
Magazine of Majlis Ansarullah UK

Magazine of Majlis Ansarullah UK


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The Holy Prophet (saw) in the Bible<br />

By Muhammad Ahmad Omar<br />

Part<br />

1<br />

When a prophet is sent by God, it is done at a time<br />

when there is a dire need for one. A prophet is<br />

always supported by countless signs and proofs, so<br />

that a fair minded and unbiased person has no<br />

difficulty in recognising him. Some of these signs<br />

and proofs are intellectual which appeal to human<br />

intelligence and common sense, like the personality,<br />

conduct and behaviour of the claimant. The<br />

conditions, circumstances and exigency of the time<br />

and area, his teaching and its effects on the<br />

spirituality and behaviour of his followers, the<br />

fulfilment of his prophecies, tangible results of his<br />

prayers and the quality of his miracles, help one to<br />

determine the authenticity of that prophet.<br />

The other type of proofs and arguments are the<br />

prophecies about his appearance and advent<br />

substantiated by previous religious books. There<br />

may be interference with the text of a religious<br />

book over a period of time; God preserves the<br />

prophecies about any future prophet for the simple<br />

reason that people could read the prophecies, be<br />

rightly guided and accept the prophet. A careful<br />

study of the Bible reveals that the Teaching of the<br />

Bible is not final. God spoke to the Israelite<br />

prophets and told them about the advent of a future<br />

prophet. There is a strong indication in those<br />

prophecies, that the teaching of that prophet would<br />

be final, complete and universal. Both Jews and<br />

Christians believe that Moses was an Israelite<br />

prophet and his message was for the Israelites only.<br />

Christians try to present Jesus as a universal<br />

prophet and the Bible as the last and final<br />

Teaching. Presented below are the prophecies<br />

from the Bible foretelling the appearance of a<br />

mighty prophet. We claim that the prophet<br />

foretold in these prophecies is the Holy Prophet of<br />

Islam, Hadhrat Mohammad, may the peace and<br />

blessings of God be upon him.<br />

As it has been already discussed earlier that both<br />

sections of the Bible have been interpolated, it is<br />

not possible to change the whole book; therefore,<br />

there remains some truth in those books,<br />

particularly the prophecies about any prophets to<br />

appear in the future. It is important so that people<br />

12 <strong>Ansaruddin</strong> Sept - Oct <strong>2016</strong><br />

may not have difficulty in recognising the prophets<br />

when and wherever they appear. After this<br />

explanation we now turn to those prophecies, we<br />

believe are related to the advent of the Holy<br />

Prophet Muhammad, Peace and blessings of God<br />

be upon him.<br />

The Holy Prophet (saw) in the Old Testament.<br />

The 1st Prophecy:<br />

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their<br />

brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his<br />

mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall<br />

command him. And it shall come to pass, that<br />

whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he<br />

shall speak in my name, I will require it of him. But<br />

the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in<br />

my name which I have not commanded him to speak,<br />

or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that<br />

prophet shall die. (Deuteronomy 18: 18- 20)<br />

Christians claim that this prophecy of Moses was<br />

fulfilled in the person of Jesus. Jesus, however,<br />

himself declared he was not a universal prophet.<br />

Matthew reports that when a non-Israelite woman<br />

came to him seeking help, Jesus refused to help her<br />

and declared:<br />

But he answered and said I am not sent but unto the<br />

lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matthew 15: 24)<br />

Furthermore, a prophet is a reformer sent by God<br />

to guide the people to the right path. If we believe<br />

the claim of the Christians to be true, then the<br />

question which needs to be answered is that can<br />

“God the sender” and the prophet, who is “sent”,<br />

be one and the same person?<br />

In this prophecy, God told Moses that the prophet<br />

appearing in future would be like unto thee. Let us<br />

see if Jesus had any similarities with Moses and how<br />

far this prophecy applies to him. First of all we have<br />

to determine what the prophecy is and we have to<br />

break it down to analyse it. We give below what we<br />

understand the prophecy is conveying to us:<br />

1. Like Moses, the prophet foretold in this<br />

prophecy would be a Law bearing prophet.

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