Dictionary of Shm’algyack




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18 - <strong>Dictionary</strong> <strong>of</strong> Shm'algyack<br />

ggaid noun hat<br />

·Ggal 'weelaeksha ggaidu. My hat is<br />

too big.<br />

ggaida gganaaw noun<br />

mushroom<br />

·Ahlgadee aam naga'tsaaw ggaida<br />

gganaaw. Some mushrooms are not<br />

good.<br />

ggaidm boashn noun rimmed<br />

hat<br />

·Ahlgandee anoacka ggaidm<br />

boashn hoyn. I don’t like the rimmed<br />

hat you’re wearing.<br />

ggaidm shgyen noun rain hat<br />

·Sha 'goa'olsh 'yoo'ock na ggaidm<br />

shgyent. The boy forgot his rain hat.<br />

ggaidm shihoo noun yarn hat<br />

·Dsabsh n'dse'etsu hailda ggaidm<br />

shihoo. My grandmother made many<br />

yarn hats.<br />

ggaidm 'dsagg noun cap<br />

·Dm 'gilmu ggaidm 'dsagg da<br />

nakshu. I’m going to give my husband<br />

a cap.<br />

ggaiggai noun dead tree branch<br />

·Ama needsn da ggaiggai. Watch out<br />

for dead tree branches.<br />

ggailkshg verb to creep; to sit in<br />

protest <strong>of</strong> moving or going<br />

·Ggailkshga hlguwoamhlg hla<br />

hloonteed. The child crept along when<br />

he was angry.<br />

ggaimggan verb to pry with a lever<br />

·Shguu mdm kshi ggaimggan<br />

'daa'binshg da ggan. You have to pry<br />

the nails out <strong>of</strong> the wood.<br />

ggaimgganshk noun oar<br />

·Giloamdsa 'koa'olda<br />

ggaimgganshk. Don’t forget the oars.<br />

ggain noun skunk<br />

·Lu'kwil ooshga ggain. The skunk<br />

stinks.<br />

ggaklik noun rat, rodent<br />

·Baasha'nu ndm nee ggaklik. I’m<br />

afraid to see a rat.<br />

ggaksh prefix just started or<br />

happened<br />

·Ggaksh sha'da'ama meelg. The<br />

dance just started.<br />

ggakshwil conjunction that’s when,<br />

then<br />

·Hla 'dsilm gawdee gyad 'nee<br />

ggakshwil sha'daa'amat. When<br />

everyone was in, that’s when they<br />

started.<br />

ggakshwil a'aamt verb to get<br />

better<br />

·Ggakshwil a'aamta hana'ack hla<br />

wil gigeengwackhla gyad. The<br />

woman got better after the people<br />

prayed.<br />

ggal verb; prefix to come, come here;<br />

too, also<br />

·Ggal. Hashacku ndm shilahown.<br />

Come here. I want to talk with you.<br />

ggalaag verb to be cracked; to be<br />

crazed<br />

·Ggalaaga hlgumadm ggaguum da<br />

lack kyoack. The seagull egg cracked<br />

on the grass.<br />

ggalaaw noun red cedar tree<br />

·Ndahl dm wil 'waaym ggalaaw?<br />

Where will we find the red cedar trees?<br />

ggalbailtg number two boats or<br />

canoes<br />

·Ggalbailtga ckshoa hla badsgt. Two<br />

canoes have arrived.<br />

ggalbash verb to be empty, not there<br />

·Ggalbasha goack. The basket was<br />

empty.<br />

ggaldm noun container<br />

·Yoaksha na ggaldm yaawckgn.<br />

Wash the container you used for<br />

eating.<br />

Sealaska Heritage Institute

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