Dictionary of Shm’algyack




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44 - <strong>Dictionary</strong> <strong>of</strong> Shm'algyack<br />

loan noun horse clam<br />

·Wilaaym wil 'dahla loan. We know<br />

where the horse clam can be found.<br />

loa'ds noun elderberries<br />

·Dm guuldm loa'ds dsihla<br />

dsigi'dseeb. We’ll pick elderberries<br />

tomorrow.<br />

loolgit noun feast<br />

·Dm hoym gwish'na'ba'la dsihla<br />

loolgit. We will wear a button blanket<br />

when there is a feast.<br />

loolp noun fish trap<br />

·Ahlgadeet naa en hoy loolp da sha<br />

gya'wn. Nobody uses fish traps today.<br />

loonda hloadihl verb to put<br />

together<br />

·Yagwat loonda hloadihla taggan<br />

awil dmt dsaba guyna. He’s putting<br />

the planks together because he’s<br />

making a path.<br />

loopg verb to sew<br />

·Hla loopgat noayu shu goda'ats.<br />

My mother is sewing a new coat.<br />

loyg verb to move camp<br />

·Ggal hailda loygn. You packed too<br />

many things with you.<br />

ludaaltg verb to meet<br />

·Ndm ludaaltgn da awaa<br />

ggaldmwa'at. I will meet you at the<br />

store.<br />

ludaawhla giamg noun<br />

afternoon<br />

·Shoonaahla'nu hla ludaawhla<br />

giamg. I am tired in the afternoon.<br />

ludamdam verb to hug<br />

·Needsu wil ludamdamcksh Dush<br />

hlgu 'yoota. I saw Doris hug the man.<br />

ludoa verb to be inside<br />

·Ludoa hoan da 'dsm gwai'hl. Put<br />

the fish in the sack.<br />

ludoahl verb to put inside<br />

·Ludoahl da 'dsm gi'dsoan. Put it<br />

into the closet.<br />

lugowshga aksh noun low tide<br />

·Wie hla lugowshga aksh. Aam dm<br />

sha ggaboackm. The tide is low. Let’s<br />

get some cockles.<br />

lugwaantg noun time for<br />

·Hla lugwaantga dm wil yaawckga<br />

hlguwoamhlg. It’s time for the little<br />

child to eat.<br />

luhoa'Nhl verb to fill<br />

·Luhoa'N oomhl da 'koy? Will you<br />

fill the bucket for me?<br />

lukhleehoaya noun undergarment<br />

·Ahl shakshakshga na<br />

lukkwhleehoyyan? Are your<br />

underclothes clean?<br />

lukhleekshlushg noun<br />

undershirt<br />

·Ggal gyamga hlguwoamhlg, 'nee<br />

gun ahlgadeet hoy lukhleekshlushg.<br />

The child was too warm, that’s why he<br />

didn’t wear an undershirt.<br />

lukhlee'backsh noun underpants<br />

·Hoy lukhlee'backsh da nhluu<br />

'backsha dsinan. Wear underpants<br />

under your jeans.<br />

lumaaksh verb to wash clothing or<br />

s<strong>of</strong>t material<br />

·Yagwat lumaaksha lukhleehoyyat.<br />

She is washing her undergarments.<br />

lup na waal verb to fight, compete<br />

against each other<br />

·Lu'kwil lup na waal hlaagi gyad.<br />

Our ancestors competed against each<br />

other.<br />

·Lup na waalm hla hla'atm da Town<br />

Hall. We compete against each other<br />

when we play basketball at the Town<br />

Hall.<br />

luwantg verb to worry<br />

·Luwantga ggoada hana'ack hla<br />

'gwaatga naksht. The woman<br />

worried when her husband was lost.<br />

Sealaska Heritage Institute

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