32 word and empowering them for ministry. We are glad to have had the high school ex-candidates program that helped us shape leadership character in the youths. The youth also managed to send a team for the joint Western Region week of Convention in Eldoret at Kipchoge Keino High School. A combined total of 130 from the three assemblies i.e. Nakuru, Kisumu and Eldoret were in attendance and the outcomes were and are still amazing us. CED The Safari remained our flagship, being the vehicle for spiritual growth and discipleship. The leaders comprising of the advisory, HOD’s and GT leaders were trained before the roll out of the journey and the impact is still being felt in the church. The Enter stage was an eye opener to the basics which are frequently assumed and Encounter was the beginning of the deepening of our faith and relationship with the Lord and with each other. We look forward to the other stages. Missions & Outreach The missions and outreach team were able to hold successful high school ministry training. There were 30 workers and were fully equipped and empowered. This team was able to minister to various schools around Nakuru and many lives of teens were transformed. The team was also able to hold an intentional Prison ministry training. The people were equipped and empowered to reach out to the prisoners in confidence and power through sharing of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus and showing them brotherly love. There outreaches had remarkable results as the Lord used the team to bring healing and restoration to the prisoners. One of the wonderful works the Lord did through them was to help re-unite one of the prisoners from Nakuru prisons to his Community during the month of December. He was taken upcountry by a team of 14 missioners and was not only reunited back to his family and community, but was also established with an income generating activity to help him start up financially. This was a blessing for the Lord restored their relationship and he was fully accepted. Counseling Ministry The counseling ministry was launched in the month of May where 80 workers were taken through a thorough training on counseling skills. This team has continued to grow and be active in the church ministry. We were able to establish a schedule during the week enabling counselors to be available during each day of the week. Out of the initial training, 7 of our members are going through a two year diploma in Counseling Psychology. CITAM Nakuru Academy The school has continued to grow steadily. We managed to get to 57 students by the close of the year. We also managed to get an extra teacher engaged on a fulltime basis, a volunteer and a trainee on teaching practice. We avail every term two Sundays for the school to present either a song or a poem from the pulpit and this has attracted a lot of attention from the congregants. We hope to surpass the 90 student mark in 2016. Women’s Ministry The women ministry enjoyed a very exciting season of great pulpit ministry, trainings and joint activities. One of the highlights was the joint CITAM women ministry in Valley road in the month of Nov where they did a poem whose reception was a thunderous applause. We had change of guard in the leadership and the structuring of the ministry. To the Lord be the glory. The Feather in the Cap Close to the end of the year, we joyfully received our Deputy Senior Pastor, Rev. Geoffrey Ongondo and his wife Pst. Jane W. Otieno together with their children, as the children pastor. Earlier on in the month of April, we had received Pst. Grace Waceke as the youth pastor and Bro. Jotham Kamau as the Intern Admin assistant. All of these lovely people have spiced the ministry and made it a joy to serve with. We treasure their invaluable support. Looking Ahead • Increase the enrolment into the academy. • Continue growing the church on the path of Spiritual Maturity. • Increase the participation in the Safari groups by 50%. • Start a miracle service at least once a month on a Friday morning for starters from the month of April 2016. We believe it will happen, because the Lord has placed before us an Open Door, Rev 3: 8 CITAM Annual Report and Financial Statements | 2015

CITAM NGONG REPORT 33 Our desire in 2016 is to increase and intensify our outreach efforts with the aim of winning our catchment area for Jesus Rev. Jesse Mwai Senior Pastor Preamble Our 2015 theme at CITAM Ngong was “Unblocking the Ancient wells”. It was an exciting year as we pursued this theme together as a congregation. We experienced tremendous growth in all aspects and we are grateful to God for his blessings on us. Our numerical growth in 2015 was unprecedented in all the years the church has been in existence. We had two membership intakes and for the first time, we had more than one hundred people coming into membership. As a result of the numerical growth, parking has become quite a challenge for us and the church facilities are greatly stretched. We cannot wait for the sanctuary to be completed. Our income also increased exponentially during the year and we saw great liberality among our members. We received into our pastoral team, Rev. Michael Wambua who joined us as the Deputy senior pastor. Our children’s pastor, Rev. Judy Anabwani went through health challenges that saw her go to India for surgery and we thank God that He has continued healing her. Our building project faced some challenges but we are still hopeful that the sanctuary will be completed soon. Our desire in 2016 is to increase and intensify our outreach efforts with the aim of winning our catchment area for Jesus. Highlights in Summary • In our records, approximately 336 people visited our church for the first time in 2015. CITAM Annual Report and Financial Statements | 2015

