 s • • Gall. 011: Seed.<br />

13'Ci7 d.· Sq. yd. Oil nnd }(Joor Cloth.<br />

2·05 £ • Cwt. Paper (other thnn Hnngingsl.<br />

9~2-~ £ - Ton llilgs 1md other ?tlatcrial:1 for >aper.<br />

12'91 s. • To1i Sult.<br />

3 • •<br />

26<br />

Yd {Silk Manufactures: llrond Piece<br />

8<br />

• • Goods.<br />

22'09 s. • Cwt. Soap.<br />

0'15 &, - Gall. Spirits, Dritlsh.<br />

j'i '17 s. • Cict. Sugar: Rollncd.<br />

10'11~ d.· Lb. Wool, Shl'op und J,umbs'.<br />

2a'78 d.· ,, Woollon null Worsted Ynrn.<br />

. n·.12 d •• rd.<br />

13'98<br />

!l'(}.j,<br />

d.. ..<br />

d.. ..<br />

26'16 d.. "<br />

Woollen and Worswd l\lnnufac. : -<br />

Cloths, &c •<br />

Flni111els, &o.<br />

St111T11, &o.<br />

Ciirpot~, &:c.<br />

.\ 17643. t Cannot be given • ll<br />

I<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

116 SHIPPING.<br />

No. 44.-'foT.\.L 'l'vN"~AGE of Bnrrrsn nncl ~'oREIO~ VESSELS, (SAILING nnd STEA)t)<br />

ENTERED nncl CLF:AnEo, with CARGOES nnd in BALLAS'f, nt PonTs in the<br />

UNITED KINaoo:u, from and to FonEIG!'\ COUNTRIES nnd IlRITISII PossESSIONS.<br />

-<br />

----------. ------ __..,.----- -- --- --- -------- - --~<br />

ESTRRED. CLEARED. Tor.u.<br />

....,<br />

\'.EARS. ----<br />

____<br />

·----------------- ~ -<<br />

British. Foreign. Total. British. Foreign. •rotal. British. Foreign. 'l'otal.<br />

·---------------·--------------·<br />

Tons. 'l'ons. Tons. Tons. To us. Tons. ~·ons. Tons. •rons.<br />

lSiO 12,880,390 5,732,9i4 18,113,36-~ 12,691,790 :i,835,028 18,52G,81S 25,072,180 11,568,002 3G,G-10,182 lSiO<br />

18n 13,S57,G3S 6,G2:?,2:i9 20,·.l:W,897 B,177,110 6,890,871 21,067,981 28,QS.t.,748 13,513,130 •U,S..1:7,878 1871<br />

18i2 H,173,289 6,S.1:2,126 21,015,415 U,5-1-5,801 6,939,809 21,1.$5,610 28,719,090 13,781,935 ·..1:2,501,025 1872<br />

1873 B,5H,02S 7,32!3,9:?9 21,StH,9:i7 15,103,:316 7,·lGS,713 22,575,029 :!9,6.1:7,3·1-.I: H,792,642 ·l-.1:,439,9$6 1873<br />

1874 14,833,6H 7,53-.1:,806 22,!JGS,510 15,256,0.'39 7,80.1:,408 23,060,447 30,0S9,6S3 15,339,274 45,·128,957 187-1<br />

1875 15,190,991 7,502,172 22,6!l3,1G3 15,753,753 7,829,922 23,583,675 30,0t.i,7·H 15,332,()!)J, 4?,27G,SS8 1S75<br />

187t; 1G,511,9:il 8,5;;:;,313 2.i,OGi ,2G I: lG,930,028 S,787.610 2:i, 717,GSS 3'3,l-U,9i9 17,3·1:2,923 50,7S.l:,902 187G<br />

JS77 17,281,33~ S.339839 2:i,621,173 17,4Sl:,573 8,42:i,33l 23,909,90.1: 3 l:,7U:i,007 16,7G5,li0 51,5:n,on 18ii<br />

187$ 17,327,733 7,9<<br />

No. 45.~'foNNAGE of BRITISII nnd FottEIGN VESSELS, (SAII.I:SG nnd STEAM) EN'mmm<br />

n~d CLEAltED, with CARGOES ONLY, at PonTs in the UNITED KINGDOM~<br />

from and to FouEIGN COUNTRIES nnd BmTISil POSSESSIONS.<br />

y EARS.<br />

ENTERED. CLI-:ARED. Tor.n ..<br />

British. l?orcign. Totnl. British. Foreign. Total. British. I Foreiicn. Total.<br />

-------------<br />

Tons. Tomi. Tons. Tons. Tons. 'l'ons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 10,308,952 4,601,790 14,910,742 11,934,087 4,779,851 16,713,938 22,243,o:m 9,381,6il 31,624,080 <strong>1870</strong><br />

18il 11,250,120 5,205,222 16,455,342 13,396,583 5,650,872 19,047,455 2-J,6-.1:6,703 10,856,09-i 35,502,797<br />

1872 12,139,80:; G,760,135 17,905,9!0 13,574,471 5,673,881 19,2-.1:8,352 25,71-1,276 11,4.l:0,016 37,154,292 >Ml 187i I<br />

1873 12,474,912 6,320,H5 18,795,057 13,653,0~0 r,,4S6,335 19,130,365 26,127,942 11,EOG,-iSO 37,934,422 1873<br />

1874 12,751,128 6,330,278 19,081,406 14,010,786 G,742,701 19,753,4S7 20,761,914 12,072,979 38,834,893 1874 I<br />

1876 12,852,351 6,187,577 19,039,928 H,~4,989 5,95S,750 20,413,739 27,307,:HO 12,H0,327 39,453,667 1875 I<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 13,672,122 7,35'1:,5i9 21,020,671 15,201,60·? 6,309,111 21,510,713 2$,873,72-1 13,00.'l,660 42,537,384 1876 I<br />

1877 . 14,894,448 7,237,176 22,131,62li lG,358,033 5,837,323 21,195,3G6 30,252,4Sl 13,074,49!) 43,320,980 1877 I<br />

1878 l·i,513,688 6,801,1158 21,318,2·i6 15,783,4S8 5,798,200 21,591,GS8 30,2!)7,176 12,602,768 42,899,931<br />

1879 15,039,579 6,059,765 21,099,31r4 17,005,HG G,75-i,211 22,8J9,357 32,134,725 11,813,976 ·1.'3,948,701 18i0<br />

1880 17,018,011 6,975,269 23,003,280 18,867,857 6,817,813 25,685,670 35,885,868 13,793,0S2 49,678,950 1880<br />

1881 16,864,GGS 6,3GO,Ot0 23,22·1:,708 l!l,605,532 6,731,161 26,333,693 3G,470,200 13,001,201 49,561,401 1881<br />

1ti!l2 17,810,.'380 7,00·J.,669 2·1,815,049 20,302,620 7,300,237 27,6!18,803 38,203,006 H;no,906 52,51~,!112 1882<br />

1883 19,186,054 7,12i,2Gi 26,310,318 22,135,UG2 7,237,4!18 2!!,373,160 41,321,716 H,301,762 55,683,478 1883<br />

lBM 18,2(19,236 6,497,·H!I ~.ll96,GS5 21,IH0,070 7,326,992 29,273,002 40,155,906 13,814,441 53,970,lU7 <strong>1884</strong><br />

~<br />

<<br />

~<br />

;...<br />

--<br />

1878 I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

No. 4G.-'1'uTAI, ToxNAGl~<br />

I<br />

YEARS.<br />

SlllPPI~G. 7<br />

of BnlTISU nncl l!.,OHIUGN S'l'EAM VEssgr.s ONLY,<br />

ENTEtmo ni1d Cr.EAtnm, with CARGOES nnd in Il.ALLAS'l', n.t Poit·rs in tht><br />

UNrr1m KrnGDOlt, from and to Fo1mlGN CouN'l'tm~s and Bnrrrsu PossEsSIONs.<br />

_.,._<br />

-- -r•<br />

--·· ---- ·---------- --- -- - __ .. _____ -- . -------------- ----- -<br />

ENTRRRO. CLI!ARllD. •ro·rAr ..<br />

________ 1 ____ ---<br />

------ ~! '1 1011~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

British. Foreign. l 'l'otnl. British. Total.<br />

---- ------------- YEARS.<br />

Foreign. I Dritish. ,~igu.; 'rot~.:_-<br />

--- --<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. •rons. I 'fons.<br />

lSiO 6,lilH,217 SS0,6ti6 I 7,134,883 6,786,84.1 850,607 7,637,4'8 13,:Jn,05S I 1,731,2i3 15,0i2,a:ll <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 7,551,357<br />

1<br />

'·"'""' 1 ..,....., 7,809,815 1,2-12,500 9,052,3-l5 1871<br />

,...., ••., 12,.S0,490 i '"'"~"<br />

1872 8,563,665 l,·lSG,496 10,050,161 8,SW,364 1,517.2111 10,363,571 lMl0,029 3,003,703 2Ml3,732 1872<br />

I<br />

1873 9,271,723 1,869,847 11,141,570 9,071,930 l,9iS,WO 11,020,720 18,9i3,G.33 1 3,818,637 22,762;200 i873 I<br />

187-1 9,ti55,236 1,871,023 ll,·126,259 9,853,291 2,000,50~ 11,8;>3,7();) 19,40S,527 I 3,S71,527 123,280,0M 187.J.<br />

lSi~ 10,32.S,091 1,996,025 12,32-i,116 10,61).1,393 2,183,600 12,787,993 20,032,48-~ 4,179,025 25,112,109 187G<br />

lSiO 11,205,.J.00 . 2,155,Q.10 13,360,HO 11,459,105 2,349,-!92 13,SOS,597 22,GG-i,50;) 4,50-l,5:!2 2i,1GQ,03i 187G<br />

18i7 11,860,288 2,277.360 14,137,648 11,921,166 2,396,258 H,317,42·' 23,781,15414,673,618 28,455,072 1877<br />

18i8 12,528,657 2,499,127 l!i,027,784 1~912,..,, 2,G!MS! 15,528,930 25,4-f.1,200 G,115,!114 30,556,7H 1878<br />

1879 13,019,092 2,602,351 16,281,4-lS 13,885,925 2,809,G-W 16,695,571 27,505,017 5,471,997 32,977,014 1879<br />

·1880 15,290,208 3,020,114 18,.'\10,412 15,GB:i,739 3,217,791 18,903,530 30,976.037 o,237,905 37,213,942 lSSO<br />

iss1 16,038,726 S,229,GOl 19,268,327 16,578,36;) 3,362,2·19 19,910,6U 32,617,091 6,501,850 39,208,9·il 1881<br />

1882 17,477,111 3,Stii,333 21,331,·i'' 17,926,904 3,987,910 21,914,SH 3:i,4

118 SHIPPING.<br />

No. 4.8.-1.'0NNAGIC of SAILING an55,913 l,G02,22U 1,493,895 1,810,913 l,821,!l02 · 1,7·JG,002 2,00S,000 1,901,99.5<br />

405,3j3 3S3,2S·t. 433,8G2 41G,GS·1 ·J9·J.,G25 liol,t102 GGl,lGl G9i,8ll<br />

872,.~1 1,527,014 1,582,010 l,G0:!,17G l,G00;5Q9 1,562,911 1,530,532 1,174,680<br />

2G1,G95 239,319 259,511 267,270 2!H,7SO ·i00,218 45·J.,!l91 400,595<br />

159,035 183,125 lU8,·IU·i 232,725 240,SS7 2GS,6i5 23:!,303 227,&13<br />

- G5S,O~O 605,39i GJ0,490 &.U,215 l'.S5,705 740,8G4 7US,s30 778,220<br />

- lG'l 70'i 187,7-10 220,285 250,!i02 217,!i92 227,2·19 253,187 21i:?,798<br />

30,239 42,18!1 33,117 22,GG2<br />

·183,870 li17.9iG Gi!l,01-.1. liOS,192<br />

:H,2S3<br />

GlG,07G<br />

27,492<br />

G32,727<br />

2.';,326 25,714<br />

652,.t.Si 737,18·1<br />

l!l4,G92 177,283 227,789 286,·IG9 2·t0,G22 231,0S5 299 1<br />

1il2 247,!lGO<br />

21,lGO 23,GiO 67,400 30,2!!7 4-J.,895 111,!!32 G:i,1·13<br />

• 037,121 7US,·1t.S ·t.S0,8(Jj liOJ,653 li7G,:lli5 li0:?,810 71iS,GB mm,127<br />

--<br />

7,330 11,22·1 IG,3!JS 15,·121 20,SQ-J 23,207 11,203<br />

• I S,li20,818 :?l,007,1181 2.'J,G33,073 ?!i,717,U.'iS lli,llO!l,90-I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


11nd Or.EA.mm with CARGOES nncl itl BALI,AST, at PouTS in the UNrr.1m J{rnanou,<br />


--<br />

ENTRllRD.<br />

I I I I I I I<br />

1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. '!'ons. Tons. Tons.<br />

17,327,733 18,514,550 2M00,512 2M37,035 21,Cil0,630 23,239,5·H 23,037,215 Brith1h.<br />

277,879 281,807 2ro,G3l 2·t.S,012 299,407 220,874. 241,435 Russian.<br />

GG6,2i9 007,980<br />

....... 1<br />

61!l,78D 687,513 071,0.iG GS0,13-l Swedish.<br />

1,832,370 1,752,022 2,030,353 1,780,lH 1,!J83,HD 2,028,-193 1,022,228 Nonveginn.<br />

017,303 liOO,·l-01 GO.l,756 618,320 750,257 N2,·i70 769,676 Danish.<br />

1,371,030 1,370,iOl 1,&tS,070 1,585,087 1,75!l,54S 1,8i0,898 1,826,892 German.<br />

li27,00i 549,082 li50,2Sl 581,499 62-l,WS 660,213 67·i,138 Dutch.<br />

260,10.l 260,316 205,039 270,851 290,769 290,307 255,652 Belgian.<br />

73i,G31 771,559 SGS,021 890,415 987,211 993,114 968,528 Frcncl1.<br />

232,852 261,795 310,549 315,807 339,988 440,423 46-1-,571 Sp..'lnish.<br />

20,li73 15,008 16,303 10,309 17,001 10,723 18,989 Portu~uese.<br />

628,083 477,130 663,·174. ·1.S0,786 .J.72,937 4~H,221 414,7-1.6 Italian.<br />

178,698 131,589 168,·155 131,430 126,128 12-J..338 10.1,082 Austrian.<br />

2i,220 15,759 31,955 66,162 7li,072 01,SOj 86,917 Greek.<br />


581,36-1 501,250 .t!JO,·i-03 ·155,.U9 309,922 293,S17 :!22,.

120 SHIPPING.<br />


K1Nooo?tr, from nncl to FOREIGN CouNTRms<br />

~A.TIO!S'AI.lTi,<br />

ENTBREll,<br />

..<br />

<strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 18'73. 1874. 1875.<br />

I I I I I I 1876. \ 1877.<br />

Tons. Tons. •rons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

British - . . . G,55i,217 7,551,357 S,5G.1,GG5 9,271,723 9,555,23G 10,328,091 11,205,400, 11,860,~S<br />

Russian . . - . 53,150 50,617 53,4-i2 li2,!382 55,7SG 5:;,lSG liG,17G 36,Si-6<br />

Swedish . . . . 32,3641 56,075 100,782 181,67G 193,667 183,553 239,55G 243,832<br />

Nor\VCginn - . - 12,88(!. 28,833 42,9731 G6,UH 50,185 62,923 G·l,4SS GG,33-~<br />

t>anish . . . . 50,W'l 58,150 70,739 113,G-tG. 137,229 191,516 251,':l•J.J. 227,132<br />

Gunnnn . . 240,153 497,468 593.G95 716,156 569,235 515,7SS 453,on 505,0-1-0<br />

Dut-Oh . 81,631 63,332 88,867 !Q3,2-i9 112,560 210,908 275,643 30.J,594<br />

Belgian - ui,G05 1G7,SlS 187,4:i9 211,7G7 2~13JR 23G,1M 225,052 222,310<br />

French . . - . 151,879 lGl,535 1S3,89::i 211,5u5 2GS,705 2i7;i'J7 312 •<br />

-.<br />

.f.!':'· $7,·~ .. ~<br />

Spanish - - - - 89,950 114,851 125,56S 1G2,7GG 151,455 155,374. 181,210 202,·~S<br />

Portuguese . . - H,S79 18,991 10,751 7,7Gl 16,6:'0 10,483 14,·19-J. 13,2SG<br />

Itnlian . - - 2,079 2,0SS 5,833 8,869 1,GGG 3,21!) 3,i3~ 5,301<br />

Austrinn - - . - 3,445 3,185 10,143 S,IH2 9,000 12,400· G,2:!3 9,tl'.?2<br />

Greek . . - . - - 195 - 2,7G2 G,679 G,159 8,053<br />

Unired States of America . 2,889 8,634. - 2G,170· 'il,3G3 69,914<br />

Ol,S2'1 I 00,803.<br />

Other Countries • . . - M13 3,11H 3,IH5 4,464. 3,735 848 919<br />

TOTAL . . 7,43-1,883 S,789,347 l0,050,161 LI,Hl,570 11,.126,259 t2,:324,l16 13,aoo,.iiO!u,m7,G48<br />

I -<br />

CLEARED.<br />

:<br />

:<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Ton:;. Tons. Tons. •rons.<br />

British - - . . 6,7SG,SU 7,809,845 s,s~.aa.i. 0,671,000 tl,853,291 10,601,393 ll,459,105 11,021,166'<br />

Russinn - . - . 49,700 51!251 61,331i G0,683 G9,723 58,492 5S,llo7 3G,535<br />

Swedish . . . . 30,802 G6,088 1~2,977 185,4-17 l!l!l,91(} 187,716 203,065 2"3,4M<br />

Norwegian - . . 15,G31 20,607 43,798 72,055 r;;,o:n 67,588 63,·165 59,8:i5<br />

Danish - - . . li,0,297 li9,088 81,:!()5 l~·J.,186 133,4$7 10!,~61 202,319 '22G,336<br />

Gcrmnn . - . - 200,012 470,434 567,·10-lr 731,940 C.i3,li22 631,929 :iG5,!H5 li79,1H<br />

Dutch . - . - 83,859 72,216 102,403 111,158 142,660 25:!,.'311 322,621 357,737<br />

Belgian . . . 146,010 170,609 188,Sl7 220,861 221,liOO 237,~87 226,SIH 22·lr,572<br />

Ji'ronch . . . . H·lr,467 165,992 191,725 222,847 271i,179 288,748 '320,181 365,25\<br />

Spnni:ih . . . 05,919 110,876 133,659 161,269 H0,628· 160,310 l!l3,G65 205,N9<br />

Portuguoso . . . 14,22S 20,326 15,371 8,8(1!) 17,3G7 11,824 13,•L09 14,022<br />

Italian . . . - 6,824. 4,410 0,657 18,305 li,800 2,liOS 4,0-lO 5,033<br />

Austrian . . . . 3,301 5,056 0,8!)7 12,087 14,300 8,209 7,703 7,2M<br />

Greek . . . . - 19 241 - 3,303 li,G5$ 2,G05 3,·i21<br />

<strong>United</strong> Stutes or America . 1,963 li,391i - 21,090 OS,121i 63,178 63,387 67,.'3Gli<br />

- ------<br />

TOTAL . . 7,637,"-iS 9,052,Mli 10,~1,571 ll,G2il,720 11,653,7!)5<br />

---<br />

t2,1s1,uos j1s,soS,597 H,317,42-1<br />

Other Countries • . . oss O,MO 6,528 S,053 . 0,801 '1,381 1,78~ C.IS<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

1#'} J<br />

/ /<br />

'~~.<br />

SHIPJ>JNG.<br />

121<br />

and C1,EA1rno with CARGOES and in BALLAST, at PORTS in tho UNI'l'ED<br />


I<br />

ENTERED.<br />

1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

18i8. ·I I I I I I<br />

Ton.:;. •rons. Tons. Tons. Tons. '!'ons. •rons.<br />

12,528,657 13,619,092 15,290,298 16,038,726 17,47i,111 19,5-iS,Sll 19,811,038 British.<br />

20,260 21,287 30,639 25,251 38,003 28,451 ·10,136 Russian.<br />

259,786 26-1,307 321,749 2S7,1C6 319,350 33G,29S 338,753 Swedish.<br />

67,1$3 81,231 96,775 118,335 100,376 252,668 2Si,017 Norwegian.<br />

251,954 2-12,090 313,727 311,SSl ·lOS,G!!2 439,882 498,165 Danish.<br />

571,2-U 620,905 693,179 767,091 9H,197 1,156,807 1,222,827 Gcrmnn.<br />

407,191 45:!,800 ·UI,G3i 475,166 514.311 555,237 591,llH Dutch.<br />

257,207 2:>-1,90J, 262,!102 265,951 2!H,430 285,5-U 255,267 :Bclginn.<br />

372,549 429,451 491,191 562,GCG C68,G55 724,950 742,717 l~ronch.<br />

lll!J,177 214,913 2i2,l07 281,$51 303,360 4H,735 435,lGO Spanish.<br />

13,3i3 10,92.J. 14,805 13,831: 15,78-J, 8,157 !7,941 Portuguese.<br />

3,83.l 4,:HS 4,7i3 24,917 29,747 36,532 !16,HS Italian.<br />

1,468 512 351 ·i,OS·i 15,131 24,37-J, 29,'iO'J Austrian.<br />

7,SS7 3,203 11,406 24-,782 35,151 ·l0,25S 68,926 Grrck.<br />


65,358 61,44

122 SHIPPING.<br />

No. 50.-'£0!\NAGE of DRI'l'.lSH ancl FOREIGN VESSELS (SAILING- nncl<br />

Poms in the UNrrED KrnGno;u, from<br />

-- I <strong>1870</strong>. I 1871. I 1872. I 1873. I 1874. I 1875. ' I I 1876. 1877.<br />

Tons. •rons. Tonll. 'fons. Tons. Tons. Tons. •rons.<br />

Barrow• . . - - •10,255 100,138 !l'J,71:? 49,.103 • 7i,Si7 !15,311<br />

llristol . . . . 31S,556 3:iG,183 3SS,283 ·108,9'J!l 409,GlO ·102,231 ·li0,295 437,22!)<br />

Cardi If . . . . 76:i,19S 719,400 SSS,733 978,216 l,OtiG;iOO 932,153 l,1G5,03S 1,278,616<br />

Dover . . . . 308,312 329,GOS s.1:;,1w 397,3i·l 417,S.iG ·tS0,383 ·17·1,705 ·12:?,620<br />

L~olkestone • . . . 9i,7!H lOS,931 123,02$ H-0,570 13:i,55S Hi,3!H 150,523 151,~97<br />

Gloucester· . . . 163,712 183,$21 205,SG2 210,769 192,039 21S,2Gl 253,0lli 273,917<br />

Goo le . . . . 'H,090 7·1,100 117,116 HG,400 151,260 lGi,391 207,578 233,300<br />

Grimsby . . . . 33i,451 360,158 392,133 ·lO:i,573 ·12·1,5-iS 3il,CS5 897,200 425,7i8<br />

liartlepovl . . . 4-t-0,5:H 539,911 ·166,·157 472,Sw ·1tl3,773 505,512 5W,.m1 50-2,-176<br />

Harwich . . . . 150,0Gi 176,329 17-1,352 178;!83 173,757 2Ui,Oitl 216,318 266,282<br />

Hull . . . . 1,033,155 1,1ss,sn 1,329,GSS 1,335,62G l,-l-04,043 1,392,\!37 1,538,622 l,5~!,589<br />

Liverpool . . . . 3;i1G,933 4,0:;1,010 4,073,779 4,312,567 4,3:i2,81G 4,.l-02,llG 4,19-1,300 4,553,·125<br />

London . . . . 4,0S9,3GG 4,325,137 ·l,32G,23G ·l,517,934 ·i,763,002 •l,!ll0,533 5,288,700 5,GSl,700<br />

Lynn . . . 28,122 32,G4G 3G,G9-1 41,2!).J, 53,0H 57,02:> 75,73S 93,000<br />

Middle!ibrough . . . 163,lOG 247,927 236,721 276,286 189,7-17 229,289 262,883 255,2-W<br />

Ncwha\•en . . . .91,278 99,136 10i,97G 109,162 112,lGl 131,270 151,762 153,317<br />

Newport . . . . 141,50·lr 150,Hl 155,1355 151,745 1!)7,:115 118,G03 271,025 3!H,698<br />

Plymouth • . . . 103,975 123,4-15 119,S25 129,508 125,753 lM,1!15 1G7,095 lSS,700<br />

Rochester· . . . 40,036 32,015 35,193 :13,SGG M,OS9 lll,H2 187,751 235,705<br />

Southampton . . . liG5,SS4 ~22,062 7·1-l,414 854,135 75S,7·!9 702,753 71i6,G50 851,525<br />

Sunderland . . . 62·i,6Sl SH,lGG 717,503 G70,3Gl GG7,390 722,·lH 7·15,SOS 630,339<br />

Swansea . . . . 329,·130 339,33!l 320,GSS 3·lr7,12G 374,2~ 3:ll,4Glr 38!l,40:! 3lH,OH<br />

Weymouth . . . 25,855 20,953 31,0.14 2-i,.193 23,321 27,337 30,33!l 31,·178<br />

Newcnstle • . . . 1,232,55:5 1,555,193 l,:3-lrl,372 1,4i2,0S1 1,45G,003 1,G23,SS6 1,686.382 1,482,108<br />

Shields, North . . . 214,289 286,724 267,IH7 239,099 25S,li5S 206,379 26ll,!l8G 24G,G93<br />

Shields, South . . . 220,770 200,928 211,7.i,g 201,516 205,167 181,563 2W,302 278,321<br />

.Borrowstoncss . . . 36,560 GG,G33 li5,·i33 61,140 82,482 112,500 117,86·lr 95,023<br />

Dundee . . . . 153,4l!l 193,575 193,629 207,CS4 202,!l3G 180,616 210,061 213,SlO<br />

Glasgow . . . . 331,480 370,4-1-0 418,180 4U,9

l/!cJ<br />

SHIPPING. 123<br />

STEAM) that ENTERED with CARGOES nncl in BALLAST, nt cnch of the Pttl:-\CIP.\I.<br />

1 1 'onE1GN COUNTRIES artcl BmTISII Poss1-:ss10Ns.<br />

1878. 1879. 18$0. 1881. l 1882. I 1883. <strong>1884</strong>-.<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. 'l'ons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

101,007 86,007 Hl,S.t-0 91,811 U0,3i7 8.'i,632 67,111 llnrrow.•<br />

·ll-1,559 -if.7,620 5Hi,022 ·l-1S,8U 502,0SS 553,512 li22,4-05 Bristol.<br />

l,4S1,G76 1,703,liS 2,050,COl 2,012,ii5 2,151,751 2,352,1-13 2,667,-122 Cnrdilf.<br />

