58 CITAM RESOURCE MOBILIZATION REPORT TWM is designed to work within our discipleship system to encourage and embrace a ‘culture of stewardship and generosity’ Rev. Kwame Rubadiri Coordinator, Resource Mobilization At the end of 2014 CITAM established a department of Resource Mobilization to help the church continue the important work for funding the construction of new sanctuaries, expanding our missions and ensuring that our social action ministries like care for the at-risk children at our Children’s Center were well supported. God has blessed us at CITAM with a large congregation, great gifts and abundant resources. But quite often these gifts and resources are evident from only a small percentage of the congregation; and even though by the Grace of God we accomplish a lot – all of us know that we can (indeed we should) accomplish a great deal more. Together We Can Do More (TWM) was launched in September 2015 and introduced to all the CITAM Assemblies as the natural progression of our efforts after the close of Moving the Ark. TWM is described as a “progression” because we want to introduce a new ‘culture’ to CITAM that will ensure support for this ministry for decades to come. TWM is designed to work within our discipleship system to encourage and embrace a ‘culture of stewardship and generosity’. The objective of this 1-year capital stewardship campaign is to raise support for the completion of construction for the permanent sanctuaries (three remain to be done) CITAM Buru Buru, Thika Road and Nakuru. In addition to encourage a regular (and growing) pool of funding for future sanctuaries, current missions, street child rehabilitation and much more. Based on our efforts during the MTA campaign we can conservatively raise KES 150 million every year over and above regular tithes and offering from just over 11,000 members of CITAM – that’s roughly one quarter of our total membership/attendance. TWM was introduced via a ‘soft launch’ in the last quarter of 2015 and just over 2,500 of us committed KES 85 million toward a last quarter goal of KES 50 million. This in itself was an outstanding expression of faith in God and our potential to do so much more if we would only rally our efforts together and strive to accomplish what the Lord asks us to do! We decided to use the TWM ‘launch’ period to re-introduce ourselves to the amazing ministry of CITAM. We did so by sharing a video series entitled “Discovering CITAM”. The series highlighted four big things we have accomplished TOGETHER over the years. The first video highlighted the transformation the Lord has allowed us to experience in the lives of the street children at our rehabilitation center in Kiserian. The Center celebrated 20 years of ministry in August 2015 and we shared the testimony of several young people (some are now graduates of local universities) who began life at the Center right from the rough CITAM Annual Report and Financial Statements | 2015

CITAM RESOURCE MOBILIZATION REPORT 59 streets of Nairobi. The video highlighted the progress made in the education, health and spiritual growth of these children that would otherwise have been forgotten and abandoned in our society. The second video highlighted the expanding ministry of CITAM Ngong, where the second of the five new sanctuaries will be located. The video showed the vibrant ministry of the Assembly to the growing metropolis of Ngong town and its immediate environs. Ngong is no longer a growing residential area but fast becoming a commercial center as well and CITAM Ngong is well placed to impact the many families and businesses moving to their vicinity. Construction is on-going and should be complete in 2016. The third video celebrated the great ministry at CITAM Parklands since we officially started services there in January 2014. The energy and commitment to Christ of the many Asians who have joined the Assembly is clearly seen throughout the video. It is important that all of us at CITAM see the results of all our prayers, all our giving and our presence in Parklands reaching out to the community there. Highlighting what is happening in CITAM Parklands is a great model for our efforts to evangelize and disciple across different cultures around Africa and the rest of the world. The fourth video shares the unique partnership between CITAM and Pan African Christian University (affectionately known as PAC University) which is partial owned by the church and from where a large number of our pastors received theological training. PAC University is committed to training godly leaders for every sphere of life in Africa in the coming years. It is a commitment embraced by CITAM and an investment well worth making. TWM is really about our ‘life in ministry’ together; our efforts, our prayers, our resources can accomplish far more than we can imagine – if we can work TOGETHER. Pastor Andy Stanley (of North Point Community Church in Atlanta GA, USA – 40,000 members) once said “A big church will always have big responsibilities” We certainly do have big responsibilities and we cannot thank you all enough for your prayerful, sacrificial, faithful and generous giving to the ministry and mission of CITAM and to the timely fulfillment of our Vision. To God alone be ALL the Glory! Amen. CITAM Annual Report and Financial Statements | 2015


59<br />

streets of Nairobi. The video highlighted the progress<br />

made in the education, health and spiritual growth<br />

of these children that would otherwise have been<br />

forgotten and abandoned in our society.<br />

The second video highlighted the expanding ministry<br />

of CITAM Ngong, where the second of the five new<br />

sanctuaries will be located. The video showed the<br />

vibrant ministry of the Assembly to the growing<br />

metropolis of Ngong town and its immediate environs.<br />

Ngong is no longer a growing residential area but fast<br />

becoming a commercial center as well and CITAM<br />

Ngong is well placed to impact the many families and<br />

businesses moving to their vicinity. Construction is<br />

on-going and should be complete in 2016.<br />

The third video celebrated the great ministry at CITAM<br />

Parklands since we officially started services there in<br />

January 2014. The energy and commitment to Christ<br />

of the many Asians who have joined the Assembly is<br />

clearly seen throughout the video. It is important that<br />

all of us at CITAM see the results of all our prayers,<br />

all our giving and our presence in Parklands reaching<br />

out to the community there. Highlighting what is<br />

happening in CITAM Parklands is a great model for<br />

our efforts to evangelize and disciple across different<br />

cultures around Africa and the rest of the world.<br />

The fourth video shares the unique partnership<br />

between CITAM and Pan African Christian University<br />

(affectionately known as PAC University) which is<br />

partial owned by the church and from where a large<br />

number of our pastors received theological training.<br />

PAC University is committed to training godly leaders<br />

for every sphere of life in Africa in the coming years.<br />

It is a commitment embraced by CITAM and an<br />

investment well worth making.<br />

TWM is really about our ‘life in ministry’ together; our<br />

efforts, our prayers, our resources can accomplish<br />

far more than we can imagine – if we can work<br />


Pastor Andy Stanley (of North Point Community<br />

Church in Atlanta GA, USA – 40,000 members) once<br />

said “A big church will always have big responsibilities”<br />

We certainly do have big responsibilities and we<br />

cannot thank you all enough for your prayerful,<br />

sacrificial, faithful and generous giving to the ministry<br />

and mission of CITAM and to the timely fulfillment of<br />

our Vision.<br />

To God alone be ALL the Glory! Amen.<br />

CITAM Annual Report and Financial Statements | <strong>2015</strong>

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