30 CITAM KISUMU REPORT Pulpit Ministry & Media Ministry Through the pulpit ministry, the church has touched many lives with the Word of God and prayer. A strong altar call and ministration have been tools in our hands to serve our congregant while the media has invested in messages that are sent to our Media house with the intention of reaching to a greater audience. The team upgraded the announcements to audio visual to save time and reduce cost of printing. This great work are done by the media Team under the HOD media Mr. Lennie Munambo and Kevin Victor Sound Technician in consultation with the Pastors and approved by the Senior Pastor. Challenges The following areas need improvement; • Giving: There is a great challenge in giving to work of ministry, thus the church is made to cut down on the operating expenditure. • Sanctuary completion (infrastructure) - The sanctuary renovation is yet to be done fully as the assembly awaits the procurement process. (Work in progress) Internet low signal and makes it hard for us to use ERP and connect with HQ. • Budget disbursement has not allowed us to accomplish much • Numerical growth is wanting. • The institution of marriage and family continue to be under threat with dysfunctional families such as homosexuality on the increase. Face ministry to be reinforced and be given green light to address issues affecting the Institution of marriage. Way Forward ‘’He who began a good work in us is well able to bring it to completion.” Phil 1:6 I am positive that through the help of the Holy Spirit and continuing efforts of stakeholders Kisumu and the rest of the Western region will be impacted with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. As Kisumu Assembly we fully embrace the new Theme for the year 2016 ’Behold An Open Door’. We look forward to greater doors of Ministry as the Lord leads. As the senior pastor, I wish to thank my dear wife, Lucy Mugenyi for her continued support, prayers and dedication to the ministry. Secondly I thank God for a strong and dedicated Pastoral Team with whom we worked harmoniously throughout the year, My sincere appreciation to the Advisory Team, ministry leaders, support staff, ministry workers and all partners for their continuing support. Again my sincere appreciation to our lovely and vibrant congregation of CITAM Kisumu. To the Almighty God be the glory. CITAM Annual Report and Financial Statements | 2015

CITAM NAKURU REPORT 31 It was a year of being equipped by the Word in order to be empowered by the Spirit Rev. Anthony Makena Senior Pastor Preamble We began the year 2015 with a very clear conviction from the Lord, that there was a need to deepen our faith, solidify our confidence and embolden our understanding of His ways. The platform for this to happen was by giving attention to the Word, so that the Holy Spirit could work with that Word. We therefore embarked in digging the ancient wells of the Word. We witnessed amazing growth in spiritual deepening; a move of God by His Spirit and a great appreciation of His ways which often times are significantly different from ours. To Him therefore be the glory, for indeed it was His doing which was marvelous in our sight. As we began the year, we prayerfully believed God to help us establish the following: • An early Sunday morning Intercessory prayer hour. • A mid – week prayer service. • A first watch every end of the quarter. • Establish the FaCE ministry. • Establish a counseling ministry. • Re – launch the men ministry. • Revamp the Youth ministry. • Increase the enrolment in the academy. • A worship experience once at the end of every quarter. By His grace the Lord made possible and for which we are truly grateful, and do express our appreciation to everyone who either prayed or was a participant to make it happen. Children’s & Youth Ministry The children ministry continued to reach out to 5 public primary schools through the P.P.I program and did well during the DVBS. We participated in the children’s prayer day and various training sessions were conducted to equip the teachers and the children church workers. The Junior Safari was a great success and significant growth was registered in the ministry. The HOPES program which graduates from children ministry to the Youth ministry had 16 students who were received by the by the youth pastor and the HOD of the ministry. For the Youth, we had a one week convention dubbed “CITAM Nakuru Youth Power Convention held between the 13th to the 19th April. It culminated with the re-launch of the youth ministry and the first youth emphasis service on the Sunday 19th April 2015, 8.00am to 10.00am This service has continued to be a great inspiration to the youth and young at heart, and especially the Youth Konnect which takes place between 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. This is a discipleship program that is aimed at equipping the youth with the CITAM Annual Report and Financial Statements | 2015

CITAM NAKURU <strong>REPORT</strong><br />

31<br />

It was a year of being equipped by<br />

the Word in order to be empowered<br />

by the Spirit<br />

Rev. Anthony Makena<br />

Senior Pastor<br />

Preamble<br />

We began the year <strong>2015</strong> with a very clear conviction<br />

from the Lord, that there was a need to deepen<br />

our faith, solidify our confidence and embolden our<br />

understanding of His ways. The platform for this<br />

to happen was by giving attention to the Word, so<br />

that the Holy Spirit could work with that Word. We<br />

therefore embarked in digging the ancient wells of<br />

the Word. We witnessed amazing growth in spiritual<br />

deepening; a move of God by His Spirit and a great<br />

appreciation of His ways which often times are<br />

significantly different from ours. To Him therefore<br />

be the glory, for indeed it was His doing which was<br />

marvelous in our sight.<br />

As we began the year, we prayerfully believed God to<br />

help us establish the following:<br />

• An early Sunday morning Intercessory prayer<br />

hour.<br />

• A mid – week prayer service.<br />

• A first watch every end of the quarter.<br />

• Establish the FaCE ministry.<br />

• Establish a counseling ministry.<br />

• Re – launch the men ministry.<br />

• Revamp the Youth ministry.<br />

• Increase the enrolment in the academy.<br />

• A worship experience once at the end of<br />

every quarter.<br />

By His grace the Lord made possible and for which<br />

we are truly grateful, and do express our appreciation<br />

to everyone who either prayed or was a participant to<br />

make it happen.<br />

Children’s & Youth Ministry<br />

The children ministry continued to reach out to 5<br />

public primary schools through the P.P.I program<br />

and did well during the DVBS. We participated in the<br />

children’s prayer day and various training sessions<br />

were conducted to equip the teachers and the<br />

children church workers. The Junior Safari was a<br />

great success and significant growth was registered<br />

in the ministry.<br />

The HOPES program which graduates from children<br />

ministry to the Youth ministry had 16 students who<br />

were received by the by the youth pastor and the<br />

HOD of the ministry.<br />

For the Youth, we had a one week convention<br />

dubbed “CITAM Nakuru Youth Power Convention<br />

held between the 13th to the 19th April. It culminated<br />

with the re-launch of the youth ministry and the first<br />

youth emphasis service on the Sunday 19th April<br />

<strong>2015</strong>, 8.00am to 10.00am This service<br />

has continued to be a great inspiration<br />

to the youth and young at heart, and<br />

especially the Youth Konnect which<br />

takes place between 10.30 am to<br />

12.30 pm. This is a discipleship<br />

program that is aimed at<br />

equipping the youth with the<br />

CITAM Annual Report and Financial Statements | <strong>2015</strong>

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