465,631 ·1-58,122 500,652 537,78' liS.l,7-19 593,0S~ 56Q,-l!l8 Do nit·.<br />

100,900 lli2,2S7 100,.i.w 182,0GO 193,837 201,622 209,250 Folkcstono.<br />

2M,826 2-lS,lG-l 239,.lSG 192,975 200,176 221,461 181,006 Gloucester.<br />

23i,l3S 21-1,730 301,010 28$,140 310,238 3;;0,l4i 368,319 Goole.<br />

3W,052 372,1$3 ·1-H 1 221 428,785 ·lSM73 ·179,;;42 ·nli,930 Grimsby.<br />

•H3,11il 3SS,82l ·li5,SU ·H3,.U8 ·176,931 ·iS5,G;J.i 514,912 llartlcprol.<br />

21H,516 272,136 315,922 32S,791 363,555 405,02S ·U0,747 Ilnrwich.<br />

1,465,115 1,367,SG.1 1,579,575 1,.1()1,733 l,623,·l35 l,i·W.110 1,591,251 Hull.<br />

4,403,290 4,5SJ,132 .f.,913,32-1 ·l,910,5lS 5,165,211 5,.W7,2i4 5,209,35i Liverpool.<br />

li,315,281 5,G00,288 !i,070,311 5,810,013 6,130,027 6,589,5\H 6,iG9,767 London.<br />

lll,585 113,453 118,112 113,301 111,527 12G,·l03 110,li37 Lynn.<br />

308,730 205,112 li07,li93 li22,SSG 1i81,·118 526,U8 52-1,870 'Middlesbrough.<br />

203,421 lGG,4().i 165,692 175,977 21H,10G 253,890 2·13,412 Newhn,·en.<br />

419,691 4i0,1S6 711,219 G.%, iii 73-1,2().l SOG,716 857,287 Newport.<br />

230,301 181,323 200,752 182,580 213,'317 2!~0,2Sli 201,.100 Plymouth.<br />

320,S!lO 350,859 310,602 3.l(l,3(}.J 33G,9H 309,031 126,lll Il.ochester.<br />

004,865 831,825 S56,2lll 1,002,7-lS 985,713 1,060,G16 900,4:iS Soutlmmpto11.<br />

liSS,1){)2 ii70,550 702,li97 651,801 703,288 700,980 812,905 Sunderland.<br />

318,089 421,511 52S,3Sl ·iSG,922 60;;,5Sii 500,97-i 627,721 Swansen.<br />

GS,G'.?2 lB,917 122,338 115,523 lH,752 120,380 lOG,.131 Weymouth.<br />

1,000,im 1,582,152 1,879,100 1,8H,535 2,ooo,:n8 2,031,5$3 2,00:i,039 Nowcnstle.<br />

232,02.S 330,632 325,652 32!3,Uli 328,1101 301,706 ·121,35-l Shields, North.<br />

250,953 302,481 37!.l,600 ·10S,91i2 3711,131 387,177 ·U31l-U Shields, South.<br />

SS,487 100,693 1()7,097 112,172 U7,0H H7,305 133,S.18 lJorrowstones~<br />

203,745 216,·iSG 216,02S 235,2'5 21il,071 288,.126 205,323 Dundee.<br />

648,084 605,026 755,350 809,182 828,290 01-1,076 879,071 Glnsgow.<br />

108,818 122,803 162,77-t 110,117 181,0lili 230,0G7 270,039 Grnnp;omouth.<br />

78,771 69,4i.1 W,060 !H,O

-<br />

124 SHIPPING.<br />

No. 51.-ToNNAGE of IlRl'rISH nnd lWREfGN VE"3.SEL'3 (SAILlNG nncl<br />

PmNCIPAL PonTs in t.ho UNITED Kumoo:\r, to<br />

--<br />

--- I <strong>1870</strong>. I 1871. I 1872. I 1873. I 1874-. I 18i5. I 1876. I 1877. I<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 'fons. •rons. Tons. j Tons.<br />

Barrow• . - - - - *7,·~IS 95,5\12 100,127 77,7SS 100,651 136,77-1<br />

Bristol - . . . 83,3H 120,:;oi 119,'.!:lS 187,773 175,505 170,21,$ 209,221 1!17,701<br />

Cnrdift . - . 1,771S,G90 l,62S,l75 1,915,720 1,90$,175 2,099,731 1,931,903 2,312,391 2,5-12,210<br />

Dover . - - . 2S!l,Gi7 310,527 316,SlS 39-l,·i&i ·i3 ·i:i!l,917 ·i03,G7G<br />

Folkestone . . 96,61$ 10S,S27 122,5!)1 141,·131 13-1,355 Hl,·i-13 119,280 153,208<br />

.Gloucester - - . . 3.~ 1SlO 51,500 ·11,410 81,502 W,62tl ll2,212 129,690 131,·lil<br />

Goo le - . - - 71,538 70.89$ 107,711 135,360 150,353 161,502 19S,Sl5 221,373<br />

Grimsby . - - - 3-15,323 ·132,019 4>.26,691.l 455,011.l ·l9S,7S6 ·155,062 ·163,552 lH,006<br />

lfartlcpool . - . ·l!JS,372 575,501 4.-10,143 423,133 ~l,009 520,$27 53!1,·Hl U37,397<br />

Harwich - . - 131,393 158,923 161,250 1G2,339 162,896 201,·l.-H 236,G7S 256,905<br />

Rull . - . - 874,518 1,0-i-i,-158 1,137,()!)9 l,l!Jl,71!) 1,228,666 1,100,H8 1,2GG,l!J3 1,200,955<br />

Uverpool - - . - 3,35G,13S ·i.005,9!9 4,030,677 .J,235,078 4,215,025 4,378,203 ·1,!57,017 4,·lS7,782<br />

London - - - -<br />

3,02G,916 S,32MS8 3,301,765 3,Glli,013 3,9-1.$,336 S,l.ll5,182 4,261,396 ·1,.121,873<br />

Lynn - . - - 5,S02 11,856 7,8G2 22,285 25,233 26,381 38,lll3 G3,09i<br />

Middlesbrough - . . 217,23:> 2SS,9S2 307,155 31S,4S1 231.l,OGS 283,816 260,910 288,318<br />

Newlul.\'en - - -<br />

91,817 93,750 103,614 110,GGl lll,S37 130,101 HS,235 151,217<br />

Xewport. - . - . 397,017 412,043 305,127 2!Ji,4!J2 332,333 271,765 431,UO 50ll,21G<br />

Plymouth - - - . 5.~,11~ Gl,3-15 77,3.'30 117,9!Jl 90,GlH 99,667 109,232 130,525<br />

R-Ochcstcr - ~<br />

- 20,119 2S,980 25,423 40,562 45,789 9-l,696 17G,SG2 219,078<br />

~<br />

Southampton - 491,235 655,79:> 675,374 795,971 GG9,4SO 685,987 702,157 735,782<br />

Sunderhuul - - . 813,550 1,001,771.l 1.)50,901 912,153 SSS.67G 930,-169 ll21,226 S3J.,OS5<br />

Swnns~ - - - . 52-1,3-17 559,252 539,72·1. 5H,9U Ml,929 ·~,807 510,:?S:i 513,SSS<br />

Woymouth . - . 27,606 29,560 31,872 27,610 26,llG3 31,030 32,0i2 35,350<br />

Newcastle - - - 2,251,315 2,633,073 2,518,260 2,·1-1-1,169 2,.174,680 2,7-15,97·1 2,883,809 2,56S,llG3<br />

Shields, North - - - 200,0H 3W,.'316 343,178 316,200 307,57·1 2H,7!1'2 2!!3,929 293,!!Sl<br />

Shields, South - - . 117,·'SS 86,878 83,117 llS,426 91,G35 113,2/H 169,·H7 191,0i9<br />

Borrowsloness - - - 13.'3,733 1-15,152 lM,505 152,693 151.l,93G 20:>,032 2:?-t,638 150,Hl<br />

Dundee - :<br />

~<br />

.<br />

Glnsgo\v - - - -<br />

76,922 ll8,S-15 ll3,705 10ll,7iH 101,743 100,0SS 137,170 l-11,GSl<br />

576,23-i 630,202 f.S0,261 677;26-' 78~,823 807,393 828,537 8-16,725<br />

Grnngemouth - . . 130,631 Hl,432 160,355 181,766 180,489 176,·157 17!l,·1H 170,9SS<br />

Grnnton - - . . 49,82·1 60,505 67,942 72,002 100,707 112,7·H 105,172 94,·176<br />

Greenock . - . . 200,H7 181,303 20·1,663 100,722 237,ll76 2-10,101 205,708 238,376<br />

Kirkcnldr • - - - 130,418 130,224 ~29,376 115,717 107,89!) 16-1,010 181,822 211>,3&1<br />

Leith . . . . 305,05$ 357,

l<br />

1<br />

l<br />


STEAM) thnt CL1~ARED with CMGOES and in B ..\U.,\S'r, nt cnch of the<br />

FonmGN OouN·mrns and DmT1sn PossEss10Ns.<br />

1878.<br />

I I 1Si9. 1~80.<br />

I 1881.1 1882.<br />

I 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. I ---<br />

'<br />

I<br />

Tons. 'fons. Tons. Tons. 'l'ons. 'fons. Tons.<br />

lltl,001 156,185 216,876 202,152 I 187,657 177,5971 107.745 Darrow,•<br />

227,05!) 237,280 .2i8,277 201,GC3 I WQ,.123 l!l9,39i : 202,819 Bristol.<br />

2,7!l9,G57 2,920,131 s,.n3,005 3,IH!i,·151: 3.900,070 ·l,:122,S.19 j •J,513,117 CardilT,<br />

·~lS,111 ·l-16,150 ·lSi,GG!l 520,0S2 5i5,7S5 :i69,3SO i Ml,2!).i Do\•er.<br />

155,52:i 1 i:J,137 162,SS9 lS0,616 W2,300 203,662 206,055 l?olkcstone.<br />

Hl,852 12!1,231 12311-0G Sl,3iG 81,398 G2,321 IH,795 Glouccstcl'.<br />

231,555 210,GSl· 290,591 285,301 2!.l3,S37 31-1,079 3il,7!)3 Goole.<br />

.100,121 391,522 ·~l,OW ·105,093 ·W-1,231 ·tS.1,211 4~2.127 Grimsby.<br />

·195,57-l ·U7,Gi8 l:i10,G31 ·IB:i,232 G27,!lGl :i17,0-..?7 52U,018 llnrtleJ>ool.<br />

251,.Wl 261,127 30'J,202 307,ii6 355,511 3!)0,124 ·.12·1-,2~0 ll:irwich.<br />

1,:~7,650 1, 151,9".IS 1,312,136 l,2·19,.~iU l,3SO,G52 1,362,573 l,3-i0,675 Hull.<br />

·i,3S7,S94 ·1,-U!J,777 ·l,i·l61IS!J ·1,796,Gil ·l,8S2,Si8 G, 11l7 ,5G8 ·l,9GG,93G Liverpo,11.<br />

·i.:~9,00i ·l,·l31,!l21 ·1,GOG,Gll ·l,4iS,2GO 4,Gl:i,651 ·l,~10,GSO •l,!!96,833 London.<br />

Gl,528 n,i5S 71,t.IO 59,i2!J 55,111 lll,SG2 53,lGG Lynn.<br />

285,905 32j,Gj3 .i;;J,,987 ·iH,5l!J 50?,lGU '53-1,94!) ~ 53:l,83G I :\litltllcsbrough.<br />

200,is2 16.1,0!Jl !G3.iS6 li3,812 l!Ji,32i :?·ii,132 I 242,167 Ncwhnven.<br />

IH2,291 713,528 909,72:.1 S!J2,1G9 l,OiS,2lj l,HQ,-128 1,180,3$2 I Xewport.<br />

121,o:;s 111,2!13 132,9li 128,21S 122,G3S 10!J,S2G 116,GOl . Plymouth.<br />

30G,9ill 331,iSS 32S,3GO 3.16,015 317,000 336,4-H 100,3221 Rochester.<br />

.N7,7GG 72i,l-i:l 71lS,9S!J S5i,18i WS,S.14 972,i·H i!!G,S35 Soutlinmpton.<br />

780,!J3G G9'2,11S 812,\)jl ilH,!iSi 8i3,2S-l !>!lG,28-l 9-1,S&l I Sunderland.<br />

G07,90i GGi,781 G9G,67!J GIG,.l!l9 SlS,liG Si3,2GS 851,SH I Swansen.<br />

Gi,032 llG,2.11 12·1,921 11G,51i ll5,!H9 120,~9 lOS,.U2 Weymouth.<br />

~569,2:!2 2,S3:!,3GS :l,2H,199 3,108,lGG 3,2

No. :i2.-To~:-,721 :!3,79.1,833 :H,!i5 I ;i:Jl :!11,01.'i,SO;; :!5,!HS,031 2!i,!l2-!,021 25,720,006 :!6,026,727 :!G,6:?0,885 26,591,SH<br />

Ei;:ter.!d ~ Foreign 89.756 00,'322 1Ul,·l03 125,130 10.?,81!6 138,5-11 l·U,·121 130,621 111,090 117,2!!3 llS,528 121,!l!Hl 109,2-13 12S,9G9 117,323<br />

I -------------- ---------------------------------------<br />

l'rotal - l S,:wt,27 5 18,367,110 18,099,UiO 21,4!l.J.,297 !1,68 i,·109 22,91-1,265 :!3,!!39,251 tl,GSz,352 ·Zll,1&7,7!l5 :!!;,GU

Q/Y<br />

/<br />

k,<br />

No. 54.~'roTAI, Nmrnen. nnd TONNAGE of VESSEI.s REGISTERED ns BELOXGING to<br />

the UNITlm Krnano~1, including JERSEY, Gu1mNs1n:, and the lsLE Ott l\IA~, at the<br />

end of ench Yenr.<br />

YRAUS.<br />


--- ------- ----·--------------· YEAitS.<br />

Vessels. •rons. Tons.<br />

Vessels. l Tons. Vessels. I<br />

i---l·-t>-70--ii--23-,-18_9_ 1 --.-~.-57-7-,S-55--::-r:.=---:.367 --i-li-,6-00-,-78_9 __ , ___<br />

1<br />

1871 22,510 I ·1',37·1,511 S,3$2 : 1,319,612 25,892 : 5,69i,12S lSil I<br />

1872 22,103 4,218,295 3.6i3<br />

1 1,5!3$,082 2:;,776 l 5,751,327 1Si2<br />

1Si3 21,69$ 4,091,3i9 ~.863 1,713,i83 25,561 5,805,162 18i3<br />

l<br />

lSH 21,46-l 4,lOS,220 ·l,033 ~ 1,870,611<br />

5,9i8,S31<br />

i<br />

1Si5 21,291 ·1,206,897 4,liO<br />

6,152,467 187:i<br />

1Si6<br />

21,14-~ 4,25i,9S6 4,335 I !<br />

2,00S,317 25,4i9 6,263,:333 1Si6<br />

1877 21,169 ·1,260,699 4,5G-l I 2,139,110<br />

6,399,869 lSii<br />

lSiS 21,058 4,23'3,692<br />

2,:HG,·172 25,8$4 0,555,llil lSiS<br />

l<br />

1879 20,538 ·l.068,742 5,027 I 2,511,233 25,5G5<br />

I<br />

lSSQ 19,93$ 3,S!;t,015 5,217 ! 2,7~.4GS 25,1$5 I 6,5i9,975 18i9<br />

G,57·1-,513 1880<br />

1881 I<br />

19,32:; l<br />

5,50:;<br />

2-1,830<br />

l<br />

I 6,691,Wil 1881<br />

·1· 3,003,985<br />

i<br />

1882 lS,892 3,621,G50 5,$14 3,335,215 2-1',706<br />

1883 18,415 3,51:3,!J~ 6,260 , 3,728,263 2l,Gi5<br />

t<br />

lSSi 18,0:;.'l I<br />

6,956,865 18$2<br />

7,212,216 lSSS<br />

3,i~H,!.iiS 6,601 I s,9.i.1,2;3<br />

J<br />

I 7,.109,251 lSSi<br />

1,S_7_0 ___ !<br />

No. 55.-Nm.mEit nnd 'TONNAGE of' SAIUNG and 8TI~Al\l VESSEI,S BUILT u.ncl 1~ms'L'<br />

·REGISTERED in the UNITED KINGoo:n during the Year <strong>1870</strong>, nnd_of VESS1

128 SHIPPIXG.<br />

No. 56.-Nmmim and 'l'o~XAGE of REGISTERED SAILING and S-rEAl1 Vt~SSELS (exclusive of River<br />

Steamers) of the UNnED Kumno31, Rl\fPI.iOYED in the Hom~ nnd "F'o1m1GN TnA.DE; nn•l<br />

the Nu~m1m of PERSONS Em•J.OYED the1·~in.<br />

'flU.. DP.S IN WHICII<br />


-----------· -~----<br />


STEJ..lI \'ESSELS.<br />

------------.--·--------------<br />

Persons<br />

' ; Persons<br />

Vessels .. 'l'ons. Emplo~·ed \'essols. I Em11loycd<br />

I (e:1-<br />

121,337<br />

97,4i5<br />

!).i,21;.\<br />

1~,308<br />

138,575<br />

lOS,825<br />

105,010<br />

s.uoo<br />

68,598<br />

63,519<br />

151,491<br />

156.'.?94<br />

107,037<br />

4,221<br />

G.767<br />

4,605<br />

3,817<br />

3,7'1:1<br />

5,582<br />

4,833<br />

4,097<br />

3,913<br />

3,1113<br />

2,7i;?:i<br />

2,0M<br />

3,586<br />

1,819<br />

l,UlO<br />

1,62~<br />

1,002<br />

1,707<br />

1,653<br />

1,487<br />

1,422<br />

1,199<br />

1,118<br />

l,1G7<br />

!156<br />

1,147<br />

7M<br />

774<br />

:W2,·19.i<br />

4-H,767<br />

366,900<br />

302,112<br />

345,41)9<br />

350,660<br />

318,090<br />

28'1,701<br />

249,G!Ui<br />

212,1123<br />

201,132<br />

170,389<br />

267,350<br />

142,238<br />

17·1.t)!)'f<br />

14,029<br />

lti,827<br />

13,18ti<br />

11,338<br />

12,816<br />

13,092<br />

11,600<br />

10,608<br />

0,147<br />

7,800<br />

7,689<br />

6,670<br />

9,700<br />

li,308<br />

6,3M<br />

In tho Foreign Trndc,<br />

816p,129. .<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

,~{)<br />

/ /<br />

/<br />


Nu.mum and To~NAGE of Rt~GlS'rERED S,\.ll,ING anu STgAY Vgss1-~1.s (ea·clusive of Rivt·I'<br />

Steamers) of the UNITED KINGDOY, EMPI...OYED in the Hmrn and FonEIGN 'l'nADI~; nnd<br />

the NUlmim of PERSONS E:urr.OYED therein-Continued.<br />

. -- -- --- - .._ _____ -<br />

-----<br />

--------------- -- --- ---- ------- --<br />

--<br />


I 'l'RA.DES IN WHICH<br />

Persons<br />

I PCl'SOllS , l'!'l'l.llllS<br />

f;MPJ.OYJ.m, \"esscls. · Tons. \ l~mr1loycd Vessels. Tons.<br />

Bmploycd<br />

l~mploycd<br />

Vessels.<br />

'1'011~.<br />

(exclusive · (cxcln:li\'e (eitclu-;ivc<br />

I _<br />

' onfastcrs). : of Masters). ' or ~laster.)<br />

(<strong>1870</strong><br />

6,7'67 3,4GS,717 96,951 935 I 760,·UO 33,0S9 7,692 4,22!1,127 1:10,oi..1<br />

1871 6,202 3,271),570 89,147 l,IJGG 936,{114 40,323 7,268 ·lr,2lll,lS l 129,liO<br />

I<br />

I I 1812 6,091 3,206,179 SG,426 1,36-1 1,185,877 ·lS,776 7.-155 ·l,392,05() l3j,2Q:?<br />

I<br />

I<br />

11873<br />

I 1874 5,613 3,092,730 82,693 1,597<br />

I<br />

l<br />

5,89$ 3,113,132 8S,7G6 i,i.rn I 1,36S,2-i5 51-,302 7,377 ·i,·181,377 I 138,0ll8<br />

1,513,210 57,823 7,210 ·lr,G05,9l0 HO,jltl<br />

1875 G,327 3,12.'3,202 Sl,329 J,.105 I 1,470,158 5l,36G 6,792 ·l-,593,360 l3j,C!Jj<br />

I<br />

18i6 5,3S7 3,23-t.,200 S2,4S3 1,.1S9 l,·lSll,:?G-1 53,330 6,876 •l,72:3,.Ha 135,813<br />

In the<br />

! 1877 5,292 3,261;149 81,112 1,610 1,62Mll :;~.52~ G,932 4,8SS,5GO l3j,!l3G<br />

j Poreign Trade.<br />

1878 5,2.'35 3,236,0Sl 78,SG-l 1,820 1,811,02·1 57,HO 7,055 5,0·l-7,10j l:lj,!.llH<br />

I<br />

.<br />

I<br />

l<br />

I<br />

18;9 •1,831 3,082,GG7 73,G52 2,027 2,00G,5!.>l G0,939 G,858 5,0S9,158 l:H,1'91<br />

lSSO 4,51S 2,92-l,407 67,8i0 2,293 2,289,li!.l 67,516 6,Sll u,213,li8ll 135,35G<br />

lSSl .J.,163 2,785,GOG 63,797 2,5-10 2,618,778 73,401 6,709 5,401,28~ 137 ,201<br />

18$2 3,713 2,652,6i8 59,Hi5 2,626 2,SS5,35j 7S,3j5 G,339 5,1138,0:JS 137,810<br />

l<br />

3,lil3 2,630,.197 58,58, 3,017 3,319,6ltl 8li,66i ll,590 5,!JS0,116 i.i.;;,2is<br />

1883<br />

188~ 3,256 2,5.'30,02;; 51,137 3,0j9 3,i21,73a 87,53-l 0,3lli 5,!)52,358 Hl,!lil<br />

------------<br />

-----------· -----------<br />

(1S70 W,!JlO 4,519,Hl 147,207 2,240 1,039,96!) ·18,755 22,180 5,5j9,110 llJj,!)62<br />

!1m 19,050 ·i,3-13,558 141,035 2,557 1,290,003 68,703 22,207 G,633,501 199,738<br />

11672 19,709 ·l,2·1j,901 137,101 2,84j 1,!i15,70t. 60,019 22,55lr li,761,008 20:3,720<br />

11873<br />

18,7S5 ·l,067,lU 130,Sii 2,790 1,680,953 71,362 21,5Sl 5,748,097 202,2:m<br />

1874 17,92G 4,037,56-1 128,733 2,9.W 1,827,0:H N,873 20,872 1!,804,588 2();1,606<br />

I 187G 17,221 4,0H,G01 126,2·10 2,970 1,817,lSS 73,427 20,101 G,891,6112 199,667<br />

I<br />

Total . . 1877 17,101 4,138,H!J 123,563 3,218 1,977,4811 72,999 20,319 6,115,638 190,5ll2<br />

1876 17,228 4,120,058 125,8ll 3,121<br />

1,870,094 72,827 20,3·19 G,1196,152 198,638<br />

1878 JG,704 4,07G,W8 120,085 3,390 2,160,026 75,500 20,091 6,236,12~ J9j,!iS;;<br />

1879 16,·1-19 3,918,676 115,177 3,580 2,sa1,1i;7 7S,3il 20,02!) 0,2·19.~3 rna,518<br />

1880 16,lS.1 3,760,4,2 108,668 3,7811 2,Gtl,,135 8·1,30~ 19,972 6,3-H,577 192,!li:?<br />

lSSl 15,2'.!3 3,569,168 102,·i!>S 4,0SS 2,021,785 !J0,405 l!J,311 0,4.D0,95:1 192,003<br />

l'~'<br />

14,585 3,41H,15G 97,201 4,381 3,2lJO,S7u 9S,736 18,9G6 6,715,030 105,937<br />

1883 H,lli9 3,369,llj!) 95,306 ·i,753 3,656,103 105,121 18,912 7,026,062 200,727<br />

lSS·i 13,87(; 3,208,330 1)1,383 ·i,868 3,S2G,OU 108,271 18,7-H 7,083,!H·i lllll,051<br />

Notc.-This Return includes Cha1111cl Islamls Vessels, but not those of other British Possessions.<br />

Tho Home Trade signifies on the Coasts of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>, or to }>orts between thu limits of the IUvcr lm.11•<br />

nndDrcst.<br />

The 11orcign Trade slgnifiC'll to Ports beyond such limits.<br />

In the above Tnblc all vessels nre included which arc known to have been cm)lloycd within the rcspcctivo yt•nr~.<br />

Tho number or pcr:lon'I employed in nny yelll' is the sum or the number or persons cni;np,cd at l'orls in the <strong>United</strong><br />

<strong>Kingdom</strong> ror the first voyage or cnch vcssol umploycll during thnt year.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

130 CORN-PRICES.<br />

-<br />

!<br />

I<br />

,.n •• ,,<br />

No. 57.-AVERAGE GAZE'fTE PmcEs OF BmT1sn WnEAT,<br />

I I I I<br />

1\foNTIIS, <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 18i4.<br />

I 1875.<br />

Wm:.lT . . . . .<br />

. I I<br />

1~~ --<br />

8. cl. s. cl. s. cl, 8. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.<br />

. . 43 8 52 8 Ila ·1 55 9 62 7 4.J. 1 4-l 9<br />

February . . . 41 3 53 6 55 8 liG ·i 62 11 ·U 8<br />

I 43 1 I<br />

, March . . . ·il 5 M 1 55 1 55 G 60 11 .n 6<br />

l April . ·i2 7 57 8 Si 2 5~ 10 60 0 ·iS 0 4-ill<br />

! l\ray . . . 4-i 6 59 0 S6 3 56 0 62 2 42 3 4j 1<br />

I 43 0<br />

I Juno • . 47 s 59 9 SS 11 5S 7 61 0 42 3<br />

July • .. I ·i7 s<br />

50 10 SS s SS 6 59 6 GO 8 46 5 j<br />

4S 3<br />

I .<br />

August • • I 53 10 57 10 59 s 60 6 57 6 52 10 I 46 0<br />

I<br />

September. • ! ·i7 3 57 0 5S 4 tH 2 47 7 4S 4 46 s<br />

I October . .<br />

.' ·i7 0 56 5 5S 6 60 10 4-li 6 46 .,, 46 6<br />

I<br />

l Xovember • . • 1 50 1 S6 2 S6 10 60 9 43 9 47 2 47 11<br />

I December • . i<br />

• l S2 4 56 2 56 6 61 8 4-i 9 46 s 4!l 9<br />

\<br />

!<br />

I<br />

----<br />

I<br />

'rho Year . . l<br />

46 10 S6 8 S7 0 5S 8 5S 8 45 2 46 2<br />

1<br />

I<br />

I<br />

BAllLEY . . . . . .<br />

!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'January 3:i 11 35 a 37 1 40 1 4,) 8 4i 11 3i s<br />

