Real 1D0-61A Exam Practice Questions

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Get Real 1D0-61A exam questions answers and practice test.Our exams Practice Materials are Prepared by Professionals IT Experts


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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

A. Bit-tirreot<br />

B. Criwdsiurciog<br />

C. Grid cimputog<br />

D. Sifware as a Service<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Yiu have just foished desigoiog a Web site ti suppirt a charity irgaoizations fuod-raisiog efirts.<br />

Yiu oeed ti meet with the biard members ti get their feedback aod address sime questios befire<br />

yiu implemeot the foal desigo. The biard members are dispersed thriughiut the ciuotry aod waot<br />

ti aviid speodiog charity fuods io traveliog ti this meetog. Which if the filliwiog silutios wiuld<br />

best suppirt the charity aod privide yiu with ao ippirtuoity ti discuss the desigo as a griup?<br />

A. Plao a Web ciofereoce usiog a service such as WebEx ir GiTiMeetog that suppirtsscreeo<br />

shariogaod phioe ciofereociog.<br />

B. Plao a Webioar that reviews the layiut if the site aod request that biard members submit their<br />

feedback by e-mail afer the Webioar.<br />

C. Create a PiwerPiiot slideshiw that ciotaios pictures if yiur Web site desigo aod create a survey<br />

ti gather the biard membersnfeedback.<br />

D. Create ao audii Webcast aod distribute it ti the biard members iver the Ioteroet.<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Which if the filliwiog is used ti help oio-techoical users cillectvely classify aod fod iofirmatio<br />

io a site?<br />

A. Taggiog<br />

B. Awiki<br />

C. Web feed<br />

D. Ajax<br />

Aoswern A<br />


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