Dictionary of Shm’algyack




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12 - <strong>Dictionary</strong> <strong>of</strong> Shm'algyack<br />

dedsa'bil verb to play with<br />

compulsively<br />

·Giloama dedsa'bil na ggawshn.<br />

Don’t play compulsively with your<br />

hair.<br />

dee noun hill<br />

·Lack dee awaan wil wun wun. The<br />

deer can be found on the hill there.<br />

deelmckg verb to answer, reply<br />

·Goahl gn ahlgadee deelumckgt?<br />

Why didn’t she answer?<br />

·Na guuduckdu hlguwoamhlga<br />

gwee goa wila gyoat dowla<br />

deelmckgt da 'koy. I asked the child<br />

what she was doing and she answered<br />

me.<br />

deeltg verb to retaliate, take revenge<br />

·Lu'kwil hashacka 'yoota dm<br />

deeltgd. The man really wanted to<br />

take revenge.<br />

deetck'aksh noun high tide<br />

·Dm gwindaawhlm da Gitsgaan<br />

dsihla deetck'aksh. We’ll go over to<br />

Ketchikan when the tide is high.<br />

de'kwun verb to be very ripe<br />

·Ha'weenhl de'kwun moalksh?<br />

Aren’t the crabapples ripe yet?<br />

diboygid noun shrew, small mouse<br />

·Na ggalmeelgm da lack geeka dowl<br />

dsaggabaa hlgu diboygid. We were<br />

playing down the beach when a little<br />

mouse ran across.<br />

didoa verb to have, own<br />

PLURAL: doa<br />

·Didoa hailda 'dsoacksh da 'koy. I<br />

own a lot <strong>of</strong> shoes.<br />

·Doa hailda ggaid da 'koy. I own lots<br />

<strong>of</strong> hats.<br />

didoolsh verb to be alive<br />

·Hloula didoolsha hlgu 'yoota. The<br />

young man is still alive.<br />

·Na goo wunu ashda 'guulda sha,<br />

goo wun. Hloula didoolsht hla gwn<br />

ackgu da awaat. I went hunting one<br />

day and I shot a deer. It was still alive<br />

when I got there.<br />

dihl conjunction and<br />

·Hla goamshm dihl magwa'ala dihl<br />

goaym. In the early winter, the late<br />

winter, and in the spring.<br />

dipckan noun stump, old tree still<br />

standing<br />

·Hloula hietga dipckan. That old<br />

cedar stump is still standing.<br />

di'deeld verb to do faster, quickly<br />

·Di'deelda hahlalsha'nm hla<br />

hashackum dm meelgm. We do<br />

things faster when we want to dance.<br />

doashda noun across the way, the<br />

opposite side<br />

·Doashda wil wun hailda gibaaw.<br />

There are a lot <strong>of</strong> wolves across the<br />

way.<br />

doa'yil noun spoiled person<br />

·Doa'yil hlguwoamhlg, 'neegn 'naga<br />

weehawtgd. The child is spoiled,<br />

that’s why she cries a long time.<br />

dock verb to carry, take<br />

·Shgu dm dockm lag. We have to<br />

take wood.<br />

·Hee Gitsgaanu ashda 'guulda sha<br />

dowlan docka wineayam. I went to<br />

Ketchikan the other day and I took our<br />

food.<br />

dockdock verb to hold onto<br />

·Shguu mdm dockdocka hagwilhoo<br />

dsihla 'dsuu baashg. You have to<br />

hold onto the rope when the wind<br />

blows hard.<br />

Sealaska Heritage Institute

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