February M 5 35 7 SS 6 40 4 4$11 43 10 83 5<br />

March . 3i 0 35 11 37 4 39 10 4S 4 42 0 32 8<br />

I April<br />

. M 7 36 8 36<br />

"<br />

3 39 1 4811 40 10<br />

I<br />

33 10<br />

)fay - 33 s 37 2 36 2 3S 4 4G 11 SS 5 ! Sir 1<br />

"'<br />

I<br />

l Juno ., 32 8 37 0 M 7 37 2 42 9 35 10 3211<br />

July . .. 31 7 35 3 32 G 36 6 40 9 :n 6<br />

August •. . .<br />

I 32 9<br />

33 8 35 2 33 2 37 7 4-i 6 35 0 32 2<br />

September" '\<br />

. I 36 1 35 5 87 4 43 11 42 10 3S 5 I<br />

37 8<br />

October .<br />

I<br />

- . I 36 7 36 6<br />

42 1 43 9 42 8 37 0 39 4<br />

November • 36 7 37 0 42 8 44 0 42 7 37 11<br />

l 39 3<br />

December • . 35 4 36 10 41 6 44 !I 4-i 2 3G 4 SS !I<br />

: I<br />

-I<br />

The Year . M 7 36 2 37 5 40 5 4-i 11 38 G<br />

I S:l 2<br />

OATS . . . - . .<br />

January . . . 20 8 22 11 22 6 22 2 2611 29 s 2.J. 2<br />

February . . . 20 2 2311 22 9 2111 28 7 29 8 2-1 5<br />

March . . . 20 11 21i 2 22 8 23 3 28 7 29 11 25 1<br />

April . . . 21 2 27 0 22 3 23 10 28 s 2!110 25 8<br />

l\lay . . . 23 0 27 2 23 5 25 4 29 7 30 3 26 7<br />

Juno . . . 23 0 27 0 23 4 26 'l 30 4 31 6 28 1<br />

July . . . 26 1 27 6 2-i 4 28 9 30 4 30 1 29 10<br />

August . . . 26 9 26 11 25 l 28 7 30·10 30 8 29 0<br />

September • . . 23 Ii 2410 2a 0 27 7 28 1 28 3 26 7<br />

October . . . 22 s 23 2 22 11 25 3 27 7 2·'10 25 3<br />

November • . . 23 Ii 23 5 22 0 25 4 28 0 25 (l 25 7<br />

Docombor • . . 23<br />

"<br />

23 0 22 10 26 1 29 l 24 6 25 1<br />

The Year . . 2211 25 2 23 2 25 IS 28 10 28 8 26 3<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

CORN-PRICES. 131<br />


-<br />

~~1<br />

1818.<br />

I I 1819. 1880, I 1881. I 1882. -' 1883.<br />

:<br />

- - - - - - - WUEA.T,<br />

I<br />

<strong>1884</strong>. MONTH B.<br />

I<br />

8. d. 8. d. 8. d. 8. d. s. d. 8, d. s. d, s. d.<br />

51 7 5111 39 3 4511 42 5 45 7 40 2 3S 7 January.<br />

51 7 51 4 3S 0 ·iS Ii 41 D 46 0 40 11 37 3 February.<br />

51 l 49 7 39 7 45 7 42 7 4t. 7 42 3 37 March.<br />

53 4 51 3 41 0 ·lS 1 44 G •iG 11 4111 37 5 April.<br />

65 10 lil 11 4-0 11 45 2 41- 5 47 3 ·i3 2 37 9 ]\fay.<br />

64 6 4S 0 41 9 •15 1 41. 6 •i7 [j ·12 10 37 2 Juue.<br />

62 9 4i 11 44o G ·iS 9 -m Ii 48 5 42 2 37 0 July.<br />

Gill 4l. 9 49 1 4311 4S 6 liO 0 43 6 3611 August.<br />

Iii) 1 43 s 47 Ii 41 2 52 3 I 43 11 4110 33 9 September.<br />

53 7 39 7 4S 10 ·U 9 47 1 39 7 40 Ii 32 3 October.<br />

52 3 4-0 ·i 4S 9 43 9 ·15 11 40 10 •10 3 31 5 November.<br />

51 G 40 s ·16 7 44 1 44 7 41 2 39 6 31 1 December.<br />

liG 9 46 Ii 43 10 +lr 4 45 .i,<br />

- . . - . - -<br />

BAnLE'i •<br />

I<br />

4.'> 1 41 7 35 s The Year.<br />

39 3 4311 37 G 37 0 32 0 32 9 32 5 32 3 January.<br />

40 4 4• 2 35 7 3G 2 32 5 32 2 33 0 32 1 February.<br />

40 9 42 5 33 9 34 7 3110 30 3 83 G 31 4 1\Iarch.<br />

40 11 4111 31 8 33 9 3111 29 9 83 0 31 1 Ap:-il.<br />

39 11 39 10 29 7 32 4 31 5 28 4 31 6 29 7 1\foy.<br />

35 7 36 11 27 2 29 10 30 5 27 7 28 !) 27 \) June.<br />

35 4 37 5 26 4 28 6 27 9 26 10 28 4 27 10 July.<br />

M 1 36 0 29 5 29 7 29 5 28 0 28 11 29 0 August.<br />

4-0 2 41 7 SS 8 34 4 34 5 Sil 0 32 7 32 3 September,<br />

43 1 4-0 4 40 9 34 10 35 1 34 3 34 5 Sl 10 October.<br />

43 3 39 s 40 0 M 3 S.lr 5 34 3 33 8 3110 November.<br />

43 8 38 11 38 3 82 1 32 1 33 10 3111 31 1 December.<br />

39 8 4-0 2 34 0 33 1 3111 31 2<br />

- . . . - . - 0.A.TS •<br />

I<br />

3110 30 8 The Year.<br />

~<br />

-<br />

24 9 2311 20 0 21 3 2() 1 20 5 20 7 19 3 January.<br />

25 ·lr 24 3 19 8 21 8 20 6 20 11 21 4 19 6 February.<br />

25 6 24 0 20 6 22 8 21 7 21 2 22 0 l!J !J March.<br />

25 2 25 4 20 9 23 10 22 1 21 !J 21 9 l!J 8 April.<br />

2710 28 0 2110 21P 9 22 10 22 5 22 6 20 8 1\foy.<br />

27 1 2d 2 22 4 26 3 23 4 23 5 22 9 20 !) June.<br />

28 1 27 6 22 10 27 1 23 7 24 8 23 4 23 2 July.<br />

28 0 28 2 23 !) 25 5 24 0 24 4 23 5 2110 August.<br />

28 9 24 0 2-IP 9 21 4 23 1 2111 20 10 1!J G September<br />

23 10 22 0 22 5 21 1 20 0 1!J 7 1!J 8 1!J 0 October<br />

2.j, 5 2110 21 4 2011 20 -i 20 4 l!J 7 l!J 3 November,<br />

24 0 21 0 21 l 20 8 20 3 2010 10 4 l!J ·lr December.<br />

~~ 11 2~ 4 21 9 23 l :.:1 !) 21 10 21 IS 20 3 T~e Year.<br />

----- - ---<br />

I<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

182 CORN-SALES.<br />

No. 58.-QUANTITIES of BmTISII WnEAT, BARLEY, nn73 5,557 9,282 9,067 7,663 2,796 3,970<br />

July 8,503 G,018 5,4',2 3,310 3,llOl S,400 2,698<br />

August . 8,932 4,761 4,157 5,1512 G,786 S,OH 4,193<br />

September- 16,087 12,558 9,767 11,872 17,362 9,002 17,371<br />

October . 18,66-i 15,10.i 16,\185 20,707 18,659 14,530 10,130<br />

November· 17,230 1~,677 21,499 2~,450 13,823 10,819 17,3'7<br />

December • . . ~.575 27,955 22,170 19,277 17,326 10,360 21,593<br />

The Yllar . . 206,091 ltl7,122 184,37li 192,698 169,687 122,312 US,878 :<br />

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CORN-SALES. 133<br />


_!!77· 1~~1-1~1~~1~~-J~s_::_j -~;;3.* j~s4.*<br />

. . . . . . WnEAT •<br />

---<br />

l\foNTlIS,<br />

---<br />

Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs.<br />

152,liliS 146,S.19 183,226 159,276 H9,6H 181,183 178,388 200,886 Janunry.<br />

173,7:$2 164-,390 237,862 139,037 119,220 1711,830 214,·U5 2H,936 February.<br />

213,720 17·1,028 23·M72 105,5$.J, 131,327 183,779 276,.lSS 2S9,98·l Murch.<br />

150,0lli H6,935 197,{)19 106,172 HS,791. 177,702 228,552 189,665 April,<br />

132,2!H 1G3,911 276,606 127,461 130,236 H3,SG2 271,7'15 295,98!l May.<br />

122,392 137,N!l 180,001 103,798 {)i,016 93,330 215,772 177,5-16 June.<br />

77,675 82,598 105,1·10 I 85,375 76,706 70,623 129,769 113,426 July.<br />

89,760 158,067 89,286 j 53,120 49,830 42,366 150,772 190,608 August.<br />

225,6GO 239,297 57,617 lU,521 HS,120 229,767 291,118 800,399 September.<br />

21M19 239,567 96,263 l 212,83·lr 2S·i,192 217,·U8 289,859 291,71U October.<br />

175,26-J. 267,512 191,SOl 173,090 Wi,082 192,705 278,749 s2i,559 November.<br />

212,629 22:>,622 lGS,932 li0,G33 215,550 215,292 3·12,519 213,920 December.<br />

--------<br />

1,9~2,6$8 2,Hl,759 2,0ll2,125 1,G07,DOS 1,738,255 1,003,858 2,901,H6 2,833,132 ThoYcnr.<br />

I<br />

- - . . . . - llA.llLEY.<br />

2-U,765 261,713 226,4Gi 290,556 278,(i().i 2G9,619 2:;:;,1u 4-15,429 January.<br />

225,914 217,251 215,-16~ 189,6G:i 199,002 221,878 216,27.J. 3GS,659 February.<br />

li0,li3l H8.GSS 151,491 100,·is7 155,2.'JO 130,1)73 208,'ZM 313,9li3 March.<br />

44,697 4:>,836 Ci2,0!Jli 39,9G2 72,571 G7,3i9 61,180 93,009 April.<br />

12,336 10,181 17,455 14,537 16,156 18,500 13,981 38,125 May.<br />

2,3i3 3,022 3,S8S 2,3·1li 2,230 4,087 3,.106 4,!).19 June.<br />

1,0li3 9li0 1,lili2 1,760 l,4li2 S,6ll 1,5-13 1,000 July. #<br />

801 1,438 1,322 2,095 !IJ.7 2,81G 962 Ci,25-i August.<br />

25,653 41,923 8,700 22,811 13,.J.!).li 'i0,147 71,798 138,132 September.<br />

274,892 265,833 91,742 260,233 211,463 2!J.i,235 390,576 ·180,902 October.<br />

34.2,762 419,462 339,8liS 343,391 305,IHS 353,oie G32,2lil 769,636 November.<br />

: 452,309 313,278 308,123 318,083 373,.142 437,527 G90,179 483,643 December.<br />

1,7l'S,IH9 1,732,075 l,421,2U 1,591,9'25 1,G31,G0li 1,873,820 2,571i,!i2S 3,149,341 The Year.<br />

- . . . . . . OATS.<br />

19,335 10,488 14,2G7 20,751 21,5-15 27;357 32,198 li0,789 January.<br />

22,1)75 25,Ci60 18,232 21,380 25,2·18 2:1,005 38,15.J. 60,920 Februnry,<br />

27,038 32,195 23,692 19,671 22,502 22,269 ·19,4-H 72,71i0 l\larch.<br />

11,823 lli,287 13,304 10,1553 13,300 lG,735 22,003 28,316 April.<br />

G,000 11,116 10,226 8,·iS2 li,910 8,801 16,046 31i,039 May.<br />

9,m 9,370 0,132 li,039 !i,025 4,505 14,701 20,810 Juno.<br />

4,138 2,335 3,191 4,429 3,CiD5 4,111 9,863 10,074 July.<br />

6,123 M~3 •1,·i2·i 4,215 4,6.U li,187 9,219 21,05-lo August.<br />

12,056 13,000 8,722 10,GSS 11,496 17,142 42,IJ.'3 42,67-i September.<br />

20,051 17,63.J. 14,120 18,832 38,014 2-i,075 52.725 44,235 Octol>er.<br />

10,290 16,81!9 25,131 18,1579 2S,2GO 22,928 55,COl 118,909 November.<br />

22,899 17,097 20,252 22,271 31,235 34,72.J. 66,774 47,:i3G December.<br />

I<br />

----- ---- I<br />

176,092 184,0.U 101,693 lM,791 211,4-i-i 211,799 400,471 492,918 Tho Ye•r.<br />

• In tho years 1883 nnd 188.J. tho returns were colloctcd, under Act 4t5 & 46 Viet. o, s7, from 187 towus, inat-Oad or<br />

JliO ns formerly,<br />

'<br />

I 2<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


No. 59.-Aci:mAGE under each Cnor, nnd FALLOW, and GRASS, and Number of LIVE<br />

1876, the 'lth J'une in the Years 1877 to 1881, the<br />


of<br />


GRE.\T BRITAIN (Total Arca 56,786,109 Acres).<br />

<strong>1870</strong>. I 1871. I 1872. 1 1873. I 1874. I 1875. I 1876.<br />

Acres. \ Acres. I Acres. Acres. Acms. Acres. Acres.<br />

• 30,407,5i9 30,83$,507 31,003,137 31,102,620 31,2G6,919 31,-116,350 31,551,612<br />

Cu1.TIVA.TED ARRA.<br />

Conx CnoPs.<br />

Wheat • • 3,500,513 3,571,8!).1, 3,598,957 M90,SSO 3,GS0,800 3,342,4Sl 2,995,957<br />

Barley or Bero • 2,371,739 2,385,783 2,816,832 2,335,913 '2,287,987 2,509,701 2,533,109<br />

Oats - • • 2,76.'l,300 2,715,707 2,705,837 2,670,227 2,596,SS4 2,66"1.,009 2,798,430<br />

Rye •<br />

Cli,166 71,495 66 1<br />

875 51,63-i 47,228 54,903 56,210<br />

Beans<br />

li30,095 540,835 52-i,005 586,561 559,0!-i 564,181 517,556<br />

Peas -<br />

317,198 389,G47 361,515 318,213 :no,M7 316,3i5 293,407<br />

-------------------·-·1-----1----<br />

Total • • 9,518,0.U 9,675,261 9,578,551 9,458,9'28 9,431,490 9,451,650 9,19.J,6611<br />


Potatoes - - 587,661 62i,691 564,0SS 514,682 520,430 522,61i3 502,719<br />

Turnips and Swedes • 2,210,911 2,163,744. 2,083,li07 2,121,908 2,133,336 2,142,693 2,145,573<br />

'Mangold - • • 306,531 360,517 329,190 325,702 322,614 361,tl17 lH7,889<br />

Carrots - - - 15,259 20,154 16,499 15,503 18,927 14,936 16,129<br />

Cabbage, Kohl·R:i.bi, nnd} 143,9!30 178,910 177,800 174,762 169,285 189,738 179,475<br />

Rapo - • •<br />

Vetches, Lucerne nnd}<br />

~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 421,678 ~ ~<br />

Clover or Grass) - • ___ ---------- ----11-----1--·---i-----t<br />

Total - • 3,5S6.730 3,738,180 ~16,~ 3_.u76,·lS6 -~5.:11,270 ~G-1,,107 ~,5il.S74<br />

OTHBit CROPS, Gn.\.Ss, &c.<br />

Flax - - - -<br />

Hops • • - •<br />

Bnre., Fallow or Un·}<br />

cropped Arable Land -<br />

23,957<br />

60,1;9.Jo<br />

CI0,517<br />

17,:\66<br />

60,030<br />

l.ii2,840<br />

15,357<br />

61,927<br />

647,898<br />

H,683<br />

63,278<br />

706,.i98<br />

9,3!).J,<br />

95,80~<br />

660,206<br />

6,751<br />

69,171<br />

557,979<br />

7,6U<br />

69,991)<br />

651,212<br />

Clo".cr, Sndn·) For IIny - 2,069,233 2,164,632 2,209,759 2,138,533 2,015,688 2,108,980 2,241,092<br />

fom, nn ) -<br />

Grasses l! 11 der Not for !fay 2,435,Gul 2,204-,81G 2,213,692 2,228,285 2,2U5,0:H 2,2-15,0!ll 2,299,181<br />

Rotation· i-----l·----·1-----1-----------------<br />

Total • • 4,50t.,8S·fo 4,:JG!l,·148 4,ul3,·i51 4,366,818 ·i,lH0,742 1,35M71 1.1ao,273<br />

------·---1·--------------------<br />

Permanent }<br />

n.~~ure (cx·r For Hay<br />

C llSIVO 0<br />

- 3,067,151 3,~9,622 3,577,603 3,-114,969 S,270,2-15 3,610,700 3,620,818<br />

Heath • or Not for Ifoy !l,005,705 8,915,820 S,9!l6,!l67 0,500,960 O,S9S,767 !l,701,!Jl5 9,895,131<br />

1\lountam<br />

Lnnd) -<br />

----------------1-----1------1....,.----1<br />

Totul • • 12,072,856 12,·135,•J.12 12,liU,570 12,915,929 13,178,012 13,312,621 ia,515,U-J.i<br />

--·---·-----·----·----------·--·--·-----1<br />

OncUA.RDS : Arnhle or"'\ r<br />

Grass Lnnd used nlsoj l ·<br />

206,583 16!l,80S 148,221 150,ti26 lM,581. 167,287<br />

for Fn1it 'frees • •<br />

36,204 37,854 37,007 38,957 38,503<br />

N~:S~iy G8~~~~;s: for}. No~ ns· ~<br />

fc~"~ing T~cc~, S~1rubs! cort:i.med. l<br />

11,770 11,3i0 11,7-13 12,IH2 11,676<br />

Woons, Co)lp1ccs,<br />

Pinn tat ions •<br />

nnd}<br />

-<br />

2,175,471 2,187,078 2,187,078 2,187,078 2,187,078 2,187,078<br />

Ll\'E STOCK,<br />

llorsos : \lHCd solely for}<br />

Agriculture, ~lnrcs kept<br />

sololy for breeding, nml<br />

No.<br />

1,266,709<br />

unbmkcn Horses •<br />

011ttlo • • -· 5,403,317<br />

Sheep • • • 28,397,581)<br />

Pigs, exclusive or thoso}<br />

kopt in 'fowns and by 2,171,138<br />

Cottagurs • -<br />

No.<br />

1,254,450<br />

5,337,761)<br />

27,110,5119<br />

2,·!.09,602<br />

No.<br />

1,258,020<br />

No.<br />

1,27G,4-i-i<br />

li,1121,0!J.i li,96-lr,5-i!J<br />

27,021,~07 29,-127,635<br />

2,771,7·19 2,500,2591<br />

No.<br />

1,311,731)<br />

0,125,491<br />

30,31:1,941<br />

2,422,832<br />

No.<br />

1,M0,120<br />

6,012,82·i<br />

2!l,167,.i3S<br />

S., ·;:iJ,9J8<br />

No.<br />

1,374,576<br />

5,846,302<br />

28,172,051<br />

2,21)3,620<br />

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STOCK, in GnEA'r J3m1'AIN uncl I1mr.AND upon the 25th June in the yenrs <strong>1870</strong> to<br />

5th Jnne in 1882 nncl 1883, nncl the •1th Juno in <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

- -<br />

____ ,<br />

1877.<br />

I 1878. I Ie79. I 1880. I<br />

1~81.<br />

GREAT IlRITAU\ (Totnl Arca M,786,199 Acres).<br />

DEBCRil'TIOX<br />

or<br />

I 1882. ' 1883. I <strong>1884</strong>. Cno1•s nud J',n·E STOCK.<br />

!<br />

I<br />

Acres. I Acres. Acrt's. Acrl's. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres.<br />

31,711,3,UG :us,s12 333,C.15 329,937 32i,3Gl ~Iangold.<br />

15,953 H,711 15,SU li,OS2 15,GlD 13,.H2 13,338 13,587 Cnrrols.<br />

182,710 171,773 1GS,3SG 1Gl,5i5 H3,12S H9,9U 146,102 l-1G,9lli {Cahbnge, Kohl·Rabl, n11d<br />

Rnpe.<br />

{\"etches, J.ucernc, nnd any<br />

442,202 420,816 41-S,lOS 3i9,7U 3SS,Oi3 413.2-12 392,821 ·lOi,l·J.S other Crop {except Clover<br />

or Grass).<br />

--------------------<br />

3,5!H,SW 3,·191,010 3,551,318 3,4iG,w3 3,510,GGS 3,·li5,GGO J,45-1.579 3,·'87,703 . . ·Total.<br />

--·-----------------·-·<br />

0TJIER Cnors. GRASS, &:c.<br />

7,481 7,2Gl 7,0:;s S,9!l5 G,53-l 5,220 ·i,317 2,217 k'lnx.<br />

71,239 71,789 Gi,Gil G6,GDS !H,913 ti5,GlU G9,01G G9,258 II ops.<br />

GlG,H7 632,423 721,·lO!l 8I2,5GG 71.15,809 781,125 778,203 H9,C99 {Dnro Fallow or Uncropped<br />

Arable Land.<br />

---<br />

2,175,8\)i 2,S08,3G2<br />

{For Hny l San-<br />

Cloycr,<br />

}1.-173,3i3 ·l,·131,3·!6 4,:U2,285 ·l,327.302 4,395,!l22 ·1,381,.U»<br />

• fom, and<br />

2,318,319 2,2(;.},74j Not for ]fay Grasses .under<br />

• Rotation.<br />

----------- -----<br />

4,4!H,216 4,573,107 .1,.m,313 ·M.'3·l,316 •t.,3-12,28;; ·1,327,392 ·J,~05,022 ·l~'lSl,4


ACREAGB under euch 0.RoP, and FALr,ow, and GRASS, and Number of LTV.ESTOCK,<br />

4th Juno in the years 1877 to 1881, the 5th June in<br />


of<br />

CnoPs nnd L1vE STOCK.<br />


ConN CROPS.<br />

WhEat . Bnrloy or Bore Oats . . . .<br />

Rye . - . .<br />

Beaus- - . .<br />

Peas - . . -<br />

Total . .<br />

GREEN CROl'S.<br />

Potatoes - - .<br />

Turnips and Swedes .<br />

Mangold - - -<br />

Cnrrc•ts - - -<br />

Cabbage, Kohl-It3bi, nnd}<br />

Rn'l)o • • •<br />

Vet.clics, Lucerne, nnd}<br />

any other Cro11 (except<br />

Clover or Grass) • •<br />

Totul . .<br />

OrlIHR CROPS GRASS, &:c.<br />

Flax<br />

Ti.ops • • •<br />

<strong>1870</strong>.<br />

I<br />

Acres.<br />

15,G52,lii8<br />

260,914<br />

243,435<br />

1,&!S,70.lr<br />

9,281<br />

9,6-14<br />

1,071<br />

2,173,109<br />

1,013,788<br />

339,059<br />

2j,220<br />

3,9-10<br />

45,266<br />

-11,446<br />

----<br />

1,408,711><br />

19:!-,893<br />

IRELAND (Total Arca 20,819,917 Acres).<br />

1871.<br />

I 1872. I 1873. I 1874. I 1875. I· 1876.<br />

Acres. I Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres.<br />

15,711,398 15,746,5-17 15,701,328 15,752,187 lli,iN,718 15,724,951<br />

2·iG,93ir 228,189 lGS,435 188,711 161,321 119,597<br />

222,6().J, 220,057 231,023 212,230 231,503 221,203<br />

1,633,960 1,621,813 1,510,089 1,480,lSG 1,499,371 1,4$7,086<br />

9,6-i.7 8,832 8,-iOj 8,979 9,556 8,031<br />

9,549 10,029 11,129 9,6-16 9,9i0 10,G72<br />

l,36j 1,753 1,74-:i 1,756 1,677 1,238<br />

2,12·1,079 2,090,673 1,930,82, J,901,508 1,916,398 l,848,487<br />

1,058,287 991,802 903,282 8921121 900,277 880,693<br />

327,1G2 3l6,·t6i. 3-17,901 333,487 332,iSS 3H,721<br />

31,766 &1,'i3G 88,096 38,161 43,172 4$,5!-1"<br />

4,1G7 3,782 3,698 3,359 3,803 8,217<br />

43,5-13 G0,207 37,355 41,105 41,896 40,887<br />

46,607 4G,925 42,085 4-1,829 4$,tlli5 45,162<br />

--------<br />

1,511,532 1,478,!116 1,3i2,.l20 1,353,362 1,370,086 1,363,2:?,~<br />

---------------<br />

1116,883 122,003 129,432 lOG,886<br />

B~re Fallow or Un·} 19,0:H I 22,323 _1s,1112 I<br />

cropped Arable Land • •----·•-----<br />

Clo\:or,<br />

fom, nnd<br />

Snn-}lfor llny • }<br />

Grasses l!lldcr Not for II•w<br />

R-Otnt1on • ....,<br />

Total • • W5:s;s-I<br />

Permnncnt }<br />

~i~sti~~ (e~r For llay • }<br />

Jlcnth or T<br />

?tfonntahi Not for llny<br />

Land) -<br />

1<br />

ORCHARDS Grass Land : Arable used also<br />

or}<br />

for Fruit 'l'rec.'I • •<br />

l~?lSI<br />

132,878<br />

w,.11.i ,__<br />

1_2._18_1_, ___ 1._1_,28_ .. _' 1 __ 11_,tlli_"_2_<br />

1<br />

Not ascertnincd.<br />

Not nsccrtnincd<br />

Total • • {),9!10,!168 110,0GS,8·18 j 10,2n,G1S 110,420,695 , lo,.l72,lff~110,431,776 110,507,2-49<br />