32<br />

word and empowering them for ministry. We are<br />

glad to have had the high school ex-candidates<br />

program that helped us shape leadership character<br />

in the youths.<br />

The youth also managed to send a team for the joint<br />

Western Region week of Convention in Eldoret at<br />

Kipchoge Keino High School. A combined total of<br />

130 from the three assemblies i.e. Nakuru, Kisumu<br />

and Eldoret were in attendance and the outcomes<br />

were and are still amazing us.<br />

CED<br />

The Safari remained our flagship, being the vehicle<br />

for spiritual growth and discipleship. The leaders<br />

comprising of the advisory, HOD’s and GT leaders were<br />

trained before the roll out of the journey and the impact<br />

is still being felt in the church. The Enter stage was an<br />

eye opener to the basics which are frequently assumed<br />

and Encounter was the beginning of the deepening of<br />

our faith and relationship with the Lord and with each<br />

other. We look forward to the other stages.<br />

Missions & Outreach<br />

The missions and outreach team were able to hold<br />

successful high school ministry training. There<br />

were 30 workers and were fully equipped and<br />

empowered. This team was able to minister to<br />

various schools around Nakuru and many lives of<br />

teens were transformed.<br />

The team was also able to hold an intentional<br />

Prison ministry training. The people were equipped<br />

and empowered to reach out to the prisoners in<br />

confidence and power through sharing of the Gospel<br />

of our Lord Jesus and showing them brotherly love.<br />

There outreaches had remarkable results as the<br />

Lord used the team to bring healing and restoration<br />

to the prisoners. One of the wonderful works the<br />

Lord did through them was to help re-unite one of<br />

the prisoners from Nakuru prisons to his Community<br />

during the month of December. He was taken<br />

upcountry by a team of 14 missioners and was not<br />

only reunited back to his family and community, but<br />

was also established with an income generating<br />

activity to help him start up financially. This was a<br />

blessing for the Lord restored their relationship and<br />

he was fully accepted.<br />

Counseling Ministry<br />

The counseling ministry was launched in the month<br />

of May where 80 workers were taken through a<br />

thorough training on counseling skills. This team<br />

has continued to grow and be active in the church<br />

ministry. We were able to establish a schedule during<br />

the week enabling counselors to be available during<br />

each day of the week. Out of the initial training, 7 of<br />

our members are going through a two year diploma<br />

in Counseling Psychology.<br />

CITAM Nakuru Academy<br />

The school has continued to grow steadily. We<br />

managed to get to 57 students by the close of the<br />

year. We also managed to get an extra teacher<br />

engaged on a fulltime basis, a volunteer and a<br />

trainee on teaching practice. We avail every term two<br />

Sundays for the school to present either a song or a<br />

poem from the pulpit and this has attracted a lot of<br />

attention from the congregants. We hope to surpass<br />

the 90 student mark in 2016.<br />

Women’s Ministry<br />

The women ministry enjoyed a very exciting season of<br />

great pulpit ministry, trainings and joint activities. One of<br />

the highlights was the joint CITAM women ministry in<br />

Valley road in the month of Nov where they did a poem<br />

whose reception was a thunderous applause. We had<br />

change of guard in the leadership and the structuring of<br />

the ministry. To the Lord be the glory.<br />

The Feather in the Cap<br />

Close to the end of the year, we joyfully received<br />

our Deputy Senior Pastor, Rev. Geoffrey Ongondo<br />

and his wife Pst. Jane W. Otieno together with their<br />

children, as the children pastor. Earlier on in the<br />

month of April, we had received Pst. Grace Waceke<br />

as the youth pastor and Bro. Jotham Kamau as the<br />

Intern Admin assistant. All of these lovely people<br />

have spiced the ministry and made it a joy to serve<br />

with. We treasure their invaluable support.<br />

Looking Ahead<br />

• Increase the enrolment into the academy.<br />

• Continue growing the church on the path of<br />

Spiritual Maturity.<br />

• Increase the participation in the Safari groups<br />

by 50%.<br />

• Start a miracle service at least once a month<br />

on a Friday morning for starters from the<br />

month of April 2016.<br />

We believe it will happen, because the Lord has<br />

placed before us an Open Door, Rev 3: 8<br />

CITAM Annual Report and Financial Statements | <strong>2015</strong>

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