Christian Cooperation and Separation - John R Rice

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<strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Cooperation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Separation</strong><br />

believe not that I AM, if you don’t accept me as the I AM,<br />

Jehovah God, who met Moses in the burning bush in the<br />

wilderness <strong>and</strong> said, ‘Go tell Israel that I AM has sent you’; if<br />

you don’t accept Jesus Christ as Jehovah God, God in human<br />

form, ye shall die in your sins.”<br />

There is no salvation without Jesus who is God. Remember<br />

that. No salvation without Jesus who is God. He was called<br />

God in Isaiah 9:6, “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is<br />

given... <strong>and</strong> his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,<br />

The mighty God.”<br />

In the forty-fifth Psalm, God the Father said to Jesus, “Thy<br />

throne, O God, is for ever <strong>and</strong> ever.” Jesus is the Mighty God.<br />

Jesus said, “I <strong>and</strong> my Father are One.” If you don’t believe that,<br />

you can’t be saved.<br />

Jesus only a Man? I don’t care how good, He couldn’t save<br />

you. If the confidence you have in Him is just the confidence<br />

you would put in a man, it is not saving faith. Nobody can be<br />

saved who is wrong on the essential doctrine about Jesus<br />

Christ.<br />

You might be wrong on the church <strong>and</strong> be saved; you might<br />

be wrong on baptism <strong>and</strong> be saved; you might misunderst<strong>and</strong><br />

some other Scripture <strong>and</strong> be saved; you might be wrong on<br />

eternal security <strong>and</strong> be saved; you might be wrong about some<br />

details of the Second Coming <strong>and</strong> be saved, but you cannot be<br />

saved unless you take Jesus Christ for what He claims to be—<br />

the dying Son of God, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin<br />

of the world <strong>and</strong> hence virgin-born, raised bodily from the<br />

grave. That is a part <strong>and</strong> proof of His deity.<br />

Now note here that this is the doctrine of Christ. You may<br />


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