'MARKET GAitDENS - Not n:.cort:iincd.<br />

NURSI!RY GARDENS : for}<br />

growing Trees, Shrubs,<br />

&c.- ••• )<br />

WooJls, Coppices, nntl}<br />

Plnntntions • •<br />

LIV~ STOCK,<br />

H°''"'" u"d •olo\y ro'}<br />

AgricuUuro, l\larcs kept<br />

sololy for breeding, nml<br />

unhrokcn llori;cs- •<br />

Cnltlc . - .<br />

Shoop - . -<br />

PIK~• cxclusivo or those}<br />

krp~ in 1 l'own.'I nud by<br />

Cottngcl'!I • •<br />

320,853 324,090<br />

No. No.<br />

473,71H 478,12-i<br />

3,7!16,380 3,{)73,102<br />

4,333,{)8-lr 4,228,721<br />

1,450,332 1,616,71>-i<br />

325,70:t 328,tlli6 322,268<br />

·----·<br />

No. No. No.<br />

480,385 473,717 468,08{)<br />

4,057,lM 4,1111,561 4,118,113<br />

4,262,117 ·1,-l86,lli3 4,437,613<br />

1,385,386 1,o.u,218 1,006,4111<br />

318,005<br />

-<br />

No.<br />

-169,096<br />

4,111,~0<br />

·i,2-19,158<br />

1,2-19,235<br />

32·1,1ii2<br />

No.<br />

479,502<br />

4,113,!!03<br />

4,007,GlS<br />

1,421,143<br />

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, l{v<br />

/l<br />


I<br />

137<br />

in GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND upon the 25th .Tune in the years <strong>1870</strong> to 18'76, the<br />

1882 and 1883, nnd the 4th Juno in <strong>1884</strong>-Continued.<br />

lnELA.ND (Total Area 20,819,DJ.7 Acres).<br />

DEBCRil'TION<br />

1877.<br />

I I 1878. 1879. l I I I I 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. of<br />

CROPS and l1IVE STOCK.<br />

Acres. Acres. Ai:rcs. Acres. Acres. I Acres. Acres. Acres.<br />

15,·127,135 llS,345,421 15,336,222 15,3!17,856 15,3().i,235 15,212,390 15,151,230 15,212,837 CULTIVATED .\REA.<br />

-----------------<br />

ConN CnoPs.<br />

143,319 154,011 157,50$ 148,636 l&i,009 152,720 !»,802 69,003 Wheat.<br />

226,603 2·1'l,50i 25-i,845 218,5i9 211,lGO 187,805 lS.l,OUS 16i,3iG Ilnrlcy or Bcte.<br />

1,471,698 1,4.12.637 1,330,212 1,331,9-l.~ 1,392,365 1,397,301. 1,3SO,S71 1,347,395 Oats.<br />

10,441 10,8Gi 9,086 7,103 7,4.'i9 7,7i2 7,250 7,152 Rye.<br />

S.53i 8,267 9,29-lo 9,56.Jr 10,00..l 10,053 10,250 7,756 Ilenus.<br />

1,202 1,138 855 li9.Jr 1)90 1,160 !!37 972 Peas.<br />

----------- -·<br />

1,S61,Si7 1,$31,421 1,761,800 1,766,42~ 1,776,877 1,756,811) 1,678,125 1,500,629 . . ·Total.<br />

------------ ·----------<br />


871,522 846,985 812,621 820,728 85-i,2!1-.l 837,919 SOG,G6i 79S,9·12 Potatoes.<br />

336,201 S29,9i2 3H,006 302,7GS 295,235 293,9i8 306,767 30i,031 Turnips and Swedes.<br />

48,753 45,lS'l 51,163 •U,510 1i,SG2 30,300 37,908 :H,512 1\fongold.<br />

3,5113 3,93S ·i.530 3,799 4,072 3,39.lr 3,430 3,139 Carrots.<br />

47,000 40,933 ·10,326 42,8:i0 :H,SiO 42,005 41,489 45,346 {Cabbage, Kohl-R:lbi, nnd<br />

Rape.<br />

47,8G8 41-,770 41,330 30,20.i 36,19i 3.lr,752 33,959 35,413<br />

or Grass).<br />

----<br />

{Vetches, Lucerne, and nny<br />

other Crop c:xcept Clover<br />

l,35'.l,853 ],317,760 1,2!).lr,636 t,:H7,359 l,2GS,997 l,iiS,95-1: l,23P..~.53 1,221,·U3 . .<br />

-----------------<br />

·Total•<br />

OTnER Cnors, Gn.\ss, &c.<br />

123,362 111,S08 128,001 157,GS~ H7,0S5 113,ll02 95,\)35 89,197 Flax.<br />

- - - - - - - - Hops.<br />

I<br />

---- I ---------<br />

16,078 I 10,971 16,295 15,3Gti 21,180 21,263 2-i,()98 23,560 f Dnrc Fallow or Uncroppod<br />

.A.rablo Lund.<br />

{For Ifoy lClov~r, San·<br />

f ".."""'<br />

{l~'or Hny<br />

Pus~ure (ex-<br />

Not nscortuined. • clttSIVO of<br />

N 0 t l li Heath or<br />

or ny, ~fountain<br />

Land)<br />

• . ·Total•<br />

Not ascertained. • foln, nnd<br />

Not for llay Grasses.under<br />

· Rotabon.<br />

l,9:!5,10.S 1~2,7161 1,931,s1S j 1,009,9o7 j 1.008,4


ACREAGE under each Cuor, and FALLOW, and GnAss, and Number of LIVE STOCK,<br />

4th June in the years 187'7 to 1881, the 5th June<br />


or<br />


UNITED KINGDOll, including the Isle of 1\Inn nud Channel Islands<br />

(Total Aron 77,799;793 Acres).<br />

<strong>1870</strong>.<br />

I 1871. I 1872. I 1873. I 1874. I 1875. I 1876.<br />

Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. I Acres. Acres.<br />

CULT!VATED ARE.\ . 46,177,370 46,667,178 46,868,290 46,9'26,917 47,143,820 47,313,789 47,400,981<br />

Com• CROPS.<br />

Wheat - Barley or Bero - -<br />

3,778,003 3,831,054 8,839,532 3,670,259 3,830,767 3,514,0SS 3,125,342<br />

2,623,752 2,616,965 2,5·13,581 2,574,529 2,507,130 2,751,362 2,762,268<br />

Oats - - - . 4,42-1,536 4,362,139 4,3-10,748 -i,198,495 4,088,825 4,176,177 4,298,722<br />

Rye - - - - 74,527 81,222 75,849 G0,121 56,274 G-i,579 64,951<br />

lle:ms - - - 539,968 55Ml3 534,3-U 598,121 5GS,9S.i 57-1,414 528,556<br />

Peas - - 318,607 891,250 36~,194 321,007 312,8~i 318,410 29j,Ol2<br />

--------<br />

----<br />

Total - - 11,755,1)53 ll.S33,2-i3 11,698,245 11,422,532<br />

-~~.ss-i I<br />

11,399,030 11,074,846<br />

-----·<br />


Potatoes<br />

Not .nsccrtained.<br />

2,509,)J-Ml 2,&05,743 2,Gll,230<br />

liIVR STOCK.<br />

!Ioms' u"d "''" '°'}<br />

No. No. No. No. No. No. No.<br />

A~riculture, Mnres kept 1,750,498 1,742,500 1,747,899 1,759,MO 1,789,467 1,819,687 1,863,410<br />

so ely for breeding, and<br />

unbroken Horses - -<br />

Cattle . . . 9,235,052 9,3iG,216 9,718,505 10,153,670 10,281,036 10,162,787 9,007,189<br />

Sheep . . . 32,786,783 31,403,500 32,2-W,642 33,982,404 S.i,837,597 33,·l.91,IHS 32,252,1'>7!1<br />

Pi~s, cxclusivo or tliose}<br />

·ept in Towns and by<br />

Cottagers • - •<br />

3,650,730 4,136,616 4,178,000 3,563,532 3,537,:\:14<br />

"'""16' I ··""·'" I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


in GREAT BRITAIN and InBLAND upon the 25th June in the years <strong>1870</strong> to 1876, the<br />

in 1882 nnd 1883, and the 4th June in <strong>1884</strong>-Continued.<br />

UNITED KINGDO!d:, including the Isle or ~Ian nn 2,713,282 2,750,588 Whent.<br />

2,652,300 2,722,87!1 , 2,931,809 2,6:15,000 2,662,927 ! 2,·152,0ii 2,486,137 2,3-iG,OU Barley or Dcrc.<br />

·1,238,957 4,12-i,029 j 3,WS,200 4,191,716 •1,300,391 1 4,2·1-i,639 4,370,0i6 ·i,276,S6G Oats.<br />

70,703 71,0i·l ; liS,288 47,937 ·19,0Sl I G.i,382 58,0S2 M,231 Rye.<br />

506,701 4-iC,·1-0G I 453,7Sl 436,3Gl 451,310 I 417,115 ·iSS,410 45-1,839 Beaus.<br />

313,-170 2S.l,026 I 2iS,9S3 235,177 217,926 i 248,0S-i. 210,501 230,696 Peas.<br />

11.lo~jlliO:mfio:m::~:_ 10,612,os6 10~,~ Io:'s"iGiS 10,ll3,264 - - . Total.<br />

1,392,781.<br />

2,419,296<br />

4-07,518<br />

19,9-13<br />

229,7SG<br />

I ~~~~<br />

1,3\H.,508 1.392,822 1,380,578 1,·1-t3,4SJ. · 1,388,307 l,3:;9,726 1,373,835 Potatoes.<br />

2,372.198 2,3-11,527 2,336,199 2,3-U,0.15 '. 2,323,880 2,3.16,216 2,3-12,5i7 Turni1is nml Swedes.<br />

389,306 ·il:;,.150 385,318 3!H,6:il I 370,974 368,811 363.031 Mangold.<br />

19,lG.'l 20,913 21,.102 20,012 I 17,271 17,l~·l 17,002 Carrots.<br />

218,8551 208,808 204,016 177,560 I 192,G3S 187,685 192,397 {c\~~~~· Kohl-Rabi, nml<br />

492,3Gi .WS,lw ·192,036 418 1 150 ·126,509 I 450,187 429,312 41-i,95S<br />

Vetches, Lucerne, nnd nuy<br />

{ other Crop (except Clover<br />

or Grass).<br />

--·--i------·--·i-----•·---------•-----•--·---<br />

4,832,195 I •l,S7I,5:i6 4,746,293 4,803,211 j 4.748,257 ·1,708,931' ·1,733,860 - - - Total. I<br />

-----ii----r---<br />

----,------------ 0TIIER CROPS, GRASS,&\~.<br />

130,s.w 119,0;6 I 135,ooo 106,521 153,62-1 1 u3,722 ioo,262 91,4-1.-1 1·1a.'t.<br />

71,239 71,789 Gi,Gil 66,G!IS G1,9-.t.'l 1 igs, exclusive or those<br />

3,llS1r,4i7 S,'167,000 3,1'18,100 2,863,·'88 3,M9,1'13 3,956,491> 3,US0,427 3,G00,205 Rcpt in 'fowus nnd by<br />

.Cottagers.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

140 RAILWAYS.<br />


'l'RAJ.'l!'IC RECEIPTS, nnd WORKING<br />

YEA.RB.<br />

Paid-up Capital at the end or cnch Year.•<br />

Number<br />

Length or of I>nssengcrs<br />

Lino open nt We~1t<br />

Gunrnntccd, Con\'oycd otGoo and<br />

the End of each Prercrcntiul, (e:xelusivo or 1\Iinerals<br />

Year. Ordinl\ry, nnd Loans Total. Senson-'ficket Conveyed.<br />

and Debenture<br />

Holders).<br />

Stock.<br />

-<br />


Miles. £ £ £ No. Tons.<br />

1871 10,850 19:S,OM,7Si 2GG,303,S32 461,3GS,616 328,552,946 1-10,390,915<br />

18i2 11,136 201,li8S.027 272,056,56-i 473,639,591 372,450,223 lri2,·173,191<br />

1873 11,369 205,SOl, '111 28-i,217,283 490,018,{l!).j, 401,·165,086 162,820,380<br />

1874 11,622 209,().18,115 299,678,313 508,726.-128 423,083,9-11 lG0,922,000<br />

18i5 ll,i89 213,92·i,5i2 313,lGG,095 527,090,667 451,032,Ml lGS,975,7·13<br />

1876 11,989 216,207,5-U 32S,624,-U5 544,831,9~9 477,14G,1G5 173,691,738<br />

18i7 12,098 218,461,(l.'H. 339,-ili,291 557,878,925 490,351,707 178,872,570<br />

lSiS 12,229 218,086,760 361,300,870 579,387,630 503,982,893 175,244,154<br />

1879 12,547 218,SU,4-n 37·i,3H,21S S93,155,66::i li03,G52,787 179,676,GS7<br />

1880 12,656 222,926,187 379,316,391 602,21.2,578 5-ID,669,175 200,393,357<br />

1881 12,807 227 ,526,621 3$8,910,828 616,437,·i-W 561,224,291 209,532,SiO<br />

1882 13,052 233,776,-19:; 401,410,296 635,186,791 586,689,830 217,·i95,012<br />

18..'t~ 13,215 21.2,916,811 ·.l-OS,029,023 G5!l,945,S3i 612,4-01,71i8<br />

I 225,909,383<br />

188-• 13,340 248,272,140 416,783,239 665,0:iS,379 G21,131,188 219,975,155<br />

Scon.um.<br />

1871 2,538 20,552,221 ·13,730,G90 tH,282,911 31, 119,87'1 26,0l'..O,lGS<br />

1872 2,587 21,006,G!iG 4i,SQ5,l()(l 66,711,762 31,097,183 23,767,050<br />

1873 2,612 22,987.738 40,138,682 69,126,420 37,512,796 2i,975,9.U<br />

1874 2,700 23,705,327 47.G21,813 71,327,HO 38,220,892 2·1,495,740<br />

1875 2,721 2-1,602,970 48,283,673 72,886,652 39,008,932 27,739,69-1<br />

1876 2,726 29,560,892 li3,156,51G 82,717,408 39,991,Ml 28,753,UO<br />

1877 2,776 30,2&1.-ISG 5-1,6·10,277 84,92·l,7G3 41,922,872 29,435,188<br />

1878 2,845 31,21i7,419 55,931,649 87,189,068 43,160,416 27,923,038<br />

1879 2,8G4 31,7·17,022 5S,IH7,552 00,61»,574 42,677,700 28,8711,111<br />

1880 13,907 31,151,765 01,181,417 02,83.'i,212 45,956,833 31,315,939<br />

1881 2,927 31,839,358 62,!Yl9,73l IH,819,089 47,211,4-W 33,939,472<br />

1882 (2,IHO 33,155,900 64,51»,21'1- 97,750,114 i9,42-J,477 3-1,882,965<br />

1883 2,9Gl 33,723,711 (l.l,807,00lr 9S,531,3US 52,031,527 36,469,528.<br />

188-l 2,999 84,101,001 66,553,326 100,65-1,!187 liS,305,074 35,526,921<br />

-<br />

• Including Capital raised for the imrposo or subscribing to other undortn~in~s.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


Ml<br />


Gross Receipts<br />

Average<br />

Pr~qortion<br />

Receipts from Working Not of\ orking<br />

From From Passenger<br />

Ex11endi·<br />

l\liscel-<br />

Receipts. Ex pen di- YE.\RS.<br />

Passenger Goods nncl Goods Total. turo. turc to Gross I<br />

'l'rnlllc. Trnlllc. 'rramoror<br />

lnnoous.<br />


142 RAILWAYS.<br />


YEARS.<br />

Paid-up Capital at t110 end of each Ycnr.•<br />

Numhcl'<br />

Length or<br />

or J>nssengors Weight<br />

Lino open at Gunrnntccd,<br />

Convo,red of Goods and<br />

tho End or each }>rofcrcutial, (cxch1s1\'0 or lllinorals<br />

Year. Ordinnry. and Loans Total. Se.'lson·'fickot Convoyed.<br />

and Dcl>euturo<br />

!folders).<br />

Stock.<br />

..<br />

IRELAND,<br />

!\Illes. £ .£ £ No. Tons.<br />

1871 1,988 B,G33,H7 12,39:i,·1"33 27,02.'J,580 15,5-li,934 2,913,615<br />

1872 2,091 15,5-19,·106 13, 1.W,58i 28,00:i,!)!)3 lG,327,416 3,061,SSO<br />

1873 2,101 15,GGO,&;G 13,5H,53S 2U,174,894 lG,312,306 3,157,183<br />

18i4 2,127 15,77-1,799 14,00i,5Gi 2l),8J2,3G3 16,535,578 3,121,112<br />

1875 2,14$ 16,0i3,l81 H,172,9!H 30,216,175 16,873,661 3,3:>4,214<br />

1876 2,157 16,2·'°··1-17 l·M2·1,9G2 30,665,409 17,356,263 3,520,186<br />

1877 2,203 16,29:i,ll3 H-,000,2-17 31,255,3(l0 17,266,7'16 3,672,737<br />

1878 2,259 16,331,161 15,637,29:; 31,008,456 17,SS1,H6 3,568,GGi<br />

1879 2,285 16,.'326,187 16,827,0.J:3 33,153,230 16,402,397 3,636,357<br />

I 1880 :2,370. 16,·US,551 17,322,507 33,741,058 17,259,017 3,500,333<br />

l<br />

I 1881 2,·m 1G,5G9,92:i 17,701,699 34,27l,G2·l 17,643,260 3,572,G5S<br />

I 1882 2,465 16,6H,633 18,321,032 34,002,GG:i 18,723,98S 3,837,8;;6<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1883 2,50"2 16,796,58-i 18,6ii,579 3511-l-i,lG.'3 19,281,852 ·1,0H,O:i7<br />

188·i 2,525 16,609,615 19,H!,356 35,754,001 19,555,598 3,525,810<br />


I<br />

1871 15,376 230,250,152 322,·l2ll,9:i5 552,GS0,107 375,220,751 169,361,693<br />

1872 15,814 23!l,03!l,OS9 330,008,2-:i7 560,o.J.7,316 422,874,822 179,302,121<br />

1873 16,082 2·1-J,4-f.9,805 3-i3,8i0,503 588,320,30S 455,820,lSS 190,953,457<br />

1874 16,419 248,528,2·11 361,.'3G7,690 601),81)5,931 'i7,S·1Mll 188,538,852<br />

1875 16,Gog 254,G00,782 375,G22,7G2 630,223,494 liOG,971i,23-fr 200,009,651<br />

1876 16,872 262,008,883 396,205,8!)3 658,214,'176 !ilH,4!H,069 205,965,uM<br />

1877 17,077 265,041,233 409 .. 017,815 674,050,M8 IH9,541,325 211,080,495<br />

1878 17,333 265,675,3·10 ~2,860,8B 698,&15,15-fr 5G5~0H,455 200,735,856<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 17,600 266,9H,656 4:;0,088,813 717,003,469 562,732,890 212,188,155<br />

1880 17,933 270,400,503 457,820,&iS 728,316,$4.S 603.~5,021i. ~5,305,62ll<br />

1881 18,175 275,935,00·fr 469,599,258 7-15,528,162 626,079,000 2-17,0iS,OOO<br />

1882 18,457 283,57-i,028 48-1,325,M2 767,809,570 6M,838,2ll5 ~:16,215,833<br />

I<br />

1883 18,681 203,-IS7,100 41U,481,200 764,921,312 683,718,137 200,382,008<br />

188·1 18,86~ 298,933,·146 502,480,921 801,.flH,367 G9fr,!l!ll,860 259,327,886<br />

I<br />

• Including Cupitnl l'l\lscd for t110 purpose of subscribing to other undcrtnkings,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

----<br />

RAILWA.YS. 1·10<br />


Gross R<br />

l,·1-12,19'..l 1,220,427 1,Ul 32,G53 2,Gllo,272 l,·155,G37 l,23~.635 51 1880<br />

1,425,2$.l. 1,17G,193 1,081 31,800 2,G3G,2i7 l,·183,102 1,153,175 5G 1881<br />

l,4S7,5GS 1,285,017 1,130 38,291 2,810,SiG l,M2,751 1,268,125 51i 1882<br />

l,518,G75 ·1,297,0.'33 1,131: 39,liSl 2,S5S,239 1,5H,51S 1,280,721 5S 18S.~<br />

l,liH,517 1,271 1,108 ·12,lGG 2,$28,2-il 1,5iG,lli 1,252,l!H oG lSSl:<br />

I .<br />


I<br />

20,6'22,GSO 26,4S!,9i8 3,092 1,785,222 48,89:?,780 2:J,152,800 2S,739,920 ·17 18il<br />

22,287,555 29,oIG,5:m 3,290 l,93l,39G 53,23.3,510 2G,2i7,(HO 26,957,870 ·19 1872<br />

23,853,892 31,821,529 3,·IDl 2,0GG,li79 U7 I 7-12,000 30,752,848 2G,989,152 53 1Si3<br />

Z.l,893,Glli 32,005,SS3 MOS 2,356,217 59,255,715 32,612,712 2G,G43,003 55 1874<br />

25,714,681 33,26S,Oi2 3,5G.'3 2,20..1,2-17 Gl,237,000 33,220,728 28,0lG,272 O.i 1875<br />

2G,1G3,551 33,ifi.1.,317 3,574. 2,297,907 62,215,771i 33,535,509 2S,G80,2GG lti lSiG<br />

2G,5.'U,110 !U,109,!l-17 3,573 2,329,271 62,9'13,328 33,857,978 29,llli,350 0.1 1877<br />

26,889,614 33,5G4,761 3,li14 2,4-0S, 29tl G2,SG2,G74 83,189,368 29,G73,30G 53 1878<br />

25,915,585 33,.i79,G97 3,391 2,381,·i21 Gl,77G,703 s2,orn,273 29,731,·130 52 1879<br />

27,200,..t&lr 35,761,303 3,liS.i 2,529,858 6G,491,621i 33,601,12-lr 31,890,501 lil lSSO<br />

27,G92,000 3G,S01,000 3,572 2,002,000 67,155,000 3-1,900,000 32,255,000 52 1881<br />

28,700,813 37,7·10,315 3,G33 2,839,900 69,377,12·1- 3(),170,·ISG 33,200,688 52 1882<br />

29,508,733 38,701,319 3,673 2,852,218 71,002,270 37,3GS,liG2 33,G93,708 ro 1SS3<br />

80,030,·150 37,670,592 3,GOG 2,821,GOl 70,u22,Gl3 37,217,1117 33,305,·l 16 ro 1881-<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IH<br />

MINES.<br />

No. GL.-QuA~TITIES nnnoDUCTION.<br />

£ .£ £ £ £ £<br />

H,908,787 551,309 1,·i:i2,715 1,299,505 74,096 196,140<br />

1G,GG7,9.f.7 475,H3 1,251,815 1,·lr!lS,750 92,7·t.3 190,372<br />

18,5-10,304 583,~32 l,20S,·lrll 1,159,0!lO 118,076 157,320<br />

18,057,739 502,822 1,263,375 1,329,766 120,099 131,077<br />

16,47G,372 41.'3,032 1,2U8,4G3 1,0i7,'i12 100,773 127,319<br />

15,615,774 413,281 1,290,373 8G0,2GG 162,700 115,747<br />

16,062,192 391,130 1,270,415 675,750 15S,Oll lOG,222<br />

10,191,236 310,067 1,262,GOO 69j,162 130,612 113,0:iO<br />

16,lM,092 271,0i2 072,491 663,080 123,025 88,296<br />

H,088,3-12 222,507 765,4.89 llS!l,163 !!5,806 70,005<br />

19,373,082 253,2i7 953,895 813,767 123,l>i·i 63,0Ui<br />

20,361,122 263,500 728,805 839,G80 252,GOS 67,l·iO<br />

21,0.f.2,7().lr 252,872 722,835 977,158 2&3,710 80,·i2G<br />

22,170,180 181,oll7 560,103 903,·'76 218,328 72,l':J.i<br />

18,!ll.311.37 202,G!ll 4!12,8li7 809,740 15~,835 68,791<br />

• Including<br />

..<br />

,.<br />

£ oz.<br />

750, tho value of 191 British Gold obtained in<br />

1,IHO,<br />

385<br />

2,1115,<br />

1,138,<br />

656,<br />

2,s1q,<br />

II 1,790, JI<br />

570<br />

293<br />

143<br />

702<br />

447<br />

10<br />

Other<br />

Mctnls.<br />

<strong>1870</strong>.<br />

187-J.<br />

1875.<br />

<strong>1870</strong>.<br />

1877.<br />

1878.<br />

<strong>1870</strong>.<br />

1880,<br />

- --------------<br />

£<br />

*4,250<br />

3,000<br />

2,500<br />

5,000<br />

•4,5-10<br />

*G,812<br />

*3,028<br />

•3,333<br />

•10,106<br />

,. 38, "<br />

; lucludlng Pig Iron produced from Foreign ores.<br />

i The phm adopted Cor obtuiniug the value or the Coal produced wns changed in tho year 1882.<br />

•2,790<br />

•1,500<br />

1,275<br />

863<br />

252<br />

-<br />

'fOTAL<br />

or<br />

COAL nncl<br />

METALS,<br />

-<br />

I<br />

YEARS.<br />

..<br />

- I <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871<br />

- I 1872<br />

-<br />

1873<br />

18N<br />

- I 1875<br />

1876<br />

- 1877<br />

- 1878<br />

- 1879<br />

- 1880<br />

- 1881<br />

- 1882<br />

- 1883<br />

- 188'<br />

--<br />

£<br />

46,0!H,GOO<br />

18i0<br />

lio,385,378 1871<br />

GS,SS0,076 1872<br />

G9,0.U,158 1873<br />

65,383,·105 1874<br />

M,06-1,532 1875<br />

65,338,:!16 187G<br />

65,856,727 1877<br />

G.l,712,332 1878<br />

03,737,8 81 1879<br />

83,977.491 1880<br />

8.'l,().12,457 1881<br />

'i0,.181,977 1882<br />

70,160,033 1883<br />

61,070,424 lSSli<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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COINAGE.<br />

No. 62.-AMOUNT of GoLD, S1LVER, and COPPER (BuoNZE) MoNms Corn~n<br />

at the ROYAL MINT.<br />

YBilB.<br />

I GOLD, I SILVER, I Col'PBn. I<br />

1 .ror.u.<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 2,313,38-l 336,708 32,7M 2,682,88G<br />

1871 9,919,650 701,514 7,GlG 10,G28,786<br />

1872 15,201,4i2 l,2-i3,830 47,413 lG,552,691<br />

1873 3,SS.1,5GS 1,081,674 46,218 4,512,4GO<br />

lSH l,461,5G5 890,G04. 05,G32 2,417,801<br />

187:1 2·i3,213-lo 594,000 G9,813 907,077<br />

1876 4,G90,0.1S 222,35'i1 01,450 ·l:,9SO,.W2<br />

1877 981,468 420,948 51,HO 1,·1:53,502<br />

1878 2,205,069 613,998 1'1,02·~ !!,896,091<br />

1879 35,050 IH!l,05-l: ·ll:,651 628,755<br />

1880 4,150,052 701,5~ 19,26.li 4,930,824<br />

1881 - 997,128 39,349 1,030,477<br />

1882 - 209,880 ·i2,5GO 21i2,4.40<br />

1883 1,.103,713 1,27-J.,328 33,.WO 2,711,491<br />

1881 2,32·1,015 G5S,548 09,290 3,051,853<br />


No. 63.-'l'OTAL AMOUNT of GovEHNlllENT STOCK bought nncl sold on behnlf of<br />

DEPOSITORS in the PosT OFFICE SAVINGS BANKS, from the 22nd November to<br />

the 3h1t December 1880, and in cnch of the years 1881, 1882, 1883, and <strong>1884</strong>;<br />

and of such Stock standing to the credit of Depositors at the end of each year.<br />

Years. Stock bought. Stock sold.<br />

Stock stnuding<br />

t-0 tho credit of<br />

Dc~>0sitors nt tho<br />

en of tho Year.<br />

r From 22nd Novcmbor}<br />

lSSOt to<br />

31st December.<br />

£ £ £<br />

129,51-J. 1,885 127,G20<br />

1881 . . . . OM,966 83,618 '138,967<br />

1882 . . . . ~8,211 183,·l.62 1,143,'110<br />

1883 . . - . . 6113,757 242,401 1,510,982<br />

lfllH . . . . 753,080 356,746 l,9lll,325<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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No. 64.-'roTAT, Al\WUN'r R1wmv1m fi·om, and PAID to, DEPOSITORS in the PosT<br />

01n.,1c~1 SAVINGS BANKS, and of the ColIPUTED CAPITAL of those SAVINGS<br />

BANKS at the ond of each Year.<br />


UNITED<br />


WALES.<br />

KINODOll.<br />

--- ---<br />

f<br />

------<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

ltBCBIVED• 5,891,508 H6,429 295,1-15 6.333,082 RECEIVED•<br />

<strong>1870</strong> • PAID • . 4,412,862 108,941 200,38·i 4,758,187 PAID .<br />

CAPITAL . 1·~.161,869 soi,235 633,000 15,099,10-i CAPITAL·<br />

{RECEIVED• 6,546,826 1115,881 338,660 7,04.1,367 RECEIVED•<br />

1871 • PAID - . 4,769,GS7 119,359 226,421 5,115,467 }>AID<br />

-<br />

CAPlT.A.L - 15,939,00S 840,757 745,239 17,025,00-i CAPITAL •<br />

sltBCEIVIm• 7.567,03·' 189,0H 873,887 8,1~,995 RECEIVED•<br />

1872 • PAID - . 5,402,(l.J..i l40,63ll 293,386 5,SS6,GGO PAID .<br />

lCAPJTAL . 18,103,398 389,201 825,7-10 19,318,339 CAPITAL•<br />

rtECBJVJlD• 7,898,200 193,020 342,371 8,.J.38,591 RECEIVED•<br />

18i3 • J>AID • . 6,0S4,1G6 177.-'53 822,562 6,5$.1,181 PAID .<br />

CAPITAL . 19,9\7,432 401,76$ 845,549 21,167,749 CAPITAL·<br />

~·RECEIVBJ:• 8,311),17!) 1&1,432 3G2,20-• 8,865,815 RECEIVED•<br />

18;.i • PAID • . 6,410,824 171,2(H 29-i,(107 6,876,095 PAID .<br />

l...CAl'ITAL . 21,82:>,787 417,936 013,746 23,157,469 CAI'ITAL.<br />

tRECEIVED• 8,770,880 185,4'8 390,108 9,355,436 RECEIVED•<br />

1875 • PAID • . 6,86l,S38 160,171 300,551 7,325,560 PAID .<br />

CAPITAL • 23,740,829 443,213 1,003,303 25,187,315 C.\PITAL.<br />

:}<strong>1870</strong>.<br />

:}1sn.<br />

:}1872.<br />

:}1873.<br />

}874.<br />

:1187~.<br />

rECEIVEI>• S,963,813 187,883 419,985 9,601,GSl RECEIVED•<br />

18i6 • PAID • • 7,311,152 151,753 329,571 7,792,476 PAID . :118iG.<br />

CAPITAL - 25,393,490 479,313 l,123,7li 26,!)96,550 CAPITAL· ·~<br />

rBCE!VBD• 9,140,99S 19G,51G 490,S~H {),828,198 RECEIVED•<br />

1877 • I' AID • . 7,560,170 166,H.f. 357,677 8,083,991 PAID<br />

-<br />

CAPITAL • 26,974,!318 509,715 l,256,72·lr 28,740,757 CAPITAL•<br />

rBCEIVBD.' D,·J..83,248 21·!,389 487,363 10,185,000 RECEIVED•<br />

1878 • PAID • 7 ,!Jl9,·i62 176,·151 418,281 8,514,l!llr PAID .<br />

CAPITAL . 28,538,10' 547,653 l,325,S06 30,·lill,563 CArITAL· .)<br />

tRBCBIVBD' 0,925,282 201,427 501,036 10,G30,7·ij RBCE1''11D.<br />

1879 • PAID •<br />

. 8,4H,120 176,601 412,453 9,030,174 }>Arn .<br />

CAPITAL . 30,022,266 572,470 1,117,:;89 32,012,lM CAP~TAL·<br />

10,2GS,3G1 228,233 582,1;.13 11,()79,137 RECEIVED•<br />

f REClllVED•<br />

1880 • P AIDt • • 8,721,857 180,739 414,038 0,346,634 PAIDt<br />

-<br />

C.\PITALt . 31,568,770 619,973 1,liS5,89lr 33,744,637 0ArITALt<br />

I<br />

11,685,367 207,832 710,947 12,69-lr,l·W RECEIVED•<br />

fl.ECBIVBD'<br />

1881 • FAIDt • • 0,482,725 218,116 5-t.3,4li6 10,241,287 PAIDt •<br />

CAPITALt . 33,771,412 69

~ V' ,<br />


/<br />

No. 65.-'roTAr. A:uOUNT RECEIVED mul PAID by 'fnus·rERS of' SA.vrnus BA!-iKS<br />

from and to DEPOSITORS in each Year, and or the Co:uruTED CAPI'l'AT, of<br />

SAVINGS BANKS at the end of en

'l'oTAL A.'lOUN'.r Rl~CElVED<br />

to D~POSI'l'ORS<br />


nncl PAID by TIWS'.rEES of SAVINGS BANKS f1·om· nnd<br />

in each Y car, and of tho Com~uTED CAPITAL of SAVINGS<br />

BANKS at the end of ench Year-Continued.<br />

£<br />

6,'14'1,363<br />


I IxTEnnsT } o;s,9-n<br />

lSSO~ CREIHl':BD<br />

I p AID i,3il,36!)<br />

l CAl'lTAL 31,223,2!)8<br />

£<br />

170,165<br />

30,!Jil II<br />

220,.iSl<br />

1,0W,039<br />

£<br />

:!,Oij,510<br />

1S.1,7i!J<br />

1,9;s,!l:w<br />

6,5i3,!ll5<br />

£<br />

.Ui,!li7<br />

5S,13S<br />

508,775<br />

2,100,165<br />

£<br />

9,008,315<br />

1,2IB,S2!l f<br />

10,076,557<br />

·13,976,·l-H<br />

RECEIVED ')<br />

lxT.1mEsT I<br />

CmmITBD ~18SO<br />

I<br />

PAID<br />

Cu•I'l'.\.L J<br />

rRECEIVEDt 6,H!.l,SiS<br />


J SS9,S09<br />

lSSl l C•EDITBD!<br />

PAID§ • 7.-'37,456<br />

C.u>ITAL'.i 31,125,52!)<br />

rRECEI\.EDt<br />

6,770,0SS<br />

I l:\TRREST } 897,-126<br />

1882~ CREDITED!<br />

I PAID§ 7,·H7,H6<br />

LC.\l'ITAL'ii 31,315,S!li<br />

li0,371<br />

28,:lSS<br />

198,722<br />

l,Oi!l,Oi6<br />

lSS,208<br />

28,562<br />

202,876<br />

l,O!J2,9i0<br />

:!,1S1,2S!l<br />

17·1,818<br />

2,0iG,2'8<br />

6,856,SO~<br />

2,250,!.li!l<br />

180,808<br />

2,1!Ji.2!ll<br />

i,O!ll,300<br />

423,2iS<br />

53,•iiS<br />

·198,21·~<br />

2,0iS,707<br />

.<br />

·t31,2G9<br />

li2,!ll!l<br />

·lSO,ISl<br />

,082,·lH<br />

9,227,816<br />

i,rn;,.1os{<br />

10,210,610<br />

·U,H0,116<br />

RECEI\'EDt ")<br />


CREDITED! 1 lSS!<br />

PAID§<br />

CAl'lTALCj<br />

9,IH0,5U RECRl\'EDt 1<br />

lXTEREST<br />

1,159,715 f<br />

0RRD1TRD~ 1882<br />

10,32i,7!H PAID§ I<br />

4·1,612,oSl CAl'lTAJ.«j J<br />

(RECBIVRDt<br />

6,GGG,55·1<br />

1 Isn:nF.sT } 901,328<br />

1'Slrli,O:iG<br />

2,~2$,Hi8<br />

7,70!l,·171<br />

.1;;1,5n1<br />

53,li(ll<br />

·1GS,.~1i<br />

2, 111),26·1<br />

10,003,fi.11<br />


lXTl':ImST<br />

1,193,597 f<br />

Cmm1rnnt<br />

1881<br />

10,:H3.3H PAID§<br />

·15,&10,SS7 0APITAL9.i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

NoTE.-The rate of interest ullowed to 'rrustees from tho 20Lh November 1880 wns !'educed from 3l to<br />

11e1· cent. In· the Savings llnnks Act, 1880.<br />

1· Inchufln~ sums rccei\'cd for Govel'llment Stock sold for Depositors.<br />

t Including credit or dividends on Government Stock held for Depositors.<br />

§ Including SUIUN rmill for Government Stock )1Urchnscd for Depositors •<br />

.; Bxclusivo of Go"crnment Stock 11eld for Deposit-Ors.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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149<br />

I<br />

No. 66.-.A.~IOUNT TRANSFERRED from S.\.vrnGs BANKS under Tirns·rEES to Pos-r<br />

OF!!'ICE S,wnms BANKS, and from PosT 01nncE SAvuws BANKS to SAVn\GS<br />

BANKS under TRUSTEES.<br />

A.mounts transforrcd<br />

Excess or •rrnnsrcrs<br />

Years. l~rom l>ost Olllco 'l'o Post (Jlllco to Post Olllco<br />

to 'l'rm1tcc from Trustee Savings llanks.<br />

Savings Banks. Su.vini's Hnuks.<br />

----<br />

£ .£ £<br />

l8i0 . 5,807 8,775 7:!,9GS<br />

18i1 . 4,'100 125,!lGS 121,265<br />

1872 . ';,8()7 33M37 332,130<br />

1873 . S,G!l9 45,520 3G,S2l<br />

187·1- . 11,146 5S,G70 .n.s2'<br />

1875 . 10,416 139,743 12fW27<br />

1Si6 . 10,8i5 12!l,OS1. 112,20!1<br />

l&i7 . U,668 51,1!12 36,:;:H<br />

18i8 . 13,IJSS 32,.llll 18,53!3<br />

187!1 . 12,142 67,157 5:;,015<br />

1880 . 17,937 46,i22 28,?Hi<br />

1881 . 10,091 51,!12:3 ·11,S:J2<br />

1882 . 11,4\Jll tl l,263 52,7(3..(.<br />

1SS3 .<br />

I<br />

IJ,553 87,620 78,067<br />

1ss,i.<br />

l?.,745 56,972 ·U,2:!7<br />

· 1<br />

,.. I<br />

No. 67.-To'rAr. AMOUNT of Gov1m.N~mNT STOCK held fol' Dm•os1rons in T1rns·r1m<br />

SAYINGS BANKS on tho 20th November in ench year.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

YR.utS.<br />

I ENGLAND, I W.\LBS.<br />


Krnono~1 .<br />

·- IC<br />

.c .c .c £ .£<br />

1831 . lOS,836 455 15,277 100 121-,llliS<br />

1882 . 21·i,3GS 1,·i30 20,130 290 !!-12,521<br />

18~ . 311,38, 1,7H ·B,277 499 35,,SH<br />

lSS·i . ·i20,li00 2,012 113,655 1,580 .m,srn<br />

2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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I. 01m1NAUY LIFE Com•ANIES.<br />

l -- I 18Sll. I lSSl. I 1882.<br />

!<br />

I<br />

Premium!! •<br />

!---------~-~ -·~--~·~--·~~~-<br />

Consideration for AnnuitiC:J<br />

Interest (less tax)<br />

Increase in Yalue ot Investments-<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

•<br />

Totnl<br />

£<br />

ll,6:>8,319<br />

590,911<br />

6,369,007<br />

lGl,·122<br />

22,377<br />

17,Sll2,v36<br />

INCO'llE.<br />

£ £<br />

11,S9S,l!H<br />

5911,2'21<br />

5,lS7,SOO<br />

173,14-0<br />

24,676<br />

--18,li9.9S.'J I<br />

12,163,83~<br />

610,137<br />

5,652,716<br />

154,153<br />

116,539<br />

18,69i,383<br />

1883.<br />

£<br />

12,307,152<br />

636,510<br />

5,765,562<br />

97,936<br />

32,493<br />

18,839,653<br />

Claims •<br />

Cash Bonuses and Reduction of }<br />

Premiums • • •<br />

Annuities • • • •<br />

Surrcndors • • •<br />

lln.nagemcnt (including Commis-J<br />

SIOll} • • •<br />

Dividend:!, llonuscs, &c., t-0 Share-}<br />

holders • • •<br />

Decrciise in Value of In\'e!>tmcnts •<br />

)liscellnneous<br />

'l'otal<br />

OUTGO.<br />

--------.------,....-----------<br />

£<br />

P,850,2;;0<br />

8&~,297<br />

51?.,2H<br />

73.J,051<br />

1,572,816<br />

706,tl5S<br />

1<br />

£<br />

9,7·U,Gill<br />

931,897<br />

631,836<br />

713,!HS<br />

1,663,700<br />

631,055<br />

£<br />

9,Si0,22S<br />

835,201<br />

573,235<br />

751,349<br />

1,6iS,·'30<br />

490,152<br />

£<br />

10,618,9.J5<br />

015,147<br />

593,151<br />

773,331<br />

1,689,2CH<br />

GGl,290<br />

3:!,32-& 16,934 28,726<br />

_____,______ ------;-----,--<br />

H,262,610 I H,137,0ltl 14,227,321 I 15,163,362<br />

~--~===:;;==~=--~-===:.:-=::::===================I<br />

Pnid·np Cnpital • - -<br />

Life nnd Annuity Funds . .<br />


-<br />


\51<br />

ANNUITY, A~o<br />

o·.cmm b"'mrns OF LIFE AssonANCE Co:\IPANIES.<br />

II. I~ousTRJAr,<br />

Co:nPANms.<br />

lSSO. 1881. 18S2.<br />

1883.<br />

INCO:m~.<br />

l<br />

:<br />

. -<br />

Premiums ~<br />

Cons!deration for Annuities -<br />

Interest (h::.~ t~~) - - -<br />

IncreMe in Vnluo or Investmeuts -<br />

)Iiscellaneous - - -<br />

'.rotnl<br />

~<br />

£ .£ £<br />

1,911,W.1 2,:!l:i,565 2.tl02,·t.'IB<br />

- - -<br />

45,716 60,206 71,921<br />

- - 1,tl29<br />

3'.)() 2,056 1,051<br />

-------------·<br />

l,98S,OIO 2,307,827 :!,llii,Ol2<br />

------ - -- -----<br />

£<br />

3,0:i!l,:?G!<br />

-<br />

91.!l!Jl<br />

503<br />

765<br />

3,152,::2:1<br />

I -- ---<br />

.<br />

OU'rGo.<br />

Claims -<br />

Cash BCJll\l!ieS nnd Reduction or }<br />

Premiums - - -<br />

AmmitieJ<br />

Surrenders<br />

:\Innngement •<br />

£ .£ £<br />

697,778 779,985 957,:350<br />

- - -<br />

15 15 15<br />

2,533 3,109 4,361<br />

935,180 1,081,702 1,200,513<br />

£<br />

l,12·l,C22<br />

-<br />

15<br />

·l,886<br />

1,S.H,571<br />

Dividends, Bonuses, &c., to Shure-}<br />

holders - - -<br />

Dccrcruie in Vulue of Investments -<br />

iUiscellnncous<br />

Totul<br />

2,661 2,815 123,315<br />

176 - -<br />

·iS2 639 l,3:i0<br />

I<br />

1,638,825 l,86S,2G:i<br />

I 2,1!8G,9G1<br />

5,731<br />

-<br />

l,07i<br />

------<br />

2,lii,905<br />

- - - --- - ---- - -- --- . - -<br />

I<br />

p<br />

Pnid·UJJ Cupltnl -<br />

J,iro 1m

152<br />


.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

On the l1t'lt d1w or the<br />

Secoml Weck in<br />

January . .<br />

Feurunry . .<br />

Murch . .<br />

;\ pril . .<br />

)fay . .<br />

June . .<br />

July . .<br />

August . .<br />

September .<br />

October . .<br />

Norembcr .<br />

December· .<br />

No. 69.-'roTAL AMOUN'l' or DEPOSITS in the BANK OF ENGLAND<br />

( Stntcd in thousnn<br />

27,070 31,r.Sl :n.s28 31-,131 26,857 2G,'il0 28,S7G<br />

. 25,3:11 29,3\13 31,5i0 31,2!38 26,571 22,G-1!) 27,132<br />

25,220 27,:~02 29,GH 31,128 25,'i:iG 23,552 2i.S93<br />

. 2G,7S3 28,537 28,:~40 30,159 25,5.'39 26,882 29,95i<br />

. 2i,G70 32,173 26,003 25,717 25,392 30,126 32,·H6<br />

. 26,302 27,578 28,:HO 23,959 22,4;;!) 29,032 33,·l:.'lS<br />

. 2o,Gl2 26,073 28,925 29,0SO 23,628 28,·104 34,56l<br />

. 2:3,-138 26,574 26,328 27,5S5 25,90:i 30,177 36,185<br />

. 23,530 27,96-i 27,151- 2-l,091 22,713 23,·13J. 33,060<br />

. 25,·H9<br />

!<br />

2.'1,502 27,iH 2;;,253 21,'369 25,667 31,737<br />

'<br />



on the ln.st di1y of the Second Weck in onch l\Ionth.<br />

i.e., .£1,000=£1,000,000.)<br />

I<br />

18i7. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 188•. I 1883.<br />

-------------1--<br />

- . - . -<br />


I 30,85J, l<br />

I<br />

35,05-t. 29,153 26,524. 25,801 2S,760<br />

l<br />

I<br />

I 27,005 29,399 <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

I<br />

j<br />

£<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ I<br />

£<br />

32,759 29,7·12 37,21>1 36,221 30,GOl 29,03S 27,570<br />

29,523 27,000 35,937 32,925 33,GOO 29,73~ 29,325<br />

30,985 33,709 38,087 36,lH 36,135 3:?,GS.1 32,609<br />

29,266 30,·143 37,70-l 32,532 33,005 30,611 30,891<br />

28,321 2S,03G 36,716 32,'il2 31,512 2S,8!JS 30,G.15<br />

29,053 2S,311 35,GG7 3'3,903 31,602 30,057 29,8$5<br />

30,133 27,658 37,617 Sl,95S 33,·171 31,536 27,SlG<br />

26,917 24,535 36,SlS 31,391, 29,920 29,l!H 21l,8?1<br />

27,2·10 2·1,333 3G,522 30,S'5 30,6G5 2S,223 I 31,HO<br />

26,217 30,109 39,·103 32,111 30,707 30,·IBl 29,752<br />

23,953 29,546<br />

25,757<br />

I<br />

I<br />

31,CGl<br />

31,:liG<br />

31,612<br />

I 32,7-19<br />

! 31,2·U<br />

3:!,5S2<br />

I 32,927<br />

I 30,27G<br />

29,·IOS<br />

28,!H .. 'l<br />

27,0S!<br />

I 2!J,239<br />

On llrn ln.~t<br />

day of tho<br />

!:ieco1Hl Weck<br />

in<br />

J:uumry.<br />

l~obrunry.<br />

March.<br />

April.<br />

:\lay.<br />

Iunc.<br />

July.<br />

August.<br />

ScptembPr.<br />

October.<br />

No\·cmber.<br />

December.<br />

B.~""\K of ENGLAND on the last day of the Second Week in each Month.<br />

i.e., £1,000=£1,000,000.)<br />

I<br />

18ii. lSiS. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 18S4.<br />

----<br />

£ .£ £ £ £ £ .£ .c<br />

I<br />

H,OiS 11,HS 9,690 14,HO 11,532 9,216 9,737 10,S.'J5<br />

13,0:10 12,221 H,510 15,3H H,01G S,!!Ol 12,SSO 11,870<br />

13,J.()6 11,5()2 17,()0l 15,70S 16,·iGi 12,153 12,868 H,o:m<br />

11,5H 9,15S 17,:!Gl H,530 13,20l 11,!llS 10,S.13 H,079<br />

I<br />

10,~W 8,7'!() 17,895 H,55~ 13,9S!l 11,·.131 !l,271<br />

I '1·1,076<br />

12,103 10,106 lS,372 15,215 13,510 12,5SS 10,006 H,·100<br />

12,!lSl S,237 lll,·ISS 15,ttl6 13,9_7S 1M12 10,6;;s 13,325<br />

ll,·160 7,90$ 11),910 J.t.,SOG 12,002 O,SM· 11,37/i 11,S!lS<br />

10,914 10,203 :!0,229 15,05$ 11,G:ll 10,292 13,711$ 12,lS3<br />

8,750 9,283 lll,225 H,2·10 9,20B 9,H5 11,83'1 fl,465<br />

O,H3 10,·192 lli,001 13,757 O,liBl s,oos 11,390 8,708<br />

11,652 8,0H H;i32 12,673 10,338 10 .. ~82 12,071<br />

I 11,23-1-<br />

On tho last<br />

day of tho<br />

Second Weck<br />

in<br />

I<br />

I Jonuoey,<br />

Vcbrunry.<br />

}farch.<br />

April.<br />

"'lny.<br />

June.<br />

Jnly<br />

August.<br />

Septomher.<br />

Oetober.<br />

November.<br />

December.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

'··<br />

la·l<br />

BANI'. OF ENGLA~D.<br />

No. il.-QuAnT1m1.Y Av1mAGES of the WEEKLY LIABILITIES<br />

I<br />

l<br />

QUARTBlt<br />

1--- I<br />


1--<br />

YBARS,<br />

Hntletl<br />

1 Notes in I<br />

---------!-<br />

Deposits. •rotnl.<br />

Circulatl~- __ £ __,<br />

£ £<br />

. 28,255,000 26,900,000 G0,155,000 I<br />

I<br />

{"""""'<br />

Juno 29 • 23,5i6,000 26,303,000 49,Si9,000 l<br />

I lSiO September 2S 21,36i,OOO 25,7GS,000 50,135,000<br />

I I<br />

i<br />

Decombe1· 28 2·1,539,000 21:,1116.000 48,735,000 !<br />

I f 'i\larrh • 21,158,000 27,902,000 52,060,000<br />

Juno •<br />

1871<br />

2-1,705,000 28,762,000 G:J.'167,000<br />

l September 25,66$,000 29,061,000 M,729,000<br />

December 25,625,000 28,010,000 G3,6:l5,000<br />

( ~larch . 25,274,000 80,4-15,000 55,719,00()<br />

lSi:? t Juno • 25,SS0,000 29.-1-16,000 w,826,UOO<br />

September 26,5SS,OOO 28,740,000 55,328,000<br />

December 25,983,000 26,645,000 52,628,000<br />

f l\fareh • 25,·lill,OOO 31,261,000 5G,74S,OOO<br />

.Juno • 26,169,000 31,503,000 u7,6i2,000<br />

18i8<br />

l September 26,40i,OOO 26,396,000 52,803,000<br />

December 26,219,000 25,0i9,(l00 61,298,000<br />

187-l<br />

1875<br />

1876<br />

1877<br />

1878<br />

{<br />

""''" -<br />

25,960,000 26,30$,000 52,2GS,OOO<br />

Juno • 26,628,000 20,753,000 53,:!Sl,OOO<br />

Se11te:nber 27,lUG,000 23,597,000 00,763,000<br />

December 20,Si7,000 23,740,000 60,617,000<br />

( l\farch 26,313,000 2-!:,74S,OOO 51,050,000<br />

t June •<br />

27,J.61,000 25,5H,OOO 03,035,000<br />

September 28,673,000 29,067,000 57,740,000<br />

December 28,356,000 26,267,000 M,623,000<br />

f :Mnrch - 27,118,0011 26,GG2,000 53,780,000<br />

Juno - 27,917,000 28,610,000 56,527,000<br />

September 28,653,000 33,669,000 62,322,000<br />

l December 28,565,000 33,o.13,000 61,60S,')00<br />

{<br />

{<br />

""''" -<br />

27,9,iG,000 31,163,000 69,109,000<br />

June • 28,535,000 29,2GO,OOO 57,795,000<br />

Se11tember 28,619,000 28,038,000 5G,G57,000<br />

December 27,762,000 25,188,000 62,950,000<br />

.,.,,,, - 27,2-iG,000 30,439,000 57,GS5,000<br />

Juno • 27,961,000 29,lGl,000 57,122,()00<br />

Sc1>tmr.bcr 27,SU2,000 25,231,000 53,123,000<br />

December 30,282,000 30,32-1,000 60,G06,000<br />

f """" -<br />

31,0S.1:,000 36,901,000 GS,075,000<br />

18i9 Juno • 29,512,000 87,llH,OOO 60,Gi6,000<br />

Sl.ll•toml>or 29,260,0CO 36,932,000 66,192,000<br />

l December 28,296,000 35,1151),000 63,916,000<br />

1580<br />

If"""" -<br />

27,181,000 35,·l:G7,000 02,618,000<br />

Juno - 27,295,000 33,738,000 61,033,000<br />

I l September 27,477,000 31,512,000 58,980,000<br />

I December 20,829,000 31,35),000 58,170,000<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

156 BANK OF ENGLAND, &c.<br />


YEARS-<br />

Co11t,<br />

QUART BR<br />

Ended<br />

{"'"" .<br />

{""'" .<br />

{"'"" .<br />

2·1,7-H·,7111<br />

f "'"" .<br />

Notes in<br />

Circulation.<br />


Deposits.<br />

Totnl.<br />

£<br />

26,100,000<br />

£<br />

3-1,017,000<br />

£<br />

60,117,000<br />

lSSl Juno - 26,859,000 32,757,000 IJV,61G.000<br />

September 27,135,000 31,514,000 68,649,000<br />

Doceiµber 20,237,000 28,633,000 5-,,870,000<br />

211,:rni,ooo 3l,L•12,000 51),491,000<br />

1SS2 Juno - 26,200,000 30,027,000 116,817,000<br />

September 26,872,000 29,882,000 66,754,000<br />

December 26,351,®0 27,~10,000 53,761.000<br />

25,385,000 30,362,000 55,7·17,000<br />

18$3 Juno • 25,8J,7,000 so .. ~a1,ooo 56,39!,000<br />

lSSi<br />

Seotomber 26,H2,000 29,016.000 M,lGS,000<br />

December 25,CS3,000 29,205,000 fH,888,000<br />

32,745,G!H 67,490,415<br />

June - 25,493,·194 82,3-14,3·1-' G7,S37,S3S<br />

September 25.9~!.761 30,79i,42·.lo 00,752,18!1<br />

l December 2G,222,IJIJ9 20,346,720 lli,56!1,719<br />

No. 72.-MoNTIII.Y Av1mAGE AGGREG.\.TE AllOUNT of Pno:u1ssony<br />

ENGLAND and \VM.ES,<br />


YEARS.<br />

<strong>1870</strong><br />

I\IONl'IT<br />

Country Danks.<br />

Ended<br />

Dank<br />

of<br />

Englmul. J>ri\'ate -, Joint Stock<br />

Danks.<br />

TOTAL.<br />

Dank~.<br />

I<br />

£<br />

I<br />

£ £ £<br />

22,66.J,OOO 2,588,206 2,301,33-i 4,889,540<br />

Juno 18 - . 23,206,000 2,578,87·1' 2,256,177 4,835,051<br />

f "'"""<br />

September 10 . 2-1,2-17,000 2,363,761 2,1G3,781 4,517,512<br />

l l)ecemhor 3 . !H,·15S,OOO 2,6i3,521 2,36-1,610 IS,038,131<br />

( l\forch 25· . 2.1,773,000 2,571,694 2,315,-1.()1) 4,017,103<br />

18il I Juno 17 . - 2-1,53-J,OOO 2,G36,2G3 2,330,057 4,067,220<br />

l September 9 - 25,552,000 2,G78,707 2,307,002 4,885,799<br />

Dccombcr30 . 25,233,000 2,66!1,0IJO 2,316,171 li,010,261<br />

f :Mnrch 23- ~ 2-1,777,000 2,628,502 2,391,296 li,019,708<br />

1872 Juno 15 • . 21i,49!1,000 2,666,014 2,360,003 5,026,917<br />

1 September 'l . 26,GG5,000 2,GS!l,323 2,352,:Ha 4,IJ.U,666<br />

l Dccom her 28 . 25,162,000 2,631,·llH 2,3-12,227 4,973,691<br />

{ )fo"h ,,.<br />

. 25,153,000 2,u57,0G3 2,303,115 4,!lG0,178<br />

Juno 13 • . 25,857,000 2,626,316 2,395,615 li,021,861<br />

1873 Scptcmber6 . 26,·176,000 2,-181,400 2,30:J,911 ·J.,788,820<br />

Dccombor 27 . 25,450,000 2,6S·l,23S 2,361,520 5,0-15,767<br />

I<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

BANK OF ENGLAND, &c.<br />

I<br />

;<br />

ancl ASSETS pf the BANK of ENGLAND-Continued.<br />

_______.:________ ASSETS.<br />

Securities. llullion. 'fotnl.<br />

QU.\RTEU<br />

Ended<br />

·---------''--·------------<br />

£<br />

37,201,00~<br />

£<br />

26,100,000<br />

£<br />

G3,601,000 :\larch<br />

3(\,313,000 2u,:Joo,ooo 62,709,000 Juno<br />

37,.liS,OOO 21,Gi(i,OOO G2,1M,000 Se1>tem\Jor -<br />

3i,Otlll,OOO 20,SiG,OOO 57,972.000 Occem\Jor -<br />

38,7-19,000. 21,290,000 60,031),000 :\larch<br />

SG,·152,000 23,106,000 59,918,000 .Juno<br />

3i,Sll,OOO 22,151),000 60,2i0,000 Soptcm\Jer •<br />

SG,U7,000 20,751,000 56,S\lS,OOO 1Jccoml>e1· -<br />

37.Hl,000 22,H2,000 59,23:3,000 :\forch<br />

SS,·US,000 21,130,000 5\l,51S,OOO June<br />

35,3$1,000 23,253,000 5S,631,000 September •<br />

35,669,000 2:?,:J55,000 58,021,000 Decom\Jer -<br />

37,3S1,6VS 22,53h20.i 5!1,915,902 ~larl,.IG:> 59,212.5il Sc)ltcmhe1· -<br />

36,336,Gtll 2MG0,72l lill,1l97, 112 Dcccm\Jcr •<br />

]<br />

:1<br />

- I<br />

.)<br />

-1<br />

• I<br />

j<br />

:I<br />

-t<br />

.)<br />

YEARS­<br />

Co11t.<br />

lSSl<br />

lSS2<br />

1SE3<br />

lSS·l<br />

NOTES, payable to Bearer on Demn.nd, in Circulation in<br />

.<br />

SCOTLA.~iD.<br />

ScoT1,,um, and IRELAND .<br />

lRELASD.<br />

Chartered<br />

an0 •l,31i6,5G6 ·lr2,721,S20 Dccem\Jer3<br />

4,7SS,SOS 3,0S0,125 4,261,053 •IO,S20,0S9 ~lnrch 25 li,·l51,S92 3,101,S75 4,1-17,892 •12,20li.S79 Junol7 -<br />

li,H8,2GO 2,9;;;),150 •l,01!),529 ·12,5SS,73S September 9<br />

li,2·1o,.15S 3,271,625 4,780,57-1 ·1:3,51Q,!)1S December SQ<br />

4,77M73 3,12·1,850 •l,.170,135 ·12,170,256 ~rnrch 23 -<br />

li,716,833 3,23S,100 •l,30!l,95S ·13,787,SOS June lii .<br />

IS,313,5llO 3,lOV,125 •lr,132,956 ·1-1,062,:107 September 7<br />

5,632,112 3,251,525 ·1,36:i,li6lr ·.13,387,892 December 28<br />

IS,lG0,917 3,0S5,771i ·1,071,G71 ·12,·121,561 ~forch 22 O,OIH,:JSlr 3,053,575 3,872,3:!!) 13,86!l,H9 JunoH<br />

-<br />

li,506,Hl 2,827,600 3,6:!9,71i7 ·13,227,718 Septmubur 0<br />

5,930,236 3,0l·l,221i •l,Oll7,60S ·13,t;37,S3G December 27<br />

J<br />

}<br />

:1<br />

-J<br />

:1<br />

:J<br />

YE.HIS.<br />

<strong>1870</strong><br />

1871<br />

1Si2<br />

1873<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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158<br />

BANK OF ENGLAND, &c.<br />

18H<br />

1875<br />

1876<br />

18i7<br />

1S7S<br />

YEARS-<br />

Co11t.<br />

l\IONTII<br />

Ended<br />

( March 21 •<br />

l Jnno 13 •<br />

Soptcmbcr5<br />

December 26<br />

l<br />

('March 20·<br />

Juno 12 •<br />

September ·I:<br />

Dccombcr25<br />

l\fat·lareb 1 ..<br />

June 8 •<br />

September 28<br />

Deccmbor2L<br />

{ """'" 1'·<br />

18i9 Juno 7 •<br />

September 27<br />

December 20<br />

1880<br />

{ Mareh 13·<br />

June Ii •<br />

Sc)ltembcr 2!i<br />

Di:comber 18<br />

[ March 12·<br />

1881 June \ •<br />

l September 21<br />

Dccemhcrl7<br />

1882<br />

[March 11 •<br />

Juoo 3 •<br />

l Sc)ltem ber 23<br />

December 16<br />


I<br />


Country Banks.<br />

Dank<br />

of<br />

Englnnd. Prh·nto Joint Stock<br />

Banks.<br />

Banks.<br />

ENG I.AND and w AI.ES,<br />

[ l\lnroh 10·<br />

Juno 2 •<br />

1883<br />

l Sopwmber 22<br />

Deccmbor15<br />

~larch 8 •<br />

2·,,621,000 1,·W0,655 1,5$1,588 3,().l2,2-lr3<br />

. 25,505,000 1,476,·lSi l.lill3,·l9S 3,060,981!<br />

188-lo {'"'"" Se)ltembcr . 20<br />

Deccmbcr13<br />

I<br />

I<br />

TOTAL.<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

. 25.Si0,000 2,600,36·lr 2,3S3,0i9 4,983,·i43<br />

26,3iMOO 2,58(1,217 2,366,103 4,946,320<br />

27 ,05-1,000 2,·U2,S39 2,221,789 4,63-1,628<br />

. 26.147,000 2,535,()70 2,291,318 4,826,688<br />

25,923,000 2,414,035 2,2i7,873 4,691,908<br />

. 27.39:!,000 2,·166,438 2,30-1,362 4,7i0.800<br />

28,597,000 2,374,2().l 2,221,20.i. 4,595,-108<br />

. 27,603,000 2 .. 165,750 2,259,213 4,72-1.963<br />

26,66:'i,OOO 2,375,326 2,255,745 4,631,0il<br />

27,998.000 2,450,687 2,267,4G4 4,718,151<br />

. 28.319,000 2,378,674 2,200,0i7 4,578,751<br />

. 27,785,000 2,·131,.J:.17 2,212,675 4,GH,122<br />

. 27,476,000 2,320,320 2,171,573 4,491,893<br />

. 28,416,000 2,373,131. 2,213,014 4,586,148<br />

. 28,068,IJOO 2,272,350 2,H4,081 4,416,·1..'\l<br />

. 26,980,000 2,32·1,121 2,133,453 4,457,574<br />

26,687,000 2,2H,765 2,128,852 4,3·13,617<br />

. 27,712,000 2,302,761 2,169,353 4,47:?,144<br />

t<br />

. 27,158,000 2,161,466 2,050,538 4,2lu,OO·lr<br />

. 30,669,000 2,H0,999 1,928,780 4,069,779<br />

29,631,000 1,829,392 1,701,552 3,533,944<br />

. 29,142,000 1,89:1,3SO 1,805,-162 3,700,842'<br />

28.!iN,OOO 1,670,569 1,577,9-14 3,:!48,513<br />

. 27,009,000 1,799,059 1,737,·l~H 3,536,.193<br />

. 26,900,(100 l,NO,:J.18 l,7H,279 3,lr.l,627<br />

. 27,301,000 1,818,801 1,7

BANK OF ENGLAND, &c.<br />

N OTEs, pnyable to Bearer on Demand, in Circulation in<br />

ScoTI,AND, nncl !mu.AND-Conti11ued.<br />

159<br />

/<br />

Scotr.A?iD.<br />

l!tEL.\ND,<br />

--------<br />

TOTAL ror<br />

Chartered<br />

Bank<br />

UNITED<br />

l\lO?iTH<br />

n.nd I Joint Stock Bndcd<br />

Joint Stock<br />

of<br />

I. __ llanks. l(INGDOl!.<br />

Dunks.<br />

Ireland.<br />

·-·<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

5,468,()76 2,829,375 3,Sri3,36S 42,714,862 I :\larch 21<br />

6,410,829 2,82~,175 3,711,:339 41,207,6()3 Juno 13<br />

5,693,929 2,020,625 3,462.273 43,4il,1:i5 September 5<br />

6,211,298 2,1121,.125 4,22i,0l!) ·1 l,336,ll:i·l Dul•ombur 26<br />

li,633,1)20 2.770.525 3,863,S5S 42,i83,211 l\lnrch 20 G,GlG,013 2,85-i.32j 3,870,122 45,503,290 .Juue12 .<br />

5,873,GSl 2,7ll6,550 S,767,111 45,li!)IJ,71i0 Sopt1•mhcr ·1<br />

(l,277,658 S,20:>,250 4,762,023 46,572,89• December 25<br />

5,531,070 3,()iS,150 4,-133,777 41,3$9,068 llarch IS<br />

6,762,925 3,103,725 4,21l7,·Hl 40.~50,212 J11110 10 .<br />

5,!J&l,097 3,0:;9,950 4,20:>,572 46,177,3i0 Scptcmber30.<br />

6,614,761 3,275,000 ·1,li lli,-1-17 40,86:>,3:!0 December 23<br />

li,728,168 8,1\72,0:iO 4,2Gl,018 ·15,0:?9,129 :\[arch 1i .<br />

6,867,129 8,0!):~.325 ·1,178.965 ·li,H1,5Gi .Jnne 9 .<br />

5,971,9:)6 3,071),825 4,152,7'12 45,6SS,'13·l Suptember :m<br />

6,4().~,33·• 3,178,0ili 4.al3,179 ·15,:)33,162 December 22<br />

5,-199,971 :1,010,600 3,93:i,22.'3 43,6i6,.nl ~larch 1G<br />

6,653,077 3,02G,!l00 8,9t:3.5:!2 !5,S2i,G·lS Junes<br />

.<br />

.<br />

li,Slli,'251 2,911,0:!:i 3,Sl0,172 ·l3,909,.1S2 September 28<br />

6,200,097 3,0G7,525 ·l,0:!3,0.H 48,029,·l-15 Ducc111bo1· :!l<br />

5,176,748 2,799,150 3,4M,1C5 ·H,60:>,007 ;mwch 15 6,395,9-"• 2,716,G75 3,282,:!0l 45,537,662 .June i .<br />

li,209,.na 2,·160,825 3,1116,881 •t?,:i09,G31i Scptemhel' 27<br />

5,S2S,B:; 2,769,900 3,514,-l!l4 43,157,972 DL•cem bL•r :!ll<br />

4,ll!l3,020 2,561,0:>0 3,13G,009 41,01S,li12 March la .<br />

G,20:i,OGO 2,707,SOO 3,2:!·1,579 .1·1,02 l,385 ,June 5<br />

5,399,00G 2,G!IS,Sf10 3,2!1Ml0 ·ll,77:1,·I!;:} September 21i<br />

G,018,591 8.115,000 3,ll31,728 ·12,8111,82·• December 18<br />

5,033,511 2,998,SOO 3,6511,SW •10,569,159 March 12 6,258,076 2,910,GOO 3,53-1.590 ·l!J,05-1.201 June.fr .<br />

G,451.577 2,7G2,650 31ll1,l8G 41,3G.1,61H Sc11tember 2·1<br />

G,073,083 3,~5,350 •l,llll,116 42,6.'30,739 December 17<br />

5,123,21H 3,0S0,325 3,8011,235 .10.-m1,.17o ~larch 11 6,280,053 3,125,250 3,971,5~3 43,1113,145 ,June3 .<br />

5,620,458 3,053,350 4,0!i5,022 42,500,055 September 23<br />

6,366,414 3,·182,350 4,851,2!).1 43,92-1,238 December 16<br />

r;,371,349 3,162,·lliO 4,:!28,4~0 41,0!l-i,673 ';\larch 10 O,li30,486 3,081,160 4,0iS,·156 ·13,061,3-10 Junc2 .<br />

5,76~,932 2,733,000 3,5SU,902 40,948,Gll3 September 22<br />

6,542,666 3,061,100 4,17M15 42,237,873 Del'Olllbcr Iii<br />

5,.U4,o73 2,820,·125 3,6·11,lll!l 39,515,G!lO ~lnrch 8 r;,!JS2,0L7 :!,681,ll:.?5 8,GM,077 ·10,7DG,fl01 June2S .<br />

li,791,620 2,602,1100 3,·122,173 ·10,li!H,521 Suptcmbor 20<br />

6,3\19,310 2,827,075 3,{120,352 41,0DO,GOS Decom\Jer 13<br />

;<br />

YEARS-<br />

' j<br />

l l<br />

Cont.<br />

.<br />

} 1Si4<br />

. .<br />

. 1 ...<br />

187.'i<br />

.'} : l<br />

1 l8i

160 BANK OF ENGLAND, &c.<br />

No. 73.-A'.\roUNTS cr.1~An.Eo nt tho Lo~rnoN E \Nirnns' Or.EA.RING Hous~.<br />

(In millions of Pounds Sterling.)<br />

Ycnrs cntled<br />

3lst Dec.<br />

-<br />

Amount Amount<br />

Totnl clenrodou cleurcd on<br />

Amount<br />

Amount fortnightly Consols clcnr\ld on Years ended<br />

Clcurcd. Stock Exchang(.' Settling 4th o!cnch 3lst Dec.<br />

Settling Duys. nays. Month.<br />

I<br />

Millions£,<br />

l l\I illions £, Millions£. .Millions £.<br />

18G9 8,626 CiG5 lCiO 170 18G9<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 8,9H 635 163 176 <strong>1870</strong><br />

18il 4,$26 806 211 211 1871<br />

1872 Ci,9:~ 1,016 247 257 1872<br />

1873 6,0il 1,038 250 272 1873<br />

18H Ci,937 1,010 2GO 265 1874<br />

1875 !:i,G8G 1,013 252 24G 1875<br />

1876 4,963 761 22G 226 18i6<br />

1877 5,042 7-H 228 238 18i7<br />

1878 4,992 795 22i 218 1Si8<br />

1879 4,886 &1:3 225 213 187!)<br />

1880 5,iM 1,152 2;;5 237 1880<br />

1881 G,3;;7 l,3S3 279 253 1881<br />

1882 6,221 1,229 278 23S 1882<br />

1888 G,929 1,0:;9 25G 239 1883<br />

1881 G,799 961 268 2t.'3 1881<br />

.. •"<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

No. 74. -AVERAGE ;\fINDIUJC RATE PER Ci-:NT. of DrscouNT charged by the BANK of ENGLAND, in ench Month, in each<br />

Year from <strong>1870</strong> to <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

Mo~nis. <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876.<br />

1~77. 1878.11879.<br />

i880. 1881. 1882.<br />

1883.<br />

<strong>1884</strong>. MONTHS.<br />

January· 3 3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

January.<br />

Fcl>ruary 3 3 4<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3\<br />

r.\O<br />

"ltl<br />

3f<br />

February.<br />

.March - 3 3 3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

11Iarcl1.<br />

AJ>ril 3 2f 21<br />

2 3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

21<br />

April.<br />

:llny 3 4 2<br />

21 3 2<br />

I<br />

3 I<br />

3<br />

May.<br />

June 3 2 3\ 2<br />

.Tu!y 31 31 41 3 3 2<br />

f<br />

3 2<br />

21 I<br />

2<br />

2\<br />

:<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

21<br />

2<br />

I June.<br />

July.<br />

Angus~ - 5 2 2<br />

September 31 2i 3! 3 2 2<br />

October - 21 6 2<br />

Xovt .,_bcr 2\ 81 2<br />

_J_a_1-__ , __<br />

I :· '<br />

No. 75.-AvERAGE PmcE per £10.0 of the 'rllREE PEit CENT. CoNSOLIDA.TED S·rocic of the Punr.rc FuNos of the UNITED<br />

KINGDOlr, in each Month, i.n ea.eh Year from <strong>1870</strong> to <strong>1884</strong>.<br />

I<br />

Mo!\'TIIS. <strong>1870</strong>. 1871. I 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. MO!\"'rIIS.<br />

I<br />

January - 1)2l 921 921- 92~ 92t 92l 93E ma 95t".r 9!.if 971 98~ 99ft lOlt<br />

I<br />

I<br />

101} January.<br />

February 921 9li 92 921 92~ 921-1 9-1/.r 95U 951'.r 9Gl 9St 9SU 991 102t 101! February.<br />

March - 92t 92 92f 92t 92 93 91-h 9Giu 95l 9Gt 971 99f 1001 1021 lOlfu March.<br />

April - 93i 93 921 931 92t 931 91U 951 94}! 9St 9St 1ooa lOlf 1021 1021 April.<br />

May . 9-il 9St 93t 93i 931 94 96 94l 96/1 98! 99l 102/.r 102 ll)li lOH ?irny.<br />

Juno - 92f 921 921 921_ 92!- 93 941 9-it 951 97t 981 lOOl 1001 100~ lOOla· June.<br />

July . 9lt 931 92! • 921 92l 941 951 u.i.t 95U ~i 9Si 101t 991! 9911.<br />

lO<br />

100} July •<br />

August - 90! 93t 921 922 92t 9-if oora- 951 9·iU 97t 97t IOOl 991 U9i 1001 August.<br />

September 92 931 921 92t 92l 9-ii 9~ 95\ MU 07t 97t 99~<br />

I<br />

991 lOOl 101~ September.<br />

October - 92t 92! 921 92t 92f 9·lh 95f.r 95l Ml 98 98/.r 98U- 101/.r lOlt 1001"a October.<br />

Novembe1 92! 931 921 92t 9St 9il 95f ~6» 95}-1 981 oou 1001 102i.r lOIU 1ooi November.<br />

:<br />

December 911 921 91 92 9lt 931 94' 95-f.r 941- 971- 9St 991'.r lOOU 1001 99! December.<br />

I<br />

Aver¥efor}<br />

the car 921 92! 921 92t 921 931<br />

I ms 95:- I 95/.r 97i 981 100 1001 101/.r I 101 { Ave~for<br />

the ear.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

POST OFFICE :-LETT;ERS, &o. 163<br />


delivered by the PosT OFFICE; and PROPORTIONATE NU!\tBim or LE'rTEHS<br />

delivered per 100 of the Populntion, in each DIVISION of the UNITED KINGDO~f.<br />

Years<br />

ended<br />

I<br />


WA.LES.<br />

UNITED<br />

KINGDOM.<br />

ENG LA.ND<br />

AND<br />

WALES.<br />



No. 77.-TA.BLE showing the TOTAL NmmEit of MEssAGES forwarded from 'rELE.:.<br />



3181' llincrr.<br />


•"<br />


l<br />


W..u:t:s. ~<br />

I<br />

1871 ' :s,163,703 1,080,189 600,285 .9,850,177<br />

1872 - 10,207,362 1,383,43.i 878,000 12,473,796<br />

;<br />

1873 - 12,599,100 1,761,2!lS 1,175,316 15,535,780<br />

: I<br />

1874 .;.; 14,4SS,401 2,009,893 1,328,236 : 17,821,530<br />

><br />

'<br />

1875 - ).5,776,69-i 2,132,787 1,343,6S9 19,25.'3,120<br />

!<br />

1876 -. 17,233,996 2,287~!) ',J.,452,180 20,973,535 !<br />

:<br />

1877 - 17,79.J.,634 2,·i02,347 1,529,162 21,726,14.~<br />

:<br />

1878 - 18,092,602 2,490,776 1,588,489 22,171,867<br />

:<br />

1879 .. 20,422,918 2,477,003 ·1,559,85-fi 24,459,775<br />

i<br />

18SO - 22,247,562 2,70-1,574 1,595,001 2MfT,1S7<br />

1881 - 25,187,997 3,0.i2,291 ·1,736,677 29,966,965 I<br />

: r<br />

1882 - 20,275,513 S,207,994 1,862,35-i Sl,Mli,861<br />

I<br />

1883 - 26,928,722 3,24ti-,202 1,919,102 ·s2;092,020 ' :<br />

<strong>1884</strong><br />

;<br />

-<br />

27,600,846 S,299,428 l,936,846 ' 32,843,120<br />

1885 - 28,125,99-li . 3,257 ,54-0 i;894,Ul9 '33,278,459<br />

NorE.-Tho figures sinco 1877-78 include tho number or certain Pross 1\less~s not proviousl)' included in .thes<br />

· lwtums; nnd the figures sinco 1ss1-2 are exclusive of ccrtnin Foreign 'l'elegrnms previously included.<br />

.<br />

;<br />

No. '78._;;....NmmEB and WEtGnT of PARCELS delivered through the PARCELS '.PosT;<br />

with TOTAL RECEn>Ts, and Al\IOUNT paid to the RAILWAY COMPANIES •<br />

. .<br />

-<br />

I Number. I Weight I<br />

I<br />

(cstimntcd), Total Receipts.<br />

Amount to;Rail"'.BY paid<br />

Coropnmes.<br />

Cwt. £ £<br />

From lst August to} 8,SSo,017 157,679 ltlll,555 •100,009<br />

3lst Dcccmlicr 1883<br />

<strong>1884</strong> . . . ,22,114,238 394,S97 491,171 1<br />

247,653<br />

.. , ,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

POST OlmlCE :-MONEY ORDERS. 165<br />

No. 79.-Nm.mim nnd Al!OUN'l.' of l\foNEY On01ms ISSUED in each DcvISiox of the<br />

UNl'fED KINGDOM.<br />

YEAU s.<br />

<strong>1870</strong><br />

1871<br />

1872<br />

1873<br />

lSH<br />

1Si5<br />

1876<br />

1877<br />

1878<br />

1879<br />

1880<br />

1881<br />

1882<br />

lSS!J<br />

lSSi<br />

Nu:\tDBR Of ?rloNEY ORDERS ISSUED in-<br />


AND ScoTL.\.ND. IRELAND.<br />

KnmDoll.<br />

WALES.<br />

!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

S,731,010 839,16-~ 67·1,611 10,2-l-i,78u<br />

10,2iu,8i:i 1)$3,1)11 803,100 12,062,886<br />

, 11,901,4S2 1,164,629 918,078 13,l)S.1,181)<br />

12,863,0(H, 1,273,086 1)82,5-16 15,US,GS6<br />

j 13,550,011 1,324,415 1,026,136 15,900,562<br />

I M·,Oi3,014 1,367,7:i1 1,074,893 16,485,661<br />

I u,766,117 1,·U8,753 1,137,263 17,322,133<br />

15,974,25fr 1,559,GSu 1,222,183 18,7u6,072<br />

14,881,714 1,46:;,412 1,095,230 17,·U2,356<br />

H,432,935 1,426,093 1,030,9-19 16,889,982<br />

H,238,502 1,·1G3,'i9i 1,011.Sl9 16,70.i,118<br />

12,74ii,161 1,301,974 891,997 U,93~ 1132<br />

12,254,728 1,2!35,002 860,880 H,3:i0,670<br />

11,761,819 1,29j,931 825,0i7 13,882,797<br />

10,556,599 1,2·10,708 7il,S3i 12,569,231<br />

AMOO:s'T ror which MONEY 0RDBRS were<br />

Issucd_in-<br />

ENGLAND!<br />


WA.LES.<br />

I<br />

UNITIW<br />

KINGDOll.<br />

£ I .£ £ £<br />

11,os2.011 I 1,607,l)G-i 1,32-i,oos 11),1)83,089<br />

I<br />

18,566,317 l 1,786,574 1,·l4U,G\!2 21,799,:>83<br />

20,375.17!! I 2,o.16,062 1,592,506 !H,013,747<br />

21,629,700 I 2,210,107 1,760,212<br />

I 25.600,069<br />

22,2-16,625 2,268,799 l,781,01'1<br />

l 26,200,4-U<br />

22,397,ilG 2,309,819 1,7s:;,55:; 26,-193,090<br />

23,063,803 2,367,283 1,99·1,21H 2M25..310<br />

23,GGS,40:> 2,G03,91S 2,006,0.16 28,o78,3M<br />

22,259,423 2.400,730 l,58'1,06u<br />

I<br />

' 26,2·1-i,218<br />

21,338.0-19 2,320,313 1,373,899 25,032,261<br />

20,837,111 ~.330,374 1,317,910 24,515,395<br />

19,989,7:?-1 2,2lu,78U 1,2GU,498 23,471,008<br />

21,281,663 2,14-1,554 1,267,899 2-i,69-i,116<br />

21,531,9i8 2,256,778 1,256,773 25,Q.15,529<br />

20,488,·191 2.~j.i,UW<br />

I l,2!33,4i9 I 23,006,669<br />

Note.-Tho number nnd amount of 'Money Orders issued in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> for payment nbrond are<br />

included in the nboro 'fable in <strong>1870</strong>, but are excluded in 1871nnd1111bscquent ycnrs.<br />

No. i9A.-NmmER nnd A~IOUNT<br />

of Pos1'AL ORDERS IssUED in each Dn'ISION of the<br />

UNI TED KrnG0011r.<br />

YEARS.<br />


I I UNITED<br />

A:\tOUNT for which POSTAL ORDERS were<br />

Issued in-<br />

· 1 I UNlTBD<br />

ENGLAND W~~B. I<br />


E>GJ.A>D<br />

w~~B.<br />

I<br />

SCOTJ..Urn. lJtEJ,AND. KINGDOll'..<br />

.c £ .c £<br />

1881 3,203,293 21Sl,050 1{)1,200 3,&i5,IH3 1,4.".S,IJIJ!) 11n,.i1a 86,637 1,662,000<br />

1882 G,291,225 31lli,133 3-18,GOl 7,03-i,Oli9 2,N.-i71 176,700 151,820 3,068,991<br />

1883 10,032,906 1157,600 ,526,477 11,116,983 4,160,854 240,SMl 217,683 4,619,383<br />

lSS.i 15,069,M2 872,561 834,Jfil 16,776,75' 0,250,560 364,228 332,621<br />

A 17643,<br />

I fl,94'7,415<br />

L \-<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

16f) POS'l' Ol!'IHUE :-MONEY ORDER8.<br />

No. 80.-NmmER and AMOUNT of MONEY ORDERS IssUED in tho UNITED<br />


nnd in the COLONIES and FOREIGN COUNTRIES for PAYMENT in the<br />




issued in tho <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> issued in tl10 Colonies nnd<br />

for ~ment in the Colonies Foreign Countries tor payment<br />

YEARS. an Foreign Countries. in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>. YEARS.<br />

Number.<br />

I A.mount. Number. I A.mount.<br />

£ £<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 24,674 97,765 125,575 54S,G24 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 88,GOS 145,5(18 152,lM 628,461 1871<br />

1872 49,583 178,061 208,840 827,875 1872<br />

) 1878 Gl,783 220,055 251,876 982,140 1873<br />

187-i 76,311 262,588 UMSO 9!8,553 187-i<br />

1875 92,009 300,963 242,204 81»,202 1871i<br />

1876 115,SOi 361,263 247,(136 876,123 1876<br />

1877 lM,620 390,213 259,840 874,733 1877<br />

1878 1110,210 '21,656 280,407 933,31!4 1878<br />

1879 161,880 427,4-16 338,816 1,081,337 1879<br />

880 175,205 457,831 427,766 1,323,042 1880<br />

1881 lM,492 471,691 4S2,·J.59 1,478,MO 1881<br />

1882 103,693 511,556 568,700 l,789,042 1882<br />

.<br />

1883 227,~M 608,669 629,392 1,973,301 1883<br />

188-i 252,990 678,925 d47,962 2,002,698 <strong>1884</strong><br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

POPULA'fION. 167<br />

/<br />

No. 81.-TOTAL POPULATION of each DIVISION of the UNITED KINGDOM, Estimated<br />

to the l\:Iiddle of each Year (exclusive of the AnltY, NAVY, and l\iERCITANT<br />

SEAlllCN ABROAD).<br />



KINGDOM.<br />

WA.LES.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 31,2-05,~ 2M57,366 3,335,418 5,412,660 <strong>1870</strong><br />

-<br />

1871 31,513412 22,760,359 3,366,375 5,386,708 1871<br />

1872 31,$35,757 23,007,$35 3,399,226 5,368,696 1872<br />

1873 32,124,598 23,356,414 3,430,923 5,337,261 1873<br />

1874 32,426,369 23,648,609 3,462,916 5,314,84, 1874<br />

187f 32,749,167 23,M4,459 3,495,214 5,309,49-ii 1875<br />

1876 83,093,439 24,244,010 3,527,811 5,321,618 1876<br />

1877 33,+iG,930 2-i,547,309 3,560,715 5,338,906 1877<br />

1878 33, 791>,SSG 24,854,397 3,593,929 5,351,060 1878<br />

1879 3-i,155,126 25,165,836 3,627,453 5,362,337 1879<br />

1880 SM6S,552 25,4.S0,161 3,661,292 6,327,099 1880<br />

1881 31,929,679 26,055,406 3,74-i,323 5,129,950 1881<br />

1882 35,289,950 26,400,820 3,785,400 5,097,730 1882<br />

1883 85,611,816 26,770,7+• 3,825,7+. 5,015,328 1888<br />

188·• 35,001,5-iO 27,132,449 3,866,521 4,002,570 <strong>1884</strong><br />

1885 36,325,llli 27,4il9,041 3,007,736 4,tl18,338 1881i<br />

Noto.-T11cso estimates of population are calculated from the ascertained annual ntes or increase or deoro!l6e<br />

or 1iopulatlon which prevailed during the decades which intervened between the Oilnsus enumerations in 1861,<br />

um, and 1881,<br />

H2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

168 BIRTHS, &c.<br />

No. 82.-'£oTAL NUMBER of :SmTHS, DEATns, and MARRIAGES,<br />

YEARS,<br />


I<br />

BIRTIIB.<br />



..<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 792,787 515,329 181,655 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 797,428 514,879 190,112 1871<br />

1872 825,907 492,265 201,267 1872<br />

1873 829,778 492,620 205,f\15 1873<br />

1874 851,956 526,6a2 202,010 1874<br />

1875 850,007 51-0,453 201,212 1875<br />

1876 887,968 510,315 201,87-i 1876<br />

1877 888,200 500,496 194,352 1877<br />

1878 891,006 539,8°72 190,0M 1878<br />

1879 880,389 526,255 182,082 1879<br />

1880 881,613 528,624 191,965 1880<br />

1881 SS3,6i2 491,935 197,290 1881<br />

1882 889,018 516,654<br />

204,405 1882<br />

1883 890,722 522,997 206,384 1883<br />

188i 908,581 531,951 20-i,205 <strong>1884</strong><br />

-<br />

I<br />


<strong>1870</strong> 115,423<br />

I<br />

74,067 23,788 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 116,127 74,644 23,966 1871<br />

lll72 118,873 7ii,741 25,580 1872<br />

1873 119,738 76,857 26,730 1873<br />

1874 123,795 80,676 26,247 i874<br />

1875 123,693 81,785 25,921 1875<br />

1876 126,749 74,122 26,1563 1876<br />

1877 126,824 73.946 25,790 1877<br />

1878 126,707 76,775 2-i,333 1878<br />

1879 125,736 73,329 23,462 1879<br />

1880 124,65S 75,795 2-1,489 1880<br />

1881 126,214 72,301 25,948 1881<br />

1882 126,182 72,966 26,574 iss2<br />

1883 12-i,462 76,867 26,855 1883<br />

<strong>1884</strong> 129,0U 75,128 26,001 <strong>1884</strong>"<br />

lRBLA.ND,<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 150,1111 90,695 28,~5 <strong>1870</strong><br />

1871 151,665 88,720 28,960 1871<br />

1872 14!>,292 97,577 27:114 1872<br />

187S Ui,377 97,537 26,270 1873<br />

1874 Ul,288 91,961 24,481 187-6<br />

1875 138,320 98,lU M,037 1875<br />

1876 140,469 92,324 26,388 1876<br />

1877 139,6159 93,MS 24.722 1877<br />

1878 lM,117 99,629 215,28-io 1878<br />

1879 135,328 1015,059 23,2M 1879<br />

1880 128,086 102,006 20,363 1880<br />

1881 1215,847 90,035 21,826 1881<br />

1882 122,6-iS 88,500 22,029 1882<br />

1883 118,163 96,228 21,368 1883<br />

188-li lW,195 87,56• 22,670 188i<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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REGULAR ARMY, &c. 169<br />

No. 83.-AvimAGE S·rnENGTU of tl10 REGULA.I~ AmtY nt Hom~ and .A.nnOAD,<br />

YEAllS.<br />

Ofilccrs.<br />

Non·commfasionoll Officers<br />

1111d:L\lc11.<br />

At<br />

I Abroud.1 Total.<br />

n!~o. I A.bron'1. '<br />

Home.<br />

Officers aml Mon.<br />

Totul. Il~1~10. I Abroad. \ Total.<br />

18i0 !1,627 !H,S.L.S S5,969 170,817 89,670 90,774 180,·i-H<br />

1871 ·1,880 ·1,3H l.l,191 100,877 82,59·lt 18M71 105,757 86,90S 192,005<br />

lSi:? 4,S.IS •i 1 Hl S,992 99,800 83,709 183,015 101,15'! 87,853 192,007<br />

18i3 ·1,815 3,877 s.ro2 95,768 83,919 179,6$7 100,583 87,796 1SS,3i9<br />

1Si4 4,521 3,iGS 8,28! 0 93,Ui- 8·1,991 178,105 97,G3:i SS,75-.lr 186,SS!l<br />

18i5 4,391 3,ro1 S,082 92,802 88,785 176,587 97,193 87,476 lS.l,GGll<br />

1876 ·1,365 3,776 S,Ul 112,781 83,511 176,292 97,HO 87,287 18-1,433<br />

18i7 ·1,2!H 3,766 8,060 97,610 Sl,832 182,.i.i2 101,004 83,598 190,502<br />

18i8 ·l,19:; 3,750 7,9~ 105,000 87,807 *192,813 109,201 91,557 *200,758<br />

1879 3,835 ·1,007 7.8·12 Sl,380 99,00S 183,·HS SS,21G 103,075 llll,290<br />

1880 •l,OH 3,773 7,817 87~13 93,326 181,169 91,887 97,099 188,986<br />

1881 3,95,J, 3,658 7,612 87,992 93,19·lt 181,186 91,9-~ • 96,S52 188,798<br />

1882 3,818 3,G18 7,336 90,·l:i7 91,410 181,893 91,295 9i,934r 189,229<br />

1883 3,7H 3,479 7,193 86,3:>7 SS,421 174,778 90,071 91,900 181,971<br />

lSS.lr 3,578 3,519 7,097 86,1111 89,4!)1 175,907 89,!)91 93,010 183,00-i<br />

• Tho increnso in the nvernge strength in 1878 wus due to the mobilisntion cf the First Class Army and<br />

)1ilitin. .Reserves during three months of the year.<br />

I<br />

--<br />


and Nu.MBEit of VOLUNTEEUS enrolled.<br />

Y.E.\RS.<br />

'-\lilitia<br />

Volunteers.-;<br />

Army and<br />

Yeomanry.~<br />

.Reserve.t l\lilitin.<br />

Nori·<br />

Reserve.~ Ell1cicnt. cmctcut.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1<br />

.rotal.<br />

18i0 20,467 83,GGl* 14,982 170,671 23,222 193,893<br />

1871 22,470 lOi,GGl 1~807 172,619 19,989 192,608<br />

1872 29,250 116,0SO 13,115 160,737 17,512 178,279<br />

1873 30,681 115,982 12,621 153,216 18,721 171,937<br />

1874 31,0-16 112,679 12,815 161~100 H,287 175,387<br />

1875 30,05() 116,207 12,·163 16S,70'J 12,3!1 181,0SO<br />

1876 28,IHS U·i,925 12,093 lH,18-i 11,3~7 185,5Ql<br />

1877 29,776 117,950 11,670 182,810 10,216 193,026<br />

1878 35,088 - t 12,·iSO lM_,191 9,072 203,213<br />

187!) 37,512 127,Nll 12,010 197,-185 8,780 200,265<br />

1880 .3S,G72 ~30,831 11,598 100,938 9,599 200,537<br />

lSSl 41,700'* 99,002* 10,617 200,162 8,* 208,308<br />

1582 .31,636° 02,09-i* 11,173 l!)l),374' 7,962 207,336<br />

1883 '26,203 116,(J.12 ' 11,204. 202,428 6,9~7 209,~<br />

<strong>1884</strong> 43,185 113,787 11,488 208,365 6,G~O 215,0~I><br />

• Exclusive of tl10 Irish Mililin, which wn1111ot called out for training. t Cannot be given.<br />

S On tho lst January in ench yeur, §At tho d11te or IuspcctlQn "I' On tho lst November in oMh year.<br />

•• The decrease between 1881 nnd 1882 nrisos trom the discontinunnco of tho enrolment or Army Pension1m1.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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No. 85.-STRENGTH of the POLICE FoncE in ENGLAND and WALES<br />

SCOTLAND, ani 36,479 11,077 112,902<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 17,952 91,800 40,959 13,557 lM,274<br />

llSSO 20,902 166,570 2-i,184 15,886 227,M2<br />

1881 23,912 176,104 22,682, 20,30i U,.'3,002<br />

1882 40,+ii. 181;903 37,289 19,733 279,366<br />

1883 41,185 191,5'13 71,2M 13,000 320,118<br />

<strong>1884</strong> 31,134 155,280 +i,255 11,510 242,179<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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No. 87.-NmmEr. of ENGLISH, ScoTCII~ Imsu, nnd FonEIGN E:mauANt;:S thn.t<br />

left the UNrmo KINGDOll for COUNTRIES out of EunoPE.<br />

Nationality or Emigrants.<br />

YEARS.<br />

I I Total of Origin.<br />

I··"'"'"·"·<br />

I English. Scotch. lrish. British ti11g11ishcd.<br />

NotD;•· 'fotnl.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 105,293 22,935 74,283 202,511 48,39G 6,033 I 25G,!)-'O<br />

1871 102,452 19,232 71,007 19"2,751 53,21G 0,438 252,·135<br />

1872 118,190 19,&n 72,763 210,4!)i 70,023 5,600 295,213<br />

1873 123,313 21,310 83,6!)2 228,Si5 72,108 10,00!) 310,612<br />

187'! 116,400 20,280 G0,400 11)7,272 38,465 5,277 2·U,OH<br />

1875 ~i,5-10 H,6SG 41,4-lO H0,675 31,S.J.7 1,787 173,809<br />

l8i6 73,396 10,097 25,976 109,469 25,584 3,169 138,222<br />

l8i7 63,7li 8,653 22,831 95,195 21,289 3,487 119,fr'll<br />

187$ 72,323 11,087 29,.i92 112,002 31,697 3,W, 147,663<br />

1879 1().1,275 18,703 41,200 10.1,274 49,480 3,409 217,163<br />

JSSO 111,S.15 22,05G 93,641 227,&J.2 100,36!) 4,383 332,294<br />

lSSl 139,976 26,826 76,200 213,002 144,381 G,131 392,514<br />

1882 16'2,99"2 32,2J.2 S.1,132 279,366 130,029 3,893 413,288<br />

1883 183,236 31,139 105,1743 320,118 73,260 3,77!) 397,157<br />

lSS-lr 147,660 21,953. 72,liCG 212,179 G7,733 3,989 303,001<br />


that entered the UNITED KINGDOlt from CouNTRIBS out of EUROPE.<br />

YEARS.<br />

Nntionnlity of Immigrants.<br />

nritish.<br />

I Foreigners. .,<br />

Total.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> ") 49,157<br />

1sn 53,827<br />

1872 70,181<br />

Cnnnot be givou.<br />

1873 86,416<br />

1874 118,129<br />

1875 l 91,228<br />

187U 71,~i 22,153 93,li57<br />

1877 63,890 17,9t8 81,848<br />

1878 54,0·H 23,007 77,051<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 87,936 16,037 63,973<br />

1880 47,007 21,309 68,316<br />

1881 52,707 2~,398 77,105<br />

1882 54,711 22,1)82 '82,8M<br />

1683 73,8(}l 26,699 100,503<br />

<strong>1884</strong>1 91,356 32,007 tl23,466<br />

• Including 5,511 immigrants whoso nationality was not known.<br />

t " 103 " " ,,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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' '<br />

..<br />

172 EDUCATION.<br />

No. 89.-EDUCA'J'ION :-PnmARY ScuooLs in GREAT Bm-rAIN.<br />

Number Number Averngo Number<br />

YEARS of of Number or<br />

ended. Schools Children of Children<br />

Inspected. who can bo Children present at<br />

Accommodated. in Attendance. Inspection.<br />

-<br />

ENGLAND nml w ALES (including ISLE OF :i\[A N SCHOOLS<br />

rrom <strong>1870</strong> to 1877; nud ROllAN CATHOLIC SCUOOLI! ..<br />

in SCOTL.U\D, from 18i0 to 18H).<br />

3ht Aug. <strong>1870</strong> 8,9Sll 1,9l0,6U 1,255,083 1,liG5,363•<br />

.. 1871 9,521 2,092,981. 1,345,8(12 1,651,169•<br />

.. 1872 10,751 2,397,7-15 1,441i,326 1,737,002•<br />

.. 1873 11,911 2,GSS,5.U 1,5i0,7·U 1,913,512*<br />

,. 1874 13,084 2,952,479 1,710,80tl 2,093,180<br />

.. 1876 14,871i 3,483,789 2,007,732 2,418,299<br />

1877 15,187 3,653,418 2,150,1}83 2,633,198<br />

"<br />

1878 16,293 3,9·12,3.17 2,·105,197 2,9-14,127<br />

,, "<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 17,166 4,142,224 2,59J,995 3,122,6i2<br />

.. 1880 li,614 ·l,240,753 2,750,916 3,26S,H7<br />

1881 18,062 4,389,633 2,8G3,535 3,372,roo<br />

".. 1882 18,289 ·i,538,320 3,015,151 3,M2,742<br />

.. 1883 18,540 4,6i0,·ii3 3,12;,2a 3,705,388<br />

18!H 18,761 -i,826,738 3,273,12-J, 3,925,015<br />

,. 1875 H,067 3,229,112 1,863,176 2,273,721<br />

I<br />

"<br />

SCOTL.Ui'D (exclusive or ROllAN CATlJOLIC ScnOOLS,<br />

included abOl'C, from <strong>1870</strong> to 1874).<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 1,963 264,59~ 198,·J,.18 215,165<br />

".. 1871 1,9-1-1. 26-1,0ll 201,393 214,840<br />

.. 1872 1,962 267,412 206,099 217,461<br />

.. 1873 2,013 279,G.U 212,989 231,168<br />

1874 2,587 391,592 27·1,588 314,576<br />

,, "<br />

1875 2,89ot 407,002t 312,S.lGt 357,668t<br />

1876 2,912t 462,!l86t 332,li-l:jt 382,t24t<br />

..<br />

"<br />

1877 2,931+ 535,!J19t 3GO,·U3t 417,fi9!Jt<br />

1878 2,998t 563,48lt 377,257t 43!J,02lt<br />

..<br />

"<br />

1879 3,003t 585,G29t 385,lOOt 447,80lt<br />

30th Sep. 1880 3,056t G02,01i-it 4-04,G18t 470,581t<br />

1881 3.074t 612,483t 4-09,966t 475,02lt<br />

".. 1882 3,Qi3t 619,086t 421,2G5t 490,372t<br />

1883 3.090+ G33,70lt 433,137t ·i98,514t<br />

"<br />

188-1 3,13lt 655,G72t 4iS,2l2t li1S,S44t<br />

"<br />

. TOTAL for GREAT BRJTA.lN.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> . . 10,949 2,215,235 1,453,531 1,780,528•<br />

1871 . . 11,465 2,357,025 1,5,7,195 1,866,009'<br />

1872 . - 12,713 2,665,157 1,651,425 1,954,463'<br />

1673 - . 13,954 2,963,185 1,783,730 2,144,710'<br />

1874 - . lli,671 3,34-1,071 1,985,:!0J. 2,407,71iG<br />

1875<br />

- - 16,957 3,636,114 2,175,522 2,631,389<br />

1876 - - 17,787 3,946,775 2,M0,277 2,830,523<br />

1877 - - 18,118 4,189,3117 2,511,000 3,050,897<br />

1878 - . 19,291 4,505,818 2,782,·151. 3,383,148<br />

1879 - - 20,169 4,727,853 2,980,10' 3,570,473<br />

1880 - . 20,670 4,842,807 3,155,634 3,738,728<br />

1881 . -<br />

21,136 5,002,llR 3,273,GOl 3,848,011<br />

1882 -<br />

. 21,31\2 5,157,406 3,436,416 4,033,114<br />

1883 - 21.630 5,30.J.,14-1 3,G60,351 4,203,902<br />

<strong>1884</strong>1 . - 21,892, 5,482,410 3,7~1,366 4,443,689<br />

• Including in <strong>1870</strong>, 63,704; ·in 1871, 73,360; in 1872, 35,3741 nnd in 1873, 35,374; evening schoh1rs<br />

e1amlned by written pn~rs, pursunnt to Articles 142-149 of tho Rcvlucd Code. Aft-Or 1873 the<br />

e1ami111~tion urnM1t Rcholnl'll l>Y manngcrs was discontinued.<br />

t lni:ludiug Roman Catholic schools.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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No. 90.-EDuCATION: 'BRANCHES Ol!' EXPENDITURE 1mo111 PAnLIAMEN'.rAnY GnANTS i-·on PnrnAnY ScJioOLS in GnEA1.' BRITAIN.<br />

BRANCHES Years ended 3lst l\lnrch. BRANCDES<br />

o:r EXJ.>ENDITOnE L'ROlll I I j oi,·<br />

ExrE:Nl>ITORE Fno::.1<br />

GRANTS. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. l=-'77'. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. <strong>1884</strong>. 1885. GRANTS.<br />

Ann.ual .Grants ror Exa.-f --£---£---£---£--£ --£---;:---£---£---£-1--£- --£---£---£- £ tAnn.ual .Grants for Exa-<br />

;:1d~a!}0Nci;'~1~:_:~~::5 007,644 7~.195 848,319 972,723 1,093,3i81,2i2;l9j1.415,HO 1,69l.011 l,9Gl,017 2,0!l3,44:3'!?,2l3,633 2,3IG,8i5 2,4G7,69 2,013,873 2,850,581 ::::~:~f~cfi~1~r:-_:~~~:<br />

land and 'Vales • • lnnd nud Wnlcs.<br />

Do., Scotland • • • • • • • 6,806 119,400 222,495 252,975 310,568 322,620 :J:l7,230 359,179 375,727 3S2,G95 395,317 414,2-J.S Do., Scotland.<br />

Annual Grnnts t School}<br />

{Annual Grants t School<br />

"Roords,§97,Elemcntary • - - - - - 208 317 384" 499 778 71G 1,17·J. 1,33.f. 2,031 2,HJ. 2,367 3,790 Bonrds,§97,Elcmcntary<br />

Education Act, <strong>1870</strong> • Education Act, <strong>1870</strong>.<br />

Do., § 67, Education} '',·'.., f Do., § 67, Elluc:ition<br />

(Scotland) Act, lS 72 • • • • • • • • • 498 1,120 1,751 3,327 3,2711 o r.., 3,31-0 3,821 ·J.,816 G,l2j 6,396 l {Scotland) .Act, l8i2.<br />

Annual Payments to Ccr·}<br />

{Annunl Payments to Ccrtificntl!d,<br />

Assist:mt, and !Jt.,182 103,732 107,888 107,°'2 45,972 H8 - - - - - - - - - tillc.'ltcd, Assistant, and<br />

Pupil Teachers • • Pupil 'l'cachcrs.<br />

Grants to Rcrormatory,} ! {Grants to Rcfonnatory,<br />

Night, and Industrinl 696 805 869 881 315 - - - - - - - - - - Night, and Industrial<br />

Schools - • • Schools.<br />

For building, cnlarging,l<br />

repairing, and furnishing<br />

Elcmcntan·Schools, \. 28,375<br />

Normal orTnuningCol-J'<br />

lc.s;cs • - •<br />

Payment of Children's}<br />

Fees, §18, Elemcntar:v •<br />

.Education .Act, 1876 ·-<br />

A!lnual Grants to Train-}<br />

mg Colleges - • -<br />

Inspection • •<br />

Administration - -<br />

On Organization or Dis-}<br />

trir.ts under Act 33 IX. 34<br />

Yict-. c. 75. • •<br />

45,608 111,83~ '. 72,M.l 35,839 97,039 1·19,273 129,723 101,854<br />

4,632<br />

:<br />

61,012 i 33,288 25,212<br />

!<br />

7,GZS 7,82i 5,·liO<br />

3,3-!7 1,257<br />

l,G53 303<br />

For building, enlarging,<br />

f<br />

repairing, and furnish·<br />

i ng E1emcntaryScl1ools,<br />

I Nonnal or Trainiug<br />

l Colle-,;es.<br />

Payment of Children's<br />

{<br />

Fees, § 18, Elementary<br />

Educntion Al.'t, 1876.<br />

81,584 93,882 10.f.,003 111,837 116,632 120,868 125,184 129,22-fr 132,3()7 1:13,319 13i.,923 136,179 138,285 139,778 Hl,53-fr { A•i::~~oft~:;:.s to Train-<br />

62,273 73,316 79,602 87,012 93,805 lOS,413 121,3-15 133,062 139,5·12 H7,955 156,697 163,.1(H 1G6,G18 171,093 176,SOO Inspection.<br />

23,527 :n,130 32,0i7 -10,119• 45,·J.32 48,465 50,784 53,·102 56,176 59,026 60,&l-O 62,150 62,301 62,31S 61,318 Administl'ation.<br />

On Organization of Dis-<br />

• - 29,809 19,231 18,579 7,601 3,40! 2,816 807 ·120 2SD 227 265 2Sl J.16 lOS SJ trirts under Act :33 & 84<br />

\.. Viet. c. 75.<br />

· I {Expenses of lMurntion<br />

Expenses or 'Education}<br />

:Board, Scotland, umlcr • - • - 1,4Sll li,327 5,200 5,0j!J 5,SOO ·l,685 2,253 - I - - - - l - Jiosrd, Scotl~nd, unc!rr<br />

Act 35 k 36 Viet. c. 72 -<br />

I ' Act 35 &. 3G \ 1ct. c. 72.<br />

Miscellaneous - - 3,G97 4,9.:tt 1<br />

G,SOD 1,700• 1,882 1,886 2,451 3,G91l 4,714 6,653 1 7,029 7,5771 7,·ltl-1 'i,368 '. S,271 , :Uiscclla1H.'Otts.<br />

- --·...:..9_o_3._97_8...:..1_,1_0_1._43_1.:,1_,3_1_3_,0_1s..:...1,_.i_2-1_,s_1_8.:..1...<br />

5_6_6,_2"_, 1.:.1_.s_s_1_,7-7G..:...2:_1 "_~1_.r-_.1_s~2_,·1_G3_',_283..:,1 2_;_,3_2_.o_ri"..l, _2._ss._1_,00_1l:..l2_,9i_, s_._22_4,:.3_,1_0_1,_o_zs..!.3-·_e.1_7_,7_2"..:~:..3._.,_03_,._n_5,;.ls_,6_M_.oo_li..:.,j_T_o_t_a_1. ________<br />

•·----~-0_1_a_1 _. __<br />

• In 1874 and snbscquent ycarn thc cost or cxtru co11yi1::; 1 prcdou~ly included nndcr "Jli~cc!la11co11:.," is indndcd in "Admi11ii-tratit 1 11.''<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

174 EDUCArrroN.<br />

----<br />

I<br />

No. 91.-EouCATION.-l?nm.A.RY ScnooLs IN Im~LA.ND.<br />

I<br />

Years. Number or Schools Number or Pupils Avern~e number of \<br />

in operation. on the Rolls. l uplls in ,<br />

Attendance.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> (l,SOG {)!)$,999 "359,199<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1871 0,9U 1,021,700 303,850<br />

i<br />

1872 7,050 1,CI0,148 355,821<br />

1873 7,160 1,0:?0,130 373,371<br />

1874 7,257 1,000,511 395,390<br />

1815 7:1.ll7<br />

1S7G 7,331<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1,011,790 389,001<br />

1,032,2Ui<br />

4lG,G80<br />

1877 7,370 1,023,017 418,003<br />

t<br />

ms 7,·143<br />

!<br />

1,0:lG,7·12 437,252<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 7,522 1,031,995 435,05-1<br />

lSSO 7,590 1,083,020 468,557<br />

1881 7,0l.8 1,0C0,259 453,ll07<br />

1882 7,70S 1,083,298 409,19'2<br />

1883 7,752 l,OSl,136 ·107,7().}<br />

188! 7,832 1,089,079 492,928<br />

I<br />

I<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

No. 92.-A:uouNT OJ!" Ext>ENDITURE BY Cmm1ss10NEUS Ol!' NA'rIONA.r, EoucATION<br />


.!.~.!!' ~ Salaries and other ,!,:..•.!!: s "=d~c...~ 'd_"d....<br />

-cos<br />

~g<br />

-~ =~~ I>uymcnts to c;~go ~....; §~g=~ =8~0~<br />

5.E~t!: ~~<br />

.,;<br />

d~~Q~<br />

~:g~~ Teachers nnd ·aa - ,l:l fl) ~ g<br />

~fonitors in Na- ~--=en w <br />

C!i fg g~_d<br />

a::Ec:~<br />

~h~~ ~<br />

f:ur: OC/l<br />

-~~ma<br />

e'i:~=<br />

~-=of:<br />

E-i ~ ~E~ ~ rn ~<br />

~~ ~§~ 8~ ~:=:3 §~ :s~~.8~ ""'<br />

I<br />

--<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

18iO• 4-~2S5 201,llSO - 5,127 29,805 17,00S 10,203 22,110 2,285 399,.,75<br />

1511• 40,591 207,824. - li,3'i7 28,HG 17,53!) 18,l·l.8 20,1!>3 2,224 400,012<br />

1873t IH,374 ·129,934. - G,3Sli 37,289 2:?,781l 23,701 20,000 :?,580 603,711S<br />

187 .. t 4i,504. 381,530 - 5,52:i 31,082 20,00G 21,191 21,982 3,000 533,140<br />

1875t ·U,G3i 40S,57G - 6,479 33,232 21,713 23,083 18,852 2,918 55G,-lS7<br />

187Gt 42,003 425,·Ul 27,918 G,391" M,'87 22,512 11,337' 21,4.50 3,251 505,393<br />

18i7t ·H,719 .WS,51l5 30,i99 5,ll89 30,320 22,077 10,994 20,·J.37 3,211l lli0,IS02<br />

1878t 43,SOi ·'85,293 21,llS7 7,009 35,772 22,Si-O 2,84.5 2.'J,oi'3S 3,293 G15,.fi.S7<br />

ism 47,379 506,118 10,701 10,5&0 33,23' ~H,030 5,100 23,881 778 070,lll7<br />

lSSOt ·H,705 521l,532 12,820 8,lllO 37,012 23,759 7,021l 25,&88 910 090,231·<br />

1881~ 4!l,G11 561,772 8,32' 2,ll97 37,311 2-!,2116 3,500 24,588 l,103 707,4.58<br />

lSS2t 43,490 562.~ili 9,840 2,818 38,238 2·1,082 3,().}3 23,469 1,130 709,001<br />

18S3t 42,115-i llllS,815 11,992 1,107 30,310 2i,571 4,·MH 2-i,331l 1,850 718,00S<br />

<strong>1884</strong>t 43,558 509,849 14,·IDli 1,080 30,802 25,284 3,588 31,213 1,529 730,013<br />

1885t G0,038 595,182 11,{llll 073 4t,o:m 25,887 4,071 38,46i 1,042 700,273<br />

• Years ended Slst December. t Firtoon mo"nths ~udcd 3lst March 1873. t Ycnl'l! ended Slst ![arch.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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PAUPERS.<br />

li5<br />

No. 93.-NummR of PAUPERS (exclusive of Vagrants) in RECEIPT of REL11n· in the<br />

several Unions nnd Parishes under Bon.rds of Guardians, in ENGLAND AND<br />

WAI"ES, on the lst of January in each Year.<br />

(For nmount of Poor Rntos Received nnd Expended see 'fable 16.)<br />

Nmnbcr Adult Able-bodied.<br />

All otlrnr Pnupers<br />

lstJan.<br />

Totnl.<br />

or Unions<br />

(exclusive ofVagnmts).<br />

in each<br />

Year.<br />

and<br />

--- Pnrishes. ...-<br />

Total. In-door. \out-door. Total. In-door. ,Out-cloor. Total.<br />

---<br />

In-door.\~~<br />

18i0 6l9• 3o,ll89 163.700 19-M89 13-i,935 750,367 885,302 1G5,32l 91-l,06'1 1,079,391<br />

1871 61St 29,320 lG0,519 189,839 135,009 7li6,11S 892,087 165,289 916,637 1,081,926<br />

1872 am 25,035 128,718 153,753 129,198 694',713 823,911 154,233 823,·131 !177,GM<br />

1873 am 22,0;;3 105,644 127,697 129,553 630,095 759,6-iS 151,a06 735,739 SS7,3"1i<br />

187-li am 20,593 93,731 114,324 128,965 585,992 714,957 149,li58 679,723 829,281<br />

1875 6~7t 21,196 94,013 115,209 132,515 GG7,SG3 700,378 153,711 661,876 811i,C.Si<br />

18i6 GJ.9§ 18,055 79,010 97,065 130,876 521,652 652,528 BS,931 600,662 749,G93<br />

1877 65011 18,993 73,813 92,806 138,198 497,3-1-0 635,IH4 15i,191 571,159 728,350<br />

1878 M9'il 21,407 7a,520 97,927 145,468 499,308 M-i,776 100,875 575,828 742,703<br />

1879 6.J.9'1 22,650 96,283 118,933 152,695 528,798 6Sl,493 175,3-15 625,081 80M26<br />

lSSO 6·i9'.i 2a,ro1 99,237 126,228 la2,313 549,809 711,'112 189,394 6-18,636 837,940<br />

lSSl 6'7it 26,.%7 Si,812 111,169 163,081 G2S,876 691,057 189,438 a13,6SS 803,126<br />

1882 6'7 .. 25,462 80,818 100,280 162,971 IS28,3G3 G91,334 lSS,·'33 609,181 79'1,614<br />

1883 a.nu ii,867 80,490 105,3G7 165,G19 G28,.i20 a93,939 100,386 GOS,910 709,200<br />

lSS-lo M7 .. 23,SSl 74,690 98,071 lM,212 G12,027 G76,239 187,G03 586,717 77-i,310<br />

lSSli M7'' 23,909 78,G18 102,427 166,275 515,453 681,728 190,lSi G93,971 78-J,llili<br />

• Populntlon in 1861 of M9 Unions and Piuisl1es, 20,053,000<br />

t EHS ., 20,055,305<br />

t 1871 6417 22,700,031<br />

§ ,. M9 ., 22,706,031<br />

11 aw ., 22,100,031<br />

9ij' ,. M9 .. 22,706,302<br />

ii II II M7 II 22,700,302<br />

•• 1881 617 ,, 25.W2,ll~<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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176 PAUPERS.<br />

No. 94.-NUMB'£R of REGISTEl~El;' PAUPERS and their DEPENUENTS (ox.elusive of<br />

Casual Po.>r) in 1 RECEIPT or RELIEF in p ARISHES in SCOTLAND, on the l 4th of<br />

l\fny in ench Year.<br />

(For umount of Poor Rntes Received nncl E:2 42,859 117,611<br />

1873 '886 71,537 40,.lli!I 111,906<br />

1874. 886 GS,428 37,•Ml7 105,895<br />

1875 SSG 65,1'.61 85,93Q 101,591<br />

18'76 886 63,862 85,235 9S,597<br />

1877 886 62,058 3i,S46 96,4041<br />

1878 887 61,156 33,515 91,671<br />

1879 886 62,815 35,361 97,076<br />

1880 886 63,009 35,599 US,608<br />

1881 886 62,191 85,596 97,787<br />

1882 886 61,U9 33,!)32 95,0Sl<br />

1883 SSG 59,4i5 33,143 92,618<br />

1881 8SG SS,3-iG 32,190 90,G3G<br />

No. 95.-NUMBER of PAUPEUS in R1tcE1PT of RELIEF in UNIONS in IRELAND nt the<br />

Close of the First Week of January in each Year.<br />

(For amount of PQor Rates Received and Expended sec Tablo 16.)<br />

I<br />

YEARS<br />

(First Weck ·<br />

or<br />

Jnnuary)<br />

Adult<br />

Able-bodied.•<br />

In-door.<br />

All other<br />

Paupors.<br />

Total.<br />

Out-door.<br />

In Blind<br />

and llcarnud-Dumb<br />

,\sylums<br />

nnd P.xtcrn<br />

Hospitals.<br />

Total •.<br />

---<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 9,0IH 41,683 li3,GS7 l!l,729 so:; 73,921<br />

1871 8,073 42,742 110,SllS 23,382 495 7+,692<br />

1872 7,462 41,276 48,738 26,056 549 715,3-43<br />

1873 7,778 42,078 4!),856 29,232 561 79,Gill<br />

1874 7,565 41,028 49,193 29,857 583 79,633<br />

1871) .,.,523 42,282 4U,805 30,631 557 80,993<br />

1876 6,663 311,551 46,214 31,078 621 77,913<br />

1877 tl,506 39,250 415,782 32,128 638 78,528<br />

1878 7,382 41,983 49,365 35,500 6015 85,530<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 8,031 43,733 5l,7M 39,335 708 91,807<br />

1880 9,278 48,177 57,4:115 42,735 G6G 100,856<br />

18Sl 8,823 46,481 55,:mi 53,GSS 713 109,655<br />

1882 8,672 45,0~9 G3,7J1 58,358 740 112,829<br />

18S.'l 8,·1.30 45,3lll 53,749 61,lSG 749 115,684<br />

188·1 7,687 42,197 49,8Si 58,195 752 108,831<br />

1885 7,4LG 41,4US<br />

I<br />

·iS,909 57,039 7611 106,717<br />

• Exclusive of nny wl10 arc tempornrily disabled by siokncs1.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

CRIME.<br />

/<br />

177<br />


and ACQUITTED.<br />

YEARS.<br />


I<br />

Males. Female!!. '.l'otal.<br />

I<br />


Co.NVICTBD.<br />


exclusive<br />

ofl>crsons fonnd<br />

aud detained<br />

as Insane.<br />

<strong>1870</strong> H,010 3,568 17,578 12,953 4,577<br />

1871 12,640 3,G29 16,2G9 11,940 4,2$3<br />

1872 11,467 3,3S, J.J.,801 10,862 3,901<br />

1873 11,490 3,403 U,893 11,089 3,767<br />

1874 11,912 3,283 16,195 11,509 3,619<br />

1875 11,662 3,052 14,714 10,95.J. 3,714<br />

1876 12,711 3,3G7 16,Qi8 12,l!)j 3,SU<br />

1877 12,536 3,364 15,890 ll,!H2 3,903<br />

1878 13,104 3,268 16,3i2 12,473 3,8G-ir<br />

1Si9 13,130 3,268 1G,3SS 12,525 3,835<br />

1SSO 11,943 2,827 14,'iiO ll,2B 8,51(!<br />

lSSl 12,058 2,728 14,786 11,353 3,·1-01<br />

1SS2 12,430 2,830 15,2GO 11,Cil9 3,520<br />

1883 11,978 2,GSl ,14,659 11,31:7 3,273<br />

18S~ 11,9j2 2,455<br />

H,407 11,13-to 3,220<br />

I<br />

SCOTLAND.t<br />

<strong>1870</strong> (Not asclrtnined.) 3,040 2,·100 673<br />

1871 2,253 695 2,!HS 2,184 690<br />

18711 2,35S 686 3,0H 2,259 7·J.lr<br />

1873 2,118 637 2,755 2,no 571<br />

18N ·2,2i9 601 2,SSO 2,231 654<br />

1875 2,285 587 2,872 2,205 647<br />

1876 2,114 602 2,716 2,051 607<br />

1877 2,170 liOj 2,634 2,009 642<br />

1878 2,373 5-¥.1 2,922 2,273 652<br />

1879 2,136 5H t 2,700 2,091 600<br />

1880 2,097 486 2,r>SS 2,040 SU<br />

lSSl 1,982 462 2,·Ulr 1,832 581<br />

1882 2,MS 421 2,469 l,913 578<br />

1883 2,081 486 2,567 1,916 551<br />

<strong>1884</strong> 2,178 422 l!,COO 2,077 666<br />

I<br />

IRELAND.<br />

1570 4,077 S:ill 4,9~6 I :\,0·18 1,872<br />

1871 3,M7 838 4,485 2,257 1,!Jll<br />

1872 3,602 814 4,476 2,fi65 1,88,<br />

1873 3,7U 820 4,fi.H 2,542 1,llSl<br />

1874 3,203 887 4,130 2,367 1,748<br />

1875 3,392 856 t 4,248 2,484 1,748<br />

1876 3;395 751 4,146 ~.313 l,7Sll<br />

1877 3,112 758 3,870 2,300 1,551)<br />

1878 S,42• 750 4,183 2,2113 1,877<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 3,573 700 4,363 2,207 2,HG<br />

1881) 3,036 '180 4,716 2,383 2,311)<br />

1881 '-557 'Ila 5.3Hi 2,608 2,·i-t.3<br />

1882 3,578 '123 4,30lt 2,255 1,1)'1..3<br />

1883 2,434 li!ll 3,025t 1,740 1_.202<br />

<strong>1884</strong> 2,360 005 2,025t 1,546 1,300<br />

• Persons disohnrgod without 'frial aro included with those Acquitted.<br />

t 'For Scotland tbu number of persons convicte

178 BANKRUPTCY.<br />

No. 97.-Nmmim of ADJUDICATED BANKRUPTS nml Nmm1m. or<br />

Co:11POSITION<br />

-<br />

<strong>1870</strong>.<br />

I 1871. I 1872. I 1Si3. I 187-i. I :8711. I 1876.<br />

l~ll'GL.\ll'D All'D WA.f.ES •<br />

..<br />

: Xmnbcr or dcbtOl'S lhljudi•J 1,351 1,23S !133 !)l5 !)30 !lt'l5 976<br />

cated bankrurs • •<br />

Numberof reso utionsregis·}<br />

tercd for liquidation by 2,03j 2,872 3.69-~ 4,152 ·i,-14-0 .J,233 ·l,986<br />

arrangements • • •<br />

Numberofresolutions rcgis·}<br />

tered for composition with 1,616 2,liO 2.208 2,·122 2,510 2,691<br />

I<br />

3,28i<br />

creditors • • • • I<br />

Number of orders for the}<br />

I<br />

administration of dN:C:ised<br />

debtors' estates under sec. - - - : - - -- -<br />

- ..., ,,,..,,<br />

125 or the Act of 188.'J -<br />

-:-""'<br />

---- ---<br />

Total • . . :i,002 0,280 7,SS:.l 9,24!)<br />

Number of bankruptcies}<br />

awarded during the year -<br />

I<br />

Scol'LAll'D.<br />

[jjj<br />

l 4!10 I 36S<br />

I<br />

391<br />

I<br />

382<br />

I<br />

~l<br />

I<br />

482<br />

I<br />

'<br />

I<br />

'<br />

I<br />

I '<br />

No. 98:-~IOU!'il'<br />


i<br />

-- <strong>1870</strong>.<br />

I 18il. I 1872. I 1873. I lSH. I 1875. I 1876.<br />

Bll'GLAll'D AND WALES.<br />

i<br />

Amount of bankmpls'} .c .c I £ .c £ £ £<br />

liabilities per their stat~- 7,932,020 3,9i·1,i07 2,6 i9,6-i6 •i,OUl,127 3,iSS,639 6,981,21-0 3,833,523<br />

ments • • • •<br />

Gross amount of clcbts in}<br />

liquidation by arrange- 6,230,287 6,5'9,89"2 8,427,774 11,0l!),375 ll,131,915 12,483,999 11,183,949<br />

Utl'nts • ~ • •<br />

I Gross n~o.unt or debts in J 3,~93,622 3,63l,200 3,209,998 4,120,310 5,2~6,116 6,0US,405 5,855,877<br />

rompos1t1ons • •· •<br />

Amount or liabilities .Orr<br />

estnt-OS for which order!!<br />

I for administration were - - -<br />

, iRsued nndor soc. 125 of<br />

t the Act or 1883 -<br />

.)<br />

. -----------<br />

- - - -<br />

~<br />

i •rotal - • li,456,429 IH,15J,&i9 H,287,!·18 19,lSJ,812 20,136,6i0 25,533,G-i• 20,873,349<br />

ScoTr.AND.<br />

j<br />

• Amouu•<br />

ruptcic~<br />

of d•bl><br />

concludCll<br />

iu bouk·} I I I I I<br />

by •1 003 S'il •1 ·t28 833 •1 001 r..1,7 •7313 23:} •7!)7 660<br />

final d1schargo ns uscor- ' • ' •' • •" • • •742,5131•2,269,042<br />

1 tuined by trustees • •<br />

No. 99.-·A:\IOUNT of ASSETS in BANKRUPTcrns nod I.JlQUIDATIONS<br />

-- I <strong>1870</strong>. I lSil. I 1872. I 1873. I 187-i. I 1875. I <strong>1870</strong>.<br />


Amount of bankrupts' assets J .c £ £ £ £<br />

. ~ I £<br />

per trustee!!' cst11nnW8 • 1,965,589 55•,770 622,HO 075,023 4S51U5 960,755 518,353<br />

Gross value of estntcs in}<br />

liquillntion by arrange· 2,23:>,191 2,454,310 2,650,2jj3 4,034,553 3,461,893 4,!i98,-l,73 I 3,899,059<br />

:<br />

mcnts • • • •<br />

Gross amount paid to} 1,180,75.1 1,198,707 1,030~198 1,228,rm 1,~J,510 1,773,551 1,7·i8,

BANKRUPTCY. 179<br />


with CREDITORS.<br />

---<br />

1877.<br />

I 1878. I 1871). l 1880. I 1881. I 1882. I 1883. I t1881. -- - --<br />


967 1,084 1,156 1>95 1,005 91>5 1,(H6 2,1>98<br />

{~umber of debto1·s ndjudi·<br />

catecl bankrupts.<br />

5,239 6,356 7,167 5,516 5,216 4,6il> ·1,571 48:;<br />

{Number of resolutions i·e11:is·<br />

tercel for liquidation ~l.ly<br />

arrangements.<br />

3,327 ·i.010 ·l,809 3,757 3,500 3,367 2,1>38 687<br />

{Number or resolutions rl'gis·<br />

tercel for composition with<br />

creditors.<br />

r·m•" aclministrntionor or oN""' deceased fo' tbo<br />

- - - - - - - 22<br />

--------------------------<br />

9,li33 11,·i!>O 13,132 10,298 9,727 9,0U S,555 .}.192 Total.<br />

I<br />

5'1.3<br />


I<br />

717<br />

I 1,077 I<br />

582<br />

I<br />

4:;0<br />

I ·i52 I :m<br />

I t<br />

by ARRANGElIENTS, and CO'lIPOSlTIO~s<br />

with CREDITORS.<br />

debtol'll' estates under sec.<br />

125 of the Act of 1883.<br />

{Number of bnnkru11tcies<br />

awarded during the year.<br />

1877.<br />

I 1878. I <strong>1870</strong>. I 1880. I 1881. I 1882. I 1883. I tISSI. -- -----<br />


.c £ .£ .c .£ .£ .c J.! [Amount of bankrupts'<br />

2,923,00S 9,287,156 4,298,722 2,733,lli9 2,72S,4Gi 3,367,ISS 4,321,213 8,500,489 linl.lililies per their state•<br />

ments.<br />

{Gr:>ss amount of debts in<br />

11,59,,555 H,7H,312 L7,989,482 9,31S,6a3 10,IH!l,.tSI. 10,!l3G,761 13,038,916 3,.w5,G05 liquidation by nrmngements.<br />

4,001,396 5,912,24• 7,389,9!>0 4,136,Si:i ·i,301,399 ·lr,SOlr,161 3,908,024 l,!H3,9(11<br />

f Gross nmount or debt'! in<br />

r Amount compositions.<br />

or linhilitics ' or<br />

estates for which ordern<br />

- - -· - - - - 58,717 t for ndmiuistralion wero<br />

--------------------------<br />

19,.lr79,859 29,973,'H2 29,678,m~ 16,188,637 17,6711,:m 19,108,0GO 2I,2GS,153 H,OJS,712 Totnl.<br />

issued under sec. 125 of<br />

the Act of 1883.<br />


•t,GG6,2!181•1,Gl4,0G31•1,103,9351•1,213,3591•1,610,2531•14,29:i,718 •1 1625,0721<br />

--- . rmonnt or dobts in bankt<br />

ruptcics concludccl by<br />

final disclmrbc as nsccr·<br />

tninccl bv trustees.<br />

and AMOUNT paid to C1tEDITOns in Co~1eosrr10Ns.<br />

1877.<br />

I 1878. \ 1879. I 1880. I lSSl. I 1882. I<br />


1883. I i1ss1r. --<br />

£ £ £ .c .c .c .c .c { Amountorbnnkrupts'nsscts<br />

4S6,f'30 1,950,731 570,713 336,937 310,713 400,506 462,123 2,192,0ll )lcr trustees' cstnnntcs.<br />

{Gross vnlue ·or cstntcs in<br />

4,016,1~ 5,·1:33,372 7,307,999 3,337,\H2 3,G80,739 3,910,408 ·lr,531r,03G 931,·l1:i9 liquidation by nrnmg

l 80<br />

WRECKS.<br />

ifa. 100.-NmmER and TONNAGE of V1~SSELS belonging to the u~mw KtXGUO.M<br />

'l'OT,\.LLY LOS1', e.' so ·13,Ml Gi7 199,700<br />

1878 liw U:'i,5(i9 92 :iS,509 637 201,0iS<br />

<strong>1870</strong> 512 13i,2li 10!1 78,621 G:!l 215,8.'lS<br />

1880 736 l!li,o.~q !J9 Gj,112 835 262,15-0<br />

lSSl 83-l 205,132 139 {)1,909 !173 297,3U<br />

lSS~ :;so lui,G16 15:'! 103,2:>9 732 260,SiO<br />

1883 G!H 160,562 HS 100,100 776 200,728<br />

Non:.-Thc lo~es or unregistered vessels nrc inchtdcd in the nbovo figures.<br />

No. 101.-Numnm of PAss1~~m.ms an 23-l 1,5GS<br />

1,833 28 1,801 47!! 4.1 fi•l•I 2,312<br />

1,301 GGG 2,027 483 r;oa llSO 1,SU<br />

1,!llii .l!Jj 2,.no 581 iO GOO 2,490<br />

l,172 87 1,2:>9 3~G ~09 ·135 l,·198,<br />

1,327 79 1,-t-06 ·l(l 99 570 1,7{)$<br />

1,101 90 1,101 ·~2~ 117 :m l,fi26,<br />

912 ·U 91i.'l 323 26 319 1,23;;<br />

OOO 73 073 1130 HO G71l 1,4.'l!l<br />

1,452 28 1,.1so 516 7ll 505 l,OOS<br />

2,24j 18 2,203 088 214 002 2,933<br />

1,2.'H 22 1,2;;0 037 :u 671 1,871<br />

1,735 25 1,700 837 69 OOO 2,1172<br />

I 21<br />

l<br />

71<br />

l<br />

'<br />

1,16{)<br />

fiH<br />

196<br />

l78<br />

207<br />

67<br />

213<br />

107<br />

£32<br />

00<br />

!H<br />

T•t•l·<br />

----.<br />

l,5Sll<br />

:!,:183<br />

3,013<br />

3,070<br />

1,694<br />

1,070<br />

1,732<br />

1,302<br />

1,652<br />

2,07:;<br />

3,lOG<br />

l,ll27<br />

2,GOO<br />

!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'<br />

Seo Note to Table No. 10(),<br />

r.ONDON: Printed by EYRE and Sl'OTTISWOODX,<br />

Printers to the Q1ieen's most Excellent Mnjt&ty.<br />

For Her Mnjcaty's Stationery Offiee